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open A pirates adventure

Love Doctor Blaze

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Captain Barrel whipped her head towards someone shouting blacky. She grunted in pain from the shout because of her headache. "Could you shut it!? My head is barely intact from this headsplitting headache" shouted Barrel towards the unknown pony




She walked towards the two arguing ponies... Well they seemed to be arguing. "Oi! Leave the apn alone mates. Instead, ye can bother me if ye want. What is it ye want lads?"


"Great. There's more of them. Still think you can fight them if things go south?"


"Relax man, charisma is my middle name"


Enzo took a mouthful out of the wheel of cheese he had looted from the cargo room and squinted his eyes, against the sun, trying to discern the pony's coat colours. The sun's rays were behind the ponies, causing making their coat's colours difficult to see.


" wait, it's not the sun.I can't believe it, its a full colour scale for gray! ". Enzo laughed to himself abit. 


He trotted into view of the ponies, who in turn looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and hostility


"They look extremely friendly. much like the crazy pink pony that lives near our forest. I expect no less from some salty sea dogs"


Enzo loudly cleared his throat, grinned and spoke:


" ( bad snobbish/british accent ) Greetings ponies, I am Enzo, and i was um, freeloading your ship back there in hopes of reaching inhabited land. Unfortunately, The land we have reached doesn't seem very inhabited nor civilised. Therefore, i will see you in court at the next possible moment for not fulfilling your purpose."


Enzo took another bite out of his cheese


" But in the meantime, i think it would be in your best interests if we worked together to find a way back home, so , a truce?"

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" But in the meantime, i think it would be in your best interests if we worked together to find a way back home, so , a truce?"


"Wait a sec... yer a stowaway?" Caramel gave a small sigh out of irritation. "Can't I have one trip without a darn stowaway on deck." She mumbled to herself. "Alright. We can work together but after that I don't wanna see ye face again." With that Caramel walked of towards Captain barrel.




"Capn.. What will we be doing now?" 

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"Wait a sec... you two are stowaways?" Caramel gave a small sigh out of irritation. "Can't I have one trip without a darn stowaway on deck." She mumbled to herself. "Alright. We work together but after that I don't wanna see any of yer faces again." With that Caramel walked of towards Captian barrel.




"Capn.. What will we be doing now?" 


After getting her headache under control, Barrel pulled out a bottle of rum and took a huge swig of the liquor. "Ahh, that hit the spot" Said Barrel and hoofed Caramel the Liquor. "As for these two salty land crabs... We should probably work together for now." Said Barrel, She then levitated one of her guns, and pointed it at the stallion "But no funny business" She looked around herself for the first time. Her eyes widened. "By Luna's 5th hoof, this is Crescent island! Were the hell is my map!?" Asked Barrel

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"Oh, a map? you mean this one?"


Enzo slowly peeled off the piece of paper he was using to wrap his wheel of cheese as he ate it ( which by the way, had partially melted.


"It's labeled 'crescent island'. Erm, i hope it wasn't important, eh?"


"My 'shits going to hit the fan' sense is tingling"


Enzo held the map up to Barrel. It still had sticky cheese slowly dripping off it, and some of it's pieces were still stuck to the wheel of cheese.


"Clearly in mint condition, ehehehe"

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Emerald landed with the others talking "glad we hit are mark huh? but not glad that we are probably stuck here for a while" she sighed "I never thought this would happen" she said looking at the dripping with cheese map "hows this jack off and why is there cheese on the map we needed to navigate the island" she said rudely

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Barrel was fuming. This map had the position of the precious moonstone. Barrel yanked the paper out of his grasp, and tried to clear up the cheese. Which ended up in the map getting torn apart. Barrel sighed and threw the pieces away. She then shot the stallion a deadly glare. "Do you have any idea how useful that map was!?!" Shouted Barrel right into his face. At this point Barrel was not up for negotiation

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"Going according to plan. Nice"


"You memorized the map right?"


"Every inch of it. We have our bargaining chip. Never trust those salty types"


Enzo tapped his hoof on his chin in false thought.


