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ooc Just a normal day


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RP Thread

Just imagine if you lived in Ponyville and make it like its your real life people so yeah have fun

here is where you can sign up for my roleplay, give me feed back, and if you have questions or something to discuss with me, heres where to do it.

Edited by duskhooves12
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(My character Haste)


Haste woke up in her cloud home


Scopes, finishing his latest experiment on a manticore leaves His Little Lab in order to find new, more exiting experiments.


(My character gardenia)


Is watering the roses in her greenhouse


Please create your character in the Character Database and link them to the OOC. Read the RP World System rules for more information.


(my OC: Sugarcube )


Sugarcube || A Young Filly about 7 Years Old || Mood: Impatiently wanting her cutie mark || Activity: Skipping through town humming about wanting her mark

Sugarcube skipped around town humming and ocasionally singing, "...wonder when... cutie mark... soon?...la...la...la-di-da-di-da...". She didn't have anywhere specific to be, but she desperately wanted her cutie mark.

If a thread lacks an OOC thread, PLEASE report it before joining it and posting your character links in the RP thread. Read here for more regarding what to report in RP World.


Also, @Dragonshy: You don't have to keep re-posting your character data again and again in your post, especially not in such bright colours which can be kind of eyeblinding and hard to read for some members.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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