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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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" Greetings, and salutations. I couldn't help but wish to gather insight upon you. I hope it is not too much of a tedium, but I have never had the opportunity to study one of your kind before. Pray tell, you are a stag, are you not?" 



"That question actually reminds me of somepony we have met before... Can't put my hoof on it though"


"Oh i know exactly who he resembles. You will appreciate knowing that there is a small thicket over yonder you can lose pursuers in in the future"


"Well, uhm, actually, I have no idea what my species is. Everypony just calls me a stag, which is the one species i'm sure i'm not."


Enzo let out a small chuckle.


"Heck, even that purple alicorn egghead doesn't know what species.. i...am"


The hybrid trailed off and his eyes widened in realisation.


"Even...after.. hooking me up to those wires.. in her basement..."




"Shit, so that's who he resembles"


Stumbling back, Enzo's movements became skittish as he frantically looked around for the previously mentioned thicket. Remembering Khris's words he turned his head 'over yonder' and found his target.


"Uh, gotta go!"


The stag darted towards the thicket, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.

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Galtos folded his arms once more, and only chuckled a bit before reprimanding Tyra.


" Don't assume that if you've fought one, you have fought them all. Underestimating an opponent is a quick way to lose that life of yours, Shatterhoof. You almost found that out today. Maybe when you're older, stronger, and wiser, but not today. If and when you've become worthy of my time, you'll know... And I have a feeling that you will. "


Immediately shifting to Lorec, Galtos's tone changed to one of utmost seriousness and prideful authority.


" Now, the reason why I dragged you into this place was not only to congratulate you two on a battle well fought, but to ask Lorec to perform the rite of krigarguden."


Lorec, looking perplexed, spoke out. Not in refusal, but in an honest state of confusion.


" ... The rite? But why? That is reserved for when Saduaris is on its last heel, the trump card against any foreign invading force.... reserved for when even the strongest sons of Sadauris have fallen... The song that summons the pale rider.... you."


" Hmph. And a damn good song it is, with power to send fear through the most hardened warriors as they piss themselves in terror, slowly realizing that they have earned the ire of not just myself, but of every single Saduarian that they bled. A Shamanistic spell, invoked by the collective will of our people."


" But you never answered me... Why?"


" Because... I want everyone there to know. I want the princesses to know. I want the citizens of Equestria to know. I want our brethren to know. All creatures within the borders of the equine nation. I want Caliber to know. When that song is heard, and those who understand grasp the meaning, they will know that it beckons a storm."


" It... Will be done."


Tyra snorted and puffed out her cheeks in a pout from Galtos's reprimanding, but upon his last comment, her face pulled into more of a proud smirk as she raised her chin up.

"My thanks, Stormbringer," She said, keeping the smirk up, "You may rest assured that I will become stronger and wiser!"


Upon hearing the conversation between the two minotaurs, her face changed once again, this time into a head-tilted look of pure curiosity. "What is this rite you talk of?"



"The wise but harsh teacher?" Silver Spoon cracked a small smile. "Sounds like one of the plays I did at the Ponyville Schoolhouse with..." 


Her face fell, and she put out another dejected look.


"Jade? Do you really think I can help her? And that she'll still want to be friends with me? I might have messed up bad this time," she admitted, looking up at her openly as they walked.


Jade frowned upon seeing Silver Spoon's look of dejection, fearful that she had touched a nerve somehow. But upon hearing her query, her smile returned.


"Of course she will," She answered confidently, "If she truly sees you as a friend, there is no doubt she will let you help her."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Kazas would pull her in closer to him, and would use the mantle cloth as a cushion between his armor and her head so she wouldn't feel any discomfort. All Kazas could think of was holding her tightly for as long as Vera required. Knowing Lorec was safe as well, he could, with a clear mind and an uplifted heart, concentrate all efforts on his beloved. It was almost strange. Vera was very resistant to the world's attempts to break her, and yet... she was so fragile. And while mercenary work was best handled by those with cold hearts, the ashen griffon had only ever experienced the warmth of her love, which to him, was both a blessing and a privilege.


This was an amazing feat. Kazas was so noble, yet so moral bound that he couldn't seem to bypass what happened in the past. Fortunately, Vera was able to help him see what exactly was more important: The fact that he's kept his friends alive. By helping him see that, Vera felt a whole lot better knowing that the griffon she loves is ok.


She let go, and looked Kazas right in his eyes, "I will never judge you for who you are or what you've done. Nothing can even describe my level of--" She wiped her tears and laughed, "Oh, look at me. I'm crying like a little filly."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rainbow Dash trudged her way down the sidepath to get to Applejack's. Putting one hoof in front of another, trying to lift her heavy head but to no avail. Rainbow's head hung low while her back arched high--worry made a temporary niche in her face, spreading quickly, like a virus it turned her wide, vibrant eyes to closed windows. It turned her smile upside down and smoothed her ears until they were pointing directly to the ground. She let out a deep sigh and kicked a pebble in front of her. Just as easy to kick as her confidence. "Am I a good friend?" she'd ask only to be answered with the only answer she didn't want to hear, "No." Or that's what she believed. Rainbow could fly fast undoubtedly but never fast enough to run away from her pain--pity.




Twilight squinted, trying to get a better view of Rainbow Dash. She had gotten about 100 feet in front of Rarity in herself which was quite impressive for someone who's hooves and energy were limping. 


Twilight sighed and turned to Rarity, "Fine, I suppose, can't complain. Just been busy with princessy stuff, have hardly had time to read or hang out with my friends, or do science. It's a bit overbearing at times but it feels good knowing you have a purpose. All the work makes me feel like I'm doing things right so, that's a upside--How about yourself? 

@@Star Saber,


Pinkie was puzzled by Ash's first question, well, sort of a question. Not one he finished, nor did he intend to. That didn't bother Pinkie, shockingly, she was typically the first to get her mane in a mangle when she was left out of the know or she assumed something suspicious was going on. She was like an older black women in a barber shop, had to know about everyone and everything. But for whatever this didn't bother her too much. 


Ash then asked a relevant question for Pinkie to respond to, and she did exactly that, "My family...?" Her voice became more monotone than Ash had ever heard it, she was almost. "Well, first off, there's my sister Maud, she lives and in Bangcolt and he rocks. There are my other younger sisters, Pot Pie and Prissy Pie, two greyish looking mares... we don't really talk much anymore..." She trailed off, mumbling a few more inaudible things under her breath.


Then, a match sparked and Pinkie was smiling widely again, dimples buldging like pink balloons. "Oh and then there's my mom and dad." She concluded with her cheerful demeanor once again bustling through. 

Edited by Tacoma


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Talon gave a a proud snort, green flames flashing out briefly around him  puffed up. Moondancer, on the other hand, simply looked worried.


"Well, I was planning on waiting for the princesses to get back. One of them being gone is bad enough, but two? I don't know what to do about this," she sighed.


"It would appear for the moment there's nothing we can do," Talon interjected. "It looks like we can only sit on it, and trust their judgement." He skittered over to Moondancer's left shoulder, and she sighed mentally to herself.


"Why is it always me?"





