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open Dungeon Nightmares II


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Search Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/134249-dungeon-nightmares-ii/




One day, a terrible curse comes upon Equestria and all other fictionlands. That's a curse that no one knows about, but everyone knows that if someone falls asleep, he/she is transported to a horrible nightmare, where you can hear alarm clock sounds and then when you wake up, you find yourself in a hotel room. When you open the door, you see a creepy hallway of the hotel, with the elevator in the end of the hallway, and with all locked doors. If you want to get out from there, you'll have to find the keys of all doors of the hotel and unlock them all. The keys can only be found when taking the elevator and getting down deep into the depths of Dungeon Nightmares. You find yourself into a dark dungeon, with only a function to spark a light for 0.2 seconds (that's pretty creepy). There are lots of adventures you're gonna face, if you dared to enter that place. You'll find different items, jumpscares, minions, and some stuff on tables and walls. Each post you read on your way, you can moderate the time and the script in it and make a story out of that puzzle, the story about the origin of that place. Good luck with all that, and i hope you sleep well after unlocking all the doors. And of course, i won't forget to mention about the hotel rooms that are with jumpscares too.




Supported Characters

Everyone, including every single official and OC fictional characters.





  • Don't break the story, parodies are restricted.
  • Don't spam, vandalise, flame and insult.
  • Well, I allow swearing, but if MLP Forums does not, then listen to them.
  • Make sure you use the features and functions of the story. But you can still use your character's powers and abilities, but pls moderate them so it won't end up in a disaster (Ex. casting a spell and nightmare is gone, and we live happily ever after). Make sure the effect of the story doesn't wear off.
Edited by Auditormadness9
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  • 4 months later...


3 days its been sence the curse had been put on the land, the ponys that were awake to see it in others had mostly been trying not to follow sleep. Cresent the bat pony, who lived in his treehouse in the everfree forrest was having no such luck at the being awake bit. Being nocturnal was hard being awake during day. Then again his day was everyponys night, that was his first problem with the curse. Staying awake, yet even batponys need sleep and on the morning of the 4th day, cresents longest nightmare he will ever have began. 


Cresent found himself in a hotel hallway "bite me sideways, well lets see what we can do" he said to himself. He tried trotting down the stairs, yet he would find himself in another hallway the same as he started before. He tried trotting up the stairs and yet the same result happened. The bat pony growled then stepping into the hallway, "fine then if it wants it that way ill play"


The batpony knocked on one of the doors to have it open up with a loud sqeeeeeeeeek sound having him step back from the door, feeling something watch him he turned to see. The hallway wall opposite him, he laughed trying to calm himself. "relax cres it should be that hard to bra-" he was interrupted when the door he opened seemed to push him inside the room with a surprising and sudden force.  


"cresssssent"  a sick sounding voice said as he went in


The bat pony couldn't see the voice as he got up the room immediately went into a blinding white light forcing the bats eyes closed for protection.

Edited by cwhip9
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3 days its been sence the curse had been put on the land, the ponys that were awake to see it in others had mostly been trying not to follow sleep. Cresent the bat pony, who lived in his treehouse in the everfree forrest was having no such luck at the being awake bit. Being nocturnal was hard being awake during day. Then again his day was everyponys night, that was his first problem with the curse. Staying awake, yet even batponys need sleep and on the morning of the 4th day, cresents longest nightmare he will ever have began. 


Cresent found himself in a hotel hallway "bite me sideways, well lets see what we can do" he said to himself. He tried trotting down the stairs, yet he would find himself in another hallway the same as he started before. He tried trotting up the stairs and yet the same result happened. The bat pony growled then stepping into the hallway, "fine then if it wants it that way ill play"


The batpony knocked on one of the doors to have it open up with a loud sqeeeeeeeeek sound having him step back from the door, feeling something watch him he turned to see. The hallway wall opposite him, he laughed trying to calm himself. "relax cres it should be that hard to bra-" he was interrupted when the door he opened seemed to push him inside the room with a surprising and sudden force.  


"cresssssent"  a sick sounding voice said as he went in


The bat pony couldn't see the voice as he got up the room immediately went into a blinding white light forcing the bats eyes closed for protection.

The lights suddenly start to wobble, making everything even scarier. And suddenly an elevator appears for you to go in and go deeper into the basement floor. You enter the elevator, close it, but it doesn't go down. A sound plays from the elevator, meaning it got stuck, and when it opens the door, someone is coming for you. He/she is very tall, just like slenderman but x10 scarier, and makes very scary noises. Suddenly, one light explodes, resulting in a darkness. When it comes very close to you, the elevator closes and takes you down deeper into the basement...


