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private 1x1 romance (Private with Vinylwubs)

Love Doctor Blaze

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Crescendo continued to try and comfort her. Pinkie came with his salad, but Crescendo shook his head. He didn't want to prioretize salad over a friend in need. He began to sing slowly.


(Original song that i just came up with in 10 minutes!)


Days go, days pass. Ponies walk by me without a second glance

He is a guard! they say, and boy is he skilled with a blade!

But they don't know that all that is a facade...


Inside, he longs for affection

He longs for dedication.

Until a mare came in to his liiiifffeee.

A well of emotions, was stabbed in to him, like a kniiiifffe


He finaly felt like a pony

Finaly he wasn't just a mere trophy

The mare was Alice Cookie

Who taught this rookie

How to loooonng for a special somepoooonyyyy...


Crescendo finished the song

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Crescendo continued to try and comfort her. Pinkie came with his salad, but Crescendo shook his head. He didn't want to prioretize salad over a friend in need. He began to sing slowly.


(Original song that i just came up with in 10 minutes!)


Days go, days pass. Ponies walk by me without a second glance

He is a guard! they say, and boy is he skilled with a blade!

But they don't know that all that is a facade...


Inside, he longs for affection

He longs for dedication.

Until a mare came in to his liiiifffeee.

A well of emotions, was stabbed in to him, like a kniiiifffe


He finaly felt like a pony

Finaly he wasn't just a mere trophy

The mare was Alice Cookie

Who taught this rookie

How to loooonng for a special somepoooonyyyy...


Crescendo finished the song

Alice heards the song and stops sobbing to look up at the musical stallion that was singing her the song. A smile formed slowly as her tears continued to flow but.. Much slower than usual. "T-thank you Crescendo... I-I... Needed that.. A lot.." Alice smiled sweetly through tears and sang the last verse of diamond tiara's Song "The pony I wanna be"



~Would you believe.... That I've always wished I could be some pony else.

Yet I can't see...

What I need to do to be the pony I wanna be...


To be the pony I wanna beeee..~


A stand of applause could be heard from nearby ponies in the nearby background besides the table. "Alice.. Your voice... It's.. Heart warming and breaking.. I love it!" A pony said as the pony shook her hoof, looking happy for her. "You should be a pop star!" A anonymous pony said. The other ponies nods in agreement as Alice blushed and looks at her cutie mark.

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Crescendo smiled at the attention she was getting. She looked really happy, and beautifull... Deciding that now was the time to seal the deal. Crescendo put his hoof under her chin, and carefully lifted it up to meet his face. He leaned in for a warm and tender kiss...



(It's happening!!  :fluttershy: Also, Crescendo and Alice pop starts confirmed)

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Crescendo smiled at the attention she was getting. She looked really happy, and beautifull... Deciding that now was the time to seal the deal. Crescendo put his hoof under her chin, and carefully lifted it up to meet his face. He leaned in for a warm and tender kiss...



(It's happening!!  :fluttershy: Also, Crescendo and Alice pop starts confirmed)

Alice blushed and leans in as well. "C-crescendo.." Alice strokes his face gently as she kissed Crescendo. The feeling of his warm mouth made her moan quietly as ANOTHER round of applause was heard in the background as a familiar purple Pegasus entered the room, saying these words. "Congratulations Alice and Crescendo." She said gently.


(AHHH!! Someone get me some feelios!! :fluttershy: and yes.. Feelios are a thing... Look it up!)

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After they parted from the rather breath taking kiss, Crescendo rubbed Alice's mane affectionly. "Thank you Crescent." Said Crescendo. Still refusing to let go of the mare craddled in his hooves. He looked up at Crescent "Soo... Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Canterlot training guards?" Asked Crescendo 

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After they parted from the rather breath taking kiss, Crescendo rubbed Alice's mane affectionly. "Thank you Crescent." Said Crescendo. Still refusing to let go of the mare craddled in his hooves. He looked up at Crescent "Soo... Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Canterlot training guards?" Asked Crescendo


The mare shook her head gently. "The captain gave me a day off today.. And so.. I went to ponyville to hear Alice singing the song!" Alice blushed for the second time. "S-serenity! I-I do not have a perfect voice!" Serenity ruffled her mane gently. "Woah woah.. Now your acting like my Brother! But yea.. The captain is taking over the Guards because he heard the TOP major guard is going to train the Guards to defend the princess.. So.. Yeah!"

