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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Copper felt hooves trying, and failing, to break his wings. He smirked at Ice, saying, "You can't break my wings. Everypony who tried to touch them only get air. They don't feel real to begin with." He proceeded to spin faster, attempting to land on the ground on Ice's backside.

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​"Hm...then I guess I'll have to break you. This ends now." ​Ice let go of Copper, and landed on the ground safely. Channeling the power of his soul magic, it was now time for his best move.

​Twisting his hooves into the earth, Ice took a stance, as the entire ground beneath him was infected with ice. A small rumbling could be felt though through the ground as he closed his eyes. He began to charge something....something...massive.


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The gray unicorn smiled, a crooked, lopsided thing. "What kind of pony would I be if I didn't follow my destiny and enjoy myself doing it?" she asked speculatively.  "Of course I enjoy myself. In fact, I'm on vacation in this lovely city right now." Something about the way she said it made it sound just a bit sarcastic.


She tilted her head to scratch behind one notched ear with her hoof. A strange red light shone from the right side of her face. It flared, casting the other half into unnatural shadow. The mare turned her head back and continued to stare into his eyes, unperturbed.


He was silent for a long moment. Before blinking, and shaking his head a little. 


"Apologies...Faded off for a moment, there." He murmured, standing up, and stretching his neck ever so lightly. Two swords--one a standard royal guard's short-sword, the other seeming to...Almost suck in the light around it. An impossibly dark blue sheath, the hilt seeming to vibrate with a vague power...


"Why do you believe your cutie mark is designed so? Do you fight senselessly?" He asked, seeming to almost disregard her malicious expression. "And...How skilled are you, with your craft?"

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Copper landed in front of Ice, wondering what he's doing. Whatever it was, he had to stop it, before all hell broke loose. Once again, he charged his best move, but this time it was a quicker, less powerful, "KAMEHAMEHA!" The quicker blast attempted to delay whatever Ice was doing.

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The mare shrugged. "Ask my clients," she said."I've been working as a mercenary in griffon and minotaur lands. There's a lot of competition, but I've worked out a spot for myself there. I also went prize-fighting with griffons for a while. The fact that I'm talking to you here should show that I can fight for something."


"And no, I don't fight senselessly. I fight sensibly, which means that I fight for a reasonable fee or personal enjoyment. Spilling the blood of the innocent just isn't my thing." She shrugged again. The mare's horn lit up bright red, and she lifted her cloak off of her flank to show her mark clearly. "As for why... Well, I don't know, and I never much cared, either."

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With expert precision, Ice dodged the blast with a breakdancing-style spin off of the ground onto an upper platform. ​"Foolish..." ​Pieces of the ground were starting to crack and break apart. Rumbling could be felt all along the floor of the battle stage, as the area started to get gloomier and gloomier with a freezing cold haze of crystalline ice.  

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"Ah. That's good to know, I suppose." Ivory Star absentmindedly scratched the top of her head with a hoof. "Though, you may not like me then, since standing out is sort of going to be my thing, from now on. Not that I revel in it, or anything." She shook her head pointedly. "Like I said before, I don't really need fame, or money. There's just something I feel like I need to prove, and i'm going to prove it. Even if I have to bring the house down." She gave a sharp grin, the scratching increasing. "Figuratively speaking, of course."



Celestia had been concentrating so hard, she hadn't noticed that the shield had been broken. The back of her mind, however, distinctly noted that she was sliding across pavement once again, kicking up a small furrow. She blinked herself to awareness once again, making a hard, dragging stop against the concrete with her reinforced wings, and using the momentum to turn herself into a standing position. She jumped away immediately afterward, the back half of a distant memory flashing through her mind.




"...I win again." Luna looked disheartened as she pushed the chessboard away, though, from the look of the board, it was clear she had put Celestia into an inescapable checkmate. She kept her head down, eyes not meeting Celestia's.


"Luna, what's wrong?" Celestia looked over at her sister, undeniable concern crossing her face. "Look at the board. You've won."


"Because you let me win!" Luna had had enough. Slightly teary eyed, she pushed the board away from her, getting up to exit the quiet room where the two of them often spent their time together. "You always let me win..."