When so, you wake up from the horror and see that it's night in Equestria, and you're a bit happier that you're in Equestria again, but it feels that everypony yelling from their homes as well as grunt. Something is not right, and we better talk to the Mayor Mare to see what happened.


"It appears that some strong curse came up Equestria and I see everyone is having the same nightmare. We all have to calm down and find either the Princesses or the Mane Six. Or even everyone together!" - Mayor Mare

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Manehatten, Day 4



White had been working on a case for the past three days it had taken her miles from her mare friend and she was finally ready to return. She walked home noticing that the lights were off confused her it was still early. Was Sparkle going to sleep early? Probably knowing her. White walked upstairs not caring about the layer of dust on everything Sparkle was a lazy mare after all. She opened the door and walked over to the bed. She lay down in the bed and rested her head on Sparkles mane. It was soft a silky she had probably just washed it. Eventually sleep over came her and she willingly accepted it.


White awoke hearing her alarm clock ringing. She looked up Sparkle was still there but still asleep. Then White realised this room wasn't her own. She opened the door and looked out to see several black shadows coming towards her.when they got about three centimetres away they disappeared revealing a corridor. Doors rattled in turn as a note blew down the hall. "Don't leave me..." It said with Sparkles hoof writing. White saluted and left the room doors on either side saying. "No" and "please don't leave." Until one in a deep male voice said "FINE!" Making all the doors rattle in succession before dropping White down a trap door.

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Indus Moonquill jolted awake with a gasp, panting and feeling a cold sweat on his forehead. His heart was racing from a horrible nightmare that had flashed itself out of his memory upon waking. He cursed himself internally for falling asleep at his office desk, knowing full well what would happen.


Damned curses, he thought as he blinked drowsily, It seems Equestria can't go a month without one.


The unicorn blinked as he realised something; he was sitting upright last he remembered, so why was he laying on...what felt like a bed?


Sitting up and taking a look at his surroundings, he found himself sitting inside a strange room, resembling that of a hotel suite.

How in Tartarus did I get here?


He got off the bed and shook himself to gather his thoughts, fixing his mane and walking to the door, opening it with his magic.

Outside the room was a long hallway, each wall lined with doors, and an elevator door opposite to him.


Ah, that's convenient.


He began a casual walk to the elevator, not thinking to check the doors passing by him. He figured they were simply other hotel rooms, not worth investigating.

His head dipped down as thoughts raced through his head. How did I get here? Did somepony bring me here? Is this some kind of prank?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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  • 5 weeks later...

As the bat pony got done talking to the mare he raked his brain for any possible idea's of how to make sense of this whole thing but still nothing came up. Did it have to do with the Luna and the moon perhaps? As cresent looked up he saw the moon was in its usual form with the imprint of the night mother on it. Still he had to find an answer, he then decided to maybe to start with the mane 6, he kept on hearing about over and over again....but where to find them. And are any of them nocturnals by nature already?


He found himself sitting on a bench as he herd some of the other ponys react to their own nightmares, their had to be a answers in one way or another in the relm of the wake. He then thought of visiting his old riend Zaccora wondering if she could help, "its better then nothing" he said out loud. Spreading his wings he made his way to the forrest, "come on Z you got to have something"


Sadly 10 min later he found himself lost in the forrest he called home, it rarely happed but his lack of proper sleep he was finding was effecting more then just hunger. He soon fell asleep again resting on a tree branch....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Manehatten, Day 5  


Golden Star was called a night owl, party pony, and many, many, many other things ponies had asked her how she could stay up so long and she just shrugged. Honestly she had no idea, sometimes she would feel tired other times not. After not sleeping for almost 6 days, she was starting to feel sleep deprived. Deciding to break her streak she when to her bed and fell asleep.


