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private Mystery in Manehatten

Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,

Chain chuckled a bit "your looking at him, I weld all the things I make myself...or with help and non unicorns I have some welders over there but I used to make everything myself at ponyville" he points to a another box next to the broom closet "I'm not doing anything in this point of the processes soooo...what do you want welded?" Banner watched the forge make the steel bars get turned into liquid

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"something i remember i used to defend myself a long time ago in my world. it is a projectile weapon that i made from parts i took from some gruesome looking ponies that tried to kill me when i was little." Scare said as she laid out the pieces she gathered."and i believe it could get rid of her powers for a short time."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,

"that sounds great to use" he begins casting fire that envelops his horn until it shots a concentrated flame that you would see from a blowtorch but it was the color of a bright blue magic flame like the color of his eyes "I like the magic touch it has when I see it after its finished" he points it to the pieces "stand back" he makes magic eye protection for himself then starts welding "how did it take away the powers?"

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The local police station was relatively quiet.  There were officers on duty, desk jockeys who were making the rounds of filing paperwork, and a couple of drunks in the holding cell, chatting fairly quietly.  All seemed calm, and the night appeared to be going by without a hitch.


That changed the moment the tip of a blade poked out of thin air.


It pulled downward, making a visible part in the fabric of reality and leaving a ragged hole.  Through that hole, as if being rebirthed into the world, came Silent Blade.  She dropped onto the floor and brandished the sword, her lunatic grin and wall-eyed stare giving her the full effect of being creepy and deadly-looking.  Her head flicked to the side, and the blade simply vanished.


Then she turned back towards the fully-visible rip, still hanging in mid-air.  She yanked the hole wide open, and lots of black balloons began floating into the station, a seemingly endless stream of them pouring out of the tear and onto the ceiling.


"It's PARTY TIME!  And the biggestest, bestestest parties are always thrown by yours truly!  In fact, I haven't thrown a decent party in ages - so you're ALL overdue!  Mares and gentlecolts, I present to you the thrill of a lifetime, and the last party you'll EVER need to have!  Welcome welcome welcome to SCARE'S RETIREMENT PARTY!"  


She pulled a party whistle from her mane and blew it in a nearby officer's face; a pink mist issued out of it, and the officer's eyes began crying streams of blood.  He pawed at his muzzle, trying to get the pain to stop.  She then tossed a hooffull of confetti, baseball-pitcher style, into a gathering of desk jockeys - the multi-colored glass shards ripped through clothing and imbedded into the poor ponies' skin, the chemicals on them making the wounds burn like acid.  She began bouncing through the station, laughing hysterically as she pulled out all the stops, her wicked party favors sending the ponies within into a fear-filled frenzy.


When the first mare reached the doors, she tried to shove her way out - but slammed into it headfirst instead.  The same happened all around the building; every exit was blocked off, every window seemingly sealed shut with what looked like giftwrap, but was as strong as steel.  Blade turned to look at the throngs trying to escape the macabre party scene.


"Hey hey!  No one can leave yet!  NONE of you can leave..."


The murderous gleam in her eye twinkled.


"... the guest of honor hasn't arrived yet."


Silent Blade reveled in the other ponies misery.  She had taken her time to decide how to best lure Scare out of hiding, and she was fairly certain that an all-out party at Scare's police station would do the trick, not to mention throw the local authorities into such a tizzy that the rest of Spinner's crew would have a much easier time of dealing with their own issues, as the police would probably all gather here.  They might have thought she was stupid, but the chances were more likely that she was smarter than all of them combined - but that was okie-dokie-lokie; when people thought she was an idiot, she could get away with SO much more.


She glanced up at the ceiling, by now covered with black balloons, and grinned from ear to ear.  The screams of ponies in agony sounded like an exquisite symphony to her, and she wanted to hear Scare's voice singing along.  The bait was out; the trap was set.  If all went according to plan, Silent Blade would have Scare Effect in her clutches, and would then be handing her off personally to Spinner.  Then... the whole world would need a retirement party.


