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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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At the entrance to the city, a mare stood in line mumbling numbers to herself as she waited for her turn to sign her name in. ​"...Twenty...forty....sixty...eighty...." ​It was finally her turn, and the pony at the desk waited for her.

​"Hello? Anyone home?"

​"H-huh? Oh, yeah!" ​S​he grabbed her duffel bag in her teeth, and ran up to the desk. She then put it down in order to speak. ​"Libby Gunner Wilson."


​"Alright...I have you put in. Welcome to Bangcol--" the pony was interrupted by a sudden hug from the mare.


​"Thanks!" ​Once she gave her thanks, she quickly let go, and trotted into the town, leaving the pony at the desk frazzled and fixing their mane. Libby started walking into the city, looking at a notepad, ​"Let's see...one scheduled for this afternoon...and then..." ​Sweat drops started to roll down her face as she wiped her forehead with her hoof, ​"Stupid summer sun....makin' everythin' hot and sticky...." ​She slowly began to grin as she looked at her gun sheathes. ​"Tain't nothin' gonna stop me from doin' what I love."


She started fanning herself with her hat as she trotted down the street, and put it back on her head. ​"Joy is a warm bullet as pa always said..."

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"Now, where to first..." She looked out, over the bright and vibrant-okay, dusty and rather gray atmosphere that was Bangcolt. But still, so much excitement. Ponies milled about by the dozens, and she watched them all as she trotted about. She had forgotten how special this could be...


"I think i'll head to the muffin shop first. I'm famished. And why am I talking to myself again?..." She shrugged, before making her way in the direction she knew the shop was in.




Luna narrowed her eyes as she banked her turns, looking over the spell. With every loop, the air pressure built up tighter, and the wind grew stronger, until a sizable windstorm was happening in the center. But Luna kept her eyes trained on the blade, running through the checklist of possible spells, but failing to arrive at an answer. Eventually, she decided that the best answer was to do nothing, for now. She continued to build what was quickly becoming a tornado, drawing the air away from the source, the center. She expected him to make a move any minute; he'd quickly pass out if he didn't.

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Raze carefully focused on the tornado, then, with one strike, cut through the tornado itself and creating a gap, leaving an opening wide enough for him to step out before the patch of empty space fixed itself. He re-sheathed the blade, then quickly turned around and fixed his gaze on Luna, who was still flying around. He waited for just the right moment until she was just about to pass him, then quickly unholstered his revolver with a twirl and shot two bullets just in front of her, lining up the shots so that the bullets hit her in the chest.

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Ivory Star sat on the terrace outside the muffin shop, picking apart the muffin she had just bought from the obviously very stressed grey pony she had just come across. Derpy, she thought to herself as she picked apart a muffin, though she couldn't for the life of her remember where she'd got that name from, as she again watched the ponies go by. But, something was off...




Luna let out a small grunt of pain as the bullets sank in, stopping less than an inch after sinking into the skin. Not enough to constitute a critical threat, but more than enough to cause pain. And cause her to change her plan, as she found herself coming to a hard stop. Raising a buzzing black shield around herself to prevent any further damages, she cast a further spell, causing black tendrils to sprout from the ground. They wrapped around each of his legs, restraining him, all the while slowly draining his energy...

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Libby couldn't help but feel hot under the summer sun. It was starting to get to her head. ​"Ugh...Where in the hay can I get somethin' cool around here...." ​She fanned herself with her hat a few more times before trotting past the muffin shop. ​"Hm...No....maybe I should just find somewhere to practice."


​After walking around a bit more, she found herself at some kind of arena for practice. There were a few dummies lined up around the place. ​"This could work." ​Her horn lit up with a beige aura of magic. The same aura of magic would then surround the dummies in the training arena. When she was done with them, they were all set up in a Delta triangle about 50 yards away--all 10 of them.


​Libby took a deep breath, and stood on her hind legs. Nothing but absolute silence ran through her ears as she narrowed her eyes at her targets, hooves twitching towards the guns in their sheaths. ​"Here we go..."

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Raze felt his energy slipping away as the tendrils grabbed ahold of him. He began to feel sleepy, very sleepy, and was about to give into it, when he managed to force himself to draw his sword and cut the tendrils in another swift strike. They seemed to burn in a white flame as the blade touched them, withering and slowly disappearing. Raze suddenly felt his energy rush back to him, and he flicked his katana towards the ground.


