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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"Leks? It's like you can read minds or something. That's my nickname from back home." I was impressed. I was about to kick it up when a particularly strong mana signature appeared nearby.


I took a couple of seconds just trying to make sure I was reading it properly, making sure to fend him off as best as I could. That could only be one of the royals. I looked through Sparky's sight and sure enough Luna was the one that teleported in. She had a stallion with her. I turned to Caliber. "Pause a bit. Do you feel what I feel? Princess Luna just came under the effect of my Magic Booster. This won't end well."

caliber screeched to a stop. "and i was just about to start getting the upper hand." he said, grinning. "and yeah, i felt it. only a princess using magic can trigger a feeling like that." he sheathed his sword, and started trotting towards the magic booster. "best turn this off, eh?" he asked, walking.


he decided to go talk to luna. it's been a while. he hadn't talked to her since the swordspony tournament. "so, leks is your nickname? nice to know. some ponies call me calibro, but i dont know..."


he refrained from the nickname violet gave him, cutsy, for obvious reasons.


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' Kazy '.


Just the sound of that almost made him want to chuckle. Already, his special somepony was coming up with cute nicknames? Well, she certainly knew how to make him smile, even in a serious situation. With her so close, he gently pressed his forehead against hers, a Leovian sign of affection, and spoke softly. As he did so, he twirled his unbloodied claw in her mane carefully. It was almost strange, being in love with a pony. He didn't know their romantic customs or mannerisms very well, so he could not tell if this was making her uncomfortable or not. It was just... something that came from the heart.


" Darkrai... If you are that worried, let's take a break, okay? But I still want to remain near the woods. The Phoenixes that I sent in there will need to be able to get to us as quickly as possible. And Darky... thank you for your concern. I love you."


He said, then going to perform an action he hadn't quite yet; a light kiss, on the forehead. He didn't actually know how to kiss an Equestrian, and was worried that his beak would hurt her, and so he did so slowly and carefully.

Darkrai's heart began to beat with the intensity of a drum. She had never been kissed in her entire life. Not even by her parents. So to actually experience this kind of affection for the first time...was mind-blowing, "I love you too...." she said slowly, "Why don't we sit down for a bit so that you may rest?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Darkrai's heart began to beat with the intensity of a drum. She had never been kissed in her entire life. Not even by her parents. So to actually experience this kind of affection for the first time...was mind-blowing, "I love you too...." she said slowly, "Why don't we sit down for a bit so that you may rest?"

Kazas nodded, and sat down slowly. He was still shivering from earlier somewhat, and felt extremely cold from the experience, as well as drained. He could probably just fall asleep there, for Avae's sake. The usage of his power was quickly starting to diminish him. First, the healing power for Darkrai, and then the signal flame. On top of that, a stage three externalization. He was most certainly in need of rest.


" I'm... sorry that I am being a burden right now, Darkrai. I promise that I'll be ready to * yawn * go in no time!"


Of course, on top of tiring himself out, he was still shaking like a leaf. To be honest, he was afraid of Darkrai seeing the bloody claw if he fell asleep. And he sure wanted to.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas nodded, and sat down slowly. He was still shivering from earlier somewhat, and felt extremely cold from the experience, as well as drained. He could probably just fall asleep there, for Avae's sake. The usage of his power was quickly starting to diminish him. First, the healing power for Darkrai, and then the signal flame. On top of that, a stage three externalization. He was most certainly in need of rest.


" I'm... sorry that I am being a burden right now, Darkrai. I promise that I'll be ready to * yawn * go in no time!"


Of course, on top of tiring himself out, he was still shaking like a leaf. To be honest, he was afraid of Darkrai seeing the bloody claw if he fell asleep. And he sure wanted to.

