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open Nightmare Night Festival


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Feeder said, as he looked through his notes,

"Well, this is all I know, it might be inaccurate, they are all son and daughters of a queen, named Chrysalis. they are mostly drones, kinda like ants or bees. They are able to change their form, and they feed on love."

He sent the book back in his bag and said, 

"It's perfectly safe, i have it analyzed, asked about it, ran some tests on it. It's an old bone from an animal that died a long time ago."

He noticed the wing twitch, and he said,

"So the left wing is real, I'm guessing, I've been working with wild animals to notice any small signs of movement."

Then a sound, that sounded like a horn, went off behind him. He screamed and jumped into a bush, then he saw what it was. It was a mechanical scorpion. He walked over to it, and kicked it into a tree.

"I swear, this time I'm going to make Shadow pay for it."

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Redshell chuckled "Both my wings are real actually. And you are right about most of your information but not all of us are chrysalis's children. There's a total of about seven hives each fighting against one another, and not all of u-them feed on love. You can usually tell what one of them feed on by the colour of their shell, eyes and wings, red feed on rage, blue feed on love, green on envy and so on"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Feeder eyes widen as he grabbed his notebook and written it down. Then he said,

"Thanks for the extra information. So, going out on a limb here,  you covered up your wings and horn to make them look fake, so no pony find out your a changeling, and scream, or run, or something. Am I correct?"

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(Moonridge said) ha what normal now a day and it do sound interesting


Moonridge said with a small smile she didnt look like the type to use what in that book for evil yet fighting undead is always fun and it not like he didnt look up necromancy and other dark things at one point


(Moonridge said) ill love to hear about them 

Edited by Moonridge
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"Just imagine who wrote these things..." She would utter lost in thought "ancient ancestors! The very relics of the past!" Perhaps having a conversation with the other wasn't that bad after all. She turned the page to a number of odd murals "i don't know what this is or what it even means but it's bound to be pretty weird" she uttered kneading the page with a hoof "the worst thing is I can't even do any of this stuff." Her gaze would now be fixed on the dragon "hearing about things is fun and all but you know if we worked together we could do them." The dragon mentioned magic, she only hoped he would be able to use it in her project. Holding out a pale hoof to him. Cyan eyes would fix upon his expression "What do you say huh!?"

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Fudge sighed when Silver revealed his ghost costume, now knowing there was nothing to be afraid of. "Thanks," he answered with a smile. "Glad you like our costumes. Our mom worked so hard on them."


"Ghost dunk?" Sundae beamed. "That sounds like a lot of fun! Come on, Fudge, let's play!"


"Okay," Fudge answered. The two ran off to the ghost dunking stand and waited for Silver to hop inside. They couldn't wait to drench the ghost.

Silver giggled at the sight of the excitement of the two and the gleam in their eyes after he told them about the Ghost Dunk. "Alright Let's go" but before he could finish his sentence, the two were already off. Silver laughed again and looked at Blu. "OK buddy, I'll see you around. Have fun, and love the decorations by the way." With that, he opened his wings through the holes in his ghost sheet and flew off to catch up to Fudge and Sundae that were already at the game waiting for him.

Silver reached the stand a moment later. "Ok, now here's how this works. This ball is what you will use. You have to buck it off this stand here" Silver points to the stand placed a little bit from the bullseye, "and hit that bullseye, which will dunk me into the water. I'll adjust the stand to your height, so don't worry." Silver beamed and adjusted the stand and set the ball on top. "You each get 3 shots ok. 1 shot gets you a candy apple. 2 will get you 4 pieces of candy, and a third shot will get you 2 whether you dunk the ghost or not." Silver looked up, smiled and said, "Good luck!" Silver winked and flew off and sat on the Dunk booth.

