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private Sombra's Shadow


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Spike grinned as he watched the others begin mounting up.  Of all the gathered ponies, Chase Fortune was the only one who was having any kind of trouble; he seemed as if he wanted to ride ALL of the dragons at the same time.  The purple dragon moved over next to him, and leaned down.


"I'll bet you'd rather ride a REAL dragon than some magical construct, wouldn't you?"


Chase's smile grew so wide, it threatened to meet in the back and have Chase's fool head fall off.  "WOULD I?"


Spike motioned to his own back.  Chase made a 'squee' sound that brought back a few good memories to the dragon's mind, and he was careful to allow Chase time to settle before he turned to the rest.


"Okay, it might not be all that flashy - we'll have to stay low to avoid being seen, so no cloudsurfing - but I promise it's the fastest method of travel in all of Equestria!  So,"  he asked as he glanced to Stardust, "where are we headed to, ma'am?"



@Pripyat Pony



As they flashed into Sombra's Palace, Rave wasted no time in heading toward his Master's chambers.  As he walked, he spoke over his shoulder to the mare behind him.


"I shall be attending to His Majesty, so unless he sends for you, I would suggest you find something else to occupy yourself with - namely, making ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN the palace grounds are protected.  And bring me that rebel from earlier - take her to the laboratory and prepare her for another round of your Interrogation Spell... she KNOWS something, I'm sure of it!"


Before he rounded the corner, he sent a pointed look at Jinx.  "And I'll thank you to stop going easy on her - I want that mare BROKEN before supper, is that understood?  I want King Sombra's dessert to be a generous helping of WHERE THE REBELS ARE... garnished with that foolish mare's head!  Now, get to it."


He turned the corner, and instantly began grumbling to himself... something wasn't right, but he had no idea where to even begin considering what might be at issue.  Right now, his Master was the only thought in his mind.


Well... that, and the continuously warring possibility that there might still be a Blackwater alive.  That was all.  No big deal, right?


Rave gritted his teeth and made his way to his Master's chambers, unwilling to honestly face the nagging possibility that this wasn't going as well as anypony thought it was... but as long as Sombra's forces reigned supreme, there was nothing to worry about in the long run.


... right?

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@@Randimaxis, @,


With an excited grin starting to spread across her muzzle she motioned toward the direction of the cottage. She was flying low as Spike had told her, to avoid any other 'visitors' that might come their way. It was a good thing that Spike came prepared with his crystal dragons. This will make things much easier, now we don't have to 'acquire' a ship. She looked at all of her friends, she was starting to feel like something was actually going to happen now that this new element was in their possession. They were half way there and now with Spike in the mix. There is so much hope! 


"Okay, it isn't much farther, just a few more miles and we will be out of the woods, the cottage is just on the other side of the tree line." She told Spike. 


She didn't want to admit it to anypony, but she missed flying. She missed the wind in her mane, the air rushing over her body. The feeling she got when she was able to spread her wings. She was so happy in that moment, almost like the war was over. Just the simple joy of being able to fly gave her peace, even if it was for only a moment.

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The little village grew closer and closer as they made their way there.  They'd been keeping low, to keep their visibility down and to ensure they could dive for cover in an emergency.  For the most part, those piled on the other dragons were simply staring in awe at the passing scenery below, letting the fact that they were dragon-riding slowly sink into their minds.


Chase, on the other hoof...




Chase Fortune was whooping up a storm, yelling in Spike's ear about storming the castle and saving the princess.  Spike, for what it was worth, was grinning ear to ear; it had been FAR too long since he'd ever had someone so gung-ho for adventure along for the ride - it did him good to know that there were still some ponies out there who could let go enough to still enjoy life and its' miracles.


Sword Brandish had opted to ride a dragon after all; at his age, he wasn't about to try to keep up with a bunch of dragons, crystal or otherwise.  He seemed at home on the crystal creature's back, his eyes sharp and fixated on scanning the horizon as they flew along.


Kitchen Sink was petrified.  She'd climbed up onto the crystal dragon's back, right as rain, and settled herself in.  But when he began to flap and lift off the ground, her eyes got W I D E, and she gripped the ridges on the thing's back.  As it flew, she clung tightly to it, and squeezed her eyes shut as they flew through the air.


When they reached the village proper, the dragons circled once, twice, then settled down in the backyard of Winter's Auntie's cottage.  As they set down, Spike looked up and a ponderous look formed on his face.


"Whoa... guess the demand for firewood's really taken off, huh?"  He said, staring at the massive pile of wood gathered there.  "Or are you guys building another village?"

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Star chuckled and nodded, "We really could build a new village couldn't we?" She thought about the moment she saw Harcourt hauling that poor little sleigh full of that massive tower of lumber. "Our friend, he did that. He kind of got a bit carried away." She chuckled again. 


Then she grew sad, feeling that a large part of the reason he left was because of her. Not even being able to look at her when he left. I will make things right, when we find him. I promise that! She thought to herself. 


As they glided through the air, they managed to make it to the tree line. "Okay, land here. We will need to go on foot the rest of the way. It's not too far, a mile at best." She landed next to Spike. She watched the crystal dragons, still in awe that they were even moving let alone flying and carrying ponies. 

