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Storm seemed unimpressive with Lektra's efforts to turn his weapon against himself. All she had done was trying to make this into a stalemate. The cube was absorbed back into Storm, his 'scars' now glowing yellow with electric sparks coming from them occasionally.


Storm immediately nabbed Amber as she was defenseless. "One move and she gets a nasty, and what would probably be her last shock. That applies to you too." He looked at the three stallions and then to his hostage, his coat containing his nasty electrical energy.

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Still a stalemate. I kind of expected that to happen, really. Completely unimpressed, and not even batting an eye at that.


"Well I'm done. Not good with hostage situations. You guys can figure this out. The two of us can't hurt each other anyway so I'm safe." I said as I stood back to watch what was going to happen next.

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caliber froze when arcing took a hostage. 


and in that moment, until such time as the possession/dark magic wears off, arcing was now a full-fledged threat. a threat that was saying that he'll kill amber, and maybe even his other comrades.


and...that just didnt fly with him.


"...lektra. i need just one good shot at him. im sure i could ko him with a well-placed hit to the head." he whispered quietly. "could you make an opening? doesn't have to be big, i just needs to be able to get through..."

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He wasn't sure if Lektra had accidentally fried or short circuit her brain. "You're 'done'?!" He wasn't sure how to take that in. The stakes were higher than ever and she was just going to sit back and watch everything unfold? He did feel like grabbing her and shaking her violently but he was still sane enough to not do so. Under normal circumstances it would have never even crossed his mind.


He attempted to find an exit only to be shocked again. Faced with no escape, he stared at Arcing who was threatening to kill his own friend. Then it occurred to him that they barely knew him. He couldn't remember anything about Arcing Storm from before that morning. Did he honestly know any of these ponies?


He took a few small steps towards the somewhat crazed alicorn and his hostage. He tried to assess the situation and perhaps they could reach an agreement? He was terrified and his hooves trembled but he stood there, trying to stare him down.

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Amber tensed as the stallion grabbed her, but she wouldn't let herself be collateral. She swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump in her throat.

"It's okay, guys." she said, trying to smile whilst shaking nervously. She shut her eyes tight and her horn began to glow with healing magic, surrounding Arcing and herself.

The two of them were briefly covered in a golden glow. Amber caught her breath, hoping for the best. If this doesn't work, I'll have to get out of this through force, the unicorn thought.


The gold glow faded slowly. Amber struggled to check Arcing's eyes for any change.

"Did it work?" she grunted.

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"U-Unngh....." Storm grunted and released Amber, clenching his eyes tightly as Sombra's control wavered and faded. The stallion was left with a sudden tiredness and dizziness, his legs letting him fall onto the floor with a bit of stumbling. "*thud*" "S-Sorry...everypony..." He weakly said out, craning his head up to look at the group.

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"Arcing!" Starchase excitedly rushed to his side and shook him lightly with a hoof. He didn't look very well. "It worked!" He gave Amber a quick squeeze.


The sound of a thousand thundering hoofsteps echoed in the hallway outside. Reinforcements had arrived. With one down and four versus Celestia knows how many guards, chances of escape dropped to 0.


Starchase rushed about the room, looking for a secret passage if there was one (nope there isn't). He put his hooves to the wall searching for any secret switch of sorts in the other end of the room. He pressed both of his front hooves onto a big oval mirror and fell right through it!

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"See, you didn't need me at all." I explained as guards showed up. I looked around with a grin and turned to Caliber. "Shall we? Between the two of us, I'm sure we can take 'em."


Summoning hard lightning constructs with my magic the room was surrounded by various sharp objects that started to slice into the attacking guards. I also pulled metal out from the floor under them, causing holes to open up in the floor and plunging them into the rooms below. Finally some action.

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caliber laughed, pulling out his sword. "indeed!" he said, jumping in the middle of the crowd, and doing a sort of spinning motion, slashing all around him.


he was slashing faster by the second, and whoever trained these guards obviously did a poor job doing so, as only his cape suffered damage.


"hey--wheres starchase?" he asked, realizing that the pony was no-where to be seen.


"ah, we'll worry about that later! for now, lets find the king! he'll regret taking arcing from us!!" he jumped up, and started running towards where he though the king would be, running across the head's of the guards that were trying to slash at him.

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The tyrant was sitting on his dark crystal throne as the intruders burst in of his hall, their weapons no doubt casted on him.


"Muhahahahaha!" He threw his head back and laughed heartily as though he was in no danger whatsoever. "Have you come to 'kill' me?" Speaking lightly in jest, he sat up in his throne and the room turned darker and darker. "Make this quick, my time is unworthy of you fools! Do you not tire of your worthless lives? Your futile efforts to end my rule? Has your long history of misery and Princesses not taught you anything? I cannot be destroyed!"

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"Typical villain thinking he's all that is typical. And us without the Crystal Heart. Guess we're just gonna have to kill you the old fashioned way." I materialized six katanas out of hard lightning in the air and shot them forward at the king in a motion to slice his head off, moving faster than the naked eye could see. And any other body parts unfortunate enough to get in their way. As fast as when Caliber and I were dueling, but I actually meant to cause pain this time.

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Amber smiled as Arcing returned to his usual self.

"It's good to have you back," she said, relieved. And healing spells counteract dark magic possession, she added internally, whipping out her notebook and quill. However, before she had a chance to write anything down, Starchase disappeared in a ripple of silver. She stared blankly at the mirror, slack-jawed.