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Crescendo finally let go of Alice. He sracthed his chin "TOP major eh? Sounds like the recruits are in for a pretty bad day" Said Crescendo with a chuckle. He looked at the clock. "That reminds me, the guards that Luna sent should arrive soon, so i better go meet them. He got up and left a tip at the table "You coming ladies?" 

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Crescendo finally let go of Alice. He sracthed his chin "TOP major eh? Sounds like the recruits are in for a pretty bad day" Said Crescendo with a chuckle. He looked at the clock. "That reminds me, the guards that Luna sent should arrive soon, so i better go meet them. He got up and left a tip at the table "You coming ladies?"


Alice rose from the seat to see a stallion, not Crescendo, blocking her way. "Excuse me sir.. Can you move over?" The stallion shook his head and picks Alice up. "W-what are you doi-" "Shut it.. Pip fry.." He throws the scared mare into a corner of sugarcube corner and laughed. "Have a nice Flight.. Mrs Cookie Monster!" He started to leave the room as Alice rubbed her shoulder, the signs of broken bones was showing up badly.

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Crescendo didn't see the stallion throw Alice, but he could sure as hell hear it. Crescendo's eye twitched. The stallion was about to walk out, only to be levitated back in by Crescendo "Leaving so soon?" Asked the giant stallion as he towered over the attacker. The stallion smirked "Ohhh, hello there cookie monsters coltfriend." Said the stallion with a smug expression. That was however wiped off when Crescendo turned around with a round kick, that sent the stallion flying. The stallion layed in some broken tables, he spit out a broken tooth. He was bout to get up and try to fight Crescendo, but old Crec was more faster then that. He levitated the stallion, and took him outside in to an alley where no one would witness the fight. He threw the stallion in to the wall, earning a satisfying crack "Come on! Fight me! You obviously think it's fun to throw defensless mares around, so let me show you how much fun they are having" Said Crescendo and threw him in to a dumpster. He levitated the trash can with him, and headed straight towards ponyvilles police. He threw the trash can inside "Please clen up this trash for me sirs. He has a broken tooth, skull fracture, and some broken ribs. I acted in defense for my marefriend" Said Crescendo and sprinted back towards sugarcube corner. He walked inside the shop, his eyes scanning the bakery "Where is Alice?" Asked Crescendo 

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Crescendo didn't see the stallion throw Alice, but he could sure as hell hear it. Crescendo's eye twitched. The stallion was about to walk out, only to be levitated back in by Crescendo "Leaving so soon?" Asked the giant stallion as he towered over the attacker. The stallion smirked "Ohhh, hello there cookie monsters coltfriend." Said the stallion with a smug expression. That was however wiped off when Crescendo turned around with a round kick, that sent the stallion flying. The stallion layed in some broken tables, he spit out a broken tooth. He was bout to get up and try to fight Crescendo, but old Crec was more faster then that. He levitated the stallion, and took him outside in to an alley where no one would witness the fight. He threw the stallion in to the wall, earning a satisfying crack "Come on! Fight me! You obviously think it's fun to throw defensless mares around, so let me show you how much fun they are having" Said Crescendo and threw him in to a dumpster. He levitated the trash can with him, and headed straight towards ponyvilles police. He threw the trash can inside "Please clen up this trash for me sirs. He has a broken tooth, skull fracture, and some broken ribs. I acted in defense for my marefriend" Said Crescendo and sprinted back towards sugarcube corner. He walked inside the shop, his eyes scanning the bakery "Where is Alice?" Asked Crescendo


Serenity pointed to the mare that was in a certain corner, sobbing. "She's badly hurt Crescendo.. Is anyone good at First aid?! Cause I'm horrible at it!" Shouted serenity as Alice's ears went down with soreness. "S-serenity...stop.." Serenity looks back at the mare. "I-I'm so sorry!" She apologised as the purple Pegasus placed the mare onto her back and walked over to Crescendo. "Here she is.. I think he has broken some of her hooves.. And one shoulder.." Serenity said as Alice whined in pain.

