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A New Life in Ponyville


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OOC thread


This Roleplay is CLOSED! (Open to the people who are already in)

Sorry! Better luck next time!


Basic Story: Honey Dew has just turned 18, and she's moving to Ponyville to start her new adult life. Her mother died just a few months ago, leaving Honey Dew alone to raise her little sister, Morning Shine. Luckily Honey's parents left her a large fortune. She decided to move closer to town and put her sister in school, and attempt to find a job and make a living. She wanted to work, even if she had plenty of money.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
When a mod edits something, don't edit it back. Moved the unnecessary information to the OOC thread.


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(Yay! First post)


Ring! Ring!

Dichromate yawned sleepily as the first morning rays blinded his face, distorting his thoughts. "Ugh..." he groaned, as he patted his bedside nightstand for the alarm clock, trying unseccesfully to silence the incessant alarm. It took him three attempts, and on the third, his hoof accidentally swiped the clock off the nightstand onto the floor below with a muffled thump.

"Oh come on..." Well, that was it. Time to get out of bed. He threw off the blanket in irritation, stretching a bit to relax his tense body. Trotting to the window-and tripping over the clock on the way-he peered outside. The early morning sun shone beautifully off of the fresh dew that coated each blade of grass on his front lawn. Smiling slightly, he turned to the door. Today was going to be a good day.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Fear layed under a large Apple tree just outside Ponyville, resting as he looked down at everypony doing there normal routine. He couldent help but wonder if anypony needed help. He Decided to continue to watch from a distance untill he seen someone that needed a helping hoof or just somepony to talk to.

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Although the sun was pouring its rays down on ponyville, a certain silver furred Pegasus managed to stay asleep on his cloud. He was, however, hanging over the edge somewhat, and was slowly sliding off. He finally woke, but right at the time he slid completely and fell off. The surprise of the sudden awakening left him unable to open his wings and he hit the ground, luckily it was a low cloud.


He landed in front of one of the houses where a pony was just opening his door, but he paid no mind as his back was turned. He staggered up, rubbing his now sore back with a hoof. "Note to self" he muttered, "Sleep on larger clouds from now on"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Out of the corner of his eye, he seen something fall from the sky, Fear's Curiosity peaked as he stood up, galloping off in the direction it was to land in. "That... was odd to see first thing in the morning.." He said quietly to himself.


Upon reaching his destination, after some time of running, he seen a Pegasus standing up from a small indention in the ground. Partly shy, he stuttered when he spoke, "E...excuse me... but... was that YOU falling from the sky?"

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Honey Dew sighed and wiped at her brow- it was only morning, but already the sun was high in the sky and it was hot!

It was not a good day to be moving. Especially since she was the only one doing anything, her little sister, Morning Shine, was much too small to be of help. Honey Dew stopped for a minute to rest. "Honey Dew!!" Morning Shine ran up beside her big sister and smiled. "Look, look!" Morning Shine was pointing to an apple tree not far from them. "Yeah, it's an apple tree, so?" Honey Dew was tired and her temper was short. "Let's eat!!" Honey Dew shook her head. "No chance, kiddo. Let's keep going."


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Dichromate hurried down the stairs. No time to waste on a day as nice as this. He threw open the refridgerator door hastily, wincing slightly as the blast of cold air chilled him. Wow, I've been lazy. Note to self: Go shopping. He opted for a bowl of fruit-there wasn't really much else in there. Nodding at the bowl, he used a simple levitational spell to gently float it upwards, above his head, before heading out the front entrance.


He had just taken a few steps outside when a pegasi crashed into the ground in front of him. He couldn't help but snort. "Hey buddy, you all right? Ever heard of wings? Use em," he called.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Honey Dew finally made it to her new cottage. Just as she was pushing her door open, she heard a crash.

Man, what could that be?...

Honey Dew peeked over a stack of hay and saw a Pegasus pony on the ground.

"Oh goodness!!! Are you okay?! What happened?"

