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open [RP] The Unknown Resort


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Lightning walked up the frozen mountain wearing a torn jacket. He was carrying his skateboard and had headphones in, listening to metal. 

He saw the resort up ahead. He wondered, a dead-beat orphan like him, invited to a private resort.

He stepped through the doors and was hit by the warmth. He flipped his board on the ground. A well dressed man came out of a door next to him behind a register and looked at him reluctantly,

"Uhh, sir, your room.."

He handed him a gold key 'Room 208, Floor 4', Lightning hopped on his board and pushed off down the maze of halls. He came to elevator and stepped in. The staff that was standing in there crinkled his nose and stepped away from him.

He flicked his board up and walked out into the hallway once they reached the 4th floor. He pushed the key into the lock on the door and twisted it. As he opened it he was shocked.

"What the hell.."

The room was pristine, food lying all over the bench, clean and ready to eat.

"Is this some sick prank?"

He'd never SEEN something this nice before.

He locked the door behind him and walked into the master bedroom.

Clean sheets lay on a perfect white double-bed.

He'd never slept in a bed before.

"Wow.." Was all he could say before he threw his board onto the bloor, as well as his old ripped up bag that he found on the beach.. 

Edited by Lightning


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Josh walked up the mountain quickly, He was cold he only had his thin jacket on with the hood that was always up covering the horn-like growths wrapped tight around him.


"Idiot, Snowhike resort, snow! how did I not catch on?!"


He mumbled grumpily to himself between chattering teeth. He was wondering why and how he had been invited to a place. An outcast the last few years of his life and had lived in various remote areas while wondering around. He was even more curious as to why he was going. He had avoided contact with other ponies for a long time. 

He opened his wings and flew to the resort. 


Upon getting in he was given a key to his room, after a few looks from various staff and a few turned noses. He went to the forth floor, Room 210. But didn't go in. Josh took a herb from a pocket and chewed on it then decided to look around for a while.

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Viscera Violet, or Vee Vee as she preferred to be called, was trudging up the mountain path with her violet coloured overcoat and was shrugging off the iced winds with ease from her body being used to cold temperatures as she was born in Trottingham, a very cold region with rather posh voices and eccentric looking buildings, all this rubbed off on her and she is rather posh voiced and easily resists cold environments.

She eventually made it to the Resorts doors and pushed them open very quickly and as the heating of the building hit her she sighed with relief and giggled as she pulled out her pet Gecko called Emerald from her mane and petted it.
"Emerald? You don't like the cold do you?" Vee giggled more and as her little pet reptile shook it's head and shivered a bit. Vee was then approached by one of the staff.

"Hello ma'am, would you like us to take your overcoat to your room for you? And your bags of course" 

"Uhmmm....Yes okay, thank you very much kind sir" 

The staff member passed Vee her room key which had '4th Floor Room 67' on it once he took her overcoat and bags and then set off for her room. She was still wondering why she was even invited to this very strangely located resort, but a free holiday is good enough for her. Her eyes lit up as she unlocked and opened the 4th Floor's number 67 door and the room was perfect but she had to get her pet's tank set up so she went over to the bags the staff brought up for her and took out a large glass and plastic tank filled with foliage, greenery and dirt and she placed it on the bedside table and began to clean it and make a lot of sound from plants rustling and glass tapping.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Alex flew overhead, pushing a cloud that contained her luggage along with her until she could see the hotel in the distance. "Hah, there it is!" She cheered, flapping her wings faster, quickening her speed for the final stretch. Bucking her cloud and grabbing her bags quickly she skid to a stop barely just a few feet in front of the entrance. "Ha ha! Woo! What a rush!" She cheered, fixing her mane and making herself more presentable before opening the door.


She sighed as the warm air rushed past and enveloped her. The bright blue coated mare walked over to the front desk to check in and was handed her key. 'Heh, room one-fifty-five. I love numbers that end in five, my lucky number!' She thought to herself 'Though the fourth floor's a bit of a bummer..' but with a shurg of the shug, sheaded towards the elevators. Upon exiting the elevator, Alex gave the elevator-stallion a tip before looking for her room.


