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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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@@Orion Caelum@

Blizzard brohoofed Will and heeded his advice, "Thanks my man. I'm going in!" Blizzard skated all the way out of the town and had reached the cave system under the lake with 2 minutes to spare and shouted, "Whoever you are! I'm here alone, unarmed, and within the time limit!!!"


Suddenly, the cave was opened with magic by moving a rock. Blizzard walked in slowly and surely until Carmine was spotted on a high rock, "Aha! Welcome fool!"


Blizzard was shocked to see who it was, "Carmine?! I thought I ran you outta Ponyville?!"


"You fool! I was testing you! Every time I lost, I gained more info from you!" He picked Rarity up and held her recklessly, "And this little lady..was the key to getting you here!" He sniffed her mane again, "Mmmm....such a lovely body...."


Blizzard was appalled by Carmine's actions, "You let her go right now!!!"


Carmine laughed and threw Rarity down to Blizzard, "Heh! I didn't need her anyway. Whenever I get a mare, I just use her for what I want, get rid of her, and move onto the next one! Something you should do too if you don't wanna cope with loss..."


Blizzard caught Rarity and removed her gag, and her restraints, "Rarity! You ok? I swear to Celestia this guy is gonna get what he deserves. And if you're not to hurt, would you like to help me kick his flank? He didn't take your gear or your necklace, you can still fight."


"Oh please! What can a stupid mare do? Mares are SO inferior to stallions! Hahah!"


Blizzard was enraged, "Enough! Let's go ya stupid motherbucker!!" he said as he got into his fighting stance.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

The first thing Rarity did when her restraints were removed was hug Ice Blizzard. She had stopped crying long ago, but her face was still streaked with tears.


"I'm so sorry," she whispered, holding onto him. "He used me to get to you, and I couldn't stop him. It keeps happening; i'm not strong enough to to protect the ponies close to me..."


She shook her head. She turned to face Carmine, giving him a look of utter hatred. Her necklace began to glow an ephemeral blue, as gems quite literally ripped themselves out of her bag to move into the air around her. They tightened around her in a semi-circle, where they began to elongate; their points became sharper than swords as they stretched, pointing dangerously in Carmine's direction.


"But never again."


She sent the gems shrieking through the air at him, one at a time.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@@@Orion Caelum, (Orion, your turn bring in Will next if you want. :P )

Blizzard spoke to Rarity, "It's not your fault Rarity. It's these bastards who keep doing this to you. Well I dare say the same thing: Never Again Goddammit!!!" he then shot a straight beam of ice at Carmine.


Carmine laughed and teleported around the room to avoid their attacks, "Aha! Too slow! Aw, look at how adorable you two are together. Maybe you should die together!!!" he then levitated and threw a flurry of weapons at them.


"Look out Rares!" Blizzard said as he shot ice to freeze the weapons in midair. The few he missed, he dodged. "Dammit Will, where are you?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm finally showed up in the cave, weapons drawn. Over his back, with the trigger able to be pulled by his wings, was two cylinders, placed diagonally, inside a box. There appeared to be a hinge running down the middle of the box, and as he beheld Carmine, Wilhelm snapped the box open, revealing the inside of the cylinders and a piston assembly on the top underside of the box. Taking two rockets shaped like elongated, fin-outfitted teardrops from inside his bag, Wilhelm loaded them into the rocket launcher. As he sighted down Carmine, he calmly said "Cavalry's here, Ice." With that, he flexed his wing, pulling the trigger.


The box bucked like a bronco, and the twin rockets flew out, traveling with a lazy trail of flame and smoke, spiraling around in a strangely hypnotic pattern. If the rockets hit, Carmine would be vaporized instantly. Discarding the now-useless rocket launcher with some amount of pride that it didn't blow up in use, Wilhelm drew his sword from his waist and took off, bound for Carmine, sword outstretched to impale the unicorn against the cave wall. If you looked into his eyes, you would behold the calculated gaze of a soldier doing his job- no mercy afforded for those who were known in the wrong, and righteous wrath on behalf of the victims. Carmine, the poor guy, was on the wrong side of this equation.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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@@Orion Caelum@

Blizzard was happy to see his friend, "Alright Willy!"


Carmine grew a smug grin. He teleported over to Blizzard, "You and me only fool! Nopony else. I want you dead!"