"Technically, we still have the map."


He looked barrel in the eye, smiled in triumph, and pointed his hoof to his head


"It's right here".






"By the way, i did'nt catch your name"

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"We could have found the Moonstone easily with that map you bloody mo- Wait what? You remember the map?" Asked Barrel, gone was her rage. She put away her dual pistols, and fixed her hat. "Lead the way then, what ever your name is" Said Barrel. "But don't lead us into a trap, you'll regret that decision" Said Barrel.

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"These pirates really love their black", Enzo said as he watched the new arrival ( steel ).


"I don't question their fashion choices, but we have lost our bargaining chip. They could try to kill us now if they wanted to. They do have a spare."


"They seem to be the kind that puts 'peacful' in pirates."


"I don't think the blacker one with the black bird is.... of course the it's the black one. That one's looking you funny"


Enzo laughed off steel's comment and started pasting back the remains of the map back onto his wheel of cheese in  an effort to wrap it. In between laughs, he spoke and  looked steel in the eye.


"A pirate (laugh), a PIRATE, is calling someone CRAZY?!


"Because laughing like a retard is the face of sanity"


"C'mon face it. You guys decided it was a good idea to sail a ship that i clearly saw was made in china right into a tornado, in an effort to get OUT of a storm.What's more, even if you DID find this, uhm, 'moonstone' you keep talking about, you have NO WAY to get back home.What, you gonna FLY through the storm? Construct some half-assed raft? you guys don't even have  a UNICORN to signal for help! ".


Enzo's eyes suddenly sparkled abit. He grinned leaned closer to steel, and more quietly said:


"Or do you?"


"Wow, even i'm surprised you pulled that off"

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"These pirates really love their black", Enzo said as he watched the new arrival ( steel ).


"I don't question their fashion choices, but we have lost our bargaining chip. They could try to kill us now if they wanted to. They do have a spare."


"They seem to be the kind that puts 'peacful' in pirates."


"I don't think the blacker one with the black bird is.... of course the it's the black one. That one's looking you funny"


Enzo laughed off steel's comment and started pasting back the remains of the map back onto his wheel of cheese in  an effort to wrap it. In between laughs, he spoke and  looked steel in the eye.


"A pirate (laugh), a PIRATE, is calling someone CRAZY?!


"Because laughing like a retard is the face of sanity"


"C'mon face it. You guys decided it was a good idea to sail a ship that i clearly saw was made in china right into a tornado, in an effort to get OUT of a storm.What's more, even if you DID find this, uhm, 'moonstone' you keep talking about, you have NO WAY to get back home.What, you gonna FLY through the storm? Construct some half-assed raft? you guys don't even have  a UNICORN to signal for help! ".


Enzo's eyes suddenly sparkled abit. He grinned leaned closer to steel, and more quietly said:


"Or do you?"


"Wow, even i'm surprised you pulled that off"

Cresent had one mind sets of straight up bleeding this newcomer after the insuts about the crew when he herd an new blood beat. the odd feeling seem to match this beat. His curiousty was burning "excuse me mates I need to check something" he spred his wings, getting an idea for the newcomer he dug his hoovs in the sand collecting some. He flew over the group droaping the load of sand onto Enzo's antlers, he then looked down at the newcomer  

"honestly mate, your lucky the cap hasn't shot you yet, tred lightly" he looked towards the others "i'll be back should answer a few questions about this place when I return" he flew off again homeing in on the new bloodbeat that seemed to match the islands  

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Enzo shook off the surprising large amount of sand that clung to his antlers and head, given that the Thestral gathered the sand with hooves.


