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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"Actually, I thought it was because you didn't look up," she said smugly.


"You know, i've gotten a lot stronger since this competition started. I've learned some new abilities, and I got a better grasp of how strong the competition is in this tournament. Also, i'm ready to take this seriously." she said, giving him a smirk.


"Challenge accepted. I look forward to taking you down. Again."

caliber got a weird look to his eyes. "ooh, confident!" he said, "but dont go thinking your the only one whos been getting stronger. I've even started having sessions with zenru."


he grinned. "and ill at least get ya at least once this time around." he grinned wider. "but for now, lets just enjoy this city."


he kept walking, his muffins long gone, "you know any places we could go?" he asked offhandedly. 


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Syuren scoffed, still in a hushed tone.


" what?!? No! Man , yer kinda dense. This is to respect yer battle with Lorec. Ya ain't gettin' hitched. You're not Lorec's type anyways, toots."


He spotted Lorec at the beginning of the line. He gently pushed Tyra toward the beginning of the line.


" good luck! Lorec's waitin' for ya! Take up position beside him and we can get this show on the road!"


Syuren then proceeded back the way he came, fluttering in mid air to the rest of his fellow keepers.


"Ooohhh," Tyra muttered, giving a single nod of the head, "I see...I do not need a dress, right?"

She was nudged ahead slightly by Syuren, and trotted up to the beginning of the line, standing alongside Lorec.


"It has been a while," She whispered, smirking up at him, "How did last night treat you?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Do I? I know of star swirl, of course, although... I never took much of an interest in him. Hence; the "no" magic aspect in my uh, being not a unicorn... or Alicorn," he winked at Celestia, more so as a joke than anything else. 


He stopped for a brief moment to reposition Luna on his back and secure her so she wouldn't fall. That's the last thing he'd want to happen. Especially with Celestia present. 


"So how do I remind you of him? How do i differ?" he inquired, curious to know sense se brought up the subject. 


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Wilhelm sighed melodramatically. "Ahh, you're just too smart for me, aren't you?" From... somewhere... he brought out a map of the surrounding area, checking it over. "So... It looks like it'll be a few minutes before we get there." Unfortunately, he added mentally. I don't want any more time to reflect on this errand before it's done; all that leads to is brooding, and that ends badly for nearly everypony involved, most of all me. Unconsciously, his hoof strayed to his pocket watch, then, realizing what he just did, Wilhelm took his hoof off of the watch as discreetly as if the locket was on fire. Terrific. Really terrific. Now, she's probably going to ask what's in there or something. Well... that time's long past me. It doesn't matter.


Wilhelm switched his train of thought to something more palatable- namely, the future purchase of tickets to one of Octavia's recitals for Annette and him-, but as he began to ponder how to pull off a surprise gift, he heard something at the very edge of his hearing. His ears pricked up, and, with feigned casualness, he said "Annette, did you hear that? Sounded kind of like... a mare talking, I suppose?"

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Blizzard chuckled as they finished cleaning up, "Yeah, I guess it was, wasn't it?" he looked up and saw that Rarity was in that same room as she was before. He looked in and heard Rarity say something was impossible. He walked over to her, and put a hoof around her for comfort, "Hey will you look at that huh? Another example of your expertise at its finest. Isn't that amazing? See? I toldya Rarity, as long as you have your beautiful personality, and your level of smarts, you can do almost anything." He went over, and pressed his face against the glass of the machine like a filly at a candy shop window for a moment before backing up, "Really nice. Maybe one of these times we can have a training session for fighting? I'd love to learn a thing or two from your techniques. Anyway, I'm glad everything's working out for you ok. I'll see you later at 5:30 ok?" he said as he began to leave.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Not particularly," she said with a casual tone. "At least, no place that's not incredibly high-class or boring. I'm fine with that, though; I prefer walking. Sitting in one place for too long gets old fast with me, unless i'm training."


She bumped flanks with him, smirking.


"Guess that makes me a wanderer too, doesn't it?"




"Your sense of humor, for one," Celestia  replied as she continued walking. "Starswirl had a great one, though sometimes not always at the best moments. I could always count on him to make me laugh." she said, a corner of her mouth turning up even at memories of him."


"I also see in you his sense of dedication, though for Starswirl, it was an intense dedication to the study of magic, rather than to protecting those around him. Nearly everything beyond basic spells that you see around you was created or improved by him in one capacity or another. I should know; he was my personal teacher." she said proudly.




