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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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​However, in the time it took Copper to do all of that, Ice had already set up a hefty defense system around himself. It was an ice dome that surrounded himself, that was entwined with spikes all around the outside like barbed wire, and mirror faces on all sides. It blocked both the deflected clone, and reversed the magic blast right back at Copper once again. All the while, he continued to sit and wait for the right time...


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Copper dodged the magic blast, watching it fly away, hitting an invisible wall. He turned back at Ice, who was now fully protected from any attack. Or was he?


He knew as soon as he launched his next attack, there was a chance that Ice would attack with whatever he was planning. So he teleported in front of his enemy, and began to chant, "KA... ME...."


His horn begam to glow blue, and a sphere formed, increasing in size every second.


"HA... ME...."


The attack reached a peak on his horn, and it was ready to fire. Copper didn't hesitate.




Copper slid back a bit, his magic wave heading straight for Ice.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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​The entire ice structure was ruptured through the blast it would seem as if the attack had connected, and landed on its target right?

​Or. Not.

​In actuality, Ice had already foreseen the blast with Copper's ridiculous chant. So in preparation, he had already snuck low to the ground, prepared to jump, and watched as the magic blast traveled below him. He jumped above, and over the entire arena while Copper was focused on his blast, and managed to sneak behind him.


From there, Ice would aim a spine-shattering drop kick at Copper's back, attempting to make him eat dirt with a forceful two-hooved kick.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Unfortunately for Ice, Copper had planned this ahead. It was a shorter blast than he expected, and when he saw his opponent upwards, he stopped using the wave just in time to turn around and block the blow. It now became a hoof-to-hoof combat, as Copper sent a barrage of punches and kicks at Ice.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Ice felt one of the blows land, and rubbed his face where a small mark was left. He leaned back to avoid a few more. ​"Hm. My senile grandmother can hit harder." ​He did the splits with both legs, dropping to the ground to avoid the rest of the attacks, aiming a punch right for Copper's crotch. After that, he would jump up, aiming an uppercut for his jaw.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Bad move by Ice.


Almost immediately after his opponent did the splits, Copper delivered a devastating kick right in the jaw, and retreated back. He smiled at his enemy, saying, "Well, MY grandma can hit faster than you!" He then waited for his opponent to deliver another hit, because he was ready to try his technique from the dreams he had for training.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Ice took the kick, and staggered back somewhat. This was going nowhere, and not to mention it was really starting to get annoying. By the time Copper jumped back, he would be nearing a trap that was set up in expectation for an evasion move. The floor on his end was coated in ice, and too slippery to maneuver.

​Ice would get back up, and slam his hoof on the ground, causing the entire ground to quake slightly, hopefully throwing him off balance even more.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Copper was caught off guard by the slippery portion of the platform, and with the added effort by Ice, he slipped and fell on his back on the ice, sliding just a bit. However, he grinned at Ice, saying, "Come on, Ice, it's about time you showed me your full power." He got up and hopped, using his wings to fly a little off the ground.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Ice had expected him to fly up, and smirked. He would then attempt to lock Copper up in an ice box that floated in midair, and seemed to press into him. ​This was not exactly the proper setting, but then again, Copper asked for it.

​Ice's eyes would turn solid white, as the entire arena seemed to feel as if it dropped below freezing. A cold haze started to drift in, as everything started to feel cold, barren, and dead. Crystalline shards of ice started to surround the arena, and coat it with a cold harshness. ​"It's amusing how you assume you deserve such..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Copper sighed as he got trapped inside the ice cube. Maybe it was right for him to let Ice go his way for a while. His horn turned into a fire as he melted a part of the ice, allowing him to get out, only to see the entire arena in ice. He shook his head, saying, "I'll give you this, you're a great opponent, but now... it's time to end this."


