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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Raze yelled in pain as the lightning struck him, the electricity running through him as more lightning came down on him. The pain seemed almost too much to bear, but he pushed on. Gathering his energy, he used the Banishing Blade to cut the dark ice in half, exposing Luna. He saw that the aura began to waver.


I have exactly two minutes to do this... he thought. I've come too damn far to quit!


He grit his teeth and let out a bloodcurdling yell as he quickly walked up to Luna while still being electrocuted. Before she could react, Raze stabbed her very deep in the chest with the blade, the end of it sticking out of her body. Suddenly, her horn began to glow white like the blade, and strange white marks began to form around it. The lightning stopped, with the ice melting as well. The false moon disappeared from the sky. He kicked her off the blade and flicked the blood off; the aura from it had disappeared, and the wound the blade had left was glowing white as well. He sheathed his sword.


"Not... only does... Banishing Blade... cut through magic..." he started to explain through heavy breaths. "It... also seals the magic... of the one it impales... while it's active."


He coughed, spitting out some blood. "But sometimes, it doesn't work... depends on how much time went on while you're using it... in order to make sure it does work... the target must exert a large amount of magic first... as to drain their energy, so there won't be as much to seal away."


He looked at her. "Get it now? I didn't think you'd fall for my taunts like that..." he smiled. "Now you have no more magic... and since the Banishing Blade isn't magic, rather a *cough* transfer of my spiritual energy --my ki-- it doesn't go away unless you manage to defeat me somehow or I release you by saying the magic words... so, you either fight with your sword or don't fight at all."



He coughed loudly again, spitting out some more blood. "Gah... I shouldn't talk so much when I'm injured..."

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“Ah well.” Maverick gave a hardy chuckled as he then pointed a hoof over to the bar where Fuse currently was. The flame attuned Earth Pony in the middle of downing a stiff drink, one of his hooves protectively over a black briefcase , “I believe you’ve already met a pony that specializes in flame.”

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​"Well, ain't that a bummer... oh well, you be good now, Yrel, won'tcha?". Diamond Rustscythe waited for her to answer and would then talk to Zenru again. "Zenru, l'll talk more with you in a bit. l have to talk to the captain and recruits that accompanied me her, seeing as how l sent them to scout the city for information. l'll be back, right after, to discuss housing and training, as suggested. How about we meet up at the inn l saw a few blocks from here, ey, sound good?" he asked in a jovial voice as his smile stretched.


She nodded, with a salute. "Aye!" She said, with a happy expression.


Zenru slowly looked at Yrel, and up at the screens of the combating ponies. He frowned, just now seeing the part where Copper broke in, on replay. He should've prevented that...


"...Hm? Oh, yes, by all means friend. I'll be waiting." He went for a smile, holding his hoof out for one last bump, "until next time."


Interesting, but not unexpected. I did not reply, concentrating on the 20 daggers and the shrapnel circling me. I let the shrapnel go back to random without doing math on it, but increased the amount of daggers to 50. All slashing, crackling, poking trying to get him. Just flying around him and chasing him relentlessly, looking for an opening.


Most of the metal was going up in a tornado though and something was forming as I floated around and pulled more from the Paradise. A pair of feet. Minotaur feet. Metal and shining in the light. The feet floated to attach to the bottom of the platform, which was still 10 feet off the ground. The hooves landed on the void-like white floor with a whump-thump.


My platform was now 6 feet off the ground with the billowing shrapnel forming a male Minotaur head above me with my platform in the center covered in as much shrapnel as I could muster moving around. The body and arms would take a bit to form, but the outline was already there in the shrapnel floating around me. Meanwhile I was directing the hooves to move the platform into stomping distance. Fast for it's large size, and accounting for his observed speed. The final height would be 20 feet tall as the hooves moved to stomp on Caliber, adapting for the speed at which he was moving, along with the daggers doing the same.


Sparky was feeding me data by our magic link. Was he slowing down? Some kind of trick. Has to be.


Caliber blinked, seeing the daggers split into two, smaller, even more nimble blades, that once again elongated, waltzing all around him, beginning to score shallow wounds across his body. Although, even through that, he still looked happy, deflecting most of them as they came, bouncing forward every so often, to make progress towards Letkra.