Darkrai sat down on the ground. They were near the forest, but in front of them was an open field with a few flowers and bushes. She looked around in awe at the landscape, something the likes of which she had never been introduced to before, "Such beautiful surroundings. But Kazy, I'm kinda tired too, so let's both take a daytime nap." she said as she curled into a sleeping position.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@Mars Orbit,


Pinkie watched as Skitz flew above her.  He hucked steel waffles around her, she couldn't move or else one of them would hit her. Then he hurled one directly at her. She had no where to go or so it would seem. She jumped off the roof of the skyscraper but before she plummeted to the ground she caught the edge of the building with her hooves and clutched on to the side.


But one of the Waffles hit her left hoof and she lost grip; she dangled from the side, hanging by her right hoof. Her left hoof throbbed vigorously. She stuck it in her mouth and sucked on it; like a toddler would do. 

With her hoof in mouth she screamed, "eemy," insead of screaming the intended; meany.




With a whoosh and boom, Speed arrived at at the Sweet Shop with Flash in tow on a skateboard. She and her brother were hungry from their trip to the Arena to see their sister. Fortunately they had been given money for the trip. Unfortunately most of it would be spent on snacks right now. She spoke with a noticeable Manehattan accent. "Twoofyourfinestcheesecakesplease, withchocolatesyrupandchocolatechipsontop." She floated compensation for the older mare whom she didn't know and accepted the cakes. Her brother took his cake as well.   Looking around, the fraternal twins saw three other young ponies. "Hi! I'mSpeed, andthisisFlash. Canwesitwithyouplease?"   Figuring they wouldn't refuse, she floated her cake on the table as her brother did the same. "We're fraternal twins, and Speed always talks fast. You can share some of our cake if you'd like. What's your names, eh?"



They all looked at each other; exchanging gazes. Applebloom was the first to speak, "Uh, Sure. We're always happy to meet new friends." She looked down, under the table and looked to see that both of them allready had their Cutie Marks. "oh well," she thought, "I don't believe I've seen y'all around here before, where are y'all from from? I'm Applebloom, that's Scootaloo and that's Sweetie Belle; We're all from ponyville."


"Yeah, we're three peas in a pod, or so that's what her sister says," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, and together WE MAKE THE...


 CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" The all shouted as loud as they could. Nearly deafening everyone within a five mile radius.


Shining Armor and Cadence trudged through the rain; they walked under a canopy of trees, trying to stay as dry as possible. It was wet and cold, the wind hollowed and grey clouds overtook the area and lighting struck a nearby tree. It burst into flames and they each jumped back.

"Ugh, I hate this rain, We've got to find shelter soon before we die of hypothermia out here..." Cadence said worriedly.

"Yeah, Oh, I know perhaps we could of caught a train." Shining Armor joked.

Cadence glared back at him and spoke with a little coldness in her voice, "You know you can be a real ass sometimes..." She continued walking forawrd.

"Yeah, but as not big as big as of ass that you have." He laughed, and slapped her flank. Caught off guard by the crude gesture, she jumped forward. She turned and glared back at him once more, she growled; she was VERY annoyed. 

"Heh heh..." He said nervously, "Not the Time i suppose?" As he said that another lighting bolt struck the ground beside him, he jumped back and shrieked. Cadence turned her gaze away from the scared stallion and rolled her eyes and sighed. 

"This is going to be one loooooong trip."

Edited by louisvillepride
  • Brohoof 2


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"Four minutes thirty seconds." He grabbed one more waffle and spun it on his hoof. "Ok. New plan." He threw a waffle aiming for the edge if the building where she was holding onto. The waffle whistled loudly as it approached it's destination. Skitz grabbed two more from his pouch. "Not much left."

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Darkrai sat down on the ground. They were near the forest, but in front of them was an open field with a few flowers and bushes. She looked around in awe at the landscape, something the likes of which she had never been introduced to before, "Such beautiful surroundings. But Kazy, I'm kinda tired too, so let's both take a daytime nap." she said as she curled into a sleeping position.

" Alright. I'm sure the Phoenixes can handle it for now. If they can't find him, we should at least make one round on the search ourselves. Sweet dreams, Darkrai."


