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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Mystery in Manehatten

Scare Effect

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"maybe we shouldn't have left him alone" Banner pointed out "yes lets go to the hospital and not leave him until he wakes up...or at least one of use stays" she said walking to the exit "I can tell you about Fear and what happened last year while we wait but first to the hospital" she pointed in the direction of it then waited for Scare so she could go with her

  • Brohoof 1
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Scare nodded to Banner and took off galloping toward the hospital as fast as she dared to make sure Chain stayed on her back, once there she ran into the hospital yelling "Help we have an injured pony who needs immediate medical attention!" a doctor notice and ran to Scare and Chain and started yelling for the nurses to bring a stretcher and take him to the emergency room. Once the nurses did this he entered the ER and shut the door blocking Scare's and Banner's veiw.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"the pony how did this wouldn't possibly use this moment to finish the job right?" she hoped "I hope Chain will be ok...so what do you want to know first? Fear or what happened last year in the desert?" she asked Scare trying to calm down about what just happened but still had worried movements

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"no she wouldn't she wasn't trying to kill him, so she won't come here to finish him off." Scare turned to look at Banner. "He will be fine. as for the information I would like to know who this Fear is, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want too at the moment."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"no, no its fine" she tried to calm down more "I can tell you how Fear is now because if I don't I might regret it later" she cleared her throat "Fear is the one how tried to destroy equestria before we stopped her in this universe but before you came from another universe where she did succeed in her plan" I bet she would believe that but...I don't want to say that she helped her do it right now, that would make her sad and then I won't know what to do Banner thought 

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"If what you say is true then why would she h..." Scare started then suddenly stopped her eyes got a far away look in them.


"Scare What are you doing?" A grey mare asked a small grey Filly who looked at her with a look of betrayal.

"You didn't tell me you were going to use it to hurt people." Filly Scare shouted at the grey mare.

"Because you were the one who wanted to in the first place."

"What do you mean?"

"I am only doing as you command." the mare answers and presses the activate button

"Noo!" Filly Scare yelled as she tackled the mare, who grabbed her.
"Now you will have what you always wanted Immortallity." The Mare said as they were enveloped by the blast.


Scare shook her head."I just remembered something but i don't know what it means but you are right i am from another dimension. But now i really want to know why this Fear character is helping me."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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she kind of spaced out a little, I wonder what that was for Banner thought then heard her question "I have no idea, it must be a good reason if so...I cant see her telling you this for this to be a trap" she sat down near the door where Chain is "I will find that pony how did this and I will bring them to justice...one way, or another" she said thinking about revenge

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"I agree with you she would not tell me these things for a simple little trap like that."Scare heard what Banner said. "I promise I am gonna find that lunatic and knock her senseless she hurt one of my friends and she will pay for it dearly." Scare said to Banner


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Back in the rubble of the laboratory, a pile of debris was being shoved around and kicked to the sides.  Silent Blade was digging through the piles of whatever the explosion had left, and was talking out loud to herself.


"No... no... nooooooooooooooooo... nope... nuh-uh... no... noopey-de-loopey... nope... nope..."


The pink pegasus was rummaging around diligently, seemingly searching for something.  What it could be wasn't clear yet, though.


"... nope... no... nuh-uh... no- WAIT!"


She stepped back from a portion of the pile, and there amidst the rubble was the device Chain had been examining earlier.  Silent Blade stared at it for a moment, a string of drool hanging from her lip... then, she grabbed it up and danced around in a circle, hugging the strange device and rubbing it on her face, sort of nuzzling it.


"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss... hee hee hee hee hee!"


With a happy squee, she then made her way out of the ruins of the window, flying madly off into the distance.

=====  ( 0=====


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Time went by and they both waited for a few hours telling the tale in detail of what happened a year ago when a doctor stepped out of the room "he's fine and awake, what happened to him anyway?" "uhhh...we had some faulty constriction that collapsed on him" "that's a shame, now how's going to pay the bill?" Banner sighed "I got it...I bet Chain regrets this already" she mumbled so the doctor didn't hear "lets see how he's doing" she walked into the room

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Scare nodded and followed Banner into the room to check on Chain."how are you feeling Chain?" Scare asked in a sincere tone,


