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@@Star Saber,

Electron smirked, "Well, if you don't know who you are, you better find out soon." He started to look Calibur over, and noticed how different he looked compared to all the others, "You're different from most of the others around here. But you better be worth something, or else you're wasting your time in this city."


He cleared his throat and elaborated, "The ponies who're here all have some kind of combat prowess and aren't a pushover. So you better be able to do" He snickered evilly, "Well, most of them do. If you meet a guy called Ice Blizzard, don't let his name stick. He's nothing but crappy a wash-out who's more pitiful than the dirt we're standing on. So yeah, don't care about him. Everone else? Good."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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“Thanks for the advice.” Calibur responded flatly and sarcastically. As if he needed another reminder of just how flattened he got earlier. Sure Electron had a point but it was one Calibur had already learnt.


“As for Ice Blizzard, I already met him briefly, but from what I can tell he’s already a better pony than you.” Calibur’s eyes narrowed, “But to reference you earlier, yeah you’re worth more than him… about 19k bits more if my memory serves.”

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@@Star Saber,

Electron felt superior. His high bounty made his ego grow, and he cockily replied, "Well duh. Of course I'm worth more. I've done way more things than him and I'm officially better because I'm not living in another world."


He turned away, "All his life he's been a 'hero', but now, he's losing everything. I mean, come on. He ruined my life. That's unforgivable. And what makes you think he's better than me in the first place?" he asked, turning around with a confused expression.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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This pegasus was really starting get on Calibur’s nerves which having almost died or lack of sleep didn’t help. It wasn’t hard to tell that Electron had some issues with Ice; not that Calibur really cared he didn’t know either of them well. As Electron turned around, Calibur drew a revolver and pointed it at the back of Electron’s head, he didn’t know whether the bounty on him was Dead or Alive or just Alive but at this point he couldn’t really care either way, but no… that’d be wrong.


Electron turned back to Calibur and Calibur still had his gun raised; “Well for one, Ice wasn’t a cocky little bastard who obviously liked gloating to any pony that’ll listen. He also didn’t piss me off in the first minute upon me meeting him. He also didn’t do this when I was in a foul mood. So what I’m trying to say is...”


“Why shouldn’t take you in for a small pay day?”

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Silver Spoon halted suddenly outside the entrance to the Chatty Cathy as she heard the voices calling her. She stood right next to them; the stranger that had stopped to ask her her question, and Ice Blizzard, the pony that had started all of this. She didn't face either of them, and instead closed her eyes as she spoke, calm enough that both ponies would be able to hear a pin drop, and tell that something was terribly, terribly wrong.


"I was scared. I was just trying to help her. That's all I wanted to do. That's all I ever wanted to do. And I blew it. I lost my best friend. Maybe forever."


She turned slowly towards Ice Blizzard, and regarded him coldly. There wasn't venom on her voice, however; it carried its own sort of emptiness, as hollow and deep as a pit in Tartarus.


"You. You did this. You told me to talk to her, and to retract the article. Well, you'll be glad to know that I did. And now everything's ruined. I lost everything..."


She went to finish the sentence, but never made it. She sucked in a sob, and began to cough heavily in response.




@The Down Trotten

Trixie kept a tight face. To be honest, she didn't she would cry over this pony should he come to injury. But, the idea of him being injured didn't entertain to her in the slightest. She'd seen enough of injuries here. And most of them had been her own.


"Well, I think that one." Alula pointed towards the necklace that was currently on the counter, breaking Trixie's thoughts.


"Oh, right. Hero's Necklace." She held the object up for Rhetoric to look at once again. "When you're in danger, all you have to do is whisper the right words..."


She levitated the necklace close to her, and closed her eyes as she whispered, like she was giving a prayer.




The necklace didn't seem to respond for a moment. Then, before her eyes, the entire thing shook slightly, like it was being tossed about in a small earthquake. It then slowly began to shift colors, until Trixie now seemed to hold what appeared to be the same necklace, only solid green and made out of emeralds. But, she wasn't quite done yet.




The necklace once again began to shift, only this time it did so violently, as if it were somehow caught in a gale force wind. The green bled away to red as Trixie held it, the emerald necklace now becoming a dark, blood red color as she held it. Trixie paused for a moment, allowing Rhetoric time to understand, before finally, she whispered the final words.




The necklace simply paled in response. It faded to a pale, sickly red, then flashed back to its original blue color almost instantly. Trixie, unperturbed, set it back down on the table, before she broke eye contact with it, looking at Rhetoric once again.


"This necklace can boost your physicality. Strength, speed, pain resistance... The first phrase will increase your body's abilities by twice what they are now, the second phrase five. But, it's only a magical fix; it doesn't actually alter your body's muscle structure. You might not be able to feel it while you're using it, but if you turn it off, using the third phrase, if you've gone through a brick wall, you will actually feel like you've gone through a brick wall. Obviously, be careful with this; you can train with it if you like, but only use it in an emergency. Your body will thank you," she finished, and she smirked lightly as she found the little bit of mirth left in this situation.


"So, you're going to fight, too?" Erroria peered over his shoulder once again and looked at the necklace curiously. "Awesome," she grinned.




In virtually no time at all, Applejack had finished all of the mugs in the sink. She looked at them proudly; they were cleaned and stacked high, shining as bright and as clean as solid crystal behind the counter. Applejack finished the last one of them, polishing it off with lightning efficiency, then she calmly placed the rag down. Without any fuss, she trotted over to the mop that she had gotten earlier, picked it up, and began to clean. She started behind the counter, and slowly worked her way to the back of the bar, with a motion that had its own rhythmic qualities to it, like she was starting her own private dance.


"Well, looks like we'll be getting this done in only half the time. Now that's what I call teamwork," she said encouragingly, sporting another small smile. They'd be done within ten minutes, if not less.






Sunset Shimmer had stopped gathering magic, and the room stood deathly cold now, frost building on the inside of the building in tiny fractals. The lone source of heat in the room seemed to be the area around her horn, which was glowing bright white with intensity. Her face was twisted up in agony as she held it; keeping this much magic inside was causing unreal amounts of pain, like a sawblade cutting into her sides. But, she held it regardless; she had to. She had one more process to go through.


She stumbled forward one slow, shaky step at a time. She closed the short distance between herself and her barely breathing teacher in a moment that felt like forever. Then, she knelt, standing over Celestia close enough to feel the warmth of her own breath. And to watch the teardrops fall.


"I'm sorry," she whispered, as she touched her horn to Celestia's flank.