"Maybe," Silver Spoon muttered. "She can be really stubborn when she wants to be. Like that time when..."


She paused, frowning bitterly.


"Never mind," she muttered, before she went back to her half-smile. "But there was this one day, on my first day at school, that I was being picked on. Someponies wanted to pick a fight with me because of my glasses...and the fact that we were poor," she added, tilting her glasses sub-consciously. "But, suddenly, Diamond Tiara comes barreling in out of nowhere and threatens to fight them all, and they take one look at her and go running off!" she grinned happily. "Afterwards, she wanted to walk me home, and even though I told her I was fine at least a thousand times, she still wanted to walk with me anyways. We became friends on that day," she finished, finally cracking a full smile at the happy memory.




@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer's blue arc beam swung out from her horn and over the group, and her jaw nearly dropped when she spotted Calibur.


"Calibur," she began softly as she dropped back to meet him. "The last time I saw you, you were headed back to your complex. What are you doing here?"




@The Down Trotten

Celestia paused and slowed up so she could walk a more even pace with Rhetoric.


"Rhetoric. I wish our second meeting had been under more pleasant circumstances. But, I am still glad to see you're here," she said smiling briefly, before it faded into something barely closer to a grimace.


"I apologize, however; it seems you may have to fight earlier than anticipated. The creatures of this world, born from darkness and fear, enough so that they have grown to desire it. They have no remorse, and no sense of being; your only choice will be to destroy them. But, don't be sad," she said quickly, smiling, "however real they may look, there was never any life in them to begin with. And every blow will be to protect those precious to you," she added, smiling gently.

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Ice knew how she felt. There were a lot of times when his friends would leave him, and he would be aware that he would not see them again. This was hitting Ice right inside, especially since he knew that Celestia was somewhat of a friend to him. However, because he didn't like seeing other ponies sad, Ice tries to cheer Moondancer up.


He put a hoof to her shoulder, and spoke, "Hey. I know how you feel. Whenever somepony important to me is gone I miss them too. And when they're missing it's worse. But, I know for a fact that Celestia is out there, looking for her sister as we speak. She's a noble pony who'd do anything for anyone, especially her sister."


He took a step back, began balancing on his hind legs, and juggling snowballs, "Besides, I'm pretty sure the last thing the princesses would want you, me, or anypony to be is worried about something like this. Worrying makes you stressed out, and stress can lead to--in the best case scenario-- a bad hairday. Not that I'm saying that about you, of course. Your hair looks beautiful."


After juggling the snowballs, he tossed them into the air, jumping upwards after them. While in midair, he bicycle-kicked all three, in a straight line, hitting a nearby tree and causing the birds in it to get annoyed, and fly away while cawing loudly. Ice then landed once again in front of Moondancer, and looked at the angry birds, "OOps. Um...Where was I? Oh yeah."


He turned back around to her and continued, "Anyway, Moondancer, Talon's right. All you have to do is leave it up to them, and I'm pretty sure this issue will be solved in a timely manner. Also, I know you're worried about them, but trust me, worrying will only make you feel worse, and it won't help the situation. If I were you, i'd at least wait until tomorrow before I start to worry, you know what I'm saying? Plus..." he looked around and whispered, "Since you've been living with them, if I were you, I'd take advantage of this opportunity and do things that I wouldn't normally be able to do while they're here. Like, I dunno...something crazy."


He then spoke normally, "Lastly, since you're worrying so much, you need a good friend to stand by you and reassure you of the fact that everything's gonna turn out ok. And by the looks of it, Talon here is that good friend of yours," he said, pointing a hoof to Talon and putting it back down, "Just from the few minutes I've been standing here, I can already tell you two must get along pretty well. And by the looks of it, MD, Talon doesn't want you to stress yourself out over this, ok? I don't either, because I would never wish the stress of constant fear upon to anypony. You see what I'm saying?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Maybe," Silver Spoon muttered. "She can be really stubborn when she wants to be. Like that time when..."


She paused, frowning bitterly.


"Never mind," she muttered, before she went back to her half-smile. "But there was this one day, on my first day at school, that I was being picked on. Someponies wanted to pick a fight with me because of my glasses...and the fact that we were poor," she added, tilting her glasses sub-consciously. "But, suddenly, Diamond Tiara comes barreling in out of nowhere and threatens to fight them all, and they take one look at her and go running off!" she grinned happily. "Afterwards, she wanted to walk me home, and even though I told her I was fine at least a thousand times, she still wanted to walk with me anyways. We became friends on that day," she finished, finally cracking a full smile at the happy memory.


Jade listened to Silver Spoon's story, and smiled at its conclusion. It was good to see such acts were present in Equestria.


"She truly sounds like an excellent friend," she commented, turning her smile down to the filly, "Such a good friend should be more than willing to speak to you again and let you help her."


She didn't want to say out loud, but she thought such a large pair of glasses on such a small filly was quite an adorable sight.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Fractured, @@Unicorncob,  


Minuette nodded and turned away from her friends to take her latex gloves off of the stubs at the end of her legs. "Looks like the last patient is a no show," She thought. 


After throwing her gloves away and wiping beneath her mane line she proposed an outing of the three, "Well, I'm sure you two have been hanging out quite frequently, actually, for a matter a fact I know  you have." Minnie chuckled. "And, I have a free night tonight... so, maybe, would you girls like to... maybe do something tonight? If you don't have plans, of course." She tried to look anxious although she really was, hoping they'd say yes. It'd been a while, a medium-long while, not enough that they were long lost but the minute details they knew about each other were. Bon Bon and Lyra  were always two peas in a pod, Minuette was just fighting to be in that pod. She was wanted, but was she loved? 



Fluttershy laid on the ground, sobbing, violently, choking over salty tears which caused the gashes and scrapes on her face to sting; it hurt, but it was incomparable to the pain her conscious faced. Cupid had shot her dead in the heart, bullseye. Loving and losing, going full circle, she now had to pay the price of opening her heart. It's not a cheap toll, in fact, there wasn't enough money in the world to heal her bleeding conscious. Fluttershy could work day in and day out at the highest paying job in Equestria and she wouldn't be a dime closer to removing her misfortune. 


Flutters continued to cry. She tried pulling herself up but she couldn't. Never could she? Couldn't stand up for herself at the market, couldn't go out on Nightmare Night, couldn't believe in herself enough which resulted in letting an entire town down. And she couldn't  save what she loved most--an indescribable feeling overcame her. It wasn't sadness or depression, it was something much, much worse; it was disappointment. She couldn't bare knowing what she'd done or in her instances, what she couldn't bring herself to do. She muttered, inaudibly, between breaks of tears, "I'm a-a-a failure."


Then a bold, overshadowing figure took a knee next to her. The figure coddled her, showed compassion; Fluttershy felt a bit more comfortable knowing she had someone by her side, but that couldn't challenge the overwhelming pain she felt. However, hope could, as the stranger made an offer. One quite peculiar, one of unheard of methods, sure some have claimed such things but it was witchcraft, sorcery. Dancing with the dead at the devil's ball was not something Fluttershy wanted to do, but she heard the words, "Second chance." And they were all that mattered, "Wha-What do you mean?" She said in awe; Fluttershy was ready to do anything for her animals, even if it meant the one and true dire--death.



