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Lightning Roller

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Lightning looks up from the brew that he had been swirling with his hoof and watches the green stallion from last night approach and introduce himself. Lightning returns the stallions smile, "Nice to meet you Lyme, my name is Lightning Roller. It would seem that we are just missing blaze for now." lightning takes a sip of his coffee and continues, "I expect that he'll be here shortly, in the mean time, your welcome to join me." he motions his hoof to the open chairs at the table.

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Lightning looks up from the brew that he had been swirling with his hoof and watches the green stallion from last night approach and introduce himself. Lightning returns the stallions smile, "Nice to meet you Lyme, my name is Lightning Roller. It would seem that we are just missing blaze for now." lightning takes a sip of his coffee and continues, "I expect that he'll be here shortly, in the mean time, your welcome to join me." he motions his hoof to the open chairs at the table.


Blaze was sprinting through the town. "Why do i live so far away? And why does this armor weight som much?" Said Blaze while panting. He dodged some incoming carts, and other buisness ponies. "Excuse me!" Shouted Blaze. He burst throught the doors of Sugar cube corner panting heavily

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he motions his hoof to the open chairs at the table




He burst throught the doors of Sugar cube corner panting heavily


As Lyme went to take a seat he heard the doors behind him slam open.  He turns to see a red stallion flying through the doors"I take it that's Blaze? Since he looks like the other stallion from last night?" Lyme asks Lightning, "He seems.. prepared to say the least."

Edited by Lyme Soundstick
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From the train station, go straight, left, keep going until you get to Sugarcube Corner, then turn right.  Should be the house with the bonsai plant. I should have the key.  Fantasy Moon opened up a pocket in her saddlebags to confirm that she does indeed have the key.  She made her way on her path, exchanging a few brief "hello"s with ponies who recognized her face and cutie mark, trotting along at a quick pace before they could reminisce about old times.  There was no reason to hurry, but no reason to stop and talk either.




As she went by Sugarcube Corner, she nearly collided with a red stallion who just bursted through the door.  What in Celestia's name?!  She just stood at the open doors, dumbfounded, before she got moving again, not realizing she dropped one of her sets of image cards.  They are old-worn saddlebags she has that require a patch-up.

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Lightning nearly jumps out of his chair when the armor clad pony burst into sugarcube corner, causing him to spill some of his hot coffee onto his lap. "YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!" He takes into the air without thinking and smacks his head into the ceiling, falling back to the floor with an audible THUD. Lightning lays on the ground, his saddlebags off to one side, rubbing his head. "Uuuugghhhh.... note to self... don't have coffee when your expecting a former guard member...." He continues to lay on the floor letting out audible groans. "Does somepony have an ice pack?" He asks openly. "No problem! I've got one in the freezer, be right back!" The pink mare bounces out of sight and returns moments later holding an ice pack wrapped in a dish towel, "Here! this should fix you right up!" She giggles before bouncing back behind the counter, waiting for the next customer. "Thanks..." He says groggily, Lightning takes the ice pack and sets it on top of his head and relaxes on the floor as the cooling pack numbed his aching head.

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@@Lightning Roller


Fantasy stopped again when she heard a loud shout.  When she didn't hear anymore screaming or seeing running or any other signs of distress, she continued past Sugarcube Corner.  I shouldn't be loitering here.  She glanced though the window at the pink pony at the counter as she passed.  The last thing I need is a Welcome Back party.

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Travel saw the pink pony known as pinkie pie walk to the counter with a cake. "Your cake is ready!" She said with a smile. "Thank you....Pinkie? Yeah its Pinkie." He takes his cake and walks home with it, he opens his door and a blast of confetti and loud music hit him.

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At last, Fantasy Moon came to her parents' house.  They said that something delayed them, so she got to have the house to herself for a few days.  The scent of the kitchen garden brought her nostalgia as she took out her keys to unlock the door.  However, her parents didn't tell any pony that their daughter would be coming and she hadn't been seen in Ponyville for a while, so anypony the least bit familiar with the family could mistake her for trying to break in.

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Lightning looked up to lyme, "Well it looks like the gang is all here..." He said half groggily as he attempted to stand up. He succeeds in getting himself into a sitting position on the floor and motions to blaze, "Over here man! Come grab a seat and try not to scare anypony else on your way over here." He lets out a half-hearted laugh and re-adjusts the ice pack as he waits for blaze to join them.

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When she blasted him with the music it knocked his fez off through a window, he read a banner up there that said "welcome to ponyville", he realized his hat was gone and frantically searched for it. "Oh no this is bad, no no no no no! The party is great but this is bad!" He finds its down in the middle of the concrete, he jumps out of the window a d flies towards the hat and grabs it, he put his hat back on and flies back up to the party through the window. "Alright...*heavy breathing* thanks for the party." He walks in to his room in the apartment. "Gee i never had this happen before, this is so kind." Pinkie: "I throw parties for all my new freinds!"