"Did you see that?" She asked Arcing.

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"c'mon, lemme at him!" caliber yelled, still sprinting, not registering the fact that the room was growing darker. 


he leaped into the air, doing a vertical spin, slashing his sword downwards. a common way he attacked first, and a good way to gauge an opponent's strength on the first strike.

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King Sombra's physical for began to dissipate like mist. He didn't seem fazed about it, instead maintaining his fearsome grin. "You think youve defeated me? The cycle shall be repeated! I always return and I will hunt you! I AM IMMORTAL!" He screamed as he faded away. Talk about anticlimactic. Nothing about the room seemed to have changed other than the absence of the evil dictator. The dark gloom lingered on.

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So that was it? Really? All that talk and we beat him already? But I sensed he wasn't gone. I didn't dematerialize my katanas just yet.


"Anyone else sense that? The darkness in the room hasn't gone away? I sense his magic signature has seeped into the darkness around him. He's either pretending to have lost, or waiting for us to leave. Something isn't right around here." I voiced my thoughts out loud to the others as the shimmer of my magic kept the six katanas aloft.

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Lektra's voice echoed in the empty throne room. Sombra had seemingly dissipated and moved on. Even if he was still alive, he'd have no intention of appearing, that or he died cause normal ponies don't survive head chopping or katana slashing. But he was no ordinary pony. Who knows what happened to the tyrant? Perhaps he decided to take a holiday in the snowy alps. We shall never know or care as Arcing is back and all is well other than the fact he's lying on the floor in another room, possibly with half of his life shaved off due to the recent event and left with the not so battle ready Amber. And the whole damn place is swimming in blood. They might need a snorkel or even some scuba kit to get back there. Fortunately the blood was already draining off, a great deal spilled over to the other side of the mirror or dripping out the window like a waterfall from the outside. It was a symbol of their victory, so say the ponies staring from beyond the walls.

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"he'll be back. villains always come back for more...on second thought...where did the others go again?"


caliber sheathed his sword, and wandered back to where amber and arcing was. "...im missing something, here...i think starchase was looking for a secret lever, or something...maybe he found one?"


he started feeling along the wall, and shortly after fell through the same place starchase did.

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I followed Caliber back to the room where we had fought and saved Arcing. No sense wondering about the king. We got our mission handled, and I still kinda felt like this wasn't our world or our fight to begin with.


"Hmm, did you guys see that? He fell through that reflective wall. Let's follow." I galloped forward with Sparky on my back and jumped at the wall, thinking I'd crash through but I didn't.

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Out they pooped onto the pavement, partially soaked in blood. Sirens were blaring and the police surrounded them. Passerby pedestrians stopped to stare at the scene. The surrounding pavement was washed in blood and it looked horrendous.


Starchase was sitting on the curb, huddled into a small mass and desperately trying to attack the police attempting to communicate to him by flailing like a mad 'man'. Freaking out the cops tasered them and packed them off to the station.


You wake up in prison. Damm.

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Blizzard landed on the ground. He had no idea where he was or how he got where he was. All he did know, was that the last place he was, was on his way home and now his entire body had changed, and he was stuck. Alone. 


He wandered around, wondering, "Ugh...what happened? Last I checked I was near the Everfree forest. Now...where am I?"


Unfortunately, he was arrested for solicitation, and now he ended up in prison.

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four sliced-in-half batons later, and he was then tasered. he woke up in the same cell as the others.


"...probably shouldn't have called that cop a fatass..."


he stretched a little, and looked at himself. "so, anyone here know what...these are?" he waved his hand in font of him. 

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Blizzard was already sitting in the same cell as the others, trying to figure out what exactly was going on. He didn't bother to look up at anyone, he just sat there and thought to himself, "What's going on...? Now I'm in this strange place for whatever reason....what's happening?"

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I woke up with a sigh on a bed. I felt a pain on my head, and a weight was missing. I just heard a sorta familiar voice nearby. I crawled out of bed and stood on all fours normally. My back hooves were uncomfortable in that position, though. They also bent wrong.


"What's a hand? And what's a phone? What am I, anyway? Is this some kind of law enforcement division?" I waved my head forward, willing the bars to move and they did. The steel groaned and stretched far enough that we could exit. "Well, at least I can still do that. It was more effort than expected though, probably because I seem to be missing a vital piece of my head. And didn't we have wings before, Cal?"


I looked around for Sparky. He seemed to have been thrown in there haphazardly and he was uncomfortable on his side. He needed repairs. One wheel was broken. I didn't care to bend the bars back and just started to repair Sparky's damage with a combination of metalbedning and telekinesis.

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caliber took a break looking at ice before he shrugged. "im here for--" he put on a mock police tone "--'attempted murder, assault, 2nd degree murder, resisting arrest,' blah blah blah. they didnt hear our story, though."


he got up, and walked past the bars lektra bent. "now wheres my sword?"

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"Hey kids, you're free to- what the hell happened?!" A burly cop walked in and following behind was none other than Celestia, or at least human Celestia.


"My little children, its time we go." Celestia sterly ushered them out of the station, reunited with all their gear, clearly displeased at what had happened. She had reprimanded the station for their 'faulty' bars and marched them out, leaving them to scratch their heads.

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