Amethyst took Cloud Chaser's hooves as she helped her up. "Thanks," she said sincerely. A semi-grateful expression came over her. Unlike a child who was grateful for his brand new video games system; she was like a student who'd been kindly corrected by their math teacher. Wanted the help and appreciated it, greatly, but would rather be without it--or wouldn't of needed help in the first place. 



Dr. Whooves waited anxiously for Ditzy to make her decision and she did rather quickly. Ditzy must of been as excited as he was; he sure hoped so, but he wanted to keep her in suspense just a itzy, bitzy, little bit longer. "Oh, I can't tell you now, Can I? It'd ruin the surprise, my dear. Now, come with, and let's go, GERONIMO!" He said, skipping off of her white porch step, into her dewy lawn.  

Edited by Tacoma


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Amethyst took Cloud Chaser's hooves as she helped her up. "Thanks," she said sincerely. A semi-grateful expression came over her. Unlike a child who was grateful for his brand new video games system; she was like a student who'd been kindly corrected by their math teacher. Wanted the help and appreciated it, greatly, but would rather be without it--or wouldn't of needed help in the first place. 


"No prob," Cloud Chaser chirped, grinning at the unicorn and feeling rather proud that she could be some help, "As I was saying, I'm renting an apartment here in town and you're welcome to stay with me till you're back on your hooves. I'll help you get a job and everything you need."


She went to continue, then halted as she realised something. "Oh, never caught your name."


Dr. Whooves waited anxiously for Ditzy to make her decision and she did rather quickly. Ditzy must of been as excited as he was; he sure hoped so, but he wanted to keep her in suspense just a itzy, bitzy, little bit longer. "Oh, I can't tell you now, Can I? It'd ruin the surprise, my dear. Now, come with, and let's go, GERONIMO!" He said, skipping off of her white porch step, into her dewy lawn.  


Ditzy giggled at the Doctor's display of excitement, always finding the eccentric earth pony incredibly entertaining. His energy was one of the things that drew her to him.


Feeling rather inspired by his high spirits, she decided to get in on the fun.

"Allons-y!" She giggled, and hopped into the air to flutter after him.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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  "I apologize, however; it seems you may have to fight earlier than anticipated. The creatures of this world, born from darkness and fear, enough so that they have grown to desire it. They have no remorse, and no sense of being; your only choice will be to destroy them. But, don't be sad," she said quickly, smiling, "however real they may look, there was never any life in them to begin with. And every blow will be to protect those precious to you," she added, smiling gently.


"Wait, so are you saying that they're basically metaphysical illusions that want to cause fear and are attracted to darkness? If thats true we should dowse our lights. I know it sounds crazy but if I loved darkness and saw a bit of light in my living space, you'd bet I'd do all I can to put it out. We're like magnets right now!... And, and if they cause fear, our greatest fears then well we could manipulate that in our favor. We all of course have an inherent fear of dying and pain, but I think we all have something we fear greater... Like not being able to save Luna for instance... Or being alone for all enterintiy, or something even deeper... I think we should focus on those fears. I know it sounds crazy, but if we do that these creatures will try to make those fears seem real to us instead of trying to kill us or get to Luna... We literally need to face our deepest fears... Just remember they're just illusions... Well sort of..." he hoped that made at least some sense 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,



“Oh you know… was just in the neighbourhood after almost dying, taking a few hundred volts to the throat and sending the most annoying pegasus to the hospital.”Calibur smiled at Sunset; his cheery tone was a cover for how wrecked he felt at the moment. He made his own horn illuminate with magic, unfortunately not as bright as everypony else's but even a little seemed to help, “Then I thought I’d check in on you and see how Celestia was doing and then this happened. Long story short… I’m really bad at making impulse decisions…”


Calibur then turned to the armored pony, “Sure, I’d be willing to talk shop after this is over.”






“I see. My family was…” Ash let out a sigh, although it sounded more like a growl than anything else, “An overbearing mother, a self righteous father and a sister who was nothing but a whelp before I left them. They’re… not important anyways...”


From the tone of his voice, Ash wasn’t too fond of his family and Pinkie already knew he didn’t have any friends; well other than her. Ash ceased walking for a moment as something didn’t feel quite right. He looked up into the sky as he realized what was wrong, “Shouldn’t the sun be setting around this time?”

Edited by Star Saber
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"That question actually reminds me of somepony we have met before... Can't put my hoof on it though"


"Oh i know exactly who he resembles. You will appreciate knowing that there is a small thicket over yonder you can lose pursuers in in the future"


"Well, uhm, actually, I have no idea what my species is. Everypony just calls me a stag, which is the one species i'm sure i'm not."


Enzo let out a small chuckle.


"Heck, even that purple alicorn egghead doesn't know what species.. i...am"


The hybrid trailed off and his eyes widened in realisation.


"Even...after.. hooking me up to those wires.. in her basement..."




"Shit, so that's who he resembles"


Stumbling back, Enzo's movements became skittish as he frantically looked around for the previously mentioned thicket. Remembering Khris's words he turned his head 'over yonder' and found his target.


"Uh, gotta go!"


The stag darted towards the thicket, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.


Alrahm, having been left in the dust cloud that Enzo had so graciously left behind as he scampered away, coughed rather violently in the wake of the cloud. Thankfully, the old crone of a mage had not neglected his bifocals, which aided in shielding his eyes from having earth kicked up into them. Even still, as he was present within the cloud of dust, he could not pick up on Enzo's destination. maybe he had spooked him somehow?


As the dust settled, Alrahm's coughing ceased. Sighing, Alrahm only shook his head as he stroked his pridefully kept beard.


" Strange. Easily startled, detected a hint of recognition from subject. Possibly conclusion;.... I must remind him of something or someone that he holds negative associations with, and past trained response dictated that he flee from ill-conceived threat based from said past experience. Conclusion;... Damn you, Pavlov. heheh..."



This was an amazing feat. Kazas was so noble, yet so moral bound that he couldn't seem to bypass what happened in the past. Fortunately, Vera was able to help him see what exactly was more important: The fact that he's kept his friends alive. By helping him see that, Vera felt a whole lot better knowing that the griffon she loves is ok.


She let go, and looked Kazas right in his eyes, "I will never judge you for who you are or what you've done. Nothing can even describe my level of--" She wiped her tears and laughed, "Oh, look at me. I'm crying like a little filly."

Kazas, responding fervently, resumed to caress her soft cheek with his left claw. He was a passionate one, certainly. Always wanting to comfort and assure, He offered Vera that familiar faint smile, and stared into her eyes with his own. To him, those emerald eyes were the windows to a soul most extravagant. For Kazas, being borne of flame just as she was, it was nearly poetic that their destinies had intertwined and woven into each other so deeply in a short amount of time.


The ashen griffon spoke.


" And likewise, I will never be judgmental of you in any way, Vera. All creatures are deserving and worthy of forgiveness, for we are rendered immaculate within the eyes of the creator. And be not afraid to cry. In fact, I am happy that you trust me enough to show me this part of you. There is nothing wrong with letting it out, Vera. I think you are brave for doing so."