The reaction was immediate. Celestia's body twitched as darkness exploded out of her body in waves all across the room, taking on a multitude of twisted, evil shapes in the air around her as it seethed, searching for a path out. Before it could escape, however, it was pulled in by the magic shining from Sunset Shimmer's horn, being sucked in through the tip like it was being pulled down a faucet. Sunset Shimmer cried out; it felt like her insides were on fire. And she was changing. Her horn started to curve, becoming long and sharp like a dagger. Her eyes tinted, becoming a deep, violent red, and her pupils narrowed to slits. Black spots began to appear as well, showing up on her body indeterminately and increasing in size as, moving upward as the the darkness slowly ate at her very being, corrupting her.

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@@Star Saber,

Electron stopped on the spot. He knew that he was in a troubling situation, and that standing down would be the best idea, "Hold up, hold up, hold up." He put his hooves up, "Dude. You don't even realize. I've already won. I've already proved I'm better. You don't even realize what he's done. He's ruined the lives of so many other ponies it's ridiculous. Every time he's tried to help someone, it's always made it worse, and I was happy to finally see him suffer. He's always had a superiority complex over everypony he meets, and he doesn't actually care about anypony but himself. It's disgraceful."


He chuckled, "I've known him for all my lifem and he shunned me after getting his powers. He was never worth being his friend, and I lost the only friend I had. I protected him in school from bullies, and did all I could to be his friend, but once he got those powers of his, it just ended our friendship. Now, after being struck by lightning, I lost brain cells, and became unable to properly feel sympathy towards anyone."


He turned around quickly, and pointed at Calibur, "You don't know what I've been through. I've been ridiculed all my life, and trated like dirt. Now that that snowball is suffering from being an idiot messing with other ponies lives, as well as losing any chance he has at earning a marefriend. You know why? Because he's stupid. He's literally the stupidest pony I've ever met, and I don't think whatever you have to say holds any weight, because you've met him too."


He started to hover, and folded his forelegs, resembling an armfold, "So, go ahead. Do what you want. I don't care anymore. Because I've won. There's literally nothing you could do right now to destroy my mood, because I have finally proved that I am better than that stupid blue idiot. From here, I'm gonna make sure he stays suffering for all his life, while I enjoy my life due to how much I don't interfere with others' lives, as well as being smarter in general."


He laughed and grew the cockiest smile he could ever make, "Well, what are you waiting for? You hear what I said? What, did your gun jam up like your brain? HAHA."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Star Saber

"Yes," an eerie voice called out from the shadows, with a voice that seemed to echo everywhere at once. Suddenly, the room shifted and changed, becoming a black, misty field, fog hanging above the grass like a dying breath. The bed that Luna rested on changed too, becoming soft as it floated harmlessly above the ground


"Princess Luna..." Nightmare walked calmly out of the shadows, and the things that hung just beyond the frame of sight scattered at her presence. She sauntered up to Eclipse, moving around him slowly.


"And me, her other half. Her daughter, and so much more. I share everything with her...Eclipse." She stared at him unblinking at she tried to guage one question; friend or foe?

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As the hissing fog filled the room, Eclipse drew a scythe from the shadows around him and prepared himself for a fight. However when Nightmare Moon revealed herself his stance dropped and a look of confusion formed on his face.


“...Wha? What’s going on, how come there’s two of you?” Eclipse’s gaze repeatedly turned from Luna and Nightmare Moon. He had never considered the two of them separate entities and seeing the two of them at the same time was hurting his head, “...Wait… Daughter? What?”


Eclipse’s scythe dematerialized and he clutched his head with his front hooves, “W-Where am I? What’s going on… the last thing I remember… was when you were sealed away…”





“You know. You’re spouting all this crap coming from your mouth but you’ve overlooked one important detail.” Calibur said gritting his teeth, “I don’t care.”

“To me you’re just another price figure.” With that, Calibur took aim at Electron’s wing while drawing his other revolver, muttering under his breath. “Sorry Anette… looks like I lied to you…”

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@@Star Saber,

Electron grew and evil grin when he saw Calibur draw. He was ready for a fight, "Bring it!" In a flash, Electron was already taking aim for Calibur's horn. With an electrocuted horn, his magic would be neutralized. He dodged the bullets, and immediately shot several electric projectiles at Calibur's horn.


He then flew back, and started to fly full speed, and headfirst towards Calibur with an electric current surrounding him, "Come on, you old bastard! Show me that you're not a worthless pile of talk, and do something!"

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rain Shadow flew overhead, passing over buildings and ponies heads indeterminately. She was following something stronger then all of those things, stronger almost than her own impulses; the smell of another changeling. And, judging by the strength of the pheremones, more than one. And nearby.


Rain Shadow dropped down a small distance away from the source of the scent, two ponies who seemed to be heading to the arena. She walked up to them, not bothering to drop her pegasus disguise; if they were changelings, doubtless they'd be able to see through hers as well. She walked up to them nonchalantly, even bearing a small smile


"Hi, guys, i'm Rain Shadow. It's nice to meet you, and welcome to Bangcolt!"

Chrissy sensed the pheromones, but it was Incognito who spoke first. "This one is...."


"....of our clan, though I wasn't aware of anyone being sent here. I certainly didn't authorize it." There was no denying it as she spoke in a low voice. "Hi. I'm Chrissy and this is Incognito. We're on business here in Bangcolt. Perhaps the three of us should talk in private?" She was about to suggest an alley or a bar when she sensed something that shouldn't be here.


Darkness. Intense darkness. The kind of darkness that had bubbled in her after being exiled to the Badlands, and while planning her revenge. Planning the failed Canterlot invasion. "No. Not this." She bit her lip, grabbing Rain Shadow with one forehoof and Incognito with another. "Please forgive me. I'll explain everything later, if we survive." Her horn glowed bright green as she locked on to the signature that had just appeared. The cold. The intense cold. Then she teleported herself and the other two to it.

Sunset Shimmer stood off to the side as Lektra worked, taking deep breaths and greatly resisting the urge the panic. She chanted mantras in order to keep herself calm. Her princess was dying, but she could save her...her princess was dying, but she could save her... She drew herself into her own comfort zone, the world of cold, unfeeling logic and rules. And solutions. She walked over to Celestia when Lektra was finished, horn glowing as she magically scanned her former teacher's body.


"Okay," Suset Shimmer muttered, taking one more deep breath and closing her eyes before beginning. "So, her mana levels are low. But..." Another deep breath. "She's an alicorn, and her mana levels should be self-regenerating. She should be recovering. So..." She paused, deep in concentration. Her mind raced furiously, possibilities whirling through her mind at lightning speeds as she stood still, barely breathing.


"...Something's blocking her. It's stopping her magic," she muttered in conclusion as she arrived at the answer. And, to her, this answer was intuitive. Although she had never been to world that Celestia had gone to, she had heard about it, and she could make a safe guess what the cause was. And what the solution would be.


