DarkHaert 277 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 Façade was putting in too much magic, he had meant to put in enough to heal his friend, but now he couldn't stop. Façade was worried that he would end up passing out if too much magic got absorbed. Then Dark Façade passed out. 'Sh*t, that wasn't supposed to happen' Façade thought to himself as the darkness rushed to him. 2 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shadow/Daw 170 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 (edited) Façade was putting in too much magic, he had meant to put in enough to heal his friend, but now he couldn't stop. Façade was worried that he would end up passing out if too much magic got absorbed. Then Dark Façade passed out. 'Sh*t, that wasn't supposed to happen' Façade thought to himself as the darkness rushed to him.Alpha vision clouded and and suddenly became crystal clear, and Adrenaline pumped through his spectral veins faster than normal. Uhhhhhhgg, what happened? Alpha saw the Pegasus on the floor, and realized how kind ove him to almost risk his life for him, and realized something. Alpha pooled some of his excess energy into the Pegasus, instead of dark magic, it was the magic of friendship... He then opened a small portal, and a quill and scroll floated out, he then wrote... @@Dapper Charmer, Dear Princess Twilight, It has come to me that the possibility of one of the bearers of Disharmony could be reformed, please come to the Canterlot Castle as soon as possible -Your Most Faithful Student Alpha Goval And Sent it through another portal, to the princess... Edited October 12, 2015 by Shadow Strike OWNED BY DJ NEON <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Façade cracked open one of his eyes. He shakily stood up on his hooves. "Da, Fuq? Alpha? What did you do to me?" Façade forced the blood to pump back into his hooves. Façade's head pounded and rang like a train. He wobbled. Façade then finally got cleared of his vertigo. "Alpha? Why do I have white patches of fur, or...." Façade's mouth hung open, his cutie mark had changed! "Why has my cutie mark changed?" 2 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shadow/Daw 170 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Façade cracked open one of his eyes. He shakily stood up on his hooves. "Da, Fuq? Alpha? What did you do to me?" Façade forced the blood to pump back into his hooves. Façade's head pounded and rang like a train. He wobbled. Façade then finally got cleared of his vertigo. "Alpha? Why do I have white patches of fur, or...." Façade's mouth hung open, his cutie mark had changed! "Why has my cutie mark changed?"Alpha hoped Twilight got the letter Huuh? Oh, Façade, your awake, thanks for, you know, manifesting your power into me, and yea. Wait, did your cutie mark change? Alpha realized what happened... I think I know what happened, when you released your energy to save me, you changed your destiny, what that is, I'm not sure of, me restoring the magic into you is just the physical one, I-i think you are the element of kindness... OWNED BY DJ NEON <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 "I don't think so buddy... Isn't your crew filled?" Façade then heard more guards coming. "Shite!" He yelled. Then Façade pulled out his longsword. "I'll hold off the guards for you, so you can let Princess Twilight know of what's happened! Then Façade did the second most stupid thing that day. He leapt right into the guards, and attacked viciously. He kick sliced and punched whatever got in his way. But then Façade yelled as the heavy shackles found a way onto his hooves. He bucked the guard and took out two more. Façade looked directly at Alpha, and mouthed the word, "Go" to him, and smiled warmly. Then he got hit in the head, and he felt himself being dragged off to the dungeon. He would pay for the crimes. OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpikusFyre 486 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 (edited) @@Dapper Charmer @@MarionEtte136 @@PROJECT: Simon @@Pripyat Pony Spikus noticed as the element flew to him and replaced the stone on it with itself on his already existing necklace changing the way it looks as well via some kind of magic. He however felt no different than he did when he had yelled at the entrance of the new ponies. His anger was already rising above it's usual levels from the unexpected guests and it was still escalating as they preformed their antics. He did however think it was odd when they started leaving along with the Element of Deceit also leaving as well. "Where the EFF do you think you're going?! I wasn't done yelling at you yet!" He screamed after them. His mood then shifted quickly as he turned to the other Elements of Disharmony. "Am I the only one whom doesn't feel any different really?" Edited October 12, 2015 by SpikusFyre 1 Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722 NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/ My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/ Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shadow/Daw 170 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 @@Dapper Charmer @@MarionEtte136 @@PROJECT: Simon @@Pripyat Pony Spikus noticed as the element flew to him and replaced the stone on it with itself on his already existing necklace changing the way it looks as well via some kind of magic. He however felt no different than he did when he had yelled at the entrance of the new ponies. His anger was already rising above it's usual levels from the unexpected guests and it was still escalating as they preformed their antics. He did however think it was odd when they started leaving along with the Element of Deceit also leaving as well. "Where the EFF do you think you're going?! I wasn't done yelling at you yet!" He screamed after them. His mood then shifted quickly as he turned to the other Elements of Disharmony. "Am I the only one whom doesn't feel any different really?" Nooo, Façade wait! A Beam shot out of Alphas horn, and contacted the guards, and slowly turned them gray. What were we doing? I don't know, why do you ask me!? ... ... As the guards let go of Façade, and started instantly arguing Façade, I believe we still need the Element of Generosity, and quite frankly, generosity is what you showed me, more than once. I have put a temporary spell on the guards, I discorded them, now they are non loyal, lying stallions, instead of being loyal. Please, Façade, you have the power to change your destiny, we need you... OWNED BY DJ NEON <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PROJECT: Simon 3,955 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Confused on the events, Assassin could only do one thing, following the other elements, her allies. "Are we really going to destroy something? I don't want to wait longer", Assassin whined angrily. She made an emotionless face, showing the others she only cared about destruction for now. Equestria Girl Artist / Infernus's adorable brother / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit.. http://project-simon.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 "All that mumbo jumbo about Harmony, and all the hype for power over Equestria. It's almost— pathetic." Façade replied to Alpha. He stood up and picked the locks on his shackles. "Since my destiny has changed Alpha, I think I'll change my name. But regarding your offer. I didn't join the Elements of Disharmony because of power." Façade turned away. 1 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shadow/Daw 170 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 "All that mumbo jumbo about Harmony, and all the hype for power over Equestria. It's almost— pathetic." Façade replied to Alpha. He stood up and picked the locks on his shackles. "Since my destiny has changed Alpha, I think I'll change my name. But regarding your offer. I didn't join the Elements of Disharmony because of power." Façade turned away.Alpha was truly confused, and asked Then why? I-I mean, I don't get why you joined anyway, what's your reasoning? You can tell me, I won't tell anypony if you don't want me toAlpha put himself in the situation, but sill didn't know why Façade would do that, unless for power... OWNED BY DJ NEON <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Façade sighed, and then sighed. "It was about three years ago, I was with my family, my lovely wife, Jade Blossom, and my three foals. We were at home when I got a summons to the castle. I worked for EIS in those days, my job was part of a secret intelligence recollection. We were basically spies, and my wife was part of the same team. Then we had to retrieve a ward of the kingdom. But when we got there, we had been set up by the government, somepony had leaked information on my team. The government believed it was my wife. So as my team went in, I said I would watch the gate. They killed everypony that entered. I heard and came and saw the EIS agents that killed my team. I killed every one of those agents. They tried to clean up their mess. Every family of my teammates was killed. My own foals and their foalsitter were dead when I came back home. And ponies who knew the families were paid off. I found out that the Princesses ordered the murder of my team to cover up the fact that Celestia had a foal." Façade spat the last words out. 2 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shadow/Daw 170 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 Façade sighed, and then sighed. "It was about three years ago, I was with my family, my lovely wife, Jade Blossom, and my three foals. We were at home when I got a summons to the castle. I worked for EIS in those days, my job was part of a secret intelligence recollection. We were basically spies, and my wife was part of the same team. Then we had to retrieve a ward of the kingdom. But when we got there, we had been set up by the government, somepony had leaked information on my team. The government believed it was my wife. So as my team went in, I said I would watch the gate. They killed everypony that entered. I heard and came and saw the EIS agents that killed my team. I killed every one of those agents. They tried to clean up their mess. Every family of my teammates was killed. My own foals and their foalsitter were dead when I came back home. And ponies who knew the families were paid off. I found out that the Princesses ordered the murder of my team to cover up the fact that Celestia had a foal." Façade spat the last words out.