Blizzard got ready to fight as soon as Carmine got near him, "Rarity.....take this.." he said as he put his grandfather's book in her hooves, "I need somepony I can trust to take care of this. Will...do me a favor, and keep Rarity safe for me....Let's go Carmine!"


Carmine teleported himself and Blizzard outside the cave, to the topside on a hill near the lake, "Now...you die!" he started by lashing out at Blizzard with hoof attacks.


Blizzard fought back with his own moves, "Not bad, but I've seen...better!" he said as he punched Carmine in the face.


Carmine materialized his silver mace and started to take swings at Blizzard with it, "You have no idea how much money you've kept me from rightfully earning from my Ponyville jobs!"


Blizzard was struck in his foreleg by the mace and winced, "Ah! You tried to kill ponies! I couldn't let you mess with the town!"


Carmine laughed, "That was my only way of survival you idiot! That was my job! You deprived me of my rightfully earned money!"


Blizzard tried to throw another punch but his leg was grabbed by Carmine's magic, "Ah! You couldn't find any other jobs?! Was that all you could do?!"


Carmine threw Blizzard into the ground with his magic and stated, "A fool like you wouldn't understand me...But I understand you! Why do you think I brought your marefriend here?"


Blizzard grew angry, "Shut up! That wasn't right! You could have easily asked me to come here without involving Rarity!"


"Hahah! It's your fault for having a love interest in the first place you dumb lover boy! If you weren't so interested in that prissy prom girl shutout, she wouldn't be in this mess! You should do what I do: Use her, get rid of her, and repeat with another mare."


Blizzard got up and slit Carmine's stomach with an ice dagger, "It's your fault for being a dumbass. Rarity, is the most generous, inspirational, and caring mare I know. And goddammit I love her. For her personality, how she cares for others, AND how beautiful she keeps herself. Something which you apparently don't give a flying buck over."


Carmine was bleeding and started to laugh.


"What the hell is funny?"


Carmine knocked Blizzard high into the air with his mace, and when he came back down, Carmine was charging a golden aura around himself which shone like a star. Then he got ready to punch Blizzard with an explosive punch. "Let's see you love her when you're dead!"


Blizzard was coughing up blood, but timed it properly and countered with an ice punch. He was shining light blue as his ice energy built up against Carmine's explosive energy. They were at a standstill as their punches collided.


"I guess it comes down now, to who's more stupid. Which we both know the answer..."


"You are..." Blizzard said as he dropped a bomb pin to the ground, "Remember right before we left the cave? I armed one of your bombs when you weren't looking. You're gonna blow up too."




Blizzard grew a smirk, "Possible!" "Well, it looks like my time is up. ..I never thought I'd die like this. But it's for Rarity's safety so I'm more than willing." After thinking, he shed a single tear, "Goodbye....everyone..."


And with that, Carmine's bomb detonated the explosion was so loud, that it could be heard and seen from all over the town and arena, sending Blizzard flying fast and far from the arena. He went so far, that he landed at the edge of the forest on the hard ground. He was in so much pain, that everything besides his heart, lungs, and brain were shattered. "If...I....had to die....protecting Rarity or anypony else whom I care for....it'd just be ok....Stay safe guys...." he lay there alone, helpless, and nearly dead. He was about to take his last breath when his cryostasis activated. He stayed encased in his own ice, but he can only sustain life for 3 days like that, then he dies.


Meanwhile, Carmine, thinking he killed Blizzard, had activated his magic sheilds at the last moment to keep himself alive, but he wasn't in complete fighting condition. He teleported back into the cave where Will and Rarity were, "I...did it! I killed him! Yes! Haha *coughs* He's dead! Now I can go back to earning my money! And I'll start with you missle boy! You'll make me some good money when I get you!" he was actually in no good fighting condition, so he began to limp towards the cave exit.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Wilhelm stared open-mouthed at the scene, having missed with the rockets and simply taken a massive chunk out of the cave wall. He had stopped short just in time to avoid slamming into the crater, and turned to face the fight just in time for Ice to apparently sacrifice himself. One of Wilhelm's eyelids twitched as he looked at Carmine, and his mouth curled in a contemptuous smirk. There was a long, pregnant pause, and Wilhelm's eye twitched once more as words tore themselves out of his mouth, growing more and more resolute with every syllable. "Missile boy? Hah! Do you know who I am, cretin?" Wilhelm began to slowly step closer to Carmine, sword held at the ready.


