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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Blizzard chuckled, "Hehe, no problem. I like helping others feel better about themselves. And trust, me you're not crazy. At all. In fact, you're pretty nice. And, thank you. You're nice company to hang around. Glad I didn't have to sit this storm out all by myself. It's nice to have somepony to talk to."


He went over and hugged her for a moment, and then let go, "So...does this mean we're friends now...?" he asked awkwardly.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Celestia, thought for a bit, then came up with a fun question. Or at least, she thought it was; her love of books ensured that she could while away a day in her own fantasies. Maybe it worked for other ponies?


"Night Tracer, if you could be anywhere in the whole of Equis, where would go? And what would you do there?" Having asked the question, she sat back curious. She was actually hoping it wouldn't involve Luna; that would be a tragically easy way out of her answer, and would very well ruin the fun.

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Kevin was perplexed by Fluttershy's sudden lack of words. As if she was bitten by a snake or something, "Something's definitely wrong. She was acting pretty social up until now. What could have cause a sudden change in her attitude?"


"Is everything alright, Fluttershy?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Diamond Tiara stepped back a little to re-organize herself once Ice Blizzard let go; she didn't like being touched all that much. She also thought about the question that she had just been given. Were her and Ice Blizzard friends? She guess she could say she liked him, But did she want to admit it? And what happened when she did? Was this stallion trustworthy, or would he hurt her like her other friends had? All these thought were starting to make her head spin. and she needed a chance to clear it.


"I guess? I mean, I don't know. Can I get some time to think about?" she said as she looked up at Ice Blizzard, hoping to either avoid the question entirely or at least to get the chance to sort out her feelings.

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Ash turned away from Pinkie Pie a few moments after she was done talking. Letting out a low growl as he stared at the ground in contemplation. He muttered to himself, repeating the last words of Pinkie’s speech.  “Give it a chance…”


Ash slipped his claws into the pockets of his vest. “You have got to be one of the most… odd, annoying and confusing creatures I have ever encountered… But… you’re nice. I’m just not used to that.”


He began to walk away; continuing onwards towards their destination, “Come on, all this water is agitating my cast. There are some small caves at the base of the mountain. It’ll provide cover from the storm until it passes.”






“Calibur. Pleased to make your acquaintance Miss Shimmer.” The stallion introduced himself while pulling the large case off his back and dropping it at his hooves. He opened the case and began to flip through files and folders until finally pulling out a, rather poor map of the city. Calibur spread the map along the floor.


“Alright… we must be here at the training center.” Calibur pointed out the building they were currently at on the map then slid his hoof across the street to a place labeled ‘Royal Living Quarters’. “Logically if she was in Bangcolt she’d be here. Looks like it’s not that far away.” As he spoke another loud crash and flash of light from outside singled another thunder strike, “Damn, storm’s really picking up.”

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@Star Saber

Truth be told, Sunset Shimmer had no idea where Princess Celestia was, so the answer was a resounding yes. She was also secretly thrilled at the thought of making a new friend here, so it was a win-win in this situation.


"Could you please? It's my first time being here tonight, and i'm kinda..."


She stopped, realizing that she had forgot something. Something that was probably important.


"Um, sorry. Do you have a name...?"





Rainbow Dash felt the energy finally travel down her to legs, which meant she was ready. She could do...the Sonic Rainboom. It was something that was sure to put on a show, and probably win her the race. Two things she definitely loved doing more than anything.


But, she already knew she could win; that much had been obvious from the start. What she wanted, though, was a competition, and to make a new friend. So, she kept it in, though the energy tingled under her skin like electricity, begging to be released.


She still wasn't out of this race, though, and it looked like she had some competition. Lightning Dust.


"You've got to be kidding," she yelled back at her technical rival. "I'm going to leave you so hard in my dust, you're going to be spitting out rainbows for eternity. Swear on it!"


She yelled over her back at Lightning Strike, too, not sure how she was doing. She wanted to make sure she wasn't too behind, as well.


