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(this is really late isn't it)


"My apologies for being late, I accidentally slept a bit too long", Ukkonen said as he walked into the Royal Chambers. He then proceeded to notice that the room was empty.


"Curses, I really am late", he thought to himself as he left the room. Ukkonen hurried towards the dock dodging civilians and hoping that he was going in the correct path.

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Grell seen ukkonen and landed by him keeping pace "hey follow me your header in the right direction for the most part" grell said

Steel seen grell break away and then seen ukkonen and nodded -good we'll need his strength-steel thought - hopefully we can get this done soon-

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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caliber was chewing the sandwich, when he suddenly noticed something.


he looked at the sandwich he was eating. 


he saw mold.


he considered throwing it away, but he couldn't taste the mold. and since he had already eaten so much, surely it wasn't hazardous?


...he shrugged, and continued eating.


(your comrade, ladies and gentlemen.)


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At this point G.S just followed the group. He was still holding the egg shaped object in his mouth when the group arrived to the port. He was totally oblivious to the world around him and was just subconsciously guided by the movement of Grell tail in front off him

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Mysterium continues to follow everyone else from behind normaly walking. At this pace... he would arrive shortly after everyone has... considering to be a tad late. Myst haven't changed in emotion at all... same as always... silently standing in a lonely spot somewhere around the port, minding his own business.

Edited by DarkMagnet857



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Steel flew on and landed at the dock and walked up to a bout and turned looking behind him waiting for them to get on

Grell looked back and seen GS following him and sighed

Meanwhile a small filly was on a roof near the docks a soft glow coming from her horn and caliber can almost feel something foreign in his thoughts and memory's but he can't place it

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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caliber ate the rest of the sandwich, and frowned. he got up, and walked about a bit.


he turned around, and paced. "what...what is this...?" he wondered. "i just cant place it...how...?"


being the ignorant, oblivious guy he is, he tried to dismiss it, and lay down on the couch.


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Then he heard the voice of a small filly in his head as if she was right beside him "so you want to fight steel" he could hear a slight dry laugh "dont try it it's for the best" he could feel the presence stronger now "I'd suggest you move the bucket it's best to keep steel calm"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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OH. so thats what that was.


"i dont know who you are, but apparently, you dont know who i am. im gonna fight him, it doesn't matter whether or not i win. as long as he realizes he isnt the hotshot he thinks he is."


he started drifting off. "and im not gonna do a damn thing about the water bucket...that guy needs to lighten up..."


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Caliber felt a sharp pain in his head that was getting worse by the minute "you obviously don't know steel keep him calm or we all die you me and every pony besides grell it won't matter who they are they'll die" the pain keeps getting worse as a little blood trickles from his nose

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The black & green pony sat on the edge of the docks, idly splashing the water with his hoof.  Turning towards the sounds from behind him, he watched the proceedings unfurl.


Great, he thought, just what I needed - more ponies who'll look down their muzzles at me...


He watched the newcomers with careful, reserved interest, wondering exactly how long it would be before (and if) he was noticed.  

=====  ( 0=====


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"ah! argh...ggrrrrrrrr....NO." caliber wiped the blood from his nose. "you dont tell me what to do, ya scrub. if i wanna fight him, THEN ILL FIGHT HIM."


caliber held his head, and was trying to shake out the pain. "did it occur to you that he's not the strongest thing in existence?!"


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She caused more pain "it has occurred to me he's not the problem it's what's on him that is and you'd be wise to listen to me I'm his daughter" she screamed into his mind more blood coming firm his nose

Steel looked over and seem the pony be walked over to him "what are you doing here" steel asked "can you fight"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"WELL IF YOUR HIS DAUGHTER THEN THATS WHY YOU THINK HE'S STRONG!" caliber shouted into his mind. "and with me, its mind over matter, so GET OUT!!!!"


he tried a technique his fourth master, hunter, taught him. blank mind...and flood it. with everything that made him, him.


push out anything that wasn't his own...only him, nothing else...


he wiped the blood from his nose, and kept up his technique.