Celestia visualized the board once again as she took to flight, the elegantly structured chess match between her and Copper taking place at a rapid pace in the third part of her mind, the quietest part. Thus far, he had held the upper hand, and continued to hold it even now, on face. He was physically stronger than her, not that physicality had ever been her strong suit, and somewhat faster than her, as well. She had taken a fair bit of damage, though thus far not a critical situation, while he had taken relatively little. A fairly straightforward match, with a very straightforward outcome, had Celestia been any ordinary player. She wasn't an ordinary player.


She came to a hard stop, sliding backwards, facing Copper. Thirty-five blocks from her position now lay saturated with her magic, thanks to her incantation, allowing her to take control of the area as an extension of herself. His magical frequency was hers as well, making shields useless to her attacks, and allowing her to track him wherever he went. And sacrificing most of her attacks in the process of taking hits had allowed her to save most of her energy, up until this point. Keeping it contained, until she truly needed it. The game had only just begun.


Celestia conjured her bow, and nocked it magically. The special composition of the bow caused it to repel all light, making it impossible to see. Which mean she'd look ridiculous, but as the bolt carrying enough magical power to reduce five city blocks to dust passed between her and Copper Strikes in less time then it would take most ponies to consciously perceive a thought, it hardly mattered. She pushed another piece forward.

Edited by Fractured
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Raze nodded. "Nah," he said with a smile. "I believe we'll get along just fine. That attitude you've got is one I admire a lot..."


He looked up. "I tend to be a guy who tries to rise above the ranks, but I also try to remain pretty reserved about it. No need to brag, just move on to the next challenge. And for me, there's no such thing as Number One. Only the guy that's above you... and there will always be someone above you..." He paused.


"So instead of aiming to be Number One, aim to strive above your superiors, whoever they may be. That's what I believe, anyway."

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@@Fractured, @,

Libby simply looked on as they both continued talking. She found it somewhat strange that this new guy would instantly switch from being salty and mad to giving advice. It was unexpected to say the least, but she decided not to dwell on it too much. ​"Sounds like ya'll made friends."

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Copper looked surprised seeing that Ice was able to dodge his blast. But he managed to figure out why. Ice was trained to fight blind, like he was, and he was good at it. He pursed his lips, thinking of a strategy to beat his opponent, not caring about how cold it was getting. He decided to wait and see what kind of power this new attack was, to see if he could counter it.




Copper was in a familiar situation, one that required him to see with his body, and not with his eyes. When the lightning bolt hit, though, he tried to bring his shield up, to no avail. He was launched to the other side of town only to stop on a dime. He then took off in the direction of Celestia, and said, "I've been in this situation before, I can see you with my body. There's no point in dragging the darkness in."

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The entire arena started to shake with the force and intensity of a 5.0 earthquake. Ice opened his eyes that were solid white, and fuming with a light blue aura. This time, he spoke with what sounded like several ghostly voices with a dynamic that echoed around the entire Battlefield, and right into Copper's soul. ​"You are ignorant and simple minded with your art...."


​He stood on his hind legs, raising one hoof into the air. By now, everything was starting to form up with a coating of dry ice, with pieces of it rising into the air, and floating around him. ​"You will feel our true power as you so foolishly have desired..." ​From there, the temperature would begin to drop to absurdly low levels, going into the negatives. ​"Prepare yourself."

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"About time." was all that Copper said. He was getting tired of all the talk from Ice, and he was certainly excited about the new phase. He couldn't help but grin at the amount of voices his opponent carried now, but that grin was short-lived. He too stood on two hooves, and unleashed a war cry, causing a golden aura to form around him, the arena literally shaking, and the ice rising.


"THIS! ENDS! NOW!" he roared with an echo in his voice, letting loose a long volley of magic blasts in a wide arc at Ice.

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​"How adorable..." Before the magical blasts could reach him, Ice Blizzard dropped down, and crashed his hooves into the earth beneath himself. With a sudden crash, the voices would all boom in his ears.... "But your fortitude outpaces your wit."