It was only when a sharp pain in his side rang out, making him hesitate in his actions, dozens of more cuts being drawn across his arms, and back...


Distantly, he knew the feet were beginning to bear down on him, but that didn't seem to concern him...He seemed almost...Angry. 


In the next moment, an orange aura had surrounded him, as he dashed backwards, at such a speed to where even the storm of knives were left slashing at empty air. By time they began to follow him again, Caliber's horn glowed, before doing something that some would've considered impossible for him...


A dome-shaped barrier, albeit flimsy, shone around him, as the knives were embedded in the shield. Inside, his aura could be seen fading, as he yanked the lightning-dagger out from his side, crushing it on the ground afterwards. He glared up at Lektra, from where he was, his side still bleeding.


"...This is a match, not a fight!" He stated clearly, his shield beginning to fade by now, the daggers wriggling to get in... "We're not trying to put eachother in the hospitable!"


"But if you're really intent on getting serious, then..."


The hooves were almost upon him.


"...I guess I'm gonna just have to..."


The hooves got ready to smash.


"...Ask Celestia to release the spell."


He grinned, looking up at the bearing hooves, before at the last second, 'detonated' his barrier. It made a small shockwave, enough to push aside smaller obstacles (such as the shrapnel), and unbalance the hooves, just long enough for him to make a break for it. Boltng towards Lektra, although the storm of knives began to follow, once the spell was broken...


...But he had an advantage. One that would activate very soon...


(note--his buff is currently not active; it was, for like five seconds)




Rune blinked, at the Arena. How was that yellow unicorn maintaining all those factors...? The storm of knives, the minotaur, shrapnel, platform...


He shrugged, before looking up at the sky, noting the sun's position. 


'It's already noon, huh? Guess I should go out to get some lunch...Been watching fights all day.' He looked down at the notebook he had bought earlier that morning, which was half-full of various notes. 'Although, it wasn't as if I didn't learn...I gotta do this again sometime.'


He gathered his things, which roughly amounted to a worn satchel that held his notebook, spellbook, and a few other things (probably also books), before starting to head towards the local cafe...


He vaguely wondered if he should do another match, soon. 

Edited by P-Jay
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"I'm not sure that's quite it, but... focus." Ivory Star paused, before she began the spell without warning. And slowly, the world began to slip away from the both of them, fading into an infinite blackness. Before being replaced, by a melody.


_ "Here. I. am~" _ Around them, the string of a guitar fired. At the same time, a slice of red appeared within the dark, setting in the background. _ "This is me~" The string fired again, and a slash of blue appeared, marking pas the red in a cross.





Celestia looked over, and gave a remorseful smile. "As soon as I finish the enchantments. You see, the walls of the arena were built well, but they not designed to contain all of our power. I am re-enforcing them, to make sure that no harm comes to the ponies watching us." She went back to muttering for a few moments, causing the air around the dome of the arena to take on a brilliant golden sheen. "That, and a gravity spell I feel needs to be released..." She gave a small chuckle, as somewhere in Bangcolt, a heavy pressure was released...

When she was finished, she looked over at Copper Strikes, the back of her mind already whirling. He'd copied Luna's spell. Fascinating. But not something she wanted to be used against her. Best to use distance.


"First move is mine, so..." In a flash, she disappeared from view. At the same instant, an arcane bolt of raw magic screamed down from the sky, causing the entire block to erupt in solid fire.




Luna coughed, as she felt the blade leave, blood spilling to the floor around her. But the worst was being cut off from her magic, like losing her eyesight or sense of hearing. But she still kept her calm, even as she felt herself growing weaker.


"You are right, in that my magic was sealed. But so very wrong, in that I must fight with my sword. There exists more magic in this world than simply within." Leaving more dust behind her, she took off, until she hung above the treeline. Facing the moon was, though it was beyond the arena, so very far away.


"This is, in truth, our final level of power. But in, truth, also not ours, as it requires we borrow what isn't ours. Magic, from the heavenly bodies that sustain us, as the Royal Sisters." Luna called down below, as her body began to pulse. Her wound immediately stopped bleeding, though it still remained on her chest as she looked up. 


