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open Exploration Team Of Equestria and Beyond


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129543-exploration-team-of-equestria-and-beyond-ooc/#entry3871545




Destiny was in shock, where was the exploration team who found the gem, she wondered. She reluctantly looked around her. A lot of much braver, much more capable ponies were looking eager to go up. She didn't know, it seemed like the first pony up would be the leader. She figured that Equestria's citizens come first, although she hadn't been back for long, she was still raring to go. She trotted up, the princess took her arm and asked what she is naming her team. 


"I-I'll name them.... Exploration Team Of Equestria and Beyond...ETOEB for short..." She said, a blush on her face. She thought she had finally done it, ponies actually liked her. When she heard something that made her heart sink.


"What a lame name! Send ponies who are qualified!" A voice called out. Destiny couldn't tell who it was, she didn't care. She started to trot off stage, she'd lost all hope. They were right, who was she to lead a team across Equestria? She wasn't qualified, or strong. She barely knew how to use a sword. She started trotting down the stairs off stage when she heard somepony else call out.

Edited by TANavyDestinySavvy


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hmm, these tomatoes look pretty juicy," thought Aspen Swift, examining a bright red tomato.  He checked his saddlebag for bits, and, realizing he he had left most of his travel money back at the hotel, sighed.  He smiled apologetically at the owner of the stand and decided to just start head back to the Canterlot Hotel, as he had already been walking around the city for most of the day.  He cinched up the bag and started trotting back in the direction he came, when he noticed that a lot of ponies were heading to the Canterlot Auditorium.

"Huh, must be some kind of presentation," he thought.  Aspen then noticed a group of three mares talking excitedly as they followed the rest of the ponies.

"Um, excuse me?  Sorry to bother you, but, I was wondering where everypony was going.  There seems to be a lot of traffic this way, and my curiosity got the best of m-"
"You mean you don't know?"  One of the mares said; a light blue and grey unicorn.  Aspen shook his head.  "Well, today's the unveiling of the recently discovered gem,"  the unicorn said excitedly, "and we're going to see it!  Aren't we, girls?"  The mares nodded their heads excitedly.  The unicorn turned back to Aspen.  "You know, the gem is said to have unlimited power."  The mare said this last part in a whisper, as if she was worried somepony might overhear.  

Aspen thanked the mares, and mulled over his options.  He could head back to the hotel, maybe relax a little, and then meet up with his friends.  On the other hoof, he also could go see what the fuss was about with this "magic rock."  Aspen went with the latter.  

As he peeked through the curtain of the auditorium, the ponies on stage were talking about the gem, who found it, where is came from, blah blah blah.  Aspen honestly didn't care, he just wanted to see the thing and leave.  Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and trumpets started to blare.  Out of the stage right stepped...

Princess Celestia!?  Aspen suddenly was more interested in this gem.

"Well, if the Princesses are here, this must be pretty important," he thought.  Princess Celestia started to raise the curtain with her magic...a spotlight was turned to the stage...a hush fell among the crowd.  However, this hush turned to anger as everypony realized that...the gem was GONE.  Confused and angry voices rose.  

Princess Celestia said, quietly, "No, it...can't be."  She turned to the crowd.  "It seems that the gem has been stolen, along with the archaeologists who found it."  More angry voices were heard.  "Well, are we gonna find it?" said one voice.  "We have to hurry!" shouted another.  The Princess stomped her hoof, and everypony was silent.  "There was a note.  It says: 'Rexon Cave is the place you are seeking'."  Nopony spoke.  To Aspen, it seemed pretty obvious that somepony needed to speak up and start looking.  "Are there any volunteers that could help lead a team to recover the gem and the archaeologists?" asked the Princess, looking around. Only silence was heard.  Suddenly, a timid voice sprang out from the crowd.  "I-I'll name them.... Exploration Team Of Equestria and Beyond...ETOEB for short..." a dark blue mare said, implying that she was offering to lead the journey.  She was a midnight blue unicorn with red and blue mane, and seemed a bit nervous to be the subject of so many pony's attention.  Suddenly, there was an explosion of outburst from the crowd.  "What a lame name! Send ponies who are qualified!"  Aspen looked around and suddenly became angry.  "What?  Just because she has the nerve to do what all you numbskulls won't, she's the one being accused!?"  he thought to himself.  The poor mare started to trot off the stage, close to where Aspen was watching.  He suddenly spoke up.  "Wait just one minute!"  The room got quieter as heads turned in Aspen's direction.  Even the mare looked up.  Aspen, taking this opportunity, got on the stage and addressed the crowd.  "So let me get this straight.  Some stupid gem is stolen, and somepony needs to get the darned thing back.  After none of you shameless wannabees volunteer to risk your necks, this mare has the courage to try to help lead, and you accuse her!?  That is just...just...despicable."  Aspen walks over to the surprised Mare, bows in front of her, and says, loud enough for the crowd to hear, "Miss, I do not know your name, but I would be honored to follow your lead in this quest, if you'll have me."

