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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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sparkle nodded "so how're we gonna build a house out here? we haven't got any nails or wood or any space for that matter " sparkle took out her rage on a nearby tree bucking it over and over without stopping until it fell down "TIMBER!!!" she yelled as the tree fell over "sorry i guess i underestimated myself huh?"

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@ @Ochre_Dust

Glider was horrified for a moment. Her mouth opened, to quickly ammend her statement and say how she didn't wish to offend,when Peregrine burst out laughing. She relaxed, blushing slightly at how mortified she had been at the joke.


When Peregrine asked if Blitz was good with foals, Glider laughed. "Well, yes. I guess. She doesn't like foals much, though, but she's good with them." She quickly changed the subject. Blitz didn't like her talking about her affairs. "But, what do you do?" She asked, smiling.

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@ @Little Red


"I'm a farrier and groomer, a barber, if you will. I make sure a pony's hooves are healthy and clean. After that I picked up some skills in mane and coat care, and in dealing with sprains, cuts and sores." Peregrine turned to show her cutie mark of a nail file and a set of clippers crossed over a silver horseshoe. "My parents were properly mortified. They expected me to go into transport or racing with how much I liked to wander."

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@@Little Red, @@Ochre_Dust,  

Aspen's head shot off the pillow, he looked around frantically for a second.  Remembering where he was and who he was with, he calmed a bit.

"Sorry guys, I fell asleep there for a second."  He rubbed his eyes,  "had no idea that a pillow, blanket, and some sand could be so comfortable."  He saw that it was him, Glider, and Peregrine in the tent.

"So, where'd Blitz go?  I hope she went to get some food, I'm starving."  Aspen took a quick peek outside at the night sky, and just kept staring.  "Guys, you have to come see this."

A beautiful silver full moon hung in the sky, seeming twice as large and dazzling as before.  The night sky was dotted with countless stars, each a single pinprick of gorgeous crystal.  Faded colors of green, purple, and orange swirled and intertwined with the rigid black of the night.  Other ponies were sticking their heads out of their tents as well, peering up at the eloquent masterpiece that was the night sky.

Aspen whistled.  "I'm not sure why the Princess made tonight especially beautiful, but tonight...tonight she went all out."

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@@AspenSwift, @@Ochre_Dust,

(Note: my sister is back, so she'll be roleplaying Glider again.)


The food had finished cooking for awhile now. After chatting with some of the chefs and confessing her plans for making a town, she was moving back to the tent, four bowls of soup and four plates of hay-burgers following her, levitating in the air with her magic.


She approached the tent and saw Aspen peeking his head out of the entrance flaps. She nodded in greeting.


"I've come with food," she said, cheerfully.

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@@AspenSwift, @@Ochre_Dust, @@Little Red,

Glider chuckled a little at Peregrine's comment of wandering. "Yeah, my dad was kind of the opposite. He never expected me to be a very good flyer," she sighed quietly, recalling her father. She missed him, but she had understood for a while now that she would most likely be unable to see him again now that she had arrived at the new land. Blitz had helped her come to terms with that. "But he was a unicorn, so he didn't really get that stuff."

She blinked up at the sky as Aspen pointed out the moon. She smiled. "I'm sure she made it beautiful for us," she said, a cheerful tone creeping into her voice. "To celebrate our entrance into this place. I hope it's a sign for all the beauty that awaits us," she said.

Her smile grew broader as Blitz came. "Hi, Blitz! That looks great," she said, trotting up and nuzzling her sister affectionately. "I hope it didn't cost too much."

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@ @AspenSwift, @Little Red, @Reaver


Upon Glider's question of where she lived, Peregrine began an extensive examination of the tent walls and ceiling as she hemmed and hawed through an answer. "Well, I guess you could say, because I just drift from town to town plying my trade--and this is a very judicial-court-like term... I'm a vagrant... of sorts." Peregrine hung her head down. "Though I guess with this colony, I can't exactly wander from town to town anymore, so I'm going to have to settle in somewhere. I suppose whatever judge or magistrate recommended me to all of this felt pretty clever."

@ @AspenSwift, @Little Red, @Reaver


Growing quiet at her own admission, Peregrine followed the others outside to watch the moon and enjoy the 223rd cooked meal in her adult life, of which 173 of those had been on the boats. She didn't mention this, as ponies sometimes--no, regularly--not even, frequently found it odd of anypony to eschew the cuisine of civilization.


"It is a beautiful moon tonight... Say, Blitz, Glider told me you enjoy getting your hooves and mane done. Would you allow me the opportunity to get to earn this food?"

Edited by Ochre_Dust
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when the dirt and sand settled from tree impact "*cough* is everypony okay?" sparkle said looking around

White flinched as the tree landed next too him "sparkle are you trying too kill me?" he looked in the general direction of sparkle 

"Yeah sorry about that..." sparkle said sawing up the tree too make into logs

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sparkle nodded "so how're we gonna build a house out here? we haven't got any nails or wood or any space for that matter " sparkle took out her rage on a nearby tree bucking it over and over without stopping until it fell down "TIMBER!!!" she yelled as the tree fell over "sorry i guess i underestimated myself huh?"