"Ego sum paenitet, Lunae. Just for today." She looked down now, towards the ground, to where Raze was, or had been. Above her horn, a small, black orb discharged, dropping down to the forest below. As it touched ground, it exploded violently, dwarfing one-thirds of a mile of the forest in an explosion that swept aside rocks and trees as if they were paper dolls.




@Star Saber

"I believe I have. And that's all i'll require for now, thank you." Nightingale finished pushing her way out of her seat finally, before simply walking away, headed towards the pony she'd talked to before. When she got there, she spoke up, enough for only him to hear. "So... i've heard tell that you're packing fire enchantments."

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Copper braced himself for the first shot.  When it happened, all that was left was a small alicorn, with a shield up.  He brought it up in the last second, and dispersed it only to see an entire block of Canterlot to be up in flames.  He looked around to see the Dirge of the Sun upwards, then smiled, flying towards her at a blistering fast pace, using his wing, as sharp as Luna's during their fight, as the tip of a twister made by him.

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​Libby was in awe as she saw the entire world seemingly change. For a moment, she was stuck in amazement that was the entire new world. ​"Woah....this is--" ​She was cut off when she noticed the strand of light pass by, and stopped to listen to her. It must've been one of those fancy light shows--but one thing was for sure: She knew she wasn't in Bangcolt right now.

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"One...voice." Ivory Star was to caught up in the musical performance to hear anything being said to her. The guitar continued, as a green stripe joined the red and blue, overlaying it. "Let it ring~" She held the note, then raised it. At the same time, the colors began to blend, melting down around the black shell to wash into a rainbow of moving colors.





Shields. Magical frequencies. I need to take a shot. And avoid close range. Placing that in the back of her mind, she once again teleported out of the way, landing on a nearby building. Wrapping her magic around the one nearest to it, she ripped it from its foundations, bodily tossing the two story structure towards Copper Strikes. With a single blast of magic, she shattered it, sending the dozens of smaller, still wall sized fragments hurtling towards him.

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Raze looked up at the orb descending on him.


"Ah, crap," he said as it was getting closer. There really was no way out of this one. But, if he was going down, he'd go down swinging. With the last of his strength, he held his katana like a javelin, then threw it at her. It impaled her deep in the chest once again. He then took out his revolver and took quick aim firing at her head...


And knocking off her tiara.


He grinned. "I win," he said as the orb hit the ground and caused mass destruction everywhere. When the dust had cleared, his body was in the middle of the crater, unmoving.


((Still hoping for a tie))

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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Copper stopped on a dime as soon as he saw Celestia teleport.  Looking around, he saw the eldest pony in Equestria hurtle a building towards him, then being shattered, pieces still flying towards him.  He grinned, the launched a wide-arc of a magic blast, hitting some of the walls and exploding them.  When the smoke from the aftermath cleared, nopony could be seen.  There would be a faint sound of wings dropping down behind Celestia, though, as Copper went down for a drop-kick to the back.

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Libby continued to watch the lights form in the background. This was much different than any show she had been to. Most of the shows she had seen were rodeos and food eating competitions. Not exactly the type of show she was used to, but it was still very much interesting as she silently watched Ivory play.

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"More than magic~" She shouted the words out as they came, letting them rattle off of the walls of the dome. Around her, the kaleidoscope of colors began to spin, weaving into a rainbow of patterns. "When you see~" She softened her tone, holding the note. Around her, the patterns pulsed, and blended into each other, producing a breath-taking network of hundreds of intricate colors. "This... song." The patterns began to slow to a crawl, now moving at a snail's pace around the two. "Is the real me~" Around them, the colors stopped, leaving the rainbow patterned house sized dome on display for both of them to see.





_ Two options. Travel, or-oh? _ Celestia instinctively teleported out of the way once again, this time landing on the opposite side of the building, less than a dozen feet away. She smiled sunnily, as she spoke to Copper Strikes. "My sister is quite fond of the behind the back trick, too. As i'm sure you realized. You did battle her, after all. " She paused, to look up in thought, though internally, the back of her mind was already reeling with possible angles and strategies. "And i'm sure it was quite the fight. Having said that, though, our strategies are as different as night and day. I personally could never quite master illusions, and darkness was obviously never my talent, for one. It's not so easy for the sun to hide itself!" She chuckled to herself, passing a hoof through the back of her mane.