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Destiny was shocked at this offer, she didn't know what to say. A stallion bowing before her.

"Miss, I do not know your name, but I would be honored to follow your lead in this quest, if you'll have me." He spoke to her, she was still speechless.

She thought back to this morning, when she had just gotten to Canterlot with a train she may or may not have snuck onto. "Wow! The unveiling of a new type of gem?" She thought to herself, as she followed the group of ponies she'd heard. Destiny was just admiring the outside of the building when the pony standing in front, obviously a royal guard started speaking to her. 

"Are you going to enter? I heard that the gem is being unveiled in a few minutes. You should enter if you want to see it before it's brought back to the castle." He informed her, before looking back around to continue looking for suspicious behavior.

Destiny was trotting in as she was butted aside by a group of ponies all wearing backpacks, they must have been the Archaeologists who discovered it, she thought to herself. Her eyes darted back to the stallion bowing in front of her. She put out her hoof as a request for him to stand up. 

"Of course you can join the team....if there was a team." She lowered her head. And looked at the ground before her hooves.

"Although i'm glad to have you join, it appears as if we're still only a duo....and I can't get back up there after that whole affair." She looked to him. "Could you go back up there for me? And see if anypony else wants to join?" She said, embarrassed that she is requesting the first member of her team to do her job for her. "If you'll have me." She winked at him.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pat and River came all the way from Hoofington to see the unveiling of this gem. But now, not only was it gone, but so was the archaeologist team that discovered it? The crowd was clamoring in dismay, but somepony in the crowd stepped up in response to Celestia's request. As Pat observed the events that were unfolding he was considering what must be done. But he new the answer.


Pat: "River, I've got to help them!"


River: "What? But... I-... oh... I know... I should expect this from you, but we didn't come here for this. I know this is your thing, but must you go this time?"


"I have to River! If not for the gem, we have to save those archaeologists. They must have been kidnapped; we don't know what kind of danger they could be in! And I'm sure that one po- er I guess two ponies will need all the help they can get."


He said, noticing the second pony step up.


*sigh* "I know you're right... You know I'm with you all the way."


"And you know I'll always protect you. We'll be fine, River."


They made their way up towards the stage. Pat looked at the mare who first stood up()


"You cannot have courage without fear miss. We would be glad to help you and whoever else will join"


((OOC: Just FYI River is paralysed in her hind legs, and for this RP will be using a wheel support just like that pony in the ep "Trade Ya"))

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Destiny was shocked, she already had ponies joining in. She figured those ponies who called out might have been wrong, she kept her head held high, and lead her currently very small team onto stage. 


"Although I might not be the strongest pony...although I might not be the bravest pony.....I know that if I work together with great ponies like the group I have already assembled, we can rescue that team in distress, and recover the new gem!" Destiny looked through the crowd. She noticed a few ponies shaking their heads, others looked concerned, why wouldn't they be? They were watching the freak. NO! Destiny couldn't think like that, not right now, not ever. She looked around, where even more ponies were looking as if they were considering it. A few were about to go up, but held back by loved ones. It made Destiny realize how dangerous of a trip this is, the cave they are seeking is supposed to be on the other side of Equestria. Some of the path would be only accessible by ship. Destiny looked around again, and looked to the crowd.


"Please consider joining. It's the only chance that exploration team has...." Destiny trotted off stage. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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  "What a lame name!  Send ponies who are qualified!", yelled the foreman who had accompanied Dax to the gemstone unveiling.  His folks had sent him along with some of the higher-ups at his family's quarry, and he had been told that there could be quite a market for this new, undiscovered gem; but they had to know what it looked like first.  Dax was their choice for a "scout" of sorts, and he wanted so dearly to live up to their standards.


  Now, however, he felt embarrassed for the gathering of ponies onstage.  He felt even MORE embarrassed that his "escort" was yelling at them.  He slowly shied back from the crowd, slinking off toward the back of the group.  Pacing, he ran through the idea he was entertaining currently...


  I could join them.  I could add my hoof to the effort, and it could possibly get me in good with my parents... or maybe... maybe I could find a frien-...