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Moonridge was lost in lost in thought for a moment then looked at her and said


(Moonridge said) well it might be possible if im smart about it but my magic and unicorn magic dont work the same and we cant read it so how will we know what to do

but i can try

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"It may be a tad incomprehensible..." She uttered knowing that the scrawl had to have some sort of translation "however I'm sure we can work it out from the diagrams..." She clicked her tongue, scrutinising the book further "oh man this is gonna be awesome!" She would hiss. "We will be a great team!" Her expression would fall to one of mild amusement "we need a team name....and colourful disguise identities...and-" she was perhaps taking the idea a little too far

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Fudge and Sundae followed Silver over to the dunk booth and listened as he explained the rules to the game. Sundae walked up to the stand that Silver adjusted to her height.


"Sounds like fun already," Sundae said as Silver took his place on the dunk booth. "Come on, Fudge, let me show you how it's done."


Fudge stepped back to let her sister wind up her bucking legs. With a mighty grunt, Sundae put all her weight into the kick and knocked the ball off its stand. The ball sailed toward the target but missed just high.


"Nice try, sis," Fudge told her. "It's my turn now." He placed a ball on the stand and bucked it off with his hoof. His shot was dead on, bouncing off the target.

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Silver heard a loud Ding as the ball hit the bullseye. SPLASH. Silvers platform folded and he fell right into the water. A few seconds pass and before Silver comes to the surface. Popping out the water, Silver said, "Woah that's some cold water! Nice shot Fudge!" Silver pulls himself from the tank, now dripping wet in his costume. He shakes a little water off before heading to the prize stand. "Since you two are the first to the game, how about you both get a candy apple?" Silver smiles warmly at the twins and hands them both a caramel coated candy apple.

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Fudge stared wide-eyed as Silver emerged from the tank. "Wow!" he gasped and did a double take. "Never knew I was that good a shot. We'd love some apples!"


The twins both licked their lips and exchanged thank yous as Silver gave them their treats.


"You earned it, Bro," Sundae said as the two started licking their apples.

  • Brohoof 1

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(Moonridge said) well if you think in can make it work with the diagrams we can try a easy one to see if this will work. i dont know why we will need a team name i dont mined if you think of one and we are already wearing something like a disguise 


he pointed at her waistcoat and his pirate outfit


(Moonridge said) so how do you want to do this

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Silver smiled and nodded. "Your welcome you two." Silver looked at Fudge, "You sure have quite the aim with that bucking of yours. That was an impressive shot." Silver winks to Fudge. "Keep it up little buddy!"

Silver rubs Fudge's mane and chuckles.

Just then, Blu comes running over shouting, "Silver, The band is here! Come help me out for a second at the stage." Silver looks over to Blu,"Ok bud, I'll be right there!" Hey fudge, Sundae, would you two like to listen to the band. From the sound of it, they are at the stage setting up." If so, Follow me" Silver says, signaling them to follow if they wished.

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Shadow's ears flicked and saw the band on stage. A crazy thought went through his head, but he shook his head and headed to the stage. He put on his glasses and said, when he got there,

"Do you need help with anything?"



Feeder set his notebook in his bag and said, 

"You know what, it doesn't matter, if you are changeling or just a pegasus with a fake horn and a big knowledge of changelings. Hope to see you two later, but. for now, I got to go and make sure Shadow doesn't suck the festival down a shadow hole."

Then he muttered to himself, as he walked to the stage, and Shadow, "Again."

Edited by reader8363
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Silver is already hard at work setting the speakers up around the stage. Blu was talking to to the band members when a a new figure came up to him asking if he needed any help. "Hey there. We would love some help If you don't mind. We just have to get the curtains set up, make sure the banquet is still fresh, and that the sound equipment is working properly. It's unfortunate that the band was late, but maybe they can still play for everypony until they leave." Blu has a small smile on his face, but was a little disappointed at how long it took for the band to show up.

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Shadow smiled and said, 

"Sure, I can handle the sound and curtains,"

He walked over to the sound equipment, and began checking it, while he made his shadow put the curtains up. After a few minutes, he said, while pulling out a piece of candy and puttting it into his mouth.