"...Quite the battle. And, in truth, a victory that perhaps should be yours, as I relied on powers outside myself to win." Luna dropped down from out of the sky, the sword through her chest painting a macabre picture as she settled to the crater that had once been a forest floor. She pulled it out, grunting at the pain, letting the moon's magic heal her. When it was finished, not a trace of the original wound could be seen.


"Still... I am not so sure they will see it that way..." She cast yet another spell , this time over Raze. A white spark leapt from her horn, and burrowed into his body, healing all but the most critical of wounds on his body. At the very least, enough to get him to a hospital before he lost his life. In the background, the announcement hung out, to the enthusiastic applause of the audience.


"Attention, ponies! The winner of the match between Princess Luna and Raze... Princess Luna!"


Luna could only cough violently to herself, as the aftereffects of the power she borrowed set in, draining her. "...And now, i'm afraid I too... must take a leave..." As the room faded, popping and fizzing back to normal, Luna dropped to both knees, before gently passing out.

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Raze slowly opened his eyes, and looked around. The arena returned to its original form, and Princess Luna was on the floor next to him, passed out. He looked at her for a few seconds, then sighed.


This again... he thought, walking over to her and picking her up, heaving her across his back. He felt a sharp pain in his body. It seemed that she wasn't able to heal all of his wounds.


I said friendly match, but it turned nearly turned into a death battle... He began to walk towards the exit, the doors already opening.


"Geez, you're heavy," he said under his breath, picking up his saddlebags on the way out. He walked past the receptionist, who had the same worried look on her face when he came out with Copper. After a minute or so, he arrived at the infirmary, where a bunch of unicorn healers took the princess and, seeing as she was only unconscious, decided to put her in a room and let her rest. Raze was taken to another room where the healers quickly worked on him, healing the wounds that were left. Once that was done, Raze asked them if he could see the princess, to which they agreed, and led him to her room, where he sat down on a chair next to the bed. There were some questions he wanted to ask her first.

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Copper couldn't help but grin at Celestia at her remark to him about their fight, to which he said, "Oh yeah.  She complimented me about my super pony powers, and said that at the very least, physical ability sees me a fair match with Twilight, who if I believe right, was your student at one time, correct?"


Copper's mind was also racing with strategies to beat Celestia, and what he learned from the fight with Luna, aggression wasn't the key to success.  It can be a factor, but not a key.

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Libby's eyes widened as the display of flashy colors and lights. This was unlike anything she had ever seen before, and she loved every second of it. It was like a wave of amazement passing over her, as she began clapping her hooves with excitement. ​"...Woah....that....that was amazin'! I ain't never seen somethin' so beautiful in my life!"

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Yrel watched him, in silence, for a moment. As if she were unsure it was her place to speak...Until resuming her interview. Although, truth be told, it was considerably slowed--as if she realized how rude she had been being, previously. 


"...What's your name? Mine is Yrel--Yrel Swiftwing." She said, holding out a hoof. 


Zenru read over the form, in silence. Murmuring notes to himself, before taking it to the receptionist's office, beginning to exchange words with the mare, behind the counter. After a moment of conversing, she took the form, taking it to the back of the building...Presumingly to update the list of combatants.


Zenru glanced back at Diamond, with a smile. Mouthing 'You're in.'



As Dust fled the stands, she would feel as if she were being watched...


Should she take note of her surroundings, she would see a cloaked pony, following her every movement, with unnerving attention...

Dust shook her head and frowned uneasily. Why, she couldn't say. She shrugged as she trotted, deciding to relieve the stress in her normal manner.


With a small frown, she flicked her brass-rimmed flight goggles over her face. Two shining, translucent yellow beams in the shape of wings burst from the brass plates on her shoulders. Flapping her new wings, Dust took to the air.


It didn't help.

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Slowly, gracefully, Luna awoke from her bed. Her eyes flecked around briefly, taking in the sights. She was in a hospital, covered in white sheets, surrounded by even paler walls. To the the back of her was a window, immediately to her left, a desk, filled with medical equipment. And to her right...


