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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Blizzard nodded, "That sounds pretty nice. Tea business? That's impressive. Sounds to me like the makings of another hard working mare. I like that. Now, me personally, I like to fight," he said with a grin, "Fighting is what I do. If anypony dares to get in my way or mess with my friends, then they get it good."


He ate another bite of apple and continued, "So, Silver Spoon? If you want, tell me about her. Is she a friend of yours?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Orion Caelum

Anette didn't comment too much on the ensuing situation. Hanging around with her dolls had imbued her with an incredible sense of patience, and the ability to understand that sometimes, ponies screwed up. It was a fact of life, and sometimes, you just had to forgive them and move on. This was one of those times.


But, she didn't say any of this to Wilhelm. Not just because she wanted him to look past it, but also because It looked like maybe, just maybe, a part of him was already starting to understand that.


Instead, she took the pasta without complaint, and her face immediately changed when she ate it. the pasta was absolutely incredible, to the point where she had to fight down her exuberance in order to avoid shouting out.


"Oh my- Wilhelm, this is amazing!" she said, managing to keep her volume to a "just between them level. "Go ahead, try this out!" she said, her eyes shining with excitement.




The mare looked at him slowly as the rain fell around her, and let out a sigh. It seemed like she couldn't get rid of him, and she wasn't going anywhere until her legs started working again. She also didn't want to attack him, despite it probably being the best possible option at the time. Which meant, she had to talk to him.


"...It's Terra, and I would like it if you forgot this encounter ever happened." she finally said after a moments pause. "But, that's not likely to happen any time soon, is it?"


She looked up at him, somepony who would likely just be another regret in a long  and seemingly neverending string.


"May I have yours?"




My only friend, Diamond Tiara repeated in the comfort of her own head as she looked at the apple in front of her. Not that she cared whether or not anypony knew it; if they had an issue, they could just take it up with her. To her face.


"Silver Spoon is a friend, and the best friend anypony could ask for. She treats me nicely, and we do everything together, even when everything is nothing at all. It's just always been the two of us, no matter where we went. She even followed me out to Bangcolt because I asked her to."


She finished, having answered his question. Thinking about it, Silver Spoon was probably at her house, sleeping, while she slept out in the rain. She wouldn't even notice she was gone until morning.


Best friends.

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Blizzard could relate perfectly well. He too had a best friend, "Yeah, I know how ya feel. I got a best friend too. His name's Caliber. He's like a brother to me, and when we were younger, we'd always be causing trouble for everyone. Ha. I remember one time we spray painted somepony's wagon with blue and red paint. We didn't get caught, so we'd always do more devious stuff. And now we're both here, fighting and he's managed to get himself a marefriend. Which reminds me...."


He took another bite of his apple, and thought for a moment. Since he was talking to a girl, he figured why not ask her, "Hey, DT. I got a question for you. Alright, I'm dating someone, I need a little help, and I figured, 'Another mare is great to ask about this.' I've had a crush on this girl for as long as I can remember, and I'm taking her out again tomorrow. Um...in your opinion, what's the best way to go about admitting my feelings to this mare?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Night Tracer smiled, "Well thanks, in time you'll see I am the right choice. I mean, I'm not necessarily an eye sore, now am I?" He flipped his mane still smiling, "I don't know, I could see this going long term unless Luna isn't all of what I thought she was, but I doubt she'd do anything like that." He joked before knocking back some water and wiping off his muzzle. 


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Tyra grunted as her axe collided with Lorec's sword, and it became a test of might between the two fighters.

He was right; she had to change her strategy, he was wising up to it.


He was putting all his strength down this direction...so what if...


Swiftly, and without warning, she positioned her right hooves and spun out of the clash. If it went the way she hoped, Lorec would stumble forward and be open for a slash to the side, which she'd attempt using the momentum picked up from the spin.

Lorec left completely unawares by this change in Tyra's strategy, fumbled forward awkwardly. With the momentum shift combining with his great weight, he almost tripped up, and planted his sword to keep himself from falling flat on his face. However, his side was completely exposed....

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec left completely unawares by this change in Tyra's strategy, fumbled forward awkwardly. With the momentum shift combining with his great weight, he almost tripped up, and planted his sword to keep himself from falling flat on his face. However, his side was completely exposed....