She noticed that there were a few other ponies around too, and that she hadn't taken off the wagon harness yet. Honey Dew blushed in embarrassment, and backed up a few feet. "I mean.. so-sorry everyone.."


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Dichromate waited patiently for the pegasi's reponse, but as the pegasi rubbed his sore head, seeming to try to adjust to the turn of events, Dichormate heard another voice behind him squeak something out, although he hadn't been paying attention and missed the words. Wow, what a meetup..."Hello," he said politely to the new pony, who had back up awkardly towards a house Dichromate assumed was hers. "There's no need to by shy, I don't know who either of these two are, either." he assured.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Fear looked over at the pony's head that poped up over the stack of hay and tilted his head to the side some "What are you sorry for miss? I dont believe you have done any thing or anypony wrong" Fear smiled as he nodded at her before returning his gaze back over the Pegasus that fell. "Well, i dont see any in-fractures or any major injury's except maybe a sprained back. Id take it a little slow for a few days."After speaking, he flipped his red and white mane to the side and turned around to return to his tree. Passing by the haystack Honey Dew peeped over, he noticed the wagon harness on her. " New in town? Well...formalities arnt really my strong point... but Welcome to Ponyville. Im Fear Moonscar and its nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy your stay here" He smiled at her once more as his cutie mark began to glow a little bit. Edited by Fear Moonscar

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Scopes had left the Everfree Forest a few hours. He had recently acquired some moon dust and was testing the physics of it all. It was dangerous work but somepony had to do and it might as well be the inventor. As he headed for his Lab in Ponyville he spotted a gathering nearby. I love gatherings and who is this I see? A new pony. I better introduce myself. She could be a great assistant. He approached the ponies and greeted all the ponies.

"Good morning Cr2, Fear, Cloud Chaser. And good morning to you mam. I noticed that you are new in Ponyville."

Scopes was a little embarrassed. He wasn't used to talking to mares, especially not this close. "So...ummm... what's your name?"


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Honey Dew's head was spinning with all these new ponies to talk to. She blushed and backed up more, knocking a pile of hay down. "M-My name is Honey Dew.. I- I'm new and I'm so- so sorry for knocking the hay down!!!!" She blushed and started crying, sitting down where she was. "I'm so sorry!!" Morning Shine heard her sister crying and came round' to see what was going on. "Honey Dew! What's wrong?" Morning Shine looked around at all the ponies. "Hey every pony!! My name is Morning Shine!! This is my sister, Honey Dew. We're movin' in!!!" Morning shine put a hoof on her sisters side. "Don't cry!" Morning Dew peeked out from her hooves and let a small smile escape. "Sorry- I'm v-very shy.."


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Fear nudged the haystack back to its original position as he smiled warmly, looking at the pony that just walked up. "Good morning Scopes, anything blow up today or has this morning been safe so far?" He kept his smile as he slowly glanced at Honey Dew and Morning Shine "And it is a pleasure to meet you fare mares this morning as well. Would you like some help with all your things?Fear was doing a good job at hiding his shyness as he began to turn a small shade of white, offering his hoof to Honey Dew as to help her up. "i..i know how hard it is to just move somewhere and have to unpack everything by one's self"

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Honey Dew's eyes grew large when Fear offered his hoof to her. She blushed and shook her head. "I- Good! We- we- packing- ourselves-bye!" Honey Dew didn't make any sense, and she knew it. But she couldn't think right now, there were too many people and then a boy offered his hoof to her? Gah, it made her dizzy. She grabbed Morning Shine and ran to her cottage where she quickly shut the door.


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Fear blinked his eyes 4 times before letting his head tilt to the side. "uhh o...ok..then... im..here if you...need me" His ears drooped a little as he sighed softly, having about 100 thoughts course through his mind as his heart pounded, his self conscious screaming at him as he finally collapsed from holding back everything. " Another instance of ponys running from me....except this time it was a cute mare..."f Feeling beaten, he stood up, walking back to his tree and resting underneath its shade, the wind now blowing softly causing his mane to blow over his eyes as he slowly fell into a light sleep.