Once she found it, she turned the key and entered it. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened in awe. Videogames! Arcade systems! And food everywhere! It's as if they knew this is what she wanted.. Though with her last name being 'Van Gamer', it shouldn't have been too hard to guess. "What's the point in leaving the hotel room when you've got all these beauuutiful classics!" She exclaimed, dropping her things, tossing off her scarf and running towards one of the nearest games. "Ha ha! They even provide the bits!" She mused as she saw a bucket of arcade coins resting on top of the system. Without hesitation, she shoved a few bits in and started her gaming session. She'd go meet this... whoever it was that invited her here later. For now, it was game-time!


Now, if only she didn't leave her lugging out right in front of the room entrance, blocking the door from closing itself...


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Spellbind entered the resort, glad to finally not be lugging around her... well... luggage. Perhaps this was an opportunity for her to socialise with the world she confined herself from and make some friends. Maybe somepony to be more than that with...


She pushed those thoughts out of her head. You're clearly delusional. Anyone who would want to be that with you needs a lobotomy. Youre lucky to have just friends.


She sighed as she entered, and then she was faced with a friendly-looking mare who worked at the resort. "Hello there Madam. Would you like help with that luggage?"


Spellbind replied. "No thanks." Wouldn't want to be a bother....


"Oh come on, think of yourself. You look exhausted," the mare persisted.


Spellbind smiled. "Very well."


So the mare took Spellbind's bag and carried up the stairs, Spellbind following.


When she got to her room, the mare gently placed the bag down, and what Spellbind saw filled her with glee. TV, game systems, free room service...


"Enjoy your stay," said the mare kindly.


"...I'm not used to people being this nice to me..." said Spellbind a bit absent mindedly.


The mare cocked her head. "Ma'am, you realise that our income comes from being nice to guests?"


"Oh..." said Spellbind.


"I like your mane, though," said the receptionist.


Spellbind sighed again. You wouldn't if you saw underneath this hat...

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Josh walked down the hallways for a bit. He was absentmindedly chewing the strap of his hood which he made sure was hiding his features. He wasn't paying to much attention when he suddenly tripped over some bags in an open doorway.




He landed with a bit off a thud. He stood up and poked his head in the door. He saw the other pony playing on a screen and moved away.

He noticed then he has strewn the contents of by he luggage.


"ah I'm so sorry! "


He gasped to himself and quickly started putting it back in the bag.

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Alex's ears perked up in alarm when she heard somepony collaps outside. She turned to look towards the entrance to notice her luggage opened and it's contents spralled out on the floor outside. "Oh shoot!" She exclaimed, rushing over to her bags. She noticed the stallion trying to help and realized he must have been the one that fell... or, more specifically, tripped over her stuff. "Oh gosh, I-I'm so sorry! I got so distracted with all the stuff I saw in my room I left everything on the floor I—!"


She paused suddenly, looking down at the ground at a small broken glass statue. It was a small retro game controller, like the one on her cutie mark, split right down the middle. The mare frowned, sighing sadly as she scooped up the pieces in her hoof. "...Oh, biscuts... I knew I should have wrapped this up..." She rummaged through her bag and pulled out another one of her scarves, placing the broken pieces in the center before wraping the cloth around it and placing it back in the bag.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Spellbind could hear things goingon. A stallion seemingly inadvertently strewing the contents of a bag, and the other mare playinf video games noticing.


Spellbind quietly as she could went to the door and hid outside it, trying to figure out what game the mare was playing.

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Josh jumped a bit when he saw the mare rush out however he kept packing things up.


"I am so sorry I didn't mean to knock it over I should have been paying attention!"