The stormbringer, looking toward Tyra now, didn't necessarily provide the answer that she was looking for.


" An explanation doesn't do it justice. If you really wish to know what it is, then follow in the footsteps of the Golden Horn beside you, and witness it for yourself. Is there anything else before I take my leave?"

Edited by Hokuto's Heir
  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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The stormbringer, looking toward Tyra now, didn't necessarily provide the answer that she was looking for.

" An explanation doesn't do it justice. If you really wish to know what it is, then follow in the footsteps of the Golden Horn beside you, and witness it for yourself. Is there anything else before I take my leave?"


Tyra cocked her head to the side, not exactly pleased with her answer. "Any answer is better than none, I suppose." She shrugged.


Upon hearing his final question, she allowed herself another. "How do we wake up from...wherever we are, and return amongst the real world?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Kazas, responding fervently, resumed to caress her soft cheek with his left claw. He was a passionate one, certainly. Always wanting to comfort and assure, He offered Vera that familiar faint smile, and stared into her eyes with his own. To him, those emerald eyes were the windows to a soul most extravagant. For Kazas, being borne of flame just as she was, it was nearly poetic that their destinies had intertwined and woven into each other so deeply in a short amount of time. The ashen griffon spoke. " And likewise, I will never be judgmental of you in any way, Vera. All creatures are deserving and worthy of forgiveness, for we are rendered immaculate within the eyes of the creator. And be not afraid to cry. In fact, I am happy that you trust me enough to show me this part of you. There is nothing wrong with letting it out, Vera. I think you are brave for doing so."


Vera cleared her throat a bit after crying so much. She was truly loving the tensity of the moment they were sharing and spoke in a hppay tone, "Yeah, you're right. Heehee. You're making me feel all...perky inside Kazas. I feel like a little filly again..going to school..."


Her tone then drooped, "Being witth my...parents...." she let out a sad sigh before looking out the window, "But those days are over now...."


A tear dropped from her face as she stood up, and walked to the window, still looking outside. Just then, she perked up, realizing Kazas was still there, and that she didn't want to make him sad, "So, anyway, what's your plan now, big boy? Is your friend ok?"



After hitting his head, reliving his past, and receiving an injection, Electron woke up in his hospital bed, rubbing his head as he opened his eyes. His head had a milk-white cast that was wrapped around it after the intense surgery the doctors had performed. He also had casts on both of his wings, neck, and all fours.

(Like this)





Because of his injuries, he couldn't really remember much of what happened before he ended up there. In fact, he could barely recal anything that had happened to him since he was in the city, "Ow....how long was I out? Ugh...I feel like dirt..."


Luckily, after some time, he was ready to leave. However, he was stopped by the guard that was standing outside of his door. The guard asked Electron to come with him. He obliged, and was formally escorted. Apparently, because of crimes he had done in the past, that included him send a storm over the city of Canterlot on purpose, caused him to have to make up for it, "Hm. I remember that. Good times. Goood times. Darn law caught up to me, I guess."


He didn't receive any brig time, however, he was sentenced to communtiy service. His first act? Hand out flyers for an upcoming Nightmare Night Party that was to be held in Bangcolt. He wouldn't be able to leave that spot, until all of his flyers were gone, "Well this is freakin' great. I can't go do my job, because I'm out here handing out flyers." He looked at the clocktower of the city, "*sigh* Well, at least work time is over for me and the crew. I guess I should just do it."


Without any further thoughts, he began to hand out flyers about the nightmare night party that was coming soon.He seemed to be acting differently, but he had no idea of that. It was due to his surgery, that things were somewhat differently with Electron's mindset now than before.

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"He's right, you know," Talon muttered. He stretched out his wings languidly over Moondancers. "You worry yourself too much about matters that you can't control, which will only cause more unnecessary stress in your life. And for mortals, you already don't have much to spare. I suggest you stop worrying and have a little faith," he uttered, causing Moondancer to frown.


"The fate of Equestria is at risk," she called out breathlessly, looking down at the ground bitterly. "Do I get to just wait for it to end, and act like nothing is wrong, is that it?" She looked up at Ice Blizzard, shaking her head.


"I can't do that."





"That was a long time ago," Silver Spoon replied, still carrying her half-smile. "But maybe somewhere in there, she still likes me," she whispered, mostly to herself, before looking back up at Jade.


"So, you said you're from the mountains of Neighsia, right? So, what are you doing all the way out here in Bangcolt?"




@Star Saber

"You love her," Nightmare Moon repeated, walking back a little ways. "And it seems maybe she cares about you as well. There is no other way you could be in this world. Somewhere, inside of Luna's mind, a piece you remained, and was brought back into this world. Which means you are bound to it..." and me, she thought with a smirk "...And you must fight to protect it, in the event that it comes under threat. Do you understand this?" She said, whirling back to face Eclipse suddenly.




@The Down Trotten@Star Saber


From underneath the mist and darkness of the World of Shadows, thousands of small, mite-sized beings scurried around en masse about the group. Spider-like, jet black and formless, and incredibly fast, they scuttled around on the ground on six stubby misshapen legs, eyeless, but knowing exactly where they were going. They were searching desperately for something. And it wasn't long before they found it. It waved alluringly in the air around them; magic, and life. Silently, painlessly, they crawled onto the legs of the group, one per pony. They wrapped themselves around the limbs, where they sat silently, waiting...


"It doesn't really matter," Trixie said, hoofwaving the question aside. "That was a long time ago, and while i'm still not happy about it, I won't ever let it consume me again. I..."


She paused, then looked back up at Lektra, smiling.


"I want to try to be my own pony now. And I will."


Provided we survive this, she thought distantly. Somewhere off beyond her, she could still hear the howling, and the further along they got, the more it sounded like it was picking up...




Sunset looked at Calibur and shook her head.


"You know, you're probably the most reckless stallion that i've ever. You don't even know what's happening, and you still charged in to save me and Celestia. It probably wasn't the brightest decision," she said. She eyed him with a tight lipped frown, but it quickly changed into a soft smile. "It was brave, though, i'll give you that." she said as shook her head once again. Her ears flip-flopped briefly, and she paused and frowned. Did she hear skittering?




Celestia looked over at Rhetoric, and sighed.


"My worst fear is one that's always in the back of my mind; I never let it leave," she said softly, closing her eyes.


"I'm walking through the streets of Canterlot, and everything is on fire. My city is destroyed, every inch of it; the buildings are rubble, and the streets are broken into pieces. Even the castle is gone, broken and twisted down to its very foundations.

The bodies of ponies are everywhere, strewn out as if the greatest calamity had befallen them. And it has; they're dead, or dying, all of them, and their calling out for somepony to save them. But, it's not my name they're calling..."


She closed her eyes tighter, and a small tear slipped out.


"Because i'm the one that caused it," she finished, walking forward silently.




In the darkness, new beings crept up through the mist. Ruby red eyes moved erratically on both ends of giant, bloated, centipede shaped bodies. Mouths snapped hungrily on the undersides of both ends, searching for food. Hundreds of legs made of pale, gleaming bone moved back and forth haphazardly over the landscape as they scuttled in, seeking out the new life that had entered their world.