"Are you alright back there? You keeping up?"




Really, there was never time when Diamond Tiara took breaks. There were moments when she had free time(which is when she picked on the CMC), but whenever she had a job or something to do, she always stuck to it until it was finished. Goofing off at your job was for losers and blank-flanks.


"Uh, sure, i'll keep that in mind. I'd never thought you'd be the type of pony to play pranks," she said distractedly. She was still attempting to dry herself off with the towel, and to little success. She looked and felt like she had just been put through a washing machine.

"Yea I'm ok, she just caught me a little by surprise that's all" she then realized they must be getting close to 88 mph. "Hey uh, your gonna want to move out of the way soon" she said to the Pegasus that had taken her spot. "I guess soon you'll be able to see my other trick" she said to RD : P Edited by sonicdashie
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@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer heard the crash of lightning at the same time that Calibur did, but it didn't worry her all that much. She was one of the few ponies that had no trouble staying dry in this storm, and thus, away from potential lightning strikes. She didn't like to brag, but sometimes, it was nice to have your special talent be magic. Just sometimes.


"It's not going to be that big of a problem." she replied to Caliber. Her horn flashed, and suddenly the two of them were covered in a heat shield, a personal invention that moved with the user, radiating heat outside while maintaining a set temperature on the inside. The rain would boil around them instantly, but they would be perfectly safe. And dry.


"There's a reason i'm perfectly dry. This will keep us both out of the rain, trust me." she said, smiling at the new pony. She then set her sights towards the outside, and the princesses booth.


"Are you ready to leave?"

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Night Tracer had an response in mind ready to fire, almost to ready, "Lun-," He stopped before turning bright red and sheepishly smiling as the answer, "Luna's Beedroom," would likely get him sent to the moon so he improvised and elected to choose a less risky answer. "Probably...," He begun to think, until the perfect idea popped in his head, "The moon; I'm not sure if you consider it as a part of Equestria but I suppose that's where I'd go. Not saying send me there by any means but I suppose it would be cool," he nervously chuckled and took another sip of his empty glass. 


"Really?" Night Tracer muttered as he looked at the glass; disrguntled. He sighed and put it down before refocusing on the question, "As for what I would do there? Probably just write. I know it's simplistic but that's all I want simple. I can at least get that can't I or is that even too much?" He rambled on. only because his cruel writer made an indirect reference to the utter humiliation of commrade Corona de Adamas.


Night Tracer then posed another question for Celestia, "How atheltic are you?" He grinned widely, very curious to hear her answer. 



"Nyan Danceable?" She laughed hard yet silently, "You're kidding me right, I'm not doing that, dude. I may be crazy but I'm not going to make a fool of my self like that. I'll look like a pansy." She joked, "But as far as a song, I have one in mind. Ever heard of Frame of Mind by Tristan and Marekin?" She questioned half attentively as she threw the shot glass in the air and balanced it on her nose. 

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"...there are many like you. and most of the time, their fate ends sadly. but only because they choose to have a sad ending. such a thing as 'fate' doesn't exist in this world. we simply believe there is some higher being telling us what to do, and we think that theres nothing we can do about it. but in reality...anything, and everything is possible."





"aw, what? nyan dancing? the thing that anyone can do flawlessly?" he put his hooves up, and did a little version of it while 'tsk-tsking' a beat to dance to. "you wouldn't look like a pasny! you'd look adorable!"


he lost his balance, and had to go on all fours again. "but anyways...yes, i do know that song. its a favorite of mine, really. are you saying thats what we should play?"


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Blizzard nodded, "Why sure you can. I'll leave you be for some time to think." He cracked a smile and made another ice sculpture of her, and put it on the windowsill next to her. "I'll be here..."


He then walked over to a different part of the room, and sat down to read his book.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor smiled dumbly, "Eh... Sorry if I misinterpreted what you said." He finished off the last of his salad and had a quick drink of water that he'd ordered while she'd been absent. "So, what do you plan to do next with your life? There's a whole list of things I want to do, but what about you? What new experiances do you want to try?" He asked? Hoping he hadn't weirded her out with his quickfire questions. He just wanted to be on the same level as she was with him on how well they knew each other.




