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private The Elements


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caliber looked at her. "yeah...your right." he said. "sorry, guys!" he patted one of the guards on the shoulder. "if you guys ever need training, feel free to ask. but be warned. it will be intense." he walked back to the others. he finished his giant plate, and went for seconds.


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Arcing Storm

"So it is your heart's desire to be the best you can be and you train yourself to that end. An exceptional trait to have. For me love and hope. That is all I need and the power will come to those who have it. A love to protect and a hope to drive away fear."

"That is exceptional, too." Storm praised as he finished up the pancakes. A golden aura surrounded the plate which he had used to eat and brought it over to the sink. "I'm ready to go. I'll be waiting outside until you are ready." He said politely and trotted over to the door, going outside as he left her to finish her own breakfast.

Edited by Arcing Storm

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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Chrysteel had finished her food well before Arcing. She was just socializing with him. Now she had a chance to get to know the true him. She got up and put her already empty plate in the sink. She then heads outside saying to the others, "Despite it being a dream come true for some to most of yall, I fell as if something is trying to hide our true selves. Please do me a favor and search your hearts for what is truth. It may help us figure out how this all happened. Cya in a bit."


She then heads out and steps next to Arcing Storm. "Ready? I wish to see who you truely are beyond that which can be seen. Will you open your heart to me? Take you time before you answer. Let your heart guide your choice."


She spreads her wings and gets ready to fly.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Despite it being a dream come true for some to most of yall, I fell as if something is trying to hide our true selves. Please do me a favor and search your hearts for what is truth. It may help us figure out how this all happened. Cya in a bit."

"Got it," Amber said vaguely. That thought had already crossed her mind what felt like eons ago. The guards, the fence, the elements...they all bounced madly in her head as she tried to sort things out. She looked about the table, struggling from under the weight of her throbbing, hazy headache. Everypony seemed to be finishing up their breakfast.

Amber opened her mouth to speak.

Amber paused. She looked hesitantly at the happy ponies before her. She didn't want to ruin this rare and serene moment for them, but things were slowly becoming more and more blurry. Some of them even thought this was their home. Amber nodded to herself determinedly.

"Does anypony else feel...strange?" she asked, breaking the momentary silence.

"Like, as if...as if you're having a hard time thinking?" she searched the eyes of the ponies around her desperately and hoped it wasn't too late. This...false reality, this illusion had already begun to consume them. Amber shivered at the thought.

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"I feel fine. Is something the matter? Do you not feel well, Amber?" Starchase cocked his head to a side and an ear fell. "Should we check you in the infirmary and have the medics look at you?"


He felt rather unsettled about all this talk of illusion, leaving and nonsense. It stirred something in him and it made him uncomfortable. Sort of like an itch he couldn't scratch except he could and scratching made no difference.


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caliber piped up. "as a matter of fact, does anyone want their wings removed? iv figured out the exact spot that'll cause minimal bleeding." he said, as he returned with a couple more plates stacked high. "im planning on removing mine sometime later today." 


he munched causally. "and if we really are in a illusion, then would it matter?" he said, "is this any better than the real world?"


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caliber frowned, and widened his eyes a bit. his eyes got kind of hazy. midnight's aura started floating around her. a dark blue meant silently judging. "oh, thinking bad about me, i see." caliber said, causally. he shrugged, and went back to eating. "suit yourself." he said, "imma eat more waffles."


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Amber shifted uncomfortably as the ponies continued eating and talking. While she waited, she stepped into a more open space in the room and tested out her wings again. They kept her afloat a few seconds before she landed back on her hooves.

It feels real, she thought, but a feeling of uncertainty bubbled continuously in the back of her head. She tried to clear her mind, but it only resulted in further headache.

Amber let out a groan of pain and brought her head down to the cold tile floor.

"What's going on here? With my head..." she looked to Starchase.

"Why...why are we here again?"

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"For the love of-, do something useful and get a medic will you?!" He shouted angrily yet desperately at the guards who scrambled off to find one. "What's happening?!" He felt like he was going insane, almost like they was having a sudden existential crisis.


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Arcing Storm

"Ready? I wish to see who you truely are beyond that which can be seen. Will you open your heart to me? Take you time before you answer. Let your heart guide your choice."

"I'm ready." Storm spread his wings and was about to take off before a guard came running over to him. "Sir Storm! I have an important message for you!" The Pegasus reported. Storm retracted his wings and looked at the guard. "What is it?" He questioned the guardpony. "We have just received bad news that Techy have been..." The guard paused as an sad expression took over him. "...killed while flying over the Sombra Empire's Territory sir..."

Storm was devastated. "Y-You are d-dismissed..." With a shaky voice, he dismissed the guard and he saluted to Storm, quickly heading off soon after. Storm stood there, staring at the ground for a while and looked up at Chrysteel. "I'm s-sorry... But w-we will have to f-fly later..." He apologized and started to stumble to his quarters, his mind going fuzzy suddenly due to him remembering so many memories. His mind suddenly went blank as he collapsed onto the ground, shutting down to prevent him from being overloaded with emotions, thus rendering him unconscious.