She pulled herself to the floor and into a standing position, looking at Raze calmly. In the back of her mind, she noted that her wounds were fully, and silently commended the medical ponies for being so efficient at their job. She also put two and two together, figuring out that Raze must have been the one to bring her here. All the while matching his patient, expectant face with her own, waiting for him to speak.





"Indeed she was. From the moment I saw the little filly conjure a hundred foot dragon, and turn her parents into potted plants, I knew there was something special about her. Though, quite quickly, as it usually does, it became less about the potential, and more about the pony. She's important to me. Almost like..." Celestia paused, and shook her head, letting off a little smile. "That's enough, I suppose. This is supposed to be a battle, after all." With a grin, Celestia took a quick backwards leap, disappearing over the edge of the building. 





The dome disappeared, shattering into flecks of light and drifting away on the wind. Around them, the ponies continued to walk by, as if nothing had ever happened, though a few stopped to look up at the mysterious colors floating upward toward the skyline. Ivory Star ignored them, however, instead keeping her eyes trained on Libby. Dissatisfaction and a sense of weariness marked her face for a moment, only to be replaced by a wry grin.


"You should see what I can do with a bass."

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Raze looked around akwardly. He didn't expect Luna to just stand there and look at him, waiting for him to say something. Really, he didn't really know what to say to her, how long had it been since they had a normal conversation? He cleared his throat.


"Well... glad to see you're awake," he said, smiling slightly. "I ain't gonna lie, it was a bit of a pain getting you up all the way here... Heh... Heheh... anyway..." He paused for a few seconds.


"You got me good. Never would've thought you had a back-up plan like that up your sleeve. Aw, who am I kidding? Of course you would, it's not like a princess to come to anything unprepared..."


He laid back in his chair. "Still... I thought I had it in the bag. Seal the magic, and finish it off with a plain ol' sword duel..." He sighed. "I guess a commoner like me will never match up to royalty, even in combat. Just the way the world works... I guess."

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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The cloaked pony narrowed his eyes, when she flew away. Was it something he did? He couldn't quite remember what the customs for society was...


But no matter.


He turned, beginning to walk towards the Arena once more, passing by a few ponies that stared at his tail that trailed in the dirt behind him, although he didn't even seem to notice.


Stopping, just outside the Arena, he sat down, next to the doors, beginning to wait for someone that might catch his eye...And him, theirs.

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Copper smiled his own after hearing Celestia, seeing her jump behind a building.  Then he grew a serious expression.  He was going to see her true powers, and he'll stop at nothing to see it.  Anticipating her move, Copper shot after her to her right, delivering a volley of magic blasts at her.

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​"I ain't never seen such a pretty style of colors and song before! That was just plain amazin'!​" She clapped some more, ​"I'd love a light show like that at my next gunshow! You should really consider performin' for a crowd. You'd be amazin'!" ​She said with a happy grin.

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@@The Down Trotten

Terra had been walking for a few minutes, head downward, only to look up again, at Starlight's voice. She let her gaze float over the town, nothing that they were halfway there, then turned it back to the mare, still walking. "As you know, back before the time of the princesses, what was known as Equestria was in a time of turmoil. The three tribes fought bitterly with each other over land, and perceived insults. But before that, before the conflict, and the endless winter, and the wendigos, there was just what we see now. Scattered groups of ponies, clinging to each other over what will soon a battlefield, and then a nation." She took a pause. "...This snow is natural, so you have nothing to fear. Nor do you have anything to fear from the ponies here, as I said before. But what I didn't tell you..." She scrunched up her face, caught up in a moment of indecision, before letting it out. "Is that this place is my home. Back during this time period, I lived here. Though, no doubt that'll be a few years from now..." She shook her head, before turning away."


Starlight blinked slowly at hearing Terra say this place was her home. Just how old was this pony...?


Though, the fact this was a time before the civil war and the wendigoes was a comfort. Things might just go a little smoother than she thought.


Though, something she said caught her attention. "What do you mean 'a few years from now'? Isn't this your time period?"

