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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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The Chatty Cathy, successor to the Gabby Gums, and the biggest source of news currently in the city of Bangcolt. And Diamond Tiara ran the whole thing, down to the individual workers. It was all hers; her pride and joy. Diamind Tiara almost deflated at hearing someone reger to it as "that newspaper."


"It's not just a newspaper," she said proudly, puffing herself up a little bit. "It's the chatty Cathy, the most popular gossip columnist magazine in the city. Ponies eat up all of the information about the contestants around here that we give to them, as well as other stuff, and we make a ton of money. It's simple." she said with a cocky smile.

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It was interesting to Blizzard how such a young pony could be so successful with one newspaper column. Although, he figured that referring to it by name would be a better course of action within the conversation. It sounded unreal to the point where Ice's jaw almost dropped to the floor if he hadn't held it up with his hoof.


"Damn," he said, amazed, "So you print gossip, huh? I'd love to read that sometime. And between you in me, I love a little dirt sometimes. Even when the joke's on me I get a laugh."


"I know it must be hard work, but it does sound like fun," Ice said with a smile, "Although, you got some pretty damn good skills working The Chatty Cathy. Got any new 'juice' lately?" he asked.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Tyra could only watch as the misshapen Lorec hobbled toward her, the right arm resting his large sword on his back and bulging unnaturally. He was just barely standing, and she knew it.


She wanted to honour his request, but she didn't want him to die. And she especially didn't want to be the cause of him dying.


He was not going to back down, so neither was she. She readied her axe and began to step forward, walking toward Lorec.


"Neither do I."

Lorec painstakingly began his charge, scars still glowing from him internalizing all of the Ursa king's power. His left arm simply dangled to

And fro as he charged at Tyra, as useless as a broken wheel from a wagon.


Beginning his swing as he charged in, Lorec would attempt an overhead swing coming around from behind his neck, slashing downward at Tyra diagonally again.




Naga, seemingly dumbfounded by this mare, glanced at the golden ticket that would allow him to enter the establishment. Still in the rain and getting soaked as his thoughts were processing, he eventually snapped out of it, and ran towards the hippie mare, eventually catching up to her.


" oi, before ya leave like a fledglin' Phoenix takin' to the higher seas, can I at least have the name of the gracious one who had mercy on little ol' Naga? And better yet, this ticket is good fer two, right?... Not invitin' you to the halabaloo is certainly bad karma, especially since yer the one it was meant fer! C'mon I'm sure it'll be fun!"


Naga said, excited to gain entry into the dance at last.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec painstakingly began his charge, scars still glowing from him internalizing all of the Ursa king's power. His left arm simply dangled to

And fro as he charged at Tyra, as useless as a broken wheel from a wagon.


Beginning his swing as he charged in, Lorec would attempt an overhead swing coming around from behind his neck, slashing downward at Tyra diagonally again.


Tyra also began her charge, her limbs aching from the conflict. She felt sluggish and weak, but if she could stand, she could fight.

Her head was turned to the side, ready to swing her axe upward, according to how the minotaur's right arm was positioned.

As his sword came down, her axe came up.




Sparks flew as the blades clashed, slung by their pained wielders, and locked in another stalemate.

Tyra, in a quick flash of thought, wondered if the same strategy as before would work...


She side-stepped, shifting her weight to the side, and hoped it would leave him vulnerable for a counterattack.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra also began her charge, her limbs aching from the conflict. She felt sluggish and weak, but if she could stand, she could fight.

Her head was turned to the side, ready to swing her axe upward, according to how the minotaur's right arm was positioned.

As his sword came down, her axe came up.




Sparks flew as the blades clashed, slung by their pained wielders, and locked in another stalemate.

Tyra, in a quick flash of thought, wondered if the same strategy as before would work...


She side-stepped, shifting her weight to the side, and hoped it would leave him vulnerable for a counterattack.

Lorec, the same as before, was sent reeling forward once more, a victim of the same tactic. However, having learned from his previous experience, Lorec planted his sword in the ground and used it as a pivot with his good hand as he stopped himself from tripping up even further.


Swinging back around to face Tyra as to not take another shot in one of his sides, Lorec began to unleash a powerful, sweeping kick from his right hoof in an attempt to catch Tyra by surprise. It's range was quite impressive, given the minotaur's stature, and would easily sweep the area behind him, where Tyra would be, a counterattack to a counterattack.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec, the same as before, was sent reeling forward once more, a victim of the same tactic. However, having learned from his previous experience, Lorec planted his sword in the ground and used it as a pivot with his good hand as he stopped himself from tripping up even further.