He landed on the ground, and unleashed a war cry, making a golden aura visible and shaking loose the ice. He then launched at Ice, delivering a hard punch to the jaw.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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​"No. How about screw off." ​Copper's attack was a move that Ice could see coming from over a mile away. Too easy. Before the punch landed, Ice would attempt to grab Copper's hoof, take his entire body, and slam him on the sharp, icy ground in order to break his spine.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Copper knew right then that Ice was annoyed at him, and decided to go with the attack. His spine didn't break, like Ice wanted, but it hurt a lot. After the blow, he struggled to get up from the ice, slipping and falling right back on the ground. He looked as if he was about to give up.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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​"Come on, then. Pick it up." Ice wasn't taking any chances with it, as he looked at Copper, prepared to move again. "You asked for it. You don't get any mercy from me." ​Without warning, Ice would then try to pick Copper up by the neck, and slam him face-first into the ground.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Copper was letting himself get picked up by the neck...


Only to meet Ice's face with his hoof. Since no mercy would be shown from his opponent, it'll be fitting for him to show no mercy. He delivered an uppercut, then used his back hooves to grab Ice in the air, spin him around, and slam him on the ground.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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A mare circled high over the arena, drifting. At first glance, she looked as though she shouldn't have been up there. Earth ponies didn't fly, but she glided as easily as any pegasus, seemingly on nothing at all.


Dust Devil rocked a bit in the air and frowned. Spreading her shimmering wings, she swooped down to the seats and landed. Her wings shrank and vanished as she pushed her flight goggles onto her forehead. She ignored the looks she got, opting to watch the fight instead.


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Ice avoided the uppercut, and let himself be taken into the air. However, before he could actually slam him, Ice had increased his level of grip upon Copper's body, resisting being thrown anywhere. From there, Ice reached up with both hooves in an attempt to break both of Copper's wings.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Copper felt hooves trying, and failing, to break his wings. He smirked at Ice, saying, "You can't break my wings. Everypony who tried to touch them only get air. They don't feel real to begin with." He proceeded to spin faster, attempting to land on the ground on Ice's backside.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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​"Hm...then I guess I'll have to break you. This ends now." ​Ice let go of Copper, and landed on the ground safely. Channeling the power of his soul magic, it was now time for his best move.

​Twisting his hooves into the earth, Ice took a stance, as the entire ground beneath him was infected with ice. A small rumbling could be felt though through the ground as he closed his eyes. He began to charge something....something...massive.



Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The gray unicorn smiled, a crooked, lopsided thing. "What kind of pony would I be if I didn't follow my destiny and enjoy myself doing it?" she asked speculatively.  "Of course I enjoy myself. In fact, I'm on vacation in this lovely city right now." Something about the way she said it made it sound just a bit sarcastic.


She tilted her head to scratch behind one notched ear with her hoof. A strange red light shone from the right side of her face. It flared, casting the other half into unnatural shadow. The mare turned her head back and continued to stare into his eyes, unperturbed.


He was silent for a long moment. Before blinking, and shaking his head a little. 


"Apologies...Faded off for a moment, there." He murmured, standing up, and stretching his neck ever so lightly. Two swords--one a standard royal guard's short-sword, the other seeming to...Almost suck in the light around it. An impossibly dark blue sheath, the hilt seeming to vibrate with a vague power...


"Why do you believe your cutie mark is designed so? Do you fight senselessly?" He asked, seeming to almost disregard her malicious expression. "And...How skilled are you, with your craft?"


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Copper landed in front of Ice, wondering what he's doing. Whatever it was, he had to stop it, before all hell broke loose. Once again, he charged his best move, but this time it was a quicker, less powerful, "KAMEHAMEHA!" The quicker blast attempted to delay whatever Ice was doing.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The mare shrugged. "Ask my clients," she said."I've been working as a mercenary in griffon and minotaur lands. There's a lot of competition, but I've worked out a spot for myself there. I also went prize-fighting with griffons for a while. The fact that I'm talking to you here should show that I can fight for something."


