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open Trouble in Ponyville (adventure rp)


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Lightning flew up into the air so she could hold the storm cloud while still moving forward. "Here we go" she said. "Now we can see". She processed what Skylar had just said, "an alien?... I don't think that's what it is. I think it's just some dark magic or an evil pony. But why would they do this?"

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Blizzard was standing outside the castle with Caliber, "Hmm....I don't like the looks of this place. I've read that both Celestia and Luna booby trapped this entire place, with tricks and traps everywhere. What do you think bro? Should we head on inside now?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Blizzard was standing outside the castle with Caliber, "Hmm....I don't like the looks of this place. I've read that both Celestia and Luna booby trapped this entire place, with tricks and traps everywhere. What do you think bro? Should we head on inside now?"



LS stopped in her tracks, "where's IB and Caliber?" she asked them, "maybe we should wait until they catch up with us" she said, "im gonna go back outside and get them, you guys stay here" then she dashed off back down the long hallway. when she got outside she found IB and Caliber. "c'mon, we have to meet back up with the group before there is another shadow attack" she started flying back inside

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*TIMESKIP* (just a short one) once LS, IB, and Caliber had caught up with the group they started the walk down the hallway, LSs storm cloud providing light while they walked. "I can see why the villain chose this as a hiding place, it's the perfect place for shadows to live"

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Eyes in the shadows watched the trespassers walk in the hallway. They did not interfere with them and allowed them to pass by unharmed. It was as if they did not care, as if they knew the group was making a mistake. 


He went deeper and deeper into the castle, until he came into a room where there was a huge organ. "Hehehe". 

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Skylar was getting slightly jumpy. "Yeah.... There sure seem to be a lot of shadows--" she heard a laugh, far in the distance, and jumped. "Did you hear--" she coughed, interrupting her high-pitched voice. "I mean, did you hear that?" She asked in a voice of fake calm. "Do you think that might be what we're looking for?"

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"possibly." caliber piped up, "but we'll know when we get there."


he continued walking. "huh, its been a while since iv been here, in the castle of the two sisters. ah, nostalgia."


he looked at the others. "so, how does everyone feel about all this?" he asked "anyone else getting goosebumps besides skylar?"


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"A little, but not really, just remember, that even if you are scared, you are not alone, and your friends will be there to protect you" they soon came to the old throne room of the two sisters, "hey guys, how about we look in here really quickly, and If we can't find anything....well then we keep looking"

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"I don't have goosebumps!" Skylar piped up defensively. She was not scared! Except, maybe she was a little bit. Some color rose to her face but she attempted to hide it with a fierce scowl. "Okay, let's look," she added to  Lightning and jumped into the throne room. "COME OUT, COME OUT!" She hollered at the top of her lungs.

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LS chuckled at skylars shout, "I dont think that will make them come out, but you can try" she went over to the tapestries that were above the thrones and lifted it off, revealing the switch. "C'mon skylar, let's look in here" she said, flicking the switch with her hoof

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"What does that switch do?" Skylar asked, lifting into the air, eying the switch under the tapestry curiously. "If it's hidden, then-- does it lead to a hidden passageway?" She asked, suddenly as excited as she had been earlier at the idea of an alien. "That would be so cool!"

"lets find out" she said, grinning. "she pushed the switch with her hoof and then all of the sudden, the wall completely turned around, bringing LS and skylar

to a hallway. "well...that was um...interesting. well i guess we should start looking then" she said, starting to fly down the hallway

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Skylar blinked. "That was so cool!" Skylar shouted, very loudly. Most likely, the friends on the other side of the wall heard her. "Okay, let's go!" Skylar said, all former fear a distant memory as she zoomed down the hall, peering through some open doors and looking behind other tapestries as though hoping to find another switch.

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"How about we look in rooms before looking for new switches skylar" se said with a chuckle, "but watch out for floor buttons, the floor could give way if you step on one, so how about we just fly down the hallway" she said, flying into the air. They came across the library soon

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"Nah, let's look somewhere else"(tbh I didn't want to look in there either XD). "Where do you think we should look skylar?" She asked her as they continued flying down the hallway. LS made sure the storm cloud was still bright enough so they could see where they were going

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Skylar looked around and found a staircase that looked ominous. All excitement, Skylar cried, "Let's go down!" She flew down the staircase into a hallway lined by suits of pony armor. She stopped. It was torch-lit and everything, something straight out of a horror movie. She felt a shiver of fear and excitement. So cool...

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LS stopped where skylar was standing at the beginning of the hallway. She shivered a little, but then walked down the hallway. "Why does this have to be here?" She said to herself "she took an apple out of her bag and ate it to restore some of her energy. "I hope we don't get lost in here, ya know, with all the secret buttons and such"

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caliber followed red, and LS. "c'mon! lets go kill the shadow thingies!!" he called out, and he chased after them. "so, what're we doing here?" he asked, "we're supposed to find the guy whos making the shadows, right?"


(sorry i haven't been posting, i lacked the creativity to post until now.)

  • Brohoof 1


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Blizzard had been following Caliber the entire time. He was sttill unsure as to who or what was causing this outbreak of strange shadows. But one thing he knew for sure, that they needed to stop it, "Hmm..I don't know bro, do you see anything here? Cuz I don't."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"exactly, thats who we're looking for right now" "him/her and the shadows" she sadi as they walked along "i cant wait to fight him/her, its gonna be AWESOME!" "they're gonna get beaten so badly" she said, smirking a little. "so what room should we look in next?" she asked them

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Skylar peered into the darkness, scanning the area. "There's another staircase! Let's go as low as we possibly can!" She said happily. They must be underground by now... she wondered what would be even farther down. If she were an evil overlord, she would definitely hide out in the dungeons of a castle with a bunch of cobwebs... she might have to become an evil mastermind at some point, she mused to herself, grinning at the idea.

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"why exactly would we want to do that? it would just be harder to see and my cloud isnt that bright, how about we stay on this floor. unless those two also want to go lower as well" she said, looking at IB and Cal(iber) "what do you guys think? stay on this floor or go lower?"

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Blizzard thought for a moment. He knew that they could probably find more stuff down below, but at the same time, he knew that they should probably stay on their current floor, due to the lack of peripheral visibility on the lower level. "Hmm....I think going either way is good, but until we have some light, I think we should stay up here. What do you think?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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caliber jumped off, into the dark below. "lower!" he called out, as he fell. "the bad guy is ALWAYS lower!!"


he fell for about ten seconds, and he realized that jumping off was a bad idea. 


"uh...oh..." luckily, someone had left a pile of hay, and he landed on that. "c'mon down! the waters fine!" he called up.

  • Brohoof 1


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