Denim&Venöm 19,458 October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 (edited) @Dapper Charmer @Artimis Whooves, "Po-ny-oh? You mean that fillies card game that totally ripped off Science: The Assembling? And whose anime has been butchered by 4foals entertainment? Pass. I played early on, but now all the early sets are weak and powerless by comparison. Hard to get invested at that point. And while it maybe obvious to us, I do hope it isn't so much to whomever she's trying to hide her Brony, or do they still go by Humares(?), side if she'll get ridiculed for that sort of thing. Or maybe it is obvious and they find it just as funny as we do. Anyways, about SSSSF. Yes it's fan made. And it's extremely popular and selling very well at cons. It's a game like no other. Well, maybe a little like cards against Equinity. It works if you have a bit of a sick sense of humor, and have read a few fanfics, specifically ship fics, in your time." Edited October 5, 2015 by Denim&Venom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 5, 2015 Share October 5, 2015 Banner got the courage to finally go out and make her rounds as a guard...she needed courage as she was going to pass that toy shop on the way. Nothing much happened but a glare being tossed at her from a pony for how knows why and seeing Chain deliver a ton of accessorizes to a jewelry shop so they could be finished with jewels. That is before she was cringing at the shop when she passed by hoping no pony realized her my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 @Yoshikupo Suddenly, a thing of shadow darts past you, flitting from an open door, in which there's an eerie glow. A child can be heard, crying from inside, the form of shadow darting into the nearby alley, to escape the possible capture, unsure of weither he'll succeed or not. Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, "a shadow beast that I will probably contain or kill, wonderful" she says getting out her sword she gets when on the job then runs into the ally "however is in there better explain why they just went into a home in the middle of the afternoon, that is if you can even speak" Banner says knowing that all monsters cant exactly do that as she stands in a ready position "don't even try to attack if you can understand my words" my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 @Yoshikupo The thing of shadows hovers in place, considering what to do. Then, it turns, looking you in the eyes. His own are scarlet, secelera a neon green, purple mist oozing from the corners of his eyes. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS... DOOR OF FEAR!" Suddenly, before, lays your worst fear; someone has discovered your secret affinity for humans. The guard are laughing at you, and the Princess is in your eyes, declaring that you resign as a guard, your prescence being an embarassment. Then, as quickly as it came, it goes, and the figure is nowhere to be seen. (OOC: hope you don't mind, kinda dramatic that way! ;P I can always change it afterwords!) Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, Banners heart was racing as the kid from the house walks up to her "are you ok miss?" he says trying to give a blanket he had been hugging onto since the monster went in her house "I'm...fine kid, just go back inside" "but" "just go, I need a second and monsters near children are a bad mix" the kid walks away as Banner wonders if the monster was the thing in the ally or herself when angered. She leaves the ally sword back in its place and starts walking again, I swear if I see that wicked thing again I will slash it to bits! she thinks still angered with her heart pumping my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 (edited) @Yoshikupo Close call! I think to myself. The thing of shadow, a few streets away, in the the direction of the guard's patrol, turns into a stallion of steel grey coat. His mane is iron grey, eyes an azure hue. His coat and tattered cloak are a royal purple, his tie of the same shade. His horn is curved, smooth, and black, fading to crimson at the tip. I'll have to be careful... I consider, before you spot me in the middle of the street. "MY LAPTOP!" I exclaim, realising that I left it in the house I was going to crash at. Edited October 6, 2015 by MarionEtte136 Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, "your laptop?" Banner asks walking up to the stallion with the not so normal look "if its something I can help with I will" just then the kid from earlier comes out with the laptop Marion left "the monster left this" "normally I don't get evidence for monsters but..." she puts the laptop in her bag "this will do nicely if he's some kind of civilized monster, thanks kid" "your welcome mare" he says feeling happy that he helped the guard "so whats this about a laptop?" she says oblivious my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 I stare, slack-jawed, into her face. "Bu- ... You ha- ..." I sigh, resigning myself to defeat. "You just collected it as evidence..." I look away, blushing. "P- ... Please don't look at it..." I beg desperately, avoiding eye contact, hiding my face with my hooves. I didn't have the opportunity to close the tab... It still has the latest episode of My Little Humans queued! Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, "wait so you were that monster that made me see that awful nightmare?...dame strait I'm looking at whatever your trying to hide." She said still angry but didn't feel like strait out killing the pony in front of her then pulled out the laptop and opened it "really? You traumatize a little kid and you were trying to look up my little human videos? You know that I can put you in prison for the breaking and entering thing right? This is just...weird, not bad weird as I- my niece likes the show and so do other stallions but why did you break the law to see these things?" She asks almost not feeling any rage and more...understandingly confused feeling "give me a good reason and then maybe I'll let it slide as he was not that traumatized in there, next time you do that again if you give me a good reason, there will be prison" my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 I shuffle around, muttering to myself, and a a very brief utterances along the lines of "She can''t... I'm homeless..." become audible, as I search for a way to explain my situation. Maybe I can get some decent sleep in the jail cell... I haven't had a good night's sleep since the Seventeenth Lunar War... I think to myself, considering if I should just let her know I'm without a home, and could get a decent bed at the jail. I wouldn't need any meals, considering my biology, so that wouldn't cost them anything... Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 6, 2015 Share October 6, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, she felt somewhat bad for the pony even if he made her see that retched nightmare "you know what, that's horrible for anypony, even you" she thought a bit "now I don't like the idea of you being better off in prison...I hear there is a mare that runs a potion shop across town hows nice...she does dark magic though which scares ponies off though, you should be thankful that I'm thinking about this stuff and not just slicing your head off, if I knew immediately you were the 'monster', your head would be right around there" she points to a portion of the ground my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) I nod, begrudgingly. "You're too kind... However, there's the matter of my arrest... You DO have to take me into the station, at least, if my memory of the Laws and Ordinances serves me correctly..." I say, attempting a comforting tone. She's lucky I don't feel like taking her out, after showing her that fear, then taking her form, disposing of her body, and taking her place in life... Not sure why; it's what I'd NORMALLY do... When I think she's not watching me directly, I start looking over her, not sure what to look for, but realising that there seems to be something... Wrong... With this situation. "Hm; that's diffrent..." I mutter to myself. Edited October 7, 2015 by MarionEtte136 Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, "fine if you want to see the head of the guard its your problem" she says latching on to him with her hoof then dragged him with her to the station but it was pretty far away "also what did you mean different? I hear everything from ponies that are criminals...when I'm in the room but still I'm trained to hear that stuff" she responds "also nice ponies don't cut it with the captain so do be slightly forceful if you want to stay out of prison" my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) I keep in pace with her, matching her speed, rolling with her motions, trying to make certain that I don't strain her. "Hm? Oh; it's probably nothing. Thanks for the advice; it's been noted, and I will act accordingly. However, it would be rather easier to just stay there; I won't even make a hit on the food. Benefits of my biology. Thanks for that bit of Fear, by the way... It was filling." I look more inquisitively into you. "Tell me, if you would be so kind, what did you see? When I cast the spell?" Edited October 7, 2015 by MarionEtte136 Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, "you sucked up the fear from my vision?" she said getting more pissed at the weird looking pony how obviously was not normal from what he said "I don't have to tell you squat, lets leave it as a fear that you made me see and it made me want to slice your head off" she said acting confident even though she probably will now have nightmares from that vision "I can see the building now, if you acted better this probably wouldn't have happened and you would be better off with comfort" she looks to the building with two guards standing at attention near the door my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) I look back at you, amusement at your reaction obvious on my face. "Of course I did; haven't you heard of Starswirl's treatise on "Mutations Among Changeling's, Effects and Implications"? He kinda accidentally created them, as an unforeseen side effect of disposing of magical waste... Kinda his DUTY, really, to research them, if you ask me..." I shrug, unaffected by your threats of beheading and lack of comfort. Edited October 7, 2015 by MarionEtte136 Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Artimis Whooves 1,576 October 8, 2015 Share October 8, 2015 (edited) @Dapper Charmer "My name is Artimis, but everypony calls me Artie. The giant Changletaur here is Proxy" Artie said, answering his question. "And you have a great day too Dapper!" Artie said. @Denim&Venom "I have never played cards against Equinity, I have been told it's like peaches to peaches though. I'll look for it when I go to Bronycon this year and give it a try." Artie said to proxy. (ooc, sorry I didn't reply sooner, internet trouble). Edited October 8, 2015 by Artimis Whooves Avatar by me, I'm finally okay at drawing x3 If you like helping peeps, you should check out GoG! [ clicking the picture takes you there ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 October 8, 2015 Author Share October 8, 2015 @@Denim&Venom,@@Artimis Whooves, "You guys are going to BronyCon this year? Man I can't wait for that," said Dapper excitedly, "I've got this sweet Strife {Discord} hoodie I've been dying to wear." Dapper smiled as he thought about the hoodie. He had it custom made by a friend of his and now he was finally gonna be able to wear it. "Hey, did you guys here that BronyCon is gonna be in Ponyville this year?" Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: My Other OC Mist Twister: My Villainous OC Hooligan: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 8, 2015 Share October 8, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, "I have no idea what your talking about, I'm not much for history unless its war and strategy and I just remember that there is not wifi or laptops aloud in prison" they reach the station and enter as the guards next to the building don't even look at the sight of Marion. They enter the room of the captain "sir I found this pony breaking and entering in a pony's home to use wifi, he is homeless" "homeless or not, tell me why exactly would you break in to use wifi in a pony's home? Remember that I have the say whether you get a nice bed in prison or not" The captain said glaring at Marion my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,458 October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 @Artimis Whooves @Dapper Charmer "Bronycon VI? Here in Ponyville? What the buck are they thinking? The Baltimare convention center was the perfect place to host things. We were starting to get endeared by the city! And now their shifting it to Ponyville? Why? First of all, Ponyville doesn't even have a convention center. The vendors hall alone is even bigger than the town hall. Second, there are no hotels in the area to accommodate our ever growing numbers. I don't even thing there's even enough motel pace to have held the first Bronycon 5 years ago, let alone today's growing numbers. Do they expect all the attendees to go into Europonian metal festival mode and camp out the 3 days? Heck, the little farming town of Wacken, Germaneigh can handle 100,000 metal heads. They'd be a better pick than Ponyville. Just, what was the con board thinking? How in Tarturus is this po-dunk backwater farming village gonna hold up against the onslaught of a major convention? Nothing in this village's messy history can prepare it for an invasion of the Brony hordes." Proxy said, promptly finishing his tirade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 (edited) I look at the guard, obviously unimpressed. "Finals week." I obviously lie, not even bothering to disguise it, confidence plain on my face. It's not a good sign; I have a plan. This fool has shown his face to a changeling... I now have myself a patsy... Wait until miss 'I'm offended by the thing I most fear!' gets a load of what I have planned for his face... I can see it in the news! 'Small Town Police Chief Killed Child Witness To Home Invasion!' I think to myself, silently. I can barely keep my mirth in check. He doesn't know about what my shadow form can do; not even the policemare knows... I'll be willing to bet that he won't place me in a hermitically sealed room... There's bound to be at least vents... I could escape through that... Edited October 9, 2015 by MarionEtte136 Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Dancer 111 October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 I got finished watching the most recent episode of My little human, once again amused at the antics of the protagonists. Sure i was ex military badass and whatnot but I did not actually give much of a damn what others thought of me watching a show intended for a younger audience. Why should I after watching friends and even my marefriend die in front of me I deserved a guilty pleasure of my own. I walked away from my TV wondering what trouble the protagonist were going to get into next. knowing I needed to go and get groceries I got up got my bag of bits and headed to the market. 1 Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War Shadow Dancer Indicus (Human) Indicus (Pony) Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile ( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 @@MarionEtte136, "this is an obvious lie...but I think I'll let you go, on this mares watch" "wait what?" "if there is any monster slayer here that can take care of him when need be, its you" "yes but why not prison?" "because this scum deserves more than it, that horn and that way he looks, with that energy I can makes me think he can get out at anytime and kill anyone of us" "I thought there was a law against this" "that's for soldiers you dense mare, if he does start killing you'll be there to alert us" "sexist jerk" she mumbled then looked at Marion "you heard him, I guess I'll take care of you till you kill me or something" she opens the door out the office "don't make it hard for me" she looked back waiting for him as now she had to my OC Chain my OC Banner my OC Jade my OC Emerald My OC Dark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarionEtte136 79 October 9, 2015 Share October 9, 2015 I stare at the stallion, acknowledging him with newfound respect. "You're not as stupid as you look, Old Man..." I say, grinning. "Perhaps I WON'T kill a little foal as you..." I say this, just as I take his form in a flash of green flame, much the way a changeling does. Now, there's two of him, one smirking. That one struts after the guard mare, transforming back. "Mister Marion, right behind you!" I say, saluting sarcastically. Marion Ette (Non-Pony): Ette (Pony): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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