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As the others began to dismount, doors on huts began to be populated with griffons; it certainly wasn't everyday that a group of dragons, most made out of crystal, flew into your town!


Sword flapped his way down, while Chase's grin was ear-to-ear, and he smiled broadly at the purple dragon.


"That... was... AMAZING!"  Chase exclaimed as he got to the ground.  Spike smiled knowingly, and spoke kindly, "Awww, it's just being a dragon, you know?  But you're welcome, little pal."


Kitchen Sink had to be pried off the dragon she'd been riding... and even when she hit the ground, she simply hugged it as if it were her lover, back from a decade-long hiatus.  Chances were, she wouldn't want to fly again anytime soon.


As the rest dismounted, the others in the group slowly came outside to see the sights.  They were, as one, struck silent by the magnificent sight of Spike and his crystal companions.

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Psych and Aria dismounted just as the others had. They looked around at all of the citizens that lived close to Rainbows cottage. Psych blushed a little. Feeling a bit out of place feeling all of the gazes and hearing some of their thoughts.

"Wow, real dragons?!"

"Look at the ponies! They must be heroes!"

"Oh I wish that old bat could see this, she would be fit to be tied!"

An old griffon chuckled to himself, and Psych smiled.


Aria saw this as the perfect opportunity to make her way for the cottage. Getting out of the public eye was her first thought. There was nothing more to do until nightfall and the less they draw attention the better.


Stardust saw Aria enter the cottage, knowing that she was right she motioned to the group to move inside. She started toward the door then stopped... She looked back at Spike then back to the door, and again to Spike, and then the door. Tilting her head this way and that before opening her muzzle.


"Spike... You are too big. How are you supposed to fit through the door?"

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The dragon chuckled ruefully.


"Y'know, I remember a time that wasn't a problem... eh, it's fine; just have the meeting in the living room, and open the window - I'll be there.  That way, I can also add in whatever two bits that I can!"


He turned and addressed the crystal dragons.   "You guys go ahead and rest; we'll probably need you in a little while."


With that, the dragons all bowed to Spike, then >POOF!<... there were now a number of small crystalline dragon statues on the ground.  One by one, Spike picked them up and deposited them in a pouch under his left wing, then he made his way around the huge woodpile ('Wow... it must REALLY get cold here,' Spike said under his breath) to find the window that would be opened for him.


Sword made his way over to Stardust.  


"Ma'am?  If anypony saw us coming, we'll be putting these fine griffons in danger... whatever we do, I would suggest that we do it quickly.  The longer we stay, the more chance you-know-who's forces will simply burn this place down out of spite.  Let me look around and see what I might be able to gather for our journey, since I already have a good idea what's going to be said here.  I'll gather what I can, pack it up, and return as soon as I'm done."

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@@Randimaxis, @@Stardust*,


Lilith landed from the back of her dragon gracefully, walking along with what might have been the first genuine smile, actual smile on her face in weeks- possibly even since they've been together. To say she had enjoyed flying was an understatement. If she was by herself with just her and the dragon, she'd probably be as excited as Chase was upon landing, complete with bouncing. But appearances must be kept- although Psych would hear her overwhelming enthusiasm pouring out of her.


She sighed and shook her head slightly as Stardust motioned to get inside, attempting to shake the haze that followed her from the dragon's back. She entered, her smile fading as the endorphin from flying started to work their way out of her system, and sat down in a corner before silently opening the window next to her, allowing Spike a method of entry. She examined the room closely, looking for nothing in particular, but seeing things that caught her eye. The place seemed to be a lot more cleaner, that's for sure. Rather hard to be bored in a clean house if you had a mind used to hard work, like most of these refugees.


Refugees. Heh. I remember when I was still calling them...


She shook her head. That was in the past now. It all ended when she decided to climb up onto the crystal dragon. She was sure there was an allegory there, but she decided not to think about it too much. Mainly because she didn't want Psych to be privy to her edgy brooding. She'd have to guard her thoughts, especially those that she didn't want leaking over. With a soft sigh, she kept herself in her corner as usual, awaiting for the meeting to start, or for her name to be mentioned by... anyone, really.

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"Ma'am?  If anypony saw us coming, we'll be putting these fine griffons in danger... whatever we do, I would suggest that we do it quickly.  The longer we stay, the more chance you-know-who's forces will simply burn this place down out of spite.  Let me look around and see what I might be able to gather for our journey, since I already have a good idea what's going to be said here.  I'll gather what I can, pack it up, and return as soon as I'm done."


Stardust was taken aback a bit, in the excitement she hadn't thought much about making a perimeter sweep. "Great idea Sword, just please be careful. Check in soon." She gave him an approving nod and turned to head inside. 


Once inside she saw as the group had gathered in the living area and she sat down preparing herself for her little shpeel. 


