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The group of aged stallions moseyed into the home of the three. Inside busily at the dishes were two young mares, one sharing a simple tan coat similar to Jumpy. The other a pegasus donning a navy coat with highlighted auburn feather wings.


The three took their seats each respectfully at their own chairs. Jumpy taking the sofa, Radiance sunk into the large cushion chair close by and Gracious Glide rocking about in a rocking chair. The two mares entered with their gleeful smiles.


"I thought I heard you talking with someone." The earth pony mare spoke first.

"We've got ourselves a guest." Jumpy turned their attention after receiving a loving nuzzle.


"Well hello there!" The next mare spoke hovering over to the Arabian.


"Names Frannie! Or Frankie, Francis or just 'That mare with the colt name' hehe" she giggled slightly, obviously the bubbly type.

"Nice to meet you sir. I'm TippyHoof." The earth mare greeted with more control.


"Daughters? I'm assuming." Quarbari asked.


"She's my little sweetheart." Jumpy and Gracious spoke in unison. The pattern however seemed incomplete.


"Mine is teaching magic in Canterlot." Radiance spoke up with slight open eyes.


Feeling the need to live up the quiet room one of the stallions reached for the remote and activating the small television upon the table before them.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Dapper's head still rang from the impact of the aisle. 'what a day,' Dapper thought to himself. As he waited for the unicorn to take another swing he heard a growl. Dapper was confused ponies didn't growl. He turned his head towards the noise and saw a large glowing wolf. Dapper tried to back away out of fear. 'it can't be,' Dapper thought to himself, 'I must be hallucinating.' But Dapper saw that the unicorn also saw the wolf. He looked towards Fantasy and saw the way she looked at the wolf, almost as if she as commanding it. Then it hit him. Fantasy has somehow created the glowing wolf. Dapper mustered all his strength and shouted supportively at Fantasy, "You can do it! Kick that unicorns flank!"

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@Dapper Charmer,


You don't understand.  It's just an illusion.  But it seems to be working, at least.  The mare was backing up, still giving the wolf and everyone present a hard glare.  The wolf itself was glowing blue and, since it looked like the rather rough and messy sketch in Fantasy Moon's travel journal, didn't look like a normal wolf.  Which probably contributed to its scare factor.


"Wh-what's that thing?!" the mare said, backing up slowly.  Fantasy made the wolf approach the mare some more, but she began to fear that she was still willing to try and fight it.   So levitating a broken piece of a picture frame from the thrown aisle to hide that she's in control of it, she stepped forward and tried to put on her best death glare at the thief.

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The gaggle of relatives and friends conglomerated about in the den room. Boasts of laughter, meager fits of slight annoyance and just in general commotion of voices. Topics ranging all about: moving to Port Impala, growing up and the differences of younger generations, past times and dreams of the youth. And the biggest and noseist one: The special somepony.


"She was a looker... Fine pineapple tree bucker too. Met her just on a short vacation to Haywaii." Gracious spoke in a drift of nostalgic love bite.


"Pfft sweet Luna you sound like one of them romance novelists." Jumpy inputted with slight mockery.


"I might as well be. Cause sweetie old Lemon Drops was quite the mare..." Was the reply simply nodding and smiling.


"What about you son? Got any pony in mind?" The elderly unicorn questioned to Quarbari.


Was quite the question, he never actually recalled having any affection to any pony he met. Well not on a romantic level he was far too reveled in his thoughts or his work. An "All work no play but-take-the-occasional-vacation" type of stallion.


"None that I can say. Romance isn't exactly a specialty subject of mine. " Quarbari replied.

"You could say I'm married to my work." He added

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The mare looked fearfully at the wolf. Then at Fantasy, then back at approaching wolf. "Nuts to this," she said as she threw the painting on the ground, "you can have your stupid painting, I'm getting the hell outta this crazy place." The mare turned around and bolted out the door.

"Good riddance,"said Dapper as he steadied himself to his hooves. He turned towards Fantasy, "Thanks for the assist Miss Moon."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


It worked... it actually worked...  Fantasy Moon dropped the frame piece and the wolf faded away.  Her eyes were widened and her forelegs felt like they couldn't hold her up.  I... have used it on unreasonable clients, but not this!  She regained her composure at the sound of Dapper's words.  "A-Ah, you're welcome," she said, as she put her pen and journal away into her saddlebags.  "Um... you need help?" she said, looking over at the llama's injuries and the mess the thief made.  She was also surprised no pony came in, until she saw that large paintings were set up in front of lots of the shop windows.  Still, she thought somepony would've heard the commotion going on inside.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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"Well, that's the last of it."


