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private Equestria Divided: Titanfall (Action RP)

~Chaotic Eddie~

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After a tragic accident which resulted in the deaths of Princesses Celestia and Luna, Equestria hurried to find a new leader. Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire had to remain with her subjects, and Princess Twilight, unable to face the pressure of ruling the entire empire, abdicated after a shaky two-year rule. Equestria was thus left without a monarch - As such, control over the country was handed by default to the Solar Empire (SoE). However, after a few years the Empire found a powerful rival in the New Lunar Republic, who rebelled against the Empire's regime. Unrest slowly grew, and before long, conflicts and fights started springing up across the country. In turn, the severity of these fights escalated, and after a few months, Equestria was at civil war.


Solar Empire Field Commander Rainbow Dash was left behind shortly after a battle, having missed the dropship that was her only chance at extraction. Alone in the belly of the beast she encountered three enemy Titans, and was rescued by former Wonderbolt and NLR Commander Spitfire, who has been presumed dead for some time. Dash soon learns that in actual fact, after being left behind herself, Spitfire managed to escape the battlefield and, with the help of her Titan engineer Monkey Wrench-, went rogue, setting up third faction with the intent of ending the stalemate between the NLR and SoE.


Spitfire led Dash to her hidden base - an abandoned and disguised apartment complex hidden in a mountainside, and repurposed by Spitfire into a makeshift base of operations. There, she was introduced to Wrench, and built some friendly relations with the former Wonderbolt. Spitfire has been collecting soldiers who missed the dropship like her and building up her resistance. Together, this team would finally beat back both the NLR and SoE, and finally establish peace after years and years of unending conflict... However, the team was only a small group of ponies who missed the dropship, nowhere near a large enough team to start any major operations... First they need to make a few friends in high places...

Spitfire yawned as she sat up in bed, turning to her right to see Rainbow Dash still sleeping peacefully beside her. Yesterday had been quite a shock for Dash, to say the least, so Spitfire figured she needed all the rest she could get.

Carefully leaving the bed, Spitfire walked slowly out of the bedroom and into the bathroom where they'd been just a few days ago, turning on the shower once again. If she was right, the rest of the team would be waking up around about now. She figured that they'd be eager to meet their new team member - that is, when she got around to tellling them about her.

(Wait for Windbreaker to post first)


I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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As she slept, she dreamed. Dreamed of those days before the war. Everypony she knew and loved. Her dreams took a dark turn when she joined the SoE, but she felt like she had to do it. The Princesses wouldn't want a war tearing Equestria apart, but she couldn't end it by doing nothing. She barely remembered most of the fighting... It started blurring together in gunfire and the stomping of Titans. Noise. Then...she saw death smile at her and raise gun. BANG! The bullet moved agonizingly slow, as time slowed around her. She was paralyzed! She screamed, unable to do anything to prevent her own death. When the bullet struck... She woke up, sweating and panting. She held a hoof to her head and rolled onto her back, staring up at the vaguely familiar ceiling... Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Aha'bans' eyes opened. In the canopy of his mech he carefully with his hooves forward he stretched as to not touch anything upon his console or anything out of place.


Sitting up delicately on his laid back control seat he repositions back up now simply sitting there looking out the unpolarized window. Turned about he then crawls out opening the bottom pilot hatch of the canopy.


As if by cue the rest of his friends begin to awaken. All bunched up in the transport cabin of his cousins MUNCHKIN mech. The doors remained open as the audible hum of a small air condition pushes away the heat built up from the group of sleeping stallions.


One by one each departed, Nasir letting out the most audible yawn.

"Indahla sumoi dinlah bauha." He muttered rubbing his eyes as the squad approaches to the assembly of tables that was their personal kitchen. Mainly just holding the morning essentials.

" Translate: (I'm so not a morning pony.) "

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Tending to both his Titana and his mobile repair shop, Tech had began his morning at dawn. He was glad to have found Spitfire and Dash the other day. They helped him a bunch and he will pay them back for it.


He is currently working on the limited repair arm of his mech, Titana. He already had to recalibrate it twice in a week. Yet, here he was again. He would need to upgrade it soon but the repair business hasn't been well sense he told both sides of the war to shove it technically. He never wanted to join either side and now he was in a position not to.


