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The Pixelated Pony

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Sparkle flew next to the explorer looking for any signs of White when he found a White feather about the same size as one of his wing feathers. Sparkle flew onto deck and showed Captain Caramel the feather "it's one of White's i found it in the water i... i think she's" sparkle turned around looking sad "dead..."

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"yeah she can but the seas are mighty rough right now" sparkle said as a massive wave crashed onto deck soaking him from mane to hoof "bloody storm..." sparkle shook his hoof at the sea " you take my girl you take my tail and then you completely soak me"



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"glub glub glub (CARAMEL!! down here!!) glub glub glub (i fell overboard!) glub glub (help me!!!) glub glub glub glub (i'm going to drown!!) glub glub glub glub glub (i'm running out of air) " White's muzzle broke the surface of the water and she took a deep breath




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The storm was now in action. Caramel tried to get to White but couldn't focus because of the thunder that was so close. One of Caramel's greatest fears was thunder, which was not convenient for a pirate. She flew straight into the water while trying to get White. She was in panic and did not know what to do.

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the thunder was close too close and after a couple of strikes the middle of the explorer was split by hitting a large rock protruding from the sea and ripping the hull in half. Sparkle was tossed from the main deck and landed on several planks of wood which had stayed together until a large wave swept him off and into the big blue sea

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Spellbind woke up. She was in her bed at home. But how had she gotten here? Had she been so badly injured as to be sent home somehow?


She realised: she had never been on an adventure in the first place. It was all a dream. She wouldn't be going on adventures with Caramel after having learnt she ate fish.


She cried to herself quietly as she went back to sleep.

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William looked at the ship sinking into the sea, he adjusts his fez and gets hit by a barrel.

He tries to get up but ends up falling towards the ocean. He hit the surface of the water face first and quickly tries to reach the surface, when he did he almost got hit by a plank of wood, he see's his fez floating in the water and tries to reach it, both him and the fez get covered by a wave.

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".........ugh my head.............what happened?................am i..................dead?" Sparkle looked up "..............no not yet anyway " the waves laped against his hooves as he looked at the wreckage of the explorer "WHITE, CAPTAIN ARE YOU TWO STILL ALIVE?" Sparkle rushed into the sea and started looking for the mares

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Sparkle saw something wash up on shore " CAPTAIN IS THAT YOU?" Sparkle ran over to find her lying on the sand looking like she was dead "no no no please don't be dead" he said turning her over and hesitateing "what would White think if i gave mouth to mouth? "your running out of time " the waves seemed to say and Sparkle started (please don't think i'm taking advantage of you being passed out...)

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First Caramel did not react to Sparkle since she was still unconscious. Then all of the sudden the water in her lungs came spurting out of her mouth. Caramel rolled on her side, coughing out the last bit of water. She opened her eyes and slowly rolled back on her back. The sun was very bright, shining in her face. "What...*cough*...What in Equestria just happened? Where am I?"

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"we wrecked madam your the only other pony i've seen since the storm and i haven't seen white in ages..." Sparkle said trawling the beach for clues only finding some white feathers


"what the who am i? where am i?" a small mare looked into a puddle and looked exactly like White "this is super strange " She looked around and found various remenants of boat and a couple of blue feathers "hmm there pretty i guess" she said putting one in her mane

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Caramel stood up slowly, putting a hoof above her eyes as she looked at the sea. "Stranded indeed it seems." Caramel said as she took of her scarf so it could dry. "The storm...that is the last thing I remember......I...I flew down to...to save White...but thunder....the thunder it scared me...and....I....after that...nothing..." Caramel said looking around her. "Alright...if my navigation skills are correct, White should be around here somewhere. The sun is rising so that means that the sea is east. The storm came from the east as well so that means White probably drifted west like us." Caramel said as she put on her scarf again. "Alright Sparkle, lets get going before we get sunburn." Caramel said as she started walking.

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"alright i burn easily really easily " Sparkle said following caramel


"well umm... should i go this way? or that way? " White looked at herself in a puddle again " wait what exactly am i some sort of winged horse? and why do these feathers look so fermileir? " (yep White's completely lost all memory of who she is)

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Caramel walked next to Sparkle as they searched for White. To break the silence Caramel started talking "Don't worry, she will be find." she said with a smile. "So....how long have you two know each other? Where did ye meet? How did ye fall in love? I mean..Sorry if I'm asking too many questions...I just would love to get to know yer story." 

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"well we met on a monday morning just after a race so me and Ember were just helping to pack up when i noticed this cute mare fixing a cart " Sparkle said "i approached her but i was never good with mares so i approched her quietly and asked if she needed any help. she then said she was fine but i could help anyway and after a while of working she pulled me underneath the cart and kissed me and i was like wow that was awsome so then after the next race i asked her out and she said yes. basically the entire story" Sparkle said smiling

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"That is a beautiful story. You're very lucky with mare like her. She is such a nice pony." Caramel said still walking. "I've never very good at relationships. I always seems to screw them up. Maybe that is better too..I mean..who in Equestria would want to be with me? An emotionally scarred alcoholic pirate is what I am..No pony would want that.." Caramel said, noticing that she was talking herself down. She had no clue why she felt like this way all of the sudden.

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"i might know of somepony they live in ponyvill but they travel an awful lot i hardly spend time with him his names Rave Darkmane (god i haven't typed that in ages) i don't know all that much about him though because he travels so often meh it doesn't really matter now we're stranded on an island in the middle of an extremely deep ocean" Sparkle said looking out to sea

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Caramel face went red "Rave....I..uh...never heard of him...I mean...maybe a few times..I..uh..did he say anything about me..I mean never mind...yes..stranded..lets focus on that for now." Caramel said trying to change the subject. "I'm sure we will find a way of this island but first we gotta find the rest of the crew."

  • Brohoof 1
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"okay i believe you captain"*nudge nudge wink wink* (she so has a crush on him.... it's like obvious)


White started walking towards the ship wreck looking for survivors "hello? anybody home? no? okay bye!" White walked off towards the west following some blue feathers

  • Brohoof 1
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The sun was now shining high in sky. Meaning that it was about midday. It also meant that is was only going to get hotter. Caramel was burning up. "I'm not used to this kind of heat. We gotta find some shade and rest for a bit. Otherwise I'm gonna go mad." Caramel said wiping of the sweat of her face. "Underneath those trees there seems like a good spot." Caramel said as she walked towards the shade.

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"blue blue blue blue blue blue god it's getting hot blue blue" White turns around "RED!!! s**t i'm burning out here " White hides under a rock and wipes her head "wait blood? damn you! island? why am i bleeding" White remembers a small chunk of what happened "Caramel i'm down here *SMACK* *SPLOOSH*" (thats White hitting her head on a rock then sinking)

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(sorry it took so long, was working on a drawing)


Caramel sat down in the shades underneath the trees. "My ancestors are from the north, if I always been weak to warm weather. I can't take this heat." Caramel said out of breath. "Is it just me or does this heat bother you as well?"

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