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private the Docks

Scare Effect

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In an abandon warehouse there sat a white unicorn mare with a messy purple mane her name is Shifter before her tied to a chair was a mecha-pony named AppleKore she was fixing him. "my oh my my talents are wasted with me constantly fixing you darling but Spinner said you must be at top form for the main event so i guess i have too." Shifter spoke in an elegant voice." Hack and Slash come here for a second." as she said that two big guards in black armor came in. " I am running low on supplies can you go fetch me some more from the cage will you." Shifter pointed her hoof at a cage full of ponies.


outside a loud blood curdling scream was heard then was suddenly cut off.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz and Hits walked down the peer at the end of the docks. Buzz was a tall, white pegasus with a white and orange mane and tail. Hits was an average hight, yellow mare, with a dark green and orange mane and tail. They stopped at the end of the peer and looked out towards the sea. "remember this place?" Hits asked Buzz. "Yea, how could i forget it." Buzz replied, followed by a small chuckle. "Remember the time when Byte and Speed's mom used her magic to levitate them the length of the peer, then threw them in!" A long, loud laugh came from both ponies as they remembered that moment of their childhood. "Why would you think i'd forget this place?" Buzz asked, still laughing a little. "Well, you've been gone for such a long time in Applewood and, i don't know. Maybe you just decided to forget about us." "Hey" Buzz said as he put a hoof to Hits chin to raise her head. "The day i forget about the guys and you is thge day i die, ya hear." Hit's blushed as Buzz let go of her chin and looked out to the sea once more. "Sometimes, i wish we could go back to when we were foals. No responsibilities, no worries, just be silly and together." Buzz then looked to his side to see Hits was no longer there. "Why can't we still do that now?" Hits said. the sound of hooves on wood could be heard behind Buzz. When he turned around, he saw Hits charging at him. Hits pushed Buzz off the end of the peer and waited to hear a splash. There was none. Buzz then flew above the peer, just in front and above of Hits. He gave her a look that only said "Really?", which was then followed by a sinister smile from the hovering pegasus. "No. Don't you dare. I washed my hair this morning!" Hits said as she turned around and ran back to the docks. Buzz flew after her, going slow on purpose, making her think she had a chance to out run him. Both ponies could be heard screaming and laughing as they ran along the docks.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Shifter heard the sound of laughter," Ooh visitors, Hack, Slash stay here and keep watch i am going to greet our guests." Shifter said as she sed her magic to clean the stains from her snow white coat and violet mane, she headed out the warehouse door and followed the sounds of laughter and joyful screams till she found a pegasus stallion chasing an earth pony mare around the docks. Shifter put on a smile and approached the duo."Hello there." Shifter said in a friendly tone.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz had been chasing Hits for a few minutes now and thought she had endured her tirture long enough. Buzz flew down to the running mare and pinned her to the floor with all four hooves. "Now, what to do?" Buzz said aloud as Hits wriggled to try and get free. "I could trade an eye for an eye, and throw you in the sea. Or i could fly yo as high as i can into the sky and let you free fall for a bit. That was funny last time. But, if we're being kids again, there is only one thing i can do, isn't there..." Buzz then let a little slyver out his mouth and let it hang from his mouth near Hits, like fouls would do. Hits was screaming and laughting, turning her face away from the thread if spit mere centimeters from her face. Then a voice came from beside them. Both ponies spun their heads to look at her. Buzz swallowed the slyver back into his mouth. "Hi there" Hits said. "This isn't what it looks like." Buzz said soon after.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Shifter let out a giggle,"oh i would never say it was anything more than just two friends playing Darling. now my name is Shifter what are your names?" Shifter asked with her friendly smile still plastered on her face.they seem nice and i do not wish to cause trouble that could easily be avoided.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz and Hits looked at one another, then beagan to talk. "I'm Buzz Relic" he said to the pony as helped Hits back onto her hooves. "And I'm Classic Hits." Both ponies now styod on all fours, facing the white unicorn. "So, what brings you to the docks on a day like this?" Hits asked politely.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Oh i am using a warehouse here as a design studio for fashion lines for the upcoming fashion show" Shiter anwsered Hits with a smile,"so why are you two messing around here it's kinda dangerous."in more than few ways my new friends, Shifter added in her head.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Oh, well we're just visiting the peer like we did when we were kids." Buzz replied to the question. "Ya know, reminiscing and stuff." "And don't worry about us." added Hits. "We know every back ally of these docks by the back of our hooves. And, with this one being a trained royal guard we can proberly handle any trouble the locals can stir up." 


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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"Okay that is good to know you two won't be in any trouble, now i must be heading back to the warehouse to get back to work." Shifter said with a smile but had a slight angry look in her eyes, so she turned around and walked away,"Come near hy warehouse and i will kill you" Shifter muttered as she walked away.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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When Shifter arrived back at her warehouse, there was a black balloon floating in the air, tied to the door handle.


The writing on it said Saw your new line - well done, but mind your stitches! - SB


As soon as she finished reading the words, the balloon popped.  Strangely enough, not a trace of the popped balloon was left.

