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open The Brigade Of Celestial Light

Child Of Darkness

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Chrysteel says, "I will tell ya later." Chrysteel closes her eyes in focus. Now with her horn flaring, the magic encases the both of them. There is a sensation of falling inwards then outwards and the sound of a pop. When Chrysteel opens her eyes...

(Gm, Where ever you wanted these two to be, either at the summit or meet the divine guardians, your move and choice.)

"whoa!.....um....it's seems we're just outside the summit...." simple stopped for a second and listen in through the closed door..... "well.. it seems their at least trying to bring peace to equestria.. but i feel that the demonic empire has a few tricks up their manes..... hmm..." he proceeds to look at Chrysteel.... "so about my question earlier... do you know your destiny..... i know it's a weird question to ask but..." he proceeds to focus more on chrysteel as she doesn't seem to be paying attention "are... you listening to me?..... aw well i guess it doesn't matter"

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Making his way to the seat of the delegations, Naga entered silently as it had already began. Taking a chair a little to the left of tempest, he would listen silently, and then offer his two bits worth. Hopefully, this ended in a peace deal.

( sorry, best I can do for now. Family is busy)

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Chrysteel's ear twitched and she says, "No I haven't but to find it, is the reason I left the hive."


She continues to listen and hopes that they come to a peaceful arrangement. If they don't Chrysteel knows her aura will at least keep things to a minimum. She has it surpressed at the moment, to hide her presence better.

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Chrysteel's ear twitched and she says, "No I haven't but to find it, is the reason I left the hive."


She continues to listen and hopes that they come to a peaceful arrangement. If they don't Chrysteel knows her aura will at least keep things to a minimum. She has it surpressed at the moment, to hide her presence better.

"um.... okay......would you answer one more question.....if you were me how would you react....UGH!" simple proceeds to faint and goes into a dream like state..... "where am i" said simple, a voice that sounded much like caras's echo in the distance "heh..... you think your so smart" "what? me...." replied simple looking confused "you've annoyed me enough!" caras's said as he appear in front of him....simple's body started to move by it's self and he started to lose control over his action... simple proceed to answer caras back "GO DIE IN A BLOODY HOLE!" They engage in a epic battle but in the end caras won.... "hahahhahhaha....... where are your friends now.....DIE!" caras throws a massive blast... and then everything goes black "I'm sorry i have to do this" said a sobbing voice much like Chrysteel's

"wha?.... what's going.. UGH!...not again" Simple proceeded to lose control of himself again and replied "pitiful pony....i can't wait to eat you whole... or should i say changeling even nicer...hahahhahahahha" they engage in a battle simple put up less of a fight in this one "I'm sorry simple.... i.... i....i'm sorry my friend.... if only you won't clouded by darkness... why....WHY!" simple proceeds to wake up to chrysteel as he hears chrysteel voice saying simple simple!

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"Okay. No these are the terms that the Devil race is willing to agree upon. What we want is an end to the segregation of the races. We want to be able to live freely on the surface again, recognition as an individual species and the freedom that come with it. We want our right to live on the surface again, as we once did. But, we will not change our ways. The Demon race has always been the way it has and we refuse to change our nature for the sake of others. That is just the way it is. And the way it always will be."


Guardian: "Denied."


On the balcony stood three pony like figures. They seemed to be like pegasi, but they had a large glowing aura of light. And a halo above their heads.


Guardian: "These terms are unacceptable. Their is a reason the Demons are forced to live in the underworld. Their violent nature will restart the wars those vile creatures started in the Ancient ages. The mortal world will be overthrown and destroyed. Their violent urges cannot be kept in check. If these creatures are allowed to stay on the surface, the divines will be forced into action."