Blade thought, If THIS doesn't bring her, nothing will!

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Scare turned to Banner and answered." I don't know all i remember is that it works when i am focused why do you ask?" Scare finished before the workshop door swung open revealing an angry Fear."I thought i told you to stay at the station?" she said with an angry voice. then their was several sirens as several police ponies ran past the workshop.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"don't break Chains concentration on like the one thing that matters, we wanted protection against that maniac" Banner said fast as she heard the sirens "whats going on out there?" she walks over to the door to see them running throw the Chinese town how the ponies got out of the way for "I got one piece done...when did Fear get here?"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"I have no idea but they seem to be heading in the direction of the station." Fear said then turned to Chain "I got here a few minutes ago."

Scare went to the backdoor of the workshop and left heading toward the station. I will stop that lunatic she is gonna pay for all those killings, I will stop her before she can hurt Banner. Scare thought to herself as she ran toward the station.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The police station was surrounded with barricades, police carts and pony officers.  There were at least 30 of them here, all nervously pacing or sending messengers, all keeping a watchful eye on the building.


The building itself was also covered in gift-wrapping paper, with a ribbon up each side and culminating on a gigantic bow topping the structure.  There was not a wrinkle, nor a crease that could be seen - it was perfect.  Off the top, there was some sort of sheet metal sign tied to the bow; it wasn't close enough to the ground to make out, but it did appear to have words on it.


This was the scene as Scare made her way towards the corral of cops by the barricade walls.  The dispatch mare was here, and she recognized Scare.  She went over to her with a worried look on her face. 


"Scare!  The situation is bad; that giftwrap's like steel - it won't budge... and there are ponies trapped inside.  Do you have any idea what the hay is going on here?" 

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"i think i know who it is and i believe she might be after me so stay here. I think  she will let me in." Scare said to the dispatch mare before she approached the gift wrapped building.


"Hey have you two seen Scare any where i because i haven't seen her" Fear asked the Chain and Banner


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The building seemed to have no edges anywhere on it, but when Scare came up to it, a ladder formed on the side... almost like it was magically being reverse-melted into existence.  It went all the way up the building to the top floors, where the bow and the sign were.


The giftwrap 'paper' was a gaily colored nightmare; bright hot pink, with yellow triangles and blue circles.  Upon touching it, Scare discovers that it doesn't just look like steel - it was steel!


The ladder ascended to the top of the police station.  It was a long way up.

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(Mobile post)

"Oh crap!" Banner yelled as Fear pointed that out while Chain had finished welding and the molds but the swords were still hot and not to be used "I was concentration on other things , what's going on?" "We have to find Scare now, I fear what will happen if we don't" Banner thought about the last time she saw Scare "she might be at the police station or to a crime scene, whatever it is she is alone" "yeah let's find out what's going on" Chain said walking over to the door picking up his sword with diamond hoping it would cool and be able to enchant the weapon later.

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Scare climbed to the top of the building where she spotted a strange blue Crystal pony wearing a strange necklace. The pony just pointed to a door to the inside of the building."She is inside waiting for you i am here to make sure nopony interrupts your meeting." she said. Scare simply nodded to the mare and entered the building.

Edited by Scare Effect
  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The entire top floor was filled with smoke, glitter covered the floors and black balloons clustered on the ceiling in bobbing bunches.  The walls were stained with an uncountable number of liquids, semi-solids and writing... except for the almost completely untouched patch.  In this patch were written the words: 


          This Way To The PARTY! ->


Scare trotted down that hall, only to find another arrow pointing to the stairwell.  Upon entering, there were glitter hoofprints on each other stair, leading down for two floors.  Scare knew from memory that was where the actual personnel were based; the desk jockeys, so to speak.  There would have been about thirty of them on duty about now...


Hurrying to end this quickly, she followed the hoofprints and arrows to the main conference hall.  The doors were draped in gaily colored streamers, and there was a big sign, handwritten on cardboard, duct taped to the wall:




          Come one, come all!

