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                                 A Pirates Adventure!

                                                      Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/133812-a-pirates-adventure/


The waves were clashing like titans in the mighty sea. The wind was roaring with such ferocity, that a ship could be blown away. But that didn't bother the crew of 5 pirates. Their most important goal is to get to the Crescent island. They were hunting for the legendary moon stone. It's power is unknown, but it's price how ever.... is a different story. "Half sail!" Shouted Captain smoking barrel. While Captain Caramel was sailing the ship through the monstrosity of a storm. Suddenly about 500 meters away, Captain Barrel detected a tornado heading towards them "Full sail! Steers us out of here!" Shouted Captain barrel as loud as she could.

Edited by blazedtime
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"Celestia dammit, all I wanted was money!" Emerald yelled as she got tossed around using her wings to try and stop her from having severe brain damage from hitting the side of the ship "this had to happen, I say all that stuff to Jade before this and now I will die from the first destination travel! not even like a death from another pirate but a death from a storm a stupid storm!" she vented to no one but herself as she dodged a barrel that came at her in the cabins "guys lets get out of here!" she yells throw a small hole that leads from the cabin to steering wheel of the ship

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Suddenly about 500 meters away, Captain Barrel detected a tornado heading towards them "Full sail! Steers us out of here!" Shouted Captain barrel as loud as she could.


"Full sail? Are ye mad? Get those sails closed immediately ye idiot." Caramel shouted back, hoping the wind would carry her voice towards Barrel. Caramel gave a large pull on the steering wheel so the ship would turn around. "Starboard mates!" She grabbed hold on the wheel that almost escaped her hooves. The sea was fighting with force but luckily she knew how to fight back.

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-meanwhile in the ship's cargo area-


"Enzo, wake up"


"Mrlrmrl 5 more minutes"


"Wake up! There's a bloody hurricane out there!"


"Don't care, need sleepy sleeps"




"What's the big deal Khris, who's afraid of a little raAAAAAAAAIINN"


The ship chose that moment to violently lurch to the right, throwing Enzo and some cargo out in the open in the cargo area and knocking him out


"We are so f@$ked" said Khris as he looked at the unconscious form laying beside him

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Being flung out of his hammock wasn't the best ways cresent has woken up, then again he hasn't set sail before either. on hearing the call for starboard side Cresent sprng up and went above deck to see what was going on. as soon as he began to ask "captain wher-"he was hit with a wave waking him up and answering a lot of questions all at once. He shook himself trying to get the water out of his wings, he then flew up towards the mast and began to work losing it to full sail.

As the boat rocked and was hit by another monster wave Cresent just about slamed into the pole if it wasn't for wings keeping him airborn, which the wind seem to want pulling at them. He grunted in annoyance trying to fold his wings and finish the sale, 

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"Full sail? Are ye mad? Get those sails closed immediately ye idiot." Caramel shouted back, hoping the wind would carry her voice towards Barrel. Caramel gave a large pull on the steering wheel so the ship would turn around. "Starboard mates!" She grabbed hold on the wheel that almost escaped her hooves. The sea was fighting with force but luckily she knew how to fight back.



Being flung out of his hammock wasn't the best ways cresent has woken up, then again he hasn't set sail before either. on hearing the call for starboard side Cresent sprng up and went above deck to see what was going on. as soon as he began to ask "captain wher-"he was hit with a wave waking him up and answering a lot of questions all at once. He shook himself trying to get the water out of his wings, he then flew up towards the mast and began to work losing it to full sail.


As the boat rocked and was hit by another monster wave Cresent just about slamed into the pole if it wasn't for wings keeping him airborn, which the wind seem to want pulling at them. He grunted in annoyance trying to fold his wings and finish the sale, 


Captain barrel grunted in anoyance when Caramel said something else instead of obeying her. But that wasn't her biggest concern at the moment. She saw Crescent struggling with the sail, so she sprinted down at helped him "I got you lad" Shouted Barrel over the roaring winds

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Enzo laughed manically as his storm of sharpened timber sliced through his enemies like a hot knife through butter. The randomly aimed fireballs fired from the mechanical mages were nothing compared to his force of nature! Grinning and prancing, he began to sing:


"Dust to dust and ashes to ashes

magic so powerful it cuts through the masses

no one can stop me, horns or wings

these are a few of my favourite things"


Before he could start his next verse, a certain 'sentient' sword materialised in front of Enzo.


"Hey Khris! wanna-"


"You're dreaming. You are not overpowered, you are currently unconcious, spread on the floor of a cargo hold in an undignified position. And if a certain stag-horned unicorn doesn't suck some magic out of a very powerful storm, a certain boat will be smashed to bits by it, and a lot of sentient beings such as ponies and sentient swords will suffer an extended vacation to the bottom of the sea"


"Well i guess that's too bad then, such a shame so many innocent ponies would have to die, it happens to the beast of us. Man, sometimes-"


"The cargo hold you're in is that of THAT certain boat."


" well, that changes things. WAKE ME UP"


"As you wish."