The three being approached slowly, before rushing in to attack the group. The first of the beings rose up in front of Trixie, and she let out a gasp as its back end rose up out of the fog over its body, and hers. A pale, bony stinger emerged from its mouth as it rushed down to strike, and on the opposite side, two more of its brethren were performing similar events. One peeked out of the mist to throw its stinger from the side recklessly at Lektra, while the other attempted to wrap its long body around Calibur and strangle him.





"You wouldn't believe," Rarity said with a small smirk. "I've been kidnapped, nearly murdered, been to multiple hosiptal visits, and all within the span of a month." She said, giving an exasperated eye roll. "But..." she added, turning to Twilight with a small smile. "I did meet a wonderful stallion. I've never met someone who took the time out to do so many nice things for me." She stopped suddenly, wide-eyed. "Outside of you and the girls, obviously," she added quickly, waving a hoof absent-mindedly in the air.

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"That was a long time ago," Silver Spoon replied, still carrying her half-smile. "But maybe somewhere in there, she still likes me," she whispered, mostly to herself, before looking back up at Jade.


"So, you said you're from the mountains of Neighsia, right? So, what are you doing all the way out here in Bangcolt?"


Jade nodded once in agreement, overhearing Silver Spoon's whispering, and smiled down at her.


"Oh, well it's kind of funny," She admitted, grinning fondly as she walked along, "Graduates of our school usually go on a pilgrimage across different parts of the world, mostly to learn different fighting styles from warriors from different territories."


She glanced in the direction of the arena. "Which brought me here. I overheard that this city housed a fighting arena, with fighters from across the world attending. So of course I came to sign up...well, after I help you out, of course." She smiled.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice facehooved internally. It didn't seem like there was anything that could get her to stop thinking negatively, but he wasn't about to just stand here, and let somepony worry themselves to death. He shook his head and started to scramble a bit for what to say, "That's no what I'm....Hm...."


Putting a hoof to his chin, Ice began to think deeply, until he got an idea, and put his hoof to the ground, "Look. I know you're worried, as am I. But you have to understand that Celestia wouldn't want you to worry. I mean, yes Equestria is probs at stake, but you have to slow down, and calm yourself because you don't need to constantly worry yourself about this. You're not gonna make it any better. And....Hm...."


"Ok. I'm going to be honest here. Yes, the fact that they're gone is worth worrying about, and to be quite honest, I don't know where the princesses are either," he said with sympathy, "But I do know this: I've trusted and relied on my friends, family, and the princesses for longer than I can remember. I've always put trust in her, Princess Celestia, come through when any situation seems to big. She's always wanted the best for her ponies, and she'd do anything to keep others safe."


He looked up at the sky, "Everyday. Every single day, princess Clestia is out there, overseeing everything. She's always doing her best to ensure the safety of all those whom she cares for," he then looked back at Moondancer, "I'm not saying that you shouldn't be worried at all like, 'Oh, there's nothing to fear.' no. Fear and worry are natural emotions. However, I want you to at least put your trust in Celestia. I've trusted her my entire life, and now.."


He showed his medal to Moondancer once again, "I know for a fact that she trusts me," he said, putting it away again. "If Celestia entrusts you to live with her, and watch her home whilist she's gone, then I know you have it in you to trust her as well. Trust in the fact that she's out there, trust the fact that she's doing her best for the good of everypony in Equestria. Last I checked, she had recovered completely before I left her room at the hospital, and by now, she's already looking for her sister."


He went over, and hugged her, "I'm not asking you to trust me," he said, letting go of her, "I'm asking you to trust in Celestia. Can you do that, Moondancer?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rhetoric listened to his Princess with both sadness and understanding. True he wasn't a ruler of anything, but ironically enough he had a similar fear. He was going to share it but the darkness had decided there had been enough heart to heart.


As the terrifying creatures emerged, Rhetoric was for a moment frozen in fear, how could he not be, these things were disgusting and monstrous. Then his eyes saw one of them attack Trixie and his promise rang in his ears


"as long as I'm still breathing, your not dying.".


Yes he was scared but the fear of breaking his promise scared him more. he leaped at the creature, had enough time to murmur the words to his necklace and hope that he'd be able to at least set this monster off balance. There was no way he could take this thing alone, but he had a gut feeling that he didn't have to. 


Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Night Tracer pushed her hoof off his face, "Thanks, I appreciate it, but it's fine." He said, taking the rag from her hoof and propping himself up on the back of one of his forelegs. He pressed the cloth to his head and picked himself up, "Now, looks like I've got to re-clean a bar. " He chuckled cheerfully. His eyes scrunched and a light smile spread across his face as he began to walk out of the bathroom.


He turned his head to defend himself before he could be prosecuted, which he just assumed would be coming sooner or later, "Oh, and just to let you be aware, those stools are old. You'll want to get them replaced, better for me to fall than an unforgiving customer. I can reinforce the bases if you'd like, just let me know. However, reinvestment may be a better option. Just wanted to let you be aware... make sure you keep eye on your product, alright?" He smiled before heading off to wipe down the blood covered counter tops. "Ah, you just keep getting better and better with your impressions, don't you?" He silently chuckled, then resumed to work. 

Edited by Tacoma


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"I can." Moondancer muttered. She turned away, and looked up at the sky.


"I worry about her, though. And Luna. They both try so hard to keep things together for the rest of Equestria that they would do anything to protect it, even if that option isn't always the best in the long run. For them, or for the rest of us." She looked back down at Ice Blizzard. " I would know. I hear some of the decisions they make, and I see their faces when they think nopony's looking. They're ponies just like us." She let out a small sigh. "And maybe that's what scares me most."





"Well, if you're looking for fighting, I guess... you're here," Silver Spoon gave a false smile. "It seems to be one of the few things that all of the ponies here love to do. Fighting," she emphasized, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "I think I get too much of it sometimes. Between my family, Di, and Bangcolt, a little peace would be nice," she added, giving Jade a half-smile for a half-joke.





Applejack raised one eyebrow towards Night Tracer as she watched him leave. "You want fix my chairs, huh?" she said incredulously. She walked over to Night Tracer again.


"Thanks, but no thanks. I've been fixing chairs since I was a filly about Applebloom's age, and one more isn't going to break me. Besides, I know just as much as any carpenter, and it'll save me a whole lot of money on supplies. I've got this handled," she stated confidently.

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"Wha-What do you mean?" She said in awe; Fluttershy was ready to do anything for her animals, even if it meant the one and true dire--death.



Dran, the apparent traveler with an eldritch air about him, concluded his rather unseemly act of nuzzling Fluttershy, in order to stir her to attention. As he had come to expect, the forlorn element of kindness would react with such fervor when a possibility of a mulligan was offered. Even though he tried to conceal his expression with a feigning of impassiveness, the stranger gave a knowing grin for but a fleeting moment; the kind of grin that a foal would have upon discovering that they had received the gift of their dreams upon Hearth's Warming Eve. Speaking in a polite, comforting voice, Dran would cryptically make known his intentions and his offer. 