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Crescendo looked at Alice. A tear escaped his eye. "T-t-that motherbucker" Said Crescendo through gritted teeth. He gently levitated the poor mare out of the corner. He looked over her body. Crescendo let tears escape  For each damaged bone, for each bruise. He could hear her whimpering in pain. He looked at Crescent. "Tell the guards that i'm not going to be training them today, or maybe ever. I have MUCH bigger issues to take care off" Said Crescendo. His face was full of tears, but his voice was one of anger. "What has he done to you? You poor girl" Said Crescendo and gently caressed her non bruised areas to try and lessen the pain. "Don't worry Alice, we are soon at the hospital." Said Crescendo. He arrived at the hospital "I NEED A BUCKING DOCTOR THIS BUCKING INSTANT!" Shouted Crescendo. The medics all rushed to the downed mare. "NO. I'LL CARRY HER" Shouted Crescendo. He didn't trust anyone with his vuelnrable Alice. He layed her down in a bed, where doctors quickly began to work on her. They tried to get Crescendo out of the room, but they realized that it was as likely as getting the sun to form in to a sqúare

Edited by Gentleman Blaze
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Crescendo looked at Alice. A tear escaped his eye. "T-t-that motherbucker" Said Crescendo through gritted teeth. He gently levitated the poor mare out of the corner. He looked over her body. Crescendo let tears escape  For each damaged bone, for each bruise. He could hear her whimpering in pain. He looked at Crescent. "Tell the guards that i'm not going to be training them today, or maybe ever. I have MUCH bigger issues to take care off" Said Crescendo. His face was full of tears, but his voice was one of anger. "What has he done to you? You poor girl" Said Crescendo and gently caressed her non bruised areas to try and lessen the pain. "Don't worry Alice, we are soon at the hospital." Said Crescendo. He arrived at the hospital "I NEED A BUCKING DOCTOR THIS BUCKING INSTANT!" Shouted Crescendo. The medics all rushed to the downed mare. "NO. I'LL CARRY HER" Shouted Crescendo. He didn't trust anyone with his vuelnrable Alice. He layed her down in a bed, where doctors quickly began to work on her. They tried to get Crescendo out of the room, but they realized that it was as likely as getting the sun to form in to a sqúare


Alice looks at Crescendo and smiled weakly. "I-I'll be fine.. Trust me.." She fainted while trying to reach her precious Crescendo that she cares about. The Doctors started taking her into the operation room while the others tried to keep Crescendo back from the poor mare. "Please tell me when this is over.. I'm scared.. Crescendo.. Save me soon.." She thought as she only saw was black. Luckily she was still breathing so that didn't really worry any doctors or nurses.


*A few hours later!!*


Alice wakes up with a groan, rubbing her back gently she looks around the room to see its deserted. "Only me?.. I Guess Crescendo is dying to see if I'm okay.." Alice said to herself as she looks at the bandaged areas. The doctor came in, holding a checkboard of work. "H-how did it go doc?" She asked. The doctor gave her a gentle smile. "Your very lucky not to break one of your rib cages.. We thought you have got your rib cages destroyed.. Your the most luckiest mare in the hospital.." Alice started crying. "T-thank you..... Can I see my coltfriend please?" Alice asked, looking innocent like a child. "Sure.. Alright Nurses.. You can let him go.."

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As soon as the doors opened, Crescendo flew in with speed that would make Rainbowdash jealous. He went for a bear hug, but noticed her bandages and went for a gentle one instead. "Thank Celestia you are okay. I almost ripped the damn doors open" Said Crescendo with a tearfull expression. He gave her kiss, and held her like a baby as they sat at the bench

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As soon as the doors opened, Crescendo flew in with speed that would make Rainbowdash jealous. He went for a bear hug, but noticed her bandages and went for a gentle one instead. "Thank Celestia you are okay. I almost ripped the damn doors open" Said Crescendo with a tearfull expression. He gave her kiss, and held her like a baby as they sat at the bench

Alice smiled and nuzzled him gently. "I'm just Glad I didn't break my rib cage.. Otherwise the Doctors couldn't of fix me! I'm very lucky." Alice smiled and with her free hoof, she reached out to hold his hoof very softly. "T-thank you.. I.. Love you crescendo.." Alice kissed his cheek gently and closed her eyes, happily crying in his lap.