Tyra smirked as she saw her change in strategy had taken Lorec by surprise, and he ended up fumbling forward. Keeping different strategies really did pay off!

He lurched forward, leaving his side totally exposed.


With a loud grunt of exertion, she swung her axe around, aiming it right for his side.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra smirked as she saw her change in strategy had taken Lorec by surprise, and he ended up fumbling forward. Keeping different strategies really did pay off!

He lurched forward, leaving his side totally exposed.


With a loud grunt of exertion, she swung her axe around, aiming it right for his side.

Figuring out, albeit too late, what Tyra was planning, Lorec kept himself planted with his left hand on the sword, and attempted to try and catch the axe in his hand with the other arm! However, due to the extended recovery time from the momentum shift... He was unable to stop it completely.


Managing to get a grip upon the axe's handle, Lorec succeeded in at least preventing it from sinking all the way to his vitals, namely, where his kidney would be. However, the axe had still sliced into a decent amount of his body, and he was starting to bleed profusely from the wound. As the blood trickled down, Lorec had let out a pained groan of agony in his grunting, almost biting his tongue in pride to not show his opponent how badly it hurt.


That being said, Lorec still had his hand on the axe. He wasn't letting go... And that grip of his, to Tyra, may as well equate to the jaws of the nine fathoms itself.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Figuring out, albeit too late, what Tyra was planning, Lorec kept himself planted with his left hand on the sword, and attempted to try and catch the axe in his hand with the other arm! However, due to the extended recovery time from the momentum shift... He was unable to stop it completely.


Managing to get a grip upon the axe's handle, Lorec succeeded in at least preventing it from sinking all the way to his vitals, namely, where his kidney would be. However, the axe had still sliced into a decent amount of his body, and he was starting to bleed profusely from the wound. As the blood trickled down, Lorec had let out a pained groan of agony in his grunting, almost biting his tongue in pride to not show his opponent how badly it hurt.


That being said, Lorec still had his hand on the axe. He wasn't letting go... And that grip of his, to Tyra, may as well equate to the jaws of the nine fathoms itself.


Tyra stood motionless, aside from her laboured breathing between her teeth and through her nose. She had made the impact, her axe blade cut into Lorec's body and caused him to bleed.

She could tell her friend was hurt, and she felt a twinge of regret for causing such pain, but it would be an insult to both of them if she held back at all.


She tried to pull the blade out, but the minotaur's iron grip, combined with his still-formidable strength, actually made it quite the challenge.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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“Train? Canterlot? Why would I want to go there?” Ash answered with another question; unlike the pink pony. Ash had no intention of getting supplies. He was just planning on braving the treacherous mountain side with his bare claws. “Do I really look like the kind of dragon that rides on trains and frequents pony cities.”





“Hrm…” Calibur studied Mist’s manipulation of the water by her magic, “Impressive.”

“Well, have a good night then ma’am.” Calibur said as Mist Walked away towards the exit. He once again pulled out his stack of pictures and shifted through them. Settling on one that looked very similar to the mare he had just saved, he then muttered under his breath. “Hrm… Maybe some other time.”

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She tilted her glasses downward and stared at him before guffawing, "Nyan Dancing? That'd be a new one." She didn't want to but wasn't completely opposed, it might be fun. She didn't know, "And as far as Tracey and Tavey, boy are they a duo. Night Tracer may be a writer but he could make a living as one hell of a musician, although he isn't as near as amazing as Octavia. Boy... she is one hell of a piece of work, just wish she;d loosen up once in a while" She said longingly




"Oh, I know how to be with all kind of animals. I talk to them and they talk back, like friends would. Well, most ponies don't see it but they are my friends." She spoke shyly, partially grinning as she was nostalgic thinking about her animals, but she remained shy as most people didn't understand her love for animals. She was fearful of being criticized. 


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Celestia doubted it as well. Her sister faults of her own, but treating those close to her was not one of them. There was a reason her sister carried the element of Loyalty when the two were still connected to them.


"I don't think you have anything to worry about." Celestia assured Night Tracer  "I know my sister, and she cares deeply for those close to her. You can bet that Luna would never intentionally do anything to hurt you, nor your feelings." She said it with confidence, personally proud of her sister's dedication to those she cared about.