  He stopped there; the possibility of finding a friend, especially considering his family's reputation, was too much to hope for.  He'd been let down before.  Probably best just to consider this a chance to prove himself worthy of being a Blackwater.  But still... the idea lingered, though pushed to the back of his mind.


 Dax looked toward the stage.  He began to circle around towards the back risers, hoping to meet the group as they came down.  He had a feeling this would be difficult - dealing with other ponies usually was - but he felt that this was the best course of action.  He snuck over to the sidelines & awaited the group to pass near him.

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"Please consider joining. It's the only chance that exploration team has...."

The mare's words echoed in Midnight Rose's head. She'd first come to Canterlot hoping to get a glimpse of this new undiscovered gem everyone was talking about. She always had a passion for gemstones, though preferred plants to lifeless stone. But when Rose and the rest of the audience discovered both gem and exploration team missing, a little switch flicked on deep inside her mind.

This is what I've been waiting for... She thought. It was a tradition in her family that on a pony's eighteenth birthday, they would leave their parents and go on a quest far from home to become a true member of the Midnight dynasty. But ever since Rose was a filly, she'd always felt out of place, with both her friends and family.

This is the chance I get to prove myself! If Rose returned part of the team that saved an entire archaeology crew of ponies, and a priceless gem, she'd no longer be treated as an outcast in Ponyville, but as a hero!

But what if I fail? The thought pierced her mind like a dagger. What if something went wrong, and they all died? Or worse, she lived and returned home a coward?

No. I can't let that stop me. Rose had never considered herself brave, but she'd always considered herself different. If all these ponies were content to sit by and sneer at the mare on stage, she wasn't. She would volunteer to save the gem and its discoverers, or die trying. If not to prove herself to her family, then for the chance to be a hero for once.

Rose marched over to where the exploration team was coming off the stage. Should I go up to her and ask? She wondered, thinking of the dark blue mare who looked much like herself, the one who seemed to be the leader of the team.

No, I'll just wait until they pass by me. She thought, shivering in distaste at the notion of being the center of attention. Rose settled on a decision, maneuvering through the crowd to where the team was about to descend from the stage, and finding a place to stand on the outskirts of the crowd, right next to a black-and green stallion.

Edited by Nova12


:)  Nova12 here, who has an acute case of Pinkie Pie Addiction! Check out my OCs, Midnight Rose and Sunny Melody - Toodles!  :lol: 

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Standing on the sidelines waiting, Dax gathered his thoughts together.


Okay... this is your chance.  You have GOT to say something to them... they need help.  They don't seem to have much to go with, and the filly in the wheelchair might slow 'em down a bit - but kudos to them for taking her anyway.  That's either desperation, or extreme trust.  Either way, this should-


His eyes caught movement from the back of the crowd, headed his way.  He watched as a lovely blue unicorn made her way around the group gathered at the stage and began heading in his direction.  As she got closer, Dax's eyes widened.  


Oh, no... does this pony recognize me?  Oh please, please... I hope not.  I really, really hope not.


He held his breath, waiting for her to either give him the look of disgust he was so used to from the rest of the town... or to merely pass him by, which was the best he could hope for.  Unfortunately for him, she came and stood right next to him.  Dax slowly, quietly gulped back a shuddery breath.


What... is... what does she want? he wondered.


He straightened himself up and tried to keep himself out of the light as best as he could... but, ultimately, he knew he'd be seen.  Besides, Destiny was headed off-stage, and there was no time like the present to make his play to join the team.  Better to move first, he decided.


"Excuse me?  Ummmm... hiya.  I'd like to... uh, to help your team find that gem.  Oh, and the missing ponies, too."


He stepped forward, trying to move to where the unicorn nearby couldn't see the nervous look in his eyes.


"My name is Dax... Dax B-... uh, yeah.  Dax.  I'd like to help out."


He awaited Destiny's response, trying not to appear as nervous as he felt.

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Destiny trotted by, surprised to hear a voice talking to her. It was a relief to hear another pony asking to join her not-so-big team. 


"My name is Dax... Dax B-... uh, yeah.  Dax.  I'd like to help out." The stallion said, as he looked fairly nervous to her. She could tell, it was obvious. She felt bad for him, it must have been hard to stand up after that whole thing and request to join an amateur rescue team. 


"Well, Dax. We....I would be honored to have you join my team!" Destiny said, she also saw another pony. A mare, intently listening, appearing as if she had something to say. Destiny looked to her. 