He said as he also curled into a comfortable posture next to Darkrai. He put his tail over her back, in a cuddling gesture, and slowly closed his eye.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" Alright. I'm sure the Phoenixes can handle it for now. If they can't find him, we should at least make one round on the search ourselves. Sweet dreams, Darkrai."


He said as he also curled into a comfortable posture next to Darkrai. He put his tail over her back, in a cuddling gesture, and slowly closed his eye.

Darkrai began to think to herself as she slept, "I wonder if that kid was right about my parents. If they were indeed criminals....maybe they weren't killing somepony else over. ....And Kazy...I can't believe I found somone as similar to me. And he's pretty dashing... I hope to set things right with that kid. We gotta find him. But hopefully Kaz will be ok...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai began to think to herself as she slept, "I wonder if that kid was right about my parents. If they were indeed criminals....maybe they weren't killing somepony else over. ....And Kazy...I can't believe I found somone as similar to me. And he's pretty dashing... I hope to set things right with that kid. We gotta find him. But hopefully Kaz will be ok...."

Kazas, having been as weakened as he was, fell asleep almost immediately, tail still wrapped over Darkrai's back. In his sleep, he was mumbling lightly, barely audible. He was dreaming.






Into Darkrai's mind, a voice, crackling like a campfire flame, was trying to establish contact with the Unicorn. It was muttering a strange, exotic name, almost as if it were searching for the one whom this name belonged. It was trying to speak to Darkrai unconciously, beckoning to be answered.


'Zephrael... Art thou returned to this world? I feel thine soul, racked with guilt and yet filled with love. Knight of Azure... hath thou come to see how thine bloodline fares? I fear that the most recent heir, Kazas, doth travel a path laden in suffering and destruction..."


It was clear that whoever this voice belonged to... was making a mistake in whom it was trying to find. Even still, it awaited a response.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas, having been as weakened as he was, fell asleep almost immediately, tail still wrapped over Darkrai's back. In his sleep, he was mumbling lightly, barely audible. He was dreaming.






Into Darkrai's mind, a voice, crackling like a campfire flame, was trying to establish contact with the Unicorn. It was muttering a strange, exotic name, almost as if it were searching for the one whom this name belonged. It was trying to speak to Darkrai unconciously, beckoning to be answered.


'Zephrael... Art thou returned to this world? I feel thine soul, racked with guilt and yet filled with love. Knight of Azure... hath thou come to see how thine bloodline fares? I fear that the most recent heir, Kazas, doth travel a path laden in suffering and destruction..."


It was clear that whoever this voice belonged to... was making a mistake in whom it was trying to find. Even still, it awaited a response.

While Darkrai was dreaming, the voice rattled within her head. It caused her to move uncomfortably in the real world, re-adjusting herself to sleep better. But in her dream, she was confused, she did not know who this was or what they wanted, so she answered with a simple response, "What da hell?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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While Darkrai was dreaming, the voice rattled within her head. It caused her to move uncomfortably in the real world, re-adjusting herself to sleep better. But in her dream, she was confused, she did not know who this was or what they wanted, so she answered with a simple response, "What da hell?"



" Zephrael speaketh not in the language of the foul... nor was Zephrael's voice of such high tone. But thine soul, nearly identical to the most powerful knight of Phoenix that ever existed..."


In a blank, white space of nothingness, the entity was attempting to give itself a form in Darkrai's mind.


" Wait... could thou be the one who influences Kazas's soul as powerfully as you do?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" Zephrael speaketh not in the language of the foul... nor was Zephrael's voice of such high tone. But thine soul, nearly identical to the most powerful knight of Phoenix that ever existed..."


In a blank, white space of nothingness, the entity was attempting to give itself a form in Darkrai's mind.


" Wait... could thou be the one who influences Kazas's soul as powerfully as you do?"