           See Scare Effect off into her next existence,

         courtesy of PINKAM SILENT BLADE!!!



There was a black balloon tied to the handle, and Scare could hear multiple groans and whimpers from behind the door.  Avoiding the balloon and opening the door, she saw lots of ponies tied up, beaten and bloody in the bench seats.  Though everypony there was still alive, there were noticeably fewer ponies there than there should be.


On stage, bouncing back and forth with little 'sproingy' sounds, was the wicked pink pegasus.  She had soot and blood all over her hooves, and she was muttering incoherently to herself - but she froze when Scare approached the stage.


"... and by jelly donuts, you're here.  Took you rutting long enough.  Do you have any idea how many ponies have had to die in this world because of you?  No really, do you have any idea?  'Cuz I've got a list; HERE!"


Silent Blade held out a piece of paper quickly, almost in Scare's face.  On it was nothing more than line after line after line of the same sentence: 


kill the scare for greatest effect kill the scare for greatest effect kill the scare for greatest effect kill the scare for greatest effect kill the scare for greatest effect


The writing covered both sides of the paper, and had even been written in the margins.  After a moment, Blade took the paper and shoved it into her mouth, chewing frantically until it was a big spitball.  She chose her target and spat the wad of paper across the room to land directly on the Police Banner hanging majestically in the corner.


"Come to join your own party finally?  Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood..."


That insane grin and wall-eyed stare slid into its place on her muzzle.

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"You are not getting away with this Silent Blade. Let them go so me and you can settle this now." Scare said looking at the pink Pegasus.


"Lets go you two. the station is nearby and the place she most likely go." Fear said as she grabbed Banner and Chain and began to push them out of the building.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Let them GO?  But they're your GUESTS!  At least, they're the ones I didn't prematurely end the lives of, anyway..."


Blade began to circle Scare slowly, stepping like a panther gauging its prey.


"ALL of this is for you, Scary!  I thought I'd never, ever, ever have a reason to throw a party again, especially after my last one, but then... came... YOU!"


Blade's eyes began to glow red as she spoke, and her tail began to twitchy-twitch.


"YOU were the reason there were no more ponies to throw parties for!  YOU were the reason why I became stuck this way!  You might not have pressed that button... BUT YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY!!!"


She swept a hoof at the various officers tied up in the seats, each one in various states of distress - from a scratch or two, to barely breathing.


"THEY don't know about you, Scary... BUT I DO!  I know what you did, and I want to KILL you for it!  You MADE it IMPOSSIBLE to THROW a PARTY!  So..."


She stomped a hoof, and confetti and streamers fell to the floor from above them both.


"... I'm throwing a party for YOU, for the LAST pony from where we came from that I CAN throw a party for!  These stupid ponies aren't even WORTHY of a party of MY caliber - but YOU... oh, YOUUUUUU..."


She stomped, she foamed at the mouth, she took a stance like she was about to pounce... then, she simply stood up and brushed a bit of loose confetti off her mane, looking completely calm.


"So, here's the deal, glockenspiel - either you can surrender to me, and come along quietly to finally pay for your sins against our world... or you can refuse, and I'll see to it that these ponies suffer for your mistakes.  Clock's ticking, Scary!  Tick tock tick tock tick!"


She stood there, awaiting Scare's decision.

Edited by Randimaxis

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"I have no memory of such things but if you do release them I will come quietly for my punishment." Scare said lowering her had in defeat and waited for the Pegasus.


Fear, Banner, and Chain arrived at the gift wrapped station. "Scare is definitely here." Fear said with an angry look. "As well as Silent Blade."

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"You have... no... you have no... no..."


Silent Blade stared at Scare for a moment, goggle-eyed at her admission.  Her left eye gave a slight twitch.  And then:




Blade swung an open hoof at Scare's face, knocking her to the ground.  She then threw back her head and screamed long and loud... a scream that dissolved into teary-eyed sobs.  She turned back to Scare.