(OOC, wow, that turned really dark, really fast :okiedokielokie:) I-I, am so sorry about that, I didn't know, I'm really sorry, I won't tell anypony, I swear Alpha, as student of the princess of friendship, felt the anger, the pain, the misery that came with the incident I-I think I understand now, you want revenge, for her actions, and sadly I know how that feels, I do not know my parents, but they are probably too poor to take care of me, so I've grown up, being able to care for myself Alpha touched Façade with is horn, now glowing a deep cerulean, and attempted to soothe Façade of this anger, he knew it can't just disappear, but he could at least minimize it... 1 OWNED BY DJ NEON <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 (OOC Oops) Dark Façade looked upon the dark blue unicorn. He then said "It does not make my actions right, it doesn't whatsoever. I don't know who I am yet Alpha, but you are my friend. I see that now." Dark Façade picked up his bag of tricks, and dumped it in a nearby trash can. He then surveyed the damaged front gate, and turned toward the dark clouds over Everfree. Now his only clothes were his white robes, and his white & black cowl. Façade's only possession, his long sword. Did it matter anymore? Not really. He felt more at peace. "We're so screwed right now." Remarked Dark Façade as he observed what appeared to be Missklang running towards the castle? "Or maybe not." @, Dark Façade knew what was to come. Why the Fuck did he have to be the one converted to harmony? Dark Façade buckled on his longsword, and looked at Alpha, "I'm going back to Fuchowa, you round up the others of your team. Their is a chance they could recorrupt me again.... So I'm not taking chances." Dark Façade picked up a piece of the purified howlite and stringed it onto a necklace. 1 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Missklang 1,053 October 15, 2015 Share October 15, 2015 (edited) ~Vwoorp Vwoorp Vwoorp Vwoorp~ A strange sound appeared out of nowhere. The air vibrated and distorted as a blue telephone box appeared in front of @ and @. After few seconds, it materialised entirely and the door opened letting Missklang fly through it and fall on the grass. A brown pony popped his head through the opened door and shouted. "...and if you use it without my permission again I will make sure you are trapped in a black hole for the next two hundred years! Good day sir!" The pony slammed the door and soon after, the telephone box faded away. "Ouch." Whined Missklang. He stood up and looked at the two ponies. "Hey, guys! You won't believe me when I will tell you what happened to me! I was running in the forest when I suddenly fell in a strange pond. And when I got out, I was back in time! Not sure how it happened, though. So anyway, it was like a thousand years in the past or something like that. As I was in the forest, I went to the former castle of the tho princesses. It seemed that it was abandoned just a week ago or so. So I went inside and brought this." Missklang took off his bag and flipped it over. Six big round stones fell on the grass, but they appeared too big for the bag to hold them all inside, but somehow, they fitted perfectly. "Look! Cool huh? I think I don't need to explain what this stones are, right Alpha? So after me taking those from the castle, I tried to find a way to get back here. As I lost the pond, I wandered around the forest. After an hour or so I stumbled on Doctor Whooves! I used his machine to get back here but he woke up before I arrived and told me that he wasn't too happy for me using his stuff. And you saw the rest..." Edited October 15, 2015 by Missklang 1 Missklang OC (under maintenance) Devianart PDM youtube Press here to give me a hug Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shadow/Daw 170 October 15, 2015 Share October 15, 2015 (edited) ~Vwoorp Vwoorp Vwoorp Vwoorp~ A strange sound appeared out of nowhere. The air vibrated and distorted as a blue telephone box appeared in front of @ and @. After few seconds, it materialised entirely and the door opened letting Missklang fly through it and fall on the grass. A brown pony popped his head through the opened door and shouted. "...and if you use it without my permission again I will make sure you are trapped in a black hole for the next two hundred years! Good day sir!" The pony slammed the door and soon after, the telephone box faded away. "Ouch." Whined Missklang. He stood up and looked at the two ponies. "Hey, guys! You won't believe me when I will tell you what happened to me! I was running in the forest when I suddenly fell in a strange pond. And when I got out, I was back in time! Not sure how it happened, though. So anyway, it was like a thousand years in the past or something like that. As I was in the forest, I went to the former castle of the tho princesses. It seemed that it was abandoned just a week ago or