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When she knelt down, she got a flash vision, the ground and nearby walls were splattered with way more blood than there currently were, the sky appeared to be a dark red with black clouds, everything seemed warped, the chalk outlines were replaced with the actual bodies, all with still bleeding wounds, one of the bodies was twitching and distant screaming was heard, a shadowy figure with large red circles for eyes and holding two large blades standing in the middle of the carnage, staring right at here, however the vision was only a flash and was over in an instant


@@Mars Orbit,@@Drago Ryder,


both of them were near eachother, a Black van drove by with a red, blue, and whit stripe down the middle, although  it drove by, it could be seen that the driver had a red motorcycle helmet, the other had a regular one with graffitii written on it, Green recognized Heat Wave was the driver 


It is 2:30pm

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*She said as soon as the barrier was down. She lowered her hand and took a deep breath. Her hero suit had begun to dissipate at the arms.*

"Yo Abe! We should probably change to our street clothes."

*Weiss pointed at an allyway nearby, and ran in. Her suit finished dissipating and she was now in her street clothes of jeans and a tank top. She walked back out of the allyway and made sure nobody was heading their way.*

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"I better follow him." Green climbed onto a roof and started to follow where the car was moving being careful not to be seen. "I just want to know what idiot drives a car wearing a motorcycle helmet." He checked for his phone. "What time is it?" His phone was missing. "MOTHERFffffffarker...." he calmed down. "Im gonna have to go back and look for my stuff later."

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*She said as soon as the barrier was down. She lowered her hand and took a deep breath. Her hero suit had begun to dissipate at the arms.*

"Yo Abe! We should probably change to our street clothes."

*Weiss pointed at an allyway nearby, and ran in. Her suit finished dissipating and she was now in her street clothes of jeans and a tank top. She walked back out of the allyway and made sure nobody was heading their way.*


"Definitely," Abaddon said as Weiss ran off. It had been a while since he had assumed his human form. Traversing through the realms was always a dangerous thing, especially in the darker realms where he most often visited. Looking like an ordinary, fragile human would have drawn too much unneeded attention from the denizens. There were only a few instances where Abaddon had become Casimir again, and these times were done in more peaceful settings such as in the homes or even courts of friendly or neutral entities.


Going into an alley himself, Abaddon allowed the darkness and eerie, black ooze to disappear from his body, becoming Casimir.


"Ah... it feels good to walk around like a human again..."


He waited for Sasha to come out.


"Where to?" He asked her. "Figure we might as well catch up on the times... 7 years huh? Wow.."

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Slashing inferno walked through the city of Tollopolis. He would have admired the scenery, but he didn't care. People around him were running away because of his burning jacket, and hair. But he didn't care. He was contacted by a guy, that had an outfit which screamed evil, but the guy promised power, so here he was. He was supposed to meet "The other people" Who they were, and were they were, he didn't explain. All the guy said was that they were in this city...

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"Lets head to my apartment. I have some food and drinks there. My cat is probably hungry also."

*As Sasha led Casimir back to her apartment she told him about the, mostly boring, events of the past few years. A few big, but not very significant battles, but most importantly, about what had been going on lately, most significantly being the fear killings. These mysterious murders with the only evidence being the word FEAR written in the victim's blood at the murder scenes. Finally, they arrived at Sasha's apartment and after opening the door, Sasha was greeted by a grey cat with spots on her face, leaping at her and jumping into her arms, nuzzling against her and purring.*

"Hey, Dala. You hungry? Come on, lets get you some food."

*She walked into the apartment and invited Casimir inside.*

"Oh yeah, Cas, this is my cat, Amygdala. He's pretty friendly. Im sure you will get along well."