"i guess so i'm okay..... also the answer to your question..... we can make magic nails...... and we can chop down the trees for wood which would create space"  starlight smiled "now i know either of you are unicorns.... but i know a potion that can be made from berries and ores....." starlight said "i kind of over prepared  for this trip haven't i....hee hee......but yes if we can get coke,Tin,copper and Iron Ore with some berries.....we can make some magic nails..... all i have to do is chant the words " Haaljusk Los Pruz Fein Pah Daar Thesk. .. .Give Zey! Faal Pruzaan. .. .. .Come Bo Ofan Mii Haaljusk. .. .. Geh Geh. .. .SO MOTE Nii Kos! "

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"i guess so i'm okay..... also the answer to your question..... we can make magic nails...... and we can chop down the trees for wood which would create space"  starlight smiled "now i know either of you are unicorns.... but i know a potion that can be made from berries and ores....." starlight said "i kind of over prepared  for this trip haven't i....hee hee......but yes if we can get coke,Tin,copper and Iron Ore with some berries.....we can make some magic nails..... all i have to do is chant the words " Haaljusk Los Pruz Fein Pah Daar Thesk. .. .Give Zey! Faal Pruzaan. .. .. .Come Bo Ofan Mii Haaljusk. .. .. Geh Geh. .. .SO MOTE Nii Kos! "

White turned too starlight " i hate too break it too ya but we don't have any of that stuff "

sparkle had finished the first tree and started too buck a second "those *pant* are some *huff*weird words " sparkle carried on bucking the tree down

"she's right those are strange words" White said as sparkle bucked down the second tree

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White turned too starlight " i hate too break it too ya but we don't have any of that stuff "

sparkle had finished the first tree and started too buck a second "those *pant* are some *huff*weird words " sparkle carried on bucking the tree down

"she's right those are strange words" White said as sparkle bucked down the second tree

"yes... but you don't need everything from the outset....... i have a pickaxe in my saddle pack" starlight look at white "all we gotta do is go mining there has be a cave somewhere maybe we should check behind that waterfall........" he then looked at sparkle "yes it is.... it is actually ancient dragon speak it roughly translate to.... Nails Are Better Than All This Mess....Give ME! The Best......Come Come Give Us Nails.....Yes Yes....SO MOTE IT BE!........ but the spell only works in ancient dragon talk..... so yeah......" starlight smiled "we should get some rest"

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"yes... but you don't need everything from the outset....... i have a pickaxe in my saddle pack" starlight look at white "all we gotta do is go mining there has be a cave somewhere maybe we should check behind that waterfall........" he then looked at sparkle "yes it is.... it is actually ancient dragon speak it roughly translate to.... Nails Are Better Than All This Mess....Give ME! The Best......Come Come Give Us Nails.....Yes Yes....SO MOTE IT BE!........ but the spell only works in ancient dragon talk..... so yeah......" starlight smiled "we should get some rest"

"problem we don't have a house setup yet" White looked towards starlight

but sparkle didn't seem too care she curled up a log and fell asleep 

"how do you sleep so much sparkle?" White said " if you wanna sleep starlight i'll keep watch" White took a seat on another log and kept a sword handy anticipateing an attack

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"problem we don't have a house setup yet" White looked towards starlight

but sparkle didn't seem too care she curled up a log and fell asleep 

"how do you sleep so much sparkle?" White said " if you wanna sleep starlight i'll keep watch" White took a seat on another log and kept a sword handy anticipateing an attack

"no i'm fine i'll do the night watch......" starlight started a fire and gave white and sparkle his sleeping bags again....... " but your right we do need a basic house we can make a small tent out of the leather we have all we need is some sticks and some leather to make into string and a cover......." "wow adventure is alot more work than i thought......but its worth it the thrill of adventure just feels so real.... and i've met many nice friends...."

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@@Ochre_Dust,@@Reaver, @@Little Red,  

(Glad to have you back, Reaver!)

"I've come with food,"

Aspen's mouth started to water.  Hay burgers and soup, delicious!  He went back inside the tent, and sat down with the others.

"Thanks for getting food!  Here, I can pay you back."  He dug in his saddelbag for some bits, and found a few.  

"Are these still usable here, or are they just Equestria currency?  We had talked previously about setting up a new currency system..." he thought.

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"no i'm fine i'll do the night watch......" starlight started a fire and gave white and sparkle his sleeping bags again....... " but your right we do need a basic house we can make a small tent out of the leather we have all we need is some sticks and some leather to make into string and a cover......." "wow adventure is alot more work than i thought......but its worth it the thrill of adventure just feels so real.... and i've met many nice friends...."