"Okay, some of you know already that Psych, Lilith, Aria, and myself need to meet up with Harcourt and Winter on the main land. From my calculations and research the rest of the items we need to gather are still on the main land. We came to this island to hopefully keep the large group safe, and away from the fighting. I know that Trivy wouldn't want any of you to be harmed. This is not a battle for everypony just yet. Let us figure things out and get a strategy in place, but for now, you all need to be here and be safe. It would help to put all of our minds at ease knowing that you are all going to be taken care of." She took a breath and calmed herself. 


"Spike has been kind enough to escort us to the main land so we don't have to acquire a ship. We will be leaving tonight once the sun is set, I will help to mask the moons light by preparing clouds to block the light at least for a little while. Once we are half way across the ocean we should be in the clear. Since there has not been an attack here, it is safe to say that the fighting has stopped in Baltamare and from what we saw when we left it was more than destroyed already." Her head dropped a bit. Her voice becoming more serious. 


"There is enough wood to last... a lifetime thanks to Harcourt, and with the supplies that we brought you should have enough food to last a while without having to go out for much. Once we find Harcourt and Winter we will be able to find the other items that we need and we will send word as to what we are planning before we do anything rash. Okay. If there are no questions then we need to prepare to leave." She stood and watched the room in the case anypony had anything to add or any questions. 

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Spike had stretched his head into the window Lilith opened for him, and listened as Star laid out the plans.  When she spoke of Baltimare being leveled, however, the look of shock and concern that spread across his features was fully evident.


When Star had finished speaking, he lifted his head a bit and faced her.  "Wait... Baltimare was destroyed?  What do you mean?  When I left, it was perfectly fine!  There were THOUSANDS of ponies there!  Do you mean they all-..."


Suddenly, his eyes grew wide.  "Wait... where's Rarity?  The White Lady, the Mayor of Baltimare - where did she go?  Is she with your friends?  She's GOTTA be mad about this; is she okay?"


Anyone there could tell that the dragon had quite a bit of concern for Rarity... and he needed an answer.





As Lilith sat there and heard Star's plan unfold, she got the distinct feeling she was being watched.  A nonchalant glance about proved this point; at the door to the cottage, she saw Chase Fortune standing there, waving his hooves at her as if he was TRYING to get her attention; behind the door like he was, no pony else could see the ridiculous display he was putting on.


He seemed like he was frantically trying to signal her to come outside to him.






The door to the antechamber opened, held by Darkmane guards as Rave made his way into Sombra's throne room.


The mighty king was standing at his war-table, the charred cinders of the map still laying upon it's now scored and crisped surface.  He stood there, simply regarding it as it was - a burnt table.  When Rave approached, he said nothing - the master always speaks to the student first, not the other way 'round.


"The time draws near, my faithful pupil... soon, there shall be and end to our struggle, and the entire population shall bow before me."


"Yes, Master."


"All is in preparation?"


Rave nodded.  "Everything to your wishes, Master."


Sombra nodded his dark head, and turned to face his pupil head-on.  "Tonight marks the last day that Equestria will ever know life as they see it... they know not what plans I have for them, nor do they stand even the smallest chance..."


"Not the smallest, Master."


"... and they shall know what POWER can truly accomplish!"


He pulled himself back to his full height.  "And the prisoner?"


"Soon to be disposed of, Master - Jinx is preparing her for her final interrogation as we speak."


Sombra simply nodded, walked to his onyx-carved throne, and sat.  Without looking up, he said, "Go, Rave... make certain that everything is in final order, and tell the Archmage to extract as much as she can before disposing of the rebel - every little morsel of intelligence she can peel from their brain could prove useful... see to it that she does."


"By your command, Master."  Rave bowed low, then turned and headed out into the hall, and the giant doors shut behind him.


The Darkmane realized a command like this would mean he was having... concerns... over the effectiveness of his Archmage - Rave only saw it as a sign that she needed to be replaced before she could muck anything up.  He smiled wickedly as he began to head for the interrogation chamber.


Yes, yes... I knew she'd be trouble from the very moment she asked permission for her... 'ally'... to live within the palace; now, there's every reason to believe that, with such a soft heart, she might be influenced to give up all she's worked for, all for some imaginary possibility that she might 'save her heart from corruption'...


Rave chuckled darkly to himself.  Yes... perhaps MAKING you kill that rebel will help remind you WHOM you belong to, sorceress...



Applejack grinned, and even blushed a bit.  "Shucks, y'ain't gotta be all high-falutin' like that - I'm just a pony like everypony else; nothin' special... but it's good to meet you too!"


"But," Trivy spoke up, "you're one of the Element Bearers... you're so important to Equestria!"


AJ sighed.  "Look, that was a long time ago, sugarcube... an' I don't know if you've noticed, but Equestria ain't been doin' too good lately.  Heck, these last few years've been HARD on us, but we survived.  Well, at least we did the best we could... c'mon, lemme show ya!"


She started walking back down further into the cavern she'd come from.


"C'mon, y'all!  Let's get you two somewhere where you can rest yer hooves, maybe grab some grub?  Y'all hungry?"

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@@Randimaxis, @@Stardust*,


Well, it wasn't the stirring speech that everyone had been expecting, that's for sure, thought to herself. But we can't expect everyone to be as much as a spokesperson as he is. Was. Will be. Harcourt...


