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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Bronies of Equestria

Dapper Charmer

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"I knew something was up" he said before they left the room "you were seriously going to do that? You are a monster...then again he deserves to be knocked down a peg" they leave the post "also I have no idea what to do with you, its not like a prison or spying or anything so I guess I'll just do what I normally do...and I guess what you do now which will be to follow me while I work" she remembers something "also here's your laptop, just please don't watch that human stuff while I work"

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I smirk, a thought crossing my mind.

"Of course I'm a monster; I turn into a shadow monster, can take the form of other ponies, feed off of emotions, use dark magic, and, worst of all, I watch a show for young fillies! Oh, then there's the whole "disregard for the value of life" thing. Oh, and I'll spare you the talk of "we're all monsters, when you get right down to it" monologue... Oh, and that's a thief; the one with a burlap sack full of silverware?" I then whistle the theme song for My Little Human.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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"he's not so bright is he?" she said catching the new pony easily overpowering him while not knowing then handed him to another guard as she walked back to Marion "I swear, looking over you is going to be a blast" she said sarcastically "why do you disregard the value of life? In my opinion that's what saved you, or me, from trying to kill you and I know the whole we're all monsters thing from a ton of insane ponies already, thank Celestia I don't have to hear the thing a thousand and one times now" she kept walking with Marion on her route

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My brow furls, as I think of an answer to your question. Finally, I settle on one.

"Why do you value it?" I ask, looking sincere, for almost the first time since we met, as though there wasn't anything behind it, but what was presented.

Why do I care?! She's just a guard! I've killed female guards before! Why can't I do it now?! I think to myself. Then, I consider, maybe, it's because she looks like... Her...

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"because every life has some sort of meaning that we can make it into, whether it be a guard like myself or what ever you do in life...I can tell that it my not be the 'really good pony of the world' but I know there is a way to make it at least semi possible. now me personally I probably would have put you in jail since I have no idea how to bring your good out, that's also why I suggested that mare to help you" she sighed "I guess I'm just afraid that I could fail and you could go off the deep end by killing me and many others which would end there purpose and kind of make yours clear as the pony how ends lives making things terrible...what I'm saying is that you shouldn't do that" she kept walking on her route waiting to hear his response "I bet that mare could have said something much better than me, a monster killer how likes killing them but is a little more restrictive on intelligent life...AKA you" she added


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I silently follow her, my face brooding. I keep pace, silently mulling over my own emotions, hoping for an answer. Finally, I speak.

"Somepony once thought they could make me a better pony. We even had a serious relationship. I even proposed. After our wedding, I decided I'd finally let her know what I am. She got her friends together, and tried to kill me. I barely managed to get away. That was awhile ago; I'm not even sure if she remembers me..." I return to my silence, my anxiety in her answer obvious on my face, as I haven't tried to hide it, distractedly waiting for her words, bracing myself for pain.

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She was also mulling over her emotions now on what she had been told "that's horrible, a pony with feeling for another should be able to coup with any of that, especially since she was trying to help you...I swear if I saw that mare I would have some choice words about your love and my hate" she kept walking "I don't think that your all that bad...you just could become bad which could scare off ponies but I deal with monsters all the time and have a few secrets of my own" Banner hoped it would help

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I continue pacing beside her, thinking carefully. Then, I nod to myself.

"Like your appreciation for MLH? Your secret is safe with me. You know, you could really try to hide it better... I could read you a mile away!" I finally say, grinning. Humor crosses my face, poorly hiding the pain trudging up Memory Lane did. It's still in my eyes.

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She looked at him then back "making jokes about others to hide your own insecurities" she mumbled then picked up her head "yes please don't because I don't like it, its for fillies and not for me, nothing against you or anypony else like you, I just don't like it" she said denying it "my niece likes it though and asks me to get her that stuff often" she used that to try and throw him off

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I smile, shaking my head. "I'm not even going to try to counter that one..."

I chuckle, finding hilarity in our situation.

"Perhaps," I say between bouts of laughter, "you can see what's funny about our situation? Not long ago, you were ready to decapitate me! Now, you have to LIVE with me!"

I guffaw.

"I call the couch..." I finally wheeze out, after too long of laughter.

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"yes, yes, we all know shut up before I actually get my sword out" she said in response walking up to the clock tower "yep, it's time to go home...I'll just make Chain send a response that I'm done because I don't want to go back there right now" she walked off in an a new direction to her home "also you can have the couch, no one sleeps on it anyway...also I will not take the second bed out of the attic, you can do that yourself if you want" she added taking off her helmet as she walked reveling her mess of a mane

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 I flinch, my eyes remain attached to her mane for a moment, sorrow deep in my eyes. I turn back to continue walking, avoiding eye contact, facing forward, walking at a steady pace. Perhaps, I should've just... Let them take me... Or, perhaps, I should've turned to Celestia... She might've merely imprisoned me, protecting me from them... Then, I wouldn't have fallen so out of synch... Maybe, Chrysalis will take me back... No; not after what I did... I should NEVER have told her... I ponder through my options, thinking of what could have been.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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Banner kept walking and was about home when she noticed "your not talking, are you ok?" she asked then looked back and got directed to Marion's eyes "somethings bothering you and I have no idea if its something I can help in but when I'm down I watch or do something till I can get help, either from a friend or even a therapist" Banner says reaching the door to her home

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The trip through the market was good this time only one shopkeeper refused me for my appearance snobbish racist prick. Other than that I was like any other pony to most well after so long i guess it's to be expected better then my reception in the other cities.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shake my thoughts clear, and return my expression to normal.

