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general questions Rank OCD

Brony Mata
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This is going to sound stupid, but I want to rank up, fast. First because I just want to "level up". Second, I look like newbie with the muffin rank.

Now my question... is there a way to rank up by just posting and replying to your own topic. No one has to see me spamming it to rank up, it's just my own private area to grind ranks, and when I'm done i can just delete the thread. If there isn't a forum section for this I was going to ask if this would work.

  • Brohoof 2
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This is going to sound stupid, but I want to rank up, fast. First because I just want to "level up". Second, I look like newbie with the muffin rank.

Now my question... is there a way to rank up by just posting and replying to your own topic. No one has to see me spamming it to rank up, it's just my own private area to grind ranks, and when I'm done i can just delete the thread. If there isn't a forum section for this I was going to ask if this would work.


If anyone is ragging on you because you are a 'newbie' and a 'muffin', then let the staff know about it.


The fastest way to rank up? Make posts- and good posts, too, that won't get hidden/deleted by the staff. You shouldn't need to grind up for rank, this isn't one of those places- that badge under your username means absolutely nothing for you at all in the long term. They give you no benefits whatsoever other than a little symbol. We do have a 'testing forum' you can use to test out commands and stuff, but we probably aren't going to do anything like this anytime soon- it's just too... well, pointless.

  • Brohoof 4
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Yeah, preeeeetty sure that's a big no-no. :P


The best way to rank up is to go out and INTERACT with people. It's cool having a high rank, but it is a pointless "achievement" if you got it by spamming a hidden thread.

  • Brohoof 5
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The short answer is "No", but let's go in detail first.


The first thing is that nobody looks like a newbie because of the aspect of one's badge. I've seen a lot of old users with low rank badges, and nobody judges a person because of something as simple as a badge. The purpose of the badges is to act as milestones of how much do you contribute to the forums, in terms of posts on places where posts do count, thus making its purpose merely visual (but you still need a minimum of 40 posts to access certain zones of the forums, but this is made to keep trolls from accessing to certain sections, more specifically the Life Advice section.)


The second thing, and the answer to your question is no. Allowing things like that would not only create an unnecesary ammount of spam(along with the fact that you can't make "consecutive posts" per say, as they will be combined with your post if it was the last, unless a period of time has passed), it would also defeat completely the purpose of the badge system. And one last thing, nobody will think more of you only because you have a higher rank. This is a place whose objective is discussion mainly, but you can also make friends and meet new people, something that with spam posting you won't obtain. Prove yourself and make quality posts to be noticed and then you won't look "like a newbie".


In resume, what you suggest won't be made, and you need to understand that the people's opinions don't change because of your badge (except with Moderator/Administrator badges, of course... x: ), so go outside, and try to interact with more people and make yourself a place here. Also, a late welcome to MLP Forums! <3

  • Brohoof 7
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yeah... i said it was going to sound stupid.... its a completionist thing




you can't make "consecutive posts" per say, as they will be combined with your post if it was the last

did not think about that


i know,,, the ranks are just for looks

Edited by Brony Mata
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This has been sufficiently answered. Post inflation is discouraged in almost every forum I've been to. Badges come in time. As far as completionist, the vast majority will never have every badge. We have special badges for events (Making Christmas Merrier had two specialty badges) and BABSCon attendees got a badge for three months. Heck, if you are on staff you don't get a specialty badge so you can actually post straight through never seeing one of the normal badges.


Anyway. I'll close this one out

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