She was suddenly jolted back to reality by the note of desperation in Spike's voice. She slowly put up her hood and hid in the corner. Yet another victim of her past mistakes. "We fled Equestria from their ports. We were... the only ship to escape. The city is, no doubt, in ruins. As their residents? It is likely that they have joined the rest of Equestria in slavery. It is quite possible that Rarity is among them, but just as possible that she is among the bodies in the streets. I... I am... privy... to the field tactics of Sombra. When they are attacking a city, the citizens are given one chance to join willingly. If the vast majority of them don't... they flatten the city and leave no survivors." With a shudder, she continued. "It is possible, of course, that Rarity was taken as a political prisoner, but the chances are low. Sombra has no use for prisoners, he dominates the continent, and..." she shuddered. "The raid was led by House Darkmane itself. Rave is anything but merciful."


Her attitude becoming sorrowful and somber, she sank back into the shadows of her corner. If one was perceptive, they could see tears...


After a few moments, she caught sight of Chase waving his arms about like a maniac, attempting to signal her. Quietly, Lilith stood up and, without a glance towards Stardust, she said. "... I will await thy instructions," in a slow, formal, and emotionless drone before quickly exiting.


Coming outside, she rounded the side of the cottage without windows to put distance between them and Spike, before silently looking at Chase, awaiting his words and trying to disguise the ever-so-faint lines of water on her cheeks.

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@@Randimaxis, Jinx trotted off to her chambers with just a nod to Rave; she could tell that he was in a lousy mood, tho it was hardly her fault that he'd dragged her off to Manehatten when she had been busy here. When she arrived, she could sense that something was wrong; entering, she discovered it was. Both Jay and Trivy were gone. Jinx let out a roar of rage; obviously, the guards had failed in their duty while she had been absent. She would punish every one for their carelessness in allowing the rebel to escape with Jay, who she kept there in case she needed a host body again! But first, she would bind the castle up with spells tighter than a skillfully tied knot. Nopony would be able to leave or enter without suffering the worst pain imaginable.




"I'm starving," Jay said. Despite what Applejack said, she still felt a little shy around the former bearer of the Element of Honesty.

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Chase waited until Lilith was outside with him before speaking, and he kept his voice low.


"Hey!  Look, I know we didn't exactly get off on the right hoof earlier, but I wanted you to know that I STILL think we could help you!  I mean, the whole group here already has plenty to deal with, so it might be easier on them if... if..."


Chase looked at the Ranger for a moment, then his eyebrows went up in surprise.  "You're... crying?  Are you really..."  Chase looked around nervously.  "... really crying?  Aw, geez..."


He looked uncomfortable for a moment, then he sighed and looked at her with sympathy.


"Look, I dunno why you're upset, but... but you shouldn't be, Lil-... I mean, Miss Crow."  He gave her a look of respect.  "See, we're all still alive, no matter WHAT ol' Sombrero throws at us, right?  I mean, it was like the sky was raining death in Baltimare - but you and Psych and Winter and Miss Star... you all got us out of there.  You made sure it was safe for us."


He gingerly put a hoof on her shoulder, hesitating because he simply didn't want to overstep his boundaries.


"Even Harcourt couldn't keep up with you when you two fought, and he's, like, tougher than Tirek; you're really amazing, y'know?  You got us help from the Rangers - honest-to-Celestia Rangers! - and you've always been good to us... we're gonna be in your debt forever after this, y'know?"  Ha gave a light chuckle.


"But really... what's got your waterworks going?  I mean, yeah... I'm not much when it comes to sneaking, I admit it, but I know when somepony's hurting.  What is it?"  He gave a thoughtful look, then asked, "Is it Baltimare?  Are you still angry at Sombra's forces over that?  Is it Harcourt?  I mean, I miss him too... but he's okay.  I'm... pretty sure..."


Worry and concern poured from the young stallion - not quite an adult, but certainly no colt - and he leaned in close.  


"Is it... Trivy?"






Hearing Lilith's words seemed to stoke a fire in the dragon's eyes.  He went from surprised, to worried, to angry - the latter of which was quite a sight to see.


"What?  WHAT!?  NO!!!  There's NO way - NO WAY - I'm gonna believe that she didn't make it!  She's STRONG!  She's CAPABLE!  She'd never let herself be taken down like that - she was probably... evacuating the townsfolk!  YEAH!  She had to have gotten word they were coming, and she went to save as many ponies as she could!  THAT'S what happened!"


It was somewhat obvious that he was trying, with hope beyond hope, to convince himself that this was the absolute truth in the matter.


"We'll get to the mainland, and we'll head to the hideout, and she'll be there - with your friends, Winter and... and... Harvey!  She'll be waiting there for me... for us... ALL of us!  She's not one to lose her stuff in a fight like that - she's fine!"


He turned and pulled his head back outside, making his way over to the enormous pile of wood behind the cottage.  He grabbed a trunk, hefting it like it was made of paper, and snapped it in two, jamming the end of one log into the dirt and sitting on the stump, staring off into the horizon.


"You'll see... she'll be there... she's just GOTTA be there... nothing to worry about... she'll BE there..."