"Another thing I've learned on my travels," he said. "The Sacred and Forbidden Arts of the Far East, this one being the Sacred Art of the Banishing Blade. Long story short, magic won't do you any good."


"Come now," he said to her, pointing at her with the tip of his blade. "Surely you can do better."

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She took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. Libby could practically feel herself and the entire world around her gone. Every bit of her focus was on the ten targets she had laid out 50 yards away--each with 5 yard intervals.


And without warning..... ​boom-bam.


​Both of her guns were out in a flash, and held in each hoof. Two bullets ran through the air, whizzing at high speed towards the first target, hitting the two sandbag dummies at the very front of the triangle formation right on between the bullseye markings on each one.




With a 180 degree spin, and dragging her left hind leg along the ground, she fired both guns horizontally. The bullets raced through the air until they cut through the next pair of sandbags that were at 55 yards. Both were right on the bullseyes once more.


​​​This time, she tossed an empty soup can high into the air...



She shot both guns upwards towards the can four times each, with each bullet ricocheting off of the can at a angle of 70 degrees. Those bullets would then fly directly towards their respective sides--the right bullets would fly towards the 60 and 65 yard sandbags on the right, while the left pair of bullets would fly towards the 60 and 65 yard sandbags on the left. After that, she ran out of ammo in each clip.


With the can falling to the ground, and her being out of ammo, she unloaded, quickly tossed both six-shooters upwards, and when they came back down, she had perfect clips of six ready and waiting in each hoof. With that, she caught both weapons, loading them up flawlessly, and flipped them around to hold them both by the handles. ​"And...go."

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As she watched, she could see. And as she saw, she understood. The lifelessness of the ponies around her, like a nauseous haze that made her roll her eyes as she continued to stare at them. So active to get somewhere, so dressed up, but nowhere to go. Nowhere to be. She finished her cupcake, still watching the occasional pony as they passed by. They were interesting to see walking this way and that, after all, and there was certainly no small amount of them. But, she thought as let out a sigh, she needed to find some life soon...




"There is quite a great many things I could do, Raze, though most of them are restricted to me by the rules of fair combat, and Bangcolt's. However, if you truly wish the experience of how alicorns make war, then I will oblige you such." As she spoke, her eyes took on a flash of white. In a movement so fast that it left a small cloud of dust where Luna had once been, she faded into the background of the forest, seemingly melting into the trees.


"Though I apologize... as there is no honor in war." The voice reached out from beyond the trees, radiating its own strange power.

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"I realize that. I used to fight wars for a living, you know!" Raze said, slowly looking around for where she might be.


"Taking advantage of your surroundings and blending in with the shadows, I like that. As expected of the Princess of the Night." He kept scanning the area around him, the aura from his sword still glowing brightly.

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There were only four more sandbang dummies left for Libby to take out. As she was in her own zone, she felt as if her guns were a part of her as well. As if they were connected to her brain somehow... ​"Final four..."




She focused....she shot both sidearms at a wide angle towards both sides. Both of which going through the 70 and 75 yard sandbags on both sides. A near flawless effort despite the few shots that missed their bullseye. After it all, Libby felt herself come back down to earth, smirking at the work she had done. "Whoo-wee! Smith and Wilson firearms always come out on top."


​After taking a moment to reload once more, Libby walked away from the training area, proud of how well she managed to work. From there, she decided the best place to go would be towards a place to eat. "Hm..." ​She passed by the muffin shop once more, thinking it over to herself.

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Ivory Star had just considered moving off to another location, when something particular caught her eye. A pony with an unusual focus for this place, and one that signified she was alive, though it wasn't the type she usually focused on. She seemed way too serious, and maybe uptight. Still, someone to finally talk too. She looked out over the terrace. "Hey!" She leaned over, waving a hoof to get the mare's attention. "How's it going?"




As if in response to Raze's word's, a large, silver object began to float upwards, rising through the trees to set at least a hundred feet in the sky. It looked like a small full moon, and as it hung, it began to draw in the darkness around it, causing an eerie, bone white pall to overtake the entire area. At the same time, a small dark spark of magic erupted from the sky in the opposite direction, screaming like a firework as it moved upwards. When it reached its apex, it exploded, dozens of trails of solid magic tearing downward from the sky, heading directly towards Raze. Each one was about one-third his body length, but exploded with tremendous force, causing craters deep enough for a filly to sit in, and wide enough for a traveling wagon to rest in.