" This sudden deprivation of life has desecrated the sanctity of the world's balance.... Element of kindness, you must realize that your role in Equestria is tantamount to its common defense, correct? But alas, how can a shield defend the wielder, when it has been shattered...? We believe death to be the penultimate climax to all life. And in reality, this holds true many a time. But what if I told you that this needn't be the case? When one tosses a coin to the ground and witnesses it roll, it is almost assured that the coin shall fall, either upon heads, or upon tails. However, there is always the rarest of occurrences, of which the coin lands on its edge, refusing to play puppet to the expectations of others. The coin that has been cast tonight, is representative of your beloved companions' fate. Behind me, the shades of your cherished ones languish at their untimely passing, and even more so at your devastation, as you do for them. And why would any being expect a different reaction when death is viewed as the final farewell?"



Dran turned to look upon all of the souls that had followed him back to fluttershy's abode. All of them, as he said, were indeed lamenting the dreadful turn of events that had occurred tonight. The most prevalent however, was a small, snow white rabbit that was slowly hopping over to the duo's position. The rabbit was translucent, and gave off a weak, golden glow around its being. Wishing to comfort Fluttershy, the hare, sullen and despaired, nuzzled under her chin with loving intent. Dran had given the souls of the recently deceased a temporary form, closely resembling those that they had in life. A ghost, capable of limited interaction with those still on the mortal plane, but only if those still living willed it. Had Fluttershy not wanted physical contact with the shade, then it would have only phased through her, doing no harm. Turning back to her, Dran would finally disclose the dealings of which he wished to pursue.


" The laws of nature are clear. However the need for balance and the security of the world reigns supreme over such laws. So therefore, In order to preserve said balance, I make my various offers to you, with no attempt to hide any terms within the offer. First and foremost, I offer to completely and totally restore the physical vessels of those lost to the flames of atrophy tonight. Their souls shall inhabit these restored vessels, and they shall be as they were in their first life. I shall even add a few years to their natural lifespans, as it is well within my power to do so. However, The flesh of the reanimated tends to be weakened, and thus, they will require the flesh of other living beings every few months. While this indeed sounds sinister and malicious, I will personally promise you my head that it is not as terrible as you would believe. Any flesh can satisfy, and carnivores, such as your ursine friend, needn't even worry due to his dietary habit of fish. A simple resolution is that all animals, every quarter of the year, are fed fish, giving their souls the strength to sustain their bodies. I shall give an explanation as to why, if you will it. However, if you find this method unethical, and wish to pursue an alternative solution in which they shall exist in a world far more pure than our own, then I shall make an alternative offer; through much time, training, and attainment of magical prowess, I have the ability to open a gateway to the threshold between the afterlife and the plane upon which we exist. This threshold is known as the fields of Elysia, a beautiful, seemingly endless field of vibrant fauna and open skies that serves as the doorway to eternal bliss. Here, both shade and flesh coexist side by side, and may interact with each other freely. I shall give you one full day to rejoice with your beloved, and to say your final goodbyes before they cross the plains to their final destination. This offer could be seen as more acceptable to the natural order."


Dran brought his hoof to Fluttershy's cheek, and stroked it once before retracting his hoof. While comforting, the hoof was cold... Like a corpse. Finally, Dran spoke once more, and revealed what it was that he desired for such a precious opportunity. 


" All I ask in return, is that you allow me to view your memories, via a spell. While I can completely understand that our most intimate secrets are something held dear, I must see what you have seen. It shall not only aid me in locating the perpetrator of this crime, but I can also gleam from you the state of Equestria, and perhaps aid in protecting the other elements that form the shield that defend this nation. After all, there are those who seek to upset the balance, and I shall have none of that... It is not a high price, and this is all I am asking of you, nothing more, nothing less. Information, for the fate of your dearest animals... A trade that, while fair, does weigh heavily in your favor. Element of Kindness... Do you accept my offer?"





Kazas, attentive to Vera and seeing her become slightly emotionally distressed when memories of her parents had obviously resurfaced, was pondering whether or not he should engage in the subject with her. After all, she had just now finished crying, and was long overdue for some enjoyment. And considering the track record that Kazas had kept with his own parents, it wasn't like he was totally ignorant of her suffering, even though their situations were substantially different in this regard.


Deciding that he wanted to see Vera happy, Kazas answered her question with a smile of his own, and spoke in a rather uplifted and cheerful tone.


" Well, I was thinking maybe we should obtain something delicious for you to eat, considering your recent recovery. Afterwards, I would very much like to head back to the embassy, so that my affiliates and I can discuss giving you the vacant ambassador's room. After I successfully talk them into giving you use of that room...."


He paused, with a confident look in his golden eye. Confidence was one thing that Kazas usually never exuded, deferring to humility instead. However, there was something about Vera that brought out his inner pride. With her beside him, he felt he could do almost anything that he put his mind to. He didn't say he would try... He implied that it was a battle that he had already won, and he would make it so, for her.


" Then well... we'll go from there. And as for Lorec, he shall be fine. He and his opponent are to make a full recovery, so it has been told. I am quite proud of him. He has managed to evolve all the way past us and into levels of power that even I have not tapped into. It is my sincerest hope that I awaken as a keeper, just as Lorec has. We may even throw a party for him within the span of a week, and maybe you'll get to see how one glass of wine will send me to the floor, ha! So what do you think, Vera? This is just all suggestions. We can do whatever you wish."





Galtos nodded his head once, and responded in an assuring and prideful tone.


" Very soon, I will release my hold over Sifana, and then you will wake up fres-"




Within the field of dreams, a great roar could be heard ringing throughout the entirety of the area. It shook the area to its very core, almost causing an upheaval of an earthquake in its wake. Lorec almost lost his balance as he stilled himself from falling over. Galtos only stood resolute, unfazed by the occurrence. When the roar subsided, Galtos turned his head to the right, towards what seemed to be a distant mountain, tall, and absolutely massive in sheer size and scope. The Stormbringer sighed, and spoke nonchalantly, all the while as Lorec was gathering his thoughts and paraphernalia.


" Hmph. It seems that the only creature who can match Ciratha's pride has finally decided to bless us with his ever so gracious presence. I do not know what you two did, but congratulations; that is the roar of a Primordial. And he sounds damn angry, too."











For one moment that seemed like an eternity, There was nothing but the thunderous echo of these words to reverberate throughout the area, and then silence eventually prevailing once more. As the echo finally died off, Lorec had turned to face the mountain as well. Sighing like Galtos had, Lorec knew what was coming and played it off as though it were not an event worth noticing. Which, given that this was an unexpected presence in the dream that seemed unwelcome, coupled with the fact that whatever had just spoke had enough power just in its voice to shake the Earth, was rather unsettling. Speaking, Lorec  brought his palm to his face, and shook his head.


" I hate it when he acts like this... Let him have his words so he'll calm down faster, alright Tyra?"