"NO!  NO!  YOU don't get to play the 'victim' here!  YOU did this to me!  To ALL of us!  Because of you, I CAN'T DIE!  I'll never, ever, ever be able to join my friends in the afterlife - BECAUSE OF YOU!  I tried, over and over, to end my pathetic existence, but NOOOOOOOO!  It didn't matter WHAT I did, I WOULD NOT DIE!!!!!  And now you tell me you can't even REMEMBER!?  That means you're NOT SUFFERING!"


She gulped air in ragged breaths, tears running in rivulets down her face as she glared daggers at Scare.


"... and d'ya know what's WORSE!?  I'm NOT ALLOWED to KILL you!  I have to take you with me to HER!  Oh, but when you get there... OH, WHEN YOU GET THERE..."


She turned and, reaching behind her, pulled out her sword and brandished it in Scare's face... then, in one fluid movement, she swung the blade across the air behind her.  The air slid apart, making the multi-colored tear in space/time that she used to move from place to place so quickly.


"Get.  Your.  Flank.  IN.  There."  


Scare pointed to the hole, staring through her tears at Scare.



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Scare looked at the portal and stepped into it. am I really to blame for their suffering or are they confusing me for somepony else, Scare thought once she was through the portal she was in a warehouse but before she could see anything else she was knocked unconscious by a yellow earth pony.

  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Outside, there were police everywhere.  Their numbers had grown by double in just the past half hour, and there were now news crews on the outskirts as well.  A crowd had gathered, and the authorities were keeping them back behind barricades.


As Fear, Banner and Chain arrived on the scene, the entire gift-wrapped building began to shake.  The ground rumbled beneath their hooves, and all the police turned their attentions to the building.


The rumbling got louder and louder... and then...




The bow on top of the building burst into bright pink confetti and sprinkled down to the ground slowly.  The wrapping paper simply fell away from the building, piling up around the base and emitting steam as it simply began to melt away.  Through the newly open windows, floods of black balloons began pouring their way out and sailing way up high, floating far away from the police station.  Once they had reached a far distance -




They started exploding like small balls of dynamite, looking almost like fireworks in the sky.  The crowd oohed and ahhed at the sight, the police were jumping at each boom, and the concussive blasts of every one could be felt (just barely) by everypony gathered there.


When the flood of balloons stopped exploding, there was no exterior evidence of anything ever having happened there at all.

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@@Scare Effect, @@Randimaxis,


"I don't think that's good at all" Banner said shaking off the explosions "how ever Silent Blade is, I will make her day for hurting ponies and Chain" "lets not just stand here and get going!" he runs into the building "he's right, lets get going" she readied her still hot sword just in case and ran in after Chain

  • Brohoof 1
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"Damn it you two wait a moment." Fear said as she followed Banner and Chain into the guard station. Once inside they came across a Chrystal Pony wearing a magical amulet.

"Sorry You guys are too late Silent took your friend prisoner." The Chrystal Pony said before teleporting away.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,

"then we'll find out where she is and them take her back!" she yelled at the air that used to be the pony in front of her "come on lets find her!" she yelled without thinking to much on where Scare might be "oh no, once she's on it she cant stop till its done" Chain says to Fear "you have an idea? your like my source of information right now"

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"I could try sensing her magic aura but if we follow it Silent Blade will be there and we are not ready to do face her."  Fear said then there was a bright flash and the sky darkened. "No we're too late the invasion is starting."


(Dream world.)

Scare was in a dark room.

"You pathetic weakling!" A voice said from behind Scare.

"Who are you?" Scare asked her voice shaking.

"I am the one who brings death and destruction to the land I am your inner self and i am your worst Nightmare. I am the one true FEAR! AND I HATE BEING IMPRISONED INSIDE YOU!"

"No you can't be Fear is with Banner and Chain."

"Oh you mean that fraud Phobia, I knew she would betray me her mother to help you."

"Phobia who is she?"

"Enough talk about her i have a proposition you can't refuse."

"What kind of proposition?"





Edited by Scare Effect
  • Brohoof 1


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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