"Step back. I haven't tried this spell in a while," she warned Lektra, as she too stepped away from Celestia. Once she'd gotten to a far enough distance, she closed her eyes, and slowly, rhythmically, began waving her head around in a circle, building up a magical charge so thick it was tangible. Sparks began to fly from her horn, and the room began to grow noticeably colder.

"Sunset no!" But it was too late. The dark magic was so cold. So horrible.

Sunset Shimmer had stopped gathering magic, and the room stood deathly cold now, frost building on the inside of the building in tiny fractals. The lone source of heat in the room seemed to be the area around her horn, which was glowing bright white with intensity. Her face was twisted up in agony as she held it; keeping this much magic inside was causing unreal amounts of pain, like a sawblade cutting into her sides. But, she held it regardless; she had to. She had one more process to go through.


She stumbled forward one slow, shaky step at a time. She closed the short distance between herself and her barely breathing teacher in a moment that felt like forever. Then, she knelt, standing over Celestia close enough to feel the warmth of her own breath. And to watch the teardrops fall.


"I'm sorry," she whispered, as she touched her horn to Celestia's flank.


The reaction was immediate. Celestia's body twitched as darkness exploded out of her body in waves all across the room, taking on a multitude of twisted, evil shapes in the air around her as it seethed, searching for a path out. Before it could escape, however, it was pulled in by the magic shining from Sunset Shimmer's horn, being sucked in through the tip like it was being pulled down a faucet. Sunset Shimmer cried out; it felt like her insides were on fire. And she was changing. Her horn started to curve, becoming long and sharp like a dagger. Her eyes tinted, becoming a deep, violent red, and her pupils narrowed to slits. Black spots began to appear as well, showing up on her body indeterminately and increasing in size as, moving upward as the the darkness slowly ate at her very being, corrupting her.

I could only watch in horror as she did what I hoped she wouldn't. Well, there was one other thing I could do. "Initialize sequence. Rapid transport activate." I activated the protocol. I would do what I must to protect Equestria.


As Sunset transformed, I did too. The armor pieces burst through the ward window and assembled around me. "Please forgive me Sunset. I wish we had met under better circumstances. I must put you down. Celestia will forgive me. She must. There's no other way." I directed all weapons to fire on the monster Sunset had become. Micro mana missiles, full size mana missiles, lightning repulsor beams, even the flamethrowers. In under a second there would be a crater where she stood.


It never got there. A trio teleported in, with the larger mare throwing the other two to the side, away from the fight but within safe viewing distance. She cast her telekinesis to push back the attack, followed by a shield. A basic Unicorn holding off my attack? Unbelievable! Then her form flickered and broke apart, starting from the hooves. One couldn't see it because my faceplate was down, but I actually did a double-take. I recognized her from the records. It was Queen Chrysalis, and she was protecting Celestia as well as the monster. "What the buck! Let it through! I must destroy the monster! My targeting is flawless at this close range! Celestia will be fine!" I drained power from other Magitek systems to increase the output to the weapons.


"NO! Stand down! I will not allow it!" Chrysalis increased her output to match mine, but we were both straining. It went on like this for a good thirty seconds. "Ngggh, let me handle this!"


Finally I disarmed and floated back down with a whoosh, motioning her to do what she was going to do. "Your funeral lady."


"Hardly. I once defeated Celestia. This is nothing. I've since mastered the darkness. That one is untrained. Or rather not trained enough." Turning her back to me she lit up her horn and swung her head around in a couple of arcs, straining.


As she sat down she motioned with her forehooves to direct her magic. Dark and crimson tendrils flowed out of Sunset and into her mouth as she pulled them out. She was eating the darkness. Dark magic so cold I actually felt it through the shields a little. Every couple of seconds she groaned and redness flowed from the sides of her head, probably from the eyes. It was near the temples. She struggled and groaned more as she continued to pull the darkness out of Sunset, consuming it. Finally when there was no more to pull there was an audible swallowing sound as Chrysalis pulled the last of it into herself with a gulp.


There was an explosion of darkness around her as she floated up and started to be consumed as well, about to attack me. Spikes grew on her back, her eyes turned into slits. I started to punch up the weapons again, but it was different this time. With a motioning and a glow of her horn Chrysalis sucked it back in and gave a loud burp. "Excuse me. Ngh! Darkness......has....power.....over.....me.....no....longer!" She yelled as she absorbed the last of the dark magic and landed softly near Sunset, enveloping her with a wing. The storm had passed. She had a content smile on her face as she rested from the endeavor. Chrysalis burped again with a puff of black smoke residue. "Excuse me." She hissed softly.


Someone had better start explaining soon. Queen Chrysalis helping a pony she hadn't met? Helping a pony at all? Effectively protecting Celestia as well? What was she even doing here?

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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Strix gripped tighter onto his sword as the new pony's horn began to glow a ghostly white. This meant he was using a spell, but whether it was an attack or not, he couldn't say. Though, never hurt to be too careful.


He revealed himself to be named Dran, which the griffon internally admitted it wasn't the worst name he'd ever heard.

He lifted his sword higher as the spell began.


With the flash of light going off, he shielded his eyes slightly with his free claw. When it died down, he looked and saw the...eerily white, almost ghostly animals on the ground. A rabbit had approached the unconscious Fluttershy.


"So those orbs were their souls, huh?" He concluded, raising an eyebrow as he relaxed, "Can't you just, bring them back to life or something?" He asked, rolling his wrist in a nonchalant manner.




Tyra arrived alongside Lorec at the top of the hill, her eyes set on the other figure. She was almost overwhelmed by their sheer size, especially from her level.


She listened to his answer to Lorec's question, and stifled a snicker into her hoof at his being scolded like an impatient foal.

Dran, with his unchanging and undaunted gaze, shook his head as if to suggest that Strix had spoken words of excessive foolishness. As the souls of the now dearly departed stood behind him, mourning and lamenting in an adagio of despair, he answered, flames flickering in his eyes.


" That decision is not mine to make. While I can assure you that such a feat is well within the realm of possibility, It shall fall to the element of kindness to make such a decision. And all I shall ask of her in return... Is information."




Turning away from Strix and trotting slowly towards the unconscious Fluttershy, Dran observed her turtle-like breathing and distressed face. His gaze, for the briefest second, contorted into one of disappointment, as if he were a father whom had just scolded his child harshly. Shaking his head again, he muttered under his breath.


" Mortals.... Still capable of even the cruelest of travesties. While this was to be expected, I still find myself disappointed at their failure of attaining social evolution."


