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Red jumped slightly as she saw Rune come out with a chef's hat. She scowled.


She quickly calmed herself. Had he noticed that something was wrong with her? Had he noticed she didn't like being called small? But she had been more discreet than usual... oh, but she had been obvious, hadn't she? She was slightly distressed at this realization.


"Thank you," she said, taking the water and going on one of the spinny-chairs beside the bar and spinning away from him, sipping from the water coolly.

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@@Little Red


rune let her walk off, with a bow. and with one smooth action, teleported out of that shirt and hat, and back into his seat. 


he seemed to be waiting for red, when she got there. "ah, i see you have the water." he said, "i trust that it'll cool you off? or your mind, to be more exact...?"


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Red blinked at him.


Holy Celestia. He is so fast. She thought.


Wait, was he insinuating that she was anything but fine? She felt fine. She calmed her mind, slowed her thoughts. Breathe in, breathe out.


"Why would I need to calm my mind?" She said coolly. "I'm fine." She drank some water. "I was just thirsty. So, how did you like the food?" She said conversationally, changing the subject quickly. "I haven't had a meal that large or that good in a while."

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As the mare ran, she heard crashing behind her, which meant that the swordspony, whoever he was, was following her. Growing more desperate to escape, she began to use magic, tossing clods of earth and small rocks behind her as she ran. She cut a path through the forest, moving closer to the city, but not caring. Anything, as long as she could escape.




"Ruk, Ronin... So there's a whole lot of you, huh? I would've thought the Wanderer spent all his time alone."


She paused, eyes sparkling as she grinned at him.


"Maybe there's room for someone else, then?"


As if on cue, the waiter came back, balancing a tray with a single bottle and glass on it. He placed the tray on the table before walking off.


"Oh, it's here?" she said, feigning surprise. She held up the glass using telekinesis. "Ever heard of the Zombie?"

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@@Little Red, @


rune smiled. "iv had better." he replied causally. glad that he apparently got her into a better mood. "now, why dont we all relax...im sure the musics starting soon..."




zenru frowned. why was he/she so afraid?


putting on an extra burst of speed, along with adding agility to the mix, he zipped by the debris, catching up. "wait~!" he called out.




"well...i could make an exception..." caliber replied, slyly. "for one more..."


he blinked as the drink was presented. "zombie? cant say i have...well, a bets a bet." he started pouring a cup. "i gotta drink two bottles of this stuff, right?"


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Tyra held onto the Ursa and her helmet for dear life as the two soared through the air. It was obvious it was trying to crush her between itself and the ground.


She had to act fast, and now.


With the wind against her, she tried her best to climb the rest of the way to the creature's back, though there was no telling if she would make it for sure.

Falling at a fast past, the Ursa was seemingly speaking to Tyra as he was attempting to crush her.


" Krigare Tyra! Are you so helpless as to let yourself be crushed in such a dishonorable manner?!?"







Kazas, almost by instinct, reached for Vera's hoof, almost having a knowing grin upon his face. He spoke... Seemingly not surprised by the events that had taken place.


" Amazing... Is it not Vera? As you are my beloved, the others will warm to you as well, and you will have more companions who genuinely care about you. Of course.... That is, depending on how much time we spend with them, versus how much time we spend alone. They might get jealous..."


He said, with a slight chuckle.

Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Rarity took another shot.


"Thanks, but it's not really big as you make it out to be. Really, I just do what I have to. We all do."


She looked up at him then, eyes surprisingly clear despite the amount of alcohol she'd already subjected herself to. She spoke honestly.


"Ice Blizzard, I don't deserve praise. The things I do I do because I want to help others, and no other reason. We're the same." she finished, laying a hoof on his arm.




As soon as Night Tracer left, Trixie turned on Celestia, an accusing look in her eyes.


"Celestia, I want to know what's going on. There's something you're not telling me, isn't there?"


Celestia looked over at Trixie, eyes 


"Trixie, rest assured there is nothing going on that you should be worried about."


Trixie held the gaze, not unnerved in the slightest.