"Khris, you could have very easily warned me about that ya know"


"You deserved that"


Enzo shook himself and began scraping off the sand from his wheel of cheese with Khris


"You deserved that"


As he idly scraped away while circling captain 'smokin' hot' Barrel, not before shooting a glare at the bat-ponies' general direction  , he thought out loud : 


"That doesn't change the facts. We are standed on an island and your ship is wrecked. You have no idea how to get the treasure back home. Unless a miracle happens *cough* magic *cough*, you will die on this island, with your precious 'moonstone' clenched in your dead hooves. Buuut anyways, looks like we'll be trapped on this island for a while so lets just get along. I'll start off again. Hi, i'm Enzo, and please for faust's sake introduce yourselves. You can do so while i scavenge the wreckage for supplies so that we won't die from dehydration or starvation"

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Barrel was really pissed off. She hated when some random pony thought it was a good idea to say that her plan was bad. "Alright Enzo, incase you missed it, i'm a unicorn, and my name is smoking barrel, but for you it's captain barrel" Said Barrel with a deadpan expression. "Also, my bird, and one of my men are already scavenging this island." As if on cue, her bird could be heard in the forest. "Looks like he found something" Said Barrel, and began to sprint towards the forest clearing

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Enzo hooked and tossed barrel onto his bak with his antlers and held her there with magic and antlers combined. At the same time, he threw Khris and impaled him into a large piece of wreckage away from the shoreline, his blue tassel extending behind him from the pommel, the end in Enzo's grasp.


A frost buff froze Khris in place in the wreck.


With Enzo's magic and Khris retracting his tassle, Enzo pulled himself and Barrel, sailing through the air towards the wreck, attack on titan 3d movement gear style. He let Barrel struggle free, while pulling Khris out and before anyone could react, standing majestically at the top of the wreck, he put Khris to Barrel's neck.


He grinned in triumph, and spoke in a clear voice:


"None of you seem to understand. I'm not trapped on this island with you"


He stiffled a strangely girlish giggle


"You're trapped here with me"


"How long have you waited to say that?"


"You have no idea"




There was a heavy silence. You could cut the tension in the room with a cheap knife made in china.


And that was all Enzo could take before he broke into laughter, accidentally dropping the shocked captain into the water.


" (laughter) oh man, look at your faces! Do you have ANY idea how long i have waited to say that? Ever since i read that comic.. man.. i felt like such a BADASS when i said that!"


He shot a grin to Barrel, who was glaring from her position below him


" I don't really wanna kill you. I'm in here just for the fun of it. Life does get boring in the forest. "


He jumped down and landed beside the captain, splashing some algae and seaweed over her.


"Besides, i saved you a trip! The crates where you keep your supplies should be arooound... here"


As if to demonstrate, he popped the crate floating beside him, and floated 2 bottles of ale out, one of which he passed to the captain



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Barrel was pulled back by Enzo. Which made her startled. After pinning her down, and saying something that sounded like a oneliner. Barrel couldn't help but laugh a little her self. She got up and accepted some ale, she was a pirate after all, so how could she say no? She took a big swig from the bottle and threw it away. "Cheers" Replied Barrel. She then looked towards the forest "Let's head back in there, my bird has found something" Said Barrel

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@, @,

"yeah, your weird but most of us are...also if your just doing this for fun, try to get involved" she walked toward Barrel "makes it more interesting if you do" Emerald said meeting up with Barrel "did you have to drink all the ale? I can only laugh at something I don't know with it and that guy seems to be very...reference heavy" she looked around just seeing trees and bushes

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As cresent continued his search for the nagging feeling he found himself in the forest of the island. It was a lot more soothing to see now instead of the blinding white sand and sun reflecting off it. He then began to hear a song of sorts, not strong but more like a fluid sound of strings being played or dancing with huney. His hunger was getting to him but he ignored it, but the sound did match the blood beat he was hearing to it as well. He kept on trotting thru when he spotted an fresh looking apple sitting on an branch.

The apple was a rose red, he hadn't seen one so fresh for a while now. He looked around, no other pony had claimed it, nor could he see any traps or preditors His hunger was getting better of him, so with out hesitation he took the apple in his mouth and began to eat it.

