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@@Totally Ducklett


Oh... It. Was. On! He started to think to himself about this. How he can !manage to get the upper hand. He thought for a bit and went on about a dragon and drawing. "Hm? Oh yeah. Cool." He was more focused on the strategy as how he can take on this war, and win. Maybe pin her with magic? Wrap his bow string around her so she can't escape while boops are being commited? So many ideas!



Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Akari of Duskshire, @@Celestial Panzerhund,


Midnight peered at Arrow, strategies racing through her mind now as well. Maybe she could be agile and do quick, hit-and-run boops? Maybe she too could trap him with magic and boop his nose to its end? So many possibilities!


She crinkled her nose a little when he accepted the proposition, and slowly booped back. The war had begun.



Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Totally Ducklett


Okay. The war has begun now. It's time to release the ultimate weapon. He tries to magically hold her down. "Ok, you asked for it." He goes ahead and unleashes all the boops he can towards the mare. Laughing with an evil laugh. Wanting every boop count. Wanting to win! And he will not quit until this pony submits!

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Celestial Panzerhund,


A few would get through, but the rest would be met with a magical shield. "Not so fast, Arrow! This mare has more fight in her than you think!" She grinned, forcing his hooves back with magic and making her move for a few quick in and out boops while he couldn't protect himself. Midnight got closer, hopefully forcing him back a bit.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Totally Ducklett,@@Celestial Panzerhund@@Akari of Duskshire, @,


Gentle Secret turned her attention to the miniature war that was playing out after skimming through some ancient scrolls. She watched as the two engage in a childish activity, although she had to admit it was fun to watch and proved a good remedy to the stress and headache that had formed during the battle. Her thoughts eventually led to the curiosity of what it is like being booped, but that was quickly crushed.


"I must say, the Narrator is more kinder than I've thought," Gentle Secret began as she walked near Fantasy Moon, "I was expecting him to throw us into the fray immediately. To entertain him. A rest is a rest that I wasn't expecting and it seems like someone had already taken the advantage of it." She motioned her hoof towards Dark Star, "and this rest point would also prove vital for some ponies to cool themselves off emotionally." 


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"And as for you, as much as death means nothing to you and you are happy with respawning over and over again. I'll let you know that even if I do respawn, I won't be the same pony that I was before. Because that pony more or less died and was rebuilt. If anything I'm not going to let anyone here die if I have anything to say about it, because if you die here, you still die...So put that in your antlers." 



The stag huffed.


"Suit yourself"


"I must agree with star. Accept a different perspective, Enzo. For example, one does see death a little differently when they become an immortal cripple, stuck with an annoying travel companion."

------------------------------Time skip to current---------------------------------
The stag used a sheathed Khris as a walking staff, leaning on him for balance. He observed the tiny war with half lidded eyes, and felt a pang of jealousy at being unable to join due to his exhausted state. Sighing, the stag wearily slumped down against the corner of a wall, starting to drift to sleep.
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@@Totally Ducklett,@@Celestial Panzerhund, @@Akari of Duskshire,@@Demirari

Feeling calm and resting in his corner Star would perk an eye, seeing the childish mini boop war unfurling in the short distance from him.


"Huh. that is kind of cute.. I guess since we have time their little war can't hurt"   


Then the thought of how lonely he clearly is with a thought of I wish I were invited maybe getting to know someone here would be better? No... he'd need to make it escalate from somewhere, Star can't talk to people just like that. He'd catch a glimpse of Gentle pointing at him while talking to Fantasy, but not exactly sure what to think about it... what could they be talking about. 

It didn't matter as much as it would just stray around his thoughts here and then. Star would close his eyes again, not planning to sleep but still drift off into rest land. 

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Fantasy Moon just stepped back, levitating the pen and the book off the ground and putting it into her bag.  Surprisingly, it felt light on her back despite the thick book.  But still, she felt awkward watching this, so much so that she could only stare.  She was snapped out of it by Gentle Secret.  


That's true, it's strange...  She followed Gentle Secret's line of sight to Star resting in a corner near them, thinking he fell asleep.  ...Is he always so peaceful-looking when he sleeps?  Wait, no, AGH I'm such a creep!  She got a bit of red in her face from embarrassment and quickly looked away.  "Hey...  is it too good to be true?" she hastily added.

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@@Totally Ducklett


He was taken aback by the sudden switch. Falling back a bit, turning around and runs. He has another idea, he bobs and weaves through everypony in the room, hoping she would give chase. "You won't get away with this!" He yells at her while pulling up his bow. All he needed was the right timing.