Bright Idea and the earth pony mare were done moving the last of the mare's HDTV equipment downstairs. The two of them then stopped to relax, a boon considering how heavy some of the equipment was. Even Bright Idea found some of it to be almost unbearably heavy, despite her above-average telekinetic abilities. The fact that the elevator was down for maintenance didn't help matters either.


A few minutes later, the two of them heard a pair of police cruisers heading down the street. It wasn't a police chase, as there were no cars excessively speeding. Maybe there was a robbery of some sort.


Bright Idea thought about stopping one of the police cars to ask what was going on, but she decided against it; the officers were very busy and wouldn't take kindly to attempts to stop them for any reason - even if it was the mayor who wanted to know what was going on. Oh, and she really wanted to know what was going on.


But her curiosity didn't justify getting involved in police work. Worse, imagine what would happen if something happened to her when she tried to butt in? It was probably a better idea to wait 24 hours and ask for a copy of the police report.


The other mare interjected. "The police sure are in a hurry, don't ya think?"


"Yea," Bright Idea responded. "Must be something big...or maybe it's something small, and the police are overreacting."


"Don't you want to know what's going on?"


"Oh, trust me, I do. But ask yourself, is our curiosity really insatiable enough to risk meddling in what is likely an active situation? Imagine that; the police trying to stop whatever is going on, then the Mayor shows up. The criminal then uses the brief moment of confusion to either escape or try and take me hostage. Even if things went well on my end, the police, the public, and the media would have a field day with me.


"Assuming it's something small-scale, I think it's best to just wait a day or two before asking for a police report. No need to go and interfere. Despite today's...mishap...I still trust the police's judgment."


The mare seemed to concede, until another thought popped into her head. "Want to spy on the scene from the City Hall roof?"


The mayor thought about it for a second. Technically, it was discouraged for anypony to stay on the City Hall roof for an extended period of time, but what's the harm in going up there for a little bit?


"Eh, why not? We won't be up there for long, anyway. Do you want to take the stairs or do you want to fly up there?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Quarbari gave a hearty laugh as Radiance and Jumpy continue with their slight bicker.

"And it would've been a flawless spell. Till you completely tossed mud upon me." The elder unicorn huffed.


Quarbari examined at the clock. Time was passing along.

"Gentlecolts I must be going. I need to meet for my reservation." He says.


"Hey hey before you do, tomorrow now thAt I remember the lot of us are gonna be at the park. Sorta an anniversary party you could call it. We would really like you to come along. It's gonna be at..." Radiance thought, oblivious in the time it'll begin.

"12:00 ." Francis spoke up.


"Ill keep that in mind. Thank you for your time gentlecolts." The Arabian spoke and giving a formal bow before exiting.


"Come back anytime!" The lot of them called as he exited.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"No thank you Miss Moon," Said Dapper politely, "I may not look it, but I'm a tough old bird, well llama" Dapper walked over to the dropped painting and put it behind the counter. Dapper lifted his head as he heard the distant sound of police cars approaching. He looked over at Fantasy. "Somepony must have called the cops," Said Dapper," they'll be here any minute."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"I... I don't think you should move, still," Fantasy Moon said.  When I see my father again, I'm going to see if I can pick up a healing spell or two.  Then she began to hear sirens.  Unfamiliar with the sound, it took Dapper saying they're cops to realize what they are.  I guess I shouldn't touch the scene then.  Or leave.  That could look suspicious...  With that in mind, she went over to Dapper and looked him up and down for injuries.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@@Dapper Charmer,


"I... I don't think you should move, still," Fantasy Moon said. When I see my father again, I'm going to see if I can pick up a healing spell or two. Then she began to hear sirens. Unfamiliar with the sound, it took Dapper saying they're cops to realize what they are. I guess I shouldn't touch the scene then. Or leave. That could look suspicious... With that in mind, she went over to Dapper and looked him up and down for injuries.

Dapper tried to move but felt a stabbing pain in his abdomen. "Arrgh," he cried, " maybe you're right Miss Moon."

As Dapper predicted the two cops arrived a minute later, one male and one female.

"We were told there was disturbance in this art store." Said the male cop.

"That's right officer," replied Dapper, "we had an attempted theft."