"Celestia, you know i'm not stupid. You're telling me you met this stallion when the tournament began, and by that time, he just magically became important enough to have dinner with you? And the gazes, and the whispering? You have got to be kidding me."


Celestia's voice changed then, matching her expression in intensity. In an instant, she assumed the stature of a ruler, her voice becoming soft, but commanding.


"Trixie, you forget yourself. You may have been my student, and we may be close, but you do not order me. I am the ruler of Equestria, and your princess; please remember that."


Trixie's eyes narrowed, but she did as she was told. She didn't push it further.


"Fine...princess. It's nice to know after all of these years, you're still keeping secrets from me." she pushed off from the table then, heading back towards her own.


"Sorry, I had to catch up with an old friend that I haven't seen in a while." she muttered to Aknor as she returned and took a seat. "It won't happen again." she said distantly. Apparently, some things never changed.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Tyra held onto the Ursa and her helmet for dear life as the two soared through the air. It was obvious it was trying to crush her between itself and the ground.


She had to act fast, and now.


With the wind against her, she tried her best to climb the rest of the way to the creature's back, though there was no telling if she would make it for sure.

Falling at a fast past, the Ursa was seemingly speaking to Tyra as he was attempting to crush her.


" Krigare Tyra! Are you so helpless as to let yourself be crushed in such a dishonorable manner?!?"







Kazas, almost by instinct, reached for Vera's hoof, almost having a knowing grin upon his face. He spoke... Seemingly not surprised by the events that had taken place.


" Amazing... Is it not Vera? As you are my beloved, the others will warm to you as well, and you will have more companions who genuinely care about you. Of course.... That is, depending on how much time we spend with them, versus how much time we spend alone. They might get jealous..."


He said, with a slight chuckle.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"That was the deal." Sleight Mist responded. She watched the drink fill up the glass, eyes curious. Even she had never tried this drink before, but it was said to be legendary. Just one shot could put a pony on his flank for a few hours.


"Just try not to drink it all in one go. It won't end well..."




The mare could now see the swordspony getting closer to her, but looking back had its cost. She tripped rolling on the grassy forest floor before coming to a stop at the base of a nearby tree.


"Stop! Don't come any closer!" she shouted, cowering in a tiny ball where she lay.

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in that moment, while caliber was filling up the glass, planning to drink it slowly, safely, he heard sleight say 'just dont drink it all in one go. it wont end well.'


caliber could've heeded her words, or even actually make that decision on his own. he could've done anything else. 


but instead, he took it as the worst possible thing he could've taken it as.


he took it as a challenge.


"please. im sure i can handle it." he said, forgetting to glass, and tipping the bottle back into his mouth. he could drink surprisingly fast, and he was half-way through the bottle before his body realized something was wrong.


he stopped for a moment, wobbling. and with what little will he had left, drunk the rest. his vision was blurry, and he almost face-planted onto the table. but he managed to grab the full glass, and down that, too.


tales will be forever told on how caliber drunk an entire bottle of 'Zombie' in less then ten seconds. 




zenru stopped, looking at the little creature bundled up. "are you okay?" he asked softly, bending down low. "are you hurt?"

Edited by PeytonJay
  • Brohoof 1


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Sleight Mist couldn't help but crack at laugh at Caliber's antics, but her voice held the slightest touch of concern in it as she looked at him. It died down, and she cocked her head curiously.


"Caliber, are you alright? Because I really wasn't joking about that drink. Don't make me take you to the hospital if you can't handle this."




The mare was shivering, but stopped when she realized she wasn't being attacked. She looked up at him, eyes wandering around as if she couldn't decide between guessing his intentions or bolting again.


"No, i'm not hurt. But, I thought you were going to hurt me."


She paused, before re-affirming her thought.


"You're not...are you?"

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Blizzard understood what she meant. He knew that he himself had done things to help others, and that all this praise he was giving her was somewhat too much, "Well, you do kinda deserve it. But yeah, you're right, Rarity. We are kinda the same, but both of us have what makes us special. We just like being nice ponies."


For a moment he was at a loss for words, and didn't know what else to say to Rarity for a few moments, "Hm. Isn't this place supposed to have music? Where's the music Vinyl and Tavey?!"