"Were you looking to join too?" Destiny inquired, trying to say more to Midnight Rose, but this whole situation was awkward to her. She signaled the two ponies over to her, and trotted back to Pat, River, and Aspen. This was all her team is so far. She couldn't really complain though, it's about 5 more ponies than she thought it would be. She thought she would be alone, wuss out, and run for her life upon somehow reaching the cave.


"Everypony here can go and get ready for the trip, we'll regroup at the train station tomorrow at noon. I have to stay here in case we have anypony else who wants to join. If you change your mind....don't show up..if you decide to come, I'll see you there." She trotted off, back to the stage.

Edited by Destiny Savvy
  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Spellbind had been at this event interested, but minding her own business, trying not to do something to annoy the ponies that were sitting around her. When it was over and done, she would return home to eat pizza rolls and nap and read comic books while imagining things in her head, such as what she would do in the future, or just general silliness.


But hold on. Right now, this mare here was looking for members of her new exploration team! And yes, Spellbind desperately wanted in on this. This would not be the first time she had been led on a wacky magical adventure. For those, Spellbind was always up and willing to come along for the ride.


"H-hold on!" said Spellbind scrambling down the stairs and meeting up with the group. She fell over in her haste flat down on her facem but of course she got right back up and ignored the pain from the bump. She soon forgot it was there and her nerves stopped registering pain on her face and nose. "I wanna be part of this! Can I can I can I?" she begged, raising her hoof in the air.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Were you looking to join too?" The unicorn mare asked. Midnight Rose nodded, then followed her as she trotted over to what seemed to be the rest of the group.

"Everypony here can go and get ready for the trip, we'll regroup at the train station tomorrow at noon. I have to stay here in case we have anypony else who wants to join. If you change your mind....don't show up..if you decide to come, I'll see you there."

I guess I'll be there... Thought Midnight Rose. As Destiny left, she gazed around at the team. It's not much... She thought, looking around at the ponies who were brave enough to volunteer. But even so, with the scarce chance they'd return from their mission successful, or even alive, these ragtag few were a small miracle.

Why are we still here? Didn't she say to go and get ready? Oh Celestia they're staring at me nowRose worried as her eyes shot warily across the room.

It's because they don't know who I am. Realized Rose. Well, it's now or never...

Rose cleared her throat. "Hello everyone! My name is Midnight Rose, and I'm... I'm honored to be part of this team."

She was just thinking that she'd messed it all up, when a pastel purple unicorn with a silver and-gold mane scrambled down the stairs and slammed to the floor right in front of her.

Edited by Nova12


:)  Nova12 here, who has an acute case of Pinkie Pie Addiction! Check out my OCs, Midnight Rose and Sunny Melody - Toodles!  :lol: 

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Destiny looked to the mare who had just fallen on her face, the rest of the group had already walked away. Destiny was surprised after such a fall that this mare was okay. She didn't seem phased.


"If you want to join, I would be honored Mrs.....?" Destiny waited for the mare's response. She waited for her to reveal her name. 


"I'm Destiny Savvy! I'm glad to have you on the team!" Destiny said to the mare, after learning her name. Destiny trotted back off to the side, and waited for more ponies to join. She was lonely, and she had to admit it. She missed her team already, some more than others, but now she was alone. She sat, ponies would make weird faces at her, and some would glare. She didn't mind though, she already had a team. A team that would help her get the gem and the team back for sure. She looked at the map and started to to plan the route they would take. She saw many places with danger symbols on them.Of course, with her luck, they all were in her path. She chose the route with minimal mountains in the way, but at the cost of more danger. The hoped this was the right idea and not a suicide run.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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"... and you think you'll actually find this gemstone?"  Luther Blackwater intoned to Dax.  He looked cross, but that was typical; he always looked cross.


"Well, that's the idea, father.  The team will be going into-"


"Fine.  You want to gallivant across the land, getting into trouble?  Fine.  Just... *sigh*  just be careful.  No Blackwater has ever been known to be an idiot, and I won't have my son being the first to be known as such."  Luther strode off, his stern face devoid of emotion.


Dax watched him go, knowing he was concerned for Dax, but never letting it show; it was just how he was.  Turning, Dax checked the contents of his small satchel.


"Rope?  Check.  First aid kit?  Check.  Goggles?  Check.  Flashlight?  Check.  Apples?"


He looked into the satchel, his eyes running over the smooth green apples inside, as well as the dried apples his mother had supplied for him.  He gave a rare smile.