   Finally reaching Fluttershy, he gently bent down and nuzzled her chin with his own snout and shaking her gently with his hoof in an attempt to wake her. While this atrocity would have foreseeable mental strain upon Fluttershy's psyche, it was Dran's intent to remedy this as best as he can.


" Element of Kindness.... Awaken so that I may convene with you."












Having been rebuked by this quaint warrior, Lorec's face expressed annoyance at both his arrogance, and Tyra's snickering. That is, until the pale Minotaur would direct his ire at her as well. 


" Do you find joy in your sworn's misfortune, Equestrian? Most disloyal, considering that you do not know me as friend or foe yet. You disappoint me. My sworn would attempt to stomp you into the ground if you were to even think about dragging my name through the mud."


This pale warrior, rising from his grassy pedestal from on high, assumed a very commanding stance. Compared to Lorec, he was a full head shorter than the scarred warrior. But there was something about him that just demanded respect and fear. A sort of other-worldliness that transcended the understanding of mere mortals. 


He slowly turned around, revealing many details about himself. He was heavily armored, with jet-black greaves, gauntlets, cuirass, and helm, all masterfully crafted and of steel temperament.  His shoulder pauldrons were crafted with small, spiky protrusions coming from them, a clear sign that he belonged on the front lines, as those were usually implemented to Increase the debilitating effect of a shoulder charge. His helm, which allowed a slit for his cold, blue eyes, sported a white warpaint line traveling down the left side of the helmet vertically from the left corner of the opening. He sported a blue sash tied around his waist, with a shotel tucked in close, a blade quite similar to a reaping armam"ent that was a sickle, designed to parry and slash around shields. chains, which seemingly snaked up his right arm and diagonally over his left shoulder and torso multiple times, acted as a harness for a well crafted bardiche. and to his left hip, a straight sword, probably very well kept, much like this warrior's other assets. To match his eyes and sash, his trousers, which were pretty much only exposed at the thighs, were also a deep blue. on his left leg, a cloth band had been tied around the portion just above the knee; white, with a faded shield and golden horn design.... one of Lorec's band?


He stood tall and crossed his arms, looking down upon the two with those prideful, blue eyes. This... was a lion among sheep.


" But... who are you? From that cloth, I can tell you aren't an enemy. I'm a golden horn just like you wer-"


 " AM a Golden Horn, just like I. Once a Golden Horn, Always a Golden Horn, boy. Or has the great Beast of Sadauris forgotten that he belongs to the greatest damn group of warriors to ever grace a battlefield and leave behind nothing but broken bones, bloodstained plains, and piss puddles upon their rivals' graves? And might I add, one of the best, in addition to being worthy of that stubborn bear's time?"


Lorec looked away in slight awkwardness. now, instead of berating him, this warrior was.... complimenting him? 


" And who better to have as a sworn than one who can battle a primal's keeper with but only might and mettle? Young pony, you've proven me quite wrong. I always thought you equestrians were a bunch of snot-nosed little runts who couldn't fight, and were too soft because your piss poor excuse for a monarchy and sub par military training didn't really speak much to me. But now... I'm eating my own words. Even if it's just a few, I can say that there are warriors among your nation that may just be worth my time these days.... ohhhhhhhhh, that fight you two just had... I'm envious, truly. That was one hell of a brawl. Tyra Shatterhoof, be proud. I'm not proven wrong often. And it is even more rare that I be envious of another's skirmish."


Another compliment, this time, to Tyra.


" Your comments are appreciated... but, who are you? and where are we?"


" Haven't figured it out, boy? Pale hide, piercing blue eyes, bulging veins.... Maybe if Ciratha could have accompanied me..."


" Wait... you said... Ciratha... the legendary devil steed prince... But he was sworn to only one, and that was-"


" Nuulvak... The mythical warrior of old that defended Saduaris from a curse of rising dead, helped formed the Golden Horns, and ascended to the status of a deity of war as a son of Yuulver. Once known as Galtos Fyuln."



" It can't be.... are you truly..."


Arms still crossed, the imposing minotaur issued a bolstering declaration to the pair, as if he were commanding an army.


" I Am the pale rider! An eternal protector of Saduaris, and the one who beckons forth hell every time I draw my sword against my enemies! I am Galtos, christened Nuulvak! I. AM. STORMBRINGER!"


And without any hesitation, Lorec fell to the ground, on all fours, seemingly worshipping this minotaur. Was it really true? Could this pale bull truly be a deity of conflict? 

Edited by Hokuto's Heir
  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Vera eventually woke up in her bed. She had been asleep for the past few hours, and she was finally able to rest after a tough fight. She started to talk a bit as she awoke, wondering where she was, "Hm..? Huh? Wha....Where am I? What happened?" She spoke sleepily before sitting up in the bed, and scratching her head.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@J.R. @@Fractured


Jade's ear perked up at the familiar voice, and he turned to see a blue stallion approaching them with quite a swagger. The voice was familiar...it had to be that covered stallion from before. Though, he seemed much happier than he used to be.


Well, good for him. She snarked internally, raising an unimpressed eyebrow at the stallion, before turning her attention back to the filly.


"Would you like to tell me what happened?" She asked, trying to sound as gentle as possible, "I will try to help in any way I can."


She took mental note of the rather cold tone in the filly's voice as she addressed the stallion. Obviously, these two had a history.

Dran, with his unchanging and undaunted gaze, shook his head as if to suggest that Strix had spoken words of excessive foolishness. As the souls of the now dearly departed stood behind him, mourning and lamenting in an adagio of despair, he answered, flames flickering in his eyes.


" That decision is not mine to make. While I can assure you that such a feat is well within the realm of possibility, It shall fall to the element of kindness to make such a decision. And all I shall ask of her in return... Is information."




Turning away from Strix and trotting slowly towards the unconscious Fluttershy, Dran observed her turtle-like breathing and distressed face. His gaze, for the briefest second, contorted into one of disappointment, as if he were a father whom had just scolded his child harshly. Shaking his head again, he muttered under his breath.


" Mortals.... Still capable of even the cruelest of travesties. While this was to be expected, I still find myself disappointed at their failure of attaining social evolution."


   Finally reaching Fluttershy, he gently bent down and nuzzled her chin with his own snout and shaking her gently with his hoof in an attempt to wake her. While this atrocity would have foreseeable mental strain upon Fluttershy's psyche, it was Dran's intent to remedy this as best as he can.


" Element of Kindness.... Awaken so that I may convene with you."


Strix scowled, not feeling much appreciation in Dran's condescending shake of the head. He felt it was a legitimate query.


Nevertheless, he tutted and rolled his eyes as the peculiar unicorn took his attention to Fluttershy. The griffon merely crossed his forelegs and watched with faint curiosity.