Hearing an alarm clock Golden Star awoken with a start. "I never set my alarm clock" she thought. As she looked around her room, she realized that this wasn't her room at all! "How did I get into a hotel" she wondered "It's probably Shimmer Spell trying to prank me." Golden Star sighed. She was definitely going to get her back. "But how?" she thought "Ugh, I'll figure it out when I get home" she said to herself. Opening the door, she felt a little nervous it was quiet, too quiet. "No, No, No! Shimmer is probably trying to freak me out." she thought. Looking around the long hallway she saw stairs on one end and a elevator on the other. "Hmm, the elevator could be rigged." she thought  "Better take the stairs." Turning she walked towards the stairs and then tripped on something, her necklace flying off and sliding under a hotel room door "NO!" she cried running over to the door the necklace slid under. Knocking on the door she bravely said "Hello? Is anyone in there?" No answer came but the door opened slightly far enough where Golden sun could see the necklace. She took a breath and then opened the door and went into the room.  

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  • 1 month later...

As the nightmares started to spread more and more, the news even spreaded through the princesses, the mane six, the villains, and athe whole civilization of Equestria. Ponies start to panic, while the Mane Six and the Princesses are figuring out what's going on. Soon, the Mane Six appointed a meeting at night and all of Equestria must be present at Rainbow Friendship Kingdom Castle. During the night Twilight and the other mane 5 had various speeches, as well as the princesses, villains, and other Equestrian civilians ( including ponies, zebras, bat ponies, changelings, crystal ponies, sea ponies and very more...) who had interest in the topic for a speech. Soon, they planned to get Princess Luna into casting a spell where everyone can appear in the same dream (S5E13 refrence) and find out what the hey is happening!


Now, whoever from the OCs have a wish to get on stage and perform a speech, every single one is welcomed to.


Note: you can change the plan about that S5E13 refrenced spell anytime you want, it was just my decision and vote.

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He was in the hallway again, looking nervously around he slammed a hoof on the ground in frustration "AGIAN?! GAH!" he was getting sick of it all with the lack of answer's.


"ok this time maybe I could find somepony else in here" he trotted down the hallway for what felt like a while. He wondered if he was in reality....if it was such a thing in this....it wasn't a nightmare pure say.....this...he decided to call it a "thing" until he met sompony who had a better clue.


"am I standing still or not in this thing" he thought outloud. the doors all looked the same and the stair case ahead of him and behind him was also the same.


What made his annoyance go to curiosity was and odd sound of laughter being herd. It reminded him of a foals laughter, "hello?" he asked looking around.


He still saw the same hallway, "play time is over jr....anypony there?" he asked turning left and right.


Still seeing nothing new, Cresent shook his head, "keep it together cres" he said to himself.


The foals laughter keept going making cresent more on edge then a door seemed to bust open making him jump seeing a foal run full speed into the wall opisit the door. Before cresents eyes the young foal hit the wall and shattered into pices like broken glass. Cresent stared wide eyed trying to work out what just happened. He didn't notice the walls seeming to melt like an painting would, what he did notice was hearing a scream sounding from a foal making him jump before being cut off by a loud slam of some sort....Cresent began to gallop further down the hall saying to himself.


"this isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real cres c'mon wake up!"

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He was in the hallway again, looking nervously around he slammed a hoof on the ground in frustration "AGIAN?! GAH!" he was getting sick of it all with the lack of answer's.


"ok this time maybe I could find somepony else in here" he trotted down the hallway for what felt like a while. He wondered if he was in reality....if it was such a thing in this....it wasn't a nightmare pure say.....this...he decided to call it a "thing" until he met sompony who had a better clue.


"am I standing still or not in this thing" he thought outloud. the doors all looked the same and the stair case ahead of him and behind him was also the same.


What made his annoyance go to curiosity was and odd sound of laughter being herd. It reminded him of a foals laughter, "hello?" he asked looking around.


He still saw the same hallway, "play time is over jr....anypony there?" he asked turning left and right.


Still seeing nothing new, Cresent shook his head, "keep it together cres" he said to himself.


The foals laughter keept going making cresent more on edge then a door seemed to bust open making him jump seeing a foal run full speed into the wall opisit the door. Before cresents eyes the young foal hit the wall and shattered into pices like broken glass. Cresent stared wide eyed trying to work out what just happened. He didn't notice the walls seeming to melt like an painting would, what he did notice was hearing a scream sounding from a foal making him jump before being cut off by a loud slam of some sort....Cresent began to gallop further down the hall saying to himself.