Since he felt like taking risks, he asked for a glass of Everclear, however, it was given to him in a smaller glass than before. He downed it instantly, and had it refilled, "Hmm....oh yeah. I wanna start modelling the clothes for you tomorrow, but if you have time, maybe we could have a sparring session? You know? To test our battle skills against each other and improve them?"





Kazas, almost by instinct, reached for Vera's hoof, almost having a knowing grin upon his face. He spoke... Seemingly not surprised by the events that had taken place. " Amazing... Is it not Vera? As you are my beloved, the others will warm to you as well, and you will have more companions who genuinely care about you. Of course.... That is, depending on how much time we spend with them, versus how much time we spend alone. They might get jealous..." He said, with a slight chuckle.


Vera was starting to worry. She had not completed her jobs, and was starting to get somewhat paranoid, but managed to keep it on a down low, "Hm? Oh, yeah. Right...haha." she laughed nervously.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Falling at a fast past, the Ursa was seemingly speaking to Tyra as he was attempting to crush her.


" Krigare Tyra! Are you so helpless as to let yourself be crushed in such a dishonorable manner?!?" 


Tyra, using all her might, managed to leap onto the Ursa's back during his descent.

"Nay!" She called back, then smirked as she made her way toward the rear, "It seems you are the helpless one here!"


She lowered herself down and used her axe to embed herself into the rock armour, bracing for the impact.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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zenru's eyes softened, and he spoke in a surprisingly gentle tone when he said "no, im not." he even unsheathed his swords, and threw them to the side. "i would like to help, really."




caliber frowned, and seemingly froze for about twenty seconds. "wheres the--" he broke off. "wheres the other bottle?" he managed. 


he lost a bet, and he'll see the consequences to the end. "i need...i need to complete the bet."


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Wilhelm pretended to think. "You know, I'm not sure if this is a good idea... Yeah, nope. I'm going to have the time of my life! Or something of the sort." Smiling widely, he stepped into the concert hall, past the doorpony- who was given their tickets- and a steady flow of other incomers. When he got in, he stopped for a brief moment just to take in all the things around him. He spared a glance towards Celestia's table- wondering for a moment why she looked very slightly less regal than usual, as if perhaps annoyed by something-, and raised a hoof in greeting.


He weaved between the tables, eventually arriving at a nice table a few rows from the stage, and close to Ice's table. Wilhelm pulled out a chair for Annette and then his own, sitting down and picking up a menu. Some of the prices on the list made his eyebrows raise in surprise, but Wilhelm figured he could afford this dinner, thanks to the ridiculous amount of money fighters get for every battle. Raising his eyes above the menu, he said "So, what do you think?"

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Tyra, using all her might, managed to leap onto the Ursa's back during his descent.

"Nay!" She called back, then smirked as she made her way toward the rear, "It seems you are the helpless one here!"


She lowered herself down and used her axe to embed herself into the rock armour, bracing for the impact.

The Ursa, after falling for a few seconds more, crashed into the earth violently, making an excessively large impact crater that was at least 300 feet in radius, and sending a maelstrom of debris skyrocketing into the air, almost akin to a volcano's eruption.


Stunned from the plummet, the great Ursa's rock armor was nigh cracked heavily on the underside, once more revealing part of its true, metaphysical make-up. Face down against the ground, the Ursa slowly rose again, this time, with Tyra on his backside! As if he were a bull that was extremely frustrated at its rider, the great Ursa began to buck, to-and-fro, violently trying to shake Tyra off.



Blizzard understood what she meant. He knew that he himself had done things to help others, and that all this praise he was giving her was somewhat too much, "Well, you do kinda deserve it. But yeah, you're right, Rarity. We are kinda the same, but both of us have what makes us special. We just like being nice ponies."


For a moment he was at a loss for words, and didn't know what else to say to Rarity for a few moments, "Hm. Isn't this place supposed to have music? Where's the music Vinyl and Tavey?!"