As the others in the mech hanger started to wake he waves, "Morning. Need some coffee?"

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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As Dash awoke, she would notice that Spitfire, who last night had been sleeping next to her, was no longer beside her. The former Wonderbolt had left the bed and was presently cleaning herself in Rainbow Dash's shower.

The war troubled Spitfire as much as it did Dash. Every night her dreams were haunted by a reccurring vision of the SoE or NLR braging in and opening fire. She winced as the images flashed into her mind again... Wrench... Aha'Ban... Tempest... And now Rainbow Dash... But still, she remained resolute. It wouldn't be becoming of a leader to seem scared or worried. And by day, she wasn't. She couldn't be. Every day she'd been planning their next moves, and with Dash on board she finally had enough mares to carry out the next stage of their operation. But still, she hoped that Dash could hold out under the same stress as she did...

She yawned slightly as she allowed the warm waters of the shower wash away last night's sweat and dried-up... you get the idea. These showers helped her relax in the mornings... that and a good breakfast, which is much more than what the NLR provided for her way back when.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Ahaban muttered under his breathe, but not wanting to seem rude.

"I'll make my own. Thank you." In his simple tone. He was obviously not a morning pony. Most of his little squad wasn't. Nasir danced onto his hooves, the clip-clop of his shoes echoing a bit in the open hangar.

"Do a little jig. Get yourself worked up." He said.


The Arabians each with coffee in hooves they gathered about at the table. Ahaban took a soft smell at the Prance brew roast in his tin cup. The aroma easing him sightly.


Abdullah Ismael and Sharif sat across from the other two pilots, (Nasir and Ahaban the two) .

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Gah!" I yelled out as I awoke in a sudden heart wrenching moment. I took a momen to catch my breath and observe my surroundings. I gave off a sigh as I remembered the comfortable cramped cockpit of Payload. yawning I felt around the cockpit for my rifle and helmet. Grasping the round object I placed it on my head, a satisfying click gave off as it locked into place. Slinging my rifle on my back I opened payload and left to go meet up with my new companions. Stretching my legs as I went along I tried my best not to think of how shitty of a situation I was in. Being a mercenary never made it easy for the other soldiers to trust me easily.

  • Brohoof 1
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Tech says, "It's okay. Have a good morning. I hope those two slept well."


He was speaking more to himself with that last sentence. Being a technician/Mechanic and a pilot Tech had always had to get up early. It was his way. To be honest, he seems more relaxed. Now that he wasn't constantly on the move or running from the two sides. He had a home and hopefully a way to help bring this war to a close.

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Wilhelm had not woken up easily. Last night, he had stayed up until the wee hours, reading and working in further improvements to his Kraber- for some reason, the hydraulics in his stabilizer hadn't been working, and neither was the experimental match trigger B3. As he had known for a long time, and as his old SE drill sergeant had beaten into him, a sniper is worthless if their gun doesn't work optimally, to say nothing about Wilhelm's jump pack, something else he was continually tinkering with. Last night, he had fallen asleep under the stars, book tented over his hooves.


However, this didn't exactly lead to comfort, and when Wilhelm woke up in the morning, his neck made an audible cracking noise. Eyes half-closed and glasses steadily sliding down his muzzle, he made his way downstairs, where he hoped to finally obtain some coffee. Stepping over the bodies of those ponies still sleeping and around those woken, he snapped off a half-thinking salute to Spitfire and grabbed the nearest cup of coffee, downing it in half a minute. Wiping his muzzle with the back of his hoof, he adjusted his glasses to a proper position, refilled his cup, and headed to the corner of the hangar where he kept some of the books he would read during the day, as opposed to the library he maintained upstairs. with, of course, one lonely telescope- Wilhelm wanted another, but apparently weapons were more important to buy than an expensive astronomical device.