"Definitely check."  He fastened the satchel up & slung it across his flank, testing the straps a bit.  Everything felt fine.  He then made his way to the door.


"Daxter?"  He turned to find his mother Vylia standing in the parlor, eyeing him with a slightly apprehensive look on her face.  "Yes?" he said.


"Daxter, you'll let us know when you find that precious gemstone, won't you?  You wouldn't wait for us to find out through more... civilian means, correct?"


He sighed, knowing she mostly had the idea of letting him help the group for the purpose of possibly garnering the gratitude of those who had found the gem; she always seemed to have the monetary bottom line on her mind.  He sighed, and went out the door.


Over his shoulder, he said, "Of course, mother.  Thanks for letting me come by the house to get some supplies.  I'll see you when I get back, I guess."


As he trotted down the road, headed for adventure, Vylia slowly came to the door and watched him go.  Her usually stolid, frowning face softened for only a moment.


"... be careful, son."


She closed the door.

  • Brohoof 1

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"Don't worry, we'll be there." 


He assured her.


"I guess we'll see you later."


He said as he waved to her. Then he helped River off the stage safely, and they headed back to their room to get ready for their big trip. 


"You know River, I'm not really sure exactly what to take. I don't think we've been on a mission like this before. I suppose we need water most of all, a first-aid kit, and probably some food, but should we take sleeping bags, or a tent, or anything else? And how much? I can only carry so much, but I don't want to over-pack. Oh Darnit! I don't even know where this "Rexon Cave" is or how far away it is; I forgot to ask! Oh I hate making decisions when I'm not sure of anything."


"Well I think you have all the right ideas Pat, and even if we can't pack all we need, I'm sure we'll find a way to survive. It's not like we are going to the desert were there's no water, food, or shelter anywhere. If it helps, I think I can carry some water packs."


"That would be a big help, if you can manage it fine. But I don't want to put too big of a burden on you."


"I can manage Pat, sometimes you worry about me too much."


"It's my job; it's not like you really trusted anypony else to do it. Besides, I'd rather worry about you too much than too little."


"I suppose that's true... Thanks for that, by the way."


"Ga-I-uh... uh, no problem..."


He said, at a loss for words.


"Uh, here, let's stop in here."


They turned into a store that looked good for getting some supplies for the journey.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Midnight Rose stood in her garden, lounging beside a patch of Camellias with her best friend (and only friend) Sunny Melody. Rose had been able to catch a train to Ponyville after she joined the team, and hoped to get back to Canterlot before they left without her.

"I just don't know if I should go. I mean, it'll be really dangerous, and we might not even make it back alive." she spoke.

At this, Sunny Melody laughed. "Of course you'll make it back alive! They wouldn't be recruiting ponies for it if you won't!"

Rose shot her an uncertain glance.

"Really, how many members did they get so far? Twenty? Fifty?" asked Sunny.

"Five." replied Rose.

"Yeesh. Well, they're brave, I'll tell you that."

"Or just stupid."

"Aw, come on! Weren't you just talking about how you needed to prove yourself to your family and all that?"

"Well, my family would never let go in the first place."

"Are you talking about your mother? Because she means well, she really does. You should go on that trip! You'll come back a hero."

"It's just... what if I don't? What if everything goes wrong? What if..." Tears began to gather in Rose's eyes. "What if I'm a failure?"

Sunny's face fell. "Don't talk like that! You're never a failure, no matter what anyone says!"

Rose smiled at her friend. Sunny was her polar opposite in every way. While Rose was shy, Sunny was outgoing. While Rose was uncertain, Sunny was confident. While Rose took her time to decide and plan and ponder, Sunny catapulted herself into danger on the slightest whim. Rose could never be as spontaneous as her, even if she tried.

"Okay." said Rose. "I'll do it."



"Absolutely not!" cried Midnight Sky, Rose's mother. They stood in the sitting room of the family's mansion, if one could call it that, seeing that the building's previous glory had long been worn down by age.

"But mom, if we find the gem and the archaeologists, we'll be heroes!" retorted Rose.

"No. The Midnight family is not a family of heroes. We are a family of calm, reasonable ponies who should be feared like Nightmare Moon herself."

"Still trying that whole 'reasonable' thing?" remarked Briar Thorn, Rose's father, jokingly. he sat next to Sky on the sofa, across from their daughter.

"Stay out of this. This is between me and Rose."

"Darling, the only reason she's going is so she'll live up to your expectations." said Briar calmly.

