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open Slice of Life/Free Roleplay

Lightning Roller

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All right everyone! here it is! Just please remember to post at least every other day, it keeps the RP rolling and lets everyone else have fun too!


OOC Link to apply: https://mlpforums.com/topic/132959-slice-of-lifefree-roleplay/#entry3932159

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Lightning let out a big yawn as he stretched his hooves and looked at the clock, "Awww man, is it really only 7 in the morning?" he groans a little and stretches his wings, "Guess its as good of a time as any to get the day started..." He yawns one more time before rolling out of bed onto his hooves. He reluctantly walks over to his closet and opens it up to grab his uniform, "At least the weather factory is getting ready for winter..." He says as he pulls on his coat, "Always makes for some good prank wars." Lightning makes his way down his stairs to the kitchen and pulls out a bowl, his choice cereal of cinnamon oat swirl, and a glass of milk, "Ahhh, the breakfast of champions." he says as he lets out a little chuckle. He enjoys his breakfast by the fire, watching the latest episode of power ponies before he takes his dishes to kitchen, washes, dries, and puts them away. "Time to go to work!" He says as he grabs his bags, locks the door, and takes off into the early daylight.

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My alarm awakes me and i quickly arise and unveil my latest creation for winter.. the snowball maker 250. "This will finally put me on the map" i say rolling it out to show ponyville its power i prepare to male and launch a snow bal from beyond sweet apple acres hitting the clock tower.

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Lightning lands swiftly in the garden square in front of the weather factory, "I can't wait to get sunrise back for that avalanche prank yesterday." He laughs lightly thinking about how to get his revenge. "Maybe a giant snowball... or perhaps I'll freeze the doorway with a thin coat of ice so clear he wont see it and WHAM!" Lightning snickers thinking about it.


"Hey lightning!" said a purple mare trotting towards the door.


"Hey Lily!" said lightning, smiling as he held the door open for her. "Today should be interesting, sunrise wont know what hit him!"


"You and your prank wars lightning, will you boys ever learn?" She laughs lightly as they walk to winter preparations room. "Good luck with whatever crazy thing your planning!" she says as she trotted toward the snowflake room.


"alright, time to get to work...." said lightning as he made his way to cloud construction.

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As Lyme opens his eyes, he slowly turns to look at his clock, "ugh.. 7:30? Im up early again". He staggers out of bed stretches his legs and wings. After finally getting himself downstairs he goes into town to see if any of his friends want to go out for the day. He knocked on 3 of his friends doors but all of them were busy and couldn't come out. "Well... looks like i'll have to entertain myself today!" Lyme says and he trots down the street. Usually he isn't this happy when it comes to being blown off by friends but this time he was strangely happy. As he plugs in his headphones, he makes way for sugarcube corner.

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As Sugarcube Corner makes its way into Lyme's vision a smile grew on his face, "This is gonna be awesome" he mutters to himself as he takes off his headphones. He gets to Sugarcube corner but instead of going through the door he slams into it and falls onto the floor. "Wha..?" The door didn't open. "They're not closed are they?" Lyme thought to himself. After trying the door again he decides he'd come back later. As Lyme turns and walks back through town the smile on his face got smaller, he was still smiling but there was a bit of disbelief on his face as he plugged his headphones back in.

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As lightning prepared the cloud production line for the day, he continued to ponder how he would get sunrise back for burying him in snow the previous day. "I've got it!" he said out loud, "I'll just adjust the direction of the snow dispenser and crank it up to 11." He chuckled to himself, "Its the perfect plan, almost fitting for yesterdays debacle." Lightning sat and waited for sunrise to walk through the doorway, his hoof hovering over the button. Not a moment later did a crash from behind lightning catch his attention and he turned to look at what had caused it, and while his back was turned, who should peek around the corner but sunrise himself. "Trying to beat me at my own game huh?" he whispered to himself while lightning was distracted, "lets see if I cant turn the tide in my favor..." sunrise pulled off his safety hat and plugged the dispenser tube with it and nonchalantly kicked the tube to point at lightning, while saying "Hey buddy, so hows the line coming along? Lightning didn't hesitate to push the button and the tube began to bulge from the hat blocking the tube. Lightning stared in disbelief as the tube continued to expand until it ruptured, firing a snowball the size of a house at lightning. He was too slow to dodge it and the snowball engulfed him, carrying him over the edge of cloudsdale directly towards ponyville. "Well I've heard of getting the cold shoulder, but this is ridiculous!" he said half screaming as the ground rushed toward him. The snowball impacted dead in front of ponyville's town hall with lightning sticking halfway out, quite clearly dazed as he shook the snow out his mane