Terra had been walking for a few minutes, head downward, only to look up again, at Starlight's voice. She let her gaze float over the town, nothing that they were halfway there, then turned it back to the mare, still walking. "As you know, back before the time of the princesses, what was known as Equestria was in a time of turmoil. The three tribes fought bitterly with each other over land, and perceived insults. But before that, before the conflict, and the endless winter, and the wendigos, there was just what we see now. Scattered groups of ponies, clinging to each other over what will soon a battlefield, and then a nation." She took a pause. "...This snow is natural, so you have nothing to fear. Nor do you have anything to fear from the ponies here, as I said before. But what I didn't tell you..." She scrunched up her face, caught up in a moment of indecision, before letting it out. "Is that this place is my home. Back during this time period, I lived here. Though, no doubt that'll be a few years from now..." She shook her head, before turning away."

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A mare yawned. She scratched at the base of her horn with one chipped, gray hoof as she walked. She snorted as she continued in her search.


It wasn't going all that well. She wondered why she'd expected more than "going badly". With another yawn, she adjusted the bright red pin holding her cloak shut. She could see the arena. She wasn't actually that interested in watching the fight; She just thought she'd have a better chance of finding someone there. 


Her eye slipped over a figure that sat in front of the door before she shrugged. After all, who was judging? Not her.

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Luna looked over at him, still silent, before speaking. "It is not quite as simple as you say it is. We are fierce in battle, but we are not invincible, and we are not something that cannot be overcome, if given half the chance. I know of several who fit the criteria, but that is not important." She paused as she looked him over, searching for the right words. "...You lost because of a lack of foresight. Something you could not have possibly known, for the sole reason that me and my sister keep it a fairly well guarded secret among ourselves. It is not something that you should hold over yourself."





Celestia weaved around the magic blasts as they came, hurtling back downward directly down the edge of the building, and fast approaching ground. She pitched and yawed, dodging the ones immediately closest to her, only to be struck by the ones proceeding it after. She was wrapped in a harsh light as they energy exploded against her, suddenly being thrown downward at a far faster speed. She barely managed to catch herself, landing on all fours on the ground below.


She looked up, analyzing the situation in the silent part of her mind, even as she reacted. A small ball of compressed energy formed at the tip of her horn.  "He's a little faster than me right now. A little stronger, too. Luna was always the brawler, though..."  With a burst of light, she sent the energy spiraling out, blowing the top half of the building she was just on to scattered pieces. "Magic's... unfortunate. But let's see if I can't crack this frequency..." The back of her mind began to reel with equations, counting down the possibility, even as she leapt backwards away from the ground, taking off into flight once again.





"To be honest, i've never though about it. Not that I find much interests in crowds, anyways. They've always seemed so hollow to me. Only wanting one thing, never wanting to know who you are. Etc., etc. " She looked away, in a thought. "...I like to play for myself, and for those close to me. Crowds are more for making money, or when you want someone to gawk at you. And i've never really found much use for either, in all honesty."




The arena once again twitched and jostled, unveiling the scene. A glorious array of floating masses, eclipsed by the presence of a full moon, hanging huge over the background. The Battlefield.


"Attention, ponies. The newest match-up between Copper Strikes and current half held championship title holder Ice Blizzard will now begin!" The crowd set into a roar, though it would only echo into the faintest of noises within the depths of the field.


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Copper assessed the situation between himself and his opponent.  He figured out that Celestia was thinking of ways to fight him at range instead of up close, and knew that, when all else failed, he was going to witness full power from her.  He grinned, matching her level in flight, anticipating her next move.






Copper stood on one side of the Battlefield, waiting for his opponent, who he heard to be Ice Blizzard.  He had already looked around the arena, one being floating, and guessed that if he fell, it'll be an automatic loss.  He shrugged, and closed his eyes, waiting for Ice to show up.

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​Libby blinked, slowly processing what she said. ​"...I see. So you prefer to be able to play for the ponies close to ya. Can ya gimme an example?"




​Ice entered the arena, and looked around. ​"Nice view up here. Clouds, birds, and cheering of the cloud below." ​He stood ready to fight,, and smirked widely, ​"Hope you're ready to have fun. Because I am."

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