As if the ground itself was nothing more than mere ocean water, the earth around the mountain began to shift exponentially, as a monstrous beast from far below had begun to stir... A great earthquake began to shake the foundations of the dreamworld, And an untold amount of debris was suddenly ejected into the sky, from behind the mountain, with such force that said debris had become as visible as an ant would be from standing position. And as it was, a great, golden beast would burst forth, from behind the mountain, roaring once again with great anger, in the general direction of Tyra and the others... It was an Ursa. An absolute terror of great physicality, from times long forgotten. This Ursa... It made even the biggest of majors seem like it had suffered a growth stunt early in life. As it emerged and climbed out of whatever hole that it had made, one could see that even on all four legs, this golden bear was taller than even the mountain, with legs as thick as it's base. In its abrupt anger, the Ursa reeled up on its hind legs, and swiped at the mountain. Like putty in the hooves of a five year old foal, the mountain gave way to the Ursa's force, and was almost immediately destroyed from the base upward, tons and tons of stone being displaced immediately, and falling to the world, causing yet another great Earthquake. 


Still standing on two hind legs, the Ursa fell back to the quadrupedic stance, and began to slowly walk towards the group of three. The mountain had to be at least 50 miles away, and yet this great, golden bear... It was almost covering half a mile with every step, causing tremors along the way that only grew in intensity.



Edited by Hokuto's Heir

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Ice nodded, "Exactly. They're ponies just like us, and they hurt too. I mean, on the outside, everypony bows and praises them. On the inside however, they secretly want to make friends and be happy just like the rest of us." He sighed, "I know for a fact that Celestia wants to be treated normally. In fact, just recently, Celestia was feeling down about the fact that she's supposedly defined by her title. And when another pony told her the blunt truth, it brought her to tears. However, I did my best to help her feel better, and for the time being, she was ok. That was pretty much how she and I became friends...sorta."


"Same goes for Luna. I haven't talked with her much since I've been here, however, I do know for a fact that she and her sister have the weight of Equestria to hold upon their shoulders. Yes, they may not make the right decisions all the time. Yes they make mistakes, and that is because, as we agreed: They're ponies just like you and me."


He stepped forward, and put a hoof to her shoulder, "But just because somepony makes a mistake, doesn't mean they cannot be forgiven." He stepped back, and made an ice ball in his hoof the size of a watermelon, "For example. Celly sending her sister to the moon. She never meant to do such a thing to her sister, and by now, they've definetly made up, and love each other again."


He leaned his head back, and headbutted the ice ball, sending icy dust everywhere momentarily, "Ahem. There's also a few other things that are...questionable that the princesses have done. But then one has to realize, they must have done at least a few things right if Equestria has been...mostly stable for as long as any of us can remember." He put a hoof to his chest and spoke proudly, "And I can truly say, it was awesome to work under them for the Tartarus mission. Because Celly and Luna? They're just so awesome, and not for their titles, but for who they are."


Taking out his book again, Ice looked at it with a smile, "My grandfather used to say, 'A pony is not defined by their title or rank. A true pony at heart is one who is kind, caring, and brave. For I would rather have a selfless buck private, than a self-centered general on my side.' Ahem, now that pretty much reiterates what I'm saying about Celestia and Luna being ponies, and that shouldn't scare you, MD. Because we're all the same as ponies, and yet we're all different at the same time."


"This is why I have faith in them both. Even at this moment I know in my heart that Celestia is doing whatever it takes to get her sister back. And I know she'll be just fine, because she's perfectly capable as a pony to get her sister back. See what I mean?" he said with the most confident grin ever. From the sky, however, it seemed as though the rain was picking up. It probably wouldn't cause a storm, but it would definetly soak anypony who stayed outside for too long.




Kazas, attentive to Vera and seeing her become slightly emotionally distressed when memories of her parents had obviously resurfaced, was pondering whether or not he should engage in the subject with her. After all, she had just now finished crying, and was long overdue for some enjoyment. And considering the track record that Kazas had kept with his own parents, it wasn't like he was totally ignorant of her suffering, even though their situations were substantially different in this regard. Deciding that he wanted to see Vera happy, Kazas answered her question with a smile of his own, and spoke in a rather uplifted and cheerful tone. " Well, I was thinking maybe we should obtain something delicious for you to eat, considering your recent recovery. Afterwards, I would very much like to head back to the embassy, so that my affiliates and I can discuss giving you the vacant ambassador's room. After I successfully talk them into giving you use of that room...." He paused, with a confident look in his golden eye. Confidence was one thing that Kazas usually never exuded, deferring to humility instead. However, there was something about Vera that brought out his inner pride. With her beside him, he felt he could do almost anything that he put his mind to. He didn't say he would try... He implied that it was a battle that he had already won, and he would make it so, for her. " Then well... we'll go from there. And as for Lorec, he shall be fine. He and his opponent are to make a full recovery, so it has been told. I am quite proud of him. He has managed to evolve all the way past us and into levels of power that even I have not tapped into. It is my sincerest hope that I awaken as a keeper, just as Lorec has. We may even throw a party for him within the span of a week, and maybe you'll get to see how one glass of wine will send me to the floor, ha! So what do you think, Vera? This is just all suggestions. We can do whatever you wish."


Vera laughed a little at Kazas's words. Just the thing she needed at this moment was a good laugh in her system to remove most of her sadness, and it worked. She began speaking in an upbeat toe once again, "Well, I guess I'm kinda hungry. Hahah. Getting the ever living crap beat out of you really works up an appetite. And I think the doctor said I should take it easy for a while, so I think I should go to that room later and get some rest."


In the back of her mind, she was still attempting to supress her fear of what would happen to her if something wasn't taken care of. However, Kazas was more important to her, and she decided not to care about it, "But uh, on you. Lead the way, Kazas," she said happily.

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Well, if you're looking for fighting, I guess... you're here," Silver Spoon gave a false smile. "It seems to be one of the few things that all of the ponies here love to do. Fighting," she emphasized, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "I think I get too much of it sometimes. Between my family, Di, and Bangcolt, a little peace would be nice," she added, giving Jade a half-smile for a half-joke.


"Well, I am no barbarous fool," Jade assured her, giving Silver Spoon a genuine smile in return, "but I suppose such a type is to be expected when you live in a city hosting a fighting arena, hm?"


Her smile faded as she realised something the filly had said. "Your family? What about them, if I may ask?"



Galtos nodded his head once, and responded in an assuring and prideful tone.


" Very soon, I will release my hold over Sifana, and then you will wake up fres-"




Within the field of dreams, a great roar could be heard ringing throughout the entirety of the area. It shook the area to its very core, almost causing an upheaval of an earthquake in its wake. Lorec almost lost his balance as he stilled himself from falling over. Galtos only stood resolute, unfazed by the occurrence. When the roar subsided, Galtos turned his head to the right, towards what seemed to be a distant mountain, tall, and absolutely massive in sheer size and scope. The Stormbringer sighed, and spoke nonchalantly, all the while as Lorec was gathering his thoughts and paraphernalia.


" Hmph. It seems that the only creature who can match Ciratha's pride has finally decided to bless us with his ever so gracious presence. I do not know what you two did, but congratulations; that is the roar of a Primordial. And he sounds damn angry, too."