@Pripyat Pony



"Madam Archmage?"


Standing at the door to her room were three royal guards, drawn by her scream of frustration.  They looked ready to fight, as they had assumed she was in trouble... yet they looked as though they were just as ready to defend themselves, if need be.


"We heard your cry - what's wrong, Madam?"

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@@Randimaxis, Jinx turned on the guards in fury. "Who was responsible for guarding my chambers?" she asked in a tight, dangerous sounding voice. The unicorn mare was like a tightly coiled spring, determined to find out who was responsible for the escape of Trivy and Jay.


"If it wasn't you yourselves, then I would like you to find out exactly who it was, and report back to me," Jinx continued. "I know for a fact that a group of guards were assigned my chambers and two prisoners. These guards failed in their duty and allowed the two prisoners to escape the castle. If the culprits are not turned in to me, then every guard will suffer my displeasure."

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Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@Pripyat Pony



The guard who had spoken up took a very dark look onto his muzzle, and turned to his subordinates.


"YOU!  A full roster check; I want to know WHO was supposed to be on duty here - and when you have their names, round them up and bring them to Madam Archmage!"


The guard saluted, then took off like a shot for the barracks, where the scheduling was kept.  He turned to the other.


"YOU!  I want no less than TEN three-guard parties searching the grounds for the escapees - no stone unturned, no hedge neglected, NO ROUTE FORGOTTEN!"


The guard also saluted, then made his way toward the great hall, where a bevy of guards usually stayed on duty.


The others ordered thusly, he turned and said, "By your command, Archmage," and left to join one of the search parties.


Again, Jinx was alone.

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"... really crying? Aw, geez..."


"Heh..." Lilith mumbled to herself. "You're more perceptive than you appear. That, or I'm exceptionally distraught. Either way, don't worry about me. I'm just... loosing some pressure. Like a steam pipe or something..."


However, she obviously didn't say it loud enough, so she just calmly remained quiet and listened to her- almost laughing at the sheer pettiness of the 'Sombrero' comment. She was about to repeat herself, more clearly this time, when...




"But really... what's got your waterworks going? I mean, yeah... I'm not much when it comes to sneaking, I admit it, but I know when somepony's hurting. What is it?" He gave a thoughtful look, then asked, "Is it Baltimare? Are you still angry at Sombra's forces over that? Is it Harcourt? I mean, I miss him too... but he's okay. I'm... pretty sure..."


Lilith paused, her expression noticeably darkened. "..." Control, Lilith. Don't... let your feelings show anymore than they have... keep your posture in check, your voice even, and just tell him that you're fine because you ARE fine. Fine, fine, fine, fine...




"Is it... Trivy?"


She gritted her teeth, trying to contain the outburst that was rising in her chest, creating a funny sound. The normally clear gems on gauntlet flared with energy as she attempted to offload the balloon in her chest into energy to be used later.


She lasted about five seconds before she erupted.


"Yes, it's Baltimare and Harcourt and Trivy. And Rarity! And the others at the sanctuary! And... and... it's all my fault! Every single time I get involved, people get hurt! Emotionally, physically, mentally!" She said, tears leaking. "I was given the Gauntlets, forcing me to leave my comrades, which turned the tide against us! I was the one that was tempted by Sombra! I was the trojan horse that led them straight to the group! Because of me," she said, gulping a breath of air, "Baltimare is in ruins! Tens of thousands are dead, with Rarity most likely among them! I might as well have wielded a dagger and stabbed Trivy myself!" Her voice rose to a fever pitch. "Because of me, Harcourt's all but dead inside, with Spike soon to follow as soon as he learns the truth, and- and-!"


She stopped suddenly, realizing with widened eyes that she had just shouted one of the two things that she swore to keep hidden from the others so loud that the neighboring village might have heard her clearly, let alone the ponies inside. "I... I..." She sat down on her haunches, looking about as empty and broken as Harcourt had during the burial a few weeks ago. Without saying a word, she let loose the clasp on her cloak let it fall to the ground, revealing a small, well muscled frame and revealing her Cutie Mark for the first time. No tears fell down as she stared at the ground, but she murmured to herself, "I... I just wanted to do... the right thing..." she stammered out quietly before falling silent and completely still as the moon shone out from behind the trees of the surrounding forest.


Before long, she opened her mouth, but instead of words, out of them came... a song, muttered to an imaginary tune.


"The clock stopped ticking, forever ago...

How long have I been up? I don't know.

I can't get a grip, but I can't let go...

There wasn't anything to hold onto, though...


"Why can't I see? Why can't I see?

All the colors, that you see?

Please, can I be? Please, can I be?

Colorful and free...?"






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(Bra-VO... and you didn't think you had it in you. *applause*)



Chase simply stood there for a moment, his mouth hanging open and his blue eyes round and huge.  He was speechless - actually, completely and totally speechless - and he simply gawked for a moment.  Then...




He reached out and put his hoof on her shoulder.


"I... don't understand..."


He took a slow, deep breath.


"... but I know what I've seen you do since you've been here - and that's what matters to me, Miss Crow."