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As Lyme walked through town he saw a giant white ball falling from Cloudsdale. The closer it got to the ground the more curious he got about why it falling so fast. As it went behind the buildings he contemplated going to check it out. He walked near town hall to see what was happening but stood back and watched for a while as events unfolded. "Well, i cant say I've seen this happen before" He thought to himself "hopefully nopony got hit by that thing" he said, and with that Lyme proceeded to walk passed the snow ball.

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Blaze has had a nice and easy morning. With dubstep. Blaze was walking through the kitchen, he made some cereal, and began to eat it. "Ahhh, what a glorious morning." He then checked the clock and sighed "Well looks like i'll have to munch down this cereal, if i want to practice for my concern tonight." Blaze ate all the cereal, he then proceeded to his room and put on his shades. Blaze went out his house, and towards the local club in ponyville. There would be no one in there, since the club was closed. But he had the key. He got in and started to play some electrostrep.

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"HI-YA!" Aerith had her sword in her hooves and was now swinging it at a target she had set up, causing it to get shredded up and feathers went flying everywhere.


Ace whistled in impressed-ment. "Nice one!" he cheered.


Aerith took a bow.


"But... said Ace. "Bet you can't beat me!"


He started to fly as fast as he could. Aerith dropped her sword and ran after him.

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Blaze was sweating after 3 hours of practicing. "Wow, that was intense" Said blaze while taking a sip of his strawberry smoothie. Blaze looked at the watch. I still have 4 hours till the concert, i bet that i can squeeze some sword training in Blaze got up, and went out the door. He began to trot towards the ponyville  barracks in hope of finding a duel partner

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Aurai yawned, rubbing her eyes with hey paws. Again she had fallen asleep while reading. She was laying on a stack of books. She slowly got up, yawning again. "Where did I end up last night?" Aurai questioned herself. She arrived so late last night she didn't even consider which town she was in. She went to sleep almost immediately.


She hopped out of her cart and looked around. "Ponyville" she said reading the sign. "Alright, now it's time for breakfast...or lunch. Whatever time it is." She said mumbling to herself.

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Lightning began to look around as a crowd of ponies gathered around the mess that was his prank. "Well that certainly didn't go as planned....." he said while pushing himself out the now-melting snow. He looked around at everypony, shook himself off, then said as nonchalantly as he could, "It's nothing to worry about everypony, just a slight mishap over in the snow production plant. Everything should be under control within the next few minutes." He ran a hoof through his mane to straighten it out and began flexing his wings, looking towards cloudsdale.

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Aurai saw a croud of ponies gather around a gigant snowball. She stepped abit closer to see what was going on. A strange pegasus in a weatherfactory uniform was talking. "Why do strange things always seem to happen when I visit ponyville?" She asked herself. Her stomach growled. She asked for direction for the nearest dinner and then started walking again.

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Lightning began to look around as a crowd of ponies gathered around the mess that was his prank. "Well that certainly didn't go as planned....." he said while pushing himself out the now-melting snow. He looked around at everypony, shook himself off, then said as nonchalantly as he could, "It's nothing to worry about everypony, just a slight mishap over in the snow production plant. Everything should be under control within the next few minutes." He ran a hoof through his mane to straighten it out and began flexing his wings, looking towards cloudsdale.


