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"naw i ain't leading it i actually don't know who's leading it im just in engineering. got a letter and a picture thats basically it . i don't know why i was chosen but hey reasons are reasons"sparkle said

white walked downstairs too see sparkle talking too another mare. she walked over and slapped him "what do you think your doing? is this what goes on behind my back?"she said angrily

"look white you've got it all wrong"sparkle tried too explain

"yeah don't try that one sparkle i know what your up too "she looked towards lunara "don't you dare let me catch you with sparkle again"

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"naw i ain't leading it i actually don't know who's leading it im just in engineering. got a letter and a picture thats basically it . i don't know why i was chosen but hey reasons are reasons"sparkle said

white walked downstairs too see sparkle talking too another mare. she walked over and slapped him "what do you think your doing? is this what goes on behind my back?"she said angrily

"look white you've got it all wrong"sparkle tried too explain

"yeah don't try that one sparkle i know what your up too "she looked towards lunara "don't you dare let me catch you with sparkle again"

Lunara says, "I was inquiring about the expodition to the east. I got a letter same as you both. Also he isn't my type. If him talking with me upset you, I apologize. I will prepair. Also congratulations and good luck."


Lunara gets up and begins to make her way out. "She so loves him. She should have thought before acting but love can blind. Oh well at least they should apologize to eachother while I am gone."

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Treasure trotted down the pier, her pack slung between her shoulder-blades.  "Hey," she called, peering through the early-morning fog at the cluster of ponies beside the ship at the end of the dock.  "Are you guys the expedition I'm supposed to be joining?  I never actually got a chance to talk to any of you."  She came to a stop as a silver unicorn mare exited the ship.  "My name's Treasure Trove.  I believe I'm supposed to be on this journey?"

Edited by Nom de Plume
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"see!?" sparkle looked at white "i told you that their was nothing going on between us "

white grunted at his statement "fine"she said"but if your ever with another mare that's it this relationship will be over permenantly so you and her can go #$%& off for all i care" white slammed the door behind her causing a near by window too brake "

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Lunara went to the market and got an item set for White and Sparkle. It looks to be a matching pair of hooflets she says, "I hope this helps them." She also has a note transcribed. The note says, {Love is something to charish. Always let these remind you of that.}


She then heads back and knocks on white's and Sparkle's door. She made sure Sparkle wasn't around. "Miss White, a package for you and your coltfriend. It was brought to my door by mistake."


(Please work with me Sparkle. I think she will like it.)

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Not used to being ignored, Treasure blinked in annoyance as the silver mare strode past her, then shrugged it off.  Well, she looked like she was on a mission anyway, she thought to herself.  I'm sure it was important.  Maybe someone else can help me.  "Hello," she called, boarding the ship.  "Hey!  Am I on the right boat or aren't I?"

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white opened the door "what do you want?" she said still angry "may's well come in" she turned around and walked into the kitchen boiling a pot of tea. she sighed "look im sorry i just got a little worked up. my dad said i did that often when i was a filly. guess it caryed over huh?"

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Lunara says, "You love him. It is understandable. Here I will leave this on the table."


Lunara places the box on the table. She then says, "It also seems we got the same task. To build a new colony. I never got over that near Death incident. Getting locked in a magical video game. Trust me it isn't fun."


(If curious about what she talking about. Take a look at Equestria Online RP.)

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@ @Nom de Plume


Ochre walks up to the newly arrived mare and nods. "This is part of the expedition team, we're all in the middle of making the last minute arrangements before departure, so we're a bit distracted." Ochre holds out a hoof. "Ochre Dust, engineering and construction. Would you care to join me as I get some supplies together, Miss...?"

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"Treasure Trove," she replied, relieved,and shook Ochre's hoof gratefully. "I presume you're in charge of this little trip, then. Where exactly are we going? Just taking a trip into uncharted waters sounds... Dangerous." It sounded like fun, too, but Treasure kept that remark to herself. Her lack of desire to return home was not something likely shared, and it wasn't something she really wanted to discuss, anyway.

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@ @Nom de Plume

"From what I can gather, our captain will be bringing us to an island that we're going to set up for a colony." Ochre began leading the way through town. "As for being in charge of the trip itself, no. My expertise is in construction. So Trove, or do you prefer Treasure, what do you do that you think the Equestrian crown has chosen you to help out on this mission?"

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Tech walks over to Treasure, "Hello again. Didn't we talk earlier?"


Tech stands a little bit off from the two and waits. He was glad to see Treasure again.



Lunara takes a seat and waits patiently for White to respond. She hopes her plan works and those two know how important Love is to keep strong. She won't get in the way of their love.

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"Treasure, please." The mare fell into step alongside the two stallions. "I'm not sure why I was brought along, honestly. I have a talent for finding lost items; maybe the island is lost, and I'm supposed to track it down that way? Otherwise, I don't know what I have to offer that any other, more local, wharf rat wouldn't."