After running throuh the nearby charging grounds, chased down relentlessly by the citizens of Appleoosa, Moonbane finally found cover from the mob chasing him. He'd hidden himself in a small undercrop of rocks beneath the canyon that he'd been pushed up to.

After waiting for a while he looked back over the top of the cliff and watched as they walked back to their town.

'Dumb Appleoosians... Bunch of racists...' He thought to himself as he looked over what he'd gotten. A leatherbound tome of a breif understanding of dark magic, a bag of bits and his wingblades. He knew for a fact that the citizens of that town would burn his house down and put up a bounty for him, he had get far away quickly. 'Maybe if I catch the next train before it reaches Ponyville I can beat them there and avoid the bounty until I'm too far away... But where?' He walked a bit further to the next train station at the point between Ponyville and Appleoosa, he kept his brown duster coat and leather hat he had on, slightly tilted over his face and paid the station master and boarded.

The trip was smooth enough and had no conflicts however now he was in Ponyville he had to keep moving. He looked around for inconspiculous places to hide out u til the heat died down. On the corner of his eye he spotted a poster for some sort of fighting club... No arena tournament. Perfect. They wouldn't go that far unless the mob who'd chased him out put up a national bounty, then he'd be in trouble. He paid the nearest carrage the rest of his bits to take him directly to Bangcolt. He'd have to blend in too... He'd have to fight.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Tyra dangled helplessly in the air, jaw locked onto the handle of her axe that Lorec had an iron grip on. No matter how hard she tugged and pulled, there was no escaping the minotaur warrior.

"I will not be bested so easily," She growled defiantly, still fuelled with a fiery confidence that she could succeed along with giving Lorec the satisfaction he craved.


The minotaur began to thrash about, violently swinging the axe through the air and her along with it. She kept her tight grip on it as long as she could.

Unfortunately, she had not met a being with such strength as Lorec before, and it send her flying into the wall, crashing and causing a cracked indent before collapsing to the ground. She groaned, her side screaming with pain as she struggled onto her hooves, glaring at the minotaur still gripping onto her ancestral weapon.

After having sent Tyra violently flying into a stone wall, Lorec stopped thrashing about with the axe. To him, it may as well had been a war axe from the land where Tyra had come from, and not a full size battle axe.


Standing upright once more, Lorec glared at the axe, seeing his eyes' reflection in it. This was a weapon that had served many a worthy warrior, as he could feel a certain... Ethereal power coming from within it.


Looking back up at Tyra, he smiled as the aura around him still violently flickered. Slowly walking over to his sword, he dislodged it from the stone with his dominant left hand, albeit with some difficulty. As he did so, his right arm bulged as though it were a creature desperately breathing for air... Something was happening to lorec's body. The toll that was being taken was heavy, indeed.


As he dislodged the blade, Lorec brought his arm over his head, and rested the blade's broad side upon his back and shoulders. Smiling at Tyra, he brought the arm holding her axe back, as if he were about to throw it. Which is exactly what was about to happen. The muscles in his left arm bulged as well... This was going to be one axe throw for the record books.


With all of his might, Lorec threw the axe directly at Tyra in a manner in which one would likely throw a frisbee. The axe traveled towards her at astounding speeds. Was Lorec really trying to take her head off with such a throw?

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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After having sent Tyra violently flying into a stone wall, Lorec stopped thrashing about with the axe. To him, it may as well had been a war axe from the land where Tyra had come from, and not a full size battle axe.


Standing upright once more, Lorec glared at the axe, seeing his eyes' reflection in it. This was a weapon that had served many a worthy warrior, as he could feel a certain... Ethereal power coming from within it.