Edited by Celestial Panzerhund

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Celestial Panzerhund,


Midnight did give chase, but not as he expected. She created a series of small platforms of magic and used them as stairs to walk over everypony else, landing on the other side of the rest of the team and heading after Arrow from there. She looked as if she was truly enjoying this, no matter how childish and/or silly it may have been. "C'mere~!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Totally Ducklett


He didn't expect it, but went with as he goes ahead stops only a foot away, boops her with the bow gently, then makes a 180 to run again. He needed another tactic. Some of the ponies that were watching probably thought this was stupid, but it was fun! He hasn't felt this way ina while.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"Pardon?" Gentle Secret replied, not noticing the blush as she was busy focusing on the entire boop war, "what do you mean by 'is it too good to be true?' That we're resting after a long battle or the fact we've discovered items worth fortunes? Some of those books contain spells lost in the ages that have passed and I can hardly believe that they are near us. If you mean this entire treasure trove, I can't hardly believe it either."




The Narrator danced under a happy tune before stopping. Clapping to himself, the Narrator began constructing the room and perfecting it. The ponies in the hallway can, strangely, hear construction and this adorable British voice yelling about whatever in the distance. 


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Three ponies would be jumping from rooftop to rooftop, sometimes using magic or wings in longer gaps. The night dark and heavy rain falling upon the empty streets of Canterlot.

Dark Star would finish sliding one more rooftop, before the other two would stop by. Each of them was heavily cloaked and wearing a highly decorated metal mask to cover most of the face to the nuzzle.

"Dark, keep watch. Velvet, with me, time for your trial to begin. " A teal furred male would speak to the two.

Looking over he saw the huge in-sureness on the mares eyes, as she'd give him a quick look before brushing off and following the stallion.  After a short while which flashed in second he'd see a dead body of a velvet colored mare on the floor, the stallion from earlier holding a bloodied sword, not far away a horrified also dead noble pony. "She failed her test, may this be a reminder for you... there is no backing away now, rookie. "


Snapping back awake he'd lightly open his eyes, looking around, hearing construction going on, seeing it being the other room re-shaping he'd just guess it is the narrator having fun. Realizing he must have accidentally fallen asleep from exhaustion he'd rethink everything he just dreamed... but why now? Why would this dream matter, does it matter even at all?


Shaking his head head get up, not even sure how long he napped for, seeing the two still at their boop war it couldn't have been long.

Not thinking more of the dream, tossing it off as bad memories just coming back he wouldn't make anything of it.

@@Demirari, @@Akari of Duskshire,

He'd walk up to the two mares, lightly yawning and streching while he was at it, the wall sleeping leaving him rather uncomfortable, one of his legs a bit dead as apparently he may have been sleeping on it.


"Well, what did I miss?"


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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I mean all of it.  It's all feeling like a meal, a final feast before the slaughter.  Maybe I've been reading too much fantasy lately, but I still can't shake off the feeling...  Fantasy Moon opened her mouth to speak, only to get interrupted (seriously, is this the thousandth time or what?).




Her only answer to Star was to make eye contact with him and glance at the boop war with an amused and sarcastic look.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@@Akari of Duskshire,


He'd get it, more or less. "Okay, kind of good they are still enjoying themselves. Better have their fun while they can. "


A small hornache would hit him, but it being almost nothing, just a bit of late back-fire from earlier.


A stupid idea would hit his mind as he'd look at Arrow and Midnight again... and he'd boop Fantasy, smiling.


"Sorry, couldn't resist myself. "

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Fantasy Moon looked at the warring duo thoughtfully, nodding in agreement.  True.  But we still have to move on soon, don't we?  ...Maybe I should get another drawing in.  She sat down and began think about what to draw, then her train of thought was cut short by a boop.  She whipped her head around and saw just who did it.  Fantasy felt heat rise to her face.


"Er... wh-what...?"

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Gentle Secret decided it was time to investigate the other room. Looking at the others, she simply smiled, "I'll be scouting ahead to figure out what the next level will be. I'll hopefully be back within half an hour." With that, Gentle Secret departed to the next room over.


There was around five-hundred meters from the next room and the small resting spot the seven had designated as one. Gentle Secret moved forward cautiously as she peaked into the next level before widening her eyes. The last room was rather bland but gigantic, this room took it five steps further in every direction possible. There was a continent sign stapled to the wall that gave the estimated approximation of the entire room. Six kilometers by four kilometers and the height being four kilometers. Without a doubt, this room was going to take a while to clear.


There didn't seem to be any creature or danger apparent, but who knows? She took a single step forward onto the while-colored tile that seemed to predominate the room. It felt unique, it was solid yet flexible. Lightning was provided by invisible forces, revealing the room without a single shadow anywhere. It wasn't bright, just perfect.


As Gentle Secret investigated the room, a small sphere made up of many parts and a glowing blue core floated next to her.


"Welcome Gentle Secret to Level II. We will begin as soon as everyone else is here," the sphere began with the same adorable British voice earlier, "this level will be splendid and wonderful. The Narrator has allowed me to take charge of making things difficult for you all. Dadada! I'll be back." The sphere floated away with that.


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@@Akari of Duskshire, @@Demirari,


Still smiling lightly he'd look at her for a second, seeing her rather cute reaction, trying not to blush himself he'd quickly turn away and begin walking towards the exit, the exit being the path to the next level. 


