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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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Sparkle woke up in the middle of the night and before White could notice she snuck away avoiding Starlight.and after a few hours of travelling trying too find the beach she found a waterfall covering a cave. she was tired from travelling all night so she stopped too take a rest and went into the cave for shelter...

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Sparkle woke up in the middle of the night and before White could notice she snuck away avoiding Starlight.and after a few hours of travelling trying too find the beach she found a waterfall covering a cave. she was tired from travelling all night so she stopped too take a rest and went into the cave for shelter...

starlight decided to go check on sparkle  and the others, he soon noticed sparkle was gone.... he rushed outside to see where he went..... there was no sign of him......."Sparkle!...whe-i.......oh...." starlight noticed a bunch of hoof prints on the floor and followed them coming to a waterfall....."ugh" starlight begun hearing very strange voices in his head........they all said strange things and some of them sounded like animal cries........ until eventually he heard the black robe pony's voice say "Evilizer spot 1 out 25"....... "WHAT!" starlight shouted as he realized where he was..... "so... that means there....those enchanted rocks in there........sparkle!... he's in danger......" starlight rushed in... and show sparkle sleeping just pass the entrance....... "what's that purple gas.... oh god... it coming for sparkle.....SPARKLE WE GOT TO RUN!" starlight proceeded to push sparkle "that gas can't get us once we're out of this cave........ there isn't enough stones......down there to create enough gas....SPARKLE!...UGH!" starlight proceeds to push sparkle into the water and proceeds to try and keep afloat "ARE YOU AWAKE! WE NEARLY GOT EVILIZED!"

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starlight decided to go check on sparkle  and the others, he soon noticed sparkle was gone.... he rushed outside to see where he went..... there was no sign of him......."Sparkle!...whe-i.......oh...." starlight noticed a bunch of hoof prints on the floor and followed them coming to a waterfall....."ugh" starlight begun hearing very strange voices in his head........they all said strange things and some of them sounded like animal cries........ until eventually he heard the black robe pony's voice say "Evilizer spot 1 out 25"....... "WHAT!" starlight shouted as he realized where he was..... "so... that means there....those enchanted rocks in there........sparkle!... he's in danger......" starlight rushed in... and show sparkle sleeping just pass the entrance....... "what's that purple gas.... oh god... it coming for sparkle.....SPARKLE WE GOT TO RUN!" starlight proceeded to push sparkle "that gas can't get us once we're out of this cave........ there isn't enough stones......down there to create enough gas....SPARKLE!...UGH!" starlight proceeds to push sparkle into the water and proceeds to try and keep afloat "ARE YOU AWAKE! WE NEARLY GOT EVILIZED!"

"huh " sparkle said as she woke up " s...stay away you murderer!" she shouted running from Starlight "Help somepony anypony help!" she yelled as she dissapeard towards the beach " please let there be somepony there please please" she burst out onto the beach and proceaded too run back too where the ships were docked

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@ @AspenSwift, @Little Red, @Reaver


Next to rise was Peregrine. She rose with a yawn, stretching out like a cat before blinking the sleep away from her eyes. When she looked about the room, she spotted a white--and slightly wet--cat with a grey forepaw and tail. "Hi little guy. What're you doing around here?"


Peregrine looked about, finding both Aspen and Blitz gone. It wasn't long before she found Aspen's note, but frowned at the distinct absence of anything from Blitz. "Well, maybe she figured she'd get breakfast, maybe I can find her there."


She took a moment to leave her own message on the back of Apsen's note: "Glider, woke up to this cat here. Aspen went to meeting. I've gone to find Blitz. Will bring you back breakfast."


Her preparations made, Peregrine walked out of the tent and made her way to where it smelled like food was being prepared. Alone with her thoughts, Peregrine wondered for the first time in her life of really living in one spot for an extended time. She'd need a business, but she wasn't any good at management, often living on a wing and a prayer. "Maybe Aspen would be interested? He's good enough for the Crown to entrust some responsibility... I'd at least trust him to point me in the right direction."


As she entered the line for breakfast, she idly went over some vague ideas of a business. "I'd need to set prices, high enough to maintain the building, and myself. I wouldn't be able to go out foraging all that much. Maybe it'd be wise to get some other ponies like me together, take advantage of those 'Economies of Scale' like my dad always went on about with weather factories."


Thus Peregrine's thoughts were so occupied until she neared the front of the line, where she was surprised to see Blitz once more. "Hi, Blitz!" she called out, flapping a wing to get attention, but nearly smacking another mare in the face in the process. "Ooh, I'm so sorry, I forget my own strength with these sometimes." She neared the final stretch of the line, picking up four bowls, one for each member of the tent before standing before Blitz.