"And no, I don't fight senselessly. I fight sensibly, which means that I fight for a reasonable fee or personal enjoyment. Spilling the blood of the innocent just isn't my thing." She shrugged again. The mare's horn lit up bright red, and she lifted her cloak off of her flank to show her mark clearly. "As for why... Well, I don't know, and I never much cared, either."


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With expert precision, Ice dodged the blast with a breakdancing-style spin off of the ground onto an upper platform. ​"Foolish..." ​Pieces of the ground were starting to crack and break apart. Rumbling could be felt all along the floor of the battle stage, as the area started to get gloomier and gloomier with a freezing cold haze of crystalline ice.  


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Ah. That's good to know, I suppose." Ivory Star absentmindedly scratched the top of her head with a hoof. "Though, you may not like me then, since standing out is sort of going to be my thing, from now on. Not that I revel in it, or anything." She shook her head pointedly. "Like I said before, I don't really need fame, or money. There's just something I feel like I need to prove, and i'm going to prove it. Even if I have to bring the house down." She gave a sharp grin, the scratching increasing. "Figuratively speaking, of course."



Celestia had been concentrating so hard, she hadn't noticed that the shield had been broken. The back of her mind, however, distinctly noted that she was sliding across pavement once again, kicking up a small furrow. She blinked herself to awareness once again, making a hard, dragging stop against the concrete with her reinforced wings, and using the momentum to turn herself into a standing position. She jumped away immediately afterward, the back half of a distant memory flashing through her mind.




"...I win again." Luna looked disheartened as she pushed the chessboard away, though, from the look of the board, it was clear she had put Celestia into an inescapable checkmate. She kept her head down, eyes not meeting Celestia's.


"Luna, what's wrong?" Celestia looked over at her sister, undeniable concern crossing her face. "Look at the board. You've won."


"Because you let me win!" Luna had had enough. Slightly teary eyed, she pushed the board away from her, getting up to exit the quiet room where the two of them often spent their time together. "You always let me win..."





Celestia visualized the board once again as she took to flight, the elegantly structured chess match between her and Copper taking place at a rapid pace in the third part of her mind, the quietest part. Thus far, he had held the upper hand, and continued to hold it even now, on face. He was physically stronger than her, not that physicality had ever been her strong suit, and somewhat faster than her, as well. She had taken a fair bit of damage, though thus far not a critical situation, while he had taken relatively little. A fairly straightforward match, with a very straightforward outcome, had Celestia been any ordinary player. She wasn't an ordinary player.


She came to a hard stop, sliding backwards, facing Copper. Thirty-five blocks from her position now lay saturated with her magic, thanks to her incantation, allowing her to take control of the area as an extension of herself. His magical frequency was hers as well, making shields useless to her attacks, and allowing her to track him wherever he went. And sacrificing most of her attacks in the process of taking hits had allowed her to save most of her energy, up until this point. Keeping it contained, until she truly needed it. The game had only just begun.


Celestia conjured her bow, and nocked it magically. The special composition of the bow caused it to repel all light, making it impossible to see. Which mean she'd look ridiculous, but as the bolt carrying enough magical power to reduce five city blocks to dust passed between her and Copper Strikes in less time then it would take most ponies to consciously perceive a thought, it hardly mattered. She pushed another piece forward.

Edited by Fractured
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Raze nodded. "Nah," he said with a smile. "I believe we'll get along just fine. That attitude you've got is one I admire a lot..."


He looked up. "I tend to be a guy who tries to rise above the ranks, but I also try to remain pretty reserved about it. No need to brag, just move on to the next challenge. And for me, there's no such thing as Number One. Only the guy that's above you... and there will always be someone above you..." He paused.


"So instead of aiming to be Number One, aim to strive above your superiors, whoever they may be. That's what I believe, anyway."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Fractured, @,

Libby simply looked on as they both continued talking. She found it somewhat strange that this new guy would instantly switch from being salty and mad to giving advice. It was unexpected to say the least, but she decided not to dwell on it too much. ​"Sounds like ya'll made friends."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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