Swinging back around to face Tyra as to not take another shot in one of his sides, Lorec began to unleash a powerful, sweeping kick from his right hoof in an attempt to catch Tyra by surprise. It's range was quite impressive, given the minotaur's stature, and would easily sweep the area behind him, where Tyra would be, a counterattack to a counterattack.


Tyra smirked as her technique landed, but it seemed Lorec had indeed learned from the last time. He used his sword to prop himself up, then used his own momentum to swing around, sweeping his hoof toward her in a kick.


Even if she had time to try and dodge the attack, there was no time. She took the attack square in the side, sending her hurdling across the dirt plain and skidding to a stop after a few rolls.

She coughed, having the wind taken out of her, and tried to force herself back up. A searing pain engulfed the side of her body, like a few ribs had finally been shattered.


Her axe landed nearby, and she began a forced trudge over in attempt to grab it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Aknor nodded in agreement as she explained her future plans to him. When she finished he looked her in the eyes with a comforting look on his face, "That's good. You've clearly thought out and in full and you have the final plan set in stone and aren't leaving anything down to second chances. It takes a lot of confidence and courage to know exactly what your doing and who you are and to accept it and move forward with that." He had a question tingling at the tip of his tongue as he spoke but he decided to keep it in than to accidentally hurt somepony's feelings, or his own. "So, is there anything else you wanted to know about me?"


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Diamond Tiara deflated again. She had been caught off-guard, with nothing to show for her work, and she hated that more than anything.


"Actually, no," she responded to Ice Blizzard flatly. "The Chatty Cathy doesn't have anything interesting to run tomorrow at all. It's just a bunch of small-time articles about stuff that happened around the arena until we find the next big scoop. And I had to work late in order to even scrounge those up." she admitted with irritation. Sure, it was technically her peon's faults, but as a boss, she'd end up getting the blame for it anyway. It was just the risks of being a boss.




Trixie thought it over, the list of possible questions intermingling with the ones that would be appropriate to ask to a pony she just met. She came up with what she thought was a suitable answer, all things considered.


"I'm curious. What's your favorite pasttime?" she said, thinking she if she was going to get to know him, she may as well test the waters first.

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Ice felt sad. This filly worked hard to prove herself everyday, and had nothing to show for herself the next day. What could he do? Could he be a friend, and try to help her out? But what could he do?


He remembered a picture he had stuffed between a page of his old book. It was a picture of Rebilac and Strix getting beat by Anette and Wilhelm. He took it out, and showed it to her, "Hehehe..." he grinned evilly, "This is a picture I took after my friends Anette and Wilhelm beat the butts of Rebilac and Strix. Heheheee....you could use this for your article tomorrow.."


He stood back and cleared his throat "'Grey Pony & Griffon Partner Lose To Dolls!' You could use that tomorrow, and uh, let's keep it between us. If anypony asks, Chatty Cathy found this picture, ok?" he said with a wink.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Diamond Tiara caught the wink, but she didn't return it. Instead, the corners of her face tilted down, and her eyes narrowed into a slight scowl. She didn't do hand-outs, not even from ponies who were friends. What would her dad say?


"Thanks, but I don't need it," she said flatly. "I'll make my own pictures, i'll get my own news, and i'll do it by myself. I don't need any help." she concluded, turning her head away from Ice Blizzard quickly.

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Blizzard respected Diamond Tiara's wishes, and nodded, "I completely understand. You wanna do something yourself. I admire that."


He slipped the picture back into his book, and tried to think of something else to talk about, "Hm. A night like this reminds me of when me and my friends went to Tartarus. It was a very hard and long journey, and we had to fight--" he stopped and looked at DT, "Oh, uh, sorry. I sometimes like to tell that story, but I'll stop if it sounds boring," he said shyly.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Diamond Tiara tilted her head back and peered at ice Blizzard. He had to be bluffing; anypony that knew anything about Tartarus knew it was some kind of twisted place where nothing ever escaped. She certainly didn't think he fit the description of someone who had broken the odds.


"There's no way you made it into Tartarus. Or out! Nopony ever escapes from there! You're bluffing," she said mockingly, just barely reigning in the urge to stick out her tongue childishly.