"Hey, how are you doing? Ready for the hoof care after breakfast?" She nodded to the four bowls. "I'll carry breakfast back to the tent so we can eat together. Hopefully Aspen's back at the tent by then."

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Sparkle raced through the makeshift camp trying too get as far away as possible from Starlight when a mare carying four bowls stepped out in front of her "LOOK OUT!!!" she yelled hurting towards them hoping they would get out the way (c'mon move please please move) she thought too herself

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Having been subject to more than a few close calls in her travels, and quite used to them all being grounded, upon hearing somepony shout, "Look out!", Peregrine's wings opened, and she flapped them, rising over head in a bit of a panic as she struggled to avoid dumping the contents all out over the heads of several passers-by. Then a blue pegasus galloped below. "Hey, why's she barreling into everyone if she's a pegasus?" Peregrine asked herself before shouting to the crazed pegasus, by then already in the distance. "Fly if you're in such a rush and leave all the rest of us to get breakfast in peace!"


There was a murmur of agreement from several nearby ponies, and Peregrine giggled. "Yeah, showed her, didn't we?"

Edited by Ochre_Dust
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sparkle made a sharp right hand (or hoof ) turn and dashed into the back of the exploreres hold and pushed out a large crate then another and a few barrels and set them down on the ramp into the hold and stuck up a sign labeld construction materials and then she proceded too hide in a box "please don't find me please..." she pleaded unfortunately she was tailed by White who barreled down the same strech of beach but he was met with some hostility by having porridge and a bowl dunked on his head "we should've done that with that pegasus mare that passed through here earlier you pegisi are all the same" said a earth pony mare with many agreements from the non pegasi in the crowd thus an argument ensued

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Spellbind was struggling to find her place in this new society and project (well what there was of it anyway), especially now that she had turned her back on the group of ponies for killing a cow.


She went to the mare who had volunteered to lead a team of construction ponies. "Has the team already been established? Because I would like to be a part of it."

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White stormed off angry and walked back too the explorer and picked up several crates and a barrel filled with fresh water and started off back too the forest and felt like throwing a crate at the mare until he did. the crate burst open revealing Sparkle. White looked shocked as he realized he had thrown his girlfriend into a mare 

"oww " Sparkle said expanding her wings and hovering above her before helping her up "even?" Sparkle said

"fine even" the two shook hooves 

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"i just saved your life!.......you almost got evilized!.........." starlight sighed  "why did you come out here anyway........" starlight put his hoof on his shoulder "its okay..... you don't need to freak out i don't even have any weapons on me!........." he proceeds to show sparkle the fact his has no weapons "see..... i don't want to hurt you....actually i just saved your life.........you could of got yourself evilized or killed..........or even worst both of us killed...." starlight stop holding his shoulder and then looked at white "sorry about this........."

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"i just saved your life!.......you almost got evilized!.........." starlight sighed  "why did you come out here anyway........" starlight put his hoof on his shoulder "its okay..... you don't need to freak out i don't even have any weapons on me!........." he proceeds to show sparkle the fact his has no weapons "see..... i don't want to hurt you....actually i just saved your life.........you could of got yourself evilized or killed..........or even worst both of us killed...." starlight stop holding his shoulder and then looked at white "sorry about this........."

"yeah you saved my life BUT you killed a cow and then ate it ! that cow could've belonged too natives and you just made them think we're hostile invaders trying too take this land for ourselves " sparkle flicked her tail angrily " i don't believe you two. let's just get the supplies back AND NO KILLING ANYTHING!!! " sparkle said trotting off angry

"we best do what she says" White looked kinda scared

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Ever Sharp groaned. Not the sort of groan that comes with a bad joke, but the painful groan that only ever comes after an uncomfortable night's sleep. The pony in the tent next to him awoke after he stood up.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this."

"I was in the army for twelve years. Sleeping on the ground never gets any easier."

She frowned.

"They say it's good for your back."

"Aye, well it don't bloody feel like that, does it?"

He exited the tent, carrying his few belongings (An old telescope, a small knife, a canteen, and some parchment and ink) in a small cloth satchel. He had been recommended this venture by an old acquaintance, as a sort of new start to his life, to move on from the errors of his past. And after more than two years at sea, he was very willing to stretch his legs a bit. He cantered past groups of ponies doing all sorts of activities, from cooking to tent pitching. He noticed that much of the supplies brought ashore were strewn about on the beach, exposed to the elements. He saw one crate covered with a tarp, that had been damaged in transport. He peered inside.