*She set Dala back down on the ground and filled his food bowl. She opened her fridge and took out a couple bottles of beer and offered one to Casimir after popping the tops with a bottle opener made from her shadow powers.*

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Looking down the hole, Emile determined it was somewhere between 70 and 100 feet deep. 'I am definitely not jumping down there,' he thought. He liked jumping off of things, it made him feel like Nightwing, his favorite super hero from when he was a kid. He always wished he could be in the Bat Family, and in a way, it affected how he was as a hero. He used the fighting style of Nightwing mixed with the fighting style of Red Hood, he was always the detective like Red Robin, the planning mentality and skill with computers that Oracle/Batgirl had, and he had the physical conditioning of Batman. He grabbed the sides of the ladder and slid down the hole.

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"Lets head to my apartment. I have some food and drinks there. My cat is probably hungry also."

*As Sasha led Casimir back to her apartment she told him about the, mostly boring, events of the past few years. A few big, but not very significant battles, but most importantly, about what had been going on lately, most significantly being the fear killings. These mysterious murders with the only evidence being the word FEAR written in the victim's blood at the murder scenes. Finally, they arrived at Sasha's apartment and after opening the door, Sasha was greeted by a grey cat with spots on her face, leaping at her and jumping into her arms, nuzzling against her and purring.*

"Hey, Dala. You hungry? Come on, lets get you some food."

*She walked into the apartment and invited Casimir inside.*

"Oh yeah, Cas, this is my cat, Amygdala. He's pretty friendly. Im sure you will get along well."

*She set Dala back down on the ground and filled his food bowl. She opened her fridge and took out a couple bottles of beer and offered one to Casimir after popping the tops with a bottle opener made from her shadow powers.*



Casimir followed and listened to the things Sasha told him. She might have written many of them off as uninteresting things, but he enjoyed hearing about her latest battles and some of the things going on in the world. Afterall, he had missed seven years of his life here! The so called FEAR killings especially caught his attention, but at the same time raised some major concerns. Judging by the details of the murders, these weren't the work of some "ordinary" serial killer. He'd need to go investiagte the matter further.


For now though, Casimir decided he'd just talk with his old friend.


"She's a cute little thing," Casimir said as Sasha introduced him to the feline. The cat surprisingly didn't hiss and overreact due to his presence like most animals did, so it had grown used to the unordinary being owned by Sasha and all.


"So, what else?" He asked as he reclined on one of the sofas and took a sip of the beer. "The FEAR killings have got my interest. I would say it's him, but that snake would never resort to such bloody work when he can always perform his chaotic Egyptian rituals to further screw with his victims and people..."

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"Yeah, this really isn't Ammit's style. Wouldn't he leave tons of hieroglyphs and the like about his scenes?"

*Sasha took a sip of her own beer as she sat down in her armchair.*

"I'll be completely honest, I have no clue who could be behind these killings. I called King to see if he would be able to come and help, but I never got any sort of reply. Didn't even get a voicemail when I called, so yeah, that's not worrying or anything."

*Sasha said that last part with a healthy dose of sarcasm. Dala, who had finished eating trotted over to the couch Casimir was sitting on and jumped up onto his lap and curled up. Sasha chuckled.*

"Maybe I should have warned you, that's usually Dala's spot. If someone is already there, he'll just hop up onto them."

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"Yeah, and whenever he slaughters like this, he usually does so to summon some monster from the depths of the Duat, the Egyptian Netherworld. Hopefully there haven't been any of those aberrations running around here lately."


And Casimir sincerely hoped so. Such creatures summoned by Ammit's bloody rituals were never easy to deal with. They were tough, strong, and capable of causing a great deal of destruction wherever they were.


I don't feel his presence in Tollopolis either way, Drevenon said. I do, however, sense a faint malignant force at work within the city, so it would be wise of you to look further into that when you're ready. Be careful though, the fact that it is able to mask its presence from me at this level means it is quite powerful...


Casimir grimaced. It was never a good sign when something was capable of hiding itself from Drevenon.


"No response from King huh? That is worrisome, he's always good about returning your calls. Do you remember where you last saw him?"


Dala jumped up onto his lap, making him smile. Funny how an animal could relieve anxiety with simple moves like that.