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Crescendo nuzzled Alice "Love you too, my own little cookie" Said Crescendo with a smile. He levitated her on his back. "I'll take us home. If it's alright doc?" Said Crescendo as he looked at the doctor. The doctor sighed "Fine, but make sure that she doesn't do anything active for 2 days. Her bones should mend with the help of our magic" Crescendo thanked the good doctor and exited the building 

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Crescendo nuzzled Alice "Love you too, my own little cookie" Said Crescendo with a smile. He levitated her on his back. "I'll take us home. If it's alright doc?" Said Crescendo as he looked at the doctor. The doctor sighed "Fine, but make sure that she doesn't do anything active for 2 days. Her bones should mend with the help of our magic" Crescendo thanked the good doctor and exited the building


Alice sighed and looks down. "I'm sorry about what happened.." Alice looks at the sky, thinking of so many memories she has made with crescendo.. Especially the kiss.. That was Alice's first kiss in her whole entire life.. It made her blush even more but have a gentle smile on her face as she held onto Crescendo, gently but not tightly.

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"You are sorry? You should be sorry for that guy who threw ya, or what's left of him" Said Crescendo shamefully. He wasn't one for violence, but he sure as hell was a master at it when it really mattered. They arrived at Crescendo's house, he opened the door with his magic signature and he walked in. He walked straight towards his bedroom. A large bed was presented before them, with a piano not far away. "Welcome to my humble mansion." Said Crescendo and tugged her in. He walked towards the piano, and decided to play a song for her. He levitated a cello to him self, and started playing. Hoofs on piano while he played the cello with his magic


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"You are sorry? You should be sorry for that guy who threw ya, or what's left of him" Said Crescendo shamefully. He wasn't one for violence, but he sure as hell was a master at it when it really mattered. They arrived at Crescendo's house, he opened the door with his magic signature and he walked in. He walked straight towards his bedroom. A large bed was presented before them, with a piano not far away. "Welcome to my humble mansion." Said Crescendo and tugged her in. He walked towards the piano, and decided to play a song for her. He levitated a cello to him self, and started playing. Hoofs on piano while he played the cello with his magic




Alice listened to the tune and smiled gently. She hums a song her Mother used to sing on stage. She looks at her horn and sighs a relief. "Thank goodness it's not broken.." She picks up the guitar on the side and tunes it. "Hey crescendo.. I'm gonna sing you a song my Mother sang at the national equestria concert.. Hope you enjoy.." She smiled and started singing gently.



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Crescendo smiled. "That's quite the song. I would like to share one of my songs as well." He took out the few drums he needed for this song. "I have been considering to perform this song in ponyville, but i'm afraid that it's too bad" Said Crescendo sheepishly. "But without further excuses" Said Crescendo and started out gently on the piano



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Crescendo smiled. "That's quite the song. I would like to share one of my songs as well." He took out the few drums he needed for this song. "I have been considering to perform this song in ponyville, but i'm afraid that it's too bad" Said Crescendo sheepishly. "But without further excuses" Said Crescendo and started out gently on the piano




Alice started humming the song and smiled. She started the tune on her guitar, nodding to the beat of the song. "This is what I wanted.. To sing with some pony I trust.. I did it.. I've made my Father proud.. Thank you Father.. I love you forever.." Thought Alice as a tear escaped her eye as she continued to play the tune. A few minutes later, Alice finished the song and teleported herself to the bedroom, yawning her mind off.

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Crescendo smiled at her antics. He suddenly got an idea He got a violin and some other instruments.



Now I'm home, but I cannot stay

I dream of you every day
Got to know every inch of you
Will you make my dream come true?

There's no place like home they say
You're my home, so hear me pray.

I don't know you, but I need more time
Promise me you'll be mine
Birds are flying over equestrian skies,
Tell me please why can't I?

Times have changed, but so have I
I view my life through your eyes
On the go in my tourist's shoes
But I'll stay truthful to you

Cause there's no place like home they say
You're my home, so I guess I'll stay.

I don't know you, but I need more time
Promise me you'll be mine
Birds are flying over equestria skies
Tell me please why can't I?

I don't know you, but I need more time
Promise me you'll be mine
Birds are flying over equestrian skies

Tell me please why can't I? 