"I am a scientist. I am a dignitary. I am a figure of story and legend. I have been into Tartarus and not only lived, but I have personally dueled the alicorn Lord Of The Pit- and won. Do you truly believe you're a better fighter than a deity with thousands of years of experience? If so, I invite you to test your assumption." Wilhelm took something out of his saddlebags; it looked like a smaller version of the rocket launcher, but with only a single cylinder, and far more lovingly crafted, with wood and silver inlays. "I... am an avenger."


Wilhelm pulled down the hammer on the back of the pistol, and an audible click could be heard as the gun cocked. "Now that you know who I am, can you hear your victims screaming? Can you hear them crying for justice? I can. And you have quite a few victims, Carmine Backdraft." Wilhelm raised his sword back to a en garde position and holstered the pistol. At this point, he was only a few hoofsteps from Carmine. His eyes narrowed behind the gold-framed glasses, and his expression was a perfect mix of contempt and righteous fury. "Carmine, the outcast, the unwanted, the fool, the assassin. Even your parents didn't want you. Poor little Carmine, all alone in the world, without anyone to care for you. And no one ever will."


Wilhelm paused for a moment to let his words sink in. "Can you hear all you've killed screaming, Carmine? Or will that wait until your soul has been severed from your mortal flesh and condemned to Tartarus?" He raised an eyebrow archly, condemningly, seemingly judging every part of Carmine's existence from his childhood to his death in utter silence. "Your god is here, Carmine. And I'm afraid I'm straight out of mercy." With this and a shouted battle cry that tore itself from Wilhelm's throat, the pegasus launched himself at his enemy, attacking with everything from hoofblows to slashes of his sword that cleave to the very bone.


As he attacked, his assult unrelenting, he whispered one last thing to Carmine, slowly, utterly sincerely, and with seeming great relish. "I will never stop until I have killed you, burnt your body to ash, and scattered the ash to the four corners of Equestria. You will never rest in peace for as long as you live. I will be right behind you, every step of the way, until I cleave your head from your neck. You have my word." 

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Arriving at the shop, the door was open and the store looked like someone had been through it, looking for something specific. "Trixie, forgive me for stating the obvious but I think you've been ransacked." He stopped for a moment upon hearing an explosion, "Eh... Is it normal for hills to explode Trixie? Or is that something worth investigating?" He asked as the series of explosions occurred. "This place doesn't seem that welcomming after all, first your shop, then explosions, what next? A demon summoning? And I thought us Saddle Arabians had it bad from the gryphon trade bandits."


He shook his head in disbelief, what a day it'd been. First the trip there which had been distasteful, then he met that awefully bland pegasus, Tempest, and had to PAY the fool to show him where this place was, then upon getting here there was a series of genrally unpleasant events occurimg one after another. The only good thing about this day had been meeting Trixie. She didn't seem too bad, quite upfront and honest as far as he could tell. "Actually... Adventure can wait, do you need help fixing your shop up?" He asked, trying to be as helpful as possible.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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@@Orion Caelum

Carmine did nothing but laugh, "You don't get it do you Wilhelm de Winter? Famous astronomical pony and weapons specialist/hero? I don't care. As long as the idiot Ice Blizzard is dead, I have nothing left to lose. I've accomplished my mission, and will be getting paid very well. Besides, why do YOU care? He's just some stupid kid that nopony likes whose ice powers aren't natural! Ha! If it's not natural, it's not authentic, if it's not authentic, then it's the absolute lowest form of exsistance. So I ask you, why do you care about such a stupid kid who's exsistance is an insult to Unicorns with natural powers everywhere hm?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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At this, Wilhelm simply shook his head and approached to stand over Carmine's body. "You've never had a friend, so you wouldn't understand. Friends are second only to family; and you just killed one of my friends. And as for authenticity? None of that matters. I don't care about the stallion you just killed for his powers, I care about him because he was my friend. We had been through battles, heck, we'd been through literal Tartarus together! And he sacrificed himself to save me and Rarity. Do you know what I have to say to that?"


Wilhelm paused for a moment. "I say that he was a true friend, and that I would be remiss in our friendship to not finish what he intended to do himself." Wilhelm raised his sword to poke Carmine's neck ever so lightly, right in the front, the steel caressing the fur with a cold, impersonal touch. "My name is Wilhelm de Winter. You killed my friend. Prepare to die." With that, Wilhelm pushed his sword forward exactly five inches- two and a half more inches than the average pony neck's thickness. Wilhelm waited a heartbeat, and then pulled out his sword, the resulting spurt of blood as the obstruction was removed splattering over his pant leg before simply being content to form a steadily growing pool of redness around Carmine's still form. 