@Orion Caelum

Anette cocked her head slightly.


"No, can't say that I do..."


Heartthrob, sitting on Wilhelm's back, seemed to have a different opinion. She floated over to Anette, and after a seconds pause, Anette frowned.


"There's two ponies flying above us. One of them is... Electron Wave Storm, and the the other... Heartthrob's never seen before. This could be trouble."




"Well, really, I have no idea what to expect from la clochette now. It was only at fifteen percent completion when I last left it, but this projection was only for 80% or higher. I guess the only way to figure out what it does now would be to test it..." she said curiously as she walked up to it. She reached for it and plucked it out of its holder, then slipped it into the necklace that she pulled from her saddlebag. The gem seemed to respond to her magic, humming slightly before it dimmed, looking like an ordinary crystal as it hung near her chest.


"Not now, though, Ice Blizzard, I promise. I have a spa appointment to go to right now. Afterwards, maybe." she said with a smile as she picked up her last item; an elegant scarf. She wrapped it around her neck before heading towards the door.


"5:30, correct? I'll be back before then. Goodbye, Ice Blizzard."

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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caliber grinned. "high-class, you say?" he asked. "well, we're two rowdy ponies, how about we go crash that party?"


again, it would be hard to tell if he was serious, or if he was joking.


he laughed when she made that remark about being a wanderer.


"sorry, but the world barely handle one wanderer as it is!"


he grinned again. "tell ya what: ill let ya be my sidekick." he said playfully, bumping her back.


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"Ah, I see, well sometimes it takes something arbitrary to provoke those memories, I'm glad you can reminisce in such a good past." he commented cheerfully, "I wish I could have the same luxury." he thought.


"As far as my dedication, I've heard that before but never fully understood why ponies say such things. I do what I do because I see it as right, for example. protecting another pony. Her, especially," he motioned to Luna with his muzzle. "She means a lot as, she is all I have. Or to your knowledge at least. But I'd give for anypony, honest. Or almost anypony..." he trailed off, thinking about his mother, his father. But he didn't think to much of it.


They had finally arrived at the castle and they each entered, still conversing back and forth, as they entered Luna's sleeping quarters. Night Tracer shuffled Luna off his back and onto her bed, gently.  Before he tucked her in turned to Celestia who was watching him, "Thanks for your company, I, I have enjoyed it." he smiled.  


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Blizzard grabbed his grandfather's book, put on his green scarf, and started to walk in a different direction and quickly said, "Uh, well, I was hoping for combat training tomorrow. So, yeah, see ya later..."


Soon she was out of sight, and Ice started to walk around for a moment, trying to think of something to do until laterm "I wonder what Rarity's gonna wear later? *sighs dreamily* Whatever it is, it's gonna be so hot I can already tell..."


Eventually, the train arrived at the Bangcolt Station, where Yuki exited. She was carrying everything she had packed upon her back, and began to walk slowly into the town. She was amazed at everything the town had, "Wow. And to think my little Icesius has made it in Ponyville all on his own, and now he's here. I wonder why."


She walked past all the buildings and stuff, until she neared the entrance of the arena itself, "So this is the arena? Where everypony fights? Interesting..."


Ice was walking around the southern corner of the hospital and looked towards the entrance to see his mother, "I can't wait until later, I just need something to w-- MOM? Oh God. Damn. It. Why is mom here? Oh this is gonna be bad...just walk away, and she won't see you..."


Yuki turned around to see her son just before he got away, and ran to him, "Icy? Icy!" she threw her arms around him with happiness, "Oh, my little Icesius. I'm so glad to see you. How are you?"




"How's your Ponyville home?"




"Have you been doing well with your fighting?"




"Ooh, have you found a marefriend yet?"

Ice blushed for a moment before speaking, "....I...uh....Moooom."


Yuki laughed before continuing, "Sorry son. I just haven't seen you in so long."


Ice sighed, "It's only been one and a half short years mom. I can take care of myself. I don't need to beck checked upon."


Yuki walked up to Ice, "But can you blame me? I mean, your mom has to check on you to make sure you're ok."


"Yeah you're right, mom," Ice said, "And I'm happy to see you too. Wanna see the rest of the town?"


