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The Banned Game

Twilight Sparkle ✨

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48 minutes ago, Nsxile said:

Banned because he had it coming... And because it plays into my plans perfectly :crackle:

Banned because I spent that ENTIRE movie expecting to hear the theme from the great escape, but not once.....

  • Brohoof 1

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7 minutes ago, Clod said:

Beaned for expectations.

Banned because it seemed inevitable - they even had the chicken in the "cooler" and everything...

  • Brohoof 1

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11 minutes ago, Clod said:

Beaned because I honestly have no idea what you're talking about lol

Banned for not knowing about /chicken run/ but beaning me anyhow.

  • Brohoof 1

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2 minutes ago, Clod said:

Beaned for expecting me to know everything.

Banned because there was a picture and everything....

  • Brohoof 1

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13 minutes ago, Clod said:

Beaned for expecting me to see everything.

Baned for not paying attention. Fizzlepop berrytwist says you must open up your eyes :)

  • Brohoof 1

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13 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

Baned for not paying attention. Fizzlepop berrytwist says you must open up your eyes :)

Beaned because Luna says I must close my eyes and go to sleep

Sadly I can't rn

  • Brohoof 1


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Just now, Clod said:

Beaned because Luna says I must close my eyes and go to sleep

Sadly I can't rn

Barned because Luna once wished that more ponies would remain in the waking world - although she can reach them in their dreams more easily than she can when they walk in moonlight.

  • Brohoof 1

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5 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Unbanned because true... But semi-banned because 


Banned for knife culture.... :)

  • Brohoof 1

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6 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

Banned for knife culture.... :)

Banned because knives are only used in a fun way that causes (somewhat) minimal injury in NITW... Not the kind you're thinking of :crackle:

Edited by Nsxile
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1 hour ago, Nsxile said:

Banned because knives are only used in a fun way that causes (somewhat) minimal injury in NITW... Not the kind you're thinking of :crackle:

Banned for believing you know what I am thinking.

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2 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Unbanned because true :catface:

Not banned, but sad because what happened with NITW reminded me of Tooncritic....

  • Brohoof 1

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5 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

Not banned, but sad because what happened with NITW reminded me of Tooncritic....

Unbanned because true (although I find it more angering... Considering Alec was suffering with mental health issues, had posted about a conspiracy to destroy him as far back as 2016 and the that the accuser knew this and still posted allegations on twitter that were likely false (considering she never went to the police about it... Like someone would if they were serious about it)) and RIP Alec Holowka (who composed the soundtrack and worked on the coding of the game):


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4 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Unbanned because true (although I find it more angering... Considering Alec was suffering with mental health issues, had posted about a conspiracy to destroy him as far back as 2016 and the that the accuser knew this and still posted allegations on twitter that were likely false (considering she never went to the police about it... Like someone would if they were serious about it)) and RIP Alec Holowka (who composed the soundtrack and worked on the coding of the game)

Banned because "well, they didn't go to the police about it" isn't much of a criteria; most people in abusive relationships (male or female) don't go to the police, and don't even expect to be believed.

The analogy to ToonKritic wasn't an accidental one - while most of the twitter feeds and kickstarter traffic is now marked private, enough remains (or is copied to/referenced at r/NightInTheWoods) to know this was a #MeToo moment, with LOTS of people coming out of the woodwork to say "it wasn't just you", from the incidents that got him kicked out of the Canadian shared house/indy community, right up to the present day.

This medium post from Scott Benson really needs to be read.


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5 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

Banned because "well, they didn't go to the police about it" isn't much of a criteria; most people in abusive relationships (male or female) don't go to the police, and don't even expect to be believed.

The analogy to ToonKritic wasn't an accidental one - while most of the twitter feeds and kickstarter traffic is now marked private, enough remains (or is copied to/referenced at r/NightInTheWoods) to know this was a #MeToo moment, with LOTS of people coming out of the woodwork to say "it wasn't just you", from the incidents that got him kicked out of the Canadian shared house/indy community, right up to the present day.

This medium post from Scott Benson really needs to be read.


Triple banned; banned because it certainly is a criteria, as if you're general serious about something you go to the police rather than post allegations about it on twitter and get people witch hunting the guy and causing him to lose his job. Also the accuser has a history of false allegations, which needs to be taken into account, so I'm still still highly skeptical of those allegations I'm afraid.