Turning to Tech, Treasure nodded. "Yes, we did. Those... Clockwork fillies you had with you. I'd never seen anything like them before, and I was curious. I have to admit, I didn't expect either of them to speak. How did you manage that? A spell worked into the metal, somehow? Or are you just a really good ventriloquist?" She laughed a little at the end, half-joking, but it was true that those two were beyond anything she had ever seen or heard of before. Well, short of drunken sailors' tales, anyway.

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Tech says, "They are feats of Equestrian Engineering. Prototypes. However they are also what one would call Learning spells or living spell entities. Each of my Triton Clones can communicate. Ruby and Sapphire are the first to be able to learn and grow from these lessons."


Tech also joins the others, "I got the sea charts and star maps. Our navigator will have the most up to date. So when are we leaving?"




Continues to wait for White's response to her earlier words.

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Lunara says, "You love him. It is understandable. Here I will leave this on the table."


Lunara places the box on the table. She then says, "It also seems we got the same task. To build a new colony. I never got over that near Death incident. Getting locked in a magical video game. Trust me it isn't fun."


(If curious about what she talking about. Take a look at Equestria Online RP.)

"i know i love him but sometimes i think he doesnt love me back i know he does but our fealings clash sometimes so we forget that. anyway i could imagine why getting locked in a video game wouldn't be fun for one your not actually playing and the other umm... something hey don't pressure me! " white looked at Lunara in a way too suggest well don't pressure me then

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Lunara asks, "Have you heard about the game Equestria Online? It's the game they recently shut down. I am what you would call a survivor."


She looks at the box and says, "Ok. I am going to be honest with you. I got you something that should help you remember your love for eachother. Inside is a matching pair of hooflets. Keep them as an apology for upsetting you earlier. Do you need help with the tea? If not, then I will finish getting ready and meet you at the ship. If you need the location of the ship, I have my letter."


She gets out her letter and pic of the ship. She then writes the location of the ship down on another paper and leaves both the location and the pic on the table for White.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Caramel was walking around her room, packing her stuff. She looked at her saddlebag, Ï think this is all I need." she said. Caramel put on her saddlebag and walked downstairs. She gave a wink to the barkeeper, to let him know she was leaving and then she walked out the door, towards the ship.

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"oh thanks" white gave her a quick hug as thanks "so you literally ecaped this game alive only too be offered a letter too sail too uncharted lands. and i thought sparkle had it rough he literally had it's best not too tell you. he didn't tell me much or i forgot. heh" white opened up the package "aww" white put it on her left hoof. she picked up the other one "thanks again. it's sooo pretty"

Edited by Sparkle Sword
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Caramel arrived at the docks with all the stuff she was carrying. She looked at the ship. "She's a beauty but not that impressive, I've seen better." she thought to herself. Certainly not better than her own ship. She got on the ship, looked for the captains quarters where she then put down her bags. "Lets see what kind of booze they got around here." Caramel said as she waled around the ship looking for the kitchen.

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Spellbind had (re)packed all her stuff and then seen Caramel go onto the ship that they would temporarily be using.She rushed down out of the hotel and joined Caramel.


"This ship ain't bad, but it'll never be a competition for yours," she complimented the captain.

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white walked downstairs and placed the hooflet in front of sparkle " sparkle hun im sorry i don't know what happened" she said giving him a hug 

sparkle looked up " huh? it's okay babe i understand. d'you wanna go find the ship?" sparkle said putting the hooflet on his right 

"yeah im fed up of this town" white said walking out of the pub and onto the dock

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"I know, I miss me own ship." Caramel walked below deck upon finding the kitchen. She looked through all the barrels and cupboards. "No freaking rum or cookies." Caramel growled. She walked back above deck. "Spellblind, I gotta go to the market to get me some rum and cookies. This place doesn't have them." Caramel walked down to the dock, passing white and  Sparkle.

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In the intervening hours since the sunrise, Ochre Dust had collected his possessions, made a sizeable withdrawal from the Bank of Manehattan, and proceeded to purchase everything he could remember his platoon having during his stint in the engineering corps. Rations, cooking utensils, tools of every effect in triplicate, water filtration, guides on cooking, construction, navigation and survival, tents, cots, bedding, maps, compasses and mosquito nets. The entire assemblage eventually filled a cart which Ochre then took the time to bring to the pier in front of the tavern.


@ @Pucksterv

"Hello Captain Caramel. I took the liberty of ensuring I had everything I needed, in case this forsaken voyage is in fact as badly equipped as I fear it is!" Ochre chuckled, at least relieved that he could indulge in complaining without fear of a court martial.

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"Okay, I'll go with you if you don't mind," said Spellbind. "I'll need to pitch in for the food and drink budget too." She got off the ship and followed Caramel to whatever shop they were going to, and of course she passed White and Sparkle as well, seeing as she was travelling the same route as Caramel.

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Caramel smiled as Spellblind joined her. "I gotta go the market, I think it's just a block away from the docks." Caramel said as she walked further. Arriving at the market, she looked around for the right stall. With a few bits she bought a bunch of cookies. She couldn't leave without them. After walking around, trying to find good rum she suddenly stopped in front of a shop. She looked into shops window, where she saw one of the finest bottles of rum on display. "I want that." Caramel said as she entered the store eventhou she knew she did not have the money for such an expensive drink.

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