The next thing cresent knew he was upside down with rope tied around his hoofs and in a net...the half eaten apple fell to the ground sadley. "oh for lunas sake!" he thought out loud, he began to struggle trying to get his gauntlet blade to open and worm out of the netting

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The mild breeze tickled at her hooves as they played ever so softly with the strings, bringing with it the smell of crisp leaves that signified the changing of the seasons. Now, she knew, an inevitable stillness would begin settling upon the forest until it threatened to consume even her. How unfortunateshe reflected, that the most beautiful season has passed so swiftly. Whilst she would continue to play for the forest, she knew that soon enough she would feel naught but the cold, bitter sting of winter.


Aria Rosewood gave a small sigh before setting down her guitar. With it, she felt so connected to the rhythm of nature, of the passion of life. The forest, it seemed, would take on a vibrant glow in the presence of music, as though nature and harmony wove together into a single, sentient being. Such is the nature of life, I suppose, swearing that no matter what it won't die, yet disappearing like a star in the sky in the hot light of morning. Naught but the melancholic longing of my song shall pierce these soon-to-be-dormant woods....


Into the midst of her thoughts a disturbance did pierce. It had been so long since she had lain traps that she had forgotten they existed. She placed them surreptitiously enough when first coming to terms with being stranded; she had wanted to be sure that she was completely alone, and if not, then she wanted an advantage. New this entity must be, for these woods have remained unsullied for several seasons.... If not, why reveal themselves only now? A conclusion reached, there remained only the discovery, but be it friend or foe she did not know. Keeping the guitar propped against the peculiar stone on which she always played, she stepped out of the small clearing to investigate.


Minutes later, she came upon a struggling body caught in a hanging net, but was sure to maintain her distance. The sight of the creature was novel to her; she could make out the familiar shape of an equine, but its skin seemed to be made of ...leather? Whatever this creature was, it was obviously intelligent, as the accursed mutterings indicated it was capable of comprehensible speech. Which means this could be a more fatal encounter than I might have had with a wild animal. Slipping a dagger from her pouch, she took careful aim not wanting the blow to be fatal, but rather just enough to make her advantage known. And so it flew, the gleam of the sun catching it as it grazed the creatures flank, leaving behind a superficial but no less impressive cut. A small smirk briefly flitted across her lips at her accuracy. Without further ado, now that the creature surely was aware of her existence, she spoke.



"Unless you wish to be blind, I would advise that you stop flailing."

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"Why is the black one always a ninja?"


"He's not a ninja, he's just a showpony"


"Ya don't have to fly half an island around us just to pull that stunt, ya know: i saw that,"he said, shooting a lighthearted glare at steel.


Sloshing through the water and seaweed, he climbed onto a piece of driftwood. Enzo wrinkled his nose at the smell of the wood, which had already started to rot. He set his sights on the island, and began to spin Khris by his tassle. Then, once more, he launched Khris, the sword sailing through the air. But this time, the tassle didn't extend.  It went taught. As Enzo relinquished his control of his levitation to Khris, he went flying through the air together with Khirs, the cool sea-breeze whipping through his fur as he looked upon the island below him.




There were times he wished he was a pegasus. However, his tranquil state was interrupted by an urgecy to find an object to swing with and prevent any limbs from breaking.peering below him, he caught sight of something... out of place. Squinting his eye-


"That's one of our favourite crewmen being threatened with a knife by an island pygmy!"


In a rush of urgency, Enzo launched Khris towards a coconut tree near the pair. Due to Khris's fine guidance, the sword flew true to it's mark and imbedded himself high in the tree in which the next holding Emerald was hung on, the tassle extending. Once Enzo began his descent downwards aided by the force of gravity, the tassle retracted extremely quickly, turning Enzo's plunge into an impressively large spiderman/tarzan swing.





The tassle's retracted length prevented Enzo from hitting the ground. He swung from the tree and with a loud battle cry, deactivated the frost enchantment on Khris, pulling him out and freeing Enzo from his tether. He skidded to a halt between the pirate and the 'pygmy', kicking up a fairly large amount of dust in the process. Concealed in the dust, he set Khris on fire with an enchantment, and pointed the sword at the unknown pony. As the dust settled, the pony was treated to the sight of a flaming sword, pointed to her neck and a ponystag striking a triumphant pose and an exhibition grin.


