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@@Celestial Panzerhund,


Midnight giggled madly, struggling hard. "N-no! Never! NEVER!" Midnight began to crawl away, as she managed to cast a dispelling spell to get free. She, too, glanced at the sphere and everypony else, and made a notice to finish up quickly.


@@Akari of Duskshire,


She then, too, noticed the timberwolf, and squeaked. "F-fantasy! Is th-that a real timberwolf?!"

Looking down the hall, Fantasy Moon saw the room and the strange sphere. This time, she had an easier time steeling herself, though she still shook a bit.

Turning back, she raised her voice, saying,"Let's go." Seeing as they were very invested in their game, she walked away, opened her book, and gave them both a gift - Which was a hungry-looking timber wolf. Lucky for them, she forgot to add the corporeal rune. She didn't seem to notice, as she kept walking while controlling the wolf. ...I suddenly want revenge... for that "boop"...

(Too lazy to put names in)


After the escape he slowly starts to approach until his enemies glimpse and surprise became his. He flinches, taking out his bow and loading up; not one, but two Arrow's onto his bow, draws back and waits for the wolf to attack. "Tell your mutt to heel! Or something!" He demanded towards Moon, not liking the beast one bit.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Celestial Panzerhund,


Midnight assumed a defensive position behind Arrow, making a magical shield around them both but this time with a little opening for him to shoot out of. "Wow," she thought, "This could be a pretty nice formation for a future fight." Midnight then spoke, "Yeah, call it back... before it bites somepony! Maybe not Enzo, though..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Totally Ducklett,@@Celestial Panzerhund, @,


Without the corporeal rune, the timber wolf wouldn't be capable of changing anything physically.  Of course, that also meant that nothing but Fantasy Moon could dispel it.  Like a harmless ghost, really.  It walked up to them, ignoring Enzo, then it just...


...Pranced around, wagged its tail, and ran to the next level, barking at them to follow it.  






Fantasy Moon herself calmly walked up, looking rather serene with her eyes closed while the book floated in front of her, open and enveloped in that blue aura.  She stopped next to Gentle Secret and Dark Star, opened her eyes, and looked ahead.


...What kind of place is this now?!

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@@Totally Ducklett @@Akari of Duskshire


Arrow lets his guard down after the pup started to prance and bark. "Well... so much for that." He says at he plucks his arrows off his bow. "I guess it wants us to follow?" Arrow guesses by its gestures. With that, he looks towards Midnight, waiting for her to drop the shields. Since he thinks he can't walk through it.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Celestial Panzerhund, @@Akari of Duskshire,


Midnight smiled, taking down the shield. "Yeah, I guess. Let's go, I'm actually really curious to see what's ahead." She said, before trotting forward into the room with the treasure chests. Midnight eyed an unopened one. "May I? Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?" She asked Arrow and Fantasy, in case they too wanted to open it or thought they should just skip it.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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"Ahah! There are three of you! It's like you all are multiplying or something," the sphere shouted as it floated down towards the three, bobbing up and down, "that's great. All we need is like, four more of you little ponies! Then," the sphere glowed brighter for three seconds before turning to the normal hue, "it'll be glorious! Challenges your brain you know? Squeeze that gray matter for all it is worth. SQUEEZE THAT THING! YEAH!"


The sphere did a revolution before stopping still before returning to its normal patterns. It began to hum to itself happily the room shifted. Large 'stairs' formed out of the flooring, raising up and up. Many tiny rooms were constructed in a fast-paced speed, bridges forming out of light itself, levers and buttons of all forming at seemingly random points, dips and rises there and there. It was like watching a city being constructed, except grander and grander. Then, thin beams of lasers reached from ends to ends, from top to bottom, from side to side, diagonally too. The room started to take shape of an intricate puzzle, a likes that ponykind can only dream of. 


Sounds of crashing waves shot through the immense room as a waterfall appeared from one of the walls and tricked down an empty road that ran from the longest point of the room and into oblivion. If one were to compare it to something, it'll easily be compared to a sci-fi training room from a work. 


The beginning point was a simple red button on the ground and flooring lights leading to a plain circular door that separated at the middle. Next to that gigantic button was a simple cube. Above the door was a simple happy sign that read in an annoying red, "WELCOME TO HELL. JK. Puzzle ONE." Well, as happy as a sign can get with that kind of caption anyways. 


"Amazing right? Praise me! I mean, not really. I am humble and all, and let's do this! Tell your cute little buddies to come along! Well, the mares anyways. The stallions are too block-like and dull you know?" The sphere lowered itself and stared at Dark Star, two metal plates from up and down formed what was akin to a glare around the glowing orb. "It is like some cosmic being just slapped together you all without care."

Edited by Demirari


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@@Totally Ducklett Arrow, with a sigh of her childish plea, goes ahead and nods. "Sure. Didn't really care to open it anyway." He responds with a smirk.



