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open Trouble in Ponyville (adventure rp)


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*at the castle* "C'mon skylar! Show that shadow pony who's boss!" LS encouraged skylar "use that wing power!" LS looked around at her surroundings, just to make sure there weren't any more shadow ponies that could cause a surprise attack on either LS or skylar

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He looked through his orb. "Separated, they are weaker, hehehe". 


Shadow ponies were beginning to attack all of the groups. They even dared to attack the ones by Zecora's hut. 


"Destroy them my minions. Destroy them in my name" he laughed darkly. "Soon, there won't be anypony standing in my way and Equestria shall be doomed". 

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Blizzard was with Caliber and trekking through the forest to find the castle, "Bro, are you sure you know where we're going?" Blizzard asked with confusion, "I haven't seen any sign of the castle yet and I don't think this forest is very safe with these shadow things here. Please tell me we're getting close."

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Kaymen's ears twitched, almost as if he could hear something important, but he seemed too afraid by the shadow pony skylar was fighting. Now hiding behind a statue, he yelled out to skylar "k-KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" But what he didn't notice was the ones coming from behind him. One attacked him, knocking him unconscious once more

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Still feeling a bit awkward and wondering what Humble thought of her, Spellbind was walking with Humble, when she saw another shaodw pony! DUN DUN DUUUN!! She leapt in there and started to beat it, using botched magic as well. This caused a fair bit of damage to the shadow pony (and also caused it to wear a tutu), but using magic too much hurt Spellbind.

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"SPELLBIND" Humble said as he went to her. He saw her about to fall to the side, kinda like she was woozy, caught her and led her down to rest for a moment. He then looked at the tutu wearing shadow, which seemed to be more hurt, but still trying to get up. "Get out of here now..." Humble said in a warning voice as he took out his flute and hovered in the air. He waited for the shadow to fully get up, not to kick something when it's down, and saw it come towards the two ponies. "I'm warning you..." knowing he can't wait for the shadow to be responsible for anymore of Spellbind's pain, he took a breath and blew into the flute. What came out of the flute wasn't loud, wasn't quiet. It wasn't calm, nor was it chaotic. It was just regular notes. Though it must have been for Spellbind, cause the shadow didn't like it. It was shaking it's head what seemed like in pain, got a look at humble and his flute, then ran away to avoid the sound. Humble stopped playing when the shadow was out of sight, but knew he and spellbind weren't safe. "Are you okay?" he said as he went to help her up. "We shouldn't stay here, we need to meet up with the others, think you're good for that?" He was about to leave,"though that other pony...Rocket..."  

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"You keep going skylar, I'm gonna do a quick fly over the forest to find the others, she soon spotted Humble and spellbind "hey guys what's up?" Then she noticed spellbind "oh, we should get her to safety right away" suddenly her eyes lit up "I have an idea, but you aren't going to like it" she said to Humble

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"well now isn't a good time to worry about that" Humble knew at any moment the shadows will be on them at any moment and he needed to help Spellbind. But if what Lightning had in mind involved Humble taking risks, he was worried he might just make things worse. Well, that is the point of taking risks, you never know what's going to happen. "what is it?" he asked Lightning.

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lightning dashed off and returned with a big leaf and a long vine a few seconds later, she snapped the vine in half and tied the broken ends to the big leaf, then she put spellbind on the big leaf, she handed one end of the vine to humble, "here, tie this abound yourself" she said as she was tying the other end to herself, once he had done it she said, "now fly up" 

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"had a feeling it would be something like this..." C'mon Humble, do it for Spellbind. Using as much strength as he needed with his wings while his vine attached to the leaf was around him, Humble matched the speed that of Lightning's and did what she said. They flew up over the treetops with Spellbind safely resting on the leaf between them. "Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down..." he looked down..."I SAID DON'T LOOK DOWN!!!"

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"Don't freak out, we'll be there soon" soon the castle was in sight "there it is" she said, pointing her hoof at the castle, she noticed how scared humble was "would you like to fly a little lower so you're a little less scared? Or are you fine where we are?" She asked him

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"I'M FINE" humble quickly replied, to avoid any difficulties for anypony, "....let's just get this over with" he tried to not have it come out like a whimper. Keeping the same height they had, the two pegasi continued to carry Spellbind over to the castle. When they got there, they laid her down in a same place, and Humble took a moment to let out a couple of panicked breaths on the ground. "Just...*breath*...give me...*breath*...a sec...*breath*." When his breathing lessened, he went over to help Spellbind up, "Are you okay?...*breath*....Do you think you can walk?" 