Having been rebuked by this quaint warrior, Lorec's face expressed annoyance at both his arrogance, and Tyra's snickering. That is, until the pale Minotaur would direct his ire at her as well. 


" Do you find joy in your sworn's misfortune, Equestrian? Most disloyal, considering that you do not know me as friend or foe yet. You disappoint me. My sworn would attempt to stomp you into the ground if you were to even think about dragging my name through the mud."


This pale warrior, rising from his grassy pedestal from on high, assumed a very commanding stance. Compared to Lorec, he was a full head shorter than the scarred warrior. But there was something about him that just demanded respect and fear. A sort of other-worldliness that transcended the understanding of mere mortals. 


He slowly turned around, revealing many details about himself. He was heavily armored, with jet-black greaves, gauntlets, cuirass, and helm, all masterfully crafted and of steel temperament.  His shoulder pauldrons were crafted with small, spiky protrusions coming from them, a clear sign that he belonged on the front lines, as those were usually implemented to Increase the debilitating effect of a shoulder charge. His helm, which allowed a slit for his cold, blue eyes, sported a white warpaint line traveling down the left side of the helmet vertically from the left corner of the opening. He sported a blue sash tied around his waist, with a shotel tucked in close, a blade quite similar to a reaping armam"ent that was a sickle, designed to parry and slash around shields. chains, which seemingly snaked up his right arm and diagonally over his left shoulder and torso multiple times, acted as a harness for a well crafted bardiche. and to his left hip, a straight sword, probably very well kept, much like this warrior's other assets. To match his eyes and sash, his trousers, which were pretty much only exposed at the thighs, were also a deep blue. on his left leg, a cloth band had been tied around the portion just above the knee; white, with a faded shield and golden horn design.... one of Lorec's band?


He stood tall and crossed his arms, looking down upon the two with those prideful, blue eyes. This... was a lion among sheep.


" But... who are you? From that cloth, I can tell you aren't an enemy. I'm a golden horn just like you wer-"


 " AM a Golden Horn, just like I. Once a Golden Horn, Always a Golden Horn, boy. Or has the great Beast of Sadauris forgotten that he belongs to the greatest damn group of warriors to ever grace a battlefield and leave behind nothing but broken bones, bloodstained plains, and piss puddles upon their rivals' graves? And might I add, one of the best, in addition to being worthy of that stubborn bear's time?"


Lorec looked away in slight awkwardness. now, instead of berating him, this warrior was.... complimenting him? 


" And who better to have as a sworn than one who can battle a primal's keeper with but only might and mettle? Young pony, you've proven me quite wrong. I always thought you equestrians were a bunch of snot-nosed little runts who couldn't fight, and were too soft because your piss poor excuse for a monarchy and sub par military training didn't really speak much to me. But now... I'm eating my own words. Even if it's just a few, I can say that there are warriors among your nation that may just be worth my time these days.... ohhhhhhhhh, that fight you two just had... I'm envious, truly. That was one hell of a brawl. Tyra Shatterhoof, be proud. I'm not proven wrong often. And it is even more rare that I be envious of another's skirmish."


Another compliment, this time, to Tyra.


" Your comments are appreciated... but, who are you? and where are we?"


" Haven't figured it out, boy? Pale hide, piercing blue eyes, bulging veins.... Maybe if Ciratha could have accompanied me..."


" Wait... you said... Ciratha... the legendary devil steed prince... But he was sworn to only one, and that was-"


" Nuulvak... The mythical warrior of old that defended Saduaris from a curse of rising dead, helped formed the Golden Horns, and ascended to the status of a deity of war as a son of Yuulver. Once known as Galtos Fyuln."



" It can't be.... are you truly..."


Arms still crossed, the imposing minotaur issued a bolstering declaration to the pair, as if he were commanding an army.


" I Am the pale rider! An eternal protector of Saduaris, and the one who beckons forth hell every time I draw my sword against my enemies! I am Galtos, christened Nuulvak! I. AM. STORMBRINGER!"


And without any hesitation, Lorec fell to the ground, on all fours, seemingly worshipping this minotaur. Was it really true? Could this pale bull truly be a deity of conflict? 


Tyra pouted, cheeks puffed out, at her being reprimanded by this other minotaur. Was she not allowed a moment of amusement after essentially being pummelled to death?


However, the appearance of this newcomer struck quite an impression on her. His armour, black as the darkest of Luna's nights, the impressive weapons on his sides, and the cloth tied around his leg caught her eye. She'd seen that symbol before...an ancestor of Lorec's, perhaps?

It wasn't impossible to her that the Hero's Realm was not exclusively open to members of the Shatterhoof Clan, for sure.


His compliment to her, as flattering as it was, rose a bit of confusion within her. While the Frozen North was indeed inside the borders of Equestria, and indeed the Princesses were the law, she never really saw them as her leaders, or deities as some might say about them. Of course, her village and Canterlot became allies centuries ago, but their laws were never a big concern to her. Nor was their military which, her pride would let her agree, were not up to the standards of the militia of warriors that was her fellow villagers.


Nonetheless, she puffed out her chest with pride at the minotaur's words. "My thanks, fellow warrior."


The back and forth between the minotaurs raised curiosity in the little viking, but from what they were saying, she managed to piece together that this 'Nuulvak' was some kind of deity, or at least a warrior of legend from Lorec's homeland.


What she did know, though, was that any warrior worthy of Lorec's bowing before them was one to be either feared, respected, or both. She decided to take 'respect', and bowed her head to this 'Stormbringer'.


However, there was something she had to address. She raised her head to look up to this new minotaur.

"You keep saying that Lorec is my 'sworn'...what is a sworn, and why is he mine?"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He smiled and frowned "I don't know if its awesome or not but I don't have much of a choice now, so I got to make the best of it. " he looked at the items, then to Alula, then Trixie "Thank you both, I think I'll just stick to these two, I have no idea what my bit worth is at the moment ." he sighed and paced around for a second or two.


Then looked outside, and gulped "Trixie, you know the princess a bit more then I do, so may I ask why is the sun still up?... Isn't Luna suppose to switch us over to the moon ?.... I, um, I think we should go back to the hospital." he looked over to a clock, it was now heavily into the pm's


"Yes definitely we should go." and even though he knew that this was most likely wasn't his fault, he still felt guilty and responsibility for putting the Princess of the Sun in the hospital.

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Unicorncob, @@Fractured,

Ice was shocked. Out of all the things he could ever do, ruining a bond of best friends wasn't a thing he thought he'd ever do. On top of that, he pretty much used that for his personal gain in a way, because the article got retracted, but this wasn't sitting well with him in his mind. As he stood there, with the same expression on his face as before Silver Spoon spoke, he was frozen (no pun intended) in that same pose.