Yuki smiled as they started to walk together, "Sure! I'd love to see the town and your friends. I know Caliber is here, as well as some of your other friends you tell me about in your letters. I hope I brought enough of my fine jewelry samples to share with them. Oh, and that reminds me. Icesius?"


"Yeah mom?"


"Have you found a marefriend yet?" she asked teasingly.


"Aw come on, mom." he said with a facehoof.



EWS dropped the electro-canister down towards Will and Anette, "And...it's on...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@ @


"Well," Wilhelm said sarcastically, "That's just bloody terrific. Knowing him, he's going to..." He froze, and then whipped around, sword ripped from its scabbard. He looked up just in time to see EWS throw a cylinder containing who knows what, and muttered. "I hate it when I'm right." With a quick glance to Annette, he said to simply "Get down!" With this, he leaped into the air, and with a flap of his wings, gained enough altitude to intercept the projectile midair. Throwing up a quick calculation of force vectors according to basic Newponyan gravitational laws, Wilhelm swung back his sword and hit the electro-canister with all his might like a baseball- straight back at EWS and Nightingale.

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Ice Blizzard's mom, Yuki Frostlace, was sitting at home when she got a newspaper. On the front cover, was an ad for the Bangcolt Arena with several ponies including Caliber, Slieght Mist, Wilhelm, and Ice Blizzard! His mom was astonished to see him on the cover of a newspaper, "Wow. My little Icy is all famous. I'm gonna go visit him. It's been so long since I've seen my little boy."


She packed up everything. Her Tsurara Nunchucks, clothes, her jewelry case for her sales, and a picture of Ice. She packed everyting she needed, and left for the Crystal Empire Train Station, and got onto the train for Bangcolt, and looked out the window as it left the station. "I sure hope he's found a marefriend by now...."


Vera stood at Kazas's side as he spoke to his friends. When Kazas's was finished, she spoke up, "Hey, 'sup? How ya guys doin'?" , she said calmly. Having been around boys a lot in the mercenary group, she figured she knew how to handle how to talk to other dudes in such a way.

Syuren looked oddly at Vera. Wait... This was the mare he had seen earlier... He was sure of it! Even still, he wouldn't call out that had already known about her if what he suspected was true. Of course, what he suspected was that Kazas was potentially seeing this pony. And, as a golden rule of the ' bro code ' that Syuren followed, he wouldn't interfere in their potential relationship too badly, other than a light-hearted joke every now and then. He spoke to Vera.


" heyooo. Great to see a pretty face every now and then. My name is Syuren, but you can call me Ren. Renny works too, and I'm doin' great! Now miss, don't go breakin' my heart and tellin' me yer taken...."


Kazas cut him off with an awkward laugh, and spoke in response.


" ha ha.... Actually, Syuren.... She's with me. And before you ask, yes. It IS that type of relationship."


It was then that a wide smile crept up on Syuren's face. He ran up to Kazas, a gave a light hoof tap to his shoulder while exclamating his joy.


" HELL YEAH! 'Bout time you got that stick out of yer ass, grew a pair, and got a mate! Sooooooooo..... Have you two... You know..."


Smiling coyly, he began to beatbox, only making one noise from his mouth; the party boy noise. It was then that he received a blow upon the head from a crystalline staff. It was from Alrahm, the sage. The old unicorn spoke, in a condescending tone.


" Syuren, that is quite rude! never, in ANY circumstance, do you ask a couple of their romantic activities!"


" dammit, old guy, I was jokin'! Geez..."


Alrahm, stepping beside Syuren, motioned for him to get back into position. Syuren begrudgingly did so, rubbing his head with his hoof from where Alrahm had struck him. Alrahm spoke to the young mare.


" you must forgive him. He does not quite understand social boundaries very well yet. If what Kazas says is true, then I congratulate you both, and wish you a happy future together. I do not know how this will affect the Divine Retribution, but you have my blessings. Now Kazas, we shouldn't keep them waiting..."


Kazas nodded. He spoke to Vera in a confident, but gentle and loving tone, slowly making his way to the center of the arena entrance, standing in front of it.


" Vera... Will you stand with us as we welcome and cheer on our friends?"





Lorec looked at Tyra, and gave a grin. His daughter still sleeping on his back.


" treated me well. Yourself? Oh and by the way, that drinking match was bullshit. Bar served up the bad blod av aptgangr."


Sifana, seemingly semi-concious but still snoring, seemed to speak softly.