He sat down next to her, wanting to hug her... but opting to maintain his simple hoof of support, instead.


"Look, I... I'm not sure what drove you to it, but seeing you like this now?  That tells me all I need to know; you really, really aren't one of Sombra's minions - and I don't give a pile of diamond dog turds if you used to be, either.  You've been right here with the rest of us, fighting and trying and talking and working it out.  That tells ME you're not a spy... well, not anymore, right?"


"I don't think you're such a bad pony; I think you're..." Beautiful, he thought. "... a real miracle, Miss Crow.  You've dealt with so much since hooking up with us - it just took time to see where you were needed, y'know?  And do you REALLY think somepony who wasn't really worth a second chance would find tears and remorse for what they've done?"


"Heck, we ALL do dumb stuff, sometimes... it's a bad habit with me, for sure!  But it doesn't mean I'm bad, does it?  And yeah, it applies here, too.  Dumb stuff is dumb stuff, no matter the size.  But we gotta fight ourselves, or we'll start thinking that all we're made of is dumb stuff... and that just isn't true."


He leaned over to try to catch Lilith's eyes.


"Look, I believe in the you that I see you to be.  So, y'know... BE that you.  Take the lessons you learned from the OLD you, and make this you the REAL you.  After all, nobody can be yourself like you can, right?"


He gave a sheepish grin.  "That's a lot of yous back ther-"




Spike's voice was barely above a whisper, but the words held cold fire in their seething embers.  His shadow loomed over them both, and his eyes were liquid pools of rage as he leveled his gaze on them both, staring down at them as noxious black smoke curled from his nostrils.



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@@Randimaxis, @,  


Stardust and Aria were gathering up supplies as the others went about their business. As Star made her way outside to speak with Sword about the perimeter check she noticed that Chase, and Lilith were all just outside the window where Spike had been listening. 


What.. what are they doing? She thought. She shook it off placing her items on the ground she scanned the area to see if she could spot the old pegasus. With no luck she decided to start work on creating the cloud cover for the moon light. 


She made her way into the tall trees of the nearby forest and quickly darted into a low flying cloud, once she knew she was clear from sight she tried to slowly but with haste make her way to the next closest cloud. Trying to make it look like a natural drift. Once the cloud became too large for her to move gently she darted to another smaller one and started to collect them and merge the two large ones together. 


Oh the life of a pegasus...stupid clouds. She finally gathered enough and started to make her way into position. "Sheesh... finally." She said under her breath. She laid her body on the edge of the cloud and looked down to see where everypony was. As she looked over the puffy cloud she noticed that Spike had made his way to the two ponies. 


She flew down and joined the group. 


"Okay, the clouds are in place, we should really get moving. We only have a few hours before they start to do their own thing again." She motioned towards the cottage where Aria was waiting with the saddle bags. "Hey, have any of you seen Sword? He should be back by now." She asked. 

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@@Stardust*, @@Randimaxis,


Lilith remained silent as Chase spoke, her eyes seemingly devoid of emotion as she was slowly piecing together her composure. She didn't flinch as Stardust spoke, or even as Spike looked like he was about to explode just as she was. After about a minute, she stood up and spoke in monotone. "Noble dragon, if you have the courage to face truth, you would stop deluding yourself with hope for your loved one and seek solace for your grief." Her gauntlets started to glow, reflecting the light of the moon from the sky and infusing the clear gems with light. "She is... was... the Element of Generosity. She has been giving her whole life. Ask yourself this- when the final question is asked, the final price demanded- is Rarity a pony to run if, by doing so, she would place even a single life in danger? In fact, chances were that the Darkmanes were given explicit orders to ensure her demise. They would play to her nature, draw her out, and then..." She paused, face still pointed downwards. "... I will look for the veteran and return him here. Then we will depart. I understand if Spike or his companions no longer wish to bear me, nor if any can tolerate my presence further. I shall seek my own way across the ocean if necessary."


She turned away from the group, and walked back towards the house to find Sword at a fast but steady pace, letting her mind blend together both Chase's words and Harcourt's promise, with an insane-sounding tune playing in the background...

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@@Randimaxis, @@Pripyat Pony,


"C'mon, y'all!  Let's get you two somewhere where you can rest yer hooves, maybe grab some grub?  Y'all hungry?"


''Starving!'' Trivy said with a smile, still not really believing that her biggest hero was standing in front of her. ''Where are we going?''


''Ah cant wait to show ye! But Ah I aint saying nothin'. Don't wanna ruin the surprise now do we?'' AJ said she started walking deeper into the cave. ''Make sure ye turn down that light of yers. Dont want no bats coming our way.''


Trivy looked a little confused at Jay, not really sure about what was about to happen. When Jay gave back the same look, Trivy shrugged her shoulder and quickly walked after the orange apple.



''We're here.'' Night said as she hovered back to the ground.


The 3 ponies and griffon were now standing at the top of the mountain but there was nothing there. Just more rock.


"There is nothing here.'' Winter said confused with a slight tone of anger in her voice that she had attempted to hold back. "You're not going to tell me that we came all this way to admire the view?"


