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"Oh, y-you know Rainbow?" Draft said, suddenly acting rather awkward, "did she, um..."

He shook his head. "Nevermind."

With an extra flap of his wings he pulled forward a couple yards and held a steady speed.


The buildings of Ponyville soared past beneath him and he looked below to see Lovely, Zarely, Starry and the others running below, dodging between confused looking ponies on the streets.

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Electrobolt made sure to hold on tight, but not TOO tight so Midnight could fly easily still. But the feel of the wind running through his mane, and looking down at the ground, seeing the sights... Just being in the air, he was amazed. All of a sudden, he found himself wishing he had been a pegasus so he could enjoy this experience whenever he wanted to.

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Electrobolt looked at Midnight's face, smiling, as he replied, "Yeah, I am! It's just... Being in the air like this... I... I kinda wish I was a pegasus now... It just feels amazing up here, you know?"

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Draft looked back to Midnight, somewhat apprehensively.

"Know what?"


(edit: oops, one of the dangers of multi-person posting is getting conversations mixed up XP)

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Smiling still, Electrobolt responded, "Really? Well, I guess that's two things I owe you for, then!" He kept his smile on his face as he looked in the direction of where the meteor had landed.

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Draft circled around a few times before landing.

"Wow, look at that," he said, avoiding Midnight's gaze, "this is awesome! Look at it!"

He pulled out his scroll and started drawing the meteor, a pony-sized rock that glowed red and was covered in perfectly round craters.


(i may post sproaditcally over the next hour or so)

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Electrobolt hopped off of Midnight's back as he looked at the crater. "Wow..." was all he could say as he just looked at the rock. "So this is a meteor... Pretty cool..."

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midnight inched closer too it, curious about it,

"careful midnight, it might still be hot." alex warned,

"i wont touch it, sheesh, sound like my mother."

"beacuse i technically am." she smirked,


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Electrobolt was so amazed at seeing a meteorite for once. *Hahah... So awesome...* he thought, as his stomach gave out a light growl. Backing away a little, he pulled out the banana he had stored in his saddlebag as he took a bite from the banana. *Mmm... Just as good as the other one...*

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"What are you thinking!? Why did you touch it? It could be radioactive! It can be dangerous!" Starry yelled at Midnight, "Y-You could've ended up like my parents! Sigh, I didn't want to say this but, m-my parents died from radiation poisoning after inspecting a radioactive meteorite. Let me get my radiation meter cause I'll check you for traces of radiation," She opened her saddlebag and got a little yellow device out, "Okay, don't move," She inspected Midnight with it, but it read "0.0", She was astonished "Unbelievable! Thank goodness your alright!" Starry hugged Midnight, glad that he's safe.


Next, she inspected the meteorite with the meter, again no traces of radiation we're detected, she concluded "Okay guys, it's safe to come down here!"

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As Valiant made his way to the comet to complete the task given to him from Princess Celestia he noticed a group of ponies."Probably should try to avoid them." he thought to himself. Though at the moment it wouldn't really bother him if they did see him since he was full combat recon fatigues and all they would see was a black figure.

After he realized this he then proceeded to grab a samples with some tools so he wouldn't have to touch in case of radioactivity and placed into a sealed metal jar.


He then flew off into the night back to Canterlot....

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Surprised that Midnight actually jumped on top of the meteorite, Electrobolt thought, *He's crazy... He could have been burned to death!* He shook his head seeing that wasn't the case. Then when he heard Starry speak up, his surprised look returned. "Your... Your parents died...? When inspecting a meteorite that was radioactive...? I... I'm sorry to hear that..." His face then showed a small frown, having heard two pieces of sad news in one day.

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midnight poked it again, then chuckled "ahh, just a harmless ol rock from space." he frowned as it started rumbleing and broke open revealing many crystals of diffrent shapes and sizes.

"woah.....this...is AWSOME." he looked at each crystal then grabbed starrys gigermajigger and the radiation level was 0.0, "cool." he pulled out one of the crystals, it eminated a greenish glow, but it wasnt harmful, in fact it felt warm and if used correctly could be used as a lightsource.

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Electrobolt chuckled as he looked at the meteorite, wondering if he would be able to get a small sample of the meteorite. "Hmm..." he muttered to himself, looking around the meteorite a bit, trying to find a good spot to take a small bit out of the rock.

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"Yes princess?" he responded.

"These samples has shown us something and I need you to do something for me"

"I am going to need you confiscate these from anypony you see there, understood?"

"Yes princess." he said as he bowed to her and left the room...


As he was arriving to the meteor he made sure he was wearing his full suit correctly so it would mask his identity.

He soon saw the group of ponies he saw earlier and he proceeded to talk to them.


A black figure wearing strange clothing approaches you off in the distance....


(last sentence is from you perspective and Is this ok pinkieluna?)

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