After that, he looks towards this sphere, thing, of... of... unique(?) personality. Watching the room transform the way it has caused Arrow to take a moment of silence and think. "What the buck?" To himself. The seemed to have such an array of diversity to it with lasers, water, buttons, and what not. It was as if they just changed their time point and went to the the future.


Then the bot had to share his opinion about stallions. "We're not dull!" Arrow counters weakly. "I was just hopping around and prancing, playing a war with this mare!" He gently boops Midnight on the snout to give support to his statement.

Edited by Celestial Panzerhund

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@@Akari of Duskshire


Enzo became visibly saddened when his hooves simply passed through the wolf's body.


"Hey, at least your face didn't get clawed off, right?"





The stag had to admit: the new room looked snazzy.


"Why do i have a sudden urge to shoot blue and orange portals everywhere?"


"That's strange, even for you. I mean, what kind of stupid puzzle game involves portals? That's just ridiculous."


While taking in his new surroundings, the stag overheard the eccentric orb's comment


"Dull? Block like? Don't be silly, i mean, look at these curves!"


The stag used his hoof to motion to his antlers.

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Star would look at the shaping room, noticing most of the ponies here, trying to hide a light blush as Fantasy would approach, still feeling a bit weird from the boop earlier.


What interested him most was the orb, its sense of humor, and other things. So far this orb among other things was possibly one of the most enjoyable things in these dungeons so far. Even though it made its joke about stallions, it didn't bother Star a bit. As the stag would mention his curves he wouldn't be able to stop a chuckle coming out, turning and once more looking around at the room.


"This should be fun. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Celestial Panzerhund,


Midnight opened the chest, and... AND... her eyes widened. Slowly, she took out the most expensive, beautiful, masterfully made telescope she had ever seen. Though, she wasn't exactly happy.




"Is this some sort of cruel joke, Narrator?" Her ears pushed themselves down a bit. "A telescope...underground?"


@@Celestial Panzerhund,


Midnight, however, smiled when she booped him again. She wasn't happy about this "gift," but Arrow still had the power to make her smile so she truly wasn't in such a bad mood. "Think I could take this out of here?" 

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@,@, @@Celestial Panzerhund, @@Totally Ducklett,


The sphere twirled once more, "Stallions are still dull I'm afraid! But, let's get away from such a discussion! We should move to, like, more productive things in our hopeless lives. Like pushing that cube onto the button. Simple stuff. You know? Like what mouses can easily do." The sphere floated around the cube, giving it light bump before floating forward.


"The telescope is not of a joke! A coincidence I assure you," the sphere moved towards Midnight Comet, "the Narrator created the UNDER to be random and unique! Deadly! Sexy! Brave! Like smooth pistons and gears and like. Fast-pace electronic messages that move without halt. Ohhhh! Oh! Oh! Ohohooh!" The sphere laughed before moving towards Fantasy Moon. 


@@Akari of Duskshire,  


"Mind pushing the cube onto the button? Real easy! I'm sure we can drag in the ponies that still aren't here yet! We don't really need them all," the sphere did what is akin to a wink before floating towards the door, "Come one! It's only Level One."


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Really.  Wonder how they feel about mares.  Fantasy Moon brought the wolf over to where the group had gathered and dispelled it.  She finally added the corporeal rune to the picture, then she closed the book and looked over the room.  Hm...  Perhaps we could go up that, go across that, then... no, maybe-


"GYAH!"  She jumped a bit when she was given the rudest interruption from her train of thought.  Wait... Level One...  Wasn't... Wasn't the lizard battle level one?!

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"Level One of Level II!" the sphere corrected, "I know, I know! Surprised right? I wouldn't blame you. I wouldn't want to figure that was only the tutorial, which it isn't. You all did participate in a level that'll enhance your progress towards sweet merciful freedom. Oh, by the way, no magic guys!"




Gentle Secret stared the sphere with an unamused expression before staring at the cube. She walked over to the cube before poking it and attempted to move it with her weight. The cube moved easily, which raised an eyebrow from her. That was unique, the cube should weigh at least 80 kilograms. But, she wasn't going to complain at all. 


Pushing the cube with her side, Gentle Secret managed to drag it onto the gigantic button on the ground. Hearing a click, Gentle Secret took a few steps backwards as the floor-lights shined a blue as the doors opened apart from one another.


"Let's get this started," Gentle Secret declared as she peered into the newly opened room.


The room was similar to the last one, except this time, there are stairs. One must push the cube up to the button on top of the stairs walking down to gain access to the door that is locked as of right now.


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"Hey, sphere thing!" Midnight called, as she followed them to the newly formed doorway. "I like you. Do you have a name?" She asked, having retrieved some cloth and slung the telescope over her back, almost like some weapon. "And you should lighten up on the stallions. They can be... very cute." She smiled, perhaps thinking of somepony in particular. "Anyways! Stairs! Let's do it!" 