He noticed her glance towards the now broken statue


"I am so so sorry I didn't mean to. Can I make it up to you? "


He bit his lip and picked bits if it up. He handed the bits of it he had picked up to her and looked around awkwardly.


" sorry" He mumbled again.

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Alex sighed, "No, that's okay. It was my fault, really. I didn't close my bags enough, and... I just left them out of the room for someponey to trip over... none of this was your fault.." She shook her head before flipping her hair back to get her mane out of her face. "But dear Celestia... What a way to start a vacation..." She mumbled, looking back up at the stallion. "Thanks for helping me pick up my stuff though. You really didn't have to do that."


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@@@Josh Riordan,


From behind her hiding spot, Spellbind noticed that some of the pieces were still laying there on the ground and out of sight of the other two ponies. She spent a few moments picking them up and stepped into view.


"I think that's it now," she said. She adjusted her hat so it didn't all off and reveal her horn.

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"I kind of did have to if I had been paying attention it wouldn't have happened in the first pl-"


He jumped at the random voice behind them.

He quickly settled down and looked around, he made sure again his hood was tight around him.

He examined the other mare.


"Uhm sorry "

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Vee Vee just finished setting up her little pet's vivarium tank in her room and she then picked up her lizard and placed it in her mane with another giggle as she trotted towards her door and opened it.
She then heard a bit of commotion down the hall so she trotted a bit closer and watched as three other ponies all looked to be cleaning something up but Vee shrugged and stayed down the hall and watched from a distance as she pulled her lizard out her mane to speak to it.
"Hmm...Forgot that others would have been invited too...Wonder why they were, what do you think they're doing?" Vee asked her pet and the little lizard made a small sound with it's mouth and shook it's head
"I knew you wouldn't know...Hmmm...I am just gonna stay back here until the timing is right heeheh" Vee added in response to her friends shake of it's head

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Oh, come on! C-can't we just f-fly there already?" Silvia Silverstring pleaded. "It's freezing out here!"


"I wish we could, but I don't have any wings..."


"I'll carry you, then!"


"No, Silvia, don't--!"


Silvia tried in vain to lift her cousin onto her back.


"Silvia, I don't think..." Nightlight Sparkle trailed off, noticing a glimmer of light just around the bend in the road. "Come on! We're nearly there!"


The pair of ponies burst through the pair of hotel doors at last, relief and warmth washing over them.


"Madames, your room keys."


Nightlight blushed deeply, insulted. "Yo, homie? I'm a dude."


The fancy man paused, checking a list he'd happened to have on hand. "...Ah, yes. My mistake. The elevators are just up ahead." He then held up a single room key. "My apologies, but seeing as we originally thought you both to be female, you've both been assigned to the same room."


Flustered, Nightlight snatched the key with his magic and dashed off, Silvia running off behind him. "It's okay, we forgive you!" she called behind her.




When at last the duo arrived at their designated room, they couldn't believe their eyes. There were ample notebooks and colored pens, a karaoke machine, and the largest, fluffiest bed either pony had ever seen, among many other goods.


Nightlight was silent a moment. "...Remind me again why we were invited here?"

Silvia launched herself onto the fluffy bed. "Who cares?!" She laughed.

"But we can't share the same bed...!"

"Looks like they've gotcha covered," Silvia remarked, motioning to the room next to her, where an identical fluffy bed stood.

Nightlight breathed a sigh of relief. "Looks like we'll be staying in the PG-13 limit after all."

"I can't believe no one's questioned the human in the lobby, though. Especially considering we're all ponies."

"I think we're supposed to forget about him and move on."

"Works for me!" Silvia began tugging the strings of a harp placed in the middle of the room as Nightlight settled in to write some stories.