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​The mare in the hat looked over to her, and noticed she was waving. ​"Hm?" ​She trotted over, and looked up. ​"Um...hi there? It's goin' pretty good for me so far. Finally found a place to rest and perform." ​She didn't really have anything much to say at the moment. The heat was clouding her mind, ​"Whew--hot ain't it?"

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"Hmmm?" Ivory Star looked up, and blinked. She hadn't noticed it, but it did seem to be sweltering. When did that happen? She jumped down off the Terrace, crumpling what was left of her muffin into a small ball with her magic, and lugging it behind her.


"I suppose it is. Still, not a bad day to be out, considering it could be hotter." She walked around the mare, thinking to herself. "Let's see. Sun's out. Busy day. Everything's calm and uneventful. So, I must be..." She stopped, to look back at the mare. "Sorry. Did you say perform?"

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​The mare blinked before nodding once. ​"Yes-siree. I perform all the time. I show off my skills as a marksmare and shoot all kinds of things in entertaining ways." ​She giggled, ​"Whenever I get the chance, I always get to show off and use my guns to make everypony go 'ooh' and 'aah.' It's so much fun!"

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"Ah. I see." Ivory Star blew out her lip, betraying disinterest for the briefest of moments. This wasn't what she was expecting, at all. But still, more interesting than where she would have been otherwise, she thought, before flashing back to a curious expression. Maybe it wasn't as bad as she thought it was.


"So you use your guns to entertain ponies." She stopped circling for a second, mulling it over. "And that's what makes you happy, right?"

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Libby gave a friendly nod and smiled widely. ​"That's darn right! I love makin' other ponies smile. It makes me happy to show off what I like to do." ​She blinked, and blushed, ​"My apologies. Where are my manners? Libby G. Wilson, ma'am. Daughter of the one and only Mr. Wilson of Smith and Wilson Co. What's your name?"

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Ivory. Ivory Star." She spoke her name out as she mulled it over, looking directly at the mare. "A musician that just recently graduated magic school, and a master of music, and sound. There's little I can't do with it, provided I know the proper vibrations, frequencies, etc. Really really complicated and tedious stuff, though the end result is fun, and I suppose it at least looks cool. Still." She dropped back to the curious look again. "Why are you here? Or is that too personal?"

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​"Nice to meet ya there Ms. Star. Oh, and don't worry about it at all. It's not too personal, in fact, I was hoping you'd ask." ​She reached into her saddlebag, and pulled out a notepad with showtimes. ​"I got scheduled appearances to make in Bangcolt. The little foals just love to watch my shows. The amount of gunplay mastery it's taken in order for me to get to where I am is really satisfying." ​She smiled, ​"But enough about me. What about you? What makes you happy?"

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Copper suddenly jolted his head up from his spot, listening to the PA system telling him about his fight with... Celestia?  He shrugged, he may as well make it count, he did have one more fight in him after all.  So he got up from his seat, lifted his sword to his back, and proceeded to the arena where he'd fight the Princess of the Sun.


He found himself in a replica of the streets of Canterlot, in the dead center of it if he remembered correctly, finding a softly smiling Celestia.  Smiling himself, he laid his sword to the ground, for he knew he'd use it later.  He cricked his neck and said to her, "Hello, your highness.  I will let you know that I am the pony who had fought your sister here, but had lost because of running out of energy.  Not in the replica of Canterlot, but a replica of her home.  And just like I had said to her, I ask that you give me everything you have, and I'll do the same to you."  A soft smile showed on him, and he had hoped that she would obliged.

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Raze looked up at the solid magic raining down toward him, cutting one in half as it was about to reach him. He ran towards the source of it, narrowly dodging one, but another landed close enough for the force to knock him off of his hooves. He landed on his back hard, but quickly got back up and kept running, entering the deeper part of the forest. His sword was at the ready, and he was looking through the trees to find out where she was.

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"I personally don't know..."


"Put it out of your mind. A changeling copying a changeling is just backyard politics. Our focus is on the protection of the princesses. No time to worry about clones."


"Okay." Moondancer finally struck a left at the end of the hall, before coming to a set of heavy double doors. She knocked. "Hello?"


After a moment, an all too familiar voice came back, driving plainness and intensity together in a perfect chord. Celestia "Yes?"