Outside the hospital the cloaked figure stood guard atop another building across the street.She is slowly getting her memories of HER back then they will seek me out thinking i am her. she thought.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I'm fine, I won't go down from a simple knock over the head...Banner made sure of that" "you know he's ok when he starts making jokes" she chuckled lightly "we can go anytime, just don't leave me alone with something made of dame unchangiom...I made it up my self since it does not react to anything I tested it was like if I tried to break it, it wouldn't do anything" he explains getting up from the bed. "yeah well this whole thing is going to cost a lot" "this better be worth it her her...I wonder if we catch her I can get noticed and become a celebrity!" Banner looks at him with a straight face "yeah I know what your thinking shut up about it, I was just fantasizing" he walks to the door Banner following 

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Scare laughed at how Chain just from having been attacked to making jokes about it. "we will only know once we caught her Chain. Now you discovered a unique metal that reacts with nothing I believe it might have come from my world since i was found with it in the desert with it. And if you can leave we need to go get it right away when i met her she was staring at it so she must of attacked you to get us to leave so she can grab it." Scare said to Chain.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"yeah that would be a good idea, lets go" Chain said walking a bit faster, not as fast as he wanted but still fast "even though he plays it cool, I bet he is ether in pain or just is a bit mentally unfit right now, hence why he is walking like a dog with a hurt leg and what he said about being a celebrity...or not, he's weird like that" Banner said walking with him to the station making sure he is ok.

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Once they arrived at the Station, Scare went into the Lab and started seaching for the device. "where is it, where is it." Scare muttered as she searched the Lab for device only finding nothing then she let out a gasp when she realized that the mare has stolen it while they were at hospital.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"is it there, please say its there" "I know that look, its not Chain" "crap" he said in response to Banner. then looks at where the hole was "I have a plan, lets get a unicorn how can use a magic sense, I bet somepony around here..." Chain said then thought a bit "actually, if we want to keep this to ourselves then I need a copy of the spell" "he reads a bountiful amount of magic books...when I read them it was like algebra for me, like its confusing as hell" she added "its mostly fire for welding...and defense"

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the cloaked figure with the red eyes appeared in the room."No need even with that spell you'd never be able to track her down trust me I tried it." She said then looked at Chain. "You are clearly not in any condition to attempt to find her let alone capture her."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"well that won't be a problem since I'm going with these two, Banners strong as it is and she told Scare had unbelievable power with a rock friend thing called Everest" he says without thinking about how that pony how said it was "how are you? why did you come in here, why have you been tracking that deranged pony?!" Banned yelled wanting answers

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Tsk tsk, Banner did you really forget me I thought you would considering I tried to kill you last year." The cloaked pony paused then continued."I am following her to prevent her from killing You and Scare that is why i have been helping you with finding her."

Scare heard what Chain said, "What are you talking about i don't have any powers." She said.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"your Fear? well that explains a bit but there is still questions I would like to ask, most dominantly, why are you trying to help us?" she asked with a confused scorn look on her face then looked a Scare how has forgotten about what she used to be "oh yeah you have unbelievable power, so does this mare but Everest may be gone in the wastes or explosion which you sucked up" Banner said yet again thinking that she really should have eased her into this stuff more "If what you said about Everest is true...that sucks, I wanted to see him at least"

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"You see when we first met i was not entirely myself due to the side effects of using the device. but now i want to make amends and help you get rid of this scum who kills for fun. And don't worry Chain Everest is alive and well it will take more than that to completely destroy him." Fear said with a pointed smile.


"So Banner you said I have powers like Fear here what are they." Scare asked looking confused.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"mostly super strength and...I don't know I really only saw that but I think you have much more than that" Banner answered trying to remember last year "that's great to hear since he could help use a bunch here" "wait what device were you talking about exactly?" she asked still a little weary about Fear

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"you know the device i mean Banner so please don't play dumb. any way ScareYou have super strength,speed and durability. you also can absorb magic if you focus hard enough." Fear said to both Scare and Banner.

"I dont think i believe i have powers but i do believe you are trying to help me though." Scare said looking at Fear with a smile.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I never heard the story, that's why I asked" she said annoyed "lets not dwell on this for long, there's potentially a world to save...am I right?" he asked Fear not knowing the stakes yet "I mean that's what Banner had to go throw last time so I guessed" he made his thought clear as Banner tried to calm down from her kind of irrational anger

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"Chain is right we need to focus on stopping that maniac, and Banner I will tell you the story later. now we are not trying to stop genocide we are trying to stop a war." Fear said pausing to take a breath."Now from what i know we must catch her before she collects these parts but i don't know why she is collecting them but I have no idea what they are for."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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