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"great flying Humble" LS thanked him. "I know it was hard for you but you did it, and i wont make you do that ever again" she said as she walked away towards skylar, "hey skylar, hows it going? did you use that idea I suggested?" LS wanted to know if her idea she suggested went as she hoped it would

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@@Humble Hymn,


"Y-Yeah... I think I can..." said Spellbind, and freed herself from Humble's grasp and started to walk on her hooves. It was obvious that she was only barely managing to walk and needed some help, but she didn't like it when ponies went to lengthy extents because of her.

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LS noticed Spellbind was up "glad to see you're ok" she called over to spellbind, "you know, humble actually flew higher than the treetops?" then she said to humble "hey humble, tell her what happened while she was resting" then she said to spellbind "he was really brave"

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"Yeah...well..." Humble looked down at his hooves "Brave isn't the word I would use..." Humble sat there for moment processing everything. "Sure I might have helped you Spellbind, but I panicked all the way through it. My mind was somewhere else when it should have been focused on you. If anything were to happen along the way, I'd have no chance of reacting properly. I could have placed both of you in danger. If it were anypony else it would have been better. We may have got here fine, but I just happened to be lucky..."   

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@@Humble Hymn,


"Luck or no luck, you did a great job, Humble," said Spellbind with a smile. "I knew you had it in you. To me, it always feels like those who have an obvious and affixed personality on the outside are something quite different on the inside. To you and the rest of this group, sorry you needed to take a break to help me..."

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(Sorry I haven't been on!)

Skylar was now flapping wildly, standing on her hind legs. Her powerful wings were forcing the shadows back. "I dunno what's up with you bat pony, but you better snap out of it!" She said to the amnesiac Kaymen. She grinned at Lightning. "It's working!" She called.

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"Awesome!" "Keep it up, eventually they will retreat, or get blown away" the she walked over to where humble and spellbind were standing, "well if humble won't tell you the story I guess I will, so you looked pretty hurt when I saw you and I knew we had to get you somewhere safe, so I got a vine and a big leaf, put you on the leaf, and me and humble flew you here with the vine tied to the leaf and the other ends of the vine tied to us"

Lightning Strike then flew into the air and said "I'm gonna look for cal(iber) and IB now, then she flew away, after about five minutes of flying she found them, then she landed in front of them, "hey guys, what up?" She asked them. "Did caliber get you two lost?" She said laughing a little

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caliber grinned. "nah, i was heading to the castle of the two sisters. where were you?" he shot back at her. "oh, the shadows didnt attack again, did they?!" caliber's sword flashed. "where are they?! ill kill 'em!" he looked around, and after decided there weren't any threats, he looked back at lightning. "so...where are we supposed to be?"

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Blizzard held his head in frustration for a bit, "He's called 'the wanderer' for a reason you know. But enough of that. Let's get moving!  Come on let's go let's roll. Ain't got time to be idle Lighting, there's a threat on our hooves we gotta take care of. So where do we go next?"

  • Brohoof 1
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"Well everyone is at the castle, skylars having to fight off some shadow ponies, and Kaymen xould use some protection, he has amnesia so he's really freaked out" "so I guess we should get back to the castle to help out, you never know when big problems can strike"

"Follow me" she said to the two colts, then she led them to the castle "next time, let IB lead the way" she said to caliber as a joke "did you get the shadows away yet skylar?" LS asked her. "Also I got the other two members of the group, caliber got them lost" then she flew up into a tree and watched

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"Yeah, I think I got the last one!" Skylar said proudly, slapping one with her wing. "Haha! Take that!" She beamed at Lightning, then turned to where Kaymen was-- except he wasn't there anymore. Skylar froze. "Buuuuuuuuuuuck." Skylar said. "Bat pony's gone!" She announced.

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"shoot, well i guess we have to spread out and look for him" she sighed "ugh, we are always having to stop what we are doing to do something else" she said as she started to fly away. "skylar, you stay here and hold off the shadow ponies. Humble, Spellbind, you two stay here and provide any backup. Caliber, IB, you two come with me"

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He watched from atop as the Shadow ponies brought Kaymen with them. A shadow stood beside him. "The old dungeons will suffice". The shadow seemed to nod and it jumped off the ledge, in the direction of the other shadow ponies, it seemed to be relaying his command to the others. The other shadow ponies headed to the East side of the ruins, where the old dungeons were. 

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