''Among other things.'' The unicorn stallion smirked as he lite up his horn. With flare of yellow magic, a massive door revealed behind the rocky disguise. ''Designed the spell all by myself.'' He said a little cocky as he leaned against the wood behind him. 


''Oh please mister magic, the only thing you did was alter the spell from princess twilight to make it more rock . I wouldn't say 'designed'.'' Dream said as she pushed the large wooden door open, followed by a loud creaking noise, causing the poor stallion to lose his balance and tumble awkwardly on the ground. He quickly got up, straightening his mane and dusting of the sand like nothing happened.


''Still manage to change it.'' He mumbled grumpy to himself. 


''Are you two always like th...'' the griffon stopped as her beak opened wide.


''Only when I feel like it.'' The blue Pegasus said a little confuzed


Winter was looked over night's shoulder, not believing her eyes ''Holy Horse Feathers!'' She quickly rushed past the two ponies making her way through the entrance. "What is this place?''


''Uhm... Miss jack?'' Breaking the long silence


''Yes Sugarcube?''


''I don't wanna be rude but I really do wish to know where we're going. You must understand, in these times, you can never to be too sure.'' Trivy said as she tried to find the mare's face in the darkness. "You see, the last time we were taking in a 'safe place', our magic was taken away. I mean we got it back afterwards but that's kinda besides the point."


''Ye don't have to worry sugar. Ah aint using any crazy magic like rares does.'' Jack chuckled.


Trivy laughed a little nervously as they walked further, their hoofsteps echoing through the stony hall until a beam of light fell on the red unicorns face. She flinched, squeezing her eyes shut  as she still tried to adjust to the light.


When she finally did open her eyes, the sight before her shocked her, making her jaw drop. She couldn't believe it. An entire village, filled with refugees. Hidden away all this time inside the mountains. There she was, standing next to Jay and the element of honesty, looking over an entire village filled with ponies. Pegasi flying around, a small market place down below, small houses made in the walls of the hollow mountain, Sunlight shinning through a hole at the top. It was simply ''Beautiful''


''Welcome home.''

Edited by Pucksterv
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''We're here.''


"There is nothing here. You're not going to tell me that we came all this way to admire the view?"


''Among other things. Designed the spell all by myself.'


''Oh please mister magic, the only thing you did was alter the spell from princess twilight to make it more rock . I wouldn't say 'designed'."


"Still managed to change it."


''Are you two always like th..."


''Only when I feel like it.'


''Holy Horse Feathers! What is this place?''









With the last of his energy, Harcourt Blackwater pulled the cart along.  He was now simply guessing at which direction the voices were in; he was far too disoriented to make out anything like down, up, left, right, night, day... none of it even so much as registered within his mind.


More like, what was LEFT of his mind.


He stepped slowly along behind them, never saying a word.  He pulled the cart along, so much rolling through his brainpan, yet not a thing sticking.  He was delirious, he was dehydrated, he was exhausted, he was overworked... the stallion had been through so much, and now he had been dragged to the very brink of sanity - and had been shoved unceremoniously over the edge, yet still expected to continue going at the pace others demanded of him.


Harcourt was dying, and what was left of his mind knew it.  He wanted to make it all the way to where they were bound, so he could simply unhook himself from the cart, drag his sorry carcass off to the side somewhere and quietly expire, where he would no longer be a burden to anypony.


But he didn't quite get that far.




It was the first sound Harcourt had made since he'd last spoken to Winter, many miles ago - it was likely that the others with him might jump at such a sound from the stallion.  His eyes rolled back in his head, and he groaned again.




Harcourt suddenly pitched to the left, and hit the ground HARD.  The cart behind him lifted the right rear wheel into the air with the shift of weight... then it went still.  He was still breathing... but veeeeeery shallowly.  His lips were cracked and dry, his eyes sunken and surrounded by dark circles, and he was exceedingly pale and quivery.  He lie there, a creak and a crackle issuing from him with each tiny breath he took.  


His body was putting off more heat than a pot-bellied stove, and a mere touch would possibly scald an unwary hoof.


With everything he'd been through, his long-suffering self had finally suffered enough.  The show was over for him, he was certain of it; this would be where he would die, surrounded by those who would fight for the cause he'd tried unsuccessfully to champion.  The utter defeat of it all was heartrending; he'd never get his home and family honor back - never get his dignity back - never even the score with Sombra for all that had been done in his name - and he'd never get his chance at Rave Darkmane.


Brokenhearted, Harcourt simply closed his eyes and started to just let it all go.


I'm coming, Trivia... I'll be with you soon... wait for me... there's a good girl... almost there...

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@@Randimaxis, Jinx sat down with her books and thought over what had happened. She had been feeling it for a while yet, that Rave wanted her gone from here so that he alone would have the ear of the King. Of course, she had tied in several magics within the spells she'd laid on the castle so that if she was ever forced out of the castle or her body killed, a terrible revenge would be wrought on the pony who had made it happen. As an expert on Dark Magic without an equal, the spells were so tightly interwoven with the shield and protection spells that they could not be removed by anypony cept for herself. If the worst came to the worst, she could flee; the spells would enact the moment she left the castle. There was also a particular spell that Jinx had been saving for such an occasion, tho she hoped that she would never have to use it.