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Tyra smirked as her technique landed, but it seemed Lorec had indeed learned from the last time. He used his sword to prop himself up, then used his own momentum to swing around, sweeping his hoof toward her in a kick.


Even if she had time to try and dodge the attack, there was no time. She took the attack square in the side, sending her hurdling across the dirt plain and skidding to a stop after a few rolls.

She coughed, having the wind taken out of her, and tried to force herself back up. A searing pain engulfed the side of her body, like a few ribs had finally been shattered.


Her axe landed nearby, and she began a forced trudge over in attempt to grab it.

Coming back around full circle from the kicking motion, Lorec, with his right arm still receiving the brunt of the power he internalized from the Ursa King, and his scars still glowing eerily.


Almost immediately following the finishing transition, Lorec once again dislodged the blade from the earth, and mounted it upon his shoulder again.


As Tyra began crawling for her weapon, Lorec walked excessively slow towards her, as if to give her time to retrieve her armament. A towering, wounded beast, the way Lorec walked towards her was... Unsettling. His left arm dangled back and forth, lifeless. His side was was bleeding profusely from the axe wound even still, and the cut under his eye had covered the lower right portion of his face in blood. And even still, he walked towards her as if none of it even pained him, or even mattered.


And even more unsettling was the wide grin on his face as he approached her.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@,(@, @@Orion Caelum, Mention'd for the references. XD)

Blizzard scoffed, "Ha. Actually, yes I did. Ahem.....Here's how it went" he put on a scratchy voice that he called his "narration voice". A voice that he sometimes used to playfully annoy his friends when calling them....

"Princess Celestia was looking for a team of ponies who were tough enough to retrieve a relic that she had lost down in Tartarus. She sent out letters hoping to find ponies that would be up to the task..."


Blizzard spoke normally for a moment, "I actually still have a copy of the letter I got...." he started flipping through pages of his book, until his took out a letter that was stuck between two pages. He then read the letter aloud to DT,



"I, Princess Celestia, hereby order the strongest and the smartest ponies in the land, please report to me in Canterlot. I will explain further, there."


He pointed to a certian part of the letter, "Thing still has her signature on it." He then continued in his scratchy narrator voice, "From there, 5 heroes gathered in the Canterlot throne room to respond to Celestia's summons:

Icesius Blizzard, AKA me: An earth pony who could control ice, and fight like a pro.

Caliber the Wanderer: The master swordspony, who's not only my best friend, but a damn good fighter.

Wilhelm de Winter: The master science wiz, and weapons expert. Another friend of mine who's here in the arena too.

Silver Sword: A noble Canterlot Guard who showed us the ropes, and kept us on track.

And Sinusoid Mixolydian: He may not have been much of a fighter, but he was very rational when it came to helping us make decisions that seemed like too great of an expense."


He cleared his throat, and drank some more of his soda before continuing, "Anyway, we all met in the throne room, and Celestia briefed us on our mission: To retrive an amulet. One that was more powerful than the alicorn amulet even! It was stolen by an evil idiot named...Eclipse." When Ice said his name, a loud bolt of lightning struck to accompany the dynamic of his name, "He had stolen the amulet from our Princess, and us five offered our services to help get it back."


If there was one thing Ice loved, it was reliving old memories of a good time, "I still remember Celestia saying, and I quote:




"I've called you all here for this one request: retrieve my amulet from tartarus, through whatever means necessary."


He then spoke in his normal voice, "Ooh, it gets really good from here. Want me to continue?" he asked with a big grin and wide eyes.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Coming back around full circle from the kicking motion, Lorec, with his right arm still receiving the brunt of the power he internalized from the Ursa King, and his scars still glowing eerily.


Almost immediately following the finishing transition, Lorec once again dislodged the blade from the earth, and mounted it upon his shoulder again.


As Tyra began crawling for her weapon, Lorec walked excessively slow towards her, as if to give her time to retrieve her armament. A towering, wounded beast, the way Lorec walked towards her was... Unsettling. His left arm dangled back and forth, lifeless. His side was was bleeding profusely from the axe wound even still, and the cut under his eye had covered the lower right portion of his face in blood. And even still, he walked towards her as if none of it even pained him, or even mattered.


And even more unsettling was the wide grin on his face as he approached her.