You could almost hear the gears slowly turning in Ice's head as he rationalized, and processed what happened just now. Once it finally registered in his mind, he snapped. Not 'insane' snapped, moreso, 'I've lost the will to do anything anymore,' type of snapped. His ears dropped, as a frown grew upon his face, he then spoke with a sense of emptiness, as if his best friend had left forever, "I...understand. I was only trying to help, but I should never had interfered with your friendship." 


He turned around, and dropped his head as well, "I've gotten involved with other ponies' lives too much. I shouldn't have messed with anyone, and now look what I've done. I'm pathetic. Well, not anymore." He began to slowly walk, "I'm the biggest loser in the city. I thought it was an issue when I screwed up with Rarity, and thought it could be solved. But then I got involved with Diamond Tiara, she betrayed me, and then I got looked at as the bad guy for yyelling at her. Then, when I ask for you to help DT help herself, SIlver, you tried, and you lost your best friend, because of me. And for what, just for my personal gain of getting the article retracted. "


He stopped walking, and raised his head. Tears were streaking down his face by now, as his voice started to break, "As well, my rival has finally proved he's better than me, and....he's right. I'm slowly losing my mind....I'm having nightmares every time I sleep. I must be going insane...."


He turned his head back to the two, "Silver Spoon....I'm sorry. There's nothing I hate more than a friendship tarnished, and at my hooves no less. I...I'm such a jerk....From this point on, I'm done. That's it. I can no longer try and 'help' others if all I do is hurt. I'm no hero, I'm no hero, or warrior...."


He started to cry some more as he turned around, "I'm a disgrace..."


From there, Ice took off. Straight off. He ran all the way from where Silver Spoon, and Jade was, to his now clear apartment. He ran all the way up to his room, locked the door, closed the windows, and the blinds so no light could get through, and crawled under his bed. Having caused so many problems for so many Ponies, Ice felt that that was it. He wasn't stepping outside of his room for any reason, not even to eat. He felt like he was the worst pony in Equestria for what he had done, and that the only way he could solve his problem, was by not doing anything or seeing anyone anymore. It was a shame, but as a 'hero' Ice felt he should have known better than to interfere with others like this. He was no better than Electron at this point, borderline worse.


In the end, Ice felt alone. He had no one to try and help him, so he had to make all of his decisions on his own. As well, he wouldn't wat to ask anyone for help anyway due to how much he's messed up these last few days, "No more.....no more....." He stayed under his bed, and eventually drifted off to sleep....


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@The Down Trotten@J.R.

Sunset Shimmer dropped roughly to the floor of the hospital wing as the darkness was violently pulled out of her body, and blacked out completely for a second, motionless on the cold floor. When she came to, she woke up with gasp of breath, less at the state of the room, which looked like it had been shredded, and more at who was standing in front of her. Queen Chrysalis.


"You're..." She struggled to stand up, but was finding it difficult to even move after so much expended energy. She sank back roughly to the floor, taking shallow breaths where she lay near the body of her princess.


"Please," she gasped out, tears wetting her face as she looked up at Chrysalis. "Sunlight..."





Silver Spoon watched Ice Blizzard leave, bitterness woven into every etch on her face like a mask. But, the look she shot the mare in front of her was one of misery. She shook her head slowly.


"There's nothing I can do," she blubbered, tears rolling down her face and onto the sidewalk below. "I thought I could change her. I thought I could make her better. Make her happy. But, nothing ever seems to go right. And now, she's going to keep making herself miserable, and I can't do anything..."


She finally broke down. Abandoning her modesty, she buried her head into the strangers leg and cried loudly.




@The Down Trotten

Trixie blinked, and Erroria paused. Without a word, she hopped off of Rhetoric's back, vanishing behind the curtains.


"What do you mean? It's..." Trixie frowned, then looked over to the clock that Rhetoric Rash had also taken a look at. She paused, then her eyes widened in concern as it finally dawned on her. Reaching over with her magic, she quickly wrapped the Half-Light eye around Rhetoric's neck and fastened the Hero's necklace onto him with a click. Then, she pulled out her own object, moving as she went; a shining blue crystal that winked softly in the light. She hung it around herself as she ran, leaving the shop and heading straight for the hospital, and Celestia. 

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Silver Spoon watched Ice Blizzard leave, bitterness woven into every etch on her face like a mask. But, the look she shot the mare in front of her was one of misery. She shook her head slowly.


"There's nothing I can do," she blubbered, tears rolling down her face and onto the sidewalk below. "I thought I could change her. I thought I could make her better. Make her happy. But, nothing ever seems to go right. And now, she's going to keep making herself miserable, and I can't do anything..."


She finally broke down. Abandoning her modesty, she buried her head into the strangers leg and cried loudly.


Jade watched as the stallion left, after a heartfelt apology. It seemed they did indeed have a history, though not a pleasant one from the look of it.

She sat in front of the filly, her soft eyes fixed on her. It was truly heartwrenching to see such a young pony so sad, especially over who she assumed was a good friend. At least, at some point.


She showed a little surprise when the filly grabbed her leg and sobbed into it, but she didn't try to get her away. She was used to some of the foals of the monastery coming to her for support, emotional or otherwise.


This poor girl needed somepony's shoulder to cry on, and it seemed she would be that somepony.


She quietly put a comforting hoof on the filly's back and allowed her to cry on, to get it all out of her system. She was taught that keeping her feelings bottled up would lead to a clouded mind and a slip of concentration, but allowing it to be released would provide clarity.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@The Down Trotten@J.R.

Sunset Shimmer dropped roughly to the floor of the hospital wing as the darkness was violently pulled out of her body, and blacked out completely for a second, motionless on the cold floor. When she came to, she woke up with gasp of breath, less at the state of the room, which looked like it had been shredded, and more at who was standing in front of her. Queen Chrysalis.


"You're..." She struggled to stand up, but was finding it difficult to even move after so much expended energy. She sank back roughly to the floor, taking shallow breaths where she lay near the body of her princess.


"Please," she gasped out, tears wetting her face as she looked up at Chrysalis. "Sunlight..."

"A friend who means you no harm." She said as she completed the sentence in her own way. "Please, call me Chrissy. I've made many mistakes." She changed into her pony form then struggled into a standing position. "I hope to make amends starting with you." She floated Celestia gently onto her back and struggled toward the window that had been broken by my armor. Eating that dark energy was tiring and would take a while to process, and the limp Celestia was heavy.


I was glaring at 'Chrissy' with all systems trained on her, but she of course couldn't see the glare. "Explain. Now." I said this simply and curtly, trying to be as respectful as I could. I even raised my faceplate.