Since he felt like taking risks, he asked for a glass of Everclear, however, it was given to him in a smaller glass than before. He downed it instantly, and had it refilled, "Hmm....oh yeah. I wanna start modelling the clothes for you tomorrow, but if you have time, maybe we could have a sparring session? You know? To test our battle skills against each other and improve them?"





Vera was starting to worry. She had not completed her jobs, and was starting to get somewhat paranoid, but managed to keep it on a down low, "Hm? Oh, yeah. Right...haha." she laughed nervously.

Kazas knew that Tyra was more of the quiet type, and wasn't really expecting a full answer from Vera. However, there was a very faint nervous laughter in her previous statement... Was something wrong?


" Vera... Is everything okay?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas knew that Tyra was more of the quiet type, and wasn't really expecting a full answer from Vera. However, there was a very faint nervous laughter in her previous statement... Was something wrong? " Vera... Is everything okay?"

Vera was stuck in fearful thoughts for a moment before turning to Kazas, "Huh? Yeah...yeah...I'm fine. Haha...watching all these fights and stuff can make you a bit nervous. But don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine." She said with a confident tone. She knew what was coming, but didn't want Kazas to worry.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The Ursa, after falling for a few seconds more, crashed into the earth violently, making an excessively large impact crater that was at least 300 feet in radius, and sending a maelstrom of debris skyrocketing into the air, almost akin to a volcano's eruption.


Stunned from the plummet, the great Ursa's rock armor was nigh cracked heavily on the underside, once more revealing part of its true, metaphysical make-up. Face down against the ground, the Ursa slowly rose again, this time, with Tyra on his backside! As if he were a bull that was extremely frustrated at its rider, the great Ursa began to buck, to-and-fro, violently trying to shake Tyra off.


Tyra braced herself during the impact, the cracking of earth and rock filling her ears. Sand and debris brushed past her face, forcing her to close her eyes.


She could tell for sure, though, that the rock armour was weakened, and she could go for an attack soon.


But for now, she kept her axe embedded in the rock, to keep herself from flying off from the bucks swinging her around.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sleight Mist took a deep, drawn in sigh, like she was dealing with an unruly child instead of an expert swordspony.


"Caliber, I can't believe i'm saying this, but..."


Her horn glowed. The second bottle began to boil before the liquid and forty bits vanished into steam. 


"You don't have to do this. The dare's over."




The mare shook her head in response to the swordspony. Then, she went back to staring at him, sea-blue eyes calm, but holding a soft and sad quality to them.


"Sorry, but you can't help me. There's only one way to do that, and I have to do it by myself. There's no other way."


She stood up then, leaves and dirt simply falling off of her mane and onto the forest floor, leaving it pristine. She turned to leave.




Rarity nodded her head at Ice Blizzard's request, lightly smiling at him from where he sat in his chair


"That's a wonderful idea, Ice Blizzard. But, I have no idea what this la clochette doux can do, and I don't want to hurt you."


Or myself, she thought as she placed one hoof on the gem. This gem was at a stage she hadn't anticipated for a while, and she hadn't overlooked the possibility.


"We'll have to take it slow at first. Like a dance..."



@Orion Caelum

Anette took a look at the menu, then over at Wilhelm, who seemed to be taken aback.


"I think this place is wonderful. I also think you'd never let me pay for you, even though you already bought the tickets. So, i'll go with a Royal Cranberry Salad," she said, leafing through the menu once again and finding something of modest price. Hopefully, Wilhelm wouldn't stress himself out too much over it.






Rain Shadow took a long, concentrated look at Lektra, staring intensely at her as she took yet another trip to the open bar. She promptly threw her hooves up in the air.


"Nope, can't say that I have. Honestly, i'd think i'd remember you, you have this way of... standing out." She gave a half-grin, perfectly designed for a comment that was a half-joke. It would be incredibly hard to forget this mare.


"Anyways, i'm a changeling researcher at Ponyville,..."


Probably the only one, she thought with exasperation, but kept it to herself.


"And yes, I do like mares, which i'm guessing is...not a problem to you."