Wilhelm sighed and murmured a snippet of something in Equestrian Latin, something ancient, and turned away from the body. He gave himself a few moments before he felt composed enough, and then made his way over to Rarity, tears finally beginning to well in his eyes. "I'm sorry." Wilhelm said, though he knew not what he was apologizing for, or if it even was addressed to Rarity. "I'm sorry." he murmured once more, his former self-assurance replaced with a brokenness that Wilhelm hadn't experienced since the Saddle Arabian Civil War's end. "I'm sorry."

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@@Orion Caelum@

As Will made his move Carmine did nothing but give a wicked grin as he was killed. It was over, Carmine was dead and Rarity was safe. But at the cost of Ice Blizzard's life. The only thing that was left of him was his grandfather's book, which he had given to Rarity before he made his sacrifice.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Orion Caelum

"It's not true. You had to go and protect me. Why?"


Tears streaked down Rarity's face as she sat paralyzed on the floor of the cave, the only sign of movement being an occasional shake of the head as she desperately tried to avoid her own thoughts. She had been in her own world ever since Carmine had came back, and she hadn't even noticed his end; she had just sat there, looking down at Ice Blizzard's tear-stained book and clutching it to her chest like it would run away and leave at any second.






Somewhere off in the forest, a brown mare with a leafy green mane and tail was taking a nap next to a nearby tree. She was interrupted, however, as her ears perked up, registering an unfamiliar sound.


"What the-"


She snapped awake and threw herself hurriedly out of the way, narrowly avoiding being crushed under the falling body. As the dust settled, she looked back to where the impact was, only to cock her head in confusion at what had nearly flattened her.


"How did you get out here?" she said to the nearly dead stallion. She began to walk closer to him, only to jump back as his body suddenly froze, encasing him in ice.


"Okay..." she said, looking around at the clearing. This had been her favorite spot for quite some time. Unfortunately, if he was here, it wouldn't be long before others came too, including them. She couldn't afford that, not now. She packed up her bags before moving off deeper into the forest.

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@@@Orion Caelum

Electron heard the explosion and flew over by the area wondering what happened, "Ho-lee-buck! What happened here?!" he noticed Rarity holding Blizzard's book, and came to the instant conclusion that Blizzard was dead, "Snowball must be dead! Yes! Finally after all these years, that dude's finally gone! Yes!" EWS began to fly around around the arena and shout happily, "WOOHOO! YEEES! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!"


Blizzard was stuck in cryostasis, and he slid down a hillside at the edge of the forest until he stopped near a river. If the mare would come back, she wouldn't see him there anymore.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Why, I can do this." I materialized six swords out of hard lightning and floated them to demonstrate. "Granted they're not as heavy as yours, but surely you can lift, carry, and swing your one sword?"

caliber frowned. was ruk's basic training wrong? and...well, this would be the first time he's attempted magic since he was young. 


"o...kay..." he concentrated, and his horn fizzled. the only spell he ever worked on was the dark magic thing, admittedly, and he hadn't tried the levitation spell since he was but a colt.


the tell-tale aura didnt even appear, though his sword moved a bit. caliber frowned. "this is why i dont do that..." he muttered. "im not exactly good at magic..."


he felt like giving up right now, he didnt really see a reason to do this. he was already the fourth best swordspony with the style he's already got, for petes sake! why does he have to throw away something he'd trained just because a mare says its better?


but still...might as well give it a shot. he tried again, with the same result.


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"With this place, you never know..."


She stopped as she walked inside, getting her first look at the state of her place. It looked like a small whirlwind had gone through; scrolls sat rolling around miserably on the floor, while priceless amulets and lockets lay scattered about all over the place. Her poster was shredded, one of the few reminders of her past life damaged beyond repair.


Trixie began to boil in anger as her temper skyrocketed, but it turned to steam as she settled for a deep sigh; there wasn't even a point. 


"Grab a broom," she said tiredly, pointing off towards a corner while she moved around the shop, picking expensive items up off the floor and putting them back on the shelves.


Why did this always happen to her?

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@Orion Caelum

"It's not true. You had to go and protect me. Why?"