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"um.... okay......would you answer one more question.....if you were me how would you react....UGH!" simple proceeds to faint and goes into a dream like state..... "where am i" said simple, a voice that sounded much like caras's echo in the distance "heh..... you think your so smart" "what? me...." replied simple looking confused "you've annoyed me enough!" caras's said as he appear in front of him....simple's body started to move by it's self and he started to lose control over his action... simple proceed to answer caras back "GO DIE IN A BLOODY HOLE!" They engage in a epic battle but in the end caras won.... "hahahhahhaha....... where are your friends now.....DIE!" caras throws a massive blast... and then everything goes black "I'm sorry i have to do this" said a sobbing voice much like Chrysteel's

"wha?.... what's going.. UGH!...not again" Simple proceeded to lose control of himself again and replied "pitiful pony....i can't wait to eat you whole... or should i say changeling even nicer...hahahhahahahha" they engage in a battle simple put up less of a fight in this one "I'm sorry simple.... i.... i....i'm sorry my friend.... if only you won't clouded by darkness... why....WHY!" simple proceeds to wake up to chrysteel as he hears chrysteel voice saying simple simple!

Chrysteel was holding him, Comforting him. She whispers his name, hopeing to calm the raging storm within him. Her aura is now a neutral grey feeling. An aura of light and darkness in equal portions.



Guardian: "Denied."


On the balcony stood three pony like figures. They seemed to be like pegasi, but they had a large glowing aura of light. And a halo above their heads.


Guardian: "These terms are unacceptable. Their is a reason the Demons are forced to live in the underworld. Their violent nature will restart the wars those vile creatures started in the Ancient ages. The mortal world will be overthrown and destroyed. Their violent urges cannot be kept in check. If these creatures are allowed to stay on the surface, the divines will be forced into action."

She hums to him and says, "They are here now. I can feel their light." Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Tempest sighed as he shook her head. "I'm sorry, but there are to may risks at the moment. If we were to have a full integration of demons, there would be untold amounts of chaos. Believe me, if I could accept these terms, I would, but I can't."


Dawn thought for a moment. There was very little middle ground in this situation and she had to be careful. "Say we were to accept your terms, would you be certain that your kind won't turn on mortals?" She asked


The bat pony glanced at his marefriend and knew she was treading dangerous ground. He knew she was just playing devil's advocate, but that didn't stop him from getting a bit nervous.

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Chrysteel was holding him, Comforting him. She whispers his name, hopeing to calm the raging storm within him. Her aura is now a neutral grey feeling. An aura of light and darkness in equal portions. She hums to him and says, "They are here now. I can feel their light."

"what?.....oh chrysteel i had the worst dream..... first i was fighting caras.... we had a battle and then i died..... he said i kept getting in his way.....then i was fighting you...you didn't really want to fight..... and for some reason it felt that i didn't want to either you won the battle but felt really bad holding me like you are now....crying.....but the strange part of all of this is when i was just beginning to fight you.... it was just a nightmare.... but.. i felt very blood thirsty the only words i remember saying were "pitiful pony....i can't wait to eat you whole... or should i say changeling even nicer..." he proceeds to get back up and looks off into the distance "look i don't want to force you into this... if you want to leave that's fine i should be fine on my own....."

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He can feel Chrysteel's aura pulse. He can tell from the way it encases him she won't leave. "A storm rages within you. Being alone eill only make you lose yourself. Stand by friends and your truth will show."


Chrysteel stands next to him and says, "A friend you make this day. Never push them away."

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He can feel Chrysteel's aura pulse. He can tell from the way it encases him she won't leave. "A storm rages within you. Being alone eill only make you lose yourself. Stand by friends and your truth will show."


Chrysteel stands next to him and says, "A friend you make this day. Never push them away."

Simple proceeded to sigh and thought (yes i may have made a friend today.....but how can she trust me) "fine... but i fear we better leave before they come out and notice us here..." he proceeds to look to the exit to the hallway" "well?.... are you coming or not!" he smiles and looks at chrysteel.... (i trust you.... i will take your advice....)

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Tempest sighed as he shook her head. "I'm sorry, but there are to may risks at the moment. If we were to have a full integration of demons, there would be untold amounts of chaos. Believe me, if I could accept these terms, I would, but I can't."


Dawn thought for a moment. There was very little middle ground in this situation and she had to be careful. "Say we were to accept your terms, would you be certain that your kind won't turn on mortals?" She asked


The bat pony glanced at his marefriend and knew she was treading dangerous ground. He knew she was just playing devil's advocate, but that didn't stop him from getting a bit nervous.