"No need for that now." She struggled to reach the window where the sunlight was coming from. "If I wanted to hurt anyone I would have already. Consider me changing into my disguised form a show of good faith."


"Good point." I disarmed and floated back down with metallic clip clops.


"And I'll explain when somepony isn't close to death's door. Surely you can wait that long. There's more pressing matters." She reached the window, laid her out on the floor gently, and let the sunlight bathe Celestia. I wondered what that was for. Was there a way to help Celestia?


Off to the side amid the wreckage Incognito had regained consciousness and gently nuzzled the other changeling. "Hey, are you ok?"

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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"Good point." I disarmed and floated back down with metallic clip clops.



He dashed after her quickly reciting the first set of words "Ego...Sum...Fortissimus..." the serge of energy and strength that jolted his body was almost enough to make him jump. Using his new found zeal he scooped Trixie up, carrying her much like he had Erroria moments earlier  "Hold on tight,  there's no time to waste..." taking a deep breath he tested the limits of his new speed. His legs pumping like pistons, and his eyes dancing as he strained to make out his way. It was a miricele that Rhetoric didn't wipe out, tripping over himself, but now was not the time for mistakes. The sun was scorching the earth. They made it to the hospital in double time, in fact as they whizzed past the main entrance Rhetoric wondered if he was flying, I don't think I even  want to try the second stage of this.


Finding the Princesses room was a cinch, it wasn't exactly hidden. Stopping his break neck gait was a problem however, seeing the door coming up he whispered the final set of words and nearly instantly felt himself return to normally, sending him in a forward skid. Like a runner sliding into home-plate, Rhetoric, with hopefully Trixie still on board skidded right into the middle of the action.


Panting, his heart and lungs trying to compensate for the insane running he had just did, he looked around. The sight that meet his eyes, was all terrifying, confusing, and strangely exciting. The Princess looked like she was in bad shape, her close ,was it former pupil?, looked only slightly better, there was a unicorn in battle armor, and the cherry on this surreal Sunday was another unknown unicorn who had a regal presence to say the least


"We came as soon as we saw..." pant pant "Pleasure to finally meet you your highness, if you are indeed *pant* *pant* a royal" he tried to bow to the unknown pony but couldn't get up and just panted some more "...truly an awkward time though... *pant* *pant*... wheres Luna?... Oh Trixie you ok?" there was so much to take in it didn't seem real, and maybe it was the lack of oxygen but the out of placed earth pony didn't feel worried now he was in the situation

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Calibur cried out in agony as the lightning struck his horn; his guns clattered to the ground as his magic faltered. Seriously though, another non-unicorn using magic; Calibur swore… between Fuse, Ice and now this asshole all that was needed now was an earthbending minotaur to perfect this array of utter bullshit!


Calibur grit his teeth as he saw Electron charging towards him, his body still twitching from the electricity’s effect on him but he wasn’t out just yet. He waited for Electron to draw closer. Then in a sudden move Calibur dropped prone while turning himself in such a way that he would duck underneath Electron’s charge. However the large metal case strapped to his back would not be so lucky; as it was now swinging directly towards Electron’s face.

Edited by Star Saber
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( @, )

By now, Ice couldn't find anything better to do, but sleep. Unfortunately, as he slept in his bed, Ice started to have another nightmare, and began tossing and turning once more, uncontrollably.





Ice and his friends, Caliber, Tyra, and Wilhelm, were all summoned by Celestia. They were asked to all go far north, and investigate a mysterious magical signature that suddenly had erupted. Seeing as Ice Blizzard and Tyra both have experience with the north, as well as working well with Caliber and Wilhelm, this team was deemed the best choice to scout out anything suspicious before reporting back to Celestia anything they found. The team accepted, and were off.


After many hours of travelling, resting, travelling, resting, and the occasional food binge, the 4 managed to get to the area via the directions from the princess. It seemed as though they found themselves on a flat mountain top, several thousand feet in the air. Suddenly, rumbling under thier hooves were felt as an ice demon rose from below. He stood several hundred feet higher than the ponies, and had just woken from a seemingly eternal slumber. Fortunately, there was actually a spell that could put the deamon to sleep. Unfortunately, nopony on the team could perform said spell. They had the option to flee down the mountain, and back to Celestia to report, or the could fight the demon themselves.




At first, they were all about to turn tail, until Tyra was attacked, breaking her leg. This set the others off. In no way were they letting one of their friends get hurt and flee. They were staying to fight. It was a long, and dangerous battle. Everyone was doing their best to fight this thing off for as long as they could.


Once the dust settled. The four heroes were tired, and beaten to the bone. The demon however, had other plans. Raising its arms in the air, and charging up a blast of ice that was so powerful, that it would freeze everything in a 100 mile radius. The four looked up in fear as the seemed to know what was coming, however, Ice also knew they had a last resort.


Caliber, Tyra, and Wilhelm, all denied Ice to counteract the demon's attack with his own; the DIME Blast, even though it was the only thing that they knew would be of a viable option. However, Ice was very confident. He said that he would finish the demon off, and that the should all try their best to escape the blast radius the best they could, and get back to Canterlot and get Celestia's help.


Without further hesitation, they agreed, and went straight down to get Celestia's help. Ice prepared to use his DIME Blast as his friends began to quickly make their way back down the mountain. The demon readied his explosion, and after a some time, blasted it directly towards Ice. However, the DIME blast was activated, and once the two blasts came in contact with each other...BOOM.


After a few moments, Ice opened his eyes, and saw that the demon was no longer there. It was gone! He won! Or so he thought. By the time that happened, his 3 friends were already back in Canterlot. So, he ran back. By the time he got there, he could stiill see nothing but snow and ice. For a moment he thought he was lost, until he saw his friends...frozen. Frozen completely in blocks of ice. He started to panice, but figured the princesses could help. Once he got close enough, he could see the entire Canterlot Castle...frozen. It was all nothing but ice everywhere, and everything seemed to be frozen. Something was definetely wrong.


He eventually made it into the Castle Throne Room, where both princesses were....frozen completely. This couldn't be happening. What did he do? He ran up to the telescope in the observatory, and looked through it, for miles and miles everything was covered in ice. There was only one possible answer: Ice had caused an ice age.


He was so startled by what he had done, he ran. He ran and ran and ran for miles on end. He didn't seem to stop either, until he found himself in the middle of nowhere, and stopping. He began to cry at the ground and felt the weight of the world upon his shoulders for what he had done.