"this isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real cres c'mon wake up!"


a trapdoor in the ceiling opened up and White fell from it and straight down onto Cresent's back "where the heck am I now?" White thought aloud standing up not realising she had practically crushed Cresent with the immense amount of force she had acquired from the fall to the ground... well Cresent's back. The trap door slammed shut behind White she looked up as the loud bang echoed around the two of them. White noticed the melting wall and moved towards it before being deterred by two ominous red eyes staring at her from the room directly opposite her. White moved backwards cautiously but with every step she took the eyes getting closer. she took  one final step before a massive creature jumped out and ran towards her its massive triangular bloodstained teeth on show as it jumped up towards White's head passing through her like a ghost. White looked around for the creature before collapsing against the wall and crying her eyes out in fear of what else this hotel of nightmares held. 

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Soon, the Mane Six found out what and why is happening here, and reported first to the princesses. Then Mayor Mare ordered the Foal Free Press (S2E23) to start working on the latest news. When the magazines were released, ponies read the following:


                                         FOUND OUT WHO IS AFTER THIS NIGHTMARE!
Our heroes: "The Mane Six", figured out who is the one that is after this nightmare thing! We'd like to perform the sentence the direct way.
Here's the sentence that the Mane Six told us after discovering further:
"It appears that some sort of  a faction...a cult is after this all nightmare stuff. They casted a spell on Equestria that no one even felt, not even us, and that spell contained a powerfull curse, which will make all the local ponies suffer, that means all of Equestrian civiliazation. We are still onto finding a cure, as we are on our way to Zecora's hut, where she can explain us further and give us a cure. After that we need to concentrate on that force, known as the "Mythic Dawn". The cult seems to be strong, and they praise to some sort of a god, named "Mehrunes Dagon". We must investigate further on them later, but first, we need to find a cure to create ourselves a powerful resistance to their spell.
- Your Princess, Twilight Sparkle"
Here is the poster I made.
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Indus continued walking down the hall, which seemed like it went on forever. The elevator doors seemed to not budge from their place in his vision.


What kind of spell is this?


One of the framed pictures on the wall caught his eye. A rather masterfully painted portrait of a purple coated alicorn with a blue mane, wearing a proud and confident expression. A crown sat on her head, which the professor recognised as the Element of Magic.

The plate on the frame read, 'The Beloved Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle'.


A snort escaped the stallion as he looked at it for a few moments, and he walked on.


Another portrait he passed was a photograph. A rather old and graded one at that, which depicted a group of colts and fillies sitting proud, with an older mare sitting in the back.

The frame read, "Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Graduation Class of ----'. The year seemed to have worn away with age.


Out of sheer curiosity, he leaned in to have a look, and his eyes widened as he recognised some of the faces.


Minuette, Moon Dancer, Lyra Heartstrings, Twinkleshine, and--


A young unicorn mare, in the exact colours as the alicorn in the painting, was sat in the front.




Another quick scan, and on the far right sat a young, navy blue unicorn stallion. With the same black mane as the professor.


There I am.


He shook his head and walked on, trying to make sense of it.


A portrait of Princess Twilight, and my old school photo... why would they be in a hotel? And what do they have to do with all this...?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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  • 2 months later...

Even doctor whooves couldnt escape sleeping when awoken he was in a dark room probbaly a dungeon he sees a light but it goes out quickly


Where am i? he says wheres derpy? ANYONE!? He yells in fear...SILENCE... then he hears something. his worst nightmare.




A dark blue light glowed.


WHAT! but that is impossible the doctor said in fear..EXTERMINATE! the doctor thought for a second and he said wait... he pulled out his sonic screw driver and hypnotized the nightmarish dalek. He chuckled at the site of the dalek your green and blue?




He turned on his sonic screw driver and looked around wheres that key he thought to himself. 

SUDDENLY... a key appears on the ground.

How did i not see you?

This place is creepy.,it makes daleks look like cute little bunny's.


He opened the dungeon door and looked around...hmm I wonder whats here by the looks of it i feel like i might be going the opposite way i came. he walked down the hall for what seemed like hours than he saw a open door hotel room he went inside and saw something creepy...Himself...BUT..BUT..BUT that's impossible.....


SUDDENLY.. Your right doctor  it is. Its also a clue . I thought you might know the answer to getting out of this i was going to kill you with the dalek but you seem to have no clue the one flaw in my plan...

WHAT!? the doctor exclaimed.



Oh i thought you were smarter than that doctor  anyway its time for you to go to asleep your not escaping. Then the nightmarish/cute daleks attacked him! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE then the doctor heard something. the voice said your not going to die your going to sleep till someone finds the true flaw. But for now here is one clue before you sleep...Everypony has desires but those desires are also their weakness...goodnight doctor....

Edited by Doctor whooves.
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