Tyra continued to weakly crawl toward her weapon, panting and gasping heavily as every inch forward felt like she had a building on her back. She could see Lorec was slowly edging toward her, the surreal movement and wide grin on his face was...actually unsettling.


He was so distorted and had done so much to his own body in this fight, and he still wanted to keep going.

Keeping true to her clan's creed, she would never back down, but this fight was taking such a toll on her. And it was only her first match!


She eventually reached her blade and weakly took it in her jaw, forcing herself into a shaky standing position. She turned and saw the misshapen Lorec creeping toward her...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Night Tracer gulped as his body temperature began to rise. He was nervous and scared. The gritting of his teeth and sweats breaking out from his scalpel couldn't make him seem any more on edge. A question he had always been fearful of; he had always dreaded. He would casually throw around his words and saying, "I have no family," and not meaning it. But the realization that he constantly drove away and refuted. It's pressure came crashing down suddenly. Nothing new, he knew he was alone. He acknowledged it, accepted it but it hurt worse and worse everytime he was reminded of it.

The question in his head caused his ears popped and his eyes to soften. It hurt. Strangely enough, with all the joy Bangcolt gave him. Beneath it, between the lines was pain. Everlasting pain that he couldn't avoid or disown. He wanted to cry. He never had a problem with crying like many stallions did but he didn't want to do it in front of Celestia at this given moment. It was a fun night overall and it would end the second he answered the question. He knew it would, it was bound to happen. He wouldn't be able to stand before her after that.

Night Tracer was frozen for a good 30 seconds, at the minimum. After a sigh and some deep thought he opened up his mouth to speak, "No, I don't," he let seep through his teeth. "They're go--," he choked up. 

Before he could continue, Octavia ran up to him at their table, "Tracey, you're up after, Rune." She spoke to him frantically. He didn't give a response so she grabbed him by his hoof and dragged him toward backstage, "Sorry," he mouthed to Celestia as he was pulled off.

Octavia had pulled him to the wings and asked, "What song are you doing?" She spoke quickly and worriedly in coherence with blinking with twice really fast; which, showed her sense of urgency. 

Once Octavia mentioned it and Night refocused, Night had realized. He didn't have a clue what he was going to perform. After some time of thinking, he decided to make something up to avoid further questioning and risking an old fashion Octavia breakdown. "I'm performing an original." He smiled sheepishly. 


Octavia smiled widely and said, "Oh, I love it when you do that. Best not disappont, I'm excited!" 


She wandered off leaving Night Tracer to wonder, "Where is my journal, dammit." because inside would hold his latest and greatest creation and his only way to keep to his word. 

(So dang rushed)

  • Brohoof 1


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Diamond Tiara stood back and looked suspiciously at Ice Blizzard. She was still incredulous.


"Anypony could have made that story up, though. And why did the princesses pick you guys in order to go into Tartarus? What about the royal guards, or the elements of harmony? Why didn't they go instead of you? Why exactly are you guys so special?" she continued to stare; there were so many things wrong with this plan, she was certain it was all made up. Ice Blizzard had to be lying.

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Blizzard understood the filly's disbelief, and tried to sway her, "Ok. This is the thing. As I recall, the Elements of Harmony were already taking care of something else, and uh..." he leaned in and whispered, "Celestia doesn't usually have the guards do stuff because they're not...the best..."


In truth, the Canterlot Guards were the worst form of security known to ponies. So much so, that he knew fillies that were more competent than the guards. He continued after another drink of soda, "We were 'picked' because Celestia had nopony else to turn to at that point in time. I'm sure if she did, she wouldn't have picked us."


After a moment of thinking, he got an idea, "Hey I got more proof for ya. Wanna see something cool?" he said with a smirk.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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..Luna had had enough. With a flap of her wings, the ghostly ballroom disappeared, leaving just her and the nightmare by themselves, standing above a pit as black as death.
"I want no more of this!" Luna shouted angrily at the Nightmare. The nightmare yet again gave a sigh, but it was a fake one. As her eyes opened up once again, they were malicious. She grinned evilly


"I don't think I need to do anymore." She walked up to Luna, proud and arrogant as ever, and leaned over and whispered in her ear.


"I've already won."


She began to laugh then, sadistically. Luna, in a rage, exited the world of shadows, the darkness pulling in over her head once again to leave the madness chuckling in the darkness.


..Luna emerged into the world of shadows, sweating and gasping. But, she she had a determined look in her eyes; she knew what she had to do. Once she calmed down enough to compose herself, she lit out of the window; in search of the dining hall. And Night Tracer.