Tears streaked down Rarity's face as she sat paralyzed on the floor of the cave, the only sign of movement being an occasional shake of the head as she desperately tried to avoid her own thoughts. She had been in her own world ever since Carmine had came back, and she hadn't even noticed his end; she had just sat there, looking down at Ice Blizzard's tear-stained book and clutching it to her chest like it would run away and leave at any second.




Wilhelm wiped his muzzle with his sleeve. "I.. I don't know. He cared about you, Rarity; he told me he had ever since he saw you in Ponyville for the first time." He tentatively reached out a hoof, but hesitated. "If it would make you feel even slightly better, Carmine is dead. Permanently; if I need to, I'll go back to Tartarus just to keep his soul down there." Wilhelm attempted a smile and failed miserably. "Furthermore, I.. I don't think he's actually dead. Ice is stronger than Carmine; if I fought Ice, I would have never been able to defeat him that easily. And Carmine was still standing for a while, and in reasonable fighting condition, after Ice detonated the bomb. I think... Perhaps we should go back to the arena and tell the Princesses? They.. They'll form search parties. We'll find him, I know it."


Wilhelm attempted a smile again, and this time held it for more than a quarter of a second. "Rarity, are you familiar with the concept of cryogenic storage? It means that if you can freeze the body, while it's still alive, at low enough a temperature, then the body could be saved. Ice is okay, somewhere; I remember talking to him about this random stuff over a campfire before we assaulted Eclipse's final fortress."


Wilhelm refrained to mention that after three days, even if Ice did encase himself at extremely low-temperature ice, there would be brain damage, possibly irreparably so.

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With a blink of an eye the pink pony zoomed off into the distance, my eyes barely keeping up with her unbelievable speed. I even had to fly in order to catch up with her. Finding the store she went into was harder then expected despite the pink trail she left, I wasn't even going to ask on how that worked. Pinkie said she would take me to a magical shop, if I can find that store I can find Pinkie! Basing my opinions on the signs on top of the buildings I picked a building and walked in.What came into view was a lovely little store with shelves filled with unique and buzzard trinkets that I presumed were of the magical nature. However the items were rather disorganized for a store of supposed high quality. *Thud* putting too much focus on the items I didn't notice the individual I bumped into. "Oh uh my bad didn't notice you were there," I said to the tall equine in front of me.

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"Let me handle this, you shouldn't have to deal with this." He pulled up a chai for her to relax and calm down in while he cleaned up the mess as best he could. Aknor grabbed the broom started sweeping, occasionally picking up the odd piece of jewlery or an amulet off the floor and levitating it onto her desk for her to decide where to put ot back when she was ready to, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her, someone had just come in, thrown stuff everywhere, and left it there, not bothering to clear it up after themselves. He caught a glimse of what looked like a poster, although it was too tattered to be sure, in her hooves.


After finishing with cleaning up any broken trinkets and ruined scrolls, he looked about the shop and although Trixie still didn't look too happy about the whole scenario, he was happy with how well he'd managed to sweep up, granted it's not hard to sweep up, but when you live in a sandstone igloo, if you can see a slight reflection in the floor then that was a job well done. "Trixie, if you want to, you can go out for the day, go to the spa, relax and unwind and i'll watch over your shop for the day." He stopped for a moment realizing how thievish that must've sounded to her, she'd just had her home invaded and now this stranger, who she'd only just met, was offering to watch it for her while she went out for the day. He looked at her with honest eyes and said, "What I mean is that you've had a rough start and if I'm honest, you deserve a break for the day." Picked up the last of the broken good and asked, "Where do you want me putting these?" Then somepony walked into him.



"Oof... Hello, welcome to... Actually I'm not sure if this is a good time for shopping, she's just had a bit of an incident involving... Actually its probably better to ask her if its open or not but theres been a bit of an incident." He notioned over to Trixie, who from his angle, still looked annoyed with everything.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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@Orion Caelum

"It's not Ice Blizzard, it's me," she said with a still distant voice, still staring down at the book. "This is all my fault; if I hadn't been too weak to stand up for myself, none of this would have happened. I could have saved him."


She stood up suddenly. The books and the gems slipped themselves into her saddlebag with a dull swishing sound as she faced the entrance of the cave.