Enzo jolted from his violently induced slumber. After stretching abit, he got on his hooves and prepared to siphon magic from the storm to calm it. He closed his eyes in concentration. He could feel it, the magic. The storm's natural magic. It was powerful, oh so very powerful, and.. dangerous. Enzo's mouth turned up into a smile

And soon, it would be his, albeit temporarily.

The runes on his antlers glowed blue as Enzo began taking in the storm's magic, or he would have, if not for-


*WHUMP* "captain wher-" *SPLOOSH*"STARBOARD MATES" *( wave crashing sound)*


" eh, maybe i'll just leave the storm be, this is fun!"

"you're an asshole, Enzo"

" no, im a pony"

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Steel sighed and stood he went above deck takin stock of the situation "what the hell why are we still in this storm" steel yelled his Phoenix stayed inside where it was dry he went to the wheel "move you're not helpin the matter" he yelled over the wind taking the wheel turning it with the water "well use the wind form the tornado to send us to land" steel yelled "get those sails down now"

Steel sighed and stood he went above deck takin stock of the situation "what the hell why are we still in this storm" steel yelled his Phoenix stayed inside where it was dry he went to the wheel "move you're not helpin the matter" he yelled over the wind taking the wheel turning it with the water "well use the wind form the tornado to send us to land" steel yelled "get those sails down now"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Captain barrel grunted in anoyance when Caramel said something else instead of obeying her. But that wasn't her biggest concern at the moment. She saw Crescent struggling with the sail, so she sprinted down at helped him "I got you lad" Shouted Barrel over the roaring winds

with Captain barrel and Cressent now arguing with the ropes it was made less work for cresent with the 2nd pair of hoov's. soon with a little more colorful commentary about the wind the two pony's were able to get the sale at full mast. cresent climbed back down trying not to fly and get caught by the wind

"Not sure if I herd right he something about an tornado to land?!" cresent asked

sailing into a storm was one thing, ridding an storm too shore ended up in two ways, and cresent didn't like ether of them the more he thought about it  

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with Captain barrel and Cressent now arguing with the ropes it was made less work for cresent with the 2nd pair of hoov's. soon with a little more colorful commentary about the wind the two pony's were able to get the sale at full mast. cresent climbed back down trying not to fly and get caught by the wind

"Not sure if I herd right he something about an tornado to land?!" cresent asked

sailing into a storm was one thing, ridding an storm too shore ended up in two ways, and cresent didn't like ether of them the more he thought about it


With the sail secured, Barrel whiped her muzzle to get all the rain and sweat off. She then made an ear piercing whistle, which resulted in her pet falcon slash landing on her back "Quick get da map! We need to be away from this shitty storm soon, or else we are doomed" shouted Barrel to her falcon. The falcon gave her a nod and flew inside to get the map. She nodded to cresent "Yes, a tornado is heading towards us, we need to secure the ships balance and steer away from it!" Said Barrel and sprinted away

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Enzo listened in amusement to the commotion going on above him as he munched on a large helping of cheese. He was interrupted by a mental nudge from Khris.


" 'Zo, i have been observing the ship's movements for a while, and i think the storm's getting worse"


" What makes you think that dear Khrissy?"


" In the pas minute, the candle over there flicked violently 9.34 more times than it had on average in the last 3 minutes"


" Come on, weather doesn't work like tha- wait, something's wrong" Enzo's brow furroed in confusion as he lit his horn and monitored the storm's magic "The storm seems to be... Growing. It's magic is getting sronger every second. Something is artificially strengthening the storm! "


" And of course, that should be fun for you because you enjoy the suffering of our fellow captains up there and we totally shouldn't protect our current mode of transport, so, sit on your ass and don't do anything like last time, and we surely won't perish at the bottom of the sea"


" I'll try to fight back the storm's power. I can't use my powers to their full extent while in an enclosed room, and i can't go outside and risk revealing muself, but i will see what i can do" Enzo closed his eyes and began his spell.


Alas, with his powers restricted, he could merely slow the storm's growth. He could only pray his aid was enough to help his hosts push through their terrifying ordeal.


" After all, this ship is carrying some really good cheese "


" Damnit, you were sounded so noble at that moment"

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With the sail secured, Barrel whiped her muzzle to get all the rain and sweat off. She then made an ear piercing whistle, which resulted in her pet falcon slash landing on her back "Quick get da map! We need to be away from this shitty storm soon, or else we are doomed" shouted Barrel to her falcon. The falcon gave her a nod and flew inside to get the map. She nodded to cresent "Yes, a tornado is heading towards us, we need to secure the ships balance and steer away from it!" Said Barrel and sprinted away


Caramel rolled her eyes at Barrels words.. or at least the ones she could make out. It was hard to tell what he was saying with the storm around but She knew it wasn't anything good. Caramel gave another big pull on the wheel but this time towards larboard. "We won't be able to escape that. Better to sail towards it to get into the eye of the storm!"

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Steel kept his grip on the wheel/ "catch the wind" he yelled, his words cutting through the storm and reaching Both captains clearly.