"Hey crew, how ya holding up? , as for you, knife wielding pony, i suggest you stay away from the winged one"


And then his bravado was interrupted by a coconut who fell off the tree, impaled on one of the ends of his horns, it's juices trickling down to the stag's mouth.


He did the most sensible thing he could in that situation and tasted it


"This is actually pretty good"

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Steel smirked -fooled by the illusion I see- he thought to himself -to bad knowing my secret would give you a rather useful bargaining chip if you needed one against me and chances are you will-the thought made him smile he heard the commotion and was there in seconds behind the pony that threw the dagger he held his against the back of her neck "nice throw" steel said as the pony felt the cold metal touch their skin

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The mild breeze tickled at her hooves as they played ever so softly with the strings, bringing with it the smell of crisp leaves that signified the changing of the seasons. Now, she knew, an inevitable stillness would begin settling upon the forest until it threatened to consume even her. How unfortunateshe reflected, that the most beautiful season has passed so swiftly. Whilst she would continue to play for the forest, she knew that soon enough she would feel naught but the cold, bitter sting of winter.


Aria Rosewood gave a small sigh before setting down her guitar. With it, she felt so connected to the rhythm of nature, of the passion of life. The forest, it seemed, would take on a vibrant glow in the presence of music, as though nature and harmony wove together into a single, sentient being. Such is the nature of life, I suppose, swearing that no matter what it won't die, yet disappearing like a star in the sky in the hot light of morning. Naught but the melancholic longing of my song shall pierce these soon-to-be-dormant woods....


Into the midst of her thoughts a disturbance did pierce. It had been so long since she had lain traps that she had forgotten they existed. She placed them surreptitiously enough when first coming to terms with being stranded; she had wanted to be sure that she was completely alone, and if not, then she wanted an advantage. New this entity must be, for these woods have remained unsullied for several seasons.... If not, why reveal themselves only now? A conclusion reached, there remained only the discovery, but be it friend or foe she did not know. Keeping the guitar propped against the peculiar stone on which she always played, she stepped out of the small clearing to investigate.


Minutes later, she came upon a struggling body caught in a hanging net, but was sure to maintain her distance. The sight of the creature was novel to her; she could make out the familiar shape of an equine, but its skin seemed to be made of ...leather? Whatever this creature was, it was obviously intelligent, as the accursed mutterings indicated it was capable of comprehensible speech. Which means this could be a more fatal encounter than I might have had with a wild animal. Slipping a dagger from her pouch, she took careful aim not wanting the blow to be fatal, but rather just enough to make her advantage known. And so it flew, the gleam of the sun catching it as it grazed the creatures flank, leaving behind a superficial but no less impressive cut. A small smirk briefly flitted across her lips at her accuracy. Without further ado, now that the creature surely was aware of her existence, she spoke.



"Unless you wish to be blind, I would advise that you stop flailing."

The cut on where cresents cuti mark was burnt off happened to be where the mare cut stopping his movments once he herd her voice his eyes scaned the surondings till he was face to face or rather would be if the net wasn't between them. Bitting his pride he knew this batpony was beat by this....well...


"parley?" asked cresent still trying to sound if the cut didn't mind or bother him, and failing at that. Cresent knew he was at the mercy of the mare so it was her show now, cresnt just hoped she wasn't an hunter of vamponys. 



"Why is the black one always a ninja?"


"He's not a ninja, he's just a showpony"


"Ya don't have to fly half an island around us just to pull that stunt, ya know: i saw that,"he said, shooting a lighthearted glare at steel.


Sloshing through the water and seaweed, he climbed onto a piece of driftwood. Enzo wrinkled his nose at the smell of the wood, which had already started to rot. He set his sights on the island, and began to spin Khris by his tassle. Then, once more, he launched Khris, the sword sailing through the air. But this time, the tassle didn't extend.  It went taught. As Enzo relinquished his control of his levitation to Khris, he went flying through the air together with Khirs, the cool sea-breeze whipping through his fur as he looked upon the island below him.