Banned because just because a bunch of people repeat the same thing doesn't make it true (SJWs will generally take the side of an accuser without ever asking or looking for evidence and throw 'innocent until proven guilty' under a bus just to further a political agenda), and as stated before he felt there were people that wanted him dead by driving him to suicide, as stated in these posts:


And finally, banned because that medium post sounds like a guy trying to save his career, avoid the manufactured outrage from SJWs and justify firing him rather than taking his employee's side more than anything. If he had so many problems with Alec, why did he even work with him in the first place? Why did he fire him only after the witch hunt had begun rather than the numerous occasions he was able to? Rather convenient to trash a guy who did most of the work on NITW and can't defend himself now, and also rather disloyal. :yeahno:

Yeah... That post sounds totally legit /s :crackle: 

And further banned for automatically assuming his guilt. :okiedokieloki:

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2 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Triple banned; banned because it certainly is a criteria, as if you're general serious about something you go to the police rather than post allegations about it on twitter and get people witch hunting the guy and causing him to lose his job.

There was no 'Job' to lose.

Here is the applicable part of the original announcement that the dev team were cutting ties with Alex (a week before he killed himself)

Did you fire Alec?

No. Infinite Fall isn't a company, it's a name we adopted for our team. There's no salary to cut. There's no Infinite Fall bank account, not Infinite Fall HQ. Our merch operation is already something that just Bethany and myself do, aside from sales of the soundtrack digitally and on vinyl. It's more like a band broke up or something.

Did you not-fire him over baseless allegations?

No, it was a combination of a lot of things from several parties and our experiences going back years. It sucked. You just saw some of it on twitter, or on here. I hope I've been clear enough about that.

Don't you know (whichever accuser) is a LIAR?

Well I guess you'll be happy to know this is more complex than any one person's accusation. At this point it's a much larger thing. It sucks. I hate this.

Does Alec get money from the game?

Yes, from game sales and soundtrack sales. That's all we can say for now. We'll update you when and if thing change. But we're not like unilaterally cutting off Alec's revenue share or something.


2 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Also the accuser has a history of false allegations, which needs to be taken into account,

See above; also, from a different post:

Earlier this week, developer Zoë Quinn came forward with allegations of past abuse and misconduct by Alec Holowka that they experienced nearly 8 years ago. Since then, many additional people came forward. Some corroborating Zoë's claims, others detailing their own experiences of misconduct in varied severity stretching from the past to more recently. Of particular note, one of the developers who was currently working with Alec on his new game, Albertine Watson, alleged misconduct from as early as this year. Following these allegations, Scott Benson and Bethany Hockenberry, the other developers behind the game, announced that they would be cutting ties with Alec moving forward, as well as canceling a current project. Finji, the game's publisher, also released a statement.

2 hours ago, Nsxile said:

so I'm still still highly skeptical of those allegations I'm afraid.

That's not a bad thing. one of the downsides of #MeToo has been the rash of SJWs on the hunt for "Toxic Masculinity" - as though it is an exclusively male thing to be an asshole to other people, or have personality traits/history that cause others to avoid working with you.  I would wager if Alex identified as anything other than male, those same SJWs would be saying Scott and Beth should be FORCED to give Alex a part in all their future projects, because it is discrimination not to...

2 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Banned because just because a bunch of people repeat the same thing doesn't make it true

No, it doesn't, although at some point you have to ask if a whole bunch of people chose to lie, or if they had finally compared notes and said "ok, wait, so it WASN'T just a one off?"

But equally, it was down to JUST what Scott and Beth believed at that point. I doubt they lied in their posts (much though you don't want to believe them, that doesn't make what they say false, either). Based on what they had been told, plus their own history with him, they didn't want to work with him any longer on new game content. NITW wasn't the first successful indy game he had worked on, and there would be no reason to assume it would be his last. Like a band that has "creative differences" they could all have moved on, and maybe even regrouped later on (usually that's because the royalties dried up, but...)

Note nothing here requires me to assume or assert Alex is guilty of anything; all I need assume is that Scott and Beth had the right to choose who they work with, and decided that wasn't going to be Alex.

3 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Why did he fire him only after the witch hunt had begun rather than the numerous occasions he was able to?

Banned for being unfamilar with the concept of the "final straw".

3 hours ago, Nsxile said:

Rather convenient to trash a guy who did most of the work on NITW

"most of the work" is one of those complex questions; assuming the post is to be believed, the design work was Scott/Beth, but making their mock-ups actually work in code was Alex; both are important parts of the process, but are halves of a single whole.

3 hours ago, Nsxile said:

and can't defend himself now, and also rather disloyal.

Killing yourself doesn't magically prevent criticism, just means you aren't around to hear it.  In any case, what difference does it make? Lets assume Alex did 99.9% of the story and graphic design as well as the coding and music, and Scott's contribution was basically picking and drawing the name.  NITW is a done deal, and Alex was getting royalties going forward; nothing there means Alex should automatically have a part of any future projects Scott should take part in, unless those future projects are also NITW (and even then, you could make a case that he should only have a fair share of the royalties)

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