Once he was done with the song. Crescendo walked outside, and straight towards the martial arts club. He needed to blow off some steam

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@@VinylWubs,  Crescendo smiled at her antics. He suddenly got an idea He got a violin and some other instruments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daqfr6DJsGc NowI'm home, but I cannot stayI dream of you every dayGot to know every inch of youWill you make my dream come true?There's no place like home they sayYou're my home, so hear me pray.I don't know you, but I need more timePromise me you'll be mineBirds are flying over equestrian skies,Tell me please why can't I?Times have changed, but so have II view my life through your eyesOn the go in my tourist's shoesBut I'll stay truthful to youCause there's no place like home they sayYou're my home, so I guess I'll stay.I don't know you, but I need more timePromise me you'll be mineBirds are flying over equestria skiesTell me please why can't I?I don't know you, but I need more timePromise me you'll be mineBirds are flying over equestrian skiesTell me please why can't I?  Once he was done with the song. Crescendo walked outside, and straight towards the martial arts club. He needed to blow off some steam

Alice closes her gentle eyes and started to fall asleep until.. Black.. She felt something soft go around her hooves, mouth and eyes. "Mm mph!" She tried to call out to her coltfriend but it was no use.. She was getting taken away by a stranger in the middle of the night who appears to be the same stallion that hurted her at sugarcube corner.




Alice woke up in a cage, not any cage but a metal cage. Her mouth was still covered by the fabric and her horn was free but very weak to perform any magic. Suddenly.. A strange shadow came walking over to the cage, laughing. "Well well well.. Isn't it Mrs Cookie Monster herself.." Hearing him call her self a Cookie Monster made her growl gently. "E-enough flirting! What do you want from me!?" The stallion grins and lifts up her Chin. "I wanted you as my Special some pony! But that stupid Crescendo star took my opportunity and stole you by kissing your soft looking lips.." Alice blushed and growled louder. "L-let me go!" She said, making a noise so loud, Crescendo can hear. "Now now Tiger.. Do we want trouble on our hooves?" Alice calmed down and stopped from a moment, still angry. "W-who are you!" The pony grinned gently. "Why.. It's no other than your ex body guard!" Alice gasped and fainted onto the cage floor.

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Crescendo walked back from his little training session. Satisfied with not being AS angry as before. He went inside his house and couldn't find Alice... At first Crescendo thought that she was just using the bathroom or something, but then he realised that she was GONE. He paniced and teleported to Canterlot. He needed Luna's help! Before he could get to Luna, he heard a weird sound coming from underground. That must have been something, right? He slowly descended down the stairs, he saw a stallion and Alice. "Deja vu" muttered Crescendo. He then shouted at the staliion "HEY! YOU! GET AWAY FROM HER!" Shouted Crescendo, as he walked aggresively towards him 

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Crescendo walked back from his little training session. Satisfied with not being AS angry as before. He went inside his house and couldn't find Alice... At first Crescendo thought that she was just using the bathroom or something, but then he realised that she was GONE. He paniced and teleported to Canterlot. He needed Luna's help! Before he could get to Luna, he heard a weird sound coming from underground. That must have been something, right? He slowly descended down the stairs, he saw a stallion and Alice. "Deja vu" muttered Crescendo. He then shouted at the staliion "HEY! YOU! GET AWAY FROM HER!" Shouted Crescendo, as he walked aggresively towards him


The stallion grinned and picked Crescendo up. "Well well well.. Isn't it Cookie monster's Coltfriend Old Crec.." Alice grinned and winked at Crescendo. "you shouldn't of said that.. You know he hates getting called that.." the stallion started laughing his mind off. Alice used her magic to get the keys while he wasn't looking and unlocked the cage. "I'm serious mr Bodyguard.. He's now MY bodyguard and the only thing he dislikes is getting called "Old Crec".." The stallion grinned. "Is that so.. Is your back sore? Cause your losing your crane old man! Have you taken your pills yesterday? Cause your looking like skinny legs!" The stallion bawls up in laughter, louder than any elephant would make.

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Crescendo was not amused. He looked at his legs that where easily 5 times bigger then his. He looked the stallion in the eyes "If my legs are so weak, then you shouldn't be hurt by...This!" Shouted Crescendo and bucked him over to Alice, so that she could follow up. 

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