"Fine. You want to tell our only child why she shouldn't risk her life on a wild goose chase, you can. Mommy needs some coffee." Midnight Sky stormed off to the other room.

A few seconds of silence proceeded.

"So dad? You're going to tell me not to risk my life on some pointless quest?"

Briar chuckled. "Quite the opposite, actually. I think you should."

Rose was taken aback. "Seriously? Is this about what mom said about my needing to grow up? Because the whole 'rite of passage' thing is just an old tradition in our family."

"No, Rose. It's not about that. It's about you learning to be yourself."

Rose looked at her father quizzically. "What?"

"You need to learn how to be confident. To be adventurous. To make new friends for once. This... quest, if you want to call it that, I think it's just what you need." spoke Briar Thorn.

"So... you're letting me go?" asked Rose.

"Yes I am." Briar smiled. "I'll go tell your mother, you pack your bags. Do it quick, before she ties you to a chair."

Rose's face grew into a beaming grin. For the first time in years, she leaned forwards to hug her father, then dashed out of the room.

I've got an adventure to pack for...

Edited by Nova12
  • Brohoof 1


:)  Nova12 here, who has an acute case of Pinkie Pie Addiction! Check out my OCs, Midnight Rose and Sunny Melody - Toodles!  :lol: 

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Serenity sat just outside Canterlot, contemplating what to do next. He had never been very fast, but was a fast thinker, yet didn't know what to do now. He had been in the crowd when they wanted people for a rescue team, but hadn't the courage to respond.


"​What to do...What to do..." He mumbled to himself.


Without speaking up about joining, he would be showing up completely un-invited. But that was the only option left. Meet the team at noon at the train station. It would be awkward to say the least but..it might get him into the team. Serenity made up his mind. Go to the train station for noon, and attempt to join the team. He was no hero, but it seemed like the right thing to do. He didn't dwell on it any longer or he would start questioning himself like always. Thats why he never went on things like this. Always the questions of "Should I?" or "What if I get hurt?"


"If i'm leaving, I better get some supplies and pack my bags then" He said to himself.


He made a mental note to leave a letter for his family. They wouldn't mind, he was always leaving on short notice. With that he set out back for Canterlot. He had to make good time if he was to get some rest, collect supplies and be at the train station for noon.

Edited by ThornFlare
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Destiny put up a sign telling anypony else who wanted to join to meet at the train station the next day. She trotted back to her hotel room and decided to start packing her gear. She put a couple thousand bits in her bag, she would need it. She also put a sleeping bag, and a bag with a tent in it. She brought drinks, and food, which should be enough for a while. As she left, her roommate Spectra Night looked to her. "Are you sure you want to do this? It's dangerous! You could-"


"I'm sure, Spectra. I'll be fine!" Destiny wasn't all that convinced herself. She left, without another word. Destiny trotted down the streets, stopping by various stores to pick up more food. She also bought a bow, and some arrows. In case. Just in case they needed it. She went back to her hotel room and say in her dark room. She stared out the window, it was now night time. She saw some ponies from her team, just trotting. She smiled a bit, and laid back to go to sleep. In her sleep however she heard a knock at the door. She looked out to see one of her team members.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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"Uh... hiya.  I got what I needed, but I didn't... quite... catch where you said to meet up."  Dax gave a bit of a nervous glance around the room, almost as if he was waiting for somepony to pop out of hiding.  However when nothing happened, he straightened up and set his jaw firmly.  His brow furrowed, and he got an 'all-business' look on his face.


"*ahem* Anyhow, I thought it might be best to discuss this trip a bit.  Details, y'know; that's where the devil-food is.  I'm certain you know the route, the perils and the specifics of all this, so..."  Dax faltered a bit.  "... uh... well, if this is a group effort, then what's the group going to be responsible for, what positions are they taking up in... uhm, in..."  


C'mon now, Dax; there's no need to worry about her opinion of you - you'll know her for the extent of this journey, then she'll just forget you.  YOU know that. 


He looked momentarily lost in thought, but his face set firm once again, and he continued.


"Yes, well... you know what I mean.  And about the pony on wheels; they won't be an issue, will they?  As for the rest of them, do you know what they can do?  Strengths, weaknesses, specialties... what do you know of them?"

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"Uh... hiya.  I got what I needed, but I didn't... quite... catch where you said to meet up."  Destiny invited him into the room, he looked as if he was worried. She figured this is going to be where he quits. Destiny was about to open her mouth when he spoke again.