Looking back up at Tyra, he smiled as the aura around him still violently flickered. Slowly walking over to his sword, he dislodged it from the stone with his dominant left hand, albeit with some difficulty. As he did so, his right arm bulged as though it were a creature desperately breathing for air... Something was happening to lorec's body. The toll that was being taken was heavy, indeed.


As he dislodged the blade, Lorec brought his arm over his head, and rested the blade's broad side upon his back and shoulders. Smiling at Tyra, he brought the arm holding her axe back, as if he were about to throw it. Which is exactly what was about to happen. The muscles in his left arm bulged as well... This was going to be one axe throw for the record books.


With all of his might, Lorec threw the axe directly at Tyra in a manner in which one would likely throw a frisbee. The axe traveled towards her at astounding speeds. Was Lorec really trying to take her head off with such a throw?


Tyra watched as Lorec stared at her axe in his hands, almost as if he could feel the power of her ancestors' warrior spirits dormant within its blades.

She took the time to gasp for air and get some energy back. This battle was taking a serious physical toll on her, but she'd be damned if she embarrassed her clan or her opponent's creed by surrendering here.


If she died in this fight, then she would have fallen to a worthy opponent.


She watched as his body contorted unnatural ways, like his arm when he picked up his sword. This power he was using was doing something to him, and it could not be good.


Her eyes widened as she saw the left arm go behind the head, guaranteeing to symbolise he would throw the axe her way. The second it left his fingertips, she ducked her head down, keeping her helmet up.




She kept frozen for a few moments, until she realised she was not beheaded. She looked up to see the axe badly embedded into the rock, almost up to the middle!

Snorting, she staggered onto her hooves and grabbed the handle in her jaw, trying in her exhausted state to yank the blade out.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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What an odd question. Then again, she assumed it was something that would come up naturally; most ponies she probably sat down all day and never got outside. They were right


"Well, as alicorns, our bodies stays at an average physical health at all times. But, that doesn't answer the question." she said, almost absent-mindedly. She then gave it a little bit more thought before trying again.


"I guess the proper answer is, not as athletic as I used to be. It used to be I could almost hold a race with Commander Hurricane, and remain on equal footing with my sister in a physical fight. But, unfortunately, hundreds of years of never stretching oneself out takes its toll, and neither of these things are quite true anymore. I'm not as strong as I used to be, Night Tracer; it's a regret, but also necessary sacrifice."


It was a sad reality, Celestia thought, reflecting on it, but did it have to be? A particularly fun plan began to move through her head...




Terra shook her head, flinging drops of water everywhere. For someone who thought he was in the know, Zenru had strikingly little idea what he was talking about.


"Is that what you believe?" she asked incredulously. "In a world where the sky could burn at any moment? Where gods and goddesses decide your movements, down to your very lives? Where anypony could die, or even worse..."


She was shaking, though it was all but impossible to notice through the heavy rain.


"No. If you think there's truth in what you're saying, you have no clue what's going on, and i'm sorry." she said finally, though her eyes never shifted with emotion.




Trixie had the plan relatively lined up, and knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. After the events at this city, it had become quite clear.


"I think i've had too much excitement already for my age, and this city has been wonderful in showing me that. I think... I want to slow down. No more grand adventures and high energy conflicts or traveling out for revenge after we're done here. Just living normally, working in my shop for a while. Maybe one day, come to the stage in the proper way. That's what I want." she decided, now confident after her last bout with Celestia that that's what she wanted. Trixie was done.

Inside Diamond Tiara's heart, there was a rift; one that had only been opened before a few tragic times, and one that had left far many more marks than and scars than happy endings. It was a rift opened purely for friendship, for the potential to let somepony truly be close to her, and subconsciously, Diamond Tiara was deciding whether that rift would stay open or not. It wasn't an easy decision.


Sitting on her side on one of the boxes in the storage room, she rolled over from irritation. She was starting to remember part of why why she didn't make friends in the first place.

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As Bulk Biceps was working out in the gym, his blood pressure rose so high and he had a heartattack which resulted in his tragic death. Bummer...