...The time seemed to blur by, the world spinning as she moved through the dark night. But it wasn't fast enough for her, so she decided to change that. With little more than a burst of movement and a slight flash of moonlight, she teleported, leaving nothing but the cold wind trailing above Bangcolt...


She arrived on the stage of the hall, in a burst of light. She didn't waste any time in speaking, though.

"Night Tracer, I need to talk to you." she said, her eyes dark and serious, but radiating their own strange sadness...


Diamond still leveled that stare, looking Ice Blizzard straight in the face. Only this time, there was a look of determination on her face, determination to prove him wrong. If Ice Blizzard didn't have irrefutable evidence, he was as good as lying.

"Okay, go ahead and prove it, if you can." she stated challengingly, a devious look in her eyes. They may have been friends, but... a competition was still a competition. And she was out to win it now



Sleight Mist did something she usually would never do; she took the long way back to Caliber's house. She moved slowly, weaving in between buildings and taking round-about ways when she could have just gone straight forward. She even stopped for a moment in the rain, and began building intricate shapes out of all of the water that she could collect all around her. Anything in order to waste some time, so she didn't have to go back.


But, she could only stall so long, and eventually, she found herself back where she started; Caliber's house. The door was still unlocked, so she walked in, stepping lightly in order not to wake him. She thought about sitting down beside him again on the bed, but relented; she didn't want to wake him. Instead, she pulled up a chair, sitting quietly beside him...

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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A smile crossed Blizzard's face as he cleared his throat several times, "Ok....here we go...." after a moment of silence, Blizzard began screeching a high pitch, "Ee-e-e-e-e-e-eee-aaaaaah!" after he was done he said, "Waaaait for iiit...."


After a few minutes, a friendly demon bat came flying through an open window, and landed on Ice's shoulder, "Ah. Here he is. Diamond Tiara, meet my bat friend. Crusher. He's actually a demon bat from the depths of Tartarus. And there's no way that this could be disproved, because there are no bats that live up here that look like this."


The demon bat, "Crusher", sat on Ice's shoulders with its wings closed in. It looked like a black bat-shaped figure except for the red eyes that looked at Diamond Tiara. It was shy of the filly. "He and his bat friends were evil at first, but through saving his home from ruin, and taming him, I managed to become his friend. He still lives in Tartarus, but if I make that bat call, he'll come see me. Whaddya think DT? Proof enough for ya?" he asked smugly.


(The bat looks like this:




Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Diamond Tiara stepped back a little in shock when the bat,,,Crusher came flying in through the window. She hadn't actually expected Ice Blizzard to be telling the truth.


"Wow, you're real." she said in surprise, examining it. For something that came from Tartarus, it didn't look all that impressive. She was expecting something larger, maybe bigger than she was, and maybe dripping blood or something. But this thing looked innocent. Almost adorable...


Diamond Tiara had to bite her tongue to resist nearly gagging on her teeth, but she was filled with an insatiable curiosity now. She had to know one thing...


"Can I... touch it?" she asked hesitatingly, not quite sure if it was safe or not. For all she knew, it could be his own personal attack animal. She'd certainly seen worse.

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Ice smiled, "Sure you can. I know he might not scream, 'Tartarus', based on looks. But I can assure you, he's the real deal from the realm."


With Crusher on his shoulder, Ice walked slowly over to Diamond Tiara so that she could pet him. Crusher started to turn away from her out of shyness, "Easy boy. Easy. She won't hurt you," he turned to DT, "Like most wild animals, Crusher's actually more afraid of you, than you may be of him. But if you pet him in the right spot, he'll be fine."


Ice smiled again, as Crusher looked at DT with his red eyes, "And after you pet him, I'll show you why I call him, 'Crusher'."



Kevin sipped his glass of water, "Hm. Interesting. I was still thinking about how you were good with animals earlier, and I was hoping that I could find some interesting animals, which would then lead me to insects. Tell me, have you seen any strange or new kinds of animals in this city lately, Fluttershy?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"you only think that way because you so choose. you say gods, i say simply immortal. nothing more, nothing less. you say beings that could ravage the world, i say monsters to be stopped. you say fate determines everything...i say we simply shape our lives based off what we're told. of course, your welcome to just ignore my little way of thinking..." he sighed. "it just almost seems sad that this is how the majority of the ponies think..."




caliber had been snoozing, the zombie drunk keeping him knocked out. when sleight walked in, he merely shifted in his sleep, and continued. 


but he wasn't dreaming. he was having the worst nightmare he had ever had. once or twice, he twitched, reaching for a sword that wasn't there, kicking a leg or two at an enemy that wasn't present...