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Blizzard nodded, "Perfect. I'm definitely up for something like that. I'll come by your place tomorrow afternoon, and we can test each other's stuff. After I help you with the clothes of course." He leaned in and whispered, "I even have a special secret training area we could go to....where nopony could see our new tactics before we use them in the arena..."


He drank another shot of Everclear, and saw Will nearby. He waved to him. He also saw Caliber drinking, "*sigh* Don't buck up your liver bro..."


He thought for a moment before speaking to Rarity, "Hm...speaking of dancing, isn't there supposed to be music here tonight? I wanted to show off my dancing skills for ya."


He blushed for a moment, "Well...n-not show off, because I-I'm no expert...I-I mean..uh..." he pulled the collar of his shirt, "Is it warm in here? ...hehe..I just hope I can show you a good time on the dance floor, Rarity." he said shyly.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber blinked slowly, watching the liquid steam, and evaporate. and frowned. 


"sl..sleight, im sure that was expensive." he managed, trying to think straight. "but...thanks."


he even sighed in relief, too. another bottle like that would've probably made him start to...act foolishly. well, more foolish then normal. 


"are you...are you mad?"




zenru nodded. "then let me help you do it on your own." he said, going for confusing logic that worked. 


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Ash turned his head towards Pinkie Pie, “What makes you think you’re coming?”


“Don’t get me wrong, I’m… thankful for your help.” It almost sounded as if Ash had to force those last few words out of his mouth, “But this is going to be a dangerous trek. And you well… you're just a pony. Plus you’d just slow me down.”


With that Ash began to walk northwest from the Hospital; towards Mt Canterhorn.

Edited by Star Saber
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Sleight Mist looked at Caliber hard, eyes tensed as she tried to figure out whether or not she was angry. Eventually, she gave up, figuring it really didn't matter in the slightest anymore.


"No, i'm not angry, Caliber," she lied, "Just... watch yourself. Don't do anything too dangerous. Because if if you die on our first date, I swear i'm coming down to Tartarus in order to find you."


She presented it as a light-hearted, but she meant every word. There was going to be a vacancy down there when she was finished, one formerly occupied by the pony who took him. Withthe things she was planning to do to him, she might be the replacement.


"I am curious though. Since you drunk a bottle, what did it taste like?"




The mare didn't have time for games, and she looked at the swordspony with slanted eyes, clearly agitated.


"I already told you," she shouted loudly "you can't-"


Suddenly, she was cut off by the sounds of howling. Dark shapes were racing through the trees, barely visible against the bark that they moved past. Timberwolves, and an entire pack of them. The group surrounded the mare and Zenru, snapping and snarling.




"I've had a little practice, but i'm no expert either. We'll just have to see where it goes, won't we?"


Of course, Rarity was lying, slightly. She'd had quite a lot of practice whenever she happened to interact with high society. It was one of those things you had to know.


Of course, she didn't tell him that.


"And I think, if we train, we should probably do it somewhere privately. I really don't know how strong this gem is now, and until I do, i'd rather not use it in a public area. It will be just between us, right?"

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caliber smiled, or at least, tried to. it might've come out as a forced grin. kinda. he didnt know.


"aw, you dont have to worry, babe. i wont go dying on you..." he said, apparently oblivious to what he just said. "and...it tasted...like fizzy water. kinda.




zenru narrowed his eyes. "do you want help, now?" he asked, "or do you still work alone?"


he had thrown his swords, but he was sure he could retrieve them fast enough.


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Blizzard nodded as he leaned in, and whispered, "I got the perfect place for us to go. It's a place that I normally go to to train and practice, when I wanna be alone. It's very beautiful, calm, and serene. It has a lake, small waterfalls, and such pretty green plants. It looks so beautiful that you'd swear it was made by somepony as lovely as y-- I-I mean, um...."


He cleared his throat to play it off, "Ahem, something in my throat, ugh. Anyway, it seems to be weird. It doesn't seem to be physically affected by any damage whatsoever, I guess due to magic. So no matter how what we do down there, the place is gonna remain the same way we came in."


He made a smug smile, "And it's perfectly secluded for the both of us to practice together...."

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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