*chuckle* "like I said. Our nature is our nature. Asking a devil to live without conflict is like asking a Pony to live without food. Just not going to happen. Although tournaments are held in the Capital of the underworld to control some of our violent tendencies. But I can't promise that their will never be any 'incidents' involving a mortal or two 'disappearing' every now and then. Should we integrate into the surface."


Guardian Leader: "Unreasonable as always. And here I was thinking that 10000 years spent locked inside a prison would do you some good. Listen mortals, we are sorry to bring this upon you. We should have exterminated these pests long ago. They have no place in the surface world. It is for you mortals to live. And non others! If you have any understanding of how dire this is, send them back to Hell where they belong. Or this will become a disaster that will define this era."


This guardian was starting to get on Caras' nerves. He was trying his best to see a peaceful solution, but the divines are as stubborn as always. Are refuse to listen to reason. But they are right In what they are saying.

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Tempest felt anger well up inside him, but didn't make any sudden movements. "I'm sorry, but I think for the good of Equestria, the terms cannot be accepted."  He said. The bat pony then picked his amulet up and put it on his neck.


Dawn sighed and shook her head. "As much as I would love peace, innocent ponies can't be put in harms way if we are to make this work. I'm sorry." The alicorn then equipped her leg rings and waited for someone to act first.

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*sigh* "I see that this is how it is going to be. Very well then. As a peaceful agreement could not be made. The Demonic Empire will continue to act within its own intuition and proceed in ways that is best for us. We are not restricted by rules and we don't overly care for mortal life. You may want to gather some allies, those ponies we mer with earlier may be of some use to you." He stood for his chair, pit on his helmet and put his sword back around him. Walking past the divine guardians and onto the balcony, standing on it railings. "This is the most warning the Demonic Empire has been given to its enemies that they anticipate fighting. Be thankful for that. And one last thing, Divines, tell father I said hello."


With his closing statement said, Caras' body dispersed into smoke and was carried north by the winds.


Guardian leader: "I should not have allowed him to leave like that."


Guardian 1: "Even with 4 divine guardians present. We did not have near enough power to even scratch him."


Guardian Leader: "Yeah. The Half-Breed will live to see another day again." The leader turned to Tempest and Dawn. "Sorry about our abrupt intrusion, we were held up by paperwork and the formal procedures of coming to the mortal world. My name is Golden Leaf. High battle maiden and diplomat for the Divines. Pleasure to meet you both."

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Tempest nodded slightly. "Same to you, and as long as we're introducing ourselves,my name is Tempest Sol." He said. The bat pony wasn't really phased by Caras's threat. He had gone up against the demon before and managed to hold his own against him.


Dawn didn't really know how to react, but she quickly composed herself. "I'm Dawn," She said, as she felt a bit awkward.

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Chrysteel says, "the shadow has left. Didn't you wish to speak to the ones who sent you that letter?"


She walks to the door knowing the guards have either left or won't stop her. She knocks on the door. She also thinks that the answer to her letter is also with these holy aura wielders.

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Golden Leaf: "I've read up about you. You're quite the celebrity in the world of the divines you know. Tempest Sol. The only mortal alive that has proven capable of actually being able to fight against The Half-boold and win. You're something else alright. You're a sign that maybe the mortals are recovering the strength of the Ancients, and will be able to hold out against the Demons. Sorry I'm rambling. It is an honour to meet you."


Two of the other Guardians looked at each other and then to Tempest mouthing the word, "fangirl" at him, before laughing to each other.


Golden leaf: "Well We can't just sand around right now. Even the Goddess doesn't know what Caras has planned. We need allies. You have crossed blades with him while he was alone. You're yet to see him command an army. It's clear that this place will be their first target, so we need to evacuate the city."

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Chrysteel says, "the shadow has left. Didn't you wish to speak to the ones who sent you that letter?"


She walks to the door knowing the guards have either left or won't stop her. She knocks on the door. She also thinks that the answer to her letter is also with these holy aura wielders.

"fine... whatever you say.... but i'm a bit worried we could be arrested for walking on private property......" simple proceeded to sweat a bit but brush it off and moved on, the doors open and he walked inside "sorry... but i've came here seeking some divine guardians... i was given a letter to come.... and after some very weird stuff started happening i couldn't resist to at least meet the one that sent me this letter... if it wouldn't be to much to ask" he noticed everyone looking at him....."heh...heh..." he said in a very worried voice..... looking at chrysteel she didn't seem she was very phrased but he know she'd probably be good at hiding her emotions....