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@@Star Saber,


Pinkie Pie still happily hopped along but her smile turned to more of a concerned, curious look,"Ashie, why are you so mean. I mean, other ponies and other creatures of Equestria can be fantabously nice and absotivley superrific friends, but you don't seem to give anyone a chance, why is that Ashie?" She interrogated, "I know you may hate everyone but by doing so you're making it hard for not only yourself but others. It's not right Ashie, it's just not right!" She scolded. She knew no one could like everyone but it broke her heart to see someone reject friendship. Especially when they weren't doing themselves any favors...



"Well I hope you're right." Night Tracer smiled in agreement with Celestia; he didn't worry. Although if he were aware of what was beyond him, he might be a little more resentful to trust Luna. "I believe it's your question, is it not?" Night Tracer inquired, in attempt to move th conversation forwards.


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Still in her position on the floor, Diamond Tiara stared at Ice Blizzard blankly. Silver Spoon was the one to go about this, as she knew next to nothing about dating and relationships. For some reason, most ponies preferred to be closer to her friend than her, something that she had never quite understood.


Still she figured she might as well answer the question, as odd as it was that anypony would be asking her for love advice. But how would she deal with the situation...?


"Just tell her straight out and get it over with." she said simply, her usual bravado absent. "There's no point in wasting time and not telling anypony anything. If you want something, you go for it, and just get it off your chest, and if she doesn't like you, get over it. Simple."


It was the best advice she could give, and the simplest; go straight for what you want. At least, it worked for her every time.

It was in fact, Celestia's turn. She drew into an endless possibility of questions for Night Tracer, and came out with...


"Night Tracer, I know little of your past right now, but right now, I would like to know about your future. Tell me about your dreams and aspirations. Specifically, what job do you envision yourself having?" This question was two-fold. It would provide more insight into Night Tracer's ambitions, but it might also set him up for a job when they returned back to Canterlot. Celestia would see it done.

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Blizzard mulled over the simplicity of her idea. It sounded like it would work, but he felt as though that he needed some time to think about it, "Yeah. That's probably the best idea..."


More lightning could be heard outside with the heavy rainfall. It was so heavy, that the ground outside seemed to be nearly covered in water. Blizzard made his ice binoculars and looked out a window, "Hmm...well, I can tell you one thing. The storm is sure straightforward tonight with its heaviness."


He sighed as he looked out the window with a frown, "Man, why can't it ever snow? I miss the falling snowflakes of my hometown, the Land of Ice. Making snowponies, snow angels, even stupidly rolling downhill in an expanding snowball. ....But those days are over...." he finished as he shed a frozen tear. He sniffed and looked over to DT, "Ugh. Sorry about that. I'm just a tad homesick. Hey, do you like playing in the snow?"


Kevin understood completely how Fluttershy felt at that moment, "Yeah...the same thing with me and my swarm. Other ponies never understood my point of view, but I never let that stop me."


After ordering a salad, he asked, "Tell me, have others ever criticized you for who you are, or what you do?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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“Friendship and all that nonsense might work for you ponies but I’m not a pony. Dragons are not kind, dragons don’t have friends. The only time you’ll find our kind at peace with one another is during the migration and even then it’s only a feigned peace. It’s the kind of ‘society’ that is cruel to the weak and I was once considered that.” Ash explained, clenching his fists; “Even at my full size I am small by dragon standards; this was always true and when I was just a whelp I was ridiculed, beaten and taken advantage of my peers.”


“That is why.” Ash turned to look down at Pinkie Pie, “Everything I do, I do alone, as proof that I am strong enough not to be pitied or looked down upon. A dragon’s pride is not something I expect a pony like yourself to understand.”

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Diamond Tiara didn't have to think to much to answer that question. Of all of the weathers... The idea was already making her eyebrows crease in annoyance.


"I hate snow." she said, the irritation clear on her voice. "It's cold, and its wet, and it does nothing but get in your way when you have something important to do. Even when it ends up cancelling school, you just have to make up the homework the next day. It's useless!"


She gave a huff to emphasize her point, and to clear out the excess irritation.


"If I had my way, it'd all disappear. We'd never see snow again."