Bits. What in Tartarus are we supposed to do with bits?

He turned back and headed into the camp, towards a large gathering of ponies.

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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"yeah you saved my life BUT you killed a cow and then ate it ! that cow could've belonged too natives and you just made them think we're hostile invaders trying too take this land for ourselves " sparkle flicked her tail angrily " i don't believe you two. let's just get the supplies back AND NO KILLING ANYTHING!!! " sparkle said trotting off angry

"we best do what she says" White looked kinda scared

"oh eat one animal... and everyone hates you......yeah....yeah...." starlight look at sparkle "you know sparkle their is no natives...... this is a island that would have seemed to have only surfaced over the last 10,000 years.....which isn't long when it comes to forming a island.....also the only reason you brought that up was to shift the blame to me....oh don't deny it..... i know how this goes............" starlight starts to give sparkle a look (LIKE THIS: :baconmane: )

"sorry white.....i don't like fussing over this type of stuff...... but a bit more trust for someone who has saved you twice!....."

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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"oh eat one animal... and everyone hates you......yeah....yeah...." starlight look at sparkle "you know sparkle their is no natives...... this is a island that would have seemed to have only surfaced over the last 10,000 years.....which isn't long when it comes to forming a island.....also the only reason you brought that up was to shift the blame to me....oh don't deny it..... i know how this goes............" starlight starts to give sparkle a look (LIKE THIS: :baconmane: )

"sorry white.....i don't like fussing over this type of stuff...... but a bit more trust for someone who has saved you twice!....."

"Dude i wouldn't cary on if i we're you your pushing her too her limit where she goes from angry too mad too get the #$%@ out of there. you don't want too see the theird level she will rip you limb from limb " White warned Starlight " don't you see her going blood red? seriously look into her eyes they ain't green anymore. just stop!" he said turning Starlight around too face him

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"Dude i wouldn't cary on if i we're you your pushing her too her limit where she goes from angry too mad too get the #$%@ out of there. you don't want too see the theird level she will rip you limb from limb " White warned Starlight " don't you see her going blood red? seriously look into her eyes they ain't green anymore. just stop!" he said turning Starlight around too face him

"fine........." starlight sighed "sorry....sparkle....um...."  "you know...... about that bear eating thing.........and knowing all this stuff about how to survive on a island.....well that actually comes from my second upcoming see..... i had some lovely new parents....but the family shared one secret.....they were changelings..... now i know this is confusing but keep up...... see my new parents..... didn't like having to feed off of ponies loves... and didn't really live the hive that much either... so my new parents..... decided to use a spell......that would change their diet to that of a carnivore.......this was before they got me...but i grew up having to eat like them.... i personally don't really like berries.....i can eat them but their not my thing..... because of this need to eat meat my new mom and dad spent most nights with me camping.... rather than staying in are home.... until eventually we had the resource to build a nice wooden house...............we only went their every second week to hunt for more meat..... it kind of a weird past.....but if you want....i could try not to eat anymore meat"

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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"DON'T TALK TOO ME" Sparkle growled in a deep un-sparkle like voice before turning around and throwing Starlight too the ground " IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU TELL ME YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A MURDERER TOO ME" Sparkle caryed on walking for a bit before completely reverting back too normal and bursting into tears " stop taking over my damn body!!! " she yelled at herself 

(btw she's not crazy but slightly emotionally unstable ie: one moment completely fine the next her hooves are stained with blood 'cause her evil side takes over sometimes...)

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"DON'T TALK TOO ME" Sparkle growled in a deep un-sparkle like voice before turning around and throwing Starlight too the ground " IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU TELL ME YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A MURDERER TOO ME" Sparkle caryed on walking for a bit before completely reverting back too normal and bursting into tears " stop taking over my damn body!!! " she yelled at herself 

(btw she's not crazy but slightly emotionally unstable ie: one moment completely fine the next her hooves are stained with blood 'cause her evil side takes over sometimes...)

"whats... happening to your body......" starlight put on a shocked face "......it would..ugh!...." the black robe pony's voice ringed in his head for a minute "your friend is also your greatest enemie...... it can be healed....but only by a bond strong and formed by more than just love.....acceptance.....acceptance of darkness within one hearts.....which can then even out overtime.... as more love is applied......."...... starlight looked at sparkle and then replied "sparkle.....look at me.... and think happy thoughts.....then proceed to count to ten....." starlight proceeded to say the following words "your my friend... a friend... that wouldn't hurt.... i can help you..... if you'll accept me....trust me and you will heal...trust me and the wound will heal....."