Darkrai smirked, "Ha! I was part of the P.O.W team throughout most of my life. They trained me to be resistant to any of your stupid mind breaking things. Now as far as Kazas, he and I understand each other and we love each other. What do YOU want anything to do with us for?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Attention, ponies, the match between Sleight Mist and Rune has been decided. Winner: Rune!"


The intercom fell silent. As the stage flashed back to normal, medical ponies headed by Nurse Redheart rushed in, carrying out the unconscious and still-smoking body of Sleight Mist.


Meanwhile, at the the princesses booth, Princess Celestia flipped the microphone off and turned back to Kevin.


"I'm going to start now."


She closed her eyes, and the room was silent for several seconds. Then, a rush of power filled the room, like gravity had tripled instantly. Magic flung itself off of her body in waves, powerful enough to move her desk back and fling papers everywhere. Celestia herself began floating, though she used no wings; her eyes slammed open, revealing solid white pupils with no irises. Her face was blank and expressionless.


In her mental state, however, Celestia was more than active. She could feel everything around her as if she were connected to it personally. Little soft blinking lights framed themselves as magical signatures: the two ponies standing in front of her, Applejack at the tavern, the two forms of Night Tracer and Luna on the training ground, and so many countless other ponies that had come to this arena for all reasons big and small. And she could see every one of them. Except one.


Suddenly, the waves began to die down as Celestia contained her power once more. She gently floated back down to the ground, and as her eyes faded back to normal, she gasped, tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.


"I can't see him."




Luna was more than ready for this session, she was elated. This would be her first genuine fight in centuries, training or otherwise. She grinned and lifted off, only to pause as a familiar pony walked over towards her.


"Hello, Caliber," she began, gently touching back down onto solid ground. "It is...nice to see you. But, as you can see, we are in the middle of a training session. Do you require anything important?"


She saw a new mare approaching, and gave a customary bow in response to hers.


"It is as you say, we are training here..."


She paused, looking over the new mare's face, and realizing she couldn't attach a name.


"We have not met before yet, have we?"




@Orion Caelum

"I haven't known Ice Blizzard very long, but he was kind to me. If he's out there..."


she paused, choosing her words carefully.


"I want to find him, no matter he is." Her dolls floated up around her, determined expressions on their faces. She took a step... and promptly toppled forward, gasping in pain.




Trixie nodded her head behind Aknor. On the stage, the Trixie's on the stage dispersed in a flash of fireworks, filling the room with blinding light. When the light died out, Trixie had disappeared from behind the chair, as well.


Then, from the back of the shop, lights dimly turned on, lighting up the stage. From out behind the curtain, a small, multicolored rabbit hopped out from behind the curtain. It moved around the stage, sniffing innocently, before hopping its way over to Aknor. It leaped into his lap, curling up adorably, before its form shifted. It became a snake, wrapping its body around Aknor and tickling his ear with its multi-colored tongue.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Night Tracer waited for Luna she was distracted; Night Tracer walked over toward Luna who was talking to some other pony, he punched her in the side lightly to draw her attention and her's alone. "Stab," He said, "See that, that tap on the side. If I weren't nice that could be my sword gutting you, as you entrails fall out onto the training ground. Now that wouldn't be very good for either of us? Would it? I'd be without my love and you'd be without a heart... Literally." He joked

He turned to look at the pony that was trying to talk to Luna, "You need something?" he inquired, as he waited impatiently.

Edited by louisvillepride


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Kevin was virtually unfazed by the alicorn's efforts. He had some doubts of her abilities due to knowing very little about her. When she finally spoke, Kevin thought to himself, "Hmph. Not much expected from there. But apparently there's nothing else that can be done." "If that means he's really dead, then I am truly sorry. Although I have no clue who that was, so I can't really say much else. Thank you for your time princess." he said as he shrugged and walked out, leaving Celestia by herself.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai smirked, "Ha! I was part of the P.O.W team throughout most of my life. They trained me to be resistant to any of your stupid mind breaking things. Now as far as Kazas, he and I understand each other and we love each other. What do YOU want anything to do with us for?"