" papa...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... No swearing....zzzzzzzz"


His ears flickered a tinge. Smiling warmly due to his daughter's adorableness, he spoke.


" of course, Sifana... I'll be sure to add some bits to the swear jar later."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Syuren looked oddly at Vera. Wait... This was the mare he had seen earlier... He was sure of it! Even still, he wouldn't call out that had already known about her if what he suspected was true. Of course, what he suspected was that Kazas was potentially seeing this pony. And, as a golden rule of the ' bro code ' that Syuren followed, he wouldn't interfere in their potential relationship too badly, other than a light-hearted joke every now and then. He spoke to Vera. " heyooo. Great to see a pretty face every now and then. My name is Syuren, but you can call me Ren. Renny works too, and I'm doin' great! Now miss, don't go breakin' my heart and tellin' me yer taken...." Kazas cut him off with an awkward laugh, and spoke in response. " ha ha.... Actually, Syuren.... She's with me. And before you ask, yes. It IS that type of relationship." It was then that a wide smile crept up on Syuren's face. He ran up to Kazas, a gave a light hoof tap to his shoulder while exclamating his joy. " HELL YEAH! 'Bout time you got that stick out of yer ass, grew a pair, and got a mate! Sooooooooo..... Have you two... You know..." Smiling coyly, he began to beatbox, only making one noise from his mouth; the party boy noise. It was then that he received a blow upon the head from a crystalline staff. It was from Alrahm, the sage. The old unicorn spoke, in a condescending tone. " Syuren, that is quite rude! never, in ANY circumstance, do you ask a couple of their romantic activities!" " dammit, old guy, I was jokin'! Geez..." Alrahm, stepping beside Syuren, motioned for him to get back into position. Syuren begrudgingly did so, rubbing his head with his hoof from where Alrahm had struck him. Alrahm spoke to the young mare. " you must forgive him. He does not quite understand social boundaries very well yet. If what Kazas says is true, then I congratulate you both, and wish you a happy future together. I do not know how this will affect the Divine Retribution, but you have my blessings. Now Kazas, we shouldn't keep them waiting..." Kazas nodded. He spoke to Vera in a confident, but gentle and loving tone, slowly making his way to the center of the arena entrance, standing in front of it. " Vera... Will you stand with us as we welcome and cheer on our friends?

Vera internally laughed at how silly Kazas' friends were. She expected them all to be stuck-up tightwads, however, her expectations were met with decency. She faked a yawn and spoke, "Oh yeah sure. Nice to meet you all. Coming Kazas!" she said as she ran up to him.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"yeah! and then we can be those awesome ponies, all fighting and sparring and amazing everyone who watched...its going to b epic!" she grinned, "but we're gonna have to train!" she added, with a confident smirk.

Red nodded. "It's always easier training with a partner," she said cheerfully. It was lucky she'd stumbled upon Ruby-- it was almost impossible to get stronger now. Every pony reached a plateau in their training at different times, and she had nearly reached hers. It was getting harder and harder to get more powerful on her own. And then Ruby had just showed up out of seemingly nowhere. "Say, where are you from, Ruby?" Red questioned, suddenly curious.

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Red nodded. "It's always easier training with a partner," she said cheerfully. It was lucky she'd stumbled upon Ruby-- it was almost impossible to get stronger now. Every pony reached a plateau in their training at different times, and she had nearly reached hers. It was getting harder and harder to get more powerful on her own. And then Ruby had just showed up out of seemingly nowhere. "Say, where are you from, Ruby?" Red questioned, suddenly curious.

"ill say! cali--er, calcifer used to spar with me all the time! although, he almost never took me seriously..."


"where am i from?"


she opened her mouth, and then closed it. 'quick! brain! think of something! hurry!' she thought, 'i cant use my real village! its not even a thing yet!'


"fillydelphia!" she said. it was the same town caliber's from, so--




if caliber was here, that would mean that technically, they should know each-other. and if caliber says 'i dont know you', then her cover is blown!


'you've failed me, brain!' she scolded herself.

  • Brohoof 1


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Ruby looked quite horrified at having told her where she lived, Red reflected. Probably some reason to that. And why he kept calling Calcifer Caliber-- or was it the other way around?


"Fillydelphia... I've only been maybe once. It's a nice little city. Seems like it'll grow a lot bigger in time," Red said, trotting down the steps and out of the stands.