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Blizzard understood her point of view. He knew that a LOT of ponies didn't like snow or winter and that everypony had a difference of opinion. That was normal, and he could get over it.


But what he couldn't get over, was thinking about his home. The Land of Ice. The Northern city above the Crystal Empire that was pretty much nonexistent, and unrecognized.


He sighed again while looking out the window, "Aw, well. I understand what you mean about snow. I also know that a lot of people hate it. But...there's something worse than just the snow. I mean, the land where I grew up, The Land Of Ice, was peaceful and tranquil. My clan, the Ice Clan, valued a bunch of moral values. But one thing we didn't account for...was our enemies."


He continued, "1000 years ago, the ice clan was started by 6 Unicorns. 3 Stallions, and 3 Mares. It grew into a nice clan and like I said, we were peaceful. And we grew fairly large. By 600 years ago, we had 100,000 members. But then...things got bad. We were attacked. Several other nearby clans saw the clan of ice as a threat due to our huge numbers, and a war was waged. The opposing clan of fire led the assault against us, and our numbers were diminished severely."


He shed another frozen tear, "Long story short, my clan was practically destroyed, and my hometown is practically a frozen wasteland in the middle of nowhere right now. Which is why I moved to Ponyville. But I said all that to say this: Do you know what it feels like to be hated by everypony? And to know that you can't even go to certain places like your own hometown and feel happy? My entire ancestry is full of those who are hated by others. And it seems as though I am no different. After learning of the war that took place on my hometown grounds, I left and never went back."


Ice put a hoof on his grandfather's book, "This very book belonged to my grandfather, whom I still have no idea whether or not is alive. And after a long line of being hated by others, I am the only one actually left to bear that burden. I mean, not only was my family hated by everypony, but now, I'm the only one left in my family to carry said hate. To be perfectly honest, there are times where I wish I could change who I am. Tell me, Diamond Tiara, have you ever felt that way?" he said, still looking outside.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Diamond Tiara mulled over Ice Blizzard's question for maybe a second before she came to a decisive decision.


"No." she said, shaking her head back and forth slowly. "I've never once regretted being me. I'm rich, i'm pretty, i'm powerful, and I can get everything I could ever want with a clap of my hooves. What pony wouldn't want to be me?" she said, with no shortage of pride. But, slowly, her grin faltered, and she looked down at the ground, staring as if something were buried beneath it.


"But... I do wish things were different sometimes. I'm class leader, and I have the second highest grades there. I run the school newspaper, and all of its public events go through me. I even enter talent competitions, and win awards for the Rich family. I do so many important things... but no one ever notices. Not even my father."


She let out an exhale of air, like it was toxic.


"I just wish... one day he would look at me, outside of when i'm causing trouble. I wish he would care..."


@Star Saber

...Out in the rain, a pony trotted, silent and alone. She moved without restraint; her bright yellow body and red mane made her stand out quite easily enough in the rain, so she didn't need to bother covering herself. She also didn't need to move fast; as she moved through the rain, it seemed to steam, leaving her perfectly dry as she cut a path through it to her destination.


She eventually made it to the outside of a strange, oddly shaped building. She checked her equally dry map before looking back up at the building; this must be the training facility. She was set to move closer than it, almost bumping flanks with a pony who appeared to be limping. Water moved over and around her, and she could see the mare's face; it looked serious. She put aside the urge to ask her a question and instead moved on, figuring she could find somepony else to ask the question that she needed answered.


She continued to move, until she was inside the building. It didn't take her long of being there until she managed to find somepony else there as well. He didn't look busy, so she walked up to him, deciding she should ask him while he was there.


"H-Hello?" She said, making her presence known. "I'm Sunset Shimmer. Can I ask you a something?"

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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zenru smiled, leased that she was at ease enough to give her name. "im...zenru." he replied, "and im here to say that i wont be forgetting this any time soon. after all, you seem like the intelligent individual. could i ask what your doing here, in the forest?"




"your making me wanna turn this into a competition!" rune laughed, "of course, in showbiz, skill in playing the song is only half the battle. you gotta keep in mind what song the crowd might like, performance, special effects....but im sure a rave master like yourself already knows these things, eh?"


rune paused for a moment, before continuing. "and like i said, ill be sure to catch Octavia, or tavey, as you call her, after this little party. loosening up ponies is like, my specialty. next to foreign magic, of course. ill be sure to give her a talk."