=====  ( 0=====


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"well that was an interesting way to say you like my new line but i think i would of liked just a simple letter." Shifter said to herself as she entered the warehouse. "Hack and slash we need to finish this line soon we might be getting company soon, so go get me some more materials, i suggest looking in the prison this time."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Hits looked over to where the unicorn had stood. "Well, she seemed nice. Didn't hear what she said at the end as she left. Maybe she was just mumbling to herself instead of talking to us. What do you think?" Hits looked straight forward, expecting to see Buzz, who she believed was still on top of her. She was wrong. Instead she faced a dark, brown, filthy sea water. It turns out that Hits was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed Buzz lift her up and fly her 10 ft above the sea. "DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT BUZZ RELIC!" Hits screamed. But it was too late, by the time the final word of her sentence left her mouth, the 10 ft gap between her and the water had turned into 2 ft. Hits hit the water, a large splash followed. Hits quickly swam back to the dock and climbed a ladder back up to dry land. She was met with Buzz on his back, rolling around laughing. He heard her get back up the ladder. "You........You should have seen your face as you fell! That was the funniest face I've ever seen you pull." Buzz said, laughing as he did so. He then looked at Hits, she clearly didn't agree with him. She was dripping wet in filthy sea water. Her face had turned into a scowl. Her eyes had almost turned red from anger as steam left her nose as she breathed, heavily. Buzz then got up on all fours and turned his body the opposite way to her, keeping her head facing her. "Ha ha. Truce?" Buzz knew what the answer would be. however, instead of being met with words he was met with action. The action of Hits charging at him. Buzz turned his head the same way as his body and ran, Hits followed at full pace. Buzz then mistakenly turned into a dead end ally between two warehouses. Buzz was was trapped as Hits slowly walked towards him. Buzz then opened his wings and tried to fly over Hits, but she refused him. She jumped up and grabbed his tail with her mouth. Buzz then found himself pulling both himself and Hits into the sky. Hits was then able to grab onto the guttering of one of the warehouses, and pulled her and Buzz down onto its roof. Buzz crashed onto the roof. As he got back onto his hooves he was tackled into the windows on the roof and pinned there by the soaking mare. "My turn." said the mare. She then precoded to rub herself over Buzz, transferring the dirt and water onto the stallions white coat. "It's not funny now, is it?!" she yelled, laughing as she did so. Buzz wriggled, shouting for help, but couldn't help but find himself laughing with her. "Help! Please somepony help me." Buzz screamed sarcasticly, as both ponies laughed on the roof of the warehouse.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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  • 4 weeks later...

Fracture, a dark gray earth pony with a black mane and utilitarian rubber boots, leisurely trots with his friend, Sinusoid, a taller and thinner, almost entirely white unicorn with ice blue stripes in his mane, wearing a light gray gargo vest.

Sinusoid continues, "... That song that I'm currently writing, the one with the flute, does it make you feel sentimental?"

Fracture replies, "Now that ya mention it, it does, like that one night when you were smiling the whole time."

This is notable because, with the exception of his subtle reaction to humor, Sinusoid almost never smiles, and usually speaks in monotone.

"That was indeed very great. I lov-"

"What's that noise?" Fracture interrupts.

"Some one is calling for help... It seems to be coming from the roof of that warehouse... I'll climb it, as a relatively low structure."

Sinusoid was good at climbing metal bars, as he would help Fracture with repairs to his oil extraction towers due to his lower weight. He gallops to the warehouse and climbs to the top in fifteen seconds, then stops as he sees who was yelling. He looks at Buzz and Hits strangely and asks, "What are you doing?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Buzz at Hits turned their heads towards the pony who had just popped up the side of the warehouse. "erm......" the two ponies said collectively as they started to blush red from embarrassment. Both ponies returned to having all fours on the ground. They were both now as filthy as each other, with large portions of Buzz's coat being turned brown from the muddy water Hits had rubbed onto him. "Well" Hits started. "This pony over here thought it would be a funny idea to drop me into the sea. Now I'm showing him why it wasn't a good idea!" She then looked at Buzz who was trying to wipe the mud off his coat. Then, noticing Hits looking at him, he flicked the mud at her face an proceeded to stick his tongue at her. Hits didn't find this as funny as Buzz did.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Sinusoid prevents himself from saying, "Wow, that is shockingly immature," and instead replies, "Oh... okay."

"Sinu? What is it?" Fracture calls from below.

Sinusoid turns around and explains the situation to Fracture, using his magic to funnel the sound of his voice and make it inaudible to two near ponies.

He turns again to ask them, "Why?"

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Whilst this new pony was having a conversation with another they had yet to meet, Buzz saw an opportunity to try and 'escape'. Whilst Hits was distracted trying to tell what the unicorn was saying, despite not being able to hear him, Buzz tried to sneak away. Hits, however, noticed. She then precoded to tackle him and pin him into the window, again. "And where do you think you're going?" Hits asked. "Man, since when did you become Tackle?" "Lets just say your not the only one who's been training." "Tackle and the Royal Guards are two very different things." "Tomato, tomato." When the unicorn had stopped talking and returned his attention to the two, they had almost put themselves in the same position as when he found them. They both gave a confused look to one another, thinking that they had explained "why" they were doing what they were doing. "Because he lifted me up and dropped me into the harbour!"