There were times he wished he was a pegasus. However, his tranquil state was interrupted by an urgecy to find an object to swing with and prevent any limbs from breaking.peering below him, he caught sight of something... out of place. Squinting his eye-


"That's one of our favourite crewmen being threatened with a knife by an island pygmy!"


In a rush of urgency, Enzo launched Khris towards a coconut tree near the pair. Due to Khris's fine guidance, the sword flew true to it's mark and imbedded himself high in the tree in which the next holding Emerald was hung on, the tassle extending. Once Enzo began his descent downwards aided by the force of gravity, the tassle retracted extremely quickly, turning Enzo's plunge into an impressively large spiderman/tarzan swing. The tassle's retracted length prevented Enzo from hitting the ground. He swung from the tree and with a loud battle cry, deactivated the frost enchantment on Khris, pulling him out and freeing Enzo from his tether. He skidded to a halt between the pirate and the 'pygmy', kicking up a fairly large amount of dust in the process. Concealed in the dust, he set Khris on fire with an enchantment, and pointed the sword at the unknown pony. As the dust settled, the pony was treated to the sight of a flaming sword, pointed to her neck and a ponystag striking a triumphant pose and an exhibition grin.


"Hey crew, how ya holding up? , as for you, knife wielding pony, i suggest you stay away from the winged one"


And then his bravado was interrupted by a coconut who fell off the tree, impaled on one of the ends of his horns, it's juices trickling down to the stag's mouth.


He did the most sensible thing he could in that situation and tasted it


"This is actually pretty good"

Cresents eyes went wide with the 2nd new comer, "crew? so cap didn't shoot ya then?" he asked his apernetly newest crew member with the burning sword. So many more question came to mind with these two, the pony he dosed in sand was now the same one who could get him out of this very well made trap. yet out of the two cresent didn't know who to trust, after all last time he saw the one with antlers he was dissing the captin, 'later, karma will happen later'  

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Between a rock and a hard place, or rather, a flaming sword and a dagger, Aria's brain kicked into overdrive. Or, it would have, but understanding seemed to bypass thought, and she could feel the most logical decision to make. She would not be so unjustly trapped; this was her home, after all. Mild indignation hovered on the periphery of the understanding, but she would not allow its invitation to distract her from an appropriate retaliation. These slubberdegullions seemed to be beyond words without leverage, and so must be met with steel. But she could not press forward; she could not fall back. Feigning to either side would most likely result in her spine being severed...which only allowed one final possibility.


Appealing to the swordsman's awkward bravado, she swooned at the sight of the fiery blade. Limply dropping to the ground in this manner gave her the slight advantage of being able to sweep the pegasus's legs out from under him. Rolling over her prey, she came to rest upon his chest, a dagger upon his throat applying just enough pressure to draw forth a bead of blood. She snapped her gaze back at the white figure, but the countenance she wore was not one of malice, nor was it one of triumph. She needed the utmost clarity for this engagement, and so it was entirely inexpressive. The voice in which she spoke was equally as resolute.


"Answers. You have them. I want them. What brings you to this island, and what will it take for you to leave.?"

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Steel smirked as black tendrils came from his body "surprise" he whispered as he slipped into her shadow while Giving a loud whistle followed by to short sharp ones his dark Phoenix flew above the pony causing the shadows to merge them flew a few feet away steel then rose from that shadow as his Phoenix landed on his shoulder "release my crew pony and I will tell you"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Incredulity stole over Aria, not because of the shapeshifting pegasus, but because of the request. 


"What asinine logic is this? You appear perfectly capable of freeing him yourself. I shan't wont myself to your whims."


Deciding it would be more prudent not to waste time berating his lack of intelligence, she gave a single, falsetto laugh of indignation and proceeded homeward. One would think that after several years, the first ponies I meet would not be so abhorrent! She continued on in this manner for some time, wishing to distance herself as much as possible from such crude beings, but making sure she would not be caught unawares. It seemed unlikely that they would just let her go and refuse to follow. But this is my territory on which they trespass. They do not understand the magic inherent in the forest as I do.

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