@@Star Saber


Pinkie Pie happily bounced up and down while listening to Ash; she didn't seem like she was listening but indeed she was and very closely. "Of course I'm nice, if I wasn't, I wouldn't be a very good friend would I," She chortled and pulled down his muzzle only for it to spring back up and vibrate like a wire door stop. 


As it began to pour down cold rain, Ash directed them to an area where they would be safe from the elements, Pinkie Pie followed, trusting in Ash's sense of direction. 



"Ah, so you're in some pretty good shape?" He smiled after his sarcastic comment, "Well I typically try to stay lean, I'm pretty active. Very fast and agile I suppose...," he shrugged thinking about the Arena and if his ability would play in well enough to make him a competitor. No champion but perhaps a decent challenge.


"It's your question." 



Treehugger danced around in the precipitation as it fell on her head, as well as all over her body. As raindrops trickeled from her forehead down her muzzle and onto the ground; splattering one by one. She let out a relaxed sigh in addition to a deep moan. She incoherently strolled with a golden ticket in hoof. 


As she lazily approached the dinner hall, she saw a rather odd looking pony; being Naga, out in the rain, trying to get a glimpse insider, "Woah, who are you?" She said to him, "Nice locks," she said in reference to his dreadlocked mane. 


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Blizzard was getting somewhat bored, having to sit and wait out a storm and not being able to sleep in his own bed. Then again, ge was excited to be with Rarity for most of tomorrow. However, he couldn't afford looking tired.


To change things up, Ice stood on his front hooves in a human-like 'handstand' position. And turned his book upside-down on a ice-pedestal at eye level, to read it, "Soooo...bored....."


Another bolt of lightning struck outside, and he began to calculate via counting, "1...2--" then came the thunder. "Ugh!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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...Diamond Tiara didn't need friends. Aside from Silver Spoon, they had all been money-grubbing backstabbers since the day that she had first began to make them, just like her mother. She was better off without them.


...So why did she want one so badly? Having somepony who actually listened to her was weird enough in itself, but having somepony who could understand her... had never actually happened. Not once. Was that why she was feeling this way?


As her thoughts continued, they just as soon ended on one conclusion; she absolutely hated all of this slow stuff. Mental anguish and deliberating had never been her strong suit; if she wanted something, she went straight for it without stopping. And today wouldn't be any different.


"Okay." Diamond Tiara said with slight exasperation as she rolled up off of the box, being careful not to harm her tiara. "Let's be friends."

  • Brohoof 1
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Blizzard was trying to maintain his balance while standing on his head. When he heard the filly speak, he was overjoyed, "Real--uh, woah.." he fell over onto his back, and got up. "Really? Awesome!"


He went over, and hugged her again, "You won't be sorry, Diamond Tiara. I'll be the greatest friend you ever had....after Silver Spoon of course."


He let go of her, and felt very happy, "I love to make new friends, and I'm glad to have met you. But I hate that it's still storming...." he suddenly felt hungry again. Apparently that apple from earlier wasn't enough. Unfortunately, he could see nowhere to get food, other than...a vending machine? He had to turn on the lights to get a better look.


And surely enough, on the far end of the storage room, Ice saw a working vending machine. The machine was there for the loading ponies who wanted to buy snacks. It was filled with all kinds of foods and treats. Blizzard's stomach grumbled with hunger, "Ugh...hey DT, look! A vending machine!" He walked up to it, "DT come look, it has all kinds of stuff in here! It's still working too. You want something?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Wilhelm smiled at the expression on Annette's face and then took a bite of his own pasta. A single eyebrow raised, and the edge of his mouth quirked up to form a small smile. "This really is quite excellent." At that point, he abandoned simple language and dug in, washing down occasional bites with a prim sip of wine.


When he finished, he leaned back in his chair, belly pleasantly full. He wiped his muzzle of whatever spots of food might be present, and then got up from the table to mock-bow before Annette, gesturing with one hoof towards the dance floor. "May I have this dance, milady?"