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The pony raised an eyebrow.  "Fight?  Well, I wouldn't be the only one headed to the hospital in a scrap, that's for sure... why?"


He regarded the other pony carefully.  The black & green pony had almost luminous green eyes that swept across features with careful scrutiny.


"Also depends on who you're trying to fight - I'm not up for suicide missions, before you ask.  besides, what's in it for me, if I might be so curious?"

=====  ( 0=====


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"We need muscle for a mission celstia has sent us on"steel said " don't worry it's not a suicide mission"

Astrid laughed into his head "that won't work" she said Into his head "and know this pony yes he's strong but it what's inside him that I fear ask grell about it when you see him he'll tell you" and with that she fell silent but he could still feel her in his head

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"CELESTIA sent you on this mission!?  THE Celestia?"  The pony stumbled to his hooves, trying to stand taller than he actually was.


"Well, I... it... maybe it... yeah, I... *ahem* yeah, I can help.  I'd be glad to-..."


The pony looked into the sky, took a deep breath and put on a stern look.


"I'm Dax.  Whatever Celestia wants, I'm all for it.

=====  ( 0=====


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Sights the new comer green earthling.
Lays back standing on his hind legs apon a port's pole structure from meters away.
Mysterium thought to himself "Might make a good supporter some how... hopefully... " crosses his arms.
after a few moments of ease dropping... Mysterium aboards onto the ship slowly.

Edited by DarkMagnet857



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Desert still following aimlessly and still slightly confused. She has a puzzled look on her face, noticing every detail as if it were a clue. 

"So, lets go onto the ship", She smiles and starts walking past the other ponies until she stops seeing only chaos between the male ponies. "URGH, stallions" she says a bit to loudly. She backs off into the others slowly.

Have a nice day :)


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Steel nodded "good come on then we don't have much time" steel said heading for the ship

The filly teleported to steels side "nome of them know the truth and none of them are spies we can trust them" Astrid said to him steel nodded as

He borded the ship "oh and watch out caliber put a bucket on the door so it would fall on who ever opened it"

Steel looked at her "take care of it send it to him we don't have time for games" steel said

Astrid nodded and used her magic to grab the bucket and pour it's continents into caliber then drop the bucket on his head

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Ukkonen finally arrived at the dock after spending the last ten minutes trying to find his way around canterlot. Thankfully, he had encountered Steel and Grell along the way who then assured him that he was going in the correct direction.


The sound of busy ponies running back and forth filled the morning air as they hurriedly prepared the ship for the voyage. It wasn't quite the same as the calm forests that Ukkonen was used to, but it wasn't too annoying.


"This is it", Ukkonen thought walking towards the boat. "Depending on how long this quest is, it could be a while before I ever see equestria again. Who knows, this could even be the last time that I see Equestria". He then enters the boat.

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caliber was pissed his mind was evaded. he didnt really care for the bucket that was dropped on his head. alls that meant was they simply out-pranked him. nothing more, nothing less.


but that filly really got on his nerves. going on and on about how 'steel cant be beaten' 'turn back now' 'put the water bucket down'...obviously, that filly didnt know that there was ALWAYS someone stronger.


and who was that filly to say he didnt have a chance? she didnt know who he was! hell, he'd fought a GOD before, and came out on top! granted, he was in a coma for a while after the fight, but still...


he took off the bucket, trying to catch a few winks on the couch.


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Steel and grell began getting the boat ready for sailing

Steel stopped for a moment "alright every pony front and center we have some thins to discuss" steel called loud enough for every pony on the boat to hear including caliber

Grell kept getting the boat ready

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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caliber got up. welp, might as well start their loving bonding as certain friends!


chuckling at his own joke, he walked towards the arena steel was in, and laid down. "whats up?" he asked, sounding uninterested. "whats the plan?"


(well, i have nothing more to say.)


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"Alright every pony, front and center. We have things to discuss".


"It's about time we discuss some things. Celestia was quite vague about about the details of this venture". Ukkonen said out loud as he sat on a nearby stool. "So what is it that we need to discuss?"

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