On his way to sharpen his swords pony skills, Blaze noticed a giant snowball and a huge load of ponies. What in the world... He spread his wings, and flew up towards the mess. As he flew over everything he noticed a pegasus who looked very worried Must be the one who is behind this Blaze landed in front of him, and turned towards the crowd "Alright every pony the guard will take over from here." The ponies began to protest but went away anyways. Blaze turned around to the pony. "What the tartarus happened here?" Asked a very curious Blaze

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Aurai walked into a small lunch café. There weren't many customers, in fact she was the only one around except for the staff. The smell of fresh baked bread made her only more hungry. She sat down at a table by the window and ordered some bread and other things. She wondered why there was no one around. The food was delicious. She looked out the window, looking at everypony and what they were doing.

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"I.. am so hungry" Lyme says to himself. He contemplates whether he should go into the marketplace to get something of just visit the cafe, in the end he chooses the cafe. As he sits at a table the he starts to think of what else he should do, " Ponyville's boring, The Everfree Forest is dangerous, and no monster or creature has attacked in ages...", he doesn't realise the waiter standing next to him waiting for him to order. The waiter finally coughs, grabbing Lyme's attention. "Oh, sorry! I was in a world of my own it seems" He says "Could i just get a sandwich please? I'll let you surprise with what's in it." 

"Certainly" The waiter says, "Would you like a side of monster attack as entertainment?"

"Oh no thank you" Lyme chuckles a little, "They terrify me, it's just today's been so boring"

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@@Lyme Soundstick,


Aurai saw someone walk in. She overheard the conversation between him and the waiter. She usually isn't the type to walk up to others but this time she felt like it. "Goodmorning" Aurai greeted with a smile. "The monsters do seem to favor ponyville." Aurai said with a chuckle. "Mind if I sit down?"

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"Uh, sure go right ahead" Lyme says. Not being great around ponies he doesn't know, Lyme was a bit unsure of what to say but decided to go for what seemed like the obvious thing to ask, or at least obvious to him. "So, what's your name? Mine's Lyme, well Lyme Soundstick"

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Ace and Aerith had stopped for a while to just chill. Well, "chill"ing would be much easier because of the giant snowball incident that had taken place.


Ace started to build a snowpony. He happened to make it rather over-the-top, piling accessories onto it.

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(She's a griffon, not a pony)


@@Lyme Soundstick,


'My name is Aurai, I don't have a last name.' She said with a shy smile. 'Oh dear, why am I doing this? I'm not good with talking' she thought to herself. 'I'm here in to town for just a couple of days, maybe a week since I travel a lot.' She said while the waiter brought her order. 'How about you?'

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"I live here, around the outskirts of the town" Lyme said. "It's quite an interesting place when things actually happen. It can range from a day where it becomes the Chaos Capital of the world or a tsunami of small adorable sprixies eating almost the whole town to a nice quiet time in the park with friends, never know what you're gonna get." He pauses as his food arrives, takes a bite "So you travell? Do you get bored of places or just like a change?"

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@@Lyme Soundstick,


"I've noticed the strange things happen around here. They always seem to happen when I'm in town." Aurai said with a small smile, feeling a bit less shy.


"I just like to travel and learn a lot about cultures and such. I'm also looking for a place that feels like home. I've never really had a home." She said with a bit of sadness. She quickly changed the subject. Not wanting the conversation to be a sad one "so what do you around here?" She asked Lyme as she took a bite of her food.

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"Well to be honest with you, nothing, i'm just that pony who's around to talk to everypony" Lyme says, "I'm all over the place but recently everyone's been busy so I haven't done anything , last thing I did of any interest was go bowling with Royal Riff..." Lyme continues to slowly eat.

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@@Lyme Soundstick,


Aurai took a few more bites, finishing her piece of bread. "I see, well talking with friends is not nothing in my opinion. I would give anything to talk to my old friends again." She said as she ate the last of her food.


She then hesitated. She did not want to leave yet but she had to do some business. "Sadly I have somewhere else to go. It was very nice talking to you Lyme, I hope to see you around again. I'm probably in town for a few more days."

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