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@@Josh Riordan, @@Littlecandylulu903,


"Oh! Thank you." Alex said as she took the extra pieces from Spellbind, smiling at her before looking back at the hooded stallion. "But no seriously, my luggage should have never even BEEN out here. I should have put it in my room completely. I just saw so many game systems in my room that I just got a little too excited and... ya know, forgot about my bags." She awkwardly brushed her hair behind her ear. "Um, my name's Alex VanGamer, by the way..." She said, introducing herself to the two ponies.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@@@Josh Riordan,


"Spellbind," the unicorn mare introduced herself. "I have quite a thing for video games too."


"So what you got in there? Same as in my room?" she asked Alex. "I could go for some Neightendo or Segaskin."


"But about that statue?" she asked. "Are you going to attempt to get it repaired?"

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Josh Apologized again anyway then nodded.


"My name is Josh" He said with a nervous tone. "It is nice to meet you"


He backed out of the door slowly feeling odd in Alex's room and into the hallway and noticed the other pony out there. He nodded to them and waved.

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Silvia stopped playing the harp and gasped. "I hear voices upstairs! Let's go meet the other ponies!" Silvia stood at the door way expectantly.


"B-but, I, oh... Okay then," he gave in, knowing all too well Silvia would force him to come along weather he liked it or not.


Silva introduced herself to the myriad of ponies she found. "Hi-hi! I'm Silvia, and this is my cousin Nightlight. We're staying on the floor just below here. Who are you strangers?"


Nightlight stood silent, half-hiding behind his cousin/friend, observing the crowd.

Edited by Wolfeus Kindeer
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Lightning heard a large amount of voices outside and down the hall, he put his hood further over his eye, covering his black left eye and grabbed his board.

He wanted answers to why they were here. He grabbed his board and set off at a quick pace before seeing the other ponies in the distance.

They all looked like they were introducing themselves.


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Banner finally got to the resort that she was invited to for vacation then a man Banner did not pay attention to asked "would you like me to take you bags to you room?" "no, no one touches my bags except me" then she went straight to the receptionist "I am Banner I want my room key" "I need a last name miss Banner" "I would tell you but then I would have to kill you" without a second thought the receptionist gave her the key she thought was hers. "floor 4 room 216" banner repeated then went to her room to drop her bags. finally get to use my vacation days she thought then hears all the ponies way down the hall "might as well say hi or something" she says as she goes to the rest of the group

(did not see the posts here)

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Alex had not been expected their little talk outside of her room to become such a large meet and greet gathering place. But she smiled all the same as she responded. "Well then, it's nice to meet you, Spellbind, Josh, Silvia, and Nightlight" She said, looking at each pony in turn. She then returned to look back at Spellbind, since she was the last to add to the conversation aside from her introduction. "I've got all sorts of games in there! And yeah, there's a Neightendo and Segaskin too! There's also a Dance Dance Equestria, a Karaoke machine and just a bunch of other stuff!" She then frowned a bit when answering the part about her statue. "As for the statue..." She said, "I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it... And even if I did, it won't really be the same."


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Spellbind looked at the sudden influx of ponies and felt a bit excited on the inside. She isolated herself most of the time and it was not often she got the company she secretly wanted.


"I know of some unicorn repair shops," she said. "They're actually quite common. Or perhaps you know a skilled unicorn personally?"

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"I know of a shop in Las Pegasus, yeah. But it just kills me knowing that I broke such a valuable item I hold dear to my heart I... I don't think I'd even have the nerve to ask for a repair." Alex shook her head. "But I digress... I was invited here to relax and take it easy... Stressing over a... a priceless, fragile statue isn't going to help me."


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Silvia felt sympathy for the pony whose statue was broken. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?" she asked the distressed mare.


Nightlight just stood silently next to Silvia, wondering if anypony was judging him. If he'd had his way, he would be avoiding contact with all of them.

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Josh awkwardly lingered at the back of the group unsure of what he should do. He still felt bad for breaking the statue. He absentmindedly chewed the strap of his hood and noticed another pony near the back of the group who he recognized as the previously introduced pony Nightlight. He walked up and poked them lightly to get their attention.


"Uhm hii" He said kind of awkwardly. 

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