" So then, thou art she whom brings the maelstorm of change upon Kazas's conciousness... thou hath seen me before, however, only in the iteration of which has no physical bond to this world. I am he who grants Kazas lordship o'er the primordial flames of divinity. I, am Ezerepth. The Phoenix Lord. Or, more specifically, the remnants of what once was a great phoenix. Because his path now intersects with yours, so too, do I fly o'er that road. I am not your enemy."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Aknor wiggled in his seat as the snake licked his ear and proptly fell off, hoping he hadn't crushed her snake-bunny-hybrid by doing so. He was used to snakes from living in a desert in fact he liked snakes now he thought about it, just not when the lick the inside of his ear. It was a weird experiance, odd and relaxing at the same time. He sat back up into the chair and awaited her next trick after realizing he hadn't squished the snake.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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" So then, thou art she whom brings the maelstorm of change upon Kazas's conciousness... thou hath seen me before, however, only in the iteration of which has no physical bond to this world. I am he who grants Kazas lordship o'er the primordial flames of divinity. I, am Ezerepth. The Phoenix Lord. Or, more specifically, the remnants of what once was a great phoenix. Because his path now intersects with yours, so too, do I fly o'er that road. I am not your enemy."

Darkrai was a bit intimidated by whatever this thing was that she had come across. She didn't liked being questioned about her relationship with another pony, or griffon in this case. But when she hear that it posed no threat, she back up, "Uh....huh. Ok. Thanks...I guess."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Darkrai was a bit intimidated by whatever this thing was that she had come across. She didn't liked being questioned about her relationship with another pony, or griffon in this case. But when she hear that it posed no threat, she back up, "Uh....huh. Ok. Thanks...I guess."



" Okay. You know what? To blazes with the old vernacular. I'll just speak to you like I speak to Kazas. A thousand years, and you'd think that elegant words such as ' prithee ' and ' thou ' would have made a comeback by now. Anyways, I assume that you want to know why I'm here, soul, intertwining with yours for no blatant obvious reason, so I'll cut right down to the ' nitty gritty ' as you mortals tend to say. I'm here for two reasons. The first, is because your soul is very much like a former master of mine. Related to Kazas of course, and I had to see for myself who exactly posessed that kind of soul. Turns out, it is my current knight's lover."


The disembodied voice slowly began to take shape, as a great phoenix of a golden body. However, in this dream, it was not made of ethereal fire like Kazas's form. This Phoenix was completely solid flesh. Unfurling it's wings, it let them spread as if to stretch. With eyes of crimson, the Phoenix looked down at Darkrai in this vision-like dream that he was trying to induce.


" The second reason... is because I need your aid. You have already helped Kazas a great deal, so much so that you do not know the kindness you have done him. However, if we do not act further, then we may very well be facing a crisis... the second coming of the Azure Terror must be prevented for his sake, and for the sake of many others as well. Kazas must not awaken the azure flame. I need your help to ensure that it never does."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" Okay. You know what? To blazes with the old vernacular. I'll just speak to you like I speak to Kazas. A thousand years, and you'd think that elegant words such as ' prithee ' and ' thou ' would have made a comeback by now. Anyways, I assume that you want to know why I'm here, soul, intertwining with yours for no blatant obvious reason, so I'll cut right down to the ' nitty gritty ' as you mortals tend to say. I'm here for two reasons. The first, is because your soul is very much like a former master of mine. Related to Kazas of course, and I had to see for myself who exactly posessed that kind of soul. Turns out, it is my current knight's lover."


The disembodied voice slowly began to take shape, as a great phoenix of a golden body. However, in this dream, it was not made of ethereal fire like Kazas's form. This Phoenix was completely solid flesh. Unfurling it's wings, it let them spread as if to stretch. With eyes of crimson, the Phoenix looked down at Darkrai in this vision-like dream that he was trying to induce.