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Sinusoid sighs and replies aspiratedly, in short bursts of words separated by long silences; "That... wasnottheanswerthatIwaslookingfor... but... it's... completelyfigurable..." He pauses for a moment and says, "Okay, I'm leaving now," before jumping off of the warehouse, landing on his hooves but immediately collapsing onto his face. His tone stays as flat as always as he weakly says, "Ow... I seem to have made a minor miscalculation."

Fracture, upon hearing the impact, immediately gallops to Sinusoid; "You all right?"

"I'm perfectly fine." He stands, his glasses askew; "Well, almost perfectly fine; my face hurts and I look like a idiot." He pauses momentarily; "I recognize the white pony up there... I think that we went to high school together, but I never said much or anything to him."

Edited by Sinusoid

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Shifter Looked out of a window and spotted the two new ponies. ​"Not only were they loud but they attracted attention of two stallions both of which have exquisite figures and the mare has a fabulous coat, i think they would make a wonderful addition to my new line," Shifter said to herself before she appeared behind Hits and Buzz.  

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Both Buzz and Hits looked over to where the unicorn stood, and felt his pain as he hit the ground as they heard the thud. "Well, that was......weird" said Buzz. "Now, would you mind getting off me?" "No, no, no" Hits replied. "That's not how this is going to work. I'm just thinking of what i'm going to do to 'repay' you for what you did. I could push you through this window and watch you fall." "I have wings remember." "I could beat you up." "I don't think Tackle taught you that well." "I could throw you off the roof and see if you land in the water." "Again, I have wings. Ypu know not everypony is an ear....." Before he could finish his sentence, Hits had put her hoof in his mouth to shut him up. She then leaned in towards him till their eyes were almost touching. "But then i remember the one thing you can't stand!" With that, Hits took her hoof out of Buzz's mouth and started to tickle his sides. Buzz started to squirm and laugh. "Stop it. please" he shouted as Hits laughed an carried on. Both were unaware of what was on the other side of the window.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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Shifter looked at the ponies as they seemed to ignore her.She cleared her throat to get their attention."Excuse me but i must say you four are kind of distracting me from my work." Shifter said looking over the group with a critical eye.​ scanning each one of the ponies in front of her.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Sinusoid quickly looks at Shifter and tries to respond, "Wh... I..." before Fracture talks for him; "I don't understand what WE did, or how we could be so distracting from out here. What are you doing in that warehouse, anyway?" Sinusoid looks away and lowers his head, as he usually does when Fracture asks superfluous questions.

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"I am making a new fashion line for the upcoming fashion show and these two seem to shout a lot now i must return to my work it will not finish itself you know." Shifter said with a smile."have a good night you four and do be careful you don't know what lunatics are running around at night." Shifter then leaves them to their own devices and returns to her work.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Sinusoid mentally scoffs at the word "fashon," which he finds superficial and impractical. He listens more carefully, and when Shifter leaves, he says to Fracture, "She said 'have a good night...' That's strange, considering that it's not night yet, which makes it suspicious that she warned us of 'lunatics...'"

"She seemed unusually friendly," Fracture replies.

"Why would anyone design a fashon line in a warehouse? It's a great idea, but is seems suspect in combination with that... notion."

Sinusoid walks to one of the building's windows and carefully looks inside.

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Shifter was tightening the last few bolts on Applekore's new mechanical limbs. "There we go Applekore darling good as new and ready for action. now that your fixed i can get back to work on my new line." She said before looking at the clock it eleven o'clock at night. Applekore pick himself up and looked at the window that sinusoid looked through. he then pointed at the window where Sinusoid was. Shifter then smiled "Go have some fun big guy this would be a good work out for you."

"Eeyup" Applekore said before exiting the warehouse. Shifter just smiled and and went back to work.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Buzz and Hits jumped at the re-appearance of the pony from before. They remained quiet whilst she was talking to them and the other 2 ponies that had shown up. "That's twice now we've seen her. Maybe we should try top keep it down, or head on home. It is getting pretty late" said Buzz as he got back onto all fours and lifted Hits off the roof of the warehouse and back onto the docks. "Yea, i guess you're right" Hits replied. "But my college is on the other side of town, and i'm too tired to walk all that way. Could i crash on your couch, like old times?" "If by that, you mean guilt trip me into giving you my bed and I end up sleeping on that terrible couch my parents refuse to get rid of, than sure." "Thanks" Hits said with excitement as she hugged Buzz, his face blushing a bit. "We better hurry though before they use up all the hot water. I don't know about you but id like to get this mud out my coat." "I call first shower." The two ponies were then cut off by a door opening behind them, near the unicorn from before and his friend. "I swear if she comes out again, i'm gonna los...." The two saw the mechanical beast walk out the warehouse door and close it behind him. "What the hay is that?!" Hits said as Buzz moved himself in-front of her.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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