He wanted to possibly say something to her, but decided to just walk off, walking the long corridor towards where he saw Gentle Secret in the far distance.

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Did... did that JUST happen?!  Fantasy Moon shifted on her hooves anxiously, not seeing where Star went.  Is it-  No, no...  Deep breath.  Not the time for fantasies, have to focus.  Now, land animal, need a land animal...  Without much in mind, she began to draw.  


With every line, every curve, every shading, the anxiety and the stress all seemed to melt away.  After an unknown amount of time passed, she lifted the pen and grinned slightly at a picture of a timber wolf.  Just a bit more detailed than the roc picture, but, as she noticed, with more wobbly lines.  What...?  How could I be nervous while doing this?  Isn't this supposed to be calming?  Maybe- She shook her head.  They're probably waiting for us.  Then again...





She looked over at the sleeping stag with the sword.  As uncomfortable and a tad ticked off she was at him, she knew they still needed his help. So she packed up her book and pen, walked over to Enzo, and prodded his side.

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@@Totally Ducklett


He didn't expect it, but went with as he goes ahead stops only a foot away, boops her with the bow gently, then makes a 180 to run again. He needed another tactic. Some of the ponies that were watching probably thought this was stupid, but it was fun! He hasn't felt this way ina while.

She let out a cute "eeep" as she was booped. Standing still, she blinked right in front of him and booped him back, before blinking behind him once more. "You gotta be quicker, Arrow!" Midnight giggled. "This is so fun!" She also took notice of the British voice and the other happenings, but focused on the task at hoof.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Gentle Secret turned around and noted Dark Star approaching. That is one pony coming around, so five more to go. She wasn't particularly excited to embark onto another level, but she could not deny the curiosity that was blooming inside her. This, when she gets out, will be one heck of a research paper she'll be writing. 


"Come, you must see Level II," Gentle Secret said simply before taking more steps into the gigantic room. From what the sphere had said, they'll only start when everyone was here, so she should be safe. 


The room was flat, like the previous room before. The theme the level had reminded her of one of the laboratories she works in, in her field of work. This has to be a puzzle-styled room, she deduced as she took a test jump on the floor. It wasn't solid when she landed, instead, it formed around her and sunk slowly to compensate for the force she was producing. Her eyes narrowed suddenly.


Activating a short teleportation spell, Gentle Secret blinked to six feet in the air before dropping onto the floor. By dropping, she landed onto the floor without any sound being made. It was, as she thought, a form of material that negated any damage that could possibly be caused from landing from high distances.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Totally Ducklett


Arrow huffs, scrunches his snout, huffs again and then tackles the mare down. "You don't do that and get away with that!" He pins her with magic and starts to (at least try to) boop the hell out of her snout. Giving off a crazy evil laugh, he says. "Submit little pony!"


His other half of his mind tried to get peek in at what was going on as to have such commosion, and semi ruining the fun. All he saw was a sphere and a white room thing but gave it no real thought as he wanted to win this.

Edited by Celestial Panzerhund

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Looking down the hall, Fantasy Moon saw the room and the strange sphere. This time, she had an easier time steeling herself, though she still shook a bit.


Turning back, she raised her voice, saying,"Let's go." Seeing as they were very invested in their game, she walked away, opened her book, and gave them both a gift - Which was a hungry-looking timber wolf. Lucky for them, she forgot to add the corporeal rune. She didn't seem to notice, as she kept walking while controlling the wolf.


...I suddenly want revenge... for that "boop"...

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@@Celestial Panzerhund,


Midnight giggled madly, struggling hard. "N-no! Never! NEVER!" Midnight began to crawl away, as she managed to cast a dispelling spell to get free. She, too, glanced at the sphere and everypony else, and made a notice to finish up quickly.


@@Akari of Duskshire,


She then, too, noticed the timberwolf, and squeaked. "F-fantasy! Is th-that a real timberwolf?!"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Enzo felt the prod.


"Mmphh, just 5 more minutes, or 20, i don't care"


"That's not your mother"


 "Doesn't matter. If it was hostile it would have killed me anyway.As such is the forest."


"We aren't in the forest...."




"Oh come on, don't tell me you forgot everything that has happened."


"..Oh right yeah the lizard and the lava. Got it. Waking up-"






The stag shrieked as Fantasy moon Prodded a particularly sensitive part of his belly. Scrambling to his hooves the stag brushed the invading hoof away.


"Alright i'm up i'm up,  whats going on"


"You would know if you bothered to look"


Enzo turned around and noticed the white ball, his mouth forming a small 'o' in understanding.


He also noticed the timberwolf.


Squeeing, his previous fatigue forgotten the stag rushed over to the wold, nuzzling it's cheek affectionately and scratching behind it's ears.


"Oh my god ohmygodohmygod aren't you the CUTEST THING EVER."


Khris turned to the other ponies in the room.


"He used to live in the everfree. To be fair, Enzo usually knows how to escape."

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