In any case, Jinx already knew a lot about Trivy and her rebels, from the spell she had placed on her before. She had told Sombra part of the information, but there was still some she had kept back as insurance for a time such as this. Just like with the emergency spell, Jinx would prefer that it wouldn't come to this.




@@Pucksterv, Jay just stood there, her mouth open in a gasp of surprise. Of anything she could ever imagine, she had never expected that Applejack would lead herself and Trivy to a place like this. It looked normal; a proper pony town that reminded her with a pang to her heart of the one that she herself was born in, and where she'd lived til Jinx had come and taken over her mind.


"Wow," she exclaimed. "All the time, and this place was here within the mountain! It's wonderful!"

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Spike's eyes were wildfire... but the dragon simply watched as Lilith left to find Sword.  As soon as she was out of sight, he turned to Stardust.


"I don't care WHAT she says - Rarity is ALIVE... she just HAS to be.  And I'm not giving up hope simply because somepony already has!  So, gather your group, and bring them all out here - we're leaving TONIGHT."


He began to circle back around the cottage, but before he left, he looked back towards the pegasus.


"And regardless of that ranger's words, we'll take her too - but one more word about Rarity from her, and I'll fricassee her flank."


He stormed out of sight, looking as though he probably needed a few moments to himself.





As soon as she reached the edge of the woods, Lilith KNEW something was wrong.


It was dead quiet - as in, no birds, squirrels, or other woodland creature sounds could be heard... and when the animals got quiet, it usually meant they were hiding.  From what, there was no telling... but it was there, nonetheless.  They might have simply been quiet for the sake of the old stallion that was supposedly here looking for trouble, but she couldn't hear him, either.  He might have been flying, of course...


That was when the very stallion she was searching for came flapping down from above.  He landed lightly, and the look of concern was writ large across his muzzle.  He drew a breath and exhaled before he spoke.


"About two miles out - a large force of roughly a hundred armored ponies headed this direction.  Bows.  Swords.  Shields.  And a line of unicorns, too.  I have a feeling they're coming for US - and it would be best for ourselves and the griffons if we were NOT here when they arrive."


A dark look came across his face.  "Because if we're still here... these poor griffons will follow the same fate as Baltimare."

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''Uhm.. Mister Harcourt are you okay?'' Night dream looked up over her shoulder when she heard the sound. The stallion was not looking good. She poked her brother into his side. He looked at her grumpy until he saw her worried face as she pointed her hoof at the groaning pony.




Harcourt suddenly pitched to the left, and hit the ground HARD.  


The old stallion hitting the ground snapped Winter out of her wonder, making her turn her head as well.


''Wow what's happening? Harcourt?'' She ran towards him as he closed his eyes. ''Harcourt? Common, you gotta stay awake. Wake up!'' the griffon started shaking him around, hoping it would make his eyes snap open again but it was no use. If Harcourt didnt want to continue anymore, he wouldnt. ''Stubborn stallion.'' she muttered.


''Harcourt! Come on, Wake up!''


''Winter step back.'' Summer said as he pulled her away. ''Night, you get the doctor. I'll carry him inside. Go. Now!''


@@Pripyat Pony,

AJ's ear popped up as well. ''That's Summer. Somethin is up. Follow me please. Quickly.''


She spotted the blue Pegasus flying  in a hurry.


''Night!'' She yelled ''what's all this ruckus about?. Y'all okay?.''


She flew down quickly, shaking her head. ''Not quite. We got one down.'' she motioned to the entrance above. ''I'm gonna get whooves. See if he can help.''


''Whooves hasn't returned from his expedition yet.'' Aj started running quickly towards the entrance. Trivy and Jay followed her in confusion.


''What? You send our only medic out there? Are you crazy?'' Night said as she flew next to the orange mare.


''Ah didn't have choice. One of the new recruits got injured.''


"Well what do we do then? It doesn't look like he's gonna hold it out much longer. We really need him alive. He's one of the elements.''


''Which one?''




There he was, worn out and weak on the ground. Her best and maybe only trustworthy friend. Her mentor, the father she never really had. Her everything. Breathing his last breath.


''HARCOURT!'' Trivy screamed in tears as she almost jumped at him.





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@@Randimaxis, @@Stardust*,


This news caught Lilith completely by surprise- Sword could see it in her eyes.


"By the Ancients, why now?! We've been here for weeks!" she said. Immediately turning and moving as quietly as she could back to the others, she immediately turned to Stardust. "We need to leave. Now. Everypony, not just the ones going to the resistance. There's an army on the march in this direction, and they're two miles away and closing the gap. We've got ten minutes- fifteen at best assuming that the Rangers oppose them. Every single pony here needs to leave RIGHT NOW, or else this village and everyone in it will be incinerated."


She paused for a moment. "If nothing else, we need to get them into the southern forest, since they're coming from the west, and then my Griffon counterparts can ensure their safety from there- even their transportation into Equestria. But we need to move, and we need to move fast. Get everyone together."

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