"It's fine, I don't mind."


The fact still stood that a lot of bad things had happened and had been rising in his absence. As insane and sadistic as he could be, Casimir had a hidden heart for people and his allies. Knowing that innocents had been brutally slaughtered and that some of his allies, even allies of his allies had gone missing made him feel like crap.

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"That's the worrisome part. Last time I saw King was when he came to visit a few months ago. He went back home to Sashiil. I've even talked to him since, but in the past few weeks I haven't been able to make contact with him."

*Sasha put her beer down on the table next to her armchair. She pulled a mass of darkness out of her shadow and began to nervously mold it in her hands like putty.*

"After everything that's happened over the past few years things are looking really grim. First the Rocketeer, then I loose Anna to some psycho who claimed to be the worlds greatest villain but went down with no fight, though I did use supernova. One hit and and his head was suddenly facing the wrong way. Never been able to put out that much power with supernova before or since. And now, now King is gone too. Fuck, I hope he is okay."

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Casimir shifted uncomfortably as his tension grew while Sasha continued to talk. Too many things seemed beyond bleak right now, and what really got to him was hearing about the death of Sasha's little sister. He clenched his fists, parts of the room even growing dark and twisted in response to his anger and sadness. The two might not have been the best of friends at first, but they eventually started to get along well and even team up with each other to sow chaos among the ranks of certain crime syndicates, even to take down a few villains. Casimir even kind of liked her after some point, but he had left this realm before it could develop into anything else.


Maybe if I had stayed here, some pathetic waste of life wouldn't have... I... I hope she at least died painlessly and with her honor intact...


"Well," Casimir finally said, "At least you killed the bastard...."


Casimir sighed. "Things seem to be in much more shit than I originally thought, that's for sure. King..."


He didn't think it would be fair for his friend to lose another person close to her.


"We need to go look for him..."

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*Sasha said, which would come as a surprise.*

"There is too much going on here for us to leave, there is a storm brewing, and I don't like how things are going around here. King wouldn't want me to waste time searching for him when there is so much going on already. Besides, he lives in Sashiil, that's on the other side of the country. And at this point, he could be anywhere if he even is still...... alive. Last I had heard from him, everything was fine, and even if he had been lying, he is a terrible liar, I would have been able to tell. For now all we can do is hope that he is okay."

*Sasha picked her beer back up and took a big swig from it, then sat back in her chair, placing her drink back on the side table, then resting her head in her hand.*

"Just have to hope."

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Paging @Jellal Fernandes

Inside the cave is a room full of prototypes. Evidently, whoever the meta Emile was following, she fancied herself a bit of an inventor. The underground room is full of half-constructed devices of all shapes and kinds, going from what appear to be weapons to things that have no discernible purpose at all. Some of them have labels, such as 'thermal deflection device mk.  3' or 'Cloaking device? Iterate later', but the center table is empty despite its label, which says 'Version 2 nanites: Flame resistant'. Evidently this meta or someone she knew used some sort of nanotechnology, and was developing it here.

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Casimir was surprised to hear Sasha's response, but at least she justified her reasons for not agreeing with his suggestion. They were reasonable as well, and Casimir admitted she was right. He sighed and drank the last remaining beer in his bottle.


"Don't worry, he'll be fine..."


For her sake, he hoped he was right.

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Emile decided to scan every item and save the schematics, and find out what they do later. He scattered some of his signature micro-cameras around the cave and teleported back up to the safehouse to scatter micro-cameras around there as well. He then looked around to make sure he didn't miss anything of note.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes
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Paging @Jellal Fernandes

The last thing he sees is a new note on the desktop of the computer labelled 'New recording added, conversation' followed by a timestamp. Apparently this strange meta woman somehow kept recordings of her conversations remotely, seeing as the timestamp was recent, very recent.

