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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Mystery in Manehatten

Scare Effect

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"sounds like she's on a fetch quest, Chain made me do them for metal/other things before we moved here" she said to the slightly trusted mare "what ever quest she is on, we need to stop it...I bet if she wants to start a war then she might be making the uncangiom into some kind other object like armor or a machine...the only thing I didn't test full was if you could combine it with welding..it was because I really didn't know how much fire it would take as well as not knowing if I could remove the two objects" he explains as Banner looks bored at his rambling "can we just go?"

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"I agree with Banner we need to get her and fast because she is causing trouble and I believe the device is from our world so it might be part of the device you mentioned Fear." Scare said to Fear.


Silent Blade was hanging out in a sweet shop eating a cupcake as she waited for her new orders. the sweet shop door opened with a jingle, looking up Silent saw a bright yellow earth pony with a short pink mane walk in and walk up to her and sat down across from Silent.


"Silent good to see that you completed you mission, but you have new orders." The pony said tossing a medical file with S.E abbreviated on it. "We need you to get the Battery."

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"the thing is, I don't know where to start, Fear you've been tracking her for longer than we have, so what she we do" it pained her a little to ask help from the one how tried to kill everything a year ago but she knew it had to be done "all I know is, never leave anypony here alone again, mostly Fear and Scare though since they have more connections to this whole thing than us...if one of you two got hurt or worst then the war may as well be over before it starts" he explains not wanting to have anypony to die from this

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"thank you chain for your concern but I will be fine as for you three you are to avoid any contact with her I am hunting her down myself also i recommend you three not to return to your apartments just to be safe." Fear said before she vanished into the night.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"well Fear has a point, so does Chain because I'm not leaving you anytime soon" Banner says getting close to Scare "just don't go overbored with the whole love dovy stuff, war is coming and if you let your guard down, don't say I didn't warn you" he says getting between the two "you have a point but what should we do then?" "you want to make a few things? I have a workshop full of metal ready for the taking across town, weapons don't sound bad right now"

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"That would be fine, but we need to be careful that lunatic could be anywhere so we must be careful both of you got it?" Scare said to Banner and Chain.


"Why did you leave them they could use your help." Fear said to herself as she walked through the busy streets."You should have told them," Fear stopped walking and closed her eyes and remembered the yellow unicorn filly she promised."As long as Scare doesn't do anything stupid my promise will be kept." 


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"we know" they said in unison "I can guide us there, I know this city like the back of my hoof, plus I know a ton of shortcuts and popular areas, for both sides of cover" she said walking out the building with the others "night is very dangerous in the city so just, keep low...Scare if something happens, run like there is no tomorrow and remember that you are stronger than you think" she said walking to the workshop


(I assume its night from your last post)

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"Okay then Banner lead the way." Scare said as she opened the door and waved them out.I don't know if I believe I am from another world but i need to focus, now the pony didn't look like the pony in my memory but they have they same voice,  Scare shook her head and exited the building.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Silent Blade glared at the yellow pony in question.


"Can't... you... see... that... I'm... EATING!?"


She stood up from the chair and knocked the remainder of the muffin away, sending crumbs and broken shards of plate skittering across the floor.  After this outburst, she reached up and ran a hoof through her hair, taking a deep breath to calm herself.


"Battery?  Whaddya mean battery?  Is it the kind of battery that you put in a bowl, stir up and pour in big dollops onto a tray, then put that tray in the oven, bake it, then it makes cookies?  Because, I swear, unless it has something to do with making food, I may just decide that YOU need to join THEM!"


She pointed a hoof; over in the corner were the sliced remains of two... no, wait... three ponies.  Blood coated the walls and countertop, but only around the register; the rest of the shop, except for where the cupcake & plate had been slung, was spotless.  She turned back to the pony in question, and her wall-eyed gaze instantly snapped to focus on the offender.



=====  ( 0=====


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"listen here you lunatic if Spinner finds out you talked to me like this she will take away your powers and give you the same punishment she gave to Chaotic. you wouldn't want that now would you." the yellow Mare replied then got in Silent's face. "Now you are to capture Scare Effect she is the battery and We need her alive do you understand me?"

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"WHAT?  I thought I was supposed to get to KILL her!  I had this whole thing planned out where I was gonna start with her little friends, separating them and killing them in slow and painful manners one by one 'til Scare started losing her marbles then I was gonna take those marbles and break 'em one by one until she had nothing left to lose but her life and THEN I was gonna-"


She stopped and got a very... disgruntled... look on her face.


"You're not even LISTENING, are you?"


She was shaking with rage, and the aim of that anger was right in front of her.