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Thrillseeker took his time eating his doughnut and drinking his coffee even as the pink pony came back with Travel's cake. I wonder what she's going to do next, he thought as he rose to put the mug away. Just like that, he heard a commotion from outside Sugarcube corner. He shrugged and trotted outside to see confetti down one of the blocks. He rolled his eyes and flew over to the source of the party.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Blaze picks himself of the ground, and dusted off his armor. "Terribly sorry about that, i totally forgot how far away my house really is." He sighed and took a seat. "A banana milkshake please" Said Blaze. "Okie dokie lokie" replied the optimistic pink mare, she dashed off and came back with a milkshake in 2 seconds "Wow new record pinkie!" Said Blaze with amusement. "Yes!" shouted Pinkie and dashed off again. He then turned around to everyone "Alright what's the plan?" Asked Blaze

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Blaze picks himself of the ground, and dusted off his armor. "Terribly sorry about that, i totally forgot how far away my house really is." He sighed and took a seat. "A banana milkshake please" Said Blaze. "Okie dokie lokie" replied the optimistic pink mare, she dashed off and came back with a milkshake in 2 seconds "Wow new record pinkie!" Said Blaze with amusement. "Yes!" shouted Pinkie and dashed off again. He then turned around to everyone "Alright what's the plan?" Asked Blaze

Once Blaze's milkshake arrives Lyme stares in disbelief at the pink mare then at Blaze "Umm.. I'm not sure if I'm honest" Lyme looks to Lighting "I think were just going to check on the tree of harmony?" Lyme then looks out a window thinking what the day had in store for him.

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Lightning looks at the two stallions, "Checking on the tree sounds like a good start, perhaps we could stop by that zebra's shack on the way there." He looks to the others for assurance, "I mean... she might know something seeing as she is living in the middle of it." He leans to one side and attempts to push himself onto his hooves, the ice pack falls off in the process. "Man.. I should really think before I take off.." He successfully gets up, grabs the ice pack, and makes his way back to his chair, his half spilt drink waits for him on the table. "What do you guys think?"

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"What do you guys think?"


"Dude is your head gonna be okay? Anyway,that sounds like the better thing to do"  Lyme says "I guess it makes sense to ask the one that lives in the middle of the forest about whats going on there, but do either of you know where her shack is? Cause I sure don't". Lyme sighs.

Edited by Lyme Soundstick
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Lightning looks at lyme, "I'll be fine." He lets out a half-hearted laugh, "I took a giant snowball to the face and fell to ponyville IN it, I think I can handle a blow to the head." He laughs again. He looks to both blaze and lyme, "As for that zebra's shack, I have no clue where it's at." He looks at blaze, "Do you by chance know where its at?"

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Thrillseeker caught wind of where the party was when he noticed another pegasus flying down to retrieve his hat, then back up to his apartment. Feeling curious, he flew up to the window to where he saw the pink pony once again. He lowered himself out of her sight, not wanting to invite himself. "The last thing I need is for her to know where I'm staying," Thrillseeker told himself. "Just so she can throw me a party too."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Now, most ponies would think it'd be creepy to have a completely random stranger throw you a party, nevertheless figuring out how to get inside somepony elses apartment, but Travel has been far and wide and never turned down a kind gesture, that and he likes cake. "WOOOHOOO PARTY!" He goes into the room and loud music starts playing. "CONGA!" Everypony starts to form a conga line.

Edited by That pony
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Blaze thinks for a bit. Then shakes his head, "No, i have heard about Zecora from Canterlot, she is supposed to be able to do real cool stuff" Said Blaze while downing the whole milkshake. He then stood up. "We could ask the element of harmony bears, they probably know were she lives, with them being friends with the zebra and all" Said Blaze

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Lightning looks at blaze, "Well most of them are probably busy right now, I'm sure that somepony here in ponyville must know. Could always try asking the local herbalist shop seeing as that's where the zebra would most likely go." He finishes off what's left of his coffee, a slight look of disappointment in his eyes, "Shall we be on our way?"  He looks at the two stallions, raising an eyebrow.

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Lightning looks at blaze, "Well most of them are probably busy right now, I'm sure that somepony here in ponyville must know. Could always try asking the local herbalist shop seeing as that's where the zebra would most likely go." He finishes off what's left of his coffee, a slight look of disappointment in his eyes, "Shall we be on our way?" He looks at the two stallions, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm ready when you guys are" Lyme says with a bit if excitment in His voice. He stands up and starts making his way to the door, then stops and quickly buys a small muffin, he eats it as quick as he can then looks back at the stallions, "okay, now I'm ready" he says while chuckling.

Edited by Lyme Soundstick
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Lightning gets up and takes his cup over to the trash, stretching his aching limbs as he does so. He makes his way over to the door next to lyme and looks back at blaze, "I'm ready to go if you are man, but does anyone know where the herbalist is?" He laughs lightly, "I don't spend very much time here if you can tell..." Lightning looks back at the table and realizes his bags are still sitting on the floor, he quickly makes his way back over and grabs them, throwing the satchels over his back as he makes his way back to the door.

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Suddenly the music changes to dubstep, and a blue pony mane'd pony was at a dj table, appearing to be the source of the music change, everypony is dancing to the beat, Travel wasn't really dancing at all, he was a tad bit shy when it came to things like dancing and singing, or for short, he has stage fright. So he grabs a cup of what appears to be punch, but upon tasting he realized it wasn't punch, it was alcohol and he drink the whole cup. He felt a bit dizy but tried to focus. He setted down his cup and stayed there listening to the music.

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Thrillseeker thought about flying away when he heard the upbeat music coming from the stallion's apartment. He looked inside to see the DJ booth an a white unicorn with a spiky mane working the turntable. "Guess I can afford to spare some time for just one party," he said to himself. He approached the window to see Travel stumbling around after drinking what looked like spiked punch. "This party's even better than I hoped," he said, flying inside and taking a glass of "punch" for himself.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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(OOC - For everyone currently in ponyville, Yelling can be heard in the distance with the word "Timberwolves" being cried out by multiple ponies, for anyone on the edge of town nearest the everfree forest, an unusually high number of rocks can be seen in the tree line. As the wolves sprint through town, they don't seem to give any notice to ponies and are just trying to get away from the forest, plowing over anything that's in their way.)

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