"We have visitors."


"Oh?" The voice carried its own edge of surprise, as if it hadn't expected anything to the similar.


"Yes..." Moondancer looked to both the changeling queen and her drone for a moment, before turning back to the door. "Chrissy-Queen Chrysalis... and another. Kevin."


There was a pregnant pause on the other end of the door. Finally, it opened, and the weary face of Celestia revealed itself. She looked the two visitors over, before simply extending a wing forward, into the heart of her room. "Inside."

She and Kevin did not drop their disguises. She especially liked the flower in her mane.


"Thank you for agreeing to see us, but are you alright Celestia? What has happened since I last saw you while saving your sister? And where is she?" Chrissy looked around, noticing Kevin was just sitting by the entrance and motioned him over. "I was hoping my dream mentor would be here too. I am so grateful to her for teaching me there is more to life than feeding. Actually you were there too, but that was probably just part of the dreams."


"Meanwhile a lot of our people are slowly starving to death. That worked out wonderfully." This sarcasm from Kevin, and Chrissy quickly shushing him.


"But that is what I came to talk to you about actually. Many of my people are striking out on their own looking for food, many have opted to put themselves in stasis similar to eggs, while still many others have deserted me and I've lost contact with them entirely. This is probably a tall order, but is there anything you can do to help us? I am not asking for ponies to be sacrificed. There are other ways to get love. I met a crosseyed mare in town who ran a muffin stand. There was so much love in those muffins 'made with love' that I was sated, but I have not been able to find a job to pay her back." She was really sad and her voice was pleading.


"Yes, because you can't just take on the appearance of an employee somewhere and put them in stasis while you assume their identity." Kevin's sarcasm was grating and she shushed him again.


"That's wrong. Luna taught me that. She even helped me create this disguise based on the dream instead of stealing someone's look." She rather liked it, especially the flower in her mane. She turned back to Celestia. "I am not going to get down and beg - I have my dignity and I have already lost enough of my people's respect as it is - but please, is there anything you can do to help us? I am just trying to look out for my people." There was a tear in her left eye and her voice was breaking in sadness.


(I really like the rule where you can fight while also in the SOL)

Caliber blinked, when the swords stopped momentarily, starting to change shape...He took advantage of this small window, to rush forward, towards Lektra, briefly leaving the now-daggers behind...


They caught up, before long, but Caliber was happy--he had advanced enough to almost touch the floating platform, in the air.


He turned, to begin parrying the daggers as they came at him at breakneck speeds...Although, this seemed almost tame, to him. Spinning around, deflecting the daggers, even using his sheath to cover his blind-spots...But almost lost focus, when one stray dagger went in the opposite direction he expected it to...Slicing past his cheek. 


He stumbled for a moment, but regained his footing, going back to parrying the multiple blades...Although, he was noticeably concentrating, now. Using his senses, listening to the crackle of lightning, all around him...It would appear that for now, he was in a deadlock...


...However...Something would appear...Off, to Lektra. Caliber seemed half a step slower, by a small margin. He wasn't fighting to his full potential, but...It looked as if there were something weighing him down. His hair looked matted. His cape didn't flap, as it usually did...


But he himself looked happy, laughing a little, even, as he struggled to think of a plan to get past the shrapnel...


"Goin' good so far!"

Interesting, but not unexpected. I did not reply, concentrating on the 20 daggers and the shrapnel circling me. I let the shrapnel go back to random without doing math on it, but increased the amount of daggers to 50. All slashing, crackling, poking trying to get him. Just flying around him and chasing him relentlessly, looking for an opening.


Most of the metal was going up in a tornado though and something was forming as I floated around and pulled more from the Paradise. A pair of feet. Minotaur feet. Metal and shining in the light. The feet floated to attach to the bottom of the platform, which was still 10 feet off the ground. The hooves landed on the void-like white floor with a whump-thump.


My platform was now 6 feet off the ground with the billowing shrapnel forming a male Minotaur head above me with my platform in the center covered in as much shrapnel as I could muster moving around. The body and arms would take a bit to form, but the outline was already there in the shrapnel floating around me. Meanwhile I was directing the hooves to move the platform into stomping distance. Fast for it's large size, and accounting for his observed speed. The final height would be 20 feet tall as the hooves moved to stomp on Caliber, adapting for the speed at which he was moving, along with the daggers doing the same.