"It's fine. I'll just get myself ready for some rest. It's been a busy night." I mutter, heading for the couch. I place my things in a careful order around the place of rest, and nestle comfortably into it's cushions. An insectoid sound of pleasure escapes my throat.

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"What in the holy hell is that thing doing here?" Chain said watching it enter the room and lay on the couch "meet are new roommate, Marion" "you need to run things by me because this is not cool" "the captain said I have to watch him, that sexist prick that thinks his men are shields from death" "yeah...he's going to be with you a lot because I can not run the shop with him around, I mean I have no idea what he's like but I can not keep track of him and run a busy season" "what makes this a busy season?" "Oh just all the ideas that popped in my head from earlier with that doll I found, I saw that a convention was being held here so I'm making a ton of human stuff to sell there" "really your gonna profit on something you don't even like?" "hey ponies will buy anything if they like it so its perfect for me" he smiles as he goes up stairs to his room "now I need to watch you apparently so I guess I just sit here" she sat on a couch across from him "and watch"

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@@Dapper Charmer, "I'm going, yes. I don't know about Proxy. I have a spot on vendors hall for the first and third day of the con, but I'm gonna be up and about for the second. If you go on vendor's hall I'll be on booth No. B16" Artie said to Dapper.


@@Denim&Venom,"It won't be that bad, I mean there's like 3 inns, yea never mind we might get crowded... " Artie said to Proxy with a slightly sad tone.

Edited by Artimis Whooves

Avatar by me, I'm finally okay at drawing x3

If you like helping peeps, you should check out GoG! [ clicking the picture takes you there :P


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@Dapper Charmer @Artimis Whooves


"I just hope this is a prank to rile everyone up and not a serious commitment. The con is 9 months away. I doubt that is enough time to get this towns infrastructure up to par to handle a massive influx like Bronycon brings." He said as he was picking merch off the EQM section. "I mean, why Ponyville? I just don't get it." 

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 I sit there, resting my head in my forelegs. I begin contemplating how my day has been playing out, and will likely continue. Perhaps, I think to myself, I'll only be a bit. I have to say, I'm not sure how I feel about the new flatmates. Or, is it "roommates"? I'll have to ask her later. Or, maybe now.

"Excuse me, but are we "roommates" or "flatmates"?" I ask, honestly, before my tone takes on a snarky attitude. "I need to know what to call what we are, when I have to decide what to carve on your tombstone."

It's not hard to tell that he's using the statement to detract from the insecurity he feels, in living with a mare.

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"it would be roommates and it would be on your tombstone...or both, we never know what could happen" she looked at him knowing that he was just avoiding what they talked about on the way here "so I'm guessing your going to Bronycon? If you do, dodge Chain at all costs, he has to much money anyway" she chuckled a bit

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I nod, acknowledging her statement, trying to get some rest. I decide not to comment on her bringing up Bronycon. I thought it would be embarrassing to ask what's on my mind. Bugger; might as well...

"Umm... Do you mind accompanying me to BronyCon? It'll be my first one, and I don't want to get lost..." I ask quietly, attempting to feign confidence. As a way of sweetening the proverbial pot, "I have an extra ticket, anyways..."

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"why not, I have to guard you anyway but I bet you wouldn't hurt a fly if you were treated right...like I was with Chain" she smiled slightly "I"m not some sappy pony with a rough exterior though, I can show you one of my trophies from a timber wolf alpha" she looked at him as her mind raced with joy that she would be going, the only reason why she didn't by a ticket was her fears "you know I could get away with a lot of off days with you as well, I mean putting in 'taking care of Marion because I have to' sounds like a good excuse to me...why do you have an extra ticket?"



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I don't manage to mask my emotions in time; and the initial, barely contained excitement shows. Then, at the question, it turns to pain and sadness, the familiar kind. The type that one gets when living with it for a while. My expression then turns blank.

I attempt to turn my voice to pleasant, and say, "I wouldn't want to trouble you with the silly details. Does it really matter, anyway?"

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"I guess not, I can tell you don't want to talk about it and when your fine with being around me, you'll tell me the story" she looks at the living room T.V. "We could watch something if you like, there are a lot of good shows on around now, one of my favorite is that crime show bones...I like making contrasts to the real deal since there are so many non realistic things in it"

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A shrug is the answer given, and an adjustment is made in posture. Instead of the normal siting somepony would be expected to do, it goes to one seen almost exclusively by Lyra, and humans. It seems odd, but the creature seems to look more comfortable. I flick my nondescript tail, curious about what you'll put on. I look to the bag you've put my laptop into. I still had my earbuds hooked into it.

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