White lay down and closed his eyes pretending too sleep wishing that something would happen around here in this tiny forest clearing (why does nothing ever happen too me? it's either sparkle or anypony else but never me ) he could feal sleep slowly overcoming him

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White lay down and closed his eyes pretending too sleep wishing that something would happen around here in this tiny forest clearing (why does nothing ever happen too me? it's either sparkle or anypony else but never me ) he could feal sleep slowly overcoming him

starlight started to get bored and stood up as soon as he did..... a voice rang in his head "your right.... your wrong..... your everything they need..... but you fail.... to realize what is going to be......." the pony in the black robe proceeded to  appear before starlight and white...... "you need some help..... that i can see...... but with that your destiny will be......" "another card.... just for you..... your friend is listening right now so i must leave... see you.....hee hee..." the black robe pony then proceeded to teleport but didn't give him the card instead just before he left he pointed at white......as soon as starlight realized he heard the black robe pony's voice again "your friend who name is white.. found it at sea..... ask her for it......and you'll see"......... "white are you awake.....oh... your eyes are slightly open....you've been watching......so would you know anything about this card.....i kind need them... for what purpose i'm not sure... but i do need them so says that man...."

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starlight started to get bored and stood up as soon as he did..... a voice rang in his head "your right.... your wrong..... your everything they need..... but you fail.... to realize what is going to be......." the pony in the black robe proceeded to  appear before starlight and white...... "you need some help..... that i can see...... but with that your destiny will be......" "another card.... just for you..... your friend is listening right now so i must leave... see you.....hee hee..." the black robe pony then proceeded to teleport but didn't give him the card instead just before he left he pointed at white......as soon as starlight realized he heard the black robe pony's voice again "your friend who name is white.. found it at sea..... ask her for it......and you'll see"......... "white are you awake.....oh... your eyes are slightly open....you've been watching......so would you know anything about this card.....i kind need them... for what purpose i'm not sure... but i do need them so says that man...."

"card? yeah i got one it's a bit wet though drifted along side us and sparkle pulled it up whilst she was fishing for treasure" White hands starlight the card " Sparkle still acts as if she's a filly looking for sunken treasure but i guess that adds too the cuteness factor " he said starting too grin

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"card? yeah i got one it's a bit wet though drifted along side us and sparkle pulled it up whilst she was fishing for treasure" White hands starlight the card " Sparkle still acts as if she's a filly looking for sunken treasure but i guess that adds too the cuteness factor " he said starting too grin

"hey.... this filly looks familiar.....white i believe...Ugh!" he proceeds to have a flashback...."son!.... your friend is at the door" he then see a short hall way with stairs on the side......he then starts to see a very faded out door and a filly the same one as on the card...suddenly he hears a voice very similar to his but more childish "white!...... i can't wait we can play ball and tell jokes...." he then proceeds to hear the filly say the following words "this maybe the last time we play" starlight remembered feeling confused as to why she would say this and noticing the sad face she had on......."me and my family are moving half-way across the country.... it won't matter much to you through... i heard of your adventure...." "oh........i see...... i'm going to miss you......" starlight's flashback proceeds to end "white.......you don't remember me....."

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Spellbind had done a lot. She had done some shopping, gotten to know the area a bit better (well what there was of it anyway) and now came across a bunch of ponies.


"Oh um... hello," she said.


(Sorry for this but I deserve to be in this too :P)

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(have you forgotten again White's still a GUY! i switched sparkle's and white's genders)


" starlight... it really is you!" White gave him a hug " i missed you every day i was away you don't know about my brother then do you? Lemon he... he got hit by a train and died he was cut in half" White started too cry" it was eight years ago when he died he was only nine NINE and he died _

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(have you forgotten again White's still a GUY! i switched sparkle's and white's genders)


" starlight... it really is you!" White gave him a hug " i missed you every day i was away you don't know about my brother then do you? Lemon he... he got hit by a train and died he was cut in half" White started too cry" it was eight years ago when he died he was only nine NINE and he died _

(sorry... i apologize.....yet again habit........)


"oh white... i never knew........It's okay...... i'm here now......" starlight smiled "your safe with me.... i promise........that card...it gave me a flashback like all the others..... i have been seeing this black robe pony appear every time i find or get given one..........he says he knows my past and my destiny.... he also explained whats up with those evilized creatures.... they been enchanted with some magic stone........but that doesn't matter anymore...........your here...." he proceeds to give her a kiss and smiles.... "we can be together now......i promise...."

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(facepalm i'll write you a note *scribbles something down* here we go* sticks it too your right hand*)

"no starlight stop i'm in a relationship with sparkle"White points at sparkle with his left hoof " i can't leave her she needs me like for real she can't survive without me on the inside she's a little filly but on the outside she's a full grown mare"

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(facepalm i'll write you a note *scribbles something down* here we go* sticks it too your right hand*)

"no starlight stop i'm in a relationship with sparkle"White points at sparkle with his left hoof " i can't leave her she needs me like for real she can't survive without me on the inside she's a little filly but on the outside she's a full grown mare"

(i kind of meant it in a friendly way not in a relationship way sorry for the confusion)


"i know that...it was just a friendly kiss....." starlight laugh "i'm sorry.... i apologize....." he proceeds to let go and puts on a awkward face "so......... what happened after you left......... beside your brother dieing of course........" starlight was very excited to get to know his friend again........

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Spellbind seemed a bit surprised by everything that was going on in the discussion. Somepony getting killed by a train, and a nine year old at that... Spellbind wiped away a tear.


There was also talk of relationships.


"Okay... should I come back at a later time?" she questioned.

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