Suddenly, he could see a white and purple mare stading a few feet away. It seemed to be Rarity. Did she somehow survive? Maybe she was ok. There seemed to a bit of hope for Ice after all. He walked closer to her, and she seemed to turn to him, looking him right in the eyes, beautifully. He quietly said her name, and reached his hoof out to touch her, but couldn't feel anything. He said her name a few more times louder, louder, and more worried each time.


Finally, after blinking a few times, he could see that Rarity wasn't there at all. Ice was on his own, in a cold, barren wasteland, and it was all because of him. He fell flat to the ground, "I'm sorry..."



Ice then suddenly woke up in the real world. He jumped up, and looked outside to see everything perfectly normal, for Bangcolt, that is. This was starting to become irritating for Ice. He can't even take a simple rest without major complications. Something needed to stop, "That is it! I'm tired of this bullcrap! I am gonna make sure that I return to being my normal self again. I HATE acting like this. This has been going on for days now, and I'm sick of it. No more sadness, no more hatred, no more crap. It's all positivity from this point forward."


With that, Ice opened up his curtains to let light in, and started to read from his grandfather's book, "Nothing some good old-fashioned reading can't solve." His stomach then began to rumble, "Ugh...I need to eat something soon to get rid of these nightmares. Oh well, at least I don't feel like dirt anymore, hehe. Now let's see.....plans for dating Rarity.." he thought to himself, as he began tapping a pencil on his head.


@@Star Saber,

Electron felt superior when his bolt hit Calibur's horn, "Guess you didn't expect to find me so..shocking. HAHA." He was the surprised as Calibur seemingly ducked directly under him as he charged, making him suspicious for a moment. By then however, it was too late. He was suddenly hit in the face directly by a black metal case, falling to the ground.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"I'm fine, I think," Rain Shadow muttered to the changeling next to her. She was actually completely shellshocked, however, just as much as Trixie, who had been pulled into the room suddenly and with ridiculous speeds. She slipped roughly off to the floor after Rhetoric pulled her in, landing on her feet and struggling to stay there, as well actively resisting the urge to hurl all over the floor in front of her like a child.
"Please, let's not do that again, thanks..." she called out wearily, not having quite caught up to what was what going on. When she did however, she looked around in astonishment; the room looked like it had been chewed through, and the ponies that had were gathered here looked bedraggled and weary like they had just been in a fight. But, when she finally caught sight of Celestia, the state of the princess shocked her at her core. She let out an involuntary gasp.
Celestia had been placed in front of the open window. Sunlight drifted lazily around her, moving in a way that almost made the scene look angelic. Little beams of light played softly on her body, until they were pulled in suddenly, sucked into Celestia's body and disappearing as they went. She drank in the light in around her heavily, in a process that went on for well over a minute, before suddenly, she started to shift, then glow.
It was a dim, feeble light at first. But then, her body pulsed, and it quickly grew brighter, until she burned like a miniature sun beneath the windowsill. Light began to wash over her body in bright waves, wrapping itself around her almost curiously, and where it touched her wounds, it attacked, sinking in and erasing them. Injuries disappeared, and bones re-knitted themselves with astonishing efficiency. Celestia jerked slightly as her leg was reset, but in seconds, it looked like she had never been injured at all.
The light played over her body briefly for a few more seconds, before it seemed to realize it was no longer needed, and changed back to normal, continuing its way around her instead of through her. Celestia begin to dim again, slowly, before, with a gasp and final burst of radiant, blinding light, she opened her eyes and woke up.
"Where..." she muttered, struggling to stand up. She stood up on shaky legs; she was still disoriented, despite having had her magic restored to her in full.  She wasn't too far gone, however, to remember who and what she had left behind
"Luna..." she groaned, before her senses came back to her. She stopped and looked around, taking in the general condition of the room, Lektra, Trixie, Sunset Shimmer, whom she looked towards with concern, then, finally, the two new ponies that stood in front of her, neither of which she had ever seen before. She kept her gaze on them, while she she softly trotted over to Sunset Shimmer. Leaning down, she touched her horn to Sunset Shimmer's flank, and a golden glow spun from the tip, wrapping Sunset Shimmer in healing light.
"Tell me, what happened here?" she asked them calmly, her eyes closed slightly in concentration.
Silver Spoon cried for what seemed like forever. She finally came to a stop, however, after what seemed like forever. She pulled herself away from the stranger, unfortunately leaving her leg a sticky mess as she stood a ways away from her.
"Sorry," she muttered, looking down at the ground forlornly.  "It's just, she's my best friend. She's my only friend. And I don't want to lose her."
Edited by Fractured
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Silver Spoon cried for what seemed like forever. She finally came to a stop, however, after what seemed like forever. She pulled herself away from the stranger, unfortunately leaving her leg a sticky mess as she stood a ways away from her.

"Sorry," she muttered, looking down at the ground forlornly.  "It's just, she's my best friend. She's my only friend. And I don't want to lose her."


Jade simply sat there and allowed the filly to sob until she was finished, and put on her warmest smile as she pulled herself away. However, she did allow herself a quick moment to scowl at her messy leg fur.


"It sounds like you have nothing to apologise for," She said, as softly as possible, and put a hoof to her chest, "My name is Jade Lotus. Perhaps I can help you with what is troubling you, little one?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The sheer force of hitting Electron caused the case to break open; sending files and papers flying all over the place. However the papers were of little consequence compared to the other object now airborne. As Calibur rolled back onto his hooves he reached out into the mess with one of them and grabbed a hold of his rifle. His horn may be hurting and his magic blocked but a rifle butt to the face would still hurt. Which is exactly what Calibur was planning on as he gripped the rifle with two hooves and slammed it down toward Electron’s head.

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@@Star Saber,

Electron was on the ground, dazed momentarily. That case was hard.  However, opened his eyes after a few moments and saw Calibur preparing to thrust the rifle in his face. Quickly reacting, Electron rolled out of the way. From there, he quickly got onto his hooves. Calibur had missed, leaving him wide open to an attack. Bad move.


Electron charged right at Calibur, and, if he managed to hit, would forcefully zapped his neck with electricity. From there he punched him once, wound up, and punched even harder the second time, sending Calibur flying backwards a couple of feet, leaving Electron hovering in the air.


Ice was feeling hungry, so he decided to go out, and get something to eat. He had gathered up his bits, put on his green scarf, and went downstairs. He went outside, and started to walk down the street, peacefully for once, "Ugh...I'd run, but I can't on an empty stomach. I need something to eat."


Eventually, Ice had made it to a cafe, stepped inside, and smelled the nice air of the place "Mm...It smells so good in here. Almost as good as mom's place when she bakes. I guess I better look for a table." The place was somewhat crowded, but fortunately Ice would be pretty easy to spot by somepony he knows...

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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