Without further warning, the Dry Ice Massive Explosion would be activated. The entire arena would quickly be enveloped in a dry ice explosion that would expand outwards until it would hit Copper, and everything else in its way. Dry ice would be flung everywhere. Shards of the sharp crystals would expand and attack Copper from all sides. The shockwave of the explosion would rattle and shake the entire battlefield. The dry ice would slowly try to consume him, freeze him, and burn his body all in one go. Nothing would be left untouched by this explosion as everything within a mile radius would be consumed by it. The Battlefield, Copper, the surroundings. This was the true power of Ice Blizzard...

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So this is his true power was Copper's thought before launching himself in the air, looking at the hell that was broken loose. When the ice tried to get to him, a massive fire erupted from his horn, making a safe zone for him to land on. When he did, he said calmly, "You had been a worthy adversary, Ice, but I'm afraid you overlooked one key element."


He then closed his eyes, slowly rising in the air, the golden aura returning. He then curled into a ball and started straining, groaning as a golden ball formed around him, increasing in size by the second. When the ball reached it's max size, he unleashed a war cry, spreading his hooves in all directions, the ball massively increased by milliseconds. The result was a blinding light, destroying all the ice and everything related to it, with potential damage for Ice.


When it was finished, Copper slowly descended to the ground, looking dead at Ice as he finished his statement, "The full power of Copper Strikes."

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Little did Copper realize, was that the dry ice would continue to head for him, and overrun his little "safe area." It would freeze the ground he thought was safe, and continue to throw more and more dry ice shards in his face. It would be foolish to think that it would stop, as the dry ice would just keep coming, and coming and coming for him. By now, the entire arena was uncomfortably cold--below negative 100 degrees F in fact. Everything within the area would push forth, and still try to reach for Copper as the explosion would continue to rage on.

Edited by J.R.
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Copper realized that the ice would keep coming for him. But how? He thought he destroyed it. He looked scared, looking at Ice and saying, "I shouldn't have asked. I'm gonna die now." He closed his eyes, and with his final words, "Good-bye, Ice. It's been nice knowing you." ge let the ice encase him, a single tear shown.

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Fortunately, the arena rules were in play, Copper would not die. In fact, the hospital in town was very good at what they did. No matter what a combatant would endure, they would be able to be treated for their injures. For now, the ice kept coming for him, it would attempt to freeze Copper solid in a casing of dry ice. The rest of the explosion would continue to rage on for a few minutes before dying down. After which, Ice would walk through the icy haze that was thick as fog to see if his attack worked.

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Seeing that Tyra had bowed her head to him as she had trotted in closer, the pale, thick-veined minotaur would narrow his eyes, though his helm would not make such a contortion of expression obvious to the small mare before him. Reaching towards the sword mounted upon his right hip, Galtos pulled the steel from his scabbard, the sound of metal scraping across leather resounding between he and Tyra. The weapon itself was a classic straight sword, not the most exotic of blades, but its simplicity and effectiveness upon the fields of war yielded more than ample results. And even if it were customized to fit the needs of a normal sword, it was still gargantuan by pony standards; enough to dwarf even an Equestrian claymore.

With the flat of the blade reflecting the violet luminescence of the dream world's sky, Galtos would slowly press the sword's finely hammered broad side against Tyra's chin. Careful as to not allow the sword to pierce her neck, the Stormbringer slowly angled his armament upwards as he forced Tyra out of the unrequited bow, and met her gaze with his own. " Come now, Shatterhoof. I'm not so damn conceited as to ask for tribute and glory when it's someone else's story. This is Your moment. Your legend, that is being written. And you know how this legend should end? With you, holding your head high as you exit the dream! It should end with you waking up, enjoying a feast, getting drunk, and then making love to whomever the hell you want! And then, I want your ass back in that arena, and I want you to give every single opponent that challenges you a taste of what it's like to do battle with a real warrior! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, TYRA SHATTERHOOF?!?!?!? "


At his point, Galtos had withdrawn his sword back into its rightful home at his side, and was standing with both fists clenched, veins bulging from the roar that he had loosed to ring throughout the realm. He brought his fist upwards towards the sky as he looked down at her with unblinking eyes. Behind them, all Golden Horns would follow suit as they allowed one final war cry to resound with Galtos's. Truly, a grand sendoff for one so deserving.