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Vinyl was partially attentive to Rune while she was also trying to balance the shot glass on the tip of her muzzle. She played with it, as it balanced; flimsily, upon her maw for roughly 20 seconds until she knocked it off her nose to respond to Rune without the risk of breaking the glass. 


"Adorable," she laughed, "You've got to be kidding me, I'd look like a little pansy filly. I'm not doing that," she continued to laugh as she placed emphasis on the word, "not." 


"But...," she started, "I am suggesting we do the song, seems like it's your kind of song anyway. Just no Nyan Dancing, ok?" She raised a curious eyebrow at Rune. She was enjoying herself but not enough to agree to hurt her image as a party mare. 



Fluttershy was looking down at the table, playing with her hooves; twirling them around and around, inaudibly clapping them together as she remained a light red color. She was slipping into her usual shy,  socially uncooperative self. Although she knew she was, she tried not to let Kevin worry, as she was afraid it would draw more focused attention to herself, "Um, no. I'm fine." She lied as ravenous thoughts continued to run through her head and eat away at her already minute and unobtrusive confidence. 


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Celestia had saw at least the back half of Night Tracer's fight with her sister, and she had to admit that he was right; speed and agility were both traits that he had in abundance. There weren't many that could outmanuever an alicorn, let alone Princess Luna.


"Just remember that strength is not everything. It is very possible to make it here on your own abilities, if you use them well." she said with she thought should be comforting words. She then settled back to ask her question.


"Night Tracer, would you ever want to have children?"

@Orion Caelum

Anette took the hoof, smiling brightly; she had been hoping for this moment. A chance to be closer to Wilhelm, the love of her life, was worth anything. So what if she couldn't dance a lick?


Anette stepped out of her seat, giving a mock curtsy and bow as she lightly grasped his hoof. "Why, ah do believe ya can, darling." she said, adopting a pretty southern accent as she did so. She then paused, eyes sparking with fire; she wanted to go out there and destroy the dance floor, but she would let Wilhelm take her out. She could wait that long.




Diamond Tiara walked over to the vending machine to get a better look. Sure enough there were treats and things of all kinds. Diamond Tiara fished around in the saddlebag that she carried around, and pulled out a small stack of bits, enough to easily buy anything they wanted in the vending machine, probably the box itself. And she hadn't even gotten to the gold bits yet.


"Okay, what do you want?" she asked, preparing to stick a bit in the machine. She had enough money to give him whatever he wanted, whenever he needed it, and she figured that was fine. This was what friends did for each other, right?

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Night Tracer was able to shoot back an answer almost instantly, but he didn't. He had an answer but one he constantly second guessed. After several seconds of hesitation, "Yes, I would." He muttered rather unconfidently which was out of character for him not to be bold about his decisions. "However, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm ready for one, especially, with Luna."

Edited by Not Safe For Woona


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Blizzard thought for a moment, "Hm, maybe I should let her purchase something. I wouldn't want to take away her chance at acting friendly, so..here we go."


He looked through the machine until he saw what he wanted, "..Bottle of cola, aand the cupcake pastries. You getting anything?"


Kevin and his swarm could tell something was wrong with Fluttershy, "Nope. As I can tell, this is not normal. I haven't seen anyone act like this in a very long time. And the only select few of those ponies have either had a mental issue, some personal issues, or a very messed up upbringing. But I won't dive into it."


"Ok. So what about marine animals, like fish? Interested in them?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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It was the proper answer, but was it the right one? Night Tracer was hard to read, and Celestia couldn't tell if he was being truthful of not. She decided to let it sit, confident that he was responsible enough to control himself when...


She blinked twice.


"Night Tracer, I believe it's your question," she said, clearing her thoughts.

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Night Tracer didn't know his next question was going to force Celestia to put her thoughts to reality but it was sort of his intent, even if it he didn't know for sure. "What would you think of Luna and I, having children?" He questioned, as he didn't know whether she thought of it positively or negatively. Guess he would soon know.  


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