"That's right, the thief got away but she left the painting."

The officer took out a notepad and pencil. "Okay sir, I'm gonna need a statement from you and your friend over there," said the officer pointing to Fantasy. Dapper told the officer everything that had happened that morning. When the officer was satisfied he put his notepad away." Thank you sir, please wait here while I get a statement from your friend," the officer then proceeded to walk over to Fantasy," now Miss could you please tell me what happened here?"

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@Dapper Charmer,


Fantasy Moon nodded and took a deep breath in preparation of saying more than she's used to.  "I was leaving.  I heard a clattering and I saw her run there," she said, gesturing towards the door.  "So I closed it with my magic.  Then she tried to hurt me, but he took the blow for me."  She looked over at Dapper Charmer as she said it.  "She wanted to hurt him some more, so I used my spell to chase her off."  Please officers, don't make me explain the spell...  "It scared her, so she dropped his painting and ran..."  She pointed to her left, up one of the streets leading out of the bazaar.  "...there."

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Following not too far behind the police cars was another vehicle: a newsgathering truck for Metro5, a commercial television station in the city. Apparently, they were on the way back to the station from covering another story when a pack of police cars passed them. Wanting to know what was going on, they followed them.


Unfortunately, news trucks don't have the same privileges as police cars do; namely the ability to blow through red lights.


"Okay, I saw the cars turn right up ahead, so we'll turn there," one of the occupants, presumably the reporter, said.


The driver, presumably the camerapony, agreed. After turning right on to another side street, it wasn't long before they came upon a few flashing lights. Not far up ahead was Seaside Bazaar, but the pair's attention was on a small building close by...some kind of art shop?


"Do you want to head out now?" The driver/camerapony asked the reporter.


"No, let's wait a bit. It's not even 6:00 yet; at worst, we'll have to do a live shot. I don't think it's a good idea to try and get a video shot with all the police around. We are technically here unannounced."

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The lights, the sound and everything else to it. But brushing aside the little tend of guilt Quarbari could not deny the beauty of the downtown sprawl. Flashing signs, crowded streets and bustling businesses. A marvel of civilized development.


Stepping down from one of the public trolleys he made his way past the honking paved roads and upon to the sidewalk. Just ahead was Traveller's Express, one of the many hotels that have established themselves here.


Greeted with a simplistic tile floor and beige wall with the occasional piece of art, the receptionist looked up from desk and waving to the Arabian.


"Hello welcome to Travelers Express, how can I be of help?" The desert tan and auburn maned mare gave her happy smile, Quarbari noticing the cherry red necklace around her neck.


"I'm checking in. Fleethooves." He says approaching forward.


The mare examined through her logbook for the month giving a slight tune to humming.


"Yes yes. Its right here. Your room is gonna be 34 on the 2nd floor." She says and hand him about his roomkey. With a happy nod he trotted onward to his room.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"Thank you," said the officer. He walked over to Dapper, "Now before I go I'm gonna need a description of the thief."

"Of course," said Dapper, "She's a female unicorn just taller than her," he said pointing to Fantasy, "Her coat is purple and she has long black hair with white streaks.

"What about her cutie mark?"

"I didn't get a good look at that, try asking her," said Dapper still pointing at Fantasy.

The officer turned towards her, "Well?"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Fantasy Moon was silent for a long time while she racked her brain for any memory of the thief's cutie mark.  I don't think she was wearing anything.  No capes or cloaks or anything to cover her cutie mark.  Not even a vest.  And the cutie mark... it looked like...  I know it was red, it looked sort of like- wait, that's it!  "It was red.  A cardinal." 

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"thank you," said the officer. He turned to Dapper, "Well Mr....."

"Charmer," Said Dapper, "Dapper Charmer."

"Well Mr Charmer we promise to do everything in our power to catch this unicorn."

"Thank you officer,"

Both officers turned around and exited the shop.

"I better get this place cleaned up," Dapper said to himself, "and you," he said pointing to Fantasy, "Need to get yourself home before some tries to throw another aisle at you."

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The Metro5 news crew noticed that most of the police officers were leaving the shop up ahead. Maybe there had been some kind of resolution? Even if there wasn't, it looked as if it was safe to proceed.


After the reporter phoned the newsroom to get clearance for a story on this event, the vehicle began to drive up from its position almost a mile from the shop; after a few minutes, the van passed the store before turning around. A few more minutes passed before the van stopped right in front of the shop.