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Blizzard somehow felt similar to Diamond Tiara in some weird inconspicuous way. Especially when it came to their fathers, "Funny. W-well I don't think that's funny at all, I just...mean..ugh. Anyway, my dad was worse. I mean, soon after I was born he got up and left me and my mom. I mean, he literally gave zero cares about me. I mean, he outright said to my mom that since I was an Earth Pony, he made a mistake choosing her for a wife, left us, and never came back."


His face of sadness turned into disgust as he turned to DT, "What a scumbag he was. I mean, just because I couldn't control ice at birth, he thought I was worth nothing. But he doesn't even know. I mean, I was blessed to gain ice powers from a crystal, I managed to practice them all throughout my days in art school, graduated, and moved to Ponyville when I was only 17. But that bastard left, and for what? All because of an assumption? Man, as far as he's concerned, he's no father of mine."


"But if I may offer a suggestion," Blizzard said, "Help your father help himself. And what I mean by that, is share your accomplishments with him, talk to him everyday, and spend time with him. The more you do that, the more he'll pay attention, and the more he'll acknowledge you. And if that doesn't work, then tell him how you feel. Just like you told me how to handle the mare I'm dating, you can handle your dad the same way with your words." He sighed, "And I'm only suggesting this to you because of the fact that since I grew up with no father, I hope you to make the best of the time you have with your dad. Since I've never had the experience of a dad within my life, I'd never want to see the fate of a tarnished father/son or daughter relationship on anypony else. So I hope that things get better for you with your dad. Make the most of it alright?"


Blizzard never thought he would ever meet somepony with a fatherly figure who didn't care. True there were his friends, but they were grown. This was a young filly experiencing this right now. And Ice would never want to see anyone's dad act in such a way, considering he never grew up with his.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor nodded as Trixie told him of her youth and her experiances, taking note that if he were to ever have children, to never give them simular names. What intruged him the most was her part aboit where she'd gotten into the school for gifted unicorns. "So Trixie, what happened at the school that made them think you had less potential than when you first got in? If it lives up to it's prestige then surely they would have been able to tell from the start. If thats the case then what they did was really cruel of them." He awaited her answer patiently.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Terra sat under the tree, still gazing at Zenru. What was she doing there, in the forest, in the rain? Living a story he'd would never believe given a decades worth of time. But, she didn't have to tell him the whole story for him to understand. Just the parts that mattered.


"I'm out here because the forest is the only place I feel comfortable now. Here, the small things come and go, but nothing ever really changes, like an old friend. The forest always stays the same, always speaks the same language, and even on the days when it doesn't, there's always the stars. It's peaceful out here."


She then glanced off, her gaze centered directly toward where the city was. She didn't have to see it to know it was there. The city. And pain.


"In there... there's nothing to hold on to. It's always the same; short welcomes and sad goodbyes, and more heartache. It's my curse; I don't belong there, or anywhere near others." She spoke with resignation, speaking out the words that she had already felt for so long.




Diamond Tiara tapped her hoof on the floor of the room. Ice Blizzard's advice was something she'd heard before. many, many times. Like from her teacher. And from her counselor's. And from hordes of ponies who thought they knew what they were talking about when they spoke to her. They didn't have a clue.


"Do you think I haven't tried that?" she said coldly but quietly, finally getting up from her position on the floor. "You think I haven't tried getting his attention? Or getting him to notice me? Because i've tried everything, and none of it works! Nothing! Just the same damn thing over and over again! Work! Because..."


She choked momentarily, the truth too much for her to swallow in one go. Because she already knew why, and the truth had been apparent to her for quite some time.


"...Because he wants to take care of me. Because i'm still not good enough that he doesn't have to. Because i'm still not good enough. And i'm starting to think I won't ever be. For anypony. I'm just me." 


And now, she had finally did it, spilled her guts to a perfect stranger. And now, she didn't want to deal with the problem anymore; it was something she could face another day. By herself.


She looked towards the door, and the heart of the storm, and decided that it was probably still a better place to be than here right now. She opened the door and began to walk...