Edited by Arcing Storm

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

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Chrysteel felt his surface emotions and desides to comfort him. She pics him up and and takes him to the infirmary. She stays by his side waiting feeling and listening. She says, "A friend doesn't leave a friend alone in their time of need. A true friend will comfort their friend." She goes to sleep with a wings draped over him. She truely wishes to help him. "Please open your heart to me." She says right before she falls asleep. Those around her know that to move her would be to anger her.

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"No, I-I'm alright," Amber said, eyes shut tight in concentration. "I just started...forgetting something." She lifted her head slowly and sat down on the cold floor. She looked into Stormchaser's eyes searchingly. He looked a little more alive now than he had earlier--the cloud of uncertainty had briefly dissolved in his panic.

"Something...something is trying to mess with our heads," Amber said in an exasperated tone. I won't let it get to me...

"Can't you feel it?" She looked at him with a desperate sort of hope.

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Starchase smiled sadly at minty alicorn on the floor and sat beside her. "Sometimes, it's like the whole world's gone absolutely bonkers and I'm the only sane one. My parents always told me I was a little...off, I was always a wild thing." He laughed lightly but figured he should be getting to his point. "Even if everything isn't real, I know I am. And you can't doubt your own existence either. It's a mad world but we're living in it. We are real. The bond we share between all of us is...real. I think." He said in a small voice, lacking his previous confidence. He could feel something was missing. It felt like they were incomplete. Like somepony was missing. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Arcing Storm

Storm woke up shortly after his breakdown, opening his eyes to see Chrysteel's wing covering him. He slowly sneaked from under her wing without waking her up, gently opening the door and went to his bunk. Once there, he gathered a few things and put them into his saddlebags, including a framed picture of him and his friend. When he thought he had gotten everything, he walked to the door and spread his wings, preparing for take off until a guard tried to stop him.


"Sir? Where are you going?" The guardpony questioned and Storm let out a loud growl. "To settle a few things with the Sombran Empire. Now leave me alone." A strong gust of wind went straight at the guard when Storm took off.

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Ignoring Midnight's comments, Amber stared blankly at Starchase.

"Even if everything isn't real, I know I am. And you can't doubt your own existence either. It's a mad world but we're living in it. We are real. The bond we share between all of us is...real. I think." He said in a small voice, lacking his previous confidence. He could feel something was missing. It felt like they were incomplete. Like somepony was missing.


Everything isn't real. She hasn't considered that yet, but Starchase said it with such certainty that she couldn't help but be surprised.

"What do you mean?" She managed, a tinge of fear in her voice. Was this the cause of her headache? Had she subconsciously been trying to break from some sort of mental trap? Amber stood up suddenly. Her voice became grave.

"Where are the others?" She said quickly.

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"I mean to say that no matter what happens, I'm here." He tried to calm her down but end up getting back onto his feet as well. "The others are most likely having some fun, relaxing and whatever. Caliber's probably looking for something to kill, Lektra's doing her tech thing, Chrys and Storm having a fun of private time. Loco Coco's there stuffing her face. Relax, everything's fine. In fact they're great! I heard my parents are visiting soon after they get clearance to come in. Things are as good as they get, it's been a bit tense with all the politics going on but on a whole, we've been good." He puts a hoof around her reassuringly and tries his best to be supportive.


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(okay, i guess im not in the breakfast room anymore :wacko: )


caliber was in the bedroom, polishing his sword. he grinned when it shone, and sheathed it. he looked around. "now...how does royalty kill time?" he asked himself, "i guess i could eat cake...maybe train? ah, ill just do what i normally do. which is namely, wander." he put on his cloak, buckled his sword in, and walked out.


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 caliber looked up at her, and grinned. "sure, i felt the same way. shall we finish where we left off, or start new?" he got up, and started walking out, "and with that big breakfast, ill be a tad faster, so ya better watch your-" he stopped abruptly, "oh, hello. whats this?" he bent down to look at sparky. "this is quite the piece of tech ya got there..." he said, "did ya use steel, or titanium?" he poked it a couple times.


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Amber looked warily at Midnight, a hint of sympathy in her honey-coloured eyes.

You're in denial, Amber thought, but she didn't dare speak it and risk pushing his nervous filly over the edge. She simply shook her head, ever so slightly.

"Perhaps we should go for a walk," Amber suggested, in a tone that she hoped conveyed calmness and bravery. "Maybe we'll figure something out."

Edited by AmberDust

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Chrysteel woke when she didn't feel something. She looks around and doesn't see Arcing Storm. She knew his heart was in pain but she didn't know how much. She asks a nearby guard, "Where did Arcing Storm go?" She looks worried. She thinks, 'I have to find him, before he gets himself killed.'

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Midnight's eyes were glinting with fear, "But...but...why?" The foal hadn't been wary of anything, though all of this talk was making her frightened on many levels. Midnight's eyes were about to let loose tears, she hadn't been liking this suspicion. The filly looked up at Amber, "Wh-what are you trying to find?"

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Amber offered the filly a comforting smile.

"Whatever I can," she said simply, walking up to Midnight with outstretched wings.

"It'll be fun--like a little royal adventure," she said, nudging the filly playfully, then she looked over to Starchase and nodded.

"We'd best stick together, though," she added.

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