"*ahem* Anyhow, I thought it might be best to discuss this trip a bit.  Details, y'know; that's where the devil-food is.  I'mcertain you know the route, the perils and the specifics of all this, so..."  He paused, this made Destiny tilt her head, waiting for his finish."... uh... well, if this is a groupeffort, then what's the group going to be responsible for, what positions are they taking up in... uhm, in..."  


Destiny looked to him, she thought for a second. She realized she hadn't given it a second thought, what would everypony do? She didn't know anypony well enough to make a judgement.


"Yes, well... you know what I mean.  And about the pony on wheels; they won't be an issue, will they?  As for the rest of them, do you know what they can do?  Strengths, weaknesses, specialties... what do you know of them?"


Destiny sat there motionless for about 10 seconds. She was speechless, she didn't know how to reply to this. She looked Dax in the eyes.


"I don't know very much about anypony yet. I can't make a judgement, but so long as Pat trusts her, I will too. I don't have positions chosen yet for the team....so I guess you can call first dibs....what would you like to be?"


Destiny sat down across from him, inviting him to sit in the chair before her. She slid him a mug of cider. Destiny for once was actually calm. She felt safe for once, having a pony with her who actually cared. 


"Anything goes. What are your special talents or abilities that can help?" Destiny looked him in the eyes.

Edited by Destiny Savvy


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Dax blinked.  He stood there for a moment, speechless.


"Me?  Well, I... uh... it's that..."  he sputtered, the 'hardened professional' look slipping from his face as he seemed flabbergasted at the thought that he was being given an opportunity to speak like this.  He scratched his head, eyes going from surprised to thoughtful as he began trying to truly consider the question that Destiny put to him.


"... I, um, know how to find gemstones.  I mean, my fam-..."


Don't mention the family!  She'll toss you out on your haunches if she knew you're from the Blackwaters!


"... fam-il-i-ar-ity with mining gives me a little insight into gems.  If... no, when we find it, I know how to store it for the trip back.  I... uhm, I can fight... kind of..."  Dax glanced about, trying to find something to stare at besides the pony in front of him.  "As for a 'position'... well, I'm not... leader material, really.  I thought you would... well, y'know... lead."


Best not to make waves, Dax.  You know they'd never accept you; just take a position that doesn't require much to do with the others - the fewer times you move out front, the less chance they'll recognize you.  It always comes to no good, so just pick something... anything...


"... um, I can follow constellations, so... night... guide?"  His voice squeaked off, accompanied by an obviously questioning look on his face.  For a pony, he sure was good at making that sheepish look on his mug.  Dax swallowed noisily, then straightened up.


"So... uhm, yes... YES.  When the rest of the group gathers tomorrow, you should run down the list and ask what each pony excels at, making certain to place them in positions they can do the best at.  And let's hope there's a few REAL fighters in there - no telling what we'll run across, right?"  He pulled himself up to his full height, trying his best to look confident.


"And yourself, too - what are YOU good at?"  He picked up the mug of cider and sipped at it, glad to be done with looking important.

Edited by Randimaxis
  • Brohoof 1

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Destiny blushed a bit, not used to being asked questions. Not used to ponies caring. 


"I really have no particular talents....but my cutie mark was recieved for my very sneaky ways. I can masquerade myself pretty easily, and hide my feelings...now that I think about it.....I'm-" She paused there. 


Don't tell him you're not useful, not now, he's counting on you. Make up some other talent, and he'll think you are at least a decent leader.


"I am also pretty good at plotting courses...and maps....and all that...." She blushed more and sipped her cider. She could tell he was almost just as uncomfortable as her. She looked at the map and showed him. 


"This is the course I plotted! We'll start from Ponyville and head through this forest. We'll exit and stop by these two towns on our way to the shore. We'll sail across, to this town. We'll head from there to the town which connects to the cave we're headed to." Destiny poured him some more cider, seeing as he was running low. 


"You don't have to be nervous around me. I'm out for the same purpose as you, rescuing that team." Destiny said, letting out a relieved smile. "So where are you headed off to?"

Edited by Destiny Savvy


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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"I really have no particular talents....but my cutie mark was received for my very sneaky ways. I can masquerade myself pretty easily, and hide my feelings...now that I think about it.....I'm-" 


She's as nervous as I am, he thought, and oddly enough, though that should scare me... it kinda makes me feel better.  Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all.


"I am also pretty good at plotting courses...and maps....and all that...." She blushed more and sipped her cider.  Dax started to give a half-grin, but his mouth stopped before it could manifest; he thought he looked absolutely dreadful when he smiled, which was one reason why he didn't do it often.