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Before Cloud could respond to one pony he was suddenly surrounded by many, suddenly he had seen a mare crying and her little sister coming out to cheer her up. She suddenly ran off. He quickly got up and walked over to the cottage, a smile on his face. "Hey there you two, so you're moving in huh? Well nice to meet ya! I'm Cloud Chaser" he said. He noticed there was no one else besides these two. "Umm, do you need any help with moving in? You two seem to be the only ones"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"You know, your name is Moonscar right? And your first name is Fear? Not exactly giving the best first impression there, Fear." Scopes said to Fear. He didn't seem to notice Fear blushing. Of course in his defense, Fear's black fur wasn't exactly helping.


He turned to Fear, whose mouth was now wide open. I think I can fit a cupcake in there. Intrigued by this possibility, he asked Fear to keep his mouth open as he went to fetch a cupcake.

"Now I wonder where Pinkie is?" he asked himself.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Cloud glared at Scopes as he ran by, looking back toward the cottage he said to the pony inside, "Uhh... Sorry about what he just said, I guess he left his manners at home." he realized she must want some time alone so he turned to leave. "Anyway, welcome to Ponyville, and if you ever need anypony to talk to, just look to the sky, I'll most likely just be flying around... If I'm not falling off clouds that is" he hoped his attempt at a joke would help ease her nervousness. He then turned to leave.


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Dichromaet blinked confusedly. Things had happened a bit too fast for him. One moment he was chatting with three ponies and the next one of them ran away, and the rest had left.

"Life," he sighed in irritation. "I need to pay more attention next time. Oh well." Popping a grape in in mouth, he turned to leave. The day was still too nice to spoil by going back home.

"I'll head to SugarCube corner," he decided out loud.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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A sweet melody resounded around ponyville square. There was a small semicircle of ponies gathered around a unicorn sitting against a wall, playing guitar. (the song he's playing is 'Broken' by Seether). The pegasus sang with a deep, slightly raspy voice. He stopped singing to give a short "thank you" to anypony who put a bit in his case, and then resumed.

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Cloud continued flying around until he came across the sound of a guitar. He flew to the source and saw the pony who was playing. <He's good> he thought. With a smile he reached for a small bag he kept under his wing and dropped a few bits in. He then sat down to listen to him play.


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In the park, under one of the trees in the area, was a young, lime-green colt, named Electrobolt, who was fast asleep. Whenever this young colt has nothing to do in the mornings, he usually goes over to the park, lies down underneath the shady tree, and takes a small nap, usually left undisturbed. Letting a yawn escape from his mouth, he began to stir as his nap was coming to an end. Slowly opening his eyes, he began to look around the area, seeing the same things he saw before taking his nap. However, his ears perked up when he faintly heard the sounds of what he thought was music coming from around Ponyville Square. "Hmm? I wonder what's going on over there..." he asked himself, before he decided to trot over to the square.

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Dichromate yawned as he tiredly trotted around SugarCube corner. Wow, what a loser. Here there are cupcakes and pastries in the windowshops, and I'm outside eating fruit. He rolled his eyes as he popped a strawberry into his mouth, chewing slowly as he eyed the enticing shop windows full of baked goods.

There's no way I'm staying here, I'll just get hungry again. Turning awkwardly, he decided to head eastwards instead, stopping to admire the scenery.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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The unicorn nodded thanks to Cloud Chaser. After a few more strums, his horn and guitar were surrounded by a black aura. "how about something a little different?" he chuckled as he began to quickly play, his guitar sounding completely different from before (song: nothingtown by the offspring). He sang along again, this time in a higher voice.

When he finished, he thanked all the ponies in attendance and began his long walk back to his tiny apartment.

(crew practice, gonna be gone till aboot seven or eight)

Edited by Power Ten

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As soon as Electrobolt arrived to where he thought the music came from, he saw that the ponies that were around the wall began to go their separate ways. *Darn it...* he thought. *I must have missed everything...* Letting out a light sigh, he figured he'd stay around the area a bit longer before going off somewhere else.

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