so. So I went inside and brought this." Missklang took off his bag and flipped it over. Six big round stones fell on the grass, but they appeared too big for the bag to hold them all inside, but somehow, they fitted perfectly. "Look! Cool huh? I think I don't need to explain what this stones are, right Alpha? So after me taking those from the castle, I tried to find a way to get back here. As I lost the pond, I wandered around the forest. After an hour or so I stumbled on Doctor Whooves! I used his machine to get back here but he woke up before I arrived and told me that he wasn't too happy for me using his stuff. And you saw the rest..." wow, but how do we get them back? As Alpha put his horn on Façade's charm, his eyes glowed immensely and a ripple of pure power fell around the castle ok Façade, your charm should protect you from being corrupted now, you can still go back to the EoD, but me and Missclang are going back to Twilight. Edited October 15, 2015 by Shadow Strike OWNED BY DJ NEON <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Missklang 1,053 October 15, 2015 Share October 15, 2015 (edited) "Yes, about that. We kinda don't want to destroy them because Celestia knows what drastic change in our history would happen if we don't return them in one piece... Nightmare Night would banish Celestia to the sun and make an eternal night, Discord overthrows her and instore chaos reign again, Sombra isn't stopped, challengings everywhere, and Twilight would become like Moondancer, never become an alicorn and never meet her friends! Tirek would steal all most of pony magic, so no flying, magic or plant growing for a big part of the equestrian population.Twilight knowledge is useless, Pinkie somber into craziness and go psycho, Fluttershy isolated from others and become savage, Applejack sold the farm to Flim and Flam, Rainbowdash never pass her wonderbolt exam and have any purpose because Tirek stole her flight and Rarity join Nightmare Moon and is one of few still with magic. To sum up, bad stuff will happen....At least Doctor said so. And he knows things. He will come to collect these stones when we are done. Sooo, anyway. Did I missed something?" Edited October 15, 2015 by Missklang 1 Missklang OC (under maintenance) Devianart PDM youtube Press here to give me a hug Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 15, 2015 Share October 15, 2015 Dark Façade looked upon Missklang. "Missklang, I think we need to defeat the elements of disharmony, and those shall prove helpful." and with that Façade continued to walk towards the forest. He feared what was to come, and no doubt Fuchowa wouldn't be too happy with him. Façade saw Everfree loom ahead, and he shuddered. Façade pulled his white cowl on, and covered his face with his black scarf. He stepped into the nightmare. 1 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Missklang 1,053 October 15, 2015 Share October 15, 2015 "Wait!" shouted Missklang "You could just tell him that you thought since the EoD are complete opposite of EoH, they are stronger when separated, and that you wanted to prove him that you are strong and worthy, or something like that. You could try convincing him that you tricked those foolish ponies by acting as if you became good, earning their trust to gather some info. We can set a trap! If you tell him that we will gather together in some particular place, he will go there because he thinks he practically won as we don't have the EoH. Bad guys always forget caution when they are sure the victory is theirs. And then, we will strike, using this EoH I brought from the past and he have no clue we got them. He can't sense their magic as I put a charm that masks their magical energy to others. Even I can't tell if they are rocks or artifacts! What do you think? And you, Alpha? 1 Missklang OC (under maintenance) Devianart PDM youtube Press here to give me a hug Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 15, 2015 Share October 15, 2015 Dark Façade looked upon the two ponies behind him. "That is the plan actually, Missklang, I'm stalling for time, so you can get set up. Good Luck my friends. Let this day be remembered in infamy." And with that, Dark Façade launched into the sky, and raced to the Tree of Harmony. He saw Spikus and landed, his loose white robes, gently billowing in the wind. Dark Façade pulled his hood back and looked at Spikus as he loosened his black scarf. "What we're doing here is wrong." He said in matter-of-factly tone. 3 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpikusFyre 486 October 15, 2015 Share October 15, 2015 "Oh look who finally came back." Said Spikus as he saw Façade return. "I mean... I guess it could be considered wrong but I don't really give a EFF what other ponies think... Wait... Didn't you used to look different earlier?" He said as he eyed Façade with a suspicious glare. 