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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Blitz had been keeping the various pots warm when, to her surprise, she heard Peregrine



"Hey, how are you doing? Ready for the hoof care after breakfast?" She nodded to the four bowls. "I'll carry breakfast back to the tent so we can eat together. Hopefully Aspen's back at the tent by then."

"Oh, no, you don't have to carry my breakfast. I'll take a little while-- I'm going to help clean up too." Blitz said. "Thank you, anyway, though. That's very sweet of you." She smiled. "I shouldn't be that long-- I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll do with my hooves!"

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"whats... happening to your body......" starlight put on a shocked face "......it would..ugh!...." the black robe pony's voice ringed in his head for a minute "your friend is also your greatest enemie...... it can be healed....but only by a bond strong and formed by more than just love.....acceptance.....acceptance of darkness within one hearts.....which can then even out overtime.... as more love is applied......."...... starlight looked at sparkle and then replied "sparkle.....look at me.... and think happy thoughts.....then proceed to count to ten....." starlight proceeded to say the following words "your my friend... a friend... that wouldn't hurt.... i can help you..... if you'll accept me....trust me and you will heal...trust me and the wound will heal....."

sparkle looked at Starlight " b...but my rage has killed ponies i'm a monster of a pony. im the murderer " sparkle broke from his grasp and started too cry " just leave me... when there's a jail set up tell me i'll be this island's first prisoner. i'm so so sorry " she said hugging Starlight

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sparkle looked at Starlight " b...but my rage has killed ponies i'm a monster of a pony. im the murderer " sparkle broke from his grasp and started too cry " just leave me... when there's a jail set up tell me i'll be this island's first prisoner. i'm so so sorry " she said hugging Starlight

"it's fine.....i understand..... it's not your fault come here......." starlight proceeded to hug sparkle "i can help you......" suddenly starlight noticed the sun was rising.... "well would you look at that....heh...... come on i tell you everything when we get back to the campsite......." starlight proceeded to continue walking "there it is our campsite......." starlight proceeded to sit down "come sparkle sit next to me...."

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sparkle walked along her head low ashamed of herself and her over reacting before sitting next too Starlight " i wish i could just lead a normal life without any alternate forms being half insane and generally having my other half " she said to herself " why can't i be normal ? why was i made this way ? why!?" sparkle kicked up a ton of sand which went everywhere

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@ @Little Red


"Oh, okay." Peregrine set down the fourth bowl, allowing Blitz to fill the remaining three. "Would you like a transparent polish? Something sparkling, or something colored? I hear that painting one's hooves the color of one's mane was all the rage in Canterlot just before we set sail."

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Glider woke up, completely unaware of any dramatic events happening outside her tent. She sighed, stretching, then noticed Socks and the notes. "Oh, hello, Socks," Glider cooed, gently petting Socks. She shortly grew rather bored (though she liked animals, she didn't have quite the way with cats that Blitz did) and looked at the notes, excusing her tent-mates' absence.


Oh. Okay. Glider mused. Socks began playing with her tail. She played with him for a little while, musing about what she could do. She had an idea. Oh. I'll go for a flight in the woods! Maybe I'll find something useful. I've just gotta be back before the others.


With this decided, she didn't leave a note. "Bye-bye, Socksy," she murmured, petting Socks again. "Tell Blitz if she comes back before me not to worry." She promptly left the tent, stretching her wings, then soared into the air. The immediate exhilaration warmed her, despite the chill morning air, and though she wanted to flip, to spin, to speed through and create a breeze that would wash all the clouds away, she did not. There were still some ponies around, who might not like it. She would wait until she was in the trees. With this in mind, she sped off into the forest.


She enjoyed herself there for several minutes, until she noticed some strange marking on the ground. She flew down, landing expertly, and stared at it curiously. Is that... a footprint? She compared it with her own hoof. It clearly wasn't a pony's.

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Spellbind had been walking around, wondering what there was for her to do. She didn't want to just be limited to standing aside on the sidelines as everypony else made something of this uncharted land.


She noticed a footprint in the ground and another pony was looking at it. She approached.

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Glider started as the hoofsteps of another pony approached. "Oh! Um, hello," she said, her voice coming out rather soft as the pony approached. She appeared to be a unicorn, but a nice hat was covering most of her horn. "I was just looking here. Do you know if I'm allowed in the forest?" She was suddenly afraid that the pony was a police-pony, and was going to arrest her for entering into the woods without permission, or a license, or something. "I'm sorry if I'm not!" She added, quickly. "I didn't know! I'll leave right away!" she said, having already quite made up her mind that the mare was a police-pony and was going to give her some kind of ticket or something.

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