She began trying to think about more things she could do to put off her inevitable fight with Ruby. She looked at the arena.


Well... "Hey, do you want to fight in this arena?" Red asked. She turned to Ruby. "It won't have the same feeling as fighting in the public arena... but I'm a tad concerned about showing up together publicly after what happened at the restaurant."

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@@Little Red


"sure!" ruby said, jumping up. "im always down for a fight!"


she grinned. "i dont even care that we're doing it in the private arena!" she said. "im just happy to find out how strong my friend is!"


she started trotting back to the arena. they had just left, after all.


'wow. day one, and so much has happened!' she squealed to herself.

  • Brohoof 1


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Red grinned slightly, relieved. "Thanks," she said, trotting beside Ruby and moving to the other end of the arena.


She reached the other end and unfastened her cloak, letting it fall. She looked up at Ruby, getting in a ready stance.


"Ready when you are," she called, beginning to feel more excited for the fight.

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@@Little Red


ruby nodded. "aaaaand...go!" she chirped. and then she went strangely silent.


she didnt do anything, but seemed to relax her muscles. her sword was out already, and she seemed to be waiting for something.


someone could even think that she was falling asleep standing up.

  • Brohoof 1


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Red blinked at Ruby's sudden silence. She'd expected a more aggressive fighting style from such a chipper pony.


She examined Ruby's stance. Totally relaxed. Not giving anything away.


Red envied that type of relaxed fighting. Some ponies had mastered it, and she knew it helped tremendously. But no matter how calm she was when she fought, she always ended up tensing at some point, which made it a lot harder, she knew, as it wore on her muscles and could hurt them.


She decided to test the waters. She started with a quick charge, at Ruby in several seconds, sword in her mouth, slashing out.

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@@Little Red


ruby saw the slash coming, and she dropped like a sack of potatoes.


the blade missed her hair by a centimeter.


and it looked ridiculous, since ruby didnt just duck, she had dropped fully to the ground.


then she started her counter-attack. she gripped her sword hilt, pushed herself up into a handstand, and did a sweep using her sword, trailing it in a wide circle around her. she simultaneously threw a kick, still doing a handstand.


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Lorec looked at Tyra, and gave a grin. His daughter still sleeping on his back.


" treated me well. Yourself? Oh and by the way, that drinking match was bullshit. Bar served up the bad blod av aptgangr."


Sifana, seemingly semi-concious but still snoring, seemed to speak softly.


" papa...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... No swearing....zzzzzzzz"


His ears flickered a tinge. Smiling warmly due to his daughter's adorableness, he spoke.


" of course, Sifana... I'll be sure to add some bits to the swear jar later."


"Excuses, excuses," Tyra snickered, smirking cockily up at the minotaur, "I will say though, I enjoyed that drink. It was refreshingly strong! I have not been that drunk since I left home!"


She grinned up at the smaller Sifana, sleep-scolding her father for cursing.

"It is good that you have someone to look out for you, yes?" She teased lightheartedly.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Orion Caelum

Nightingale saw the canister coming, but she also felt it; every action performed produced trailing wind currents that she could interpret like the pages of a book. She simply dropped down lightly to the ground a sizable distance from the two strange ponies, and the canister missed her completely.


"Well..." she began, waiting for the action above her. She didn't move, and adopted an almost lazed posture as she talked to Wilhelm "That's certainly an inventive way to use a sword..."




"Sorry, i've already got a sidekick myself." she said dismissively "Her name is Anette, and she may not look like much, but she's one heck of a fighter. Even thrashed me a couple of times, though naturally, I was holding back." she said with a laugh. Her face grew momentarily serious as stopped to think.


"I wonder where she is right now...?"




"I enjoyed your company, as well, Night Tracer." Celestia couldn't suppress the faint smile that she had adopted at the sight of Night Tracer tucking Luna in.


"I trust Luna will be safe with you. I'm afraid I can't stay, however; I have an appointment with a certain media outlet that I just can't miss." she couldn't suppress a light chuckle at that thought; she didn't regret messing with the gossip columnists one bit.


"As usual, this place is as open to you as it is to us. Do you need anything before I go?" she inquired.




Rarity opened the door and stepped out. Completely missing the cape that had been wrapped around the doorknob, she began to walk towards the spa, though even now, she wasn't completely.