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Tempest looked about the area from the upper floors of the hidden base, it was cold outside. He could feel the chill of morning air rushing down his back. He saw a pony wake up and decided to head down and break the silence filling the base. Tempest himself had been unable to sleep since missing the dropship, in fact he'd been completely unable to think clearly for the last two days, watching your best friend explode right in front of you would do that to you. As he flew down in near silence and landed close to the pony, in the times he'd seen him he'd had his head in a book or was messing about with his equipment.

@@Orion Caelum

"Hey, how's the morning treating you?" Tempest asking in an audible but not too loud statement. "I haven't met you properly yet and its just good to meet and greet new people."


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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The squad of stallions simply talked amongst each other in they haggle of breakfast, speaking in their native language. Only having been in with this resistance for the first one and half weeks their hidden concern being the whereabouts of their other fellow volunteers.


"Mulinwh almin tinhe alshie de suhger." Nasir complains a bit stirring his coffee.

(Coffee needs more sugar)

"Midek linfau almiz haun." Abdullah replies gently punching him.

(You have too much.)

"Quinal suinma suhger manha linhave ie men."

Sharif inputs finishing his cup.

(Our sugar supply is low anyway.)



((OOC: Background correction rather then being contractors as original they are now instead apart of a volunteer coalition of Arabian soldiers sent to assist the SOE)

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Dash opted to lay in bed a moment or two longer to let everything sink back in. She'd been stranded and left without a way of getting back home. You miss the dropship, and you may as well be dead. She refused to let that break her, though. Dash would get home one way or another.


At present,she had to work with Spitfire, her former rival and idol. Now... Well, Dash wasn't saying what Spitfire was to her. But it was something kinda special. She got up after a minute and wandered over to the bathroom, hoping a shower would help invigorate her a little.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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The others in the Area can still see tech working away on his riggs. He looks to be almost done. He then comes over to the other titan Pilots. "Anypony need a maitnence check? I have a few spare parts for repairs and some ammo that Titana can't use. Sense we are to be allies, no charge."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Just lightly hanging backwards his wings keeping him from touching the ground, Nasir looks at the pony mechanic.


"I could! Do you have hydraulic fluids? The leg hydraulics need some refreshing. Seems a bit sluggish." He carefully yet casually rolls off from his seat and onto his hooves.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Just lightly hanging backwards his wings keeping him from touching the ground, Nasir looks at the pony mechanic.


"I could! Do you have hydraulic fluids? The leg hydraulics need some refreshing. Seems a bit sluggish." He carefully yet casually rolls off from his seat and onto his hooves.

Tech nods. "I do. Titana's repair arm always needs it to maintain proper function. I really need to upgrade the darn thing. Better parts are needed though."


Tech heads back to his mobile Mechanic's shop. He comes back with a decent sized container on his back. "So....Where's the unit that needs fluid." He asks.

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Nasir leads on the mechanic towards his small titan, the a munchkin standing at about 12 feet tall. His and Aha'ban's being the smallest of the group. He taps at the large clyinder like compartment just above the pistoning rotor on one of the legs.


"It just opens up and you poor it in."

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Tech says, "I worked on the munchkins before. Heck I practically designed a version of them."


Tech does what he needs to and runs a full systems diagnostic. "You can never be too careful." Once he is done he gets down and says, "Hope ya don't mind. The targeting sights were off by a hair so I recalibrated them."

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"All while just filling hydraulics? " Nasir asked slightly perplexed by the needing of a recalibration (thinking he had already did that). Anyway he simply gave a nod.

"Alright much thanks." He gave his appreciation.



Ahaban stood from his seat returning to his own mech, he saw no harm in a recal. Perhaps he too needed hydraulic fluids. Munchkin class tend to use up most due to their high mobility.


Crawling into the bottom hatch he returns to the chassis greeted by the Arabic text of his console.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Spitfire would notice the door opening, smiling a little as the rainbow-maned, turquoise-coated mare entered. "Mornin' babe~" She chirped, turning the shower off and stepping out, her mane and coat soaked through. "Were you lookin' for the shower?"

She knew Dash had been through a lot, a shower was the least she needed. No doubt she was feeling much the same as she had years ago, lost and scared like a child in the night. But she knew Dash well, having been her rival for so long, and she knew that if Dash hated this war as much as she did, she'd get used to it quick enough. Once the war was over, they'd be able to rebuild Equestria together. But first, she had to put her plan into action...