Before emerging from the vehicle, the two occupants looked over the exterior of the shop. It looked to be some kind of art store.


As the reporter emerged from the vehicle, she thought about buying a painting when this was all said and done.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Home?  But I don't live here.  Unless you want me to walk all the way back to Baltimare and I don't think you're that stupid.  Fantasy Moon shook her head and tried to stand the aisle up. She used a combination of magic and muscles to get it back up because her telekinesis by itself wasn't very strong.  You shouldn't be straining yourself anyways!  Who knows how much damage you took for me?

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Dapper saw Fantasy stand the aisle back up, he walked over to her, "Please, you've done enough for me already," said Dapper, "you really should head back..." Dapper stopped himself midsentence. 'Fantasy doesn't live here she's just visiting you dolt,' he thought to himself. He slapped himself in the face, "Sorry, you don't live here do you? But you must be staying somewhere while you're visiting and insist you go there and get some rest."

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Dapper saw Fantasy stand the aisle back up, he walked over to her, "Please, you've done enough for me already," said Dapper, "you really should head back..." Dapper stopped himself midsentence. 'Fantasy doesn't live here she's just visiting you dolt,' he thought to himself. He slapped himself in the face, "Sorry, you don't live here do you? But you must be staying somewhere while you're visiting and insist you go there and get some rest."

"You got hurt," Fantasy Moon said with a concerned voice, nodding at where he got struck by the large aisle. She proceeded to levitate some of the intact art pieces, but they gave her pause, as she didn't know where they were supposed to go. She turned to a Dapper a Charmer with an inquiring look.

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"You got hurt," Fantasy Moon said with a concerned voice, nodding at where he got struck by the large aisle. She proceeded to levitate some of the intact art pieces, but they gave her pause, as she didn't know where they were supposed to go. She turned to a Dapper a Charmer with an inquiring look.


"Trust me if there's one thing that can be said about llamas, it's that we're fast healers," Dapper said to Fantasy. Dapper saw Fantasy giving him an inquiring look while levitating the intact art pieces. Dapper sighed, "But if you really must help you can put those on the table near the front window." Dapper pointed to the table he was referring to and caught a glimpse of the news trucks outside his store. He moved over to the window to take a closer look. "Well I'll be," said Dapper to himself. 'who knew a small robbery would get so much attention,' he thought to himself. "Hey Miss Moon," he called over his shoulder, "come have a look at this."

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"Okay everything checks out." The gruff voice of Commander Haymaker spoke over the comm. Ahaban winced slightly, his half asleep demeanor disrupted by both a churning stomach and the headache inducing tone of said armored commander.


Ahaban shifted a bit as he sat in his turret seat looking among his fellow armored crews in their BTR armored carriers.


((Visual reference : http://www.army-technology.com/projects/btr80/images/btr8.jpg))


"Cobalt actual check in." The commander called out.

"Cobalt 1 actual check." The front most vehicle replied.

"Cobalt 2 actual. Check." The second came.

"Cobalt 3. Check." The third,

"Cobalt 4 actual is good." The forth.

"Cobalt 5. Check." The fifth, Ahaban's crew answered.


"Alright all check. Setting waypoint for the South Port Defense Base. All forward." The commander spoke.


In unison the convoy moved forward outward from the docks onto the streets keeping in, tight formation. The air was humid and hot. Smelling of remaining precipitation, must've rained earlier.


Ahaban remained focus onto his turret, keeping his vigilance up.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Already planning to leave after getting the paintings put up, Fantasy Moon went up to the front window with the paintings in a magical grip. She blew away the dust that had settled on the window sill and she set the paintings up with the picture facing outside. Then she heard Dapper tell her to come see something. "Hm?" She came up next to him and saw the news trucks. "They're... They're not what I think they are... Right? This is the last thing I need..." she thought to herself.

  • Brohoof 1
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The reporter checked her watch. 3:48. If she got the story done now, there would still be time to get the package to the station in time for 6:00.


A minute later, the camerapony disembarked from the vehicle, before grabbing the equipment from the back. After taking out the camera, microphone, and lights, he turned back to his colleague. "Do you want to try the interview first, or do you want to tape the whole story out here?"


"We'll tape outside...but I'll talk with some of the customers and employees inside. Stay outside; I'll call you in if I get permission to interview in the store."


With that, the reporter entered the store.

  • Brohoof 1
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