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Demirari, it!"


Cute... what exactly makes a st- Ugh, no time for those thoughts. Have to get this done! . She shook her head, observing and checking the stairs for any potential traps by lightly tapping a few places and looking closely. It looked very safe so far, but who knows what this annoying cousin of Discord might throw at them?

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@@Demirari, @@Akari of Duskshire, @@Totally Ducklett,


"Retrieve a cube?" Lighting up my horn I fire to the top of the stairs causing a powerful magical explosion that should push the cube down.


He looks carefully for possibly any cube flying towards us ponies, reading to catch it with his magic any time.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Akari of Duskshire@,@@Totally Ducklett


"I am Fernly," Fernly calmly replied as it floated near Midnight Comet, "and stallions are not cute. Blocky I tell you." Fernly spun itself on an invisible axis before noting of the cheater. Making a disgusted sigh, Fernly floated over there.


"No magic!" Fernly shouted at the top of its speakers, glaring at Dark Star with its full might. "That's cheating! I can't believe these. Cheaters are everywhere these days... why I outta! Whatever! I'll let you scumbag live for now." Fernly unfolded its metallic plates before moving away once more towards the door that led to the third room.


@@Celestial Panzerhund,@,  


"And," Fernly turned its attention to the other two stallions, "if I see you two use magic like Mr. Dark Star over here! I'll crush your horns! Damnit! Can't trust unicorns nowadays." Fernly then proceeded to rant about unicorns. 

Edited by Demirari


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Midnight raised an eyebrow at the rant, then moved around to the side of the cube that was facing the stairs. "Secret, could you get the other side for me? Let's just gently guide this thing down these stairs, mmkay?" She asked, poking her head around the side of it to look at the mare. "Oh, and Fernly, don't be so hard on them, okay? They're sensitive guys sometimes~"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Fantasy Moon was just about to conjure the roc to help out with their task, but she mentally thanked Dark Star for finding out the hard and direct way instead of herself.  


The way they're handling the cubes, they don't seem to be heavy.  Mine as well help though.  She looked over at Gentle Secret expectantly, obviously trying to block out the annoying rant going on behind her.  "Need help?"

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@@Totally Ducklett,@@Akari of Duskshire,


"That would be nice, both of you," Gentle Secret replied with thanks as she carefully moved the cube down the first step, "this cube isn't that heavy. Far less than what it should probably weigh." Taking one slow step down, Gentle Secret motioned that they were clear to proceed in pushing down the cube. It looked sturdy enough to take a few hits and still function as... well, a cube. 


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@@Demirari,@@Totally Ducklett


If that's the case, then I doubt its constitution.  With that in mind, Fantasy Moon slowly pushed the cube toward the edge.  In her mind, it was like she was handling glass, ice, or something just as delicate.  ​So infuriating!  How do earth ponies and pegasi do everything with their hooves?!

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@@Akari of Duskshire,@@Demirari,


Midnight gently worked it down as they moved, stopping it from taking any harsh hits on the first steps. "I wonder what its made of..." Midnight said, strangely smelling it. "Hmmm. Weird." She then continued to step backwards and work the cube down step by step. Then, she poked her head around to check on her friends. "Not used to working with your hooves, Fantasy?"

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@@Totally Ducklett


Arrow smiles at Midnight for her happy mood. Letting win the boop war... For now.


When... Fernly, started to speak, he could tell that he'll hate the bot. "Excuse you ya closed circuit freak ball!" Arrow insults. "I'm not a cheater, I'm blocky, and I think you need a life lesson in understanding ponies 101!" He shouts to it.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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The stag and sword watched in curiosity as the level shifted once more.


"You know, i'm starting to think that this is a puzzle level"


If swords could give a deadpan stare, Khris would have done so then and there.


"You think? This is obviously a puzzle level. Which also means that i will take over for this one."


"Hey man, i'm perfectly qualified to-"


"Solving puzzles requires the ability to think logically. It also requires you to be brainy and-"


"Come on, i'm as smart as any egg-"


"The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"




"As you wish"


Khris's tassel snaked around Enzo's neck, wrapping around his head and covering his eyes like a blindfold.Meanwhile, Enzo's conciousness went into a slumber as Khris took over Enzo's body.


"Have a rest"


Bright, white eyes shone through the blue blindfold.The stag's voice took on an etheral tone and changed.


"Ahh how good it feels to actually have a body"

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@@Totally Ducklett,


In response, Fantasy Moon shook her head.  Her hooves were trembling, though not from exhaustion or fear.  After all, she just had a long rest and so far, the room had been nothing but puzzles, an annoying being, and a stallion who must possess a death wish.




Hearing the change in tone, she looked up from her task and turned toward the stag.  Is it just more or did Enzo just get possessed by that sword?  ...Why do I get the feeling he's going to shout,'YOU ARE NOT PREPARED' any second now?

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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