"use the wind from the storm to send us to land,

I've already checked the maps, we'll be fine!

plus, the island we'll hit looks to be very interesting"

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Suddenly the winds became more powerfull. The waves began to rise. Captain Barrels eyes widened. "What the hell?" Was all Barrel got out before the ship was swallowed by a giant wave. Barrel opened her eyes slowly, she expected to be under water, but was surprised to feel sand her neck, she slowly got up "Ugh, my head." She then looked around. "Were am i?"


(We are on Crescent island)

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Emerald how was now on a rock having a bit of a snooze wakes up to see she was almost impaled by a wood spike that was made when they crashed. She looked around hoping the others were somewhere to find she was at a pretty good looking beach...all except for a lot of ship debris on the shore and somehow a cannon got on to the sand "good thing I have wings" she said to herself getting up from the rock to fly over the beach hoping one of the crew were still alive

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Cresent felt the low tide waves wash over him twice, which what woke him up, he found his face half buried in sand. He shook his main and took a look around to his new setting. It seemed to be a beach, "must be a dream" he said to himself turning around to see wreakige of an familer type of wood lay scattered around him. He turned around with no sign of the ship he was trying to help save before hand

"ok this is where someone wakes me up now" he said
as he walked towards the island he triped over something face planting in the sand. He growled "ok not a dream but where in the hey am I?" he looked at his gauntlet that he triped over. He attached it too his hoof thinking where his shipmates would be. "well time to see if I can find the others, he spread his wings and took off in the air, all the he was getting an bigger picture of where they were.  

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Caramel opened her eyes slowly as the salty sea water had left its mark on her eyes. She found herself holding on a piece of the ship while gently floating in the water. She saw the others washed up ashore. "Uhm... could somepony help me? Maybe throw a rope or something I don't know... fly up here... I'm kinda stuck so..."

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crew, crew where could you...Caramel? Emerald thought while flying over the beach. She swooped down to her and picked her up "some wreak huh? storms suck, when I wanted to be a pirate I thought it would be more action and less crashing on an island that" she looks at the shape of the island from the air "in the shape of a crescent"

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The more cresent flew around he had an uneasy feeling of this place, like it was saying something but he couldn't quite hear it. He looked more for his fellow shipmate


crew, crew where could you...Caramel? Emerald thought while flying over the beach. She swooped down to her and picked her up "some wreak huh? storms suck, when I wanted to be a pirate I thought it would be more action and less crashing on an island that" she looks at the shape of the island from the air "in the shape of a crescent"

He flew over towards the pair of pegisi "glad to see you made it, is any other pony getting an odd feeling from this place or is it just me?" he said to the two

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"the island is in the shape of the a crescent, I think were at are destination, by the way you can try to fly anytime" she said to Caramel "I think we should find the others quick and tell them where we are" she says to Crescent then scopes the beach again to just see debris

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"You call it a crash, i call it a fly in~"


"Not the time, Enzo"


Compared to the pirates, Enzo was fortunate. The sudden overload of magic from the storm gave Enzo enough raw magic to form a shield of packed wood, which protected him from suffering from brain damage. There was still one problem though... 


"Well, our hiding place looks to be in great shape! It has suffered no damage at all! i can see part of it over there at the rock: It has only been impaled 3 times! "


"But in all seriousness, gather as many provisions as you can carry from the supply crates floating around and sneak onto the shoreline. Who knows how long we will be trapped here"


"Yes, and it would be a shame to be trapped on this island with only the two of us...."


Khriss scoffed is disbelief

"Enzo, you can't POSSIBLY be serious about-"


"Chill man, even if the pirates only have 2 brain cells to rub together as a team, they SHOULD be smart enough to realise the perks of gaining a very powerful ally"


"*cough* Powerful *cough"


"Well then, lets go meet the blacky pirate over there"


"Yes, because the black one is the docile one. Sombra was black... Tirek was almost black... This is a bad idea."


" es so racista, but really im just calling out to the closest pirate to me". And before Khris could stop him Enzo took in a dep breath, and shouted:




"10/10 first impression, bravo"





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Captain Barrel whipped her head towards someone shouting blacky. She grunted in pain from the shout because of her headache. "Could you shut it!? My head is barely intact from this headsplitting headache" shouted Barrel towards the unknown pony

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"Thank you." Caramel said before she started flying herself and landed carefully on the sandy beach.



She walked towards the two arguing ponies... Well they seemed to be arguing. "Oi! Leave the apn alone mates. Instead, ye can bother me if ye want. What is it ye want lads?"

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"the island is in the shape of the a crescent, I think were at are destination, by the way you can try to fly anytime" she said to Caramel "I think we should find the others quick and tell them where we are" she says to Crescent then scopes the beach again to just see debris

"agreed ill try to relocate the ship where ever it hit this rock there probably one of the mate near it" he then set off for finding the ship. He then herd an all too familer shout that would be followed by orders he looked down to see the captin :D and a new comer shouting at each other. "or the ship could wait" he landed by Caramel to see what the fuss was about.    

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