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Emile ran a program on his gauntlet to determine who the number he saw earlier belonged to. He then walked over to the computer and plugged his USB in again, activating his holographic keyboard so that he wouldn't leave evidence. He proceeded to listen to the conversation.

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Paging @Jellal Fernandes

The number is unlisted, but is recorded as being part of a block of telephone numbers licensed to E-corp. The computer sends a notification to Silverlight that an unauthorized USB device has been added to her computer, but the recording still plays.

It's the audio of Silverlight, Shade, and the woman hiring them discussing the terms of their agreement. From when she arrived to when the target is stated. The last thing that's said is that the target is Mercury Lab, Floor sub-6.

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"It's alright, I just moved to this location rather recently. I've only been there to set up and head to my first contract, so no worries about others knowing about this place," Shade replied nonchalantly. The car soon pulled into a run down motel building with the vacancy sign letters barely attached. "I've found that these really run down motels are very valuable. Give them money, and the owners will shut up and leave me alone for the time I need. Come, let's see my weapon stash." Shade pulled into a spot and got out. 

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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silver nods, "They're great for when you can't find a no questions asked warehouse to hole up in." She smiles, "Let's see this stash of yours, I'm curious what kind of gear a fixer has prepared for when he needs to do a job." Her eyes glaze over for a moment, "Fuck... Something happened, someone's in the safehouse you met me in... I'm going to try and activate the security system..." She sends a mental command, activating the safe house's failsafes.


Paging @Jellal Fernandes

Emile hears a beep from the computer, followed by the screen's page being replaced with a DOS prompt detailing that an intrusion has been detected and failsafe has been initiated. A countdown from 20 appears on the screen, the door beckoning as escape to him.

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While the door seemed to be calling to him, Emile decided it might be better to teleport, who knew what the failsafe would do, it could theoretically level a city block. Emile teleported to where he was spying on the conversation and started running away from the house, using his bo staff to vault between buildings to increase his speed. 

Edited by Jellal Fernandes
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"Must be one of those supes muddling around your stuff. They never know when to stop meddling in affairs." Shade walked up to the door and produced his key card. "Prepare to be amazed! I have all sorts of gear just waiting to be used!" 


The door opened to reveal a dirty motel room. The bed was in disarray and cockroaches scurried from the new source of light. Along one wall however was a whole array of guns, from small pistols to even a mini gun. Explosives littered a table in front of the guns, while a strange glowing device laid among them. Ammo was piled in boxes in another corner. The place was a an absolute mess. 

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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silverlight looks like a kid in a candy store, "Mother of God, where do you get this stuff? It's... I've only seen some of these things in textbooks!" Her eyes are immediately drawn to the glowing object, "Ooh, what's that thing? It looks... Fascinating..." She says with a glint in her eye, as if there's only a thin thread of respect keeping her from running over and examining it thoroughly.


Paging @Jellal Fernandes

As he finishes the countdown in his head at the same moment the computer does, Emile sees nothing. Then, a few moments later, the building begins to burn. Flammable paint, intentionally faulty wiring, and a variety of accelerants in the construction cause it to go up like a matchstick in a campfire, but surprisingly while it's obvious the building will never be a building again, it appears that the fire won't spread anywhere else.

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"Oh it just so happens I'm ex-military, until they decided to experiment on me. I figured if they want to experiment on me, I can take all their stuff with me when I left. But that glowing thing over there? I have no clue what the official name they gave it, but it does have H.A.M.S.P.A.C.E printed on it. It's almost like a backpack, except it holds items much larger than it is. I like to to use it when I go on big jobs, and this job we are doing qualifies as a big job."


Shade walked over and grabbed a large assault rifle. "See watch." Shade placed the gun next to the HAMSPACE and pressed a button on it. The gun disappears in a beam of blue light. "Now to get it back, press this button here and..." The device emits a red beam and the rifle materializes out of thin air almost instantaneously. "That's how I get my gear from place to place without drawing attention, I just throw it all in here then poof! I'm done."

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