For one moment that seemed like an eternity, There was nothing but the thunderous echo of these words to reverberate throughout the area, and then silence eventually prevailing once more. As the echo finally died off, Lorec had turned to face the mountain as well. Sighing like Galtos had, Lorec knew what was coming and played it off as though it were not an event worth noticing. Which, given that this was an unexpected presence in the dream that seemed unwelcome, coupled with the fact that whatever had just spoke had enough power just in its voice to shake the Earth, was rather unsettling. Speaking, Lorec  brought his palm to his face, and shook his head.


" I hate it when he acts like this... Let him have his words so he'll calm down faster, alright Tyra?"


As if the ground itself was nothing more than mere ocean water, the earth around the mountain began to shift exponentially, as a monstrous beast from far below had begun to stir... A great earthquake began to shake the foundations of the dreamworld, And an untold amount of debris was suddenly ejected into the sky, from behind the mountain, with such force that said debris had become as visible as an ant would be from standing position. And as it was, a great, golden beast would burst forth, from behind the mountain, roaring once again with great anger, in the general direction of Tyra and the others... It was an Ursa. An absolute terror of great physicality, from times long forgotten. This Ursa... It made even the biggest of majors seem like it had suffered a growth stunt early in life. As it emerged and climbed out of whatever hole that it had made, one could see that even on all four legs, this golden bear was taller than even the mountain, with legs as thick as it's base. In its abrupt anger, the Ursa reeled up on its hind legs, and swiped at the mountain. Like putty in the hooves of a five year old foal, the mountain gave way to the Ursa's force, and was almost immediately destroyed from the base upward, tons and tons of stone being displaced immediately, and falling to the world, causing yet another great Earthquake. 


Still standing on two hind legs, the Ursa fell back to the quadrupedic stance, and began to slowly walk towards the group of three. The mountain had to be at least 50 miles away, and yet this great, golden bear... It was almost covering half a mile with every step, causing tremors along the way that only grew in intensity.




Tyra suddenly perked up to attention from the roar, looking all around her for the source of the earthshaking roar.

"What in the Realms was that?!" She yelled, out of surprise rather than fear.


She had heard her name, in a literal ground-quaking voice. Some unseen force was calling her out.


A true Shatterhoof at heart, she stood firm, glaring at the rising golden form from behind the mountain, ready to answer its challenge. Dream or no dream, there was no creature she had met that had made her back down from a fight.

"Then come forth and face me eye-to-eye!" She demanded, not caring whether it had heard her or not.


She looked up at Lorec, and tilted her head at his words. "You are familiar with this creature? And this is common behaviour?"


She watched as the planet-like Ursa swatted the mountain into nothingness. Such raw power, and it was coming to her instead of the two minotaurs. But why?


She felt every earthquaking step of the Ursa in her hooves, and heard its introduction as it vibrated what felt like her every bone.

"Viruden, the Ursa King," She repeated to herself, recalling the name, then gasped as she realised, "You are the one whose power Lorec drawed on in our battle!"


Instead of feeling intimidated...she was almost excited by this King's presence. "Sleipnir's mane, you are huge! Not even the biggest Ursa in the forest near my village comes close to you! And you have the power to destroy the very mountains!"


She blinked, and a giddiness grew inside as she realised something else. "I truly defeated such power...?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Night Tracer ran the dirty rag under the faucet, thick, wet blood rinsed, pooling at the base of the sink and emptying out through the entry way of the garbadge disposal. He twisted the rag once again with his hooves and the enduring bit of blood was forced out and into the sink, drip by drip, bit by bit; Night had gotten almost all of it out. "Good enough," he shrugged. 


Night began scrubbing down the earth yellow counter. Blood sifted around and seeped but most of it was absorbed after a bit of elbow grease and persistence. He wiped his forehead for sweat but there was none, just trace remains of velvet; Night rolled his and reached over the counter. He turned the faucet back on to rinse the blood off the back of his right foreleg.


He glanced up towards the bathroom entrance to see Applejack who looked rather proud of herself, "Well, looks like you and I are much alike in that sense, well carpentry, but not what I was going for--I mean pride. You seem like," Night Tracer paused, "No you are a very prideful pony. I admire that, I really do. But as am I." He offered a complacent smile. "So, with that being said, try to think of me as you think someone would think of yourself, alright? Now, if you want to renforce the barstools, go ahead. I just offered." He grinned, then, looked back down, resuming his monotonous task. 


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The duo stepped through the doors of the training arena and saw skitz wasn't there.

"Skitz? You here?" Green said.

No response.

"You said he'd be here, Mars."


"I thought he'd be here. I don't know where he'd be other than here." Mars started walking out of the training arena.


"I think I have another idea of where he might b-"

He was interrupted by a steel waffle shooting through the air faster than he could react and he was whacked in the leg, which sent him tumbling sideways back into a wall.


Another waffle flew at Green.

Before it could hit him he shot it with a bolt of lightning, causing it to slam into the ground and bounce straight back up and he hit it back at whatever direction it came from and he rushed over to Mars.

"Are you ok? Where did it hit you?"

Mars pointed to his leg.

"You'll be fine."

Skitz walked towards them, coming from behind a wall with his eyes closed.

"What the buck, Skitz?"

Skitz said nothing. He just got in front of Green fast. Very fast. Unnaturally fast. Skitz threw a light punch, which was blocked by the flat of Green's sword, and a fake right that turned into a hard left. The left hit its target and Green was knocked back a little bit, but not enough to knock him out.

"Mars! Get up! I need some help Skitz lost it!"

Skitz was waiting on Green to make a move and Green made a move in the form of a fast swipe at Skitz's legs with the dull side of his sword. Skitz countered with a jump and a heavy kick to the chest that Green blocked, but it was still enough to send him sliding back a few feet.

Mars stood up next to Green.

"What's wrong with him?!?" Mars yelled.

"I don't know, but he's way stronger than I remember him."

Mars stepped towards Skitz in a ready position and threw a hard right which was dodged and countered with a punch that can only be described as a vertical half circle, ending at Mars' face. A loud crack was heard throughout the area. It seems Skitz broke his hoof when he hit Mars.

He opened his eyes and fell to the floor holding his broken hoof and crying. "What happened? Why am I here? What did you guys do to me?" He looked up at Green, who was bleeding out of his mouth, and looked to Mars, who was knocked out on the floor in front of him.

"Were you asleep?!" Green yelled.

"Maybe!!" Skitz yelled back.

Green was about to start yelling at him, but he was interrupted by Mars who started snoring.

"We all need to go to the hospital. Come on help me pick him up." Green said to Skitz. They picked him up and started to fly towards the hospital.

"Why the notes?" Green asked.


Skitz activated so he could talk straight. "At first it was a plan to fix Mars' door and scare him a little bit in the process, but then you two beat me up in front if the training arena."


Green chuckled

"Noo, I'm pretty sure you beat us up. That whole broken leg thing or whatever you have is a result of you hitting Mars harder than I've ever seen anything hit."


"So...your paying the medical bills riight, buddy?" Skitz asked.


"Nope. You are." Green said then started laughing.

"Or even better yet, let's just have Mars pay it."


"That would be hilarious. Yeah. Lets do that."

Edited by Mars Orbit
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