=====  ( 0=====


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"I get the feeling you don't understand do you. this is a direct order from Spinner if you are disgruntled by this order take it up with her because if you do anything stupid that will anger her she will deal with you and she is the one ordering you i am but her messenger." The yellow mare said before she got up and left.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"were one busy street away from the work shop, try to blend in"  "were not fugitives, were normal ponies, also I could probably lead us there faster if we did the short cuts I suggested" "one thing is that there is a murderer coming after us, I don't know much about her but I don't think anypony would kill somepony out here unless they had no fear of death...I hope she has one" Banned said walking throw a almost china town looking place

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Blade stood there as the messenger left.  Her right eye twitched once.  Her left ear did also.


Then she threw her head back and shrieked an ear-piercing wail of fury... then suddenly stopped, calmly smoothed her mane down, and simply pulled out her sword, using it to once more slice a hole in the fabric of reality.


"It's okay... it's alright... Spinny knows what's up... it's okay... it's alright... Spinny knows what's up..."


Chanting this mantra of madness, she steps through the tear.  The slice vanishes as quickly as it came.

=====  ( 0=====


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"I don't think she will care due to most of her victims being killed in public but we must get there as quickly as possible for your sakes i do not like the idea of you two getting hurt." Scare said as she followed them in the crowd of ponies, I also don't want her to kill any more innocents.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"then well at least if she attacked some pony here she would be known and be placed as public enemy number one but now that you say that, let's walk faster throw this crowed" she said picking up speed "your not going to leave us, I'll make sure of it if you do that again" he walked a little fast dragging scare to get faster. I really hope fear is around here somewhere

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Scare let out a sigh as she was dragged along with them by Chain. I hope we won't come in contact with her yet.


I hope they stayed where they were that way they won't be in any danger, Fear thought as she was walking down the street when she saw a familiar trio."Damn it!" She swore as she started to follow them.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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they kept walking till they saw the workshop "there it is my workshop, it looks better on the inside" he says looking at the building that had a few cracks in it and though the ponies cant see it there was a ton of graffiti on the other side of it. "yep and it has a ton things to help us" she walks inside the building to see a ton of metals and tools "what are those things in the bottles?"  "those are an assortment of chemicals that I use, don't touch them because they are mostly poison to ponies" "got it" "so what do you gals want? if we have to be hunted down might as well fight for are lives" Chain said walking to a few piles of metals

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"Well I don't use weapons unless absolutely necessary. so you two can get some weapons while I look around for something useful." Scare answered and started looking around the workshop for something she could use. as she looked around she saw something glowing underneath a door curious she opened the door only to get a distant look in her eye as she got another flashback.


Scare was in the desert sitting next to Banner who looked extremely happy. Banner said something that Scare couldn't make out. then the scene shifted to manehatten and it was a war zone. to her left was Chain who was covered in a strange black substance with a gash in his right hind leg. to her right was Fear her right eye had a cut around it. and directly in front of her was a battered and beaten Banner.


"What happened to you?" Scare asked kneeling next to Banner.


"YOU WERE TOO LATE TO SAVE HER!" A voice said Behind Scare. Scare turned to see it was a pony who looked like a copy of Scare. Scare opened her mouth to say something only to snap back to reality.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Banner saw Scare looking inside of...the broom closet looking like she was in a trance Banner walked to her "whats wrong? you look like you saw a ghost" she said as Chain started the processes of making a sword for her and Banner "well tell me what you find, I'll let you use it, even if its those bottles" he said not paying much attention to Scare or Banner

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Scare shook her head as she heard Banner's voice. "Nothing I am fine just had another flashback is all with both of us in the desert that is all." Scare said completely omitting the prophetic part of her little episode. looking up to see she was looking into the broom closet she closed it.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"oh that's good, your remembering more about me" she joked as Banner walked to Chains side "cant you make like an enchantment or something" "it won't be strong, just warning you not to rely on that" "I've been using weapons before you were 4, I think I can do without them but I want it to make it stronger" "magic edge, magic sapping, magic fire" "magic fire" "that's like an arcane bolt if you focus hard" "that's why I want it, make it so I can see its glory" "got it, using the best materials we have" he got out a bar of steel and a diamond "been saving this for some mare...I'm sure using its great magic enchantment powers will be better right now, plus diamond tip" he starts smelting the blade.

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Scare stares at some small containers and found a group green colored ones that had a strange mark on them. "it is strange you have plasma in your workshop isn't, I mean it has little to no use in the making of weapons." Scare asked Chain as she picked up three of them and put them in her coat pocket for later use.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,

"look I make other things, and some of those I just sell raw because I made them myself with shock magic...its something that ponies find neat and aren't for fighting but if you can somehow use them you can" he said putting the bars in the fire "get me the blade mold Banner, and a hilt you want, I made a box of them so I wouldn't need to make more" "I'm only helping you because it helps all of us" she got the items and dropped them next to Chain

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Scare then began looking for some metal to work with she found a large pile of metal scrap next to a recycle bin. grabbing several pieces and put them on a table, along with the containers of plasma. "I have an idea but i need to ask do you have a welding tool of some kind?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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