Tyra's ears pricked up as she heard the scraping of steel against leather, but she kept her head bowed out of respect. That was, until the tip of the enormous steel blade of Galtos against her chin, propping her head up to face the enormous minotaur.


She listened closely to Galtos, her chest swelled with pride and determination that only grew as he carried on. He was right - she was a proud warrior like the rest of these fighters, and she deserved to leave this dream realm like one. She was going to drink like a fish and stuff her face in victory, though the making out was preserved for her special somepony, as soon as she saw her again.


And then she was going back to the arena, and she was going to pick another challenger to show her might to!


"AYE!!" She bellowed, a determined grin crossing her muzzle. "I UNDERSTAND!!"

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Copper was now trapped in a sheet of ice, and it looked as if his opponent had won.


If only that were true.


All of a sudden, Copper's eyes shot open, a solid white overtaking them. The ice surrounding him thawed out, leaving an angry super pony staring at Ice. When he spoke, it was with two voices, his and a female one who was his ancestor. "You have made the mistake of challenging a super pony to a battle. You will now witness the ultimate power!"


Suddenly, if time had slowed down, there would be seven long, painful seconds of Copper delivering a long barrage of punches at Ice in the mid section, all within the frame of a tenth of a second in real time.


Copper had just learned the Time-Skip technique.


He returned to a standing position after the assault.

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The mare shrugged. "Ask my clients," she said."I've been working as a mercenary in griffon and minotaur lands. There's a lot of competition, but I've worked out a spot for myself there. I also went prize-fighting with griffons for a while. The fact that I'm talking to you here should show that I can fight for something."


"And no, I don't fight senselessly. I fight sensibly, which means that I fight for a reasonable fee or personal enjoyment. Spilling the blood of the innocent just isn't my thing." She shrugged again. The mare's horn lit up bright red, and she lifted her cloak off of her flank to show her mark clearly. "As for why... Well, I don't know, and I never much cared, either."


He slumped ever so slightly, his shoulders sagging. Something disappeared from his tone, and eyes--was it expectations? Maybe hope? Regardless, he spoke with a considerably watered down voice.


"...Another too blind to wield Selene...Apologies for wasting your time, youngling."


He would turn, beginning to walk into the arena, exposing his back...While one word would be whispered as he left.



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"Superiors..." Ivory paused, catching herself in a particular thought. She only barely heard Libby speak to her, and turned to regard her with a nod. "He's nice enough, all things considered. I wouldn't mind having him as a friend. Hmmm..." She looked up, turning towards the enormous closed dome that comprised the arena, then shot a look back to Raze. "How many ponies are registered to fight here, already? And who's the champion?"





"Attention, fillies and gentlecolts. Due to unforseen circumstances, the matches between Copper Strikes and Ice Blizzard and Copper Strikes and Celestia will be terminated. We apologize for the inconvenience." The intercom went silent, as they arenas containing the combatants glitched back to their normal state.

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"Dunno," Raze said, looking back at the arena, then back at Ivory. "I'm new here, believe it or not. Only been in a couple fights, and I haven't been paying too close attention to the bracket... hell, there's probably too many to name off the top of my head." He sighed.

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@@Fractured, @,

Libby was somewhat interested now as well. Maybe she could possibly meet the current champion? Sounded like a lot of fun when she really thought about it. ​"Welp. Who knows what'll happen as we get closer and enter the arena. Maybe it'll be fun, eh? Ya'll excited?"



Ice simply shook his head as the arena match was cancelled. This was more than disappointing. Guess he'll have to wait for a better match until then...

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"Sounds like a plan to me." Ivory Star shot another look at the arena, before turning back to look at Raze. "You're free to come along, though i'm not sure how Libby feels about it. May want to ask her." She shrugged, before marking her trail to the arena mentally. She began to trot. "But i'm headed over. I need to see what's going on."

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Raze shrugged. "Sounds good enough to me, I guess. Might as well try to get a better understanding of who I'm facing anyway."


He then turned over to Libby. "Soooo... am I allowed to come with you guys, or no? Either way's fine by me, I'll respect your decision either way."

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