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So she was an engineer then. Sorta. Rain Shadow was actually curious as to how that sort of thing worked, as she had never seen magical engineering before, and no one in the changeling society ever used magic in that way. She wanted to ask about it, as well as about the machine that somehow had been brought to life, but Lektra looked a little busy, passing out fliers to anybody who needed them, (and, apparently some that didn't.) so she kept her mouth shut for the time being and just followed along with her, waiting for the proper time to strike up a conversation.


It seems she had the chance to speak now, though, if the filly who was looking at her expectantly was any indication. Rain Shadow tightened up immediately; she wasn't all that good with foals.


"Hi, i'm Rain Shadow, Lektra's...friend?" she said looking at the mare expectantly. "Friend." she said, deciding for herself through vocalization. She held out a hoof for a hoofshake.


"I'm just here to get to hang around and know some ponies. And you two would be...?"

"Yes, of course we're friends. Though I still say your mana is all wrong and you might have some kind of spell on you. I could look further, but there's probably a good reason for that. You could be horribly disfigured or something, but it's not my business." I winked at her, indicating the last part was a joke. Though was it? Seriously I should look through that spell like I did with Celestia. What's stopping me? Courtesy? Nah, I didn't bother with that when outing Celestia. The spell just didn't feel as high intensity as that one. Eh, she would tell me if she felt like it.


Flash opened his mouth to speak but I interceded. "These are my naughty fraternal twin kid siblings, Flash Bolt and Speed Bolt respectively. You know how someponies have an accent? Well Speed has kind of the same thing, except in her case she's forcibly trainer herself to speak as fast as she travels. It takes a certain kind of ear to understand her."


"Yup, but naughty? If you're referring to us showing up without your knowledge, mom and dad let us go." Explained Flash and he shook hooves with Rain Shadow. Or rather jumped up and gave her a high hoof. It was kinda above his level.


"Yeswehavepermission." Confirmed Speed as she did the same as her brother. "We'vecometowatchyoucompete. Alsotocarrybacksomeofthemoneyyou'vebeenrakingin."


"Money?" I raised an eyebrow quizzically. "What's this about money? I wasn't aware there was a payout involved."


"You're kidding? Please tell me you're kidding?" Flash was really surprised at this. "You mean you have never gone to the prize desk to pick up your winnings? We know from the papers that you've won all three of your matches so far."


"No, this is the first I hear of winnings and prizes. How do you know about this?" I asked Flash as he pulled out the pamphlet he got earlier and floated it to me silently. I skimmed it, finding the part he was referring to. "Wow, you're right. We can get this later." I floated the pamphlet back to him and he put it back in his saddlebag.


It looked like DJ and Octavia had started another number. It wasn't over yet.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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@@The Down Trotten,


The Three filly's who were causing a ruckus about Rhetoric were suddenly caught off guard as he approached them, "Hush, he's coming," Sweetie Belle screamed beneath her breath.


When Rhetoric approached them and began to speak Sweetie got scared. She grabbed both of her foal friends and pulled them away from Rash all the while screaming, "Stranger Danger!" Her friends, reluctantly followed against their will. 



Vinyl looked at him quirkily, and with a daring look on her face. As Rune was standing up on his hind legs, she walked by pushed him back. "I'll do it, but first. You got to put on a show," she smiled and whispered in his ear. She shot a mischevious gaze at Rune once she pulled back but couldn't contain her laughter and erupted into guffaw. "I'm sorry, I cant." She apologized under tears of laughter. 


"C'mon, let's get on stage. I think we're behind schedule anyway." She said, while walking up to the stage and into the wings. 

@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie curled up into a ball in the back of the cave and closed her eyes only to open them again and look brightly at Ash. "Oh, silly billy, Ashie." She chucked to Ash, "We do, well not we, but pegasi, which is sort of we, manages the weather. But that doesn't mean they communicate with us." She gave a wise look to Ash before nestling he head aneath her forelegs. "Goodnight, Ashie." She smiled and spoke, preparing to doze off. 

  • Brohoof 1


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