"I shouldn't be doing this. La clochette doux is almost done, which means I should be out looking for her..."


She only gave the thought little entertainment before dismissing it with the shake of the head and a sigh. Even if she could find the mysterious mare, there was nothing that revenge would satisfy. She just needed to make sure this never happened again, and her face tightened with resignation as she continued on towards the spa, moving at a slightly quicker pace than before.

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"I enjoyed your company, as well, Night Tracer." Celestia couldn't suppress the faint smile that she had adopted at the sight of Night Tracer tucking Luna in.


"I trust Luna will be safe with you. I'm afraid I can't stay, however; I have an appointment with a certain media outlet that I just can't miss." she couldn't suppress a light chuckle at that thought; she didn't regret messing with the gossip columnists one bit.


"As usual, this place is as open to you as it is to us. Do you need anything before I go?" she inquired.





Night Tracer tucked Luna under her covers and smiled at her. He leaned in and kissed her forehead.


He then walked to the other side of the bed and put his two hooves atop the bed and straighten out the covers before hopping in the bed himself, "No, I'm fine." He stated., "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to catch some shut eye as well, come to think of it I haven't slept in two days." He looked down at Luna and then back at Celestia, "And I think I'm going to stay in here." He nervously grinned, hoping that she'd get the memo that he had no intent of doing anything.


Before he laid down he diverted the topic, "Hey, I was actually planning on doing something tonight with her, but, given her current state. She won't even be awake by then," he explained. "Perhaps you'd like to go out and have a bite to eat, my treat." He offered. "What'd ya say Celly?" He smiled, awaiting a response.


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@, @@Orion Caelum,

EWS evaded the canister as it came back at him, and it flew out of sight. Meanwhile, he pondered whether or not fighting Will was a good idea considering Anette was with him, and he had been beaten. "What to do...."


As Ice and his mom were walking, the electro-canister landed near them, albeit at a safe distance so they wouldn't be hurt, but it was still a shock to see, "So, where to next Icy? Should I scope out cute mares for you?"


Ice facehooved again, "That's not necessary, mom. I already have a--woah! What the-- electricity in a can?" "Dammit EWS. Where are you?"


Yuki looked confused for a moment before asking, "Icesius, what's going on? What was that?"


Ice didn't want his mom to potentially embarrass him in front of a threat, so he did something to get her away. He pulled out the other spa ticket he had, and gave it to her, "Here, mom. Take this. It's a ticket for the spa in town I bought for you. Go there, and relax yourself, and I'll meet up with you later."


Yuki raised an eyebrow. She knew that if her son had to do something this drastic, it must've been serious. However, she decided to play along, and just go to the spa, because why not, "O..k.. if you're sure...I'll be on the lookout for some nice mares for ya. See you later son." she added with a big kiss to Ice's forehead, "Go get 'em son."


Ice was somewhat disgusted by the kiss, but remembered it was his mom, so he accepted it, "Well, I'm off." he said as he ice skated away to wherever that canister came from.



Yuki walked off to the direction of the spa she had seen on her way in there, "Icesius is part of the Ice Clan. I know he won't let me, nor his friends down."


As she rounded the corner, she accidentally bumped into a white and purple mare, "Ow. Oops. Sorry about that I--" she looked up to see who it was. It was Rarity, the Element of Generosity, and creator of over 1000s of designs, "Ms. Rarity? Oh. My. Gosh. I'm such a fan of your fashion work....sorry, are you ok?"


@, @@Orion Caelum,

As Ice ice skated away, he saw AJ's bar was in ruins, "Well....that's a situation. Where is EWS goddammit?!" he skated until he made contact with EWS. He was apparently attacking Will and Anette.


His friendly side told him to rush out, and defend, and that's exactly what he did, "Alright Tron! You're outta here!"


EWS noticed Blizzard and was shocked, "Nightningale, you handle these fools uh....you know what? Buck this sh*t I'm out. Uh-uh, buck this sh*t I'm out." he said as he flew away.


Ice jumped up, happily, "Yeah that's right you piece of crap! Fly away like the insect you are!" He turned to Anette and Will, "You guys ok? Oh, by the way, I'm...back..hehe..." he said with the shyest smile ever before turning to Nightingale, "Well, guys, I'm pretty sure this town is for ponies to come around and fight right? So tell me....who invited these jackasses?!" he said as he shot an ice beam at Nightingale.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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