"The curtains are up and sound equipment works."

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@@tKestrel, @@reader8363,


Fudge and Sundae smiled at the mention of a live band. "Sure we would!" Fudge answered, leading his sister over to the stage. They both gazed in awe at the sound equipment and speakers. Fudge was so amazed at the business of the stage he failed to notice Squiggly slipping out of his costume and slithering backstage to where Shadow was setting up the curtains...

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Shadow saw the snake. He picked it up with his shadows and said, as he looked at it,

"I wonder what this snake's doing here."

He grinned, showing his pointy teeth, then took off his shades, revealing his red snake-like eyes.

"Maybe it's wild, I heard that a pony is looking for a snake to have, but it's not one of my jobs."

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"Great work guys" Blu said to Silver and Shadow for their help in setting up the stage. By now the stage is fully set and even decorated with nightmare night assortments and a string of lanterns hanging across the stage top. Silver moves off the stage to allow the band to step up and play their music for everypony to hear.


Blu looks over and sees that Fudge and Sundae were at the front of the stage grinning from ear to ear almost hypnotized by the stage and the band. Blu jumps of the stage and lands near the two. "Hey guys, glad to see the two of you could make it to the band!" Blu shows a bright and happy smile and he looked at the stage, satisfied with how his first organized Nightmare Night Festival turned out. Blu returns his attention to the twins, but just as he did, he noticed Fudge's snake wasn't with him. "Fudge," Blu said worriedly. "What happened to Squiggly? Did you put him up? I kinda liked that little fella."

By now the band is fully set up and starting their first song.

Edited by tKestrel
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Squiggly leaned in closer to Shadow as revealed his eyes. He let his tongue hang a little when he discovered they had matching eyes. This put the snake more at ease and he let out a happy hiss.




Fudge gasped when Blu mentioned Squiggly. He felt all around his costume and pressed his hooves at his side in an attempt to find his pet. "I could have sworn he was in my costume."


"Well, you'd better look for him before he scares somepony," Sundae recommended.


"Squiggly!" he called, cupping his hooves against his mouth. "Where are you?"

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Shadow laughed and looked up from the snake. walked up to the pony screaming, and said, 

"Excuse me, is this who you are looking for?

He open the claw made of his shadow, and lowered the shadow claw to the ground and made it disappear. He smiled and said, 

"I found him when I finished setting up the audio and the curtains."

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Fudge leapt over and allowed Squiggly to wiggle back into his costume. "Oh, thank Celestia you're all right!" he told Squiggly before looking at Shadow. "I'm sorry, mister. It won't happen again."


"So, when's the concert going to start?" Sundae asked Shadow. "Looks like everything's set up."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Shadow shrugged, and said,

"Don't know, I was just helping."

Shadow turned to see Feeder heading towards him, 

"And here comes the one to ruin my fun."

Feeder came over to him and said,

"Shadow Beast, I know that glint in your red snake eyes. You have something planned, don't you?

"Feeder, calm down. I just helped out with the sound and curtains."

He pulled out a bag of fire candy.

"Want one?"

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"All right!" the twins exclaimed together. "Candy!" They each picked a piece of candy with their hooves and dropped it in their bags.


"We're going to find a seat for the concert," Sundae told Shadow and Feeder. "Come on, Bro!" She then took off as fast as she could in her costume.


"Hey, wait for me!" Fudge called, laughing as he chased her,

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Feeder looked at them, with fear in his eyes and said, 

"What candy was that."

Shadow shrugged and said,

"Don't know, probably my fire candy."

"Great, you probably made them either hate candy after they run around with fire coming out of their mouth, made them into you, or nothing. Hopefully nothing. Is there anything a can do to help?"

"you can try the food."

Feeder muttered to himself, after he grabbed a piece of food and ate it.

"You need to label your bag with a warning, like eat at your own risk cause I won't help. The food is fine"

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