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Upon seeing the ones with the holy auras, Chrysteel's own aura floods out and she is like an open book. "Pleasure to meet you, wielders of the holy aura." Chrysteel may have only recently discovered aura magic but she seems to have an instinct for detecting auras. Her nature also depicts one who has many things to hide, but if one asks she looks like she will tell.

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Naga had listened silently and thought out many scenarios. They mostly ended in war, conflict, and death. There was much negative karmic energy within the air, and it was certainly... Taking it's toll upon his being. Muttering to himself, but within earshot of others, his frustrations becoming apparent... And so was his Vetala instincts.


" This is getting out of hoof..."


He said. His eyes changed from their soft, brown, welcoming state to a pupiless, glowing almagation of red and white. He had a scowel on his face, and yet also a hint of sorrow and guilt.


" Why is it that through the ages, immortals and mortals alike never learn? What does war really change? After all, nothing lasts forever! You could build an empire to withstand anything until the end of time, and yet it would still find a way to crumble! Why can't there just be peace?!?!

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Chrysteel says, "To be honest Naga, somebeings have that nature about then. They have to prove more to themselves that they are able to do what they must. For that shadowed aura, he felt as if he wanted war. For others, war just catches them and they have no choice but to ride it out. According to the ancient archives of my home our kind were a very different culture. To spread the love of our mother across the world. Our aura magic is her gift. But war in and of itself is inevitable. We can try to stall it, but in the end it always happens. My kind became that which consumes love because of that which happened long ago. The records are very vague about it."


The guardians could tell that her use of the word mother was directed towards one of the divines themselves.


She turns to the Guardians and asks, "This letter, why did it tell me to come here to find you, holy aura wirlders."

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Tempest nodded slightly and blushed slightly. "It's good to know that I have friends in high place. Just didn't think it would be so literal." He thought to himself. The bat pony then turned his attention back to Golden Leaf. "I agree. The civilians should head South until this blows over. They should be safe in Equestria." Tempest already had a plan forming in his head as to what he would do when Caras and his army appeared.


Dawn remained silent as Tempest and Golden talked. She didn't know why, but she felt a bit weird. It could be jealousy, or something similar to that. The alicorn quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind, figuring she could ask Tempest about it later.

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Tempest nodded slightly and blushed slightly. "It's good to know that I have friends in high place. Just didn't think it would be so literal." He thought to himself. The bat pony then turned his attention back to Golden Leaf. "I agree. The civilians should head South until this blows over. They should be safe in Equestria." Tempest already had a plan forming in his head as to what he would do when Caras and his army appeared.


Dawn remained silent as Tempest and Golden talked. She didn't know why, but she felt a bit weird. It could be jealousy, or something similar to that. The alicorn quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind and smiled.

"answer us who are these divine guardians!...UGH!" Simple fainted again..... and woke up in a dream like version of the room he was in..... his shadow form appeared again coming out of tempest... it holding the same simple had on his cutie mark....he paused and then he noticed his body turned white he look at his shadow form and a echo whisper was heard (the cannibal murderer)then he look at him self (the savior) was whispered suddenly out of nowhere the dark side started fighting him "give me your soul... don't deny your destiny" "I think you know very well what pain will be brought if we do not.... work in harmony" replied simple losing his ability to control his body..... the two engage in a very big battle.. "we need balance" "BALANCE YOU'D NEVER LET ME EAT JUST ONE PONY WOULD YOU..... YOUR JUST AS IGNORANT AS TEMPEST...." "who's he... i don't know of this tempest....." "WELL IT SEEMS SOMEONE CAN'T READ AURAS...FITTING SEEING AS YOU LIMITED YOUR HEART" "we need balance!" they both collide and get knock back "we'll settle this later....." "NO NOW!...UGH!..,...." "the info you just gave me will help our little friend alot" simple proceeds to wake up.... he body glitches out a bit letting off a blow of negative energy turn him completely black and then one of Positive energy turning him white before turning back to his normal self again.... "Ouch.. my head.. divine guardian... tempest is that you did you give me this letter... i......"