"This is the course I plotted! We'll start from Ponyville and head through this forest. We'll exit and stop by these two towns on our way to the shore. We'll sail across, to this town. We'll head from there to the town which connects to the cave we're headed to."   He nodded, his eyes tracing the path she pointed out.  Making a mental note of the map, he tried to keep the locations in mind for when he had to star-navigate.


Destiny poured him some more cider, seeing as he was running low.  Dax took the cider and sipped at it, attempting to keep his mouth busy so he wouldn't have to talk.


"You don't have to be nervous around me. I'm out for the same purpose as you, rescuing that team." Destiny said, letting out a relieved smile. 


Rescuing the team... I know my family wants to know about that gem, but... the team is more important.  They'll just have to get ov-


"So where are you headed off to?"


He froze.  He had been on his way here to ask about the team... and where they were bound... and... what else?


"Well, I was... headed to my tent.  In the woods.  After this."  Brilliant.  You sound like a true intellectual.  Nice.


Dax carefully set the mug down, only a small amount left at the bottom.  The cider was good, the room was quiet, the unicorn was quite apparently waiting for him to speak again.


"Well, uhm... Miss Destiny... I suppose this will do.  For now.  Tomorrow, make sure everypony has their place in the team, and hopefully we should be on our way before noon."


Dax began edging towards the door.  "I'm glad we spoke."

  • Brohoof 1

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Serenity paced around his small room. He hadn't planned to be be in Canterlot overnight, but since he was to be at the trains station tomorrow he had rented out a small room as close to the station as he could. He had stopped to do some shopping before renting it, and had got everything he should need. Some basic camping equipment, food and water that would last him until he could re-stock, some first aid equipment, and assorted other items. All of this had surprisingly fit in his saddle bags. He looked through his equipment. Everything was there.


"I should probably get some sleep..." He muttered.


He double checked the strap on his bags. He had added a strap so the bags wouldn't fall off while he was flying. Although this meant the bags took a little longer to get off, it was quite convenient for when he flew. They also had to be lower down to free up his wings. He yawned and walked over to the window to look out at Canterlot. He hadn't been here much so he wanted to see as much of the city as possible. With that he laid down and went to sleep. There was a big day ahead of him.

  • Brohoof 1
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The cozy room warmed quickly, as the low orange and yellow fire began to grow. the radiant light of the fireplace adjacent to the foot of the bed flicked shadows back and forth across the tan walls. the outlines of the pony bodies stood against the paintings and designs decorating the walls.


Junn held his breath as he lay under the bed, lint crowded near his nose, pushing him to sneeze. he slowly and quietly slid the gold from Destiny's bag under the short cloak covering his face and back and into the belt around his waist. he was able to search her briefly while she slept, but his looting was cut short to the sounds of hoof steps signaling the arrival of company to her room.


under the bed he was blind to all but the hoofs of unknown ponies within inches of his eyes, speaking and walking about the room. he flicked his sight left and right looking for a possible escape, Junn did not account for the mare having company, and the sudden appearance of the ponies caused him to hide in such a place. he breathed slowly pacing his breath holding back a mighty and furious sneeze, it pushed against his nose with the power of 10 thousand titans, the pressure brought salty tears to his eyes. the tears caused lint to stick to his face making it itch in an unholy way


dammit he thought as he began to squirm for a better angle (and to wipe these demonic dust bunnies from his face!)

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Dax started toward the door, more than ready to head back to his tent.  The conversation was nice and all, but he had a feeling that he might overstay his welcome if he kept at it.  Besides, there was always the possibility of being recognized as a member of the Blackwater family... and then, he'd get the same reaction he always got; shunned, ridiculed & thrown out the door.  Like the door he was opening now.


"So, tomorrow then.  Perhaps around, say, ten o'clock?  Then we can-"


A slight breeze wafted in through the open doorway, and ruffled the sheets at the edge of the bed.  Dax, eyes sweeping around the room to avoid eye contact with Destiny, caught a glimpse of what looked like... a hoof?  Was there a hoof under the bed?


Dax froze and lifted a hoof to his lips, signalling Destiny to remain quiet.  He then pointed to the bed, and slowly closed the door.  Hunkering down, he sprang quite suddenly towards the bed, giving the mattress a severe headbutt and toppling it over onto the floor.  Beneath it was another pony, quite apparently hiding... and quite surprised at being found.


"Destiny," he said calmly, "have you been hiding somepony, or is this an uninvited guest?"


He braced himself in a defensive position between the bed and the door, ready for anything... 

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