" The second reason... is because I need your aid. You have already helped Kazas a great deal, so much so that you do not know the kindness you have done him. However, if we do not act further, then we may very well be facing a crisis... the second coming of the Azure Terror must be prevented for his sake, and for the sake of many others as well. Kazas must not awaken the azure flame. I need your help to ensure that it never does."

Darkrai interally laughed when the age old voice pretty much said 'buck it I'm talking normal'. But she still remained at it's attention, even when it turned to solid gold. Once it was finished speaking, she replied, "I understand completely. If it's something that's a potential threat to him, I will make sure it won't happen. You can count on me."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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They all looked at each other; exchanging gazes. Applebloom was the first to speak, "Uh, Sure. We're always happy to meet new friends." She looked down, under the table and looked to see that both of them allready had their Cutie Marks. "oh well," she thought, "I don't believe I've seen y'all around here before, where are y'all from from? I'm Applebloom, that's Scootaloo and that's Sweetie Belle; We're all from ponyville."


"Yeah, we're three peas in a pod, or so that's what her sister says," Scootaloo said.


"Yeah, and together WE MAKE THE...


 CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" The all shouted as loud as they could. Nearly deafening everyone within a five mile radius.

Well that explained the reason she looked under the table. Speed and Flash kinda put a hoot each in the ear that was facing the group at the time, massaging it. Boy they were loud. "It'snicetomeetyou, butpleasedon'tyelllikethat." said Speed as her brother nodded. Their ears were ringing a bit.


"Rightthen. It'snicetoseeotherkidsaroundhere. Wewerelookingtofindourbigsisterwho'ssetupshopherebetweenfights, butwe'realwaysunderhoofandmaybethefiveofuscouldhangoutabit? Whatdotheydoforfunaroundhere, exactly? We'refromManehattanandneverbeentothisareabefore." Speed said as she took a bite of a slice of floating cake. "I'msorry, wouldyoulikesome? Wehaveplenty."


Flash nodded and ate some of his. "Do you have any siblings or the like competing in the Arena too?"



"We have not met before yet, have we?"

Ah, right. They were training too. "We haven't met before, but pretty much everypony knows of you and respects you." Sparky wheeled over to scan the Princess and her companion.


"I'm Lektra Bolf of Bolt Solutions Ponyville Branch. I've set up a Magitek shop here in Bangcolt while competing. It's nice to meet you face to face Princess." I bowed again cause I felt it was appropriate. I should probably not do that really, since the royals were known to be nice. Most of the time.


I looked back at the Magic Booster a bit ways away. "Is it a problem we need to have my Magitek on and covering the training area so Caliber can practice his levitation on me? I'm worried you might blow up the planet if you so much as sneeze. The mana costs of spells would be severely lowered so even that could have catastropic effects from using more mana than you need."

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Darkrai interally laughed when the age old voice pretty much said 'buck it I'm talking normal'. But she still remained at it's attention, even when it turned to solid gold. Once it was finished speaking, she replied, "I understand completely. If it's something that's a potential threat to him, I will make sure it won't happen. You can count on me."



" I admire your enthusiasm, however, this is a threat that comes from within himself. Not from any external forces. You see, Darkrai..."


The Phoenix furled its wings and leaned in towards Darkrai, and spoke softly, much ike Kazas.


" Kazas IS potentially the second coming of the Azure Terror. You see, on the outside, Kazas is jubilent, even if stoic at times. However, his soul... he has been dealt a mighty claw of grief in his day. His soul is full of love, righteousness, kindness, and sacrifice. But it is also filled... with guilt, grief, sorrow, and despair. None of these, I can assure you, are your fault. In fact, what you have done for him so far, along with his friends that you will soon meet, are a blessing. But so far, it is still not enough. You see, Kazas is unable to let go many things from the past. Much like you were, he still is. I could go on explaining... but it would be better off if I showed you..."


In front of Darkrai, four orbs of black flame appeared.