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Tempest looked about the area from the upper floors of the hidden base, it was cold outside. He could feel the chill of morning air rushing down his back. He saw a pony wake up and decided to head down and break the silence filling the base. Tempest himself had been unable to sleep since missing the dropship, in fact he'd been completely unable to think clearly for the last two days, watching your best friend explode right in front of you would do that to you. As he flew down in near silence and landed close to the pony, in the times he'd seen him he'd had his head in a book or was messing about with his equipment.

@@Orion Caelum

"Hey, how's the morning treating you?" Tempest asking in an audible but not too loud statement. "I haven't met you properly yet and its just good to meet and greet new people."


Wilhelm started, hoof going for a gun that wasn't there out of instinct. When he saw who was behind him, he relaxed, dropping his hoof and matching his pace to Tempest's. "I believe my day is going well so far. Back still annoying, and I suppose it's not every day you have to pick sticks out of your mane, but it's better than having to hoof it in the wilderness after Area Eight." He shrugged slightly. "And I suppose it's good to meet you too. Not many people here I've seen; it's my first week here, and I've mostly spent it in my room."


He offered a slight smile. "How about you?" However, as Wilhelm said this, he noticed the bags under Tempest's eyes, the barely-healed wounds from a recent battle, perhaps from shrapnel, and the other pony's general state of grooming. "Perhaps not the best question to ask..."

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@Orion Caelum

Tempest nodded, "I guess you're right there. Wilhelm is it? Be honest, I look terrible don't I? I haven't been able to sleep or think properly since I've been here." He shook his head. "So, what side were you abandoned by?" He asked, shifting his armour uncomfortably to cover up some scrapes and gashes that the pony was staring at. Most of them had since healed over, medi-kits work wonders, but others still looked as fresh as the moment they were made. "I'm ex-NLR, I didn't have much choice anyway. Only thing I'm glad I took from that is the stealth training." He trailed off, "Even though that was forced too..." He looked over his equipement. "Where I'm meant to be sleeping theres a bunch of empty bottles, if you're up for it you could borrow my rifle and have some target practice." He asked Wilhelm, hoping to bring the talk away from his physical state. He knew he was a mess but was just not ready to calm down, his mind was still playing the same moment over and over again in his head.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash smiled as she saw Spitfire step out of the shower, heading over to the fiery-maned mare. "Hey Sweets. Yeah, I was hoping to catch a shower before getting to work today. You got anything planned?" She asked, giving Spitfire a little kiss on the cheek. She didn't want to tell her about the dream she'd had last night. About her life blurring together until death was all that was left, and even she fell to his embrace.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Begin simple system check." Ahaban spoke to the voice command.


Second of buffering the Arabic monotone voice replied.

"All check: Okay. Green status. Unit 1132. Command network link offline." Ahaban had agreed to have his and Nasir's transponder link disable. This would make them undetectable by the roster check by the SOE and his former volunteers. He sighed heavily at the last thought.


Being separated, he felt this terrible weight inside him. A sense of disgust that ultimately he was near title of being a traitor to his nation by failing to follow his orders.


But he owed his new leader his life. The SOE simply abandoning their coalition members was utterly disgraceful of them. Spitfire he felt would prove more loyalty.


"Battery charge capacity?" He asked.


"99 percent. Alternator working at 100%" the task manager. It wasn't an advanced AI like his fellow comrades. A simple.machine for report and management.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  • 4 weeks later...




"Well, I'll have to introduce you to the rest of the team before we do anything, but I do have a mission planned. Now that we have you on board, there's something I've been meaning to do..."
Spitfire wouldn't be surprised to hear that Dash too was plagued with nightmares. This war had taken the best out of those who realised just how much of a farce it was.


Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~
  • Brohoof 1

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash nodded. Being introduced to the team seemed like a reasonable step. She couldn't really expect them to follow somepony they didn't know. She wouldn't follow somepony she didn't know, either.


The last part caught Dash off guard. "What's that, Spitfire?" She asked, curious as to what exactly Spitfire intended to do now that Dash was on board.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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