Sparky was feeding me data by our magic link. Was he slowing down? Some kind of trick. Has to be.

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“Oh that’s partially the point Miss Nightingale.” Maverick’s grin widened, “I knew you were the perfect fit for this job and I’m sure whatever your request in the future is we’ll be able to fulfill it.”


The green maned stallion slipped out of his seat and gave a bow towards Nightingale, “Now if you excuse me, I have a club to manage… we’ll be watching with anticipation. If you have need of anything else there are plenty here who could provide you with… less than legal goods.”

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"...Geez, I realize what an awkward question that is now." she coughed, and shuffled her hooves, looking at the mare. "Being noticed. By the ones that matter. Maybe being noticed in general. It's hard to stand out in a world where there's thousands just like you." She let out another puff of annoyance. "...Music. Listening to it. Creating it. Letting others hear what i've done. It's an amazing feel. Like... being accomplished. Or content." She repeated the puff, searching for the right words. "...I don't know why i'm here. Well, I do; i'm searching for a friend. But what exactly I want from him, i'm not sure, or if that's even the only reason I want to be here- sorry, rambling." She pawed the back of her head with a hoof in embarrassment.





Celestia opened her eyes, the faint smile never leaving her face as she looked at Copper. "...It's been a long while since anypony has asked this from me. The last pony was a rather enchanting stallion, and an Earth pony, just like yourself. If anything the match was enlightening. Perhaps i'll learn more from this one." She flexed out her long wings testingly, and brought them back to her. As she did so, she closed her eyes, her smile creeping up a half inch. "It seems my sister is getting rather excited, over in her match. I suppose I see no reason why I shouldn't allow myself to do the same. In a moment." With a small turn of her head, she began flicking her horn in different directions, casting enchantments at an unintelligible speed.




"So you've entered the darkness. Admirable." There was a blur as something shot by him in a circle, then Luna was suddenly on his right. "Though given the circumstances, I suppose you had little choice." In an instant, a wall of foot thick dark ice flashed up from around him in the path she had just taken, sealing him off from her completely. It crackled with even darker electricity, set to discharge into whatever surface first touched it. Above him, the storm clouds rolled in as well as Luna willed it, building darkly just over the false moon, which was still beaming down on the forest.


Luna gave no time for thought before the first massive, small tree sized bolt of lightning dropped down, heading directly for the trapped Raze.




Celestia took a long pause, absorbing everything given to her. Finally, she turned to Moondancer, and gave a small nod. Nodding back to her, Moondancer quietly excused herself from the room. Celestia shut the door behind her, locking it, before turning to Chrysalis.


"In regards to your first question, i'm afraid my sister Luna is sleeping, as she does in the daytime. I'd wake her myself, but in truth, i'm afraid to. She's quite temperamental, when woken before hours." She gave a small chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood, before her eyes grew more serious, looking solidly at Chrysalis. The expression of a ruler.


"Chrysalis, I need you to promise two things. On your word as a ruler. The first, that this is not a trap, or a deception. And the second... no matter the circumstance, no harm shall come to my ponies as a result of these talks. Consider this the first of our agreements." Celestia paused, waiting for Chrysalis to respond.




@Star Saber

"As a matter of fact, I do happen to need a refill. The last fight with a rather intriguing blue earth pony has left me rather empty. So this is farewell, until the job is done." Nightingale gave the softest of smirks, before pushing herself out from the table. "Though, if you would point me in the direction that supplies fire enchantments..."

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Libby was hung up on every word. She listened closely at what Ivory had to say, and nodded when she was finished. This is the time she felt she wanted to help in any way that she could. ​"...So it sounds like to me that ya got a small feeling of being another face in the crowd. Ya wanna be noticed by everypony and can't seem to figure out what to do in order to find your place..." ​She blinked, ​"Maybe I can help. I have some time. Would ya be willin' to show me what kinda music ya make?"

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Copper closed his eyes, looking at the enchantments with his body, rather than his eyes.  His own smile went up a bit as well, as he's very excited about this fight.  Then his smile faded, opening his eyes and taking a serious expression, as lightning started to surround his body.  "Here I go!" he said aloud, then unleashed a war cry, turning super.


Copper grinned at Celestia, but remained still this time, instead of taking the first move.  Instead, he used the same spell that Luna did, enchanting his wings to the same effect as their fight.  "You may take the first move, your highness."

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