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Tempest nodded slightly and blushed slightly. "It's good to know that I have friends in high place. Just didn't think it would be so literal." He thought to himself. The bat pony then turned his attention back to Golden Leaf. "I agree. The civilians should head South until this blows over. They should be safe in Equestria." Tempest already had a plan forming in his head as to what he would do when Caras and his army appeared.


Dawn remained silent as Tempest and Golden talked. She didn't know why, but she felt a bit weird. It could be jealousy, or something similar to that. The alicorn quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind, figuring she could ask Tempest about it later.

"Well I doubt this will just blow oover.And thinking about it from a strategical view we don't lose much if we lose this city. But they gain a lot. A strong foothold in the north and the power of the crystal heart. No, best to move that out of the city also. Guardians, this is the first time handling a mass situation like this, but this is what we are born to do. Get the civilians out of the city. Move them south into Equestria. And if you can, send an army back our way. I'd give us a day to fortify before the Demons arrive. Get to work."


Guardians: "Yes ma'am."


The rest of the guardians left the building through the balcony and started on the jobs they had been issued with.


She turns to the Guardians and asks, "This letter, why did it tell me to come here to find you, holy aura wirlders."

"Ouch.. my head.. divine guardian... tempest is that you did you give me this letter... i......"

"Letters? Yes. Our arcane research department did send out letters that were meet to seek out those with potential power. You both received a letter? How peculiar. A channelling and a pony who looks like he's a few bails short of a harvest. Just wait a moment please."


" Why is it that through the ages, immortals and mortals alike never learn? What does war really change? After all, nothing lasts forever! You could build an empire to withstand anything until the end of time, and yet it would still find a way to crumble! Why can't there just be peace?!?!

"Don't we all wish is was so simple to battle against our nature as easily as you have Velata. If the Demons could be reasoned with, we would had not needed to banish them from the surface I'm the first place. Unfortunately, that will never happen. They are too violent, too cruel and corrupted by their own desires that they only see what is best for themselves and can't care about anyone."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"People of Hell Above. The summit has failed. Their shall be no peace in the times to come. They see us as underlings. Spitting on the honour that your names carry. They see us as inferior, and belive that they can so simply push us back to the underworld because they have some Divine Guardians helping them. Baka! This land was ours in the Ancient times, and ours again during my younger years. We shall teach the mortals, and the Divine that Devils are not all bark and no bite. And show them that our bite is one to fear. Few of you have been to war before, but it is our natural calling. Let your instinct guide you though battle and watch yourself rise above the soldiers they dare try and stop you with. The Devil Lord of War has been kind enough to send me his army for the future. You will be fighting alongside Devils that are as old as I. And as skilled as I. We shall go to war. We shall fight and restore honour to the Devil name. And we shall paint this land red with the blood of mortals and Divine alike. Ready yourself my followers. Tomorrow we march forward into battle. Prepare to take part in the highest calling, and what it means to be a demon. Prepare to learn why the world fears us as it does."

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Chrysteel waits with a hoof on Simple, "Simple your aura is in chaos. Anything I can do to aid you? My aura magic is not strong but a mother must protect her young, as the saying goes."


Chrysteel seems to speak in riddles at times but the message is clear enough.

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Tempest nodded, understanding what Golden meant. "I'll see what I can do to prepare." He said. Even if all of the citizens were evacuated, there wouldn't be enough time to transport an army to the crystal empire fast enough. As far as he knew, the only option was to hunker down and defend until reinforcements could arrive. With that being said, Tempest left the room and flew into the air, surveying the landscape.


Xena gave a low growl as he watched the events unfold. "I wonder if these guardians know of the source of Tempest's power. Wouldn't surprise me if they did." He muttered to himself. The aura beast knew that when it came to Caras, there was no holding back.


Dawn sighed as she watched Tempest leave. She could fight, but she wasn't trained like Tempest was.


Baz,, like Xena, had watched the events unfold during the summit and knew what Dawn and Tempest would have to do in order to beat Caras. The only problem was that it could easily kill one of them. The aura beast hoped that it wouldn't come to that.

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