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Blizzard was surprised as Diamond Tiara walked out into the rain. He didn't think it'd get to that point, but now it was gonna be on his conscience if she was hit by lightning. He had to stop her, "Huh? Wha--oh sh-- wait!" He shouted as he tripped over his own hooves while trying to chase her, "Get back!"


He followed her outside into the rain. The ground was covered in water by almost an inch, and lightning struck while they were outside. "Come on, Blizz, think..." With no further thought, Ice went into action, "Ice shield!" And Diamond Tiara was stopped in her tracks, safely protected by the ice bubble around her.


Blizzard shouted loud enough for DT to hear him through the shield and over the raging storm, "Diamond Tiara! Listen to me! Yes, your dad may be busy, and yes he may act like he doesn't pay attention to you, but I can assure you, that he loves you and cares for you more than anypony in Equestria!"


He held the shield there the best he could, "You are good enough! You are stably running your own newspaper, you act very mature for your age, and I believe that you have the potential to become a great businessmare one day. You just have to see that within yourself, because if you don't, then you won't be able to fulfill your dreams!"


Another bolt of lightning struck a tree in the distance, causing it to fall over, as the wind started to pick up, "Bucking hellstorm weather! We're not gonna last out here much longer!" Blizzard considered all his options and explained the situation, "Ok, DT look, there's two ways this could play out: 1. Say the word, and I'll let you free from this shield, to walk away. But you run the risk of being struck by lightning because of the fact that you are covered in rainwater, a conductor of electricity, and are stand out at a tall object compared to the ground! Or 2. I let the shield down, and you run back in here, a room that has windows with cold glass, which can't conduct electricity, the closest form of shelter from this storm, and stay safe until it stops! And you ain't got much time, because ice conducts electricity too, just not as good as water."


Blizzard sighed, "Look, I can't imagine what this lifestyle must be like for you. I sympathize, but I realize that I really should stop talking about it to avoid making it worse. And if you do decide to come back in, then I promise not to say anything else about it. But this is the final thing I'll say about it: Put your trust within the only pony that has cared for you all this time, your only true friend...Silver Spoon. If she's your best friend, then you're good enough in her eyes. Ask yourself, what would she want you, her best friend, to do if she knew you were doubting yourself?! What would your best friend want to do if you weren't being yourself?! What would your best friend want you do to, in the middle of a freakin' thunderstorm?!"


He knew that if DT had some level of intelligence, which she clearly has displayed, that she would come back inside. But considering how much he's made things worse, he was unsure whether or not she would actually stay out in the middle of the storm.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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His dreams... His hopes... His aspirations... He had always been caught up in his past which he was grateful that Celestia didn't harp on, and it would seem as if he didn't really pay mind to his future. That was anything but true as he saw the future to be the only escape route from his past. He found himself somewhere much different than he imagined that he would be but he still had a direction to go in, "As far as work... I could do two things, or how I see it; I could. My cutie mark is an interesting one... a clapboard with a pen and a pencil... one of a kind, or so I like to believe. It could mean acting, producing, play writing; none of which I'm opposed to. But I would like to either become a musician. I can play the guitar as well as the piano but I don't believe I'm as good at it as I am on the keys. Piano, I'm more accustom to and can put on a better show." He was enjoying talking about his future and his dreams. He loved to, he had so many things he wanted to do but so little time, but he didn't know that; he didn't want to


"Besides being a musician, I love writing and actually was the whole reason I got to go to such a nice university. Besides, my cutie mark tells me writing is a better avenue for me so I figure, why not. I love it just as much as music," He shrugged. "As for my question, I recall the blue egotist said something about you have students, You have a favorite of the bunch?" He questioned. 


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"and thats respectable." zenru concluded. "but hardships are necessary for one to become stronger as well as kinder. one must take the bad with the good, at any given instance. after all....if someone doesn't take the bad, and only the good, the bad would surely attach itself to another who has already paid their dues."


he sighed a little. "but i can tell you've already taken some bad in your life. and you would prefer an uneventful life over one that would change daily. you would prefer to not meet ponies, for you believe that they will leave, one day. and thats true. be it death, or simply abandoning, you would rather not know that sorrow."


"it hurts, i know. but the way i see it, you can either run from it...or learn from it."


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