1 Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722 NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/ My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/ Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 16, 2015 Share October 16, 2015 Façade looked directly at Spikus, "Do you not have any moral compass!? No empathy for other ponies? The endless suffering that will come because of YOU!? The issue here is not me, but you! What the F*ck!? You're Wrath! Not cruelty! You're power! Not Cowardice! What idiot wouldn't understand that?" Façade smiled at him, "I did have a wardrobe change. White is a lot better in my opinion." And that's when Façade noticed the white streak in his black mane. "Didn't know the transformation was that extensive." @@Pripyat Pony, Façade launched himself into the air, and towards Jinx. He landed before Jinx. "Who'd you kill to get get those wings? Or are they just another fake illusion that Fuchowa uses to control you? So listen up Ms. Priss. You could learn a thing or two about social skills. They can really be useful. Or you can continue to be that pony that everypony hates. What's left of you if you're stripped of that power." The purified howlite started to glow faintly. And Façade's eyes flashed red for a moment. "You're better than that Jinx." 1 OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shadow/Daw 170 October 16, 2015 Share October 16, 2015 Alpha told Missclang Hey, you go back to Twilight, and tell her about the elements, and hey, give her this A tied off scroll came out of a portal It's me friendship letter to her, I don't want her to think I'm taking advantage of this situation, I don't want her to think less of me. I'm going to follow Facade As a portal opens and Alpha suddenly disappears, for he casted a invisibility spell on himself, and walked through. Dark Façade looked upon the two ponies behind him. "That is the plan actually, Missklang, I'm stalling for time, so you can get set up. Good Luck my friends. Let this day be remembered in infamy." And with that, Dark Façade launched into the sky, and raced to the Tree of Harmony. He saw Spikus and landed, his loose white robes, gently billowing in the wind. Dark Façade pulled his hood back and looked at Spikus as he loosened his black scarf. "What we're doing here is wrong." He said in matter-of-factly tone. Alpha opens a portal in a tree and came out, and right into the middle of the scene, but no pony should see me "Oh look who finally came back." Said Spikus as he saw Façade return. "I mean... I guess it could be considered wrong but I don't really give a EFF what other ponies think... Wait... Didn't you used to look different earlier?" He said as he eyed Façade with a suspicious glare. Alpha quietly gasped and quickly jotted down a note, and sent it into a portal... 1 OWNED BY DJ NEON <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 16, 2015 Share October 16, 2015 @, 'Odd, I feel as if Alpha is nearby. Huh' Façade thought to himself. Façade looked hard a Jinx. And thought of something, he smiled, and watched Jinx process what he had said. He smiled again at her. Façade made sure his longsword was able to be pulled from the scabbard upon his back using subtle motions as he spotted Fuchowa. OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpikusFyre 486 October 16, 2015 Share October 16, 2015 (edited) Façade looked directly at Spikus, "Do you not have any moral compass!? No empathy for other ponies? The endless suffering that will come because of YOU!? The issue here is not me, but you! What the F*ck!? You're Wrath! Not cruelty! You're power! Not Cowardice! What idiot wouldn't understand that?" Façade smiled at him, "I did have a wardrobe change. White is a lot better in my opinion." And that's when Façade noticed the white streak in his black mane. "Didn't know the transformation was that extensive." "Wrath... Cruelty... Not really much of a difference between those two things around here. No I don't have empathy for other ponies in fact I prefer to stay on my own or in as small of a group as possible and don't care what happens to the rest of the general populace. Tell me though, Element of Deceit, why should I be listening to you or trusting anything you say anyways? Lying is kind of what you do." Spikus curtly responded to Façade's questions. His eyebrows crossed and his pupils narrowed as he was once again starting to get angry. Edited October 16, 2015 by SpikusFyre 1 Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722 NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/ My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/ Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkHaert 277 October 16, 2015 Share October 16, 2015 Dark Façade turned back to Spikus, and looked him directly in the eyes. "You see any element before you Cruelty? I am not your ally, your friend, or your pathetic way to deal with your problems! I may be lair, but there is more than one way to correct that. So for your information, Wrath, I'm not like you or your cursed elements!" Façade silently prayed that his friends had set up the trap. And with that, Façade launched himself at Spikus, drawing his laongsword and one of his daggers. OC: Shēn Sè OC: Dark FaçadeOC: Whirlwind FirestarterOC: Ignis 47 OC: Dark Façade 2099 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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