" these, are the memories of Kazas. These moments are what defined him, and changed him into what he is. You can choose not to view them, but... I believe that you will understand why he is the way he is. From left to right, are his persecution, loss of innocence, loss of loved ones, and shattered bonds. These are the things Kazas would not want to burden you with. These are the things that weigh upon his soul. Wounds that only you could help to heal. Choose one. And it will be as though you are there, at that moment in his life. You will not be able to interact, but you will be able to see everything. The choice is yours."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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caliber grinned at luna. "idea! we could all train together!" he said.


a small part of his brain was struggling to be heard, saying this was a bad idea, but caliber ignored it.


"you think maybe you could do a gravity spell? i hear thats the best way to train." he added.


he hadn't bowed, yet, but he rarely ever does. to any princess, in fact.

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 1


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" I admire your enthusiasm, however, this is a threat that comes from within himself. Not from any external forces. You see, Darkrai..."


The Phoenix furled its wings and leaned in towards Darkrai, and spoke softly, much ike Kazas.


" Kazas IS potentially the second coming of the Azure Terror. You see, on the outside, Kazas is jubilent, even if stoic at times. However, his soul... he has been dealt a mighty claw of grief in his day. His soul is full of love, righteousness, kindness, and sacrifice. But it is also filled... with guilt, grief, sorrow, and despair. None of these, I can assure you, are your fault. In fact, what you have done for him so far, along with his friends that you will soon meet, are a blessing. But so far, it is still not enough. You see, Kazas is unable to let go many things from the past. Much like you were, he still is. I could go on explaining... but it would be better off if I showed you..."


In front of Darkrai, four orbs of black flame appeared.


" these, are the memories of Kazas. These moments are what defined him, and changed him into what he is. You can choose not to view them, but... I believe that you will understand why he is the way he is. From left to right, are his persecution, loss of innocence, loss of loved ones, and shattered bonds. These are the things Kazas would not want to burden you with. These are the things that weigh upon his soul. Wounds that only you could help to heal. Choose one. And it will be as though you are there, at that moment in his life. You will not be able to interact, but you will be able to see everything. The choice is yours."

Darkrai looked over the 4 orbs intently. On the one hoof, she could potentially be traumatized by one of Kazas's worst experiences. But on the other, she knew that she would never find out what made this griffon who he was. With her P.O.W training in mind to keep her stable in all sitautions, and her flaming love for the griffon, she made her decision..."Let's go." she said as she pointed to the orb on the far left.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The snake turned into a tempest of butterflies upon being sat on by Aknor, which floated off into the air around him before disappearing into a small burst of sparks. The air was silent for a moment, and then a solid line of sparks shot out from behind the curtains and over the walls and ceilings, lighting up the room in a beautiful glow. Flares shot out from the curtains in droves, becoming a menagerie of shapes that danced around Aknor in the ghostly lighting: ponies, minotaurs, cockatrices, and even a dragon or two.





As the two ponies left the room, Princess Celestia steadied herself, wiping her tears from her eyes with her wings.

She couldn't get needlessly emotional over things now; she needed the final verification, as it was entirely possible Ice Blizzard had simply left the arena. That meant talking to those close to him, Lektra and Caliber from what she could remember of her last hospital visit to see him. She still remembered their magical signatures being within the arena, so she teleported there, arriving in a burst of sunlight.


"Lektra, Caliber, I need to talk to you."




"It is nice to meet you as well, Lektra. In response to your question, no, you do not need to worry about your machine; I can simply compensate with limiters, as I always have. I will be fine."


Luna turned to Caliber, looking him over.


"If you wish, I will create a personal gravity spell for you. It seems this will also be a good time to test the power of this machine, so I believe it helps us both."


She concentrated, magic filling her form. The air around Caliber twitched... before gravity suddenly increased to 30x its normal intensity. Before Luna could see the effects, however, she turned away as a burst of sunlight lit up the arena.


"Sister, what is the matter?"

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