"No. No one else gets hurt because of me. No one,"  She repeated, still seemingly talking to herself. She headed out of the cave.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@@Orion Caelum

Electron Wave Storm was still flying around with enthusiasm until he saw Will, "Oh hey there! Guess old snowball finally got what was coming to him huh? How sad. I almost feel sorry for you all." He stifled his laughter until he bursted out laughing, "Psshahaha! Oh wait, I don't feel sorry at all! I'm glad he's gone you know that?!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Tempest Shift @Corona Adamas


"Thank you, I'll go ask her right away," I stammered before walking over to the not so happy looking blue pony. Pulling out my helmet from my bag and clearing my throat. "Business is this, if you are indeed open I request a custom order. My request is this, I need you to enchant an entire suit of armor with a high level shield spell that I the wearer can activate at anytime. Whatever the cost I'll pay, I only came here cause I heard this was the best place for magical goods and services." 

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@Ranger22 @Corona de Adamas

Aknor coughed upon hearing the order, "Whatever your armour is, I can make better..." He grumbled to himself as he got back to sweeping the floor again, he whistled 'What a wonderful world' to himself as je continued sweeping the floors for Trixie. He had no idea why but he felt obliged to aid Trixie, maybe he felt sorry for her? He didn't know, and he didn't pay any more attention to the thought as he resumed cleaning up her shop for her.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Caliber frowned when she called him pitiful. "First time iv tried since I was a kid, ya know." He said in a irritated tone. "Not everyone can get everything right on their first time, ya know."


He listened to the explanation. He didn't feel comfortable needing something to help, but hey. He was about as good as a filly right now, like she said.


He tried again, a light red aura surrounding the sword. Still thinking he needs to put a lot of effort in, he jerked it upward, missing his nose by an inch. He looked at the sword, which was now floating in midair. "There, cool, I got it." He said, "but I'm not used to fighting like this. And it seems unfair to earth ponies."


He was thinking. Perhaps he can use the magic to get even faster attack rate?


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Seeing that Aknor was occupied, Trixie turned her attention to the second pony in the room.


"I don't enchant, I imbue," she said, in a slightly indignant tone. "Enchantments wear off, or can be disabled by certain spells should it come to a battle. Once I imbue a spell into your armor, however, it becomes a part of it. Permanently. That thing could turn to dust and the spell would still hold."


Rant over, she dropped her tone, speaking normally.

"It also takes longer, and is a little more expensive. But like you said, money is no object, so give me your armor and three days, and i'll have it finished for you. I'll even throw in a self-cleaning spell, for a little extra."

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@Corona de Adamas, Three days huh, that was a fairly reasonable wait time considering my request. "Apologies for using the wrong terminology, I am not too familiar with magic terminology being a griffon and all. Here's the bits and armor, no need for the cleaning spell I personally like the grit." Taking out a large bag of bits from my pack I tossed it on to the counter. I then carefully placed down the bag containing my full set of armor.

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@Orion Caelum

"Rabbit-in-the-hat? Not exactly," she said, feeling a little insulted. She knew the stallion had no clue what she did, though, so she kept her indignation to a minimum.


"But yes, you can come back with me. It is technically opening time, I just closed down the shop temporarily so I could fulfill a personal request. The mare in question wasn't home, however, so back to business as usual, I suppose..."


She looked over to what had caught the stallion's attention.


"It's better to ignore it, trust me," she said, looking at the small scene in front of her. "The longer you stay here, the quicker you'll realize the ponies in this town are crazy."


She turned towards her shop and began walking, not giving it a second thought.





"Well, if you're that eager, ya' can finish the dishes first," she said with a grin. "Then, when you're done, we can see if we can patch up this enormous hole in the tavern. Just a light one, then i'll be doing the rest later when I get the supplies. Customers will be coming in a few hours, so I reckon we have plenty of time to do this if we work hard."


Without another word, she disappeared off into the cellar, only to re-appear moments later, hauling an enormous wooden beam on her back and moving like it weighed no more than a box of matches.


"Apple family motto, by the way," she said as she passed him. "Work hard, and work together. I appreciate the help."


Still scrubbing dishes to a perfect shine, Kazas listened to Applejack intently. What caught his ear, however, was the Apple family motto.


" Oh, just living up to a promise, no need for thanks! And a family motto, hmmm? Sounds like you and your family are quite close."



For Kazas to issue such a short statement was quite unusual. Keeping himself turned away from Applejack and concentrated on the dishes, he started to remember recent events from home. His father did not exactly see eye to eye with Kazas on many things, and thus, a rift had developed between Kazas and his family, but of course, it was best to try to keep those memories out of mind for now. He had to help this pony. And